
October 2, 2020Dear Willow Grove Families,All of us at WGES are looking forward to welcoming many of our Grizzlies back on campus very soon. With that in mind, I would like to share some information about changes you will notice since several of you left us last spring. There are new health guidelines given to us by the San Diego County Department of Health and Human Services regarding Coronavirus, which is the virus that causes the illness known as Covid-19. In order to follow guidelines, we will work together in order to make sure our campus is safe and the healthiest place it can be. Daily Home Health Screenings of StudentsWe ask parents to pre-screen your child before you arrive at school. If they have one or more of the symptoms listed below, do not bring them to school. As an additional health measure, we will be screening students before they enter campus by taking their temperature and asking two simple health related questions. These questions are:Do you or anyone in your household have a cough, fever, muscle aches, shortness of breath, or sore throat?Do you live with anyone or have you been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 in the past two weeks?Students Exhibiting Symptoms If a student develops any of the following symptoms during their school day, they will be directed to a designated space for students who feel un-well, and you will be contacted to pick up your child within the hour. List of symptoms associated with COVID-19Fever (fever is defined as 100 degrees F. or greater that doesn’t resolve within 30 minutes WITHOUT THE USE OF FEVER REDUCING MEDICATION)CoughNasal Congestion/Runny Nose Sore ThroatNausea, Vomiting, or DiarrheaNew loss of Taste/SmellHeadacheMuscle or Body AchesPoor Appetite Shortness of BreathShould your student have one of the symptoms listed above whether at school or home, it is very important to contact your physician for guidance, and make sure to report the information to the WGES attendance hotline (858-674-6300 press option 2). You may leave a message during the day or nighttime hours.Time Away from Campus Due to Illness The symptomatic student will be required to stay home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms, UNLESS you can provide a NEGATIVE COVID-19 TEST. In this case, the student may return 3 days after symptoms began as long as symptoms have resolved, and the student has had no fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medicine).Siblings of the ill student are able to continue coming to school unless the original symptomatic child tests positive for Covid-19. If that should occur, any siblings/family members will be considered a close contact (less than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) and will be required to quarantine for 14 days. Mask WearingOne of the safety practices we will implement is face covering, to help slow the spread of Covid 19. Each student will be expected to wear a mask while at school. Teachers will offer mask breaks. Covid-19 NotificationsShould there be a positive case of Covid-19 on campus, Close contacts will be determined, and they will be notified by phone and in writing. A close contact is defined as a person who is physically closer than 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes in an indoor setting. The entire school community will be notified if there is a positive case on campus. I am sure looking forward to welcoming our Grizzlies back and meeting our new little ones, too! I hope this communication helps to clarify any questions you may have had about our new health practices. Please email me if I can help with any further clarification at jcharles@.I have included the PUSD Parent/Guardian Health and Safety Agreement for In-Person Instruction in this Connect Ed. It spells out in more detail some important health and safety information. Please print, sign, and date the last page of this required document acknowledging that you have read and agree to the guidelines. Starting Monday, 10/5, you may place your signed PUSD Parent/Guardian Health and Safety Agreement form in a box located in front of the school. This box will be sitting on top of the concrete bench by the school parking lot crosswalk.Thank you for your support!Sincerely,Julie Charles, WGES Health Technician ................

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