
Problem 4.4.4: Train a ChampionIntroductionIn this activity, you will combine all you have learned about power and movement to help design a training plan for an individual about to undergo a new athletic endeavor. Whether training for a grueling marathon or for participation in a new sport, a man or woman has to think about the demands this event will place on his or her body. A comprehensive training plan will ensure maximum performance as well as safety. Each student group will choose one event and one client profile and will work together to design a comprehensive training plan for this individual. How will this person need to prepare to accomplish his/her goal, and how will you track his or her progress as he or she trains? Your job is to design a plan to help your client meet his or her goal and to “sell” this plan to the client. Remember- the client does not have to hire you. Impress the client and make this individual want to work with you. In this activity, you are each going to play the role of a professional in the PLTW Biomedical Sciences. You are part of a coordinated practice in sports medicine and exercise physiology. This team is made up of a dietician/nutritionist, a sports medicine physician, an athletic trainer and another health care professional specific to the case you have been assigned. Together you will design a plan that looks at all aspects of training, from diet and exercise to hydration and injury prevention. Equipment Computer with Internet Access and presentation softwareCareer journalLaboratory journalProcedureWith your team of four, choose one activity and one client profile out of the hat. Have each member of your group assume the role of one of the following healthcare professionals. Think about the event and the person you have picked and decide as a group what other biomedical professional will complete your team.Sports medicine physicianNutritionist or dieticianAthletic trainer? – You decide! (Example careers may include a sports psychologist, a podiatrist, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a strength and conditioning specialist, a physical therapist or a general exercise physiologist) Use the Internet to research the career area you have been assigned. Create a career journal entry for this profession. Make sure to address the points listed below and to document your sources. Describe the education required for this profession.List the main duties and responsibilities of this professional.Write a reflection on how a person in this career area could help a team create a comprehensive training plan for an athlete.Share your career information with your team. Come together with your team and discuss the role you will each play in the design of the training plan. Remember – you are the leader for your section, but all members of the team should collaborate on each aspect of the final plan. Note that your training plan must address the following topics and include the following items. How you address each topic and how you present your information to your client is up to you. Remember to take into consideration the special needs of your client (health history, diet restrictions) or the demands of the environment in which this person will be training or competing. Decide as a team how you will address all of the following. General topics to be addressed in plan:Diet ExerciseHydrationInjury PreventionTracking ProgressMedications, Vitamins or SupplementsAdditional information related to the fourth member of your team. (What will this professional add to your plan? How does having the person on your team provide something the client might not get with other firms?)Specific items to be included: A description of the overall goal of the exercise plan.A description of the dietary needs of this athlete balanced with the energy demands placed on the body. Refer back to your Client Report from Activity 3.2.5. An example meal plan for a typical day in the training – pay attention to calories, composition of fats, carbohydrates and protein, and vitamins and minerals. You may want to use the computerized US Department of Agriculture database/SuperTracker – found at A meal plan for the night before the event (if applicable).An example exercise training plan for one week that includes relevant cardiovascular training as well as strength conditioning. Mention the body energy system you are trying to train. A description of the main muscle groups targeted in the plan and examples of exercises that will target each group. You can show muscles on your Maniken?. A list of baseline tests you would like to perform. You should include a discussion of at least three tests/measurements we have discussed in the past two units (for example, BMI, VO2 max, ROM) and a discussion of two test/measurements we have not discussed (that may be more suited to your athlete). Some additional training tests are described at the Sports Science Center: Testing and Evaluation Center at . A description of how you will track the progress of the athlete over time. Explain how often you will test your client over the course of the training plan. A discussion of what you will be looking for in these test results. One item specific to your fourth career area. Be creative. Make sure that you not only outline the plan, but that you explain WHY each part of the plan is directly linked to anatomy and physiology of the body. For example, if you mention that the client will need to drink Gatorade after each workout, explain the importance of maintaining electrolyte balance in the body and relate the discussion to the kidneys. If you suggest a specific weight-lifting routine, describe specifically how these exercises will impact the muscles of this athlete. How might exercise affect measurements such as cardiac output? How would a change in cardiac output impact overall health? Your overall plan must somehow address the health of the muscular system, the skeletal system, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the urinary system, the endocrine system and the nervous system.Decide on the length of your training plan. How long do you think it will take to get your client in shape for the event?As a team, decide on a name for your practice. Present your plan to your client in a formal presentation. Use presentation software and other visuals to really “sell” your plan to your client. Each professional in your combined practice must participate in the presentation. Make your client believe in your team and want to hire you. Share your presentation with the plete the conclusion questions. ConclusionExplain how the external environment affects how an athlete needs to train.Explain how the body systems work together to regulate body temperature.Discuss how power and movement are two human body functions that work hand in hand. ................

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