PHED 239 - Module 4Physical Fitness/Wellness Block PlanAntonio Rossi, Rossi High SchoolDr. Mangano, Springfield College, 11/25/16Equipment/Facilities AvailableEquipment:50 Therabands 50 kettlebells (All weights)20 Benches for dips50 Jump Ropes30 Theraballs30 Boxes for box jumps50 free weights (All weights)8 Lanes in swimming pool50 Goggles50 Yoga matsFacilities:Swimming pool with 8 lanes in shallow and deep endWeight room with machines and free weightsFitness center Outdoor grass fieldUnit OutcomesPsychomotor: Demonstrates mastery level of at least 2 specific skills in fitness related activities at the end of the unit. (NSGLO S1.H3.L2; MA CF 2.20)Cognitive: Creates a personal fitness plan that best fits their body type with at least 2 skills used in class at the end of the unit. (NSGLO S2.H3.L1; MA CF 2.22)Affective: Accept others, their body types and learn to work well with others all time throughout the unit (NSGLO S4.H4.L2; MA CF 2.25)BLOCK PLANUNIT_Physical Fitness/Wellness____GRADE High School LEVEL(S)______ Day___1_______ Focus: Cardiovascular Endurance· Finding heart rate · Equipment/Materials/Technology:· Indoor Pool - Music Informing:· CV E is how long you can do activity without being out of breath or tired · You can also do long distance running to build cv endurance - Swimming is an Aerobic activity meaning it builds cardio Refining/Extending:· Lift head up to breath opposite of reach arm · Touch wall and turn around, no flip push offs. Learning Activities:· Warm - up with 3 laps down is 1 back is 2 etc. · To find out if students have poor, fair or good CV endurance, we will split into lanes. We will swim 12 laps at a steady pace. You have 20 minutes to complete the 12 laps. If you do not complete all 12 laps that is okay, i do not expect you to all get 12 laps.When the person in front of you gets a few strokes down the lane. The next person can go. Swim on the right side of the lane always. After we will all take our heart rate and see how good our CV endurance is. Assessment:· A exit slip with questions reflecting on the lesson, how to find heart rate, how many laps they did in 20 minutes. What was the hardest part of swimming laps.References:· Osman, B. N. (n.d.). Why Is Cardiovascular Endurance Used in Swimming? Retrieved November 27, 2016, from Focus: Muscular Endurance· Bodyweight Circuit · Equipment/Materials/Technology:· Fitness Center· Yoga Mats· Bench for dips Informing:· M.E is how many reps you can do without getting tired · Involves no equipment· We do this type of workout if we don’t have time for a gym or no equipment Refining/Extending:· Be sure to read every task sheet carefully · Understand what exercises work what musclesLearning Activities: 12 stations· Station# 1: Side LungesFeet together bring one foot to the side and squat down, bring feet back together. Same steps for the other side. Do 10 rest for 15 sec then another 10. Until time is up.Works hamstrings, quads, hip flexorExtension down: take smaller stepsStation# 2: LungesFeet together step forward with one foot bend knees back knee should hover the floor Front knee should not go beyond toesWant to create a 90 degree angle with legsQuadsExtension down: Smaller steps, don't stretch yourself too farStation# 3: Push-upsHands directly under shouldersBend elbows and go down to where your nose is touching groundChest, Biceps, triceps, shoulders Extension up: Triangle push-upsExtension down: Push ups from kneesStation# 4: Sit-upsFeet firmly on groundArms across chestCrunch up, elbows to kneesAbsExtension up: Knees at 90 degrees in airExtension down: have hands flat on floor, when crunch up slide hands to back of heelsStation# 5: Burpeesstarts out in a standing positionthen,low squat position with hands on the floor. Next, kick the feet back to a push-up position, complete one push-up, then immediately return the feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible 5 reps, 15 second rest then repeatFull bodyExtension up: 10 repsExtension down: 20 second restStation# 6: PlankPush up position however, you are on your elbowsHolding that position30 second hold, rest, repeatAbs, shouldersExtension up: Lift up one leg and holdExtending down: Go from knees instead of feetStation # 7: Superman StretchLay on stomachRaise your legs and arms upward at the same timeHold for a few seconds, release downBackTry to get as high off the ground as possibleStation# 8: Tricep DipsUsing a bench, face opposite of it and with your hands grabbing the edge, dip down as for as you can.10 reps, rest, repeatTricepsExtension up: One leg off of the groundExtension down: don not go past 90 degreesStation# 9: Shoulder StabilizationI,Y,T’sWith knees bent on ground, sit back on feetHead down, arms straight out infront of youI (Arms straight up)Y (Arms at an angle, bring upward)T (Arms at 90 degree angle and bring up)10 reps each arm, each stretchShouldersThe longer you hold the better it will feelStation# 10: BicycleLie down with knees bent and hands behind the head. With the knees in toward the chest, bring the right elbow towards the left knee as the right leg straightens. Continue alternating sides (like you’re pedaling!)10 reps each leg, rest, repeatAbs, quads, hamstringsExtension up: Do as many as you can in a minuteExtension down: 5 reps each legStation# 11: Wall sitsSlide your back down a wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your back straight up against the wall.Hold for 20 secondsQuadsExtension down: 15 second holdExtension up: 50 second holdStation# 12:Glute BridgeLie on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your hands at your sides. Push through your heels and use your glutes to lift your hips as high as possible. Pause at the top and slowly return to the starting position10 repsGlutes, HamstringsExt. down: 5 repsExt. up: raise one leg in airAssessment:· Exit slip with questions why bodyweight circuit can be a factor in future References: Focus: Flexibility· Flexibility circuit· Equipment/Materials/Technology:· Fitness center· Yoga Mats· Informing:· Flexibility is the ability to stretch your body as far as possible · This is important because being flexible will help you in sports and activities· Less cramps and less tightness Refining/Extending:· Read all task sheets · Focus on the form of each stretch · Do not rush the stretch, nice and slowLearning Activities: 12 stations· Upper Body Flexibility ExercisesStretch #1 Shoulder & ChestThis can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. Stretch #2 Arm Across ChestPlace one arm straight across chest. place hand on elbow and pull arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with other arm. Stretch #3 Triceps StretchPlace one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with other arm. Lower Body Flexibility ExercisesStretch #4 Glute StretchSitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. Stretch #5 Adductor StretchStand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side. Stretch #6 Single Leg HamstringPlace leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg.Stretch #7 Standing QuadricepsStanding on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #8 Standing CalfPlace feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg. Stretch #9 Cross-OverStand with legs crossed, keeping the feet close together and the legs straight. Try to touch the toes.Hold for five seconds. Repeat three to six times. Repeat with the opposite leg.Stretch #10 ButterflySit down, placing the soles of the feet together and drop the knees toward floor.Place the forearms on the inside of the knees and push the knees toward the ground. Lean forward from the hips.Hold for five seconds. Repeat three to six times.Station #11 Seat StretchSit with the legs together, feet flexed, and hands on the shins or ankles. Bring the chin toward the knees.Hold for five seconds. Repeat three to six times.Station #12 Forward LungesKneel on the left leg, placing the right leg forward at a right angle. Lunge forward, keeping the back straight. Stretch should be felt on the left groin.Hold for five seconds. Repeat three to six times. Repeat on opposite leg.Assessment:· Task sheet to bring along with them to stations. They must write down which muscle each stretch takes care ofReferences:· . (2016). 101 Bodyweight Exercises That You Can Do Anywhere - Travel Strong. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from Exercises for Young Athletes-OrthoInfo - AAOS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from Exercises for Every Major Muscle Group. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from , B. N. (n.d.). Why Is Cardiovascular Endurance Used in Swimming? Retrieved November 27, 2016, from "" \hhtml ................

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