?Weeks 1-4 Workout ProgramChest and Tricep WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5?????Incline DB Press15x_____15x_____12x_____??This will utilize the upper portion of the chest while including muscle isolation on each side.Tricep Kickback12x_____12x_____12x_____??Starting with each arm separate and supported on a bench allowing for isolation laterally and back support.Seated Cable Fly Machine15x_____15x_____12x_____??Starting with a machine allows for the focus to be on the movement and not body position.Cable Tricep Extension w/ Rope15x_____15x_____12x_____??The rope allows for experimentation with hand position and arm control w/ constant tension.Skull Crusher12x_____12x_____12x_____??This movement will allow for coordination advances, assisting for forehead safety/Flat Close-grip Press20x_____20x_____15x_____??Client will get their first non-isolated chest movement; works on balance/coordination.Pushups3xAMRAP_______________?Determines week-week progression through quality and number of pushups; learn what 'failure' of reps feels like.Plank Twist3X10 @ BW_______________?Works balance, stability, and core strengthScissor Kick3X15/leg @ BW_______________?Works lower abdominalsRest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Leg WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5?????Leg Extension20x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Isolation of the quad that allows for a noticeable contraction; mind/muscle connection.Prone Leg Curl20x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Isolation of the hamstring that allows for a noticeable contraction; mind/muscle connection.Leg Press15x_____15x_____15x_____??Compound movement that can be used to show variation of foot stance w/ muscle contraction.LungesNo weight X15No weight X15No weight X15??Increases heart rate and allows muscles to maintain blood flow while allowing some rest.Stiff Leg Deads w/ DB15x_____15x_____15x_____??Focuses on posterior chain of the leg; increase form and stability; start with light dumbbell.Sumo Squats w/ DB15x_____15x_____15x_____??Allows client to work on an easy squat form in preparation for barbell squats.Squat JumpsNo weight X15No weight X15No weight X15??Increases heart rate and allows muscles to work the fast twitch muscles.Wall Sit3X30 seconds_______________?Burn out the last bit of strength in the quad and gain slow twitch muscle ability.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Full Body Circuit WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Reps/WeightRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4?????TreadmillSpeed=6 and Incline=42 minutes x_____1.5 minutes x_____1 minutes x_____45 seconds x_____Increase heart rate.PushupsAMRAP for 30 seconds @ BW____________________Chest strength movement w/ lower intensity.Side Crunches12/side @ BW____________________Oblique strength movement.Quick SquatsAMRAP for 30 seconds @ BW____________________Leg strength movement w/ increase heart rate.Supermans2X15 second hold____________________Back and glute strength movement.Leg Weaves10/leg @ 4 lb.____________________Isometric abdominal strength movement w/ some leg/hip strength movement.Lunges12/leg @ BW____________________Leg strength movement w/ increase heart rate.Swiss Ball Crunches15 @ BW____________________Upper abdominal strength movement.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Back and Bicep WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5?????Wide Grip Pulldowns15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____?This exercise will mimic a pullup at a lower weight and build strength across the upper back.Incline Bicep Curl15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____?This exercise will target the lower portion of the bicep muscle.Deadlift15x_____10x_____8x_____5x_____?Client is familiar with movement; this will build hip and lower back strength.One Arm Rows15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____?This will help to isolate the latissimus dorsi muscle so that each side is worked equally.Bicep Cable Curl w/ Rope15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____?This cable curl simulates a hammer curl with an increased resistance at the top of the movement.Seated Row15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____?This will be similar to the one arm row, but allow the client to use arms in conjunction with one another.Hammer Curl15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____?This allows for isolation of each bicep muscle working midway up the muscle and forearm.Lat Pushdown20x_____20x_____20x_____20x_____?This exercise helps the client feel were their lat is. It also helps to build the serratus posterior muscle.Back Extension3X15 @ BW_______________?This allows for isolation of the lower back with a bodyweight movement.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Weeks 5-9 Workout ProgramChest and Abs WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4?Incline DB Press20x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____This will utilize the upper portion of the chest while including muscle isolation on each side.Seated Cable Fly20x_____15x_____15x_____12x_____Starting with a machine allows for the focus to be on the movement and not body position.Flat Bench15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____Continuing with a non-isolated chest movement; works on balance/coordination.Incline DB Chest Fly15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____Similar to the Cable Fly, but allows for balance work because the db are free-weights/also incline uses a different angle.Pushups3XAMRAP_______________Determines week-week progression through quality and number of pushups; learn what 'failure' of reps feels like.Plank3X30 seconds_______________Works balance, stability, and core strengthScissor Kick3X15/leg @ BW_______________Works lower abdominalsBall Crunch3X15_______________Works upper abdominals and stability.Leg Raises3X15_______________Works lower abdominalsRest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Back WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5?Narrow Pull downs20x_____15x_____15x_____12x_____?Similar to a lat pulldown, but this will focus more laterally and lower in the lats.Deadlift15x_____10x_____10x_____8x_____5x_____Client is familiar with movement; this will build hip and lower back strength.One Arm Rows15x_____12x_____12x_____10x_____?This will help to isolate the latissimus dorsi muscle so that each side is worked equally.Wide Pull downs12x_____12x_____10x_____10x_____?Great for building strength across the back.Seated Row12x_____12x_____10x_____10x_____?This will be similar to the one arm row, but allow the client to use arms in conjunction with one another.Back Extension3X15 @ BW_______________?This will isolate the lower back and help to burnout the muscle form the previous deadlifts.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Leg WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5?Leg Extension20x_____20x_____20x_____??Isolation of the quad that allows for a noticeable contraction; mind/muscle connection.Prone Leg Curl20x_____20x_____20x_____??Isolation of the hamstring that allows for a noticeable contraction; mind/muscle connection.Squats15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Compound movement that can be used to show variation of foot stance w/ muscle contraction.Lunges3X10 @ No weight_______________?Increases heart rate and allows muscles to maintain blood flow while allowing some rest.Glute Kickback15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Glute focus with a new isolation exercise.Standing Calf RaisesNo weight X25No weight X25No weight X25No weight X25?First calf experience, just a light intro.RDL15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Focuses on posterior chain of the leg; increase form and stability; increasing to barbell use.Split Squats4X10 @ BW10x_____10x_____10x_____10x_____Burn out the last bit of strength in the quad and gain slow twitch muscle ability.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Shoulder and Arm WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4?Arnold Press25x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____Good starting front delt exercise; starting very light to perfect form first.Incline Bicep Curl15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____This exercise will target the lower portion of the bicep muscle.Lateral Raises20x_____20x_____15x_____12x_____Simple medial deltoid exercise that can be done in high volume with very light weights.Tricep Kickback15x_____15x_____15x_____12x_____Good supported tricep workout that allows for isolation per side.Reverse Machine Fly15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____This cable curl simulates a hammer curl with an increased resistance at the top of the movement.Front Raise20x_____20x_____15x_____15x_____Another basic movement focused on the front deltoid that can be done with many pieces of equiptment.Preacher Curl15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____This allows for isolation of each bicep muscle working midway up the muscle and forearm.Tricep Pushdown Machine15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____Cable option for the tricep.Machine Press15x_____15x_____15x_____?Burnout the front deltoid with the safety of a machine, no wobbling back and forth.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Full Body Circuit WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Reps/WeightRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4?????TreadmillSpeed=6 and Incline=42 minutes x_____1.5 minutes x_____1 minutes x_____45 seconds x_____Increase heart rate.PushupsAMRAP for 30 seconds @ BW____________________Chest strength movement w/ lower intensity.Side Crunches12/side @ BW____________________Oblique strength movement.Quick SquatsAMRAP for 30 seconds @ BW____________________Leg strength movement w/ increase heart rate.Supermans2X15 second hold____________________Back and glute strength movement.Leg Weaves10/leg @ 4 lb.____________________Isometric abdominal strength movement w/ some leg/hip strength movement.Lunges12/leg @ BW____________________Leg strength movement w/ increase heart rate.Swiss Ball Crunches15 @ BW____________________Upper abdominal strength movement.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Weeks 10-13 Workout ProgramChest and Abs WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4?Flat Bench15x_____12x_____12x_____12x_____Moved to the start of the workout to allow for increased strength as the muscle is not fatigued.Incline DB Chest Fly20x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____Similar to the Cable Fly, but allows for balance work because the db are free-weights/also incline uses a different angle.Seated Machine Incline Press15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____This will utilize the upper portion of the chest while making this a compound movement with the safety of a machine.Single Arm DB Chest Press12x_____12x_____12x_____12x_____Flat bench movement with each arm isolated, allowing for a high level of balance necessary.Pushups3XAMRAP_______________Determines week-week progression through quality and number of pushups; learn what 'failure' of reps feels like.Plank3X30 seconds_______________Works balance, stability, and core strengthReverse Crunches3X15_______________Works lower abdominalsKnee Tucks3X10_______________Works entire rectus abdominus at the same time.Russian Twists3X15 @ 4lb Medicine Ball_______________Works the oblique.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Back WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5?Deadlifts15x_____10x_____10x_____8x_____5x_____Switching to a strength gaining model for the same movement.Cable Rows w/ Rope15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Similar to a seated row, but requires a higher weight and will make the client more comfortable with the weights.Lat Pushdowns15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Another lat width gaining exercise that will work the lower section of the lat.One Arm Rows on Flat Bench12x_____12x_____10x_____10x_____?This will help to isolate the latissimus dorsi muscle so that each side is worked equally.Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns12x_____12x_____10x_____10x_____?Similar to a pullup, pullups not an option currently.Supermans4X15 @ BW____________________This will isolate the lower back and help to burnout the muscle form the previous deadlifts.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Leg WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5?Squats15x_____15x_____12x_____10x_____10x_____Compound movement that can be used to show variation of foot stance w/ muscle contraction.Leg Extension15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____?Isolation of the quad that allows for a noticeable contraction; mind/muscle connection.Lunges4X10 @ 20lb____________________Used to increase heartrate and keep the legs warm between working sets.RDL15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Focuses on posterior chain of the leg; increase form and stability; increasing to barbell use.Bodyweight SquatsNo weight X25No weight X25No weight X25No weight X25?Used to increase heartrate and keep the legs warm between working sets.Leg Press15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____?Stable movement to continue heavy lifting when leg fatigue may compromise form in freeweight exercises.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Shoulder and Arm WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4?Military Press15x_____15x_____12x_____12x_____Upped the weights for this exercise, so removed hand rotation to build strength without extra complications.Hammer Curl12x_____12x_____12x_____12x_____This exercise will target the middle portion of the bicep muscle as well as the forearm (helpful for grip strength).Rear Delt Fly Machine15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____First exercise for the rear deltoid, machine allows for proper form.Seated Overhead Tricep Extension15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____Good supported tricep workout that requires a higher level of form, good to be exposed to.Single Arm DB Front Raise12x_____12x_____12x_____12x_____Another basic movement focused on the front deltoid that is isolated on each side.Preacher Curl12x_____12x_____12x_____12x_____This allows for isolation of each bicep muscle working midway up the muscle and forearm.Tricep Extension w/ Rope15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____Tricep exercise variation of the pushdown/allows for extension of the hands.Lateral Raise15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____Simple medial deltoid exercise that can be done in high volume with very light weights.Smith Machine Should Press15x_____15x_____15x_____15x_____Burnout the front deltoid with the safety of a machine, no wobbling back and forth.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part.Notes: Gray highlighted exercises are to be done in a superset format.Full Body Circuit WorkoutWarm Up phase:5 minutes at a moderate intensity (Heart Rate 120-130) on the Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical.?Reps/WeightRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4?????TreadmillSpeed=6 and Incline=42 minutes x_____1.5 minutes x_____1 minutes x_____45 seconds x_____Increase heart rate.PushupsAMRAP for 30 seconds @ BW____________________Chest strength movement w/ lower intensity.Side Crunches12/side @ BW____________________Oblique strength movement.Quick SquatsAMRAP for 30 seconds @ BW____________________Leg strength movement w/ increase heart rate.Supermans2X15 second hold____________________Back and glute strength movement.Leg Weaves10/leg @ 4 lb.____________________Isometric abdominal strength movement w/ some leg/hip strength movement.Lunges12/leg @ BW____________________Leg strength movement w/ increase heart rate.Swiss Ball Crunches15 @ BW____________________Upper abdominal strength movement.Rest: 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between supersets/exercises.Cool Down phase:5-10 minutes of stretching full body with a focus on the utilized body part. ................
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