MICHAEL L. LOWE - Georgia Tech





Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX May 2015 Doctor of Philosophy, Business Administration (Marketing)

Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN May 2009 Master of Business Administration, Marketing and Strategic Management

Brigham Young University, Provo, UT August 2006 Bachelor of Arts, Media Music Studies


Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Assistant Professor of Marketing, Scheller College of Business 2015 ? Present


Research Houston Doctoral Symposium Invitee (2014) AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Invitee (2012)

Teaching "Favorite Professors of Business Majors" (Poets and Quants, 2019) Scheller College of Business Professor of the Year (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017) Mays Business School Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award (Texas A&M University, 2012)

Academic/Scholarships Mays Scholarship Recipient (Texas A&M University, 2009-15) Departmental Scholarship Recipient (Texas A&M University 2009-15) Dean's Fellowship Recipient (Indiana University, 2008-09) National Dean's List (Brigham Young University, 2001) Vocal Performance Scholarship (Brigham Young University, 1998)




Published and Accepted Journal Articles *Dionne Nickerson, Adithya Pattabhiramaiah, Alina Sorescu and Michael L. Lowe (2021), "The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Sales: An Accountability Perspective," Journal of Marketing, published online Aug. 19, 2021. *Lowe, Michael L., Hristina Nikolova, Chadwick Miller and Sara Dommer (2019), "Ceding and Succeeding: How the Altruistic can Benefit from the Selfish in Joint Decisions," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29 (4), 652-61. *Lowe, Michael L. and Kelly L. Haws (2019), "Confession and Self-Control: A Prelude to Repentance or Relapse," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116 (4), 563-81. *Lowe, Michael L. Katherine Loveland and Aradhna Krishna (2018), "A Quiet Disquiet: Anxiety, Risk Appraisal and Risk Avoidance due to Imperceptible Differences in Ambient Sound," Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (1), 159-79. *Lowe, Michael L., Christine Ringler and Kelly L. Haws (2017), "An Overture to Overeating: The Cross-Modal Effects of Acoustic Pitch on Food Preferences and Serving Behavior," Appetite, 123, 128-34. *Lowe, Michael L. and Kelly L. Haws (2017), "Sounds Big: The Cross-Modal Effects of Acoustic Pitch on Product Perceptions," Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (2), 331-46. Lowe, Michael L. and Kelly L. Haws (2014), "(Im)moral Support: The Social Outcomes of Parallel Self-Control Decisions," Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (2), 489-505.

Completed Manuscripts in the Review Process Lowe, Michael L., Morgan Ward and Wooyong Jo, "The Sound of Status: Product Volume Conveys Social Signals of Dominance and Prestige," invited for 2nd round revision at Journal of Marketing Research. Ward, Morgan, Michael Lowe, Tatiana Fajardo and Taly Reich, "Thanks for Nothing: When Gifts Hurt Rather than Help Sustain Important Relationships" Previously rejected. Revising for resubmission to Journal of Marketing. Lowe, Michael L. and Jerry Han, "Vocal Pitch and Sales Pitches: Spokesperson Voice Characteristics and Product Attribute Communication," Previously rejected. Revising for resubmission to Journal of Marketing.

Selected Additional Manuscripts in Progress Hyun, Kimberly, Michael L. Lowe and Aradhna Krishna, "The Voice of Leadership: Vocal Characteristics and Promotion in Corporate Settings," Model of Fortune 500 CEOs complete. Supporting study in progress.


Hyun, Kimberly and Michael L. Lowe, "The Effects of Vocal Similarity on Trust in A.I. Devices," 3 studies completed. Data collection for model in progress.

Hong, Yuly and Michael L. Lowe "Sharing the CSR Load: The Effect of Combined Consumer and Company Efforts in CSR," Data collection complete. 1 study complete. Model in progress.

Lowe, Michael L. Kelly Haws and Jeff Dotson, "The Case for Continuous Randomized Manipulation," Data collection in progress.


"Sounds, Subtle Signals, and Selling: Nonverbal Communication in Marketing," delivered at Texas A&M University, February 2019.

"Decibels and Dominance: Product Volume and Social Signaling," delivered at Brigham Young University, November 2019.


Hyun, Kimberly* and Michael L. Lowe (2021), "Measuring Objective Vocal Similarity in Human-AI Agent Interactions," accepted to 2021 Association for Consumer Research Conference

Hyun, Kimberly* and Michael L. Lowe (2021), "Vocal Similarity, Trust and Persuasion in Human-AI Agent Interactions," presented at Society for Consumer Psychology 2021 Annual Conference

Lowe, Michael L.*, Morgan Ward and Wooyong Jo (2020), "The Sound of Status: Product Volume Conveys Social Signals of Dominance and Prestige," presented at 2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference

Ward, Morgan*, Michael Lowe, Tatiana Fajardo and Taly Reich (2020), "Thanks for Nothing: When Gifts Hurt Rather than Help Sustain Important Relationships" presented at 2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference

Lowe, Michael L. and Jerry Han* (2020), "Vocal Pitch and Sales Pitches: Spokesperson Voice Characteristics and Product Attribute Communication," presented at 2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference

Hyun, Kimberly* and Michael L. Lowe (2020), "The Effects of Vocal Similarity on Trust in A.I. Devices," presented at 2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference

Dionne Nickerson*, Adithya Pattabhiramaiah and Michael L. Lowe (2020), "Correct, Compensate, Cultivate: A Framework of Firm Responsibility and Consumer Responsiveness to CSR Initiatives," presented at the 2020 American Marketing Association conference in San Diego, CA. (Awarded "Best Paper in Track")

Sayin, Eda*, Aradhna Krishna and Michael Lowe (2019) "Talk to `Her': On How the Nature of the Communication with Voice-Activated Devices Determines Judgement and Choice," presented at the 2019 Association for Consumer Research Conference in Atlanta, GA.

Lowe, Michael L.* and Jerry Han (2018), "Vocal Pitch and Sales Pitches: Spokesperson Voice Characteristics and Product Attribute Communication," presented at the inaugural Clemson Research Symposium, in Clemson, SC.


Lowe, Michael L.*, Katherine Loveland and Aradhna Krishna (2018), "Fixes and Favors: The Effect of Consumer's Vocal Pitch on Service Provider Compliance," presented at the inaugural Clemson Research Symposium, in Clemson, SC.

Dionne Nickerson, Adithya Pattabhiramaiah and Michael L. Lowe* (2018), "Address Your Mess: Consumer Purchase Response to Firm CSR Activities," presented at the 2018 Association for Consumer Research conference in Dallas, TX.

Lowe, Michael L., Katherine Loveland* and Aradhna Krishna (2017), "Fevered Pitch, Anxiety and Risk Avoidance in Response to Low-Pitch Ambient Sounds," presented at the 2017 Association for Consumer Research conference in San Diego, CA.

Abrams, Deborah*, Samuel Bond and Michael L. Lowe (2017), "Friends with Benefits: Social Support and Pain of Payment," presented at the 2017 Association for Consumer Research conference in San Diego, CA.

Nikolova, Hristina, Sara Dommer, Chadwick Miller and Michael L. Lowe* (2017), "Subversive Selflessness: The Ironic Effects of Deference in Dyads," presented at the 2017 Association for Consumer Research conference in San Diego, CA.

Lowe, Michael L.* and Kelly L. Haws (2015), "Off My Chest and At It Again: Is Confession a Prelude to Repentance or Relapse?" presented at the 2015 Association for Consumer Research conference in New Orleans, LA.

Lowe, Michael L.* and Suresh Ramanathan (2015), "Headspace: The Effect of Reverberation on Willingness to Try," presented at the 2015 Society of Consumer Psychology 2015 Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

Lowe, Michael L.* and Kelly L. Haws (2015), "(Im)moral Support: The Social Outcomes of Parallel Self-Control Decisions," presented at the Society of Consumer Psychology 2015 Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

Lowe, Michael L.* and Kelly L. Haws (2014), "Sounds Big: The Cross-Modal Effects of Auditory Pitch on Product Perceptions," presented at the 2014 Association for Consumer Research conference in Baltimore, MD.

Lowe, Michael L.* and Kate Loveland (2014), "Auditory Pitch, Threat, and Risk Aversion," presented at the 2014 Association for Consumer Research conference in Baltimore, MD.

Lowe, Michael L.* and Kelly L. Haws (2014), "(Im)moral Support: The Social Outcomes of Parallel Self-Control Decisions," presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

Lowe, Michael L.*, and Kelly L. Haws (2013), "Camaraderie in Crime: Shared Self-Control Decisions and Affiliation," presented at the 2013 Association for Consumer Research conference in Chicago, IL.

Haws, Kelly L., Juliano Laran and Michael L. Lowe* (2012), "Postponing Pleasure as a SelfControl Mechanism," presented at the Society of Consumer Psychology 2012 Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Lowe, Michael*, Kelly L. Haws, and Rebecca Schelgel (2011), "'I've Got This Song in My Head': How Music Influences Identity and Product Preference," presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology 2011 Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA.


Lowe, Michael* and Kelly L. Haws (2010), "Anticipate, Go Big, Enjoy, Repeat: Towards an Optimal Consumption Strategy and Well-Being," presented at the 2010 Association of Consumer Research conference in Jacksonville, FL.



Spring 2020

MGT 7306

Spring 2019-20

MGT 6203

Spring, 2016-21

MGT 3300

Fall, 2019

MGT 4803

Spring 2012-15

MKTG 322

Doctoral Seminar in Buyer Behavior Data Analytics in Business Marketing Management I Advanced Topics in Marketing Consumer Behavior


Ph.D. Students Advised

1. Ms. Dionne Nickerson ? started at Indiana University in Fall 2019 2. Ms. Deborah Abrams ? 5th year student 3. Ms. Yuly Hong ? 4th year student 4. Ms. Kimberly Hyun ? 2nd year student



Advisory Board, Viridian Benefits Member of Association for Consumer Research Member of the Society for Consumer Psychology Society for Consumer Psychology 2019 Conference Committee Society for Consumer Psychology 2022 Program Committee


Journals (Ad-Hoc Reviewer)

Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Consumer Research Journal of Marketing Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Journal of Retailing Psychology and Marketing


Marketing Letters International Journal of Research in Marketing Journal of Public Policy and Management Journal of Consumer Psychology Conferences Association for Consumer Research Competitive Papers Reviewer: 2018-2021 Society of Consumer Psychology Conference Competitive Papers Reviewer: 2017-2021 Program Committee Member: 2019 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference Competitive Papers Reviewer: 2014 Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter Conference Competitive Papers Reviewer: 2012 World Marketing Congress: Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Competitive Papers Reviewer: 2012

INSITUTE CONTRIBUTIONS Marketing Curriculum Committee Chair Behavioral Laboratory Administrator Scheller Honors Committee Member Doctoral Student Mentorship Crafting and Grading of Comprehensive Exam Questions Speaker Recruitment Graduate Student Recruitment Undergraduate Student Recruitment



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