½ Cr. Grades 10-12

Mrs. Mary Keegan mkeegan@smithtown.k12.ny.us | |


|What is Finance? |Welcome Parents. |

|Survey of key financial terms and concepts, and the fundamental |These questions are suggestions for discussion between you and your |

|principles that guide personal and business financial practices. |child to enhance literacy and awareness with your real-life |

|A review of the roles played by the markets, institutions, regulators,|situations. However, I do not wish for you to disclose any specific or|

|and other components of a modern financial system. |general personal financial information to myself or your child that |

| |you do not wish to share. |

| |Order a free NAIC Investor Kit: Contact NAIC at: |

| |better-investing. org. |

| |Phone: 1-877-ASK NAIC (275-6242) |

| |Fax: 1-248-583-4880 |

| |Discuss these materials with your child. |

|II. Changing Financial Markets |Finance Web Sites |

| |Financial Resources on the Internet |

| |100 Top Finance Sites |

|III. Importance of Investing. |Discuss your financial goals with your child. |

|The Have’s and the Have Nots. Key: Start Now. |When did you begin saving? |

|  |At what age do you plan on retiring? |

|Taking the First Steps |How much do you think you will need to retire? |

|Planning for the future. How much will you need? |Discuss any tax tips you know or have used when investing. |

|Investment Professionals |Who is your investment professional? |

|Winning investment strategies. |Show your child some of your stock or other investment statements. |

|Risk vs. Reward. |Discuss the information from these reports. |

|What your investments costs and what they pay. |How did you choose your investment professional? |

|Diversify |Please contact me if you wish to guest speak to our class on any of |

|Allocating your assets. |these topics. |

|Asset allocation choices | |

|V. Budgets |Does your family have a budget? |

| |Share with your child how you figured out your budget. |

| |In what ways has a budget helped you achieve your financial goals? |

|VI. Banking |What type of bank accounts do you have and what interest rate do they |

| |earn? |

| |What banks do you use and why? |

|Investing |What investment strategies have been successful for you? |

|Winning Investment Strategies |What is your risk tolerance? |

|Risk vs. Reward |What type of broker do you use? What is their commission? What |

|What are your investment costs and what do they pay? |services do they provide. |

|Diversification |Visit and discuss necessity or financial planning. |

|Allocating your assets. |Discuss your child’s field trip experience. |

|Asset Allocation Choices. | |

|Field trip to floors at the AMEX and NYSE | |

|Stocks |Show your child a stock certificate you might have. |

|Sharing a corporation |Have you ever short sold and what were the results? Lessons learned? |

|Right to vote |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buying on margin. |

|Value of Stock |Discuss your stock selection process. |

|Stock Certificate |Do you prefer an auction market or an electronic market? Why? |

|Selling new stock IPO’s |Using the newspaper, share with your child stock information. Discuss |

|Stock buyers |the data. |

|Stock sellers |Were you invested in 1987? 1997? 2000? |

|Selling short |Discuss the lesson learned from these bear markets/stock market |

|Buying on margin |crashes. |

|Evaluating companies |Do you own any international stocks? Which ones? Why? |

|Trading on NYSE |On the Internet, review the Stock Market Game with your child at |

|NASAAG – Electronic Stock Market |. |

|Reading stock tables and information on Internet and in newspapers |Take a virtual tour of AMEX NYSE and NASDAQ with your child. What are |

|Market cycles |the differences of these markets? |

|Crash! |Review your company’s report card: (their annual report) with your |

|International investing |child. |

|Trading in international markets | |

|Stock market game | |

|Bonds |Do you own any bonds? If so, which type and why did you choose them? |

|Financing our future. Types of bonds |Do you believe in funding state and local projects through bonds? Why |

|Rating bonds |or why not? |

|Tracking bond performance | |

|Moody’s Rating Service | |

|Mutual Funds |What fund families do you own? How did you select them and the |

|Define mutual fund NAV, load funds, no load-funds |particular funds? |

|Advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds |Do you own any funds for your child? |

|Mutual fund tables: Understanding how to read them |Discuss mutual funds advantages and disadvantages from your |

|Research skills through the Internet |perspective. |

|Fund families |Look at a mutual fund in your own daily newspaper and discuss the data|

|Buying a mutual fund |with our child. |

|How to read a prospectus |Discuss how did you purchase your fund(s), from a Broker or directly |

|International funds |from a fund family? |

|Understanding Morningstar Rating System |Show your child a prospective for a fund you own. |

| |Review and discuss information about a fund you own using Morningstar |

| |website. |

|Futures and Options |Have you ever owned a future or option? |

|Futures |If so, which ones? |

|Options |If not, why not? |

|Futures Exchange |How have you used these options to reduce risk or increase your |

|Trading Futures Contracts |reward? |

|Financial futures |Visit the AMEX website and look at their spider and diamond products |

|World of options |as well as option for individual stocks at |

|Reading options tables |MONEY 101 – An interactive course on managing all your finances |

|Using options | |

|Other options | |

|Tracking other options | |

|AMEX – spiders and diamonds | |

|Employer Retirement Plans |What type of retirement plans do you have at work and/or personally? |

|Qualified retirement plans |Share with your child ways you can financially prepare for retirement.|

|Pensions | |

|Defined benefit plans |Does your company have a 401K Plan? |

|Defined contribution plans |Discuss the type of investments you can use for your 402K Plan. |

|Salary reduction plans |Discuss tax savings of 401K Plan. |

|Matching and switching | |

|Pension distribution | |

|Annuities | |

|401K and 403(B) plans | |

|IVX. Individual Retirement Plans |Do you have IRA’s? |

|What are they? IRA? |Discuss differences between Roth IRA and Traditional IRA. |

|IRA rollovers |Discuss type of investment vehicle you use for your IRA’s. |

|IRA withdrawals |Discuss setting up a Roth IRA for your child. |

|Taking money out | |

|Keogh Plan | |

|VX. Frauds and Abuses – Market Surveillance |Have you ever had someone try to scram or commit fraud with your |

|SEC |investments? |

|Federal Reserve |Visit bankinfo/fraudscams |

|NYSE: Market Surveillance |Visit |

|Federal Trade Commission | |

|International Influences on Economic Growth |Do you own any foreign funds or equities? If so, what are they? |

|Global markets |Why did you choose them? |

|Financial market conditions |Discuss what areas of the world do you hold potential growth in the |

|Dealing with global financial crisis |future and why. |

|Globalization: The US in the World Economy |How can US reduce its trade deficit? |

|Define |What foreign products do you buy? |

|Dimensions of the trade sector and US economy |Do you feel high US dollar hurts American businesses and our economy |

|Causes and consequences of growing US trade and a grater US presence |or helps? |

|abroad | |

|Implications of US foreign indebtedness abroad (trade deficits) | |

|Fundamentals of foreign exchange markets | |

|Global Concerns |Discuss at home the impact of global showdown on your company. |

|Pulse of global economy | |

|Impact of US slowdown on the world | |

|Capital flows and US current account deficit | |

|Countries and Areas of World Concern |Discuss at home any particular foreign country you have had business |

|Asia – Japan, China, Hong Kong, Russia |dealings. |

|Euro Market |What were the obstacles? |

|South America –Brazil & Argentina |What is your impression of their economy, business culture and |

|Canada &Mexico – Main Trading Partners |customs? |

|XX. Social Security and Its Impact on Your Financial Planning |Show and discuss at home your social security statement. Explain how |

| |you check it for accuracy. |

|Texas |Discuss the tax implications of any investments you sold last year. |

|Capital gains tax rates |Share with your child plans you have to avoid estate taxes. |

|B. Estate tax planning | |

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