Genesis Chapter 2 - Questions

[Pages:2]"In the Beginning, God....."

A Verse-by-Verse Study of the Book of Genesis

Genesis Chapter 2 - Questions

Observation Questions: 1. When were the heavens and the earth completed? (:1)______________ 2. What did God do on the 7th day? (:2)____________________________ 3. What did God "rest" from? (:3) _______________________________ (verses 4-25 are a "supplement" to what we already have read happened on day 6. We are getting more details about the creation of man and woman.) 4. On what day did God create vegetation? ________________________ 5. On what day did God create man? _____________________________ 6 How did the Lord God take care of the vegetation when there was no man yet to care for it? ______________________________________________ 7. What materials were used to create man? (:7)______________________ 8. What gave man life? (:7)_______________________________________ 9. Where did God put the man He had made? (:8)_____________________ 10. What did God put in the garden? (:9) ___________________________ 11. What 2 trees are specifically named in the garden? (:9) ____________ 12. What 4 rivers flowed out of Eden? (:10-14)_______________________ 13. What was man told to do in the garden? :(15&16)

a. ___________________________ b. ___________________________

"In the Beginning, God....."

A Verse-by-Verse Study of the Book of Genesis

14. What was man told not to do in the garden? (:16)__________________ 15. What was man told would happen if he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil? (:17) ___________________________________ 16. Why did God make a helper for man? (:18) _______________________ 17. What else was formed out of the ground besides man? (:19) _________ 18. Who gave the animals their names? (:19-20) _____________________ 19. Was woman made the same way man was? (:21-25) ________________

Discussion Questions: 1. (:1-3) Was God tired?________________________________________

2. (:5-9) Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good & evil in the garden? ______________________________________________________ 3. (:10-14) Why would it be important for us to know about these 4 rivers?

4. (:15-20) Up to this point, what basic things about God do you think Adam knew? ______________________________________________

5. Why was woman made from man? (:21-25) a. (:23) b. (:24) c. (:25)


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