Mark 1: 1:1-8:30 | 24 Studies: Pages 1-21 | Who is Jesus?

This observation guide may be printed (front to back if possible) and provided as part of the Mark notebook. Place it after the manuscript with a separating tab. It will help to provoke thought, especially for personal study. (The questions are not to be used a guide for group discussion.)

______ #1: 1:1-8 (p. 1) ______ #2: 1:9-15 (p. 1) ______ #3: 1:16-22 (p. 2) ______ #4: 1:23-34 (p. 2-3) ______ #5: 1:35-45 (p. 3) ______ #6: 2:1-12 (p. 3-4) ______ #7: 2:13-22 (p. 4-6) ______ #8: 2:23-3:12 (p. 5-6) ______ #9: 3:13-35 (p. 6-8) ______ #10: 4.-1-20 (p. 8-9) ______ #11: 4:21-34 (p. 9-10) ______ #12: Review of 1:1-4:34 (p. 1-10)

______ #13: 4:35-41 (p. 10) ______ #14: 5.1-20 (p. 10-11) ______ #15: 5:21-43 (p. 12-13) ______ #16: 6:1-13 (P. 13-14) ______ #17: 6:14-29 (p. 14-15) ______ #18: 6:30-44 (p. 15-16) ______ #19: 6:45-56 (p. 16-17) ______ #20: 7:1-23 (p. 17-18) ______ #21: 7:24-37 (p. 18-19) ______ #22: 8:1-21 (p. 19-21) ______ #23: 8:22-30 (p. 21) ______ #24: Review of 1:1-8:30 (p. 1-21)

STUDY #1 Observations: Mark 1:1-8 (p. 1) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Where would you put a paragraph break? 2. Who is mentioned in this section? 3. Words that show place or setting. 4. Words with reference to time. 5. Repeated words and phrases. 6. Similar words and phrases. 7. How is John the Baptist described? 8. What sequence of events is happening "in the wilderness"? 9. Find 2 contrasts? 10. What are the 2 messages in this section? (hint: Look for the quotation marks.)

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STUDY #2 Observations: Mark 1:9-15 (p. 1) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Where would you put a paragraph break? 2. Where/ place or setting. 3. Who is involved in this section? Any connections between them? Note cast of

characters in the wilderness. 4. Words with reference to time. 5. Repeated words (include last week's passage). 6. Similar phrases (include last week's passage). 7. Any descriptions? 8. Note sequence of events is happening "in the wilderness" in this section? 9. Contrast John's baptism of the people with Jesus's baptism. 10. What are 2 more "messages" in this section? (hint: quotation marks.) 11. Compare the 4 "messages" on this page, noting who they are from. Is there a


STUDY #3 Observations: Mark 1:16-22 (p. 2) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Find the thought breaks. 2. Who is mentioned? 3. Places and setting? 4. Any time words? 5. Find repetitions. 6. Find similar words/phrases. 7. Compare call of Simon and Andrew to call of James and John 8. What is contrasted? 9. What are the reactions to Jesus?

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STUDY #4 Observations: Mark 1:23-34 (p. 2-3) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Where would you put a paragraph break? 2. Who is involved? 3. When ? refer back to last week's passage. Other time oriented words. 4. Where ? places and setting. 5. Repeated/similar words and phrases (include last week's passage). 6. In last week's passage we see that Jesus called and he taught.

a. What are the active verbs attributed to Jesus in this section? 7. What are the reactions/responses to Jesus---

a. From demons? From people? 8. Compare the healing of the man with to the healing of Simon's mother-in-law. 9. Is there a continuing theme from last week? 10. Give a title to each of the four sections on page 2

STUDY #5 Observations: Mark 1:35-45 (p. 3) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Find the paragraph breaks. 2. Who is mentioned? 3. Where - Places and setting? 4. When - Any time words? 5. Find repeated/similar words and phrases. 6. In vs. 35-39, what is Jesus doing and what is the result? 7. What are Simon and company doing? 8. Contrast Jesus with Simon and company. 9. In vs. 40-45, note all the actions of the leper. 10. Note all the actions of Jesus. 11. Compare vs. 41 with vs. 31. Similarities/Differences? 12. Compare vs. 34 with vs. 44. Similarities/Differences? 13. Compare vs. 38 with vs. 45. What happened?

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STUDY #6 Observations: Mark 2:1-12 (p. 3-4) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Is there a paragraph break? 2. Who is involved? 3. Where are they? 4. When ? time words? 5. Repeated/similar words and phrases. 6. Are there any important words repeated in this section that we've seen before? 7. What are some new words (not seen in chapter 1) that are introduced in this story? 8. What are the different characters doing (note action words and sequences)?

Four men / Jesus / Scribes / Paralytic / crowd 9. Contrast the four men with the scribes? 10. What is the scribes' question? 11. What is Jesus's answer? 12. Compare Jesus's response to leper in vs. 41 on pg. 3 with his response to

paralytic in vs. 5? 13. Compare the crowd's response here in vs. 12 with responses on pg. 2, vs. 22, 27-28.

STUDY #8 Observations: Mark 2:23-3:12 (p. 5-6) Background: Herodians Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Find the paragraph breaks. 2. Who is involved? 3. When? 4. Where? 5. Find repetitions. Find similar words/phrases? 6. What question do Pharisees ask and what prompted it? 7. How does Jesus answer? 8. Compare what Jesus's disciples are doing with David actions? Similarities/differences? 9. Compare mention of Son of Man in vs. 28 with Son of Man in vs. 10 (pg 4). 10. What question does Jesus ask/to whom/their answer?

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11. Find words that describe "mood" of this encounter. 12. Contrast Jesus's view of the Sabbath with the Pharisee's view of the Sabbath. 13. What does Jesus do on the Sabbath? What do Pharisee's do on Sabbath? 14. Compare the crowd's reaction to Jesus and the demon's reaction, with the

Pharisee's reaction to Him.

STUDY #9 Observations: Mark 3:13-35 (p. 6-8) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Find the paragraph breaks? 2. Who is involved? 3. Where? 4. Repeated/similar words and phrases. vs. 13-19 5. What are the reasons Jesus appoints the twelve?

Compare to 1:38-39 (pg 3). Remember 1:17 (pg 2). 6. What do you notice in the list of 12 names? vs. 20-31 7. What accusations are made of Jesus? By whom? 8. In what manner does Jesus respond? 9. Who is the parable about? Who's kingdom and house is it? 10. Notice the "But". What has to happen to plunder his house?

(See vs. 3:11, 3:15, 1:25, 1:34, 1:39) 11. Note the "Truly" statement in vs. 28. What will be forgiven?

What will not be forgiven? 12. What prompted Jesus to make this statement? vs. 31-35 13. What is his mother and brothers' reason for seeking Jesus? (see vs. 21) 14. Compare words describing where his family is with where the crowd is. 15. What question does Jesus pose and answer? *Bonus ?* Compare Jesus response to the Pharisee's accusation (vs 22) with his response to his family's accusation (vs.21). Take another look at the "Truly" statement.

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STUDY #10 Observations: Mark 4:1-20 (p. 8-9) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Find the paragraph breaks? 2. Who is involved? 3. Where? 4. What is happening? 5. Repeated/similar words and phrases. vs. 3-9 6. What places does the sower's seed fall? 7. What happens to it in each place? 8. What is the progression? 9. How does Jesus start and end the parable? vs. 10-13 10. When? And who is here? 11. What contrast is made? 12. Any clues in the text as to what the "secret" is? Or clues to what it is not? 13. What does Jesus say about the parables in general and this parable in particular? vs. 14-20 14. What repeated words are added to the parable's explanation. 15. What cause and effect is described for the "ones" in each environment? 16. Compare the parable to the explanation of the parable.

STUDY #11 Observations: Mark 4:21-34 (p. 9-10) Look for (Observe) and mark:

1. Find the paragraph divisions? How does each start? Vs.21-23 2. Note repetitions and similar words. 3. Find everything that is said about the lamp? 4. What is the contrast? 5. What phrase is repeated from the last study? vs. 24-25

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6. Note repetitions and similar words?

7. What progression is here?

8. What contrast is made?

vs. 26-29 9. What is being described by parable?

10. What is the metaphor?

11. What progressions are here?

Vs 30-32 12. Again, what is being described by the parable?

13. What is the metaphor here?

14. What is the progression here?

15. What words contrast?

Vs 33-34 16. Note repeated words from previous study.

17. Compare vs. 33 with 4:12.

18. Compare vs.34 with 4:10 and 4:14 and following.

19. What themes do you see tying some or all of these parables together? Include parable of the sower.

STUDY #12 Observations: Review of Mark 1:1-4:34 (p. 1-10)

Watch YouTube Video: "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" (by Jefferson Bethke)

LYRICS: Note phrases that hit you and compare to our study in Mark (esp. on Phariseeism).

What if I told you Jesus came to abolish religion What if I told you voting republican really wasn't his mission What if I told you republican doesn't automatically mean Christian And just because you call some people blind doesn't automatically give you vision

I mean if religion is so great, why has it started so many wars Why does it build huge churches, but fails to feed the poor Tells single moms God doesn't love them if they've ever had a divorce But in the old testament God actually calls religious people whores

Religion might preach grace, but another thing they practice Tend to ridicule God's people, they did it to John The Baptist They can't fix their problems, and so they just mask it Not realizing religions like spraying perfume on a casket See the problem with religion, is it never gets to the core

Observation Guide for Mark 1, Studies #1-24 8

It's just behavior modification, like a long list of chores Like lets dress up the outside make look nice and neat But it's funny that's what they use to do to mummies while the corps rots underneath

Now I ain't judging, I'm just saying quit putting on a fake look Cause there's a problem if people only know you're a Christian by your Facebook I mean in every other aspect of life, you know that logic's unworthy It's like saying you play for the Lakers just because you bought a jersey You see this was me too, but no one seemed to be on to me Acting like a church kid, while addicted to pornography See on Sunday I'd go to church, but Saturday getting faded Acting if I was simply created just to have sex and get wasted See I spent my whole life building this facade of neatness But now that I know Jesus, I boast in my weakness

Because if grace is water, then the church should be an ocean It's not a museum for good people, it's a hospital for the broken Which means I don't have to hide my failure, I don't have to hide my sin Because it doesn't depend on me it depends on him See because when I was God's enemy and certainly not a fan He looked down and said I want, that, man Which is why Jesus hated religion, and for it he called them fools Don't you see so much better than just following some rules Now let me clarify, I love the church, I love the bible, and yes I believe in sin But if Jesus came to your church would they actually let him in See remember he was called a glutton, and a drunkard by religious men But the son of God never supports self-righteousness not now, not then

Now back to the point, one thing is vital to mention How Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums See one's the work of God, but one's a man-made invention See one is the cure, but the other's the infection See because religion says do, Jesus says done Religion says slave, Jesus says son Religion puts you in bondage, while Jesus sets you free Religion makes you blind, but Jesus makes you see And that's why religion and Jesus are two different clans

Religion is man searching for God, Christianity is God searching for man Which is why salvation is freely mine, and forgiveness is my own Not based on my merits but Jesus's obedience alone Because he took the crown of thorns, and the blood dripped down his face He took what we all deserved, I guess that's why you call it grace And while being murdered he yelled "Father forgive them they know not what they do." Because when he was dangling on that cross, he was thinking of you And he absorbed all of your sin, and buried it in the tomb Which is why I'm kneeling at the cross, saying come on there's room So for religion, no I hate it, in fact I literally resent it Because when Jesus said it is finished, I believe he meant it


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