
VIDEO: “HOW TO FIND SOURCES OF MOTIVATION” 2ND ADVANCED1.- According to the speaker, what are the six things that may inspire you? 2.- Does the speaker consider that motivation can be constant? Why yes/not? 3.- Does the speaker think that motivation is necessary for successful people? Why yes/not?4.- What are the main sources of motivation for him and why? A.-B.- C.- D.- E.- F.- 5.- What aren?t you supposed to do and why not?6.- What do you have to do instead? 7.- What is the problem if we let time pass and how can we solve it? VIDEO: “HOW TO FIND SOURCES OF MOTIVATION” 1.- According to the speaker, what are the six things that may inspire you? A book, a TV show, a movie, a conference, a seminar, a good speaker. 2.- Does the speaker consider that motivation can be constant? Why yes/not? No, he doesn?t. Because you can be really motivated today, but 2 weeks later your motivation can go back down to 0, so we need motivation on a fairly regular basis.3.- Does the speaker think that motivation is necessary for successful people? Why yes/not?Yes, it is, even for successful people for fostering further success. 4.- What are the main sources of motivation for him and why? A.- Motivational posters: When he looks at them, it makes him want to train much harder B.- Self-help or personal growth books or books on inspirational people: As they help him a lot on a regular basis C.- Artwork (North-west Native art): to become much more creative. D.- Countless sources of motivation online (newsletters, blogs, audiopodcasts, video): since they are free E.- Reminders of your past successes : That means you?ll be successful again in the future F.- Attending live events, like seminars, conferences: because what I learn will motivate me and motivation can be contagious.5.- What aren?t you supposed to do and why not?You aren?t supposed to sit just there and sulk, because it is unproductive. 6.- What do you have to do instead? You need to seek some sources of inspiration and motivation, you need to fill your glass with motivation. 7.- What is the problem if we let time pass and how can we solve it? A lot of people may forget about motivation, about the important things they?ve learnt, so we need to be serious and we must keep principles of success top of mind to be motivated enough to take appropriate action. ................

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