The Aqwawerx Alternative Treatment Units are based upon maintaining environmental harmony. Naturally occurring aerobic and anaerobic bacteria breakdown the carbon compounds especially the environmentally harmful carbon hydrates and nutrients. This ultimately reduces the BOD levels. Therefore you should not introduce harsh chemicals in your cleaning and washing products that kill bacteria, for example products that have bleach (Napisan, borax), chlorine, chlorides, and caustic based chemicals or anti-bacterial properties. Washing powders that have high phosphorus or salt contents are also not recommended. Use of these in quantity will result in odours and eventual sterilisation of the soil and even plant damage over time. We recommend the addition of bio friendly enzymes into the system should your system become unbalanced or compromised by these products. Consult your service agent should you require these enzymes as they stock and are trained in their use.We recommend you use environmentally friendly products. Natural products such as white vinegar, bi-carbonate of soda and lemon based products are very good. A tip to maintain your Aquarius? ATU is to flush 1 cup of bicarbonate of soda down the toilet once a week. Bicarbonate of soda helps maintain proper pH levels and controls sulphide rmation on laundry products testing and phosphorous free detergents: like enviro Care Earth, Planet Ark, Tri Nature and Amway, as well as many others specialise in environmentally friendly products. Envrio Care Earth products can be purchased through Aquarius Wastewater Systems. A household or facility should be conscious of the types of soaps and washing powders used that could ultimately find themselves in their garden areas when using ATU’s. As described in the paragraph above, environmentally friendly products are readily available from a number of specialty outlets. Evidence of the growing use of ATU’s can be seen by major supermarkets now stocking environmentally friendly washing powders that actually state “Greywater friendly” or similar, on their labels. Basically only substances with the characteristics of domestic wastewater may enter the system.Biocides, toxic substances or substances which are not biocompatible or biodegradable must not enter the system because they cause biological process problems. The following are not permitted:rainwater from roofs and yardsinfiltration water (e.g. drainage water)liquid or solid residue from keeping animalscommercial or agricultural wastewater, unless it is comparable to domestic wastewaterchemicals, pharmaceuticals, mineral oils, solventscooling watersolids in the form of food waste, plastics and hygiene articles, coffee filters, bottle topsand other domestic itemsmilk and milk productswater discharged from swimming poolslarge volumes of bloodIf discharging larger volumes of grease or plant-based oils, we would recommend pre-cleaning the wastewater containing the greases/oils in a grease separator upstream of the wastewater treatment system (caution: faeces must not be allowed to enter the grease separator).Properly Dispose of WasteWhether you flush it down the toilet, grind it in the garbage disposal, or pour it down the sink, shower, or bath, everything that goes down your drains ends up in your septic system. What goes down the drain affects how well your septic system works.Toilets aren’t trash cans!Your septic system is not a trash can. An easy rule of thumb: Do not flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper. Never flush:Cooking grease or oilFlushable wipesPhotographic solutionsFeminine hygiene productsCondomsDental flossDiapersCigarette buttsCoffee groundsCat litterPaper towelsPharmaceuticalsHousehold chemicals like gasoline, oil, pesticides, antifreeze, and paint or paint thinnersThink at the sink!Your septic system contains a collection of living organisms that digest and treat household waste. Pouring toxins down your drain can kill these organisms and harm your septic system. Whether you are at the kitchen sink, bathtub, or utility sink:Avoid chemical drain openers for a clogged drain. Instead, use boiling water or a drain snake.Never pour cooking oil or grease down the drain.Never pour oil-based paints, solvents, or large volumes of toxic cleaners down the drain. Even latex paint waste should be minimized.Eliminate or limit the use of a garbage disposal. This will significantly reduce the amount of fats, grease, and solids that enter your septic tank and ultimately clog its drainfield.Reference: Wastewater Systems strongly recommends the introduction of natural bacteria into your ATU or Septic system. This can be achieved by creating a regular maintenance program to introduce the natural enzymes using products such as Zoxzyme.These enzymes enhance the growth of certain bacteria which are able to reduce BOD and COD levels, assist in reducing odours and speeds up the degradation process in your wastewater system.The enzymes enable your wastewater system to work at its optimal level and will ensure if the biological activity of the system has been affected, the rebalancing of the system can be achieved relatively quickly.Your Aquarius Service Agent can supply these products and advise on their applications.For further information contact admin@.au ................

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