
Hamster diseases __________________________ – also called enteritisDescription:Enteritis is the most important disease of hamsters. Enteritis is caused by poor sanitation, bacteria, viruses, and diet. Symptoms: wetness around the tail and rear of the animal, caused by a runny diarrhea. A high death rate occurs within _________days of symptoms appearing. The disease is most often associated with poor sanitation caused by general neglect and poor care.Prevention and treatment: Wet tail, Bacillus piliformis and Salmonella, and many diseases – Change and disinfect spoiled bedding, cages and equipment and isolate infected animals. Keep temperatures around 70°F to avoid estivation (sleep similar to hibernation) when temperatures go above 80°F or hibernation when temperatures go below 50°F. Keep cage at constant temperature and avoid drafts. Animals often do not respond well to treatment. _____________________________________________________ –Caused by incorrect diet with overabundance of green leafy materials, vegetables, or fruits. ___________________________________________________________.Prevention and treatment: Correct the diet ________________________________ vegetables and fruits and feeding dry grains and seeds.Gerbil diseasesGerbils are hardy and seldom affected by disease, but _________________________.Description: Colds are the most common ailment. Symptoms: loss of appetite, constant sneezing, and runny eyes and nose. ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________Prevention and treatment:Best treatment is to reduce stress caused by overcrowding (gerbils need more cage space than hamsters), avoid drafts, humidity, and temperature fluctuations.2.______________________________ – Description:Common condition caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. Animal will recover without any medication. Symptoms: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________Rats1. Respiratory disease caused by __________________________ is common disease. Description: Symptoms include _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________Prevent with proper ventilation and good sanitation. Remove contaminated feed, provide clean bedding, and maintain a draft free, constant temperature with low humidity. Treat with antibiotics added to water. Isolate and eliminate affected animals if antibiotics added to the drinking water are ineffective.MiceMice are _________________with the proper diet, housing, and exercise. However, ________________________ disease is caused by several organisms and result from environmental conditions such as changes in temperature, drafts, and high humidity. Symptoms: squeaking or rattling breath, runny nose, watery eyes, and fur loss. It is best to prevent infestation by eliminating environmental causes._____________ and related bacteria are responsible for many of the serious infectious diseases. Control with clean cages, clean water, clean feed, and parasite control.Guinea PigsGuinea pigs are very healthy under favorable environmental conditions. __________ ___________________________________________. When environmental conditions are not good, common cold and respiratory diseases can be a major problem.Description: Animals become lethargic, list-less, have a nasal discharge and sneezing. Prevention includes maintaining a good environment and immediate treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics accompanied with increased Vitamin C.2._____________________________________ – Description: Build-up of toxins in the blood that developed in late pregnancy. Symptoms: females will be lethargic, go off feed, refuse to eat, and have difficulty breathing.Prevention and treatment: Feed a high quality diet to the pregnant female and add___________ teaspoon of sugar in the water bottle.ChinchillasChinchillas need proper nutrition, and a clean, dry, draft-free environment with low stress to avoid health problems. Provide adequate ventilation; avoid temperatures ______________________________________________________________________.Pseudomonas aeruginosa – organism that causes infection ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Eye __________________ (conjunctivitis) – Description: symptoms: ____________________________ around the eyes, sensitivity to light, watering, and pus formation.Isolate infected animals, wash eyes gently with warm boric acid solution and use ophthalmic medications. Clean and disinfect cages and feed containers.________________________________________ (otitis) – Description: Symptoms: twisting and lowering of the head, hanging head to one side, and running in a circle.Prevention and treatment:Prevent by avoiding drafty, cool environmental conditions. Clean the ear with warm boric acid solution and treat with ear drops._________________________________________ – Description: Symptoms: listlessness, failure to eat, breathing difficulty, and swollen abdomen.Prevention and treatment: Prevent by eliminating cold, drafty, and high humidity conditions and treat immediately with aureomycin, penicillin, or other antibiotics.6._______________________________________________Description:Lower digestive system becomes tightly packed with food material or feces. May then follow diarrhea. Caused by poor quality feed, stress, and poor nutrition. Animal is often humped with chin resting between its front feet.Prevention and treatment: Give a ____________________________________, or add up to three full droppers of grapefruit juice to the animal’s diet. ................

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