

Introduction 2

Academic officials 5

Scientific board 6

Structure of faculty 9

Education 12

Doctoral study 15

Doctoral theses defended in 2005 16

Research highlights 18

Awards 22

Appointments in 2005 23

Institutes and departments 24

Institute of Biology and Ecology 24

Institute of Chemistry 34

Institute of Computer Science 47

Institute of Geography 52

Institute of Mathematics 58

Institute of Physics 65

Institute of Social Sciences 81


Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice was founded in 1963 and since that time it has educated more than 4 700 graduates of both, single and joint degree programme studies in all branches of natural sciences. Within the European Union adopted model 3-5-8, the Faculty provides the Bachelor's and Magister's degree studies in the following branches: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Ecology, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics as well as all joint degree programmes in combinations of Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics. As a respected research institution, the Faculty offers also PhD study programmes in thirteen accredited fields of science for graduates from Slovak and foreign universities. The education at the Faculty of Science is provided by experienced teachers who carry out also research and closely co-operate with Slovak and foreign universities and research facilities.

The research at the Faculty of Science at Šafárik University in Košice shows multidisciplinary character and due to this it covers a wide range of topics from molecular biology to computer and material sciences. The research in 2005 in the field of Biology and Ecology was directed towards the problems of biodiversity of plants and animals, biotechnology of medicinal plants, carcinogenesis, prevention and cancer therapy; in Geography the research was aimed at hydrology of the Slovak karst. Research in Chemistry focused on synthesis and properties of new compounds with biological activity, new materials and new analytical methods. Research in Informatics was concentrated on fuzzy techniques, neural networks, logical programming and preparation of web-university, in Mathematics it followed the ideas of graph theory, algebraic structures, differential equations and topology and in Physics it was concentrated on development of new magnetic materials, theoretical and experimental research of low-dimensional magnetism and quantum liquids at ultra-low temperatures, nuclear collision studies and photodynamic effect. The research at the Institute of Social Sciences dealt with problems of health, quality of life and integration of health disadvantaged peoples. The research was also carried out in the fields of theory of teaching of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. High percentage of the scientific outputs is done in the co-operation with foreign universities or research facilities.

Graduates of the Faculty find positions not only as researchers and secondary school teachers but they can successfully work in the business sphere and public administration. Some of them successfully undertake doctoral study or postdoctoral training abroad to be well accepted in the European labour market. New forms of further long-life education as a part of service done to society are provided for graduates of the Faculty of Science as well as for the public. The RNDr. (Rerum Naturalium Doctor) examinations, qualification examinations, various courses and training projects are to be mentioned. In accordance with European documents on higher education the Faculty uses the credit-based system in line with the European standard ECTS. Joining the European SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme promoted the possibility for our students to undertake a fully recognized period of study at EU universities as an integral part of their degree and academic qualification aa well as allowed to the students from EU countries to undertake a semester or two of studies at our faculty.


Dean : Assoc. Prof. Pavol Sovák, PhD

Vice - deans : Prof. Juraj Černák, PhD

(international relations and research)

Assoc. Prof. Katarína Kimáková, PhD

(academic affairs)

Prof. Andrej Bobák, DSc

(doctoral studies and lifelong education)

Assoc. Prof. Dušan Šveda, PhD


Chairman of Academic Senate : Roman Soták, PhD

Address : Faculty of Science

P. J. Šafárik University

Moyzesova 16

041 54 Košice

Slovak Republic

Telephone : +421-55-6227665, 6222121-3

Fax : +421-55-6222124

E - mail : pfsekret@kosice.upjs.sk


Chairman :

Assoc. Prof. Pavol Sovák, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics)

Vice-chairman :

Prof. Juraj Černák, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Chemistry)

Members :

Prof. Andrej Bobák, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics)

MSc. Dušan Budzák, PhD

(Research Institute for Man-Made Fibers, Svit)

Prof. Lev Bukovský, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics)

Prof. Eva Čellárová, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology and Ecology)

Prof. Rudolf Dupkala, PhD

(University of Prešov, Philosophical Faculty, Prešov)

Assoc. Prof. Peter Fedoročko, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology and Ecology)

Prof. Alexander Feher, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics)

Prof. Viliam Geffert, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Computer Science)

Prof. Jozef Gonda, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Chemistry)

Assoc. Prof. Zdenko Hochmuth, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geography)

Assoc. Prof. Igor Hudec, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology and Ecology)

Prof. Slavko Chalupka, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics)

Prof. Stanislav Jendroľ, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics)

Assoc. Prof. Katarína Kimáková, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology and Ecology)

Assoc. Prof. Igor Kominarec, PhD

(Univesity of Prešov, Faculta of Humanities and Natural Sciences, Prešov)

Assoc. Prof. Peter Kopčanský, PhD

(Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Experimental Physics, Košice)

Assoc. Prof. Alois Kozubík, PhD

(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biophysics, Brno)

Assoc. Prof. Peter Kutschy, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Chemistry)

Prof. Ladislav Lovaš, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Public Administration)

Prof. Pavol Miškovský, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics)

Prof. Dušan Podhradský, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Chemistry)

Prof. Igor Podlubný, PhD

(Technical University, Faculty of Mining, Ecology and Geotechnology, Košice)

Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Sabol, PhD

(Technical University, Faculty of Economy, Košice)

Assoc. Prof. Peter Spišiak, PhD

(Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bratislava)

Assoc. Prof. Dušan Šveda, PhD

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics)

Prof. Peter Vojtáš, DSc

(P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Informatics)


The administrative structure of the Faculty of Science is based on larger institutes incorporating individual departments. The head of each institute is Director (Professor or Associated Professor) and the Council of the Institute formed of full-time Professors and Heads of departments. This structure enables better organization of the pedagogical and scientific life of the Faculty. The actual detailed structure of the Faculty is given below. The Detached Unit in Rožňava providing Bachelor study programme as well as the Centre of Applied Computer Science (developing the Academic Information System) and the Centre for Lifelong Learning organizing other forms of educational activities and European projects are included within the structure of the Faculty.

The table displays the number of professors, lectures and assistants as well as researchers at the Institutes.


Department of Animal Physiology

Department of Botany

Department of Cell Biology

Department of Genetics

Department of Zoology

Division of Didactics of Biology

Laboratory of Molecular-Biological Diagnostics


Department of Analytical Chemistry

Department of Biochemistry

Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Department of Organic Chemistry

Department of Physical Chemistry

Division of Didactics of Chemistry




Division of Algebra and Geometry

Division of Didactics of Mathematics

Division of Discrete Mathematics

Division of Economical and Financial Mathematics

Division of Mathematical Analysis


Department of Biophysics

Department of Physics of Condensed Matter

Department of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics

Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics

Division of Didactics of Physics


Košice Institute for Society and Health (KISH)


Centre of Applied Computer Science

Centre for Lifelong Learning

Detached Unit in Rožňava

| |I N S T I T U T E S |

| | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Biology |Chemistry |Geography |Infor |Mathe |Physics |Social |

| |and | | |matics |matics | |Sciences |

| |Ecology | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Professors |3 |6 |1 |2 |2 |6 |2 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Associated |12 |15 |2 |3 |14 |13 |2 |

|Professors | | | | | | | |

|Assistant | | | | | | | |

|Professors |14 |17 |7 |15 |12 |13 |4 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Researchers |12 |13 |1 |1 |0 |29 |9 |


In Slovakia, the Faculty was one of the pioneers in implementation of credit-based system of study that was developed with help of EC projects and supported by a self-made information system. To provide access to higher education for a larger number of applicants, 500 full-time undergraduate students were admitted to the Faculty in 2005. At present, there are more than 1500 batchelor and master studies students at the Faculty.

The following teaching programmes are offered to them:

• Single (one-subject) programmes – bachelor degree



General Ecology and Ecology of Individuals and Populations




• Single (one-subject) programmes – magister degree

Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics

Botany and Plant Physiology

Zoology and Animal Physiology

Chemistry with specialization in Physical and Analytical Chemistry

Bioorganic Chemistry

Bioinorganic chemistry


Inorganic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

General Ecology and Ecology of Individuals and Populations



Economic and Financial Mathematics

Informatic Mathematics

Managerial Mathematics

Physics with specialization in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Computer Physics

Physical Engineering of Materials

General Physics and Mathematical Physics

Biophysics and Chemical Physics

Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics

Physics of Condensed Matter

• Joint (two-subject) programmes and programmes for teachers-training (combination of following subjects)

Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Informatics, Mathematics, Physics

Distribution of undergraduate students

Increase in number of students

undergraduate students

postgraduate students


To complete the full-range education in all disciplines taught, the Faculty offers PhD study in thirteen branches:

Analytical Chemistry

Animal Physiology



Condensed Matter Physics and Acoustics

Discrete Mathematics


Inorganic Chemistry

Nuclear and Sub-nuclear Physics

Organic Chemistry


Theory of Teaching of Mathematics

Theory of Teaching of Physics

Number of PhD students in last years reaches approximately 70 students in internal form and about 40 students in external form of PhD study. Doctoral students are supervised by individuals with high national and international reputations in their research field and receive an excellent research training as a result. Scientific contributions of doctoral students represent a permanently increasing portion of scientific outputs at the Faculty. In 2005, 19 doctoral theses were defended. Doctoral students participate in research activities as well as in teaching.

DOCTORAL theses defended in 2005

1. Jana Hajduková – Discrete Mathematics

„The stable partition problem“

2. Monika Molnárová – Discrete Mathematics

„Periodic properties of matrices in max-plus algebra“

3. Mária Čekanová – Genetics

„Mechanisms of growth modulation of human lung cancer cells by pulmonary fibroblasts“

4. Jozef Bednarčík – Condensed Matter Physics and Acoustics

„The structure and magnetic properties of Co-based powder materials“

5. Jana Tóthová – Condensed Matter Physics and Acoustics

„The dynamics of polymers in solutions with hydrodynamic memory”

6. Mária Richterová – Biophysics

„Static and dynamic properties of membranes and vesicles“

7. Jozef Hritz – Biophysics

„Molecular modeling of interaction of hypericin and phorbol esters with biologically relevant proteins“

8. Silvia Kočanová – Biophysics

„The study of influence of antitumoral agent hypericin on U-87 MG glioma cells: a role of proteinkinase C inhibition on apoptotic signalling pathways“

Jozef Hanč – Theory of Teaching of Physics

„Applications of Feynman approach to education of quantum mechanics“

9. Janka Vrláková -- Nuclear and Sub-nuclear Physics

„ Nonstatistical fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisions“

10. Martin Humeník – Organic Chemistry

„The study of synthesis, structure and biological activity of glycosides benzocamalexin“

11. Rastislav Varhač – Biochemistry

„Structural changes of the free and cyanide bound cytochrome C under denaturating condition“

12. Karla Čipková- Musilová – Discrete Mathematics

„Graphs induced by monounary algebras“

13. Rastislav Lencses – Programme and Information Systems

„Effective and distributed algorithms for information retrieval  supported with relational database“

14. Gabriel Pavlík – Condensed Matter Physics and Acoustics

„Structure and magnetic properties of iron based nanocrystalline alloys“

15. Roman Matejko – Condensed Matter Physics and Acoustics

„Influence of substitutions on stability and magnetic properties of

nanoperm-type alloys“

16. Katarína Šterbáková – Condensed Matter Physics and Acoustics

„The study of the remagnetization noise in selected rapidly quenched alloys“

17. Štefánia Šanová-Klimová – Genetics

„Influence of cadmium and ionizing radiation on the brain of exposed rats and their progenies”

18. Nikoleta Štellmachová-Urbanová – Analytical Chemistry

„The study of new derivates of iminoacetamides as potential ligands for optical sensor in analysis of zinc“

Research HighliGHTS

Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice is included in the group of research faculties, which put strong accent on research as an integral part of their mission. Multidisciplinary character of the Faculty is a good prerequisite for interdisciplinary approach and integration of scientific activities. After entering into European structures the priorities of the Faculty are integration into European research area, improving the quality of scientific outputs and PhD study, increasing the stream of financial sources for scientific activities, re-building of research and information infrastructure of the Faculty and extension of services in community, business, research, developmental, industrial and agricultural facilities in Slovakia.

In 2005, the Faculty has continued to improve the quality of several excellent research laboratories: Laboratory of NMR spectroscopy, Laboratory of spectral methods and Laboratory of structure analysis of biomacromolecules (Institute of Chemistry), Laboratory of flow cytometry and Laboratory of cell cultures (Institute of Biology), Laboratory of low temperature physics, Laboratory of biophotonics and Laboratory of advanced computer technologies (Institute of Physics) as well as the Laboratory of GIS (Institute of Geography).

In these and other laboratories worked more than 220 university teachers and researchers together with about 60 doctoral students. This staff is involved in up to 130 scientific projects supported by both, grants for fundamental research from the Slovak grant agencies: Slovak Grant Agency for Science (VEGA), Slovak Agency for Science and Technology (APVT), Slovak Cultural and Educational Agency (KEGA), and foreign sources of funding such as COST Agency, DAAD (Germany) and other institutions. Moreover, young researchers were supported by internal grant systems (VVGS) at the university as well as faculty level. In 2005, the University and Faculty supported 11 and 17 VVGS projects, respectively.

Excellence in research measured by international standards is a first objective of our research teams. In applied research, the main attention is paid to pharmaceutical, pharmacological, chemical and material research. Continuous increase in funding sources for research is caused by the growing activity and comes from research grants and contracts. It exceeds the average grant income of the Slovak universities, year after year it becomes more and more important part of the budget of the Faculty (in 2005 grants made up 51 % of the overall budget-see the graph).

The number of Faculty publications and citations in the last four years is listed below.

| |2001 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |

|Monographs and books |3 |10 |12 |6 |8 |

|Textbooks |35 |25 |18 |19 |58 |

|CC papers |131 |141 |120 |203 |117 |

|Non-CC papers |75 |101 |70 |94 |97 |

|Preprints and conference papers |116 |97 |105 |141 |118 |

|Abstracts |189 |184 |164 |181 |164 |

| |2001 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |

|Citations total |623 |955 |1066 |878 |916 |

|SCI |371 |619 |637 |652 |608 |

|non-SCI |252 |336 |429 |226 |308 |

Impact factor of the Faculty (a number of SCI citations divided by a number of SCI papers) in 2005 reached the value 5,2 (2004 – 3.2, 2003 – 5.35, 2002 – 4.39, 2001 - 2.83, 2000 – 3.58).


Prof. Gabriela MARTINSKÁ, PhD (Institute of Physics)

Medal of the Slovak Physical Society for important contribution to develepment of physics in Slovakia

Dr. Jozef STREČKA, PhD (Institute of Physics)

1st place in Competition of scientific papers of young physicist of the Slovak Physical Society

Assoc. Prof. Mária REHÁKOVÁ, PhD (Institute of Chemistry)

Silver medal of the Slovak Chemical Society for important contribution to the work of the Society

Dean´s Prize for Science 2005, Teachers and Researchers

Assoc. Prof. Michal J a š č u r, PhD, Physics

Rastislav V a r g a, PhD, Physics

Dr. Renáta O r i ň á k o v á, PhD, Chemistry

Patrik M r á z, PhD, Biology

Dean´s Prize for Science 2005, PhD Students

Andrea S e m a n i č o v á , Mathematics

František K a r d o š , Mathematics

Katarína T i b e n s k á , Physics

Slávka K a š č á k o v á , Physics

Appointments in 2005


Marián A n t a l í k , DSc Professor of Biochemistry since January 31, 2005

Karel K u d e l a , DSc Professor of Physics since January 31, 2005

Associate Professors

Ján D e g r o , PhD Assoc. Professor of Theory of Physics Teaching

since May 26, 2005

Miroslav P l o š č i c a , PhD Assoc. Professor of Mathematics

since December 30, 2005


Institute of BIOLOGY and ECOLOGY

Director: Assoc. Prof. Peter Fedoročko, PhD

Deputy Directors: Assoc. Prof. Zuzana Daxnerová, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Martin Bačkor, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Beňadik Šmajda, PhD

Departments: Heads:

Department of Animal Physiology Assoc. Prof. Beňadik Šmajda, PhD

Department of Botany Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Repčák, PhD

Department of Cell Biology Assoc. Prof. Zuzana Daxnerová, PhD

Department of Genetics Prof. Eva Čellárová, PhD

Department of Zoology Assoc. Prof. Igor Hudec, PhD

Division of Didactics of Biology Assoc. Prof. Katarína Kimáková, PhD

Laboratory of Molecular-Biological Assoc. Prof. Peter Fedoročko, PhD


Address: Institute of Biology and Ecology

Moyzesova 11, 041 54 Košice

and Mánesova 23, 041 54 Košice

Contact: Tel.: ++421-55-6228310, 6228610, 15

(Moyzesova 11)

++421-55-6324711, 6337352, 6331556

(Mánesova 23)

Fax: ++421-55-6222124

e-mail: ubv@upjs.sk

Secretary: Jela Andrašová (Moyzesova 11)

Eva Husnajová (Mánesova 23)

Professor emeritus: Ivan Ahlers, MD, DSc

Professors: Eva Ahlersová, MD, DSc

Eva Čellárová, PhD

Eva Mišúrová, PhD

Assoc. Professors:

Zuzana Daxnerová, PhD Katarína Kropáčová, PhD

Ľubomír Panigaj, PhD Pavol Mártonfi, PhD

Peter Fedoročko, PhD Edita Paulíková, PhD

Igor Hudec, PhD Miroslav Repčák, PhD

Katarína Kimáková, PhD Beňadik Šmajda, PhD

Martin Bačkor, PhD Ľubomír Kováč, PhD

Assist. Professors:

Katarína Bruňáková, PhD Anna Macková, PhD

Andrea Hudáková Andrej Mock, PhD

Monika Kassayová, PhD Patrik Mráz, PhD

Mariana Kolesárová Peter Solár, PhD

Jana Koperdáková Eva Vranová, PhD

Bianka Bojková, PhD Mária Miklošová, PhD

Zuzana Babincová Marek Dudáš, MD, PhD


Ľudmila Majsniarová Peter Ľuptáčik

Ivan Ďatelinka, PhD Igor Majláth, PhD

Mária Čekanová, PhD Jaromír Mikeš

Adriana Eliášová, PhD Veronika Sačková, PhD

Anton Grejtovský, PhD Martina Šemeláková, PhD

Jozef Kováčik Martina Urbanová

Ján Košúth

PhD Students:

Viera Haňová Martina Lazárová

Soňa Bálentová Adriana Pružinská

Rastislav Jendželovský Peter Orendáš

Mirka Hudáková Lenka Friedmanová

Jana Kisková Ján Kovaľ

Lucia Kuliková Juraj Ševc

Mária Starostova

Domestic Cooperation:

Agricultural Farm, Stará Ľubovňa

Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bratislava

Educational and Counselling Centre of US Steel Košice, Košice-Šaca

Institute for Drugs Research, Modra

Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Košice

Košice-Šaca Hospital, The First Private Hospital, Tissue Bank of the Burns Centre, Košice-Šaca

L. Pasteur Medical Faculty Hospital, Košice

Research Institute for Medicine, Modra

Slovak Academy of Sciences: Institute of Plants Genetics and Biotechnology, Nitra; Institute of Zoology, Košice; Neurobiological Institute, Košice, Parasitological Institute, Košice

Slovak Cave Administration, Liptovský Mikuláš

Water Research Institute, Bratislava

Foreign Partners:

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Institute of Biophysics, Brno, Czech Republic

Agricultural Research Centre, Mikkeli, Finland

Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Virology, Houston, USA

Botanical Institute, Pruhonice, Czech Republic

Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Institute of Experimental Botany, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Institute of Soil Biology, České Budejovice, Czech Republic

Institute of Oncology, St. Petersburg, Russia

Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany

Intercell Biomedical Research and Development AG, Vienna, Austria

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nature Conservation, Kraków, Poland

Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology, Lublin, Poland

Saint István University, Faculty of Horticultural Science, Budapest, Hungary

University of Gent, Belgium

University of Minnesota, Chronobiology Laboratories, USA

University of Oulu, Finland

University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Science, London, Canada

Research Projects

Prevention of mammary carcinogenesis in female rats by a selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-2 activity

VEGA 1/2355/05

(Eva Ahlersová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Study of tolerance mechanisms to heavy metals in lichens

VEGA 1/1285/04

(Martin Bačkor, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Study of heavy metal toxicity and tolerance in lichen photobionts


(Martin Bačkor, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

The effect of long-term melatonin administration upon metabolic parameters in Sprague – Dawley and Wistar: Han rats

VEGA 1/0442/03

(Bianka Bojková, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Study of dbat gene expression in Taxus baccata tissue cultures

VEGA 1/1273/04

(Katarína Bruňáková, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Assessment of performance: Physiological health and (epi) genetic stability. Quality enhancement of plant production through tissue culture

COST 843

(Eva Čellárová, 10/2000 - 6/2005)

Study of expression of the Hyp-1 gene encoding for key enzyme in biosynthetic pathway of hypericin

VEGA 1/2326/05

(Eva Čellárová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Hypericum perforatum L.: Genetic aspects of hypericin synthesis and its photocytotoxic effects


(Eva Čellárová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Návrh na dobudovanie integrovaného laboratória molekulovej biológie a enzymológie pre doktorandov a študentov biologických vied na Univerzite P. J. Šafárika

Rozvoj.UP 9/2005

(Eva Čellárová, 05/2005 – 05/2006)

Regularities of rat neuroepithelial and ependymal cells transformation during development and after spinal cord lesion

VEGA 1/2356/05

(Zuzana Daxnerová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Role of phospholipid metabolism in photocytotoxic effect of hypericin

Slovak/Czech project

(Peter Fedoročko, 01/2004 – 12/2005)

The role of lipid mediators in hypericin-modulated proliferation and apoptosis of tumour cells

VEGA 1/2329/05

(Peter Fedoročko, 01/2005-12/2007)

Use of natural zeolite in the cultivation of some medicinal plants and spices

VEGA 1/0579/03

(Anton Grejtovský, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

The role of psychoemotional stress in the origin of experimental mammary carcinogenesis in female rats

VEGA 1/1286/04

(Monika Kassayová, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Diversity of Arthropods (Arthropoda) of the Ardovská Cave and the Domica Cave System (Slovak Karst)

VEGA 1/0441/03

(Ľubomír Kováč, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Diversity of cave fauna of the Slovak Karst Biosphere Reserve (Slovakia)

APVT-20-035802 -project

(Ľubomír Kováč, 02/2004 – 12/2006)

Green lizard (Lacerta viridis) in National park – Biospheric reservation Slovak carst

VEGA 1/1284/04

(Igor Majláth, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Určovací kľúč papraďorastov a semenných rastlín Slovenska a riešenie taxonomických problémov niektorých kritických skupín v stredoeurópskom priestore

APVT-51-026404 BU SAV

(Marhold, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Diversity of the flora of Slovakia with special attention to the orders Cistales, Elatinales, Violales, Cucurbitales, Campanulales, Ranunculales, Scrophuariales and Asterales

VEGA 2/3041/23

(Pavol Mártonfi, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Microevolution of plants on areal borders: the genus “Onosma” in Pannonia

VEGA 1/2354/05

(Pavol Mártonfi, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Implementácia plastinátov ako učebných pomôcok do integrovaného výučbového procesu biológie na základných a stredných školách

KEGA 3/3006/05

(Mária Miklošová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Genome instability in the brain tissue of the offspring of male rats exposed by some environmental genotoxic factors

VEGA 1/2353/05

(Eva Mišúrová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

The communities of the soil and subterranean Arthropoda of the Čierna hora Mts. (Slovakia)

VEGA 1/2362/05

(Andrej Mock, 01/2005 – 07/2005)

Taxonomic and microevolutionary problems in the genera Hieracium and Pilosella (Asteraceae, Lactuceae)

VEGA 1/1283/04

(Patrik Mráz, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Lepidopteran communities of alpine and subalpine zone in High Tatra Mts

VEGA 1/0434/03

(Ľubomír Panigaj, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Circadian rhythms of secondary metabolites and stress of Chamomilla recutita

VEGA 1/0444/03

(Miroslav Repčák, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

The influence of erythropoietin on the growth of tumours in vitro and in vivo


(Peter Solár, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Behavioral changes in rats irradiated with low doses of ionizing radiation in adult age and during embryonal development

VEGA 1/0440/03

(Beňadik Šmajda, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Selected Results

1/9205/02 (prof. E. Mišúrová): Misurova E., Sanova S, Balentova S.: Effects of preconceptional gamma irradiation of rat males on the development of brain.The influence of irradiation of rat males with sublethal dose of gamma radiation 25 or 80 days before mating with control females on brain development in F1 generation progeny was investigated. We found out the decrease in mitotic activity and increase in occurence of chromosomal aberrations (chromosomal bridges) in embyos and brain (hemispheres and little brain) of youngs. Effects transferred to progeny from irradiated spermatids (by irradiation of males of F0 generation 25 days before fertilization) were more marked as effects transferred from irradiated spermatogonia (by irradiation 80 days before fertilization). Our findings we consider as a manifestation of increased genome instability induced in the progeny by paternal irradiation.

MVTS - COST 843 WG3 (prof. E. Čellárová): Variability of hypericin content in four lineages derived from in vitro regenerated Hypericum perforatum L. somaclones of different ploidy level (diploid and tetraploid) growing during successive years and the same season was studied. Flowcytometric seed screen revealed that diploid plants were obligate sexuals, while tetraploid plants were facultative apomicts. Comparison of hypericin content in diploid and tetraploid plants revealed that diploids had higher content of hypericins than tetraploids when growing during successive years but this correlation was not confirmed when growing during the same season. Broad DNA variability obtained with 7 non-specific VNTR primers was detected in diploid plants. A unique amplification profile of each plant confirmed the sexual mode of reproduction of diploids. VNTR analysis of tetraploids showed prevalence of apomictic seed formation. The identic (J.Koperdáková et al., Proceedings of the COST 843 Final Conference, COST 843 and COST 851 Joint Meeting, Stará Lesná, 28-3.06.2005 (2005) 285-286)

1/0441/03 (doc. Ľ. Kováč): The project was focused on the diversity of arthropod communities of two ecologically different subterranean locations of the Slovak Karst. The study of the microbial communities (in co-operation with the Institute of Soil Biology CAS, České Budějovice) contributed to understanding of interactions between Arthropoda and their abiotic and biotic environment. High diversity of cave microflora and arthropods of the Domica Cave is attributed to larger cave system, greater variety of microhabitats, more intensive communication with above-ground through water streams and to human activity The latter influence is apparent within the show route of the cave and adjacent halls and passages and is documented by diverse communities of organisms with considerable share of euryvalent or troglophilous arthropod species, whereas specialized cave forms (troglobites) totally absent

APVT-20-003704 (prof. E. Čellárová): Within the cryobiological study the shoot-tips from in vitro cultured Hypericum perforatum L. genotypes were subjected to assessments of developmental competence, genetic stability, and biosynthetic ability to identify critical points during cryopreservation. Survival rate, chromosome number stability, alteration in VNTR sequences and hypericin content were evaluated, in plants after pre-culture, and two subsequent cryogenic steps (cryoprotection and cooling) and those recovered from cryopreserved meristems. Pre-culture and cryoprotection treatments, did not reveal any significant differences, in these studied characteristics. Genetic stability was assessed by chromosome counts and analysis of variability in the VNTR sequences. No changes in chromosome number were detected in comparison with the untreated control but minor alterations were revealed in non-coding sequences. The content of (M.Urbanová et al., PLANT CELL REPORTS (2006) 140-147)

Selected Publications

Bačkor M., Fahselt D., Tetrazolium reduction as an indicator of environmental stress in lichens and isolated bionts. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY (2005) 125-133.

Čavarga I., Brezáni P., Fedoročko P., Miškovský P., Bobrov N., Longauer F., Rybárová, Miroššay L., Stubna J., Photoinduced antitumour effect of hypericin can be enhanced by fractionated dosing PHYTOMEDICINE (2005) 680-683.

Illyová M., Hudec I., Ilyocryptus cuneatus (Crustacea, Anomopoda) - the first record from the Danube Basin in Slovakia BIOLOGIA 60(5)(2005) 482.

Košel, V., Mock, A., Novotný, M, The first record of the leech Placobdella costata (Hirudinea) in Slovakia. BIOLOGIA, 59/Suppl. 15 (2004) 23-24.

Kováč Ľ., Kostúrová N., Miklisová D., Comparison of collembolan assemblages (Hexapoda, Collembola) of thermophilous oak wood and Pinus nigra plantation in the Slovak Karst (Slovakia). PEDOBIOLOGIA 49 (2005) 29-40.

McEwan N., Abecia L., Regensbogenová M., Adam C., Findlay P., Newbold J., Rumen microbial population dynamics in response to photoperiod. LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 41(1)(2005) 97-101.

Mráz P., Reports (4-11). In: Mráz P. (ed.) Chromosome number and DNA ploidy level reports from Central Europe - 1 BIOLOGIA (1)(2005) 101-103.

Mráz P., Chrtek J., Fehrer J., Plačková I., Rare recent natural hybridization in Hieracium s. str. - evidence from morphology, allozymes and chloroplast DNA PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 255(3-4)(2005) 177-192.

Pastírová A., Repčák M., Eliašová A., Dynamics of coumarin production in leaves of diploid and tetraploid Matricaria chamomilla PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY 43(3)(2005) 205-208.

Poykko H., Hyvarinen M., Bačkor M., Removal of lichen secondary metabolites affects food choice and survival of lichenivorous moth larvae ECOLOGY 86(10)(2005) 2623-2632.

Rotreklová O., Krahulcová A., Mráz P., Mrázová V., Martonfiová L., Peckert T., Šingliarová B., Chromosome numbers and breeding systems of some European species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella PRESLIA (2005) 177-195.

Sačková V., Kuliková L., Mikeš J., Kleban J., Fedoročko P., Hypericin-Mediated Photocytotoxic Effect on HT-29 Adenocarcinoma Cells is Reduced by Light Fractionation with Longer Dark Pause between Two Unequal Light Doses PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY (2005) 1411-1416.

Šanová Š., Bálentová S., Slovinská L., Mišúrová E., Effects of preconceptional gamma irradiation on the development of rat brain Neurotoxicology and teratology (27)(2005) 145-151.

Vilček S., Durkovic B., Kolesárová, M., Paton D.J., Genetic diversity of BVDV: consequences for classification and molecular epidemiology. PREV. VET. MED. 72(1-2) (2005) 31-35.

Institute of CHEMISTRY

Director: Prof. Jozef Gonda, DSc

Deputy Directors: Assoc. Prof. Mária Ganajová, PhD

Assit. Prof. Viktor Viglasky, PhD

Departments: Heads:

Department of Analytical Chemistry Prof. Yaroslav Bazel, DrSc

Department of Biochemistry Assist. Prof. Erik Sedlák, PhD

Department of Inorganic Chemistry Prof. Juraj Černák, PhD

Department of Organic Chemistry Assoc. Prof. Peter Kutschy, PhD

Department of Physical Chemistry Assoc. Prof. Ján Imrich, PhD

Division of Didactics of Chemistry Assoc. Prof. Mária Ganajová, PhD

Address: Institute of Chemical Sciences

Moyzesova 11, 041 57 Košice

Contact: Tel.: ++421-55-6228332, 6228114,

6222605, 6222610,15

Fax: ++421-55-6222124

e-mail: uchv@upjs.sk

Secretary: Helena Martinová

Professor emeritus: Pavol Kristian, DSc

Miriam Galová, DSc


Marian Antalík, DSc Juraj Černák, PhD

Prof. Yaroslav Bazel, DSc Katarína Györyová, DSc

Jozef Gonda, DSc Dušan Podhradský, DSc

Assoc. Professors:

Vasiľ Andruch, PhD Peter Kutschy, PhD

Taťána Gondová, PhD Kvetoslava Markušová, PhD

Jozef Chomič, PhD Miroslava Martinková, PhD

Mária Ganajová, PhD Andrej Oriňák, PhD

Oľga Hritzová, PhD Ivan Potočňák, PhD

Ján Imrich, PhD Peter Pristaš, PhD

Adam Košturiak, PhD Mária Reháková, PhD

Peter Javorský, DSc

Assist. Professor:

Ján Bubanec, PhD Renáta Oriňáková, PhD

František Kaľavský Katarína Reiffová, PhD

Daniela Kládeková, PhD Erik Sedlák, PhD

Dušan Koščík, PhD Nataša Tomašková

Juraj Kuchár Andrea Turoňová, PhD

Lucia Kukľová Zuzana Vargová, PhD

Pavol Meľuch Viktor Víglaský, PhD

Ján Novák Viera Vojteková, PhD

Vladimír Zeleňák, PhD


Jozef Adamčík, PhD Martin Humeník, PhD

Tatiana Bušová Mária Kožurková, PhD

Zuzana Curillova Danica Sabolová

Ivan Danihel, PhD Marcel Török, PhD

Ladislav Janovec, PhD Mária Vilková

Slávka Hamuľáková, PhD Martin Walko, PhD

Patrik Conka

PhD Students

Eva Balentová Lenka Piknová

Jana Baranová Monika Šoteková

Milan Burčák Magdaléna Šupicová

Patrik Danko Mária Repovská

Imrich Géci Monika Tóthová

Anton Kozák Timea Tóthová

Moussa Khlifa Nikoleta Urbanová

Miroslava Maľarová Andrea Zádrošová

Jana Paharová Gabriel Žoldák

Domestic Cooperation

CHEMKO Co., Strážske

Comenius University, Faculty of Science, Bratislava

Georganics Co., Bratislava

HSC Service Co., Bratislava

Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica

Merck Ind-Lab, Co., Bratislava

Research Institute for Soil Fertility, Bratislava

Rhodia Industrial Yarns Slovakia, Co., Humenné

Slovak Academy of Sciences: Institute of Chemistry, Bratislava, Institute of Experimental Physics, Košice, Institute of Material Research, Košice, Institute of Physiology of Livestock, Košice

Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Bratislava

Synkola Co., Bratislava

Technical University, Faculty of Metallurgy, Košice

TEHO Co., Košice

Foreign Partners

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Institute of Biophysics, Brno, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Prague, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prague, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic

Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

Department of Human Biological Chemistry and Genetics, Galveston, USA

Eötvös L. University Budapest, Hungary

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University, Greifswald, Germany

F. Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA

Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany

Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic

Novartis AG, Switzerland

Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

Pedagogical Academy Graz, Austria

Pedagogical Institute Linz, Austria

Pedagogical Academy Vienna, Austria

Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland

Syngenta/Novartis AG, Basel, Switzerland

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

University of Bayreuth, Germany

University of Bologna, Italy

University of Cairo, Egypt

University of Catania, Italy

University of Duisburg, Germany

University of Lausanne, Switzerland

University of Liverpool, UK

University of Münster, Germany

University of Parma, Italy

University of Peruggia, Italy

University of Poitiers, France

University of Sapporo, Japan

University of Strasburg, France

University Texas, USA

University of Turku, Finland

University of Vienna, Austria

University of Venice, Italy

University of York, Canada

University of Zagreb, Croatia

University of Zürich, Switzerland

Research Projects

Investigation of selected equilibria for using in analytical chemistry including speciation analysis.

VEGA 1/0448/03

(Vasil Andruch, 01/2003 – 12/2005)

Coordination oligomers and polymers with unconventional magnetic properties.

VEGA 1/0477/03

(Juraj Černák, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Further education of chemistry teachers with the use of distant educational technology.

KEGA 3/106403

(Mária Ganajová, 01/2003 – 12/2005)

Innovation of education in science and mathematics at elementary and secondary schools within the program Milenium.

KEGA 3/115803

(Mária Ganajová, 09/2003 – 12/2005)

New technologies suporting the development in chemistry and biology education at elementary and secondary schools.

KEGA 3/3004/05

(Mária Ganajová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Steroselective synthesis of antitumor, antibacterial and antifungal nucleoside analogs (+)-myriocin and (-)-sphingofungin E.

VEGA 1/2472/05

(Jozef Gonda, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

High benefit polymeric materials-relationship between the structure and properties of heterogenic polymeric systems.

APVT-99-013704/03VUCHV project

(Jozef Gonda, 01/2005 – 12/2006)

The study of Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of New Zinc(II) Coordination Compounds with Predicted Biological Activity

VEGA 1/2474/05

(Katarína Győryová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Anticancerogenic drugs-alternative DNA motifs interactions.

APVT-20-006604 project

(Martin Humeník, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

New Combined Acridine Heterocycles Interesting From Point of their Antimicrobial and Antitumour Activity.

VEGA 1/2471/05

(Ján Imrich, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

The study of cooperative phenomena and strong electron correlation in compounds containing f-elements.

VEGA 2/4050/24

(Adam Košturiak, 01/2004 - 12/2006)

Study of a novel domino reaction in the stereoselective synthesis of the antituberculous agents of a new generation.

VEGA 1/0446/03

(Miroslava Martinková, 01/2003 – 12/2005)

New ideas in hyphenation of selected chromatographic and spectrometric methods.

VEGA 1/0445/03

(Andrej Oriňák, 01/2003 – 12/2005)

The elimination voltammetry applying at the study of electrolytic deposition mechanism of metal coating on solid electrodes.

SR/ČR 046/2004

(Renáta Oriňáková, 01/2004 - 12/2005)

Modification of the surface of powder particles by electrochemical plating of multilayers and polymer coatings.

VEGA 1/2118/05

(Renáta Oriňáková, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Interaction of nucleic acids, anthracyclines, anticancerostatic agents.

VEGA 1/1274/04

(Dušan Podhradský, 01/2004 - 12/2006)

Pentacoordinated copper compounds with potential biological activity.

VEGA 1/2470/05

(Ivan Potočňák, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Research of the materials on the basis of inclusion compounds and possibility of their application.

VEGA 1/1385/04

(Mária Reháková, 01/2004 - 12/2006)

Analysis of oligosaccharides and peptides by both TLC and MALDI TOF MS.

SR/ČR 047/2004

(Katarína Reiffová, 1/2004 - 12/2005)

Modulation of structural and functional properties of flavoprotein oxidases from thermophile Thermus thermophilus and mezophile Aspergillus niger by changing properties of solvent.

VEGA 1/0432/03

(Erik Sedlák, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Biochemistry and structural analysis of biomacromolecules workplaces innovation -spectrofluorimetry technique upgrade.

Develop. UP 8/2005

(Erik Sedlák, 05/2005 – 05/2006)

Effect of polyanions on structure, stability and solubility of proteins.

VEGA 1/1272/04

(Nataša Tomášková, 01/2004 - 12/2006)

Selected Results

1/0445/03 (doc. A. Oriňák): In third year of research project evaluation it was studied coupling of HPLC systém with analyse deposition onto well defined surfaces. In details was described procedure of surfaces selection as well pre-treatment of these surfaces. These surfaře have characteristic structure, an advantage is nanostructure. This guaranties enhancement of analytical signal fropm different combined chromatographic systéme: uHPLC-TOF-SIMS, uHPLC-MALDI-TOF-MS, uHPLC-SERS. Confirmed was the higher selektivity and sensitivity of mentioned coupled methods . Project will continue in optimization of HPLC process parametrs, deposition process as well with analytes identification on different surfaces, in different coupled systéme.

1/0447/03 (prof. J. Černák): New polymeric bimetallic coordination compounds based on cyano ligands, N-donor ligands and central atoms Cu-Ni, Cu-Pd, Cu-Pt, Cu-Ag, Ni-Ni, Ni-Pd, Zn-Ni, Cd-Ni, Cd-Fe and Co-Fe, were prepared and structurally characterized. Magnetic studies of this class of compounds revealed the important role of hydrogen bonds in mediation of magnetic interactions. Atmospheric CO2 was incorporated in the structure of polymeric compound Zn2(tn)2(CO3)Ni(CN)4.H2O. (V.Petříček et al., ACTA CRYSTALLOGR. B61(2005) 280-286, J.Černák et al., POLYHEDRON 24(2005) 579-584)

1/1274/04 (prof. D. Podhradský): During solving of the project were achieved significant scientific results published in international journals. 1)Recombinant plasmids containig palindromic sequences by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis have been analysed. 2)DNA intercalating agent binds into the DNA by either reversible or irreversible manner in restect of the temperature increase. (V.Víglaský et al., ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 343(2)(2005) 308-312, P.Danko et al., JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL METHODS (2005) 89-95)

1/1385/04 (doc. M. Reháková): Possibility of application of natural zeolite of the clinoptilolite type from East-Slovakian deposit in Nižný Hrabovec in agriculture and ecology for sorption of heavy metal residua and other toxic substances from contamined soils in industrial areas. The results were obtained in cooperation with CHEMKO, a.s. Strážske (CHEMZA) and ZEOCEM,a.s. Bystré. (M.Reháková et al., CURRENT OPINION IN SOLID STATE & MATERIALS SCIENCE (8)(2004) 397-404, E.Chmielewska et al., Chemistry for the protection of the environment 4 59(2005) 5-21)

SR/ČR 046/2004 (R. Oriňáková): The detailed mechanism of electrolytical deposition of Ni coating on paraffin impregnated graphite electrode from chloride electrolyte was proposed. Positively-charged NiCl+ ions were found to be the elctroactive particles in the reduction mechanism. Kinetically-controlled adsorption/desorption processes of various species were confirmed using elimination voltammetry. The presence of boric acid at a sufficiently high concentration inhibits the deposition of Ni and improves the morphology and adhesion of the deposited Ni layer.

1/2118/05 (R. Oriňáková): The anomalous codeposition was confirmed for electrochemical deposition of Ni-Co alloys on Fe powder using cyclic voltammetry with a paraffin impregnated graphite electrode as a working electrode. The rate of binary alloy deposition increases with increasing cobalt ions concentration but it decreases with increasing nickel ions concentration in electrolyte solution. The optimal suspension density for the charge transfer in the fluidised bed electrode was determined during electrolytic coating of iron powder particles with binary Ni-Co layer by EIS measurements. The conduction of the electric current through the dispersed phase of the fluidised bed for studied range of suspension density was explained to be due to the convective mechanism.Conditions for Cu/Ni-Cu multilayer coatings preparation were optimised by the study of polarization curves of single electrolytes, consisting one

1/2472/05 (prof. J. Gonda): A convergent synthesis of 1-(b-D-glucopyranosyl)-, 1-(b-D-mannopyranosyl)- and 1-(b-D-ribofuranosyl)benzocamalexin was elaborated by treatment of 1,2-anhydrosaccharides and 1,2-cyclic sulfites as glycosyl donors with sodium or potassium salt of benzocamalexin. Natural products 1-(b-D-glucopyranosyl)brassinin and 9-(b-D-glucopyranosyl)cyclobrassinin as well as nucleoside analogs of another indole phytoalexins brassenin A and brassitin were prepared by linear synthesis using 1-(b-D-glycosyl)indol-3-ylmethyl amines as the key intermediates.[1] A stereoselective synthesis of a new conformationally constrained C-glycoamino acids building block from D-glugose was elaborated. [2] (M.Humeník et al., COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 70(4)(2005) 487-506, J.Gonda et al., CHEMICAL PAPERS-CHEMICKE ZVESTI 59(2)(2005) 113-116)

1/2474/05 (prof. K. Györyová): We have prepared a new zinc(II) aromatic carboxylates with general formula :(RCOO)2Zn.Ln (R: benzoate, salicylate, cinnamate and their derivatives; L: nikotinamide, metyl-3-pyridylcarbamate, phenazone, theobromine etc.) and studied their spectral and thermal properties. The thermodynamic stability of the zinc(II) macrocyclic (1,4,7,10 – tetraazacyclododecane) complexes with heterocyclic ligands in dependence of pH in aqueous solution was determinated. The structure of some complex compounds was studied by single crystal XRD.

1/2470/05 (doc. I. Potočňák): 1. Several compounds of Cu(L)2Pt(CN)4 type were prepared (L are bidentate amine ligands) and crystal structures for compounds with L = ethylenediamine and N,N-dimethylethylenediamine were solved. Magnetic properties of these compounds have been investigated with the aim to compare these results with the results obtained for Cu(L)2Ni(CN)4 compounds.2. Known crystal structures of several Cu(II) compounds with dicyanamide and nitrosodicyanmethanide revealed ionic character of these complexes. The shape of coordination polyhedra in these complexes has been studied with the aim to reveal reasons of different deformation of this shape.3. Biological activity for Cu(II) compounds with dicyanamide has been studied. The obtained results indicate antibacterial and cytostatic activity of these compounds.

IE.B100105 EC JRC (doc. A. Oriňák): The final report from this short-time project has been sent in May 2005. In details describes pyrolysis degaradtion of wastes, biomass and production of hydrogen containing gaseous phase. This is used in hydrogen technologie. Report contains also procesess of hydrogen production, separation and clearing in hydrogen rich systém.

Selected Publications

Antalík, Marián - Jancura, Daniel - Palmer, G. - Fabian, M.: A role for the protein in internal electron transfer to the catalytic center of cytochrome C oxidase: BIOCHEMISTRY (44)(2005) 14881-14889

Ádámová, Monika - Oriňák, Andrej - Halás, Ladislav: Retention indices as identification tool in pyrolysis-capillary gas chromatography: JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 1087(2005) 131-141

Balogh, Iosheph - Molnár, J. - Andruch, Vasiľ: Extraction in the Ni(II) – Organic ligand – Polymethine Dye – Organic Solvent System and its Application for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel.: CHEMICAL PAPERS-CHEMICKE ZVESTI (5)(2005) 343-346

Balogh, Iosheph - Andruch, Vasiľ: 1,3,3-Trimethyl-2-[3-(1,3,3-trimethyl-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-ylidene)-propenyl]-3H-indolium chloride a Highly Sensitive Reagent for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Selenium.: CHEMICAL PAPERS-CHEMICKE ZVESTI (5)(2005) 347-349

Bekešová, Slávka - Čmelík, Richard - Humeník, Martin - Kutschy, Peter - Kováčik, Vladimír: ESI Ion Trap multistage and MALDI-TOF MS study of protonated per-O-acetyl indole glucosides: CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA 50(2005) 223-233

Burčák, Milan - Potočňák, Ivan - Massa, Werner - Jäger, Lothar: Low-dimensional compounds containing cyano groups. XII. Bis(1,3-diaminopropane-k2N,N')-(dicyanamido-kN1)copper(II) perchlorate: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 61(2005) 353-355

Černák, Juraj - Ferencová, Bibiana - Žák, Zdirad: First example of atmospheric carbon dioxide uptake by a cyanocomplex: Preparation and structural characterization of Zn2(tn)2(CO3)Ni(CN)4.H2O (tn = 1,3-diaminopropane): POLYHEDRON 24(2005) 579-584

Danko, Patrik - Kozák, Anton - Podhradský, Dušan - Víglaský, Viktor: Analysis of DNA intercalating drugs by TGGE: JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL METHODS (2005) 89-95

Fedurco, Milan - Augustynski, Jan - Indiani, Chiara - Smulevich, Giulietta - Antalík, Marián - Bánó, Mikuláš - Sedlák, Erik - Glascock, Mary C. - Dawson, John D.: Electrochemistry of Unfolded Cytochrome c in Neutral and Acidic Urea Solutions: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127(20)(2005) 7638-7646

Géci, Imrich - Valtamo, Pauliina - Imrich, Ján - Kivelä, Henri - Kristián, Pavol - Pihlaja, Kalevi: Regiospecific synthesis, structure and electron ionization mass spectra of 1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones containing the acridine skeleton: JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY 42(5)(2005) 907-918

Györyová, Katarína - Kovářová, Jana - Chomič, Jozef: Thermal Behaviour of Zinc(II) 5-Chlorosalicylate Complex Compounds: JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 80(2005) 375-380

Halás, Ladislav - Oriňák, Andrej - Abubaker, Sharif - Ádámová, Monika - Ladomerský, Juraj: Bioaccumulation study of acrylates in algae (Chlorella kessleri) by Py-GC and Py-GC/MS: Central European Journal of Chemistry 3(3)(2005) 570-582

Hritzová, Oľga - Černák, Juraj - Šafař, Peter - Frohlichová, Zdenka - Csoregh, Ingeborg: Furan derivatives of substituted phenylthiourea: spectral studies, semi-empirical quantum-chemical calculations and X-ray structure analyses: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 743(2005) 29-48

Humeník, Martin - Kutschy, Peter - Valková, Katarína - Horváth, Branislav - Kováčik, Vladimír - Bekešová, Slávka: Synthesis of 1-beta-D-Glucopyranosides of 6-Substituted-(1H-indol-3-yl)benzothiazoles: COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (2005) 72-84

Humeník, Martin - Kutschy, Peter - Kováčik, Vladimír - Bekešová, Slávka: 1,2-Anhydrosaccharides and 1,2-cyclic sulfites as saccharide donors in convergent synthesis of glucopyranosyl-, mannopyranosyl- and ribofuranosylbenzocamalexin, a new class of anticancer agents: COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 70(4)(2005) 487-506

Imrich, Ján - Vilková, Mária - Černák, Juraj: 2-(acridin-9-ylimino)-3-dimethylamino-1,3-thiazolidin-4-one: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 61(2005) 231-233

Kajňaková, Marcela - Orendáč, Martin - Orendáčová, Alžbeta - Vlček, Alexander - Černák, Juraj - Kravchyna, Oxana V. - Anders, Alexander G. - Park, Ju-Hyun - Feher, Alexander - Meisel, Mark W.: Cu(H2O)2(C2H8N2)SO4: A quasi-two dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferomagnet.: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71(2005) 014435-1-014435-7

Kladeková, Daniela - Gálová, Miriam - Pikna, Ľubomír: Voltammetric Investigation of the Oxidation of Iron Powder: PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 23(2)(2005) 189-199

Klika, Karel D. - Imrich, Ján - Danihel, Ivan - Böhm, Stanislav - Kristián, Pavol - Hamuľáková, Slávka - Pihlaja, Kalevi - Koch, Andreas - Kleinpeter, Erich: Configuration and E/Z interconversion machanism of O(S)-allyl-S(O)-methyl-N-(acridin-9-yl)iminothiocarbonate: MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 43(2005) 380-388

Monde, Kenji - Taniguchi, Tohru - Miura, Nobuaki - Kutschy, Peter - Čurillová, Zuzana - Pilátová, Martina - Mojžiš, Ján: Chiral cruciferous phytoalexins: Preparation, absolute configuration, and biological activity: BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 13(2005) 5206-5212

Orendáčová, Alžbeta - Kajňaková, Marcela - Černák, Juraj - Park, Ju-Hyun - Čižmár, Erik - Orendáč, Martin - Vlček, Alexander - Kravchyna, Oxana V. - Anders, Alexander G. - Feher, Alexander - Meisel, Mark W.: Hydrogen bond mediated magnetism in [Cu(en)2(H2O)][Cu(en)2Ni2Cu2(CN)10]·2H2O.: CHEMICAL PHYSICS 309(2005) 115-125

Oriňák, Andrej - Arlinghaus, Heinrich F - Vering, Guido - Oriňáková, Renáta - Hellweg, Sebastian: Introduction to time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry application in chromatographic analysis: JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 1084(2005) 113-118

Oriňák, Andrej - Vering, Guido - Arlinghaus, Heinrich F - Andersson, Jan T. - Halás, Ladislav - Oriňáková, Renáta: New Approaches to Coupling TLC with TOF-SIMS: JPC-JOURNAL OF PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY-MODERN TLC 18(2005) 44-50

Petříček, Václav - Dušek, Michal - Černák, Juraj: Modulated one-dimensional structure of [Cd(NH3)3Ni(CN)4]: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION B-STRUCTURAL SCIENCE 61(2005) 280-286

Pilátová, Martina - Šarišský, M - Kutschy, Peter - Miroššay, Andrej - Mezencev, Roman - Čurillová, Zuzana - Suchý, Mojmír - Monde, Kenji - Miroššay, Ladislav - Mojžiš, Ján: Cruciferous phytoalexins: antiproliferative effects in T-Jurkat leukemic cells: LEUKEMIA RESEARCH (2005) 415-421

Potočňák, Ivan - Burčák, Milan - Baran, Peter - Jäger, Lothar: Low-dimensional compounds containing cyano groups. XI. Preparation, crystal structure and properties of two copper(II) dicyanamide complexes with PF6– anions: TRANSITION METAL CHEMISTRY 30(2005) 889-896

Shkumbatiuk, Roman - Bazel, Yaroslav - Andruch, Vasiľ - Török, Marcel: Investigation of 2-[(E)-2-(4-diethylaminophenyl)-1-ethenyl]-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium Chloride as a New Highly Sensitive Reagent for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrophenols.: ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 382(6)(2005) 1431-1437

Shkumbatiuk, Roman - Bazeľ, Yaroslav - Andruch, Vasiľ - Török, Marcel: Investigation of 2-[(E)-2-(4-diethylaminophenyl)-1-ethenyl]-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium as a New Highly Sensitive Reagent for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrophenols: ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 382(6)(2005) 1431-1437

Strečka, Jozef - Jaščur, Michal - Hagiwara, Masayuki - Narumi, Yasuo - Kuchár, Juraj - Kimura, Shoji - Kindo, Koichi: Magnetic behavior of a spin-1 dimer: model system for homodinuclear nickel(II) complexes: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 60(10)(2005) 1828-1837

Šupicová, Magdaléna - Oriňáková, Renáta - Kupková, Miriam - Kabátová, Margita: Electolytical modification of Fe hollow spheres by Cu, Ni and Ni-Cu binary coatings: SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 195(2005) 130-137

Telepčáková, Monika - Andruch, Vasiľ - Balogh, Iosheph: Indirect Extraction-spectrophotometric Determination of Chromium: CHEMICAL PAPERS-CHEMICKE ZVESTI (2)(2005) 109-112

Víglaský, Viktor - Danko, Patrik - Adamčík, Jozef - Valle, Francesco - Dietler, Giovanni: Detection of Cruciform extrusion in DNA by temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis: ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 343(2)(2005) 308-312

Vojteková, Viera - Mackových, Daniela - Krakovská, Erika: Evaluation of As and Sb Mobility in Contaminated Stream Sediments: Microchimica Acta 150(3-4)(2005) 261-268

Zeleňák, Vladimír - Vargová, Zuzana - Györyová, Katarína - Večerníková, Eva - Balek, Vladimír: Copper(II) acetates with aliphatic / heterocyclic amines: a coupled TG-DTA-EGA study, IR characterization and structure correlation: JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 82(3)(2005) 747-754

Zeleňák, Vladimír - Hornebecq, Virginie - Llewellyn, Philip: Zinc(II)-benzoato complexes immobilized in mesoporous silica host: MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 83(2005) 125-135

Žoldák, Gabriel - Musatov, Andrej - Stupák, Marek - Sprinzl, Mathias - Sedlák, Erik: pH-Induced Changes in Activity and Conformation of NADH Oxidase from Thermus thermophilus: GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS 24(2005) 279-298


Director: Assoc. Prof. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD

Deputy Director: Assoc. Prof. Gabriela Andrejková, PhD

1 Address: Institute of Computer Science

Jesenná 5 / Park Angelinum 9, 041 54 Košice


3 Contact: Tel.: ++421-55-6220949, 6221128-9

4 6221926-28

Fax: ++421-55-6222124

e-mail: ui@upjs.sk

Secretary: Zlatica Seilerová

5 Professors: Viliam Geffert, DSc

Peter Vojtáš, DSc

Assoc. Professors: Gabriela Andrejková, PhD

Miroslav Repický, PhD

Gabriel Semanišin, PhD

Assist. Professors:

Peter Eliáš, PhD Miroslav Ploščica, PhD

2 Jozef Jirásek, PhD Milan Schmotzer, PhD

Stanislav Krajči, PhD Ľubomír Šnajder, PhD

Rastislav Lencses ,PhD Jozef Studenovský, PhD

Peter Mlynarčík Alexander Szabari

Tomáš Horváth Ján Guniš

Rastislav Krivoš-Belluš Eva Trenklerová

Vladimír Lacko, PhD


Assist. Researchers: Marián Andrejko

Technical staff: Katarína Mičková

Ladislav Pálfi

Jozef Mičko

1 PhD Students:

4 Ľudovít Hvizdoš Miroslav Levický

Ľubomíra Ištoňová Peter Gurský

František Galčík Róbert Novotný

Marián Novotný Michal Mati

Jozef Oravec Jana Pribolová

Domestic Cooperation:

VSL Software Ltd., Košice

US Steel Košice, Educational and Counselling Centre, Košice, Informatics Co., Košice

pFlow Ltd.

Siemens-PSE Ltd.

IBM Ltd. 

Ness-Slovakia Ltd.

Novitex - TAX, Ltd.

ToryConsulting Ltd.

BPM Consulting Ltd.

T-Systems, Ltd.

Rasax Ltd.

Novisoft Ltd.

Foreign Cooperation:

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Computer Science, Czech Republic

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic

Technical University Vienna, Austria

University of Bonn, Germany

University of Malaga, Spain

University of Milano, Italy

UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa

Research Projects

Combinatorial structures and complexity of algorithms.

VEGA 1/0425/03

(Viliam Geffert, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Intelligent search, retrieval and processing of information.

VEGA 1/0385/03

(Peter Vojtáš, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Theory and applications of relational structures as knowledge instruments.

COST 274/3

(Peter Vojtáš, 01/2002 - 12/2005)

Educational Projects

E-learning support for university training and postgraduate studies.

KEGA 3/2391/04

(Ľubomír Šnajder, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Selected Results

VEGA 1/0425/03 (prof. V. Geffert)

Publication [G.Franceschini, V.Geffert: An in-place sorting with O(n.log n) comparisons and O(n) moves, Journal of the ACM, ACM Press, 2005, Vol.52, No.4, pp.515-537] contains the following result: We design a first in-place algorithm for sorting an array of size n that performs, in the worst case, at most O(n.log n) element comparisons and O(n) element transports. This solves a long-standing open problem, stated explicitly, e.g., in [J.I.Munro and V.Raman, Sorting with minimum data movement, J.Algorithms, 13, 374-93, 1992], of whether there exists a sorting algorithm that matches the asymptotic lower bounds on all computational resources simultaneously.

VEGA 1/0385/03 (prof. P. Vojtáš)

Publication [Krajči S.: A generalized concept lattice, Journal of IGPL 2005 13(5) 543-550] contains the following result: We describe a new approach to fuzzify a concept lattice and we show that it is a generalization and common platform for so far known approaches: a classical crisp Ganter & Wille case, a fuzzy Pollandt and Bělohlávek’s one and an one-sided fuzzy concept lattice. We define appropriate (symmetric) mappings and show that they form a Galois connection. Moreover we show that these mappings generate a complete lattice.

MVTS COST 274/3 TARSKI (prof. P. Vojtáš)

Main contribution of our team is development of methods of fuzzy relational structures. This includes both inductive and deductive formal models and experimental implementations. We point out heuristics for finding best (top-k) answers, published in [P. Gurský, R. Lencses, P. Vojtáš. Algorithms for user dependent integration of ranked distributed information, in TCGOV 2005 Poster Proceedings,  M. Boehlen et al eds. IFIP - Universitaetsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Laxenburg, ISBN 3-85487-787-0, 2005, pp. 123-130]

Selected Publications

1. Farrugia, Alastair - Mihók, Peter - Richter, R. Bruce - Semanišin, Gabriel: Factorisations and characterisations of induced-hereditary and compositive properties: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY 49(1)(2005) 11-27

2. Franceschini, G. - Geffert, Viliam: An in-place sorting with O(n.log n) comparisons and O(n) moves: JOURNAL OF THE ACM 52(4)(2005) 515-537

3. Jirásek, Jozef: Arc Reversal in Nonhamiltonian Circulant Oriented Graphs: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY (49)(2005) 59-68

4. Jirásek, Jozef - Jirásková, Galina - Szabari, Alexander: State complexity of concatenation and complementation: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 16(3)(2005) 511-529

5. Geffert, Viliam - Mereghetti, C. - Pighizzini, G.: Complementing two-way finite automata: Developments in Language Theory (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3572) 3572(2005) 260-271

6. Horváth, Tomáš - Vojtáš, Peter: Fuzzy Induction via Generalized Annotated Programs: Computational intelligence, Theory and Applications, 29.Sep. - 1.Oct 2004, Dortmund, Germany (2005) 419-433

7. Hricko, Marek - Jirásková, Galina - Szabari, Alexander: Union and Intersection of Regular Languages and Descriptional Complexity: Proceedings of Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, June 30 - July 2, 2005, Como, Italy (2005) 170-181

8. Lencses, Rastislav: Indexing for Information Retrieval System supported with Relational Database: Conference Sofsem 2005, Slovakia, January 2005, Proc. Vojtáš et al. (eds.): Sofsem 2005 Communications, Bratislava 2004, 81-90 (2005) 81-90

9. Geffert, Viliam: (Non)determinism and the size of one-way finite automata: Proceedings of Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, June 30 - July 2, 2005, Como, Italy (2005) 23-37

10. Vojtáš, Peter - Bieliková, Mária - Sýkora, Ondrej - Charron-Bost, Bernadette (editori): SOFSEM 2005, Proceedings, Theory and Practice of Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3381), Jan 22-28 2005, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia: Springer Verlag Berlin(2005) ISBN 3-540-24302-X

Institute of GEOGRAPHY

Director: Assoc. Prof. Zdenko Hochmuth, PhD

Deputy Directors: Assoc. Prof. Peter Spišiak, PhD

Vladimíra Tomášiková

Address: Institute of Geography

Jesenná 5, 040 01 Košice

Contact: Tel.: ++421-55-6258594, 6221128-190

Fax: ++421-55-6222124

e-mail: ug@upjs.sk

Secretary: Lucia Pachingerová

Professors: Ján Košťálik, DSc

Assoc. Professors: Zdenko Hochmuth, PhD

Peter Spišiak, PhD

Assist. Professors: Dušan Barabas, PhD

Katarína Bónová

Janetta Dická

Anton Fogaš

Valéria Hochmuthová

Marián Kulla

Viktória Kandráčová

Researchers: Vladimíra Tomášiková

Domestic Cooperation:

Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Bratislava, Košice

Slovak Speleological Society, Liptovský Mikuláš

Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology, Liptovský Mikuláš

Foreign Partners:

Institut für Geographie, Universität zu Köln, Germany

M. C. Sklodowska University, Department of Physical Geography and Paleography, Lublin, Poland

Nyíregyházi Főiskola, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Hungary

Research Projects

Natural landscape of Slovak karst and display of its anthropogenic transformation.

VEGA 1/0365/03

(Zdenko Hochmuth, 01/2003 – 12/2005)

The special features of development and spatial differentiation of the human geographic structures in the region of Košice

VEGA 1/2024/05

(Marián Kulla, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Changes of Agri-Rural Structures In Slovakia In European Context

VEGA 1/0008/03

(Peter Spišiak, 01/2003 – 12/2005)

Selected Results

1/0365/03 (doc. Zdenko Hochmuth): In the framework resolution our problematic has been adjusting the methodics of mapping provincial cover in particular coefficient scale (1:5000, 1:10 000) and then applied at the area of mapping in all skin karst false. Actual exploit age the countries herself evaluate. Examination blow-by-blow cast up design herself ascertain, that these be able to capacity utilization about as display any geomorphologic processes. Herewith herself proved realia, indeterminable area above ground mapping. In the karst hydrology region herself particularize any dependencies climatic processes about authoritarianism karst fillet and surface flow. Specify herself data about course underground water karst circulation. Mapping productive and non-productive activities in the villages about area Slovak karst assistance to knowledge capital anticipation for the development tourist trade in these region.

(HOCHMUTH, Z., 2005: Transformácia krajiny Slovenského krasu ako prejav celospoločenských zmien posledných decénií. Zmeny v štruktúre krajiny ako reflexia súčasných spoločenských zmien v strednej a východnej Európe. Zborník z III. medzinárodného geografického kolokvia, Danišovce 10.-11.11. 2005, Vydavateľstvo UPJŠ, Košice, 47–52, ISBN 80-7097-623-3; TOMÁŠIKOVÁ, V., HOCHMUTH, Z., 2005: Problematika metodiky mapovania zmien krasovej krajiny na príklade Silickej planiny v Slovenskom krase. Fyzickogeografický sborník 3. Fyzická geografie – krajinná ekologie – trvalá udržitelnost. Příspěvky z 22. výroční konference Fyzickogeografické sekce České geografické společnosti konané 14. a 15. února 2005 v Brně, 49–54, ISBN 80-210-3931-0.)

1/2024/05 (Marián Kulla): In the first part of the project we were collecting the literature and sources of data and basic information about the selected region. We were joing co-operation with Statistical office, other offices of the government, with the office of the Mayor of Košice, Magistrate of the city, regional government, SA ŽP and others. We were starting the terrain research, which was oriented on localisation of buseness activities in the regional centre, Košice, in the close surroundings of the city (specifically Košice IV region). We are observed development of the industry in the period of transformation and possibilities of recreation for Košice region too. The results were published on various conferences, science magazines and papers in Slovakia and abroad. (KULLA, M. 2005: Priemysel Košíc – minulosť, súčasnosť a budúcnosť. Geografické aspekty strědoevropského prostoru, Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy university z 13. mezinárodní konference v Brně, 6. – 7. září 2005, 183, XVI, 826–832, ISBN 80-210-3759-8; SPIŠIAK, P., 2005: Vybrané aspekty cestovného ruchu Košíc. Zmeny v štruktúre krajiny ako reflexia súčasných spoločenských zmien v strednej a východnej Európe. Zborník z III. medzinárodného geografického kolokvia, Danišovce 10.-11.11. 2005, Vydavateľstvo UPJŠ, Košice, 127–132, ISBN 80-7097-623-3.)

Selected Publications

BARABAS, D., 2005: Zmeny povrchových a podzemných vôd oblasti Jasova v rokoch 2001-2002. (Changes surface water and ground water Jasov area in period 2001-2002). Acta Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae, Geographica, Supplementum No. 3, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 25–30, ISBN 80-223-2144-3, ISSN 0231-715 X. (CD-ROM)

BARABAS, D., MEŽDEJOVÁ, A., 2005: Hodnotenie vplyvu zrážkovo odtokových vzťahov na úrodu vybraných druhov plodín v okrese Spišská Nová Ves za sledované obdobie 1995 – 2003. (Influence precipitation-discharge relation on the crops select commodity produce in department Spišská Nová Ves in the period 1995 – 2003). Geografické aspekty strědoevropského prostoru, Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy university z 13. mezinárodní konference v Brně, 6. – 7. září 2005, 183, XVI, 14–23, ISBN 80-210-3759-8.

BÓNOVÁ, K., 2005: Mineralógia, petrológia a P-T podmienky kryštalizácie andezitových telies Maliniak a Lysá stráž formácie Lysá stráž – Oblík, východné Slovensko. (Mineralogy, petrology and P-T conditions of magma crystallization of the andezite bodies Maliniak and Lysá stráž from Lysá stráž – Oblík Formation, Eastern Slovakia). Mineralia Slovaca, 4, 37 Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra – Regionálne centrum Košice, 503–512, ISSN 0369-2086.

BÓNOVÁ, K., 2005: Prehľad spôsobov výstupu a umiestnenia granitoidných telies v zemskej kôre. (A review of the ascent and emplacement of granitoid bodies into the crust). Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 1, 10, Fakulta BERG, Technická univerzita Košice, 19–24, ISSN 1335-1788.

DICKÁ, J., 2005: Funkčná intraurbánna štruktúra mesta Snina. (Function classification of the city Snina). Acta Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae, Geographica, Supplementum No. 3, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 106–114, ISBN 80-223-2144-3, ISSN 0231-715 X. (CD-ROM)

DICKÁ, J., 2005: Priestorový rozvoj mesta Košice. (Spatial development of the city Košice). Geografické aspekty strědoevropského prostoru, Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy university z 13. mezinárodní konference v Brně, 6. – 7. září 2005, 183, XVI, 160–187, ISBN 80-210-3759-8.

FOGAŠ, A., 2005: Euro-stredomorské partnerstvo - história a súčasnosť. (Euro-Mediterranean Partnership - history and present). Acta Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae, Geographica, Supplementum No. 3, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 127–133, ISBN 80-223-2144-3, ISSN 0231-715 X. (CD-ROM)

FOGAŠ, A., 2005: Jaskyne ako hlavné atraktivity cestovného ruchu v NP Slovenský kras a v Aggtelekskom národnom parku. (The Caves as the main attractions of Tourism in Slovak karst national park and in Aggteleki national park). Zmeny v štruktúre krajiny ako reflexia súčasných spoločenských zmien v strednej a východnej Európe. Zborník z III. medzinárodného geografického kolokvia, Danišovce 10.-11.11. 2005, Vydavateľstvo UPJŠ, Košice, 33–38, ISBN 80-7097-623-3.

HOCHMUTH, Z., 2005: Transformácia krajiny Slovenského krasu ako prejav celospoločenských zmien posledných decénií. (Transformation of Slovak karst Countryside as a demonstration of all - Society changes of last decades). Zmeny v štruktúre krajiny ako reflexia súčasných spoločenských zmien v strednej a východnej Európe. Zborník z III. medzinárodného geografického kolokvia, Danišovce 10.-11.11. 2005, Vydavateľstvo UPJŠ, Košice, 47–52, ISBN 80-7097-623-3.

TOMÁŠIKOVÁ, V., HOCHMUTH, Z., 2005: Problematika metodiky mapovania zmien krasovej krajiny na príklade Silickej planiny v Slovenskom krase. (Problems of methodology of mapping changes in a karst landscape for instance of Silica plain in the Slovak karst). Fyzickogeografický sborník 3. Fyzická geografie – krajinná ekologie – trvalá udržitelnost. Příspěvky z 22. výroční konference Fyzickogeografické sekce České geografické společnosti konané 14. a 15. února 2005 v Brně, 49–54, ISBN 80-210-3931-0.

KANDRÁČOVÁ, V., 2005: Transformácia pracovnej mobility obyvateľstva v okrese Prešov v rokoch 1961-2001. (Typology of commuting in the district of Prešov (1961-2001)). Analýza dopravnej štruktúry v oblasti Národného parku Slovenský kras. Zmeny v štruktúre krajiny ako reflexia súčasných spoločenských zmien v strednej a východnej Európe. Zborník z III. medzinárodného geografického kolokvia, Danišovce 10.-11.11. 2005, Vydavateľstvo UPJŠ, Košice, 53–57, ISBN 80-7097-623-3.

KANDRÁČOVÁ, V., 2005: Doprava. Cestovný ruch, služby a zahraničný obchod. Humánnogeografické systémy. (Transport, Turism, services and international trade. Human geografical systems). In: IŠTOK, R., KANCÍR, J., KANDRÁČOVÁ, V., MÁDZIKOVÁ, A., MATLOVIČ, R., MICHAELI, E., NIŽNANSKÝ, B., POPJAKOVÁ, D.,: Geografia. 1000 úloh a riešení pre záujemcov o vysokoškolské štúdium, Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 84–98, ISBN 80-8068-329-8.

KOŠŤÁLIK, J., 2005: Paleorelief and plastsoles of the Slovak karst of west Karpathen. Természettudományi Közlemények 5, Nyíregyházi Föiskola Természettudományi Föiskolai Kar, Nyíregyháza, 179–187, ISSN 1587-7922.

KOŠŤÁLIK, J., 2005: Paleogeografia, reliéf a geoekologické problémy Slovenského krasu. (Paleogeography, Relief and Geoecological Problems of the Slovak karst). Fyzickogeografický sborník 3. Fyzická geografie – krajinná ekologie – trvalá udržitelnost. Příspěvky z 22. výroční konference Fyzickogeografické sekce České geografické společnosti konané 14. a 15. února 2005 v Brně, 43–48, ISBN 80-210-3931-0.

KULLA, M., DICKÁ, J., 2005: Typology of the settlements in National Park Slovak Karst by selected indikators of tourism development. Természettudományi Közlemények 5, Nyíregyházi Föiskola Természettudományi Föiskolai Kar, Nyíregyháza, 335–346, ISSN 1587-7922.

KULLA, M., 2005: Pozícia Bratislavy v hospodárskej štruktúre Slovenska. (Position of Bratislava in economic structure in Slovakia). Acta Facultatis Rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae, Geographica, Supplementum No. 3, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 319–326, ISBN 80-223-2144-3, ISSN 0231-715 X. (CD-ROM)

SPIŠIAK, P., a kolektív, 2005: Agrorurálne štruktúry Slovenska po roku 1989. (Agrorural structures of Slovakia after 1989). Geo-grafika, Bratislava, 186 s, ISBN 80-969338-4-1.

SPIŠIAK, P., 2005: Regionalization of tuorism in Slovakia. Természettudományi Közlemények 5, Nyíregyházi Föiskola Természettudományi Föiskolai Kar, Nyíregyháza, 363–369, ISSN 1587-7922.

TOMÁŠIKOVÁ, V., 2005: Priestorové rozloženie objektov individuálnej rekreácie na území Slovenského krasu. (Objects of individual recreation and their spatial distribution in the Slovak karst). Geografie, cestovní ruch a rekreace, Geografie, cestovní ruch a rekreace. Sborník referátů ze semináře pořádaného při příležitosti významného životního jubilea doc. JUDr. Stanislavy Šprincové, CSc., Olomouc 17.3.2005, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 105–114, ISBN 80-244-1221-7. (CD-ROM)

TOMÁŠIKOVÁ, V., 2005: Priestorové aspekty chalupárskej rekreácie na území Slovenského krasu. (Spatial aspects of the cottage recreation in the Slovak karst). Zmeny v štruktúre krajiny ako reflexia súčasných spoločenských zmien v strednej a východnej Európe. Zborník z III. medzinárodného geografického kolokvia, Danišovce 10.-11.11. 2005, Vydavateľstvo UPJŠ, Košice, 143–147, ISBN 80-7097-623-3.

Institute of MATHEMATICS

Director: Prof. Stanislav Jendroľ, DSc

Deputy Directors: Assoc. Prof. Katarína Cechlárová, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Mirko Horňák, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Judita Lihová, PhD

Divisions: Heads:

Division of Algebra and Geometry Assoc. Prof. Danica Studenovská, PhD

Division of Didactics of Mathematics Assoc Prof. Matúš Harminc, PhD

Division of Discrete Mathematics Assoc. Prof. Mirko Horňák, PhD

Division of Economical and

Financial Mathematics Assoc. Prof. Katarína Cechlárová, PhD

Division of Mathematical Analysis Assoc. Prof. Ján Ohriska, PhD

Address: Institute of Mathematics

Jesenná 5, 040 01 Košice

Contact: Tel.: ++421-55-6222944, 6221926

Fax: ++421-55-6222124

e-mail: umv@upjs.sk

Secretary: Zlatica Knapíková

Professors: Prof. Lev Bukovský, DSc

Prof. Stanislav Jendroľ, DSc

Assoc. Professors: Assoc. Prof. Zuzana Bukovská, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Katarína Cechlárová, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Matúš Harminc, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Mirko Horňák, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Ivančo, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Judita Lihová, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Božena Mihalíková, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Ján Ohriska, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Ploščica, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Roman Soták, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Danica Studenovská, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Dušan Šveda, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Žežula, PhD

Assist. Professors:

Igor Fabrici, PhD Vladimír Lacko, PhD

Jozef Haleš Stanislav Lukáč, PhD

Jana Hajduková , PhD Tomáš Madaras, PhD

Martina Hančová Ingrid Semanišinová

Štefan Kulcsár, PhD Valéria Skřivánková, PhD

Oľga Kulcsárová, PhD Milan Tuhársky

PhD Students:

Kristína Brezinová Viera Borbeľová

Radovan Engel Róbert Hajduk

František Kardoš Peter Katrenič

Daniel Klein Zuzana Kocková

Marek Kočan Ivana Kovárová

Barunka Missbachová Jozef Miškuf

Ivan Mojsej Peter Molnár

Janka Rudašová Jozef Sekerák

Andrea Semaničová Erika Škrabuľáková

Eva Trenklerová Renáta Ujháziová

Jana Zlámalová Antónia Žulová

Research Staff: Gabriela Nováková

Monika Onofrejová

Domestic Cooperation:

Comenius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Bratislava,

Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica,

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Bratislava,

Slovak Technical University, Bratislava,

Technical University, Košice,

University of Žilina, Faculty of Science, Žilina.

Foreign Partners:

AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland,

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic,

Hiroshima University, Japan,

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary,

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute, Budapest, Hungary,

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia,

J. E. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic,

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory for Computing Techniques and Automation, Dubna, Russia,

Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary,

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic,

Technical University, Braunschweig, Germany,

Technical University, Budapest, Hungary

Technical University, Dresden, Germany,

Technical University, Freiberg, Germany,

Technical University, Ilmenau, Germany,

Technical University, Klagenfurt, Austria,

Technical University, Milan, Italy,

Technical University, Warsaw, Poland,

Technical University, Vienna, Austria,

Technical University, Zielona Góra, Poland,

University of Berhampur, India,

University of Birmingham, UK,

University of Dundee, UK,

University of Grenoble, France,

University of Florence, Italy,

University of Ioannina, Greece,

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,

University of Louisville, USA,

University of Montreal, Canada,

University of Morgantown, USA,

University of Newcastle, Australia,

University of Odense, Denmark,

University of Veszprém, Hungary,

University of Washington, Seattle, USA,

University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic,

Vanderbilt Universit, Nashville, USA.

Research Projects

Methods of set theory in analysis and topology

VEGA 1/0427/03

(Lev Bukovský, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Asymptotic and oscillatory properties of higher order ordinary differential equations

VEGA 1/0426/03

(Jozef Džurina, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Actuarial sciences in nonlife insurance in Slovak conditions

VEGA 1/2630/05

(Jozef Fecenko, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Structure, colourings and embeddings of graphs

VEGA 1/0424/03

(Stanislav Jendroľ, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Internet explanatory dictionary of mathematical notions and its usage in teaching mathematics in elementary schools and in out-of-school activities

KEGA 3/3009/05

(Stanislav Jendroľ, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Methods of discrete mathematics and their applications

APVT-20-005204 project

(Stanislav Jendroľ, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Algebraic structures

VEGA 1/0423/03

(Danica Studenovská, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

E-learning support of mathematics teaching

KEGA 3/3007/05

(Dušan Šveda, 01/2005 - 12/2007)

Selected Results

1/0423/03 (doc. D. Studenovská): Generators of the clone of all compatible functions on bounded distributive lattices were described. This result was generalized for arbitrary distributive lattices (Order, to appear). There were found necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the subalgebra extension of one partial monounary algebra by means of another one; a constructive description of the extension is made (Czechoslovak Math.J., to appear). The notion of the weak factor of a lattice was introduced; the relation of this notion to the notion of an almost principle ideal was studied. There were found necessary and sufficient conditions under which a sublattice of a lattice is its weak direct factor (Math. Slovaca, to appear). There was shown that the Cauchy completion exists for each Archimedean l-group and that it is an l-subgroup of the Dedekind completion of the group (Math. Slovaca, to appear).

1/0424/03 (prof. S. Jendroľ): The development of the theory of light graphs has been contributed. It has been proved that every 3-connected graph G containing a path on k vertices (of order at least k) embedded into a surface of Euler characteristic χ contains also a k-vertex path (a connected subgraph of order k) maximum degree of which in G is bounded by a constant that depends only on k and χ. The constant has been exactly determined. Magic line graphs of general graphs have been characterised. Some bounds for the number of edges in supermagic graphs have been also established. New results concerning the structure of the lattice of additive hereditary properties of graphs and uniqueness of a factorisation of reducible properties into irreducible factors have been obtained. New results on achromatic invariants of specific graphs and on the existence of (5,q)-fulleroids with tetrahedral group of symmetries have been obtained.

1/0426/03 (doc. J. Džurina): Two infinite sequences of oscillation criteria for self-adjoint second order differential equation of the form (r(t)u'(t))'+p(t)u(t)=0 have been derived. One of them deals with the case when this equation is in canonical form (certain improper integral is divergent), and the other with the case when the equation is in non-canonical form (the same improper integral is convergent). There have been found differential equations for which the obtained sequences allocate such property that consecutive term of the sequence is better (more sensitive) than foregone one for detection of tested property. (J. Ohriska CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 55(2005) 349-363)

1/0427/03 (prof. L. Bukovský): It has been stated (on the basis of own previous results) the conjecture that every permitted set of trigonometric thin sets is small in a topological sense (perfectly meager), hence the existence of large permitted sets is undecidable in ZFC. A combinatorial characterization of relationships between such sets has been found and has enabled to prove this conjecture for Arbault sets and then for another trigonometric thin sets. A different proof of these results has been obtained by a strengthening of Erdős – Kunen – Mauldin theorem on so called additive sets. The mentioned results have been extended to systems generated by analytic groups of reals. Distributive properties of forcings of Sacks type have been examined. Some modifications of Scheepers' conjecture on equivalence of properties S1(Γ,Γ) and wQN have been proved. Ith has been shown that the heredity of several properties of topological spaces is equivalent to a classical property σ.

3/3007/05 (doc. D. Šveda): The analysis of educational content in viewpoint of LMS usage has been performed. The following e-learning courses have been created: 1. An application of IT into mathematics teaching – a compulsory subject for future mathematics teachers. The e-course enables to manage handled problems through an independent study. 2. Features of elementary functions and basics of differential calculus – an assistance course to the compulsory subject Informatics for mathematics teachers. 3. The club of mathematics teachers – a continuous yearly education of mathematics teachers. The administration of the course with e-content and students' outputs are in Moodle. 4. The didactics of mathematics – a compulsory subject for future mathematics teachers. Providing study materials and students' works are in Moodle. There have been created general models of solving cognitive tasks and problems, which fulfil claims of quality of e-tools: interactive help and feedback.

Selected Publications

Cechlárová, Katarína: Eigenvectors of interval matrices over max-plus algebra: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS 150(2005) 2-15

Jendroľ, Stanislav - Voss, H.-J.: Light subgraphs of order at most 3 in large maps of minimum degree 5 on compact 2-manifolds: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 26(2005) 457-471

Jendroľ, Stanislav - Voss, H.-J.: Two local and one global properties of 3-connected graphs on compact 2-dimensional manifolds: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B 93(2005) 1-21

Kráľ, Daniel - Madaras, Tomáš - Škrekovski, Riste: Cyclic, diagonal and facial colorings: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 3-4(26)(2005) 473-490

Ohriska, Ján: Problems with one quarter: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 55(2005) 349-363

Studenovská, Danica: Representation of connected monounary algebras by means of irreducibles: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 55(2005) 1067-1078

Studenovská, Danica: On a representation of monounary algebras: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 55(130)(2005) 157-164

Lihová, Judita: Convexities of Riesz groups: Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 30(2005) 71-85

Ploščica, Miroslav: Ideal lattices of locally matricial algebras: Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 30(2005) 123-134

Cechlárová, Katarína - Fleiner, Tamás: On a Generalization of the Stable Roommates Problem: ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1(1)(2005) 143-156

Ujháziová, Renáta - Kopka, Jan - Šveda, Dušan - Frobisher, Leonard: The Project Method and investigation in school mathematics: Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science

Institute of PHYSICS

Director: Assoc. Prof. Michal Jaščur, PhD

Deputy Directors: Assoc. Prof. Jozef Uličný, PhD

Assoc.. Prof. Peter Kollár , PhD

Departments: Heads:

Department of Biophysics Assoc. Prof. Jozef Uličný, PhD

Department of Physics of Condensed Matter Assoc. Prof. Peter Kollár, PhD

Department of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics Assist. Prof. Alexander Dirner, PhD

Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics Assoc. Prof. Michal Jaščur, PhD

Division of Didactics of Physics Assist. Prof. Marián Kireš, PhD

Address: Institute of Physics

Park Angelinum 9,

041 54 Košice

Contact: Tel.: ++421-55-6221128-29

Fax: ++421-55-6222124

e-mail: ufv@upjs.sk

Secretary: Katarína Rečlová

Jolana Šemráková

Professors: Andrej Bobák, DSc

Alexander Feher, DSc

Slavko Chalupka, PhD

Gabriela Martinská, PhD

Pavol Miškovský, DSc

Pavol Vojtaník, DSc

Assoc. Professors:

Denis Horváth, PhD Pavol Petrovič, PhD

Vladimír Ilkovič, PhD Pavol Sovák, PhD

Michal Jaščur, PhD Ľubomír Tóth, PhD

Peter Kollár, PhD Jozef Uličný, PhD

Vladimír Lisý, PhD Eva Vargová, PhD

Martin Orendáč, PhD Stanislav Vokál, DSc

Ján Degro, PhD

Assist. Professors:

Adela Kravčáková, PhD

Daniel Jancura, PhD Samuel Mockovčiak, PhD

Ľudmila Onderová PhD

Zuzana Ješková, PhD Tibor Švec, PhD

Marián Kireš, PhD Janka Vrláková

Marek Domaracký Viktor Michalčin

Pavel Farkaš, PhD Michal Paulíny, PhD

Mikuláš Kankula


Jozef Bednarčík Assoc. Prof. Michal Konč, PhD

Branislav Brutovský, PhD Silvia Kočanová

Jaroslav Človečko Pavel Murín, PhD

Jozef Černák, PhD Ján Mušinský

Erik Čižmár, PhD Alžbeta Orendáčová, PhD

Alexander Dirner, PhD Štefan Parimucha, PhD

Gabriela Fabriciová, PhD Gabriel Pavlík, PhD.

Ján Fedorišin, PhD Jozef Strečka, PhD

Ján Füzer, PhD Jana Tóthová, PhD

Rudolf Gális, PhD Marcel Uličný

Martin Gmitra, PhD Jozef Urbán, PhD

Jozef Hritz Rastislav Varga, PhD

Marián Janek Adriana Zeleňáková, PhD

Marcela Kajňaková, PhD Anton Zentko,DSc

Anna Zorkovská, PhD

PhD Students:

Martin Gmitra Mária Richterová

Vladimír Grejták Martin Savko

Valéria Havrilová Jozef Strečka

Zuzana Jurašeková Denisa Štecová

Slávka Kaščáková Miroslav Tauš

Silvia Lacková Katarína Tibenská

Sabina Lehocká Alexander Vlček

Domestic Cooperation:

Comenius University, Department of Biophysics and Chemical Physics, Bratislava

International Laser Center, Bratislava

Slovak Academy of Sciences: Astronomical Institute, Tatranská Lomnica, Institute of Experimental Physics, Košice, Institute for Material Research, Košice

US Steel Co., Košice

Foreign Partners:

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Astronomical Institute, Ondřejov, Czech Republic

Academia Sinica, Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China

Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Physics, Poznan, Poland

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Charles University, Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic

C. Pulaski Technical University, Faculty of Teaching, Department of Physics, Radom, Poland

CSIC, Materials Science Institute of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland

Gerhard Mercator University, Duisburg, Germany       

High Energy Physics Institute, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan

Hua-Zhong University, Institute of Particle Physics, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Hunan Education Institute, Department of Physics, Changsha, Hunan, China

Hungarian Academy of Science, Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, Hungary

Institute of Astrophysics, Paris, France

Institute of Atomic Energy, Warsaw, Poland

Institute of Gravitation and Space Research, Bucharest, Romania

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Laboratory of Relativistic Nuclear Physics, Tashkent, Uzbekhistan

Iowa State University, Department of Chemistry, Ames, USA

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Dubna, Russia

Kyushu University, Department of Applied Science, Fukuoka, Japan

National Centre for Scientific Research, Very Low Temperature Research Centre, Grenoble, France

Nagoya University, Department of Informatics, Nagoya, Japan

Odessa National University, Department of Theoretical Physics, Ukraine

P. N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow, Russia

Panjab University, Department of Physics, Chandigarh, India

Physical-Technical Institute, Laboratory of High Energies, Tashkent, Uzbekhistan

Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Molecular Physics, Poznan, Poland

Institute of Physics, Warsaw, Poland

Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Research Centre Jülich, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Germany

Russian Academy of Sciences, P. L. Kapica Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow, Russia

Shanxi Normal University, Department of Physics, Linfen, Shanxi, China

Technical University, Clausthal, IWW, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany

University of Sydney, School of Physics, Sydney, Australia

University of Cairo, Egypt

Pierre and Marie Curie University, Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Biomolecules, Paris, France

University of Bayreuth, Institute of Physics, Germany

University of Athens, Greece                                    

University of Crete, Department of Physics, Heraklion, Greece

University of Rajastan, Department of Physics, Jaipur, India

University of Jammu, Department of Physics, Jammu, India

University of Lodž, Department of Solid State Physics, Lodz, Poland

University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Physics, Naples, Italy    

University of Bologna, Department of Biochemistry, Italy

University of Lund, Department of Physics, Lund, Sweden

University of Stockholm, Department of Physical Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Sweden

University of Florida, Department of Physics, Gainesville, USA

Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Low Temperature Physics, Kharkov, Ukraine

Uzhgorod State University, Department of Physics, Uzhgorod, Ukraine

V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Experimental Physics, Vienna, Austria

Yerevan Physical Institute, Yerevan, Armenia

Research Projects

A theoretical study of the selected spin lattice systems

VEGA 1/2009/05

(Andrej Bobák, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Aggregation and self-organization in microparticle systems.

Slovak/Norwegian project.

(Jozef Černák, 01/2002 - 12/2005)

Environmentalistic approach to physics education.

KEGA 3/2396/04

(Ján Degro, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Application of new information and communication technologies – increasing interest about physics in education and extra-educational activities at elementary and secondary schools. KEGA 3/2386/04

(Alexander Dirner, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Slovak GRID – development and implementation of GRID technologies in Slovakia

IT Project ME SR

(Alexander Dirner, 05/2005 – 05/2006)

Magnetic quantum states of geometrically frustrated magnets and 3He nanoclusters at very low temperatures.

VEGA 1/0430/03

(Alexander Feher, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Magnetostructural correlations in unconvential magnetic materials

APVT-20-005204 project

(Alexander Feher, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Low temperature physics centre – centre of excellence

Rozvoj.UP 7/2005

(Alexander Feher, 05/2005 – 05/2006)

The structure of transfer regions in cataclysmatic variables and related interacting binaries.

VEGA 2/4015/24

(Rudolf Gális, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

International Greek-Slovak on-line network of astronomic observatories

MVTS Gr/Sl/05

(Hritz, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Potencial Model in the Framework of the Nonrelativistic and Relativistic Approach (POTMOD).

Slovak/Ukrainian project.

(Slavko Chalupka, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Magnetization reorientation and anisotropy in monolayers and ultrathin magnetic films

VEGA 1/2008/05

(Vladimír Ilkovič, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Education of physics by interactive modeling of physical phenomena

KEGA 3/3005/05

(Vladimír Ilkovič, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Actualization and quality enhancement of physics education at secondary schools - application of information-communication technologies with emphasis to further education of teachers

KEGA 3/3008/05

(Zuzana Ješková, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Complex preparation of future teachers for application of multimedia in education.

KEGA 3/2390/04

(Marián Kireš, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

The structure and magnetic properties of soft magnetic powder and compacted ferromagnets.

VEGA 1/1021/04

(Peter Kollár, 01/2004 - 12/2006)

Study of structural and magnetic features of 3-d transition element Fe, Co, Ni based nanophase and amorphous systems

APVT-20-008404 project

(Peter Kollár, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Static and dynamic properties of some complex systems: Polymeric, vesicular, emulsion, and colloidal liquids.

VEGA 1/0429/03

(Vladimír Lisý, 01/2003 - 12/2005)

Meson production on light nuclei.

VEGA 1/1020/04

(Gabriela Martinská, 01/2004 - 12/2006)

Meson production on light nuclei.

Slovak/ German project.

(Gabriela Martinská, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

New forms and phase transitions of nuclear matter at extremal energy densities. Contribution to the development and realization of electronics of pixel silicon detector (SPD) and trigger system for experiment ALICE.


(Gabriela Martinská, 01/1996 – 12/2010)

Interactions of Natural Photosensitizers Hypericin and Calphostin C with Transport and Regulatory Proteins

VEGA 1/2278/05

(Pavol Miškovský, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer in the Light of New Molecular Knowledge: Mechanism of Antitumor Action of Naturally Occurring Hydroxyquinone Photosensitizers

APVT-20-036104 project

(Pavol Miškovský, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

New generation intelligent digital technologies for education and organization of scientific research (communication environment VRVS – Virtual Room Videoconference System)

IT Project ME SR

(Pavel Murín, 05/2005 – 05/2006)

The investigation of activity in interacting binaries.

VEGA 2/4014/24

(Štefan Parimucha, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Superconductors for future technologies

APVT-51-016604 project

(Samuely, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Study of the structure and magnetic properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline ferromagnetic materials based on Fe and Co.

VEGA 1/1019/04

(Pavol Sovák, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Preparation of experts in informatics – bachelor studies “Information technologies for health and socialy handicapped” on Detached unit of Faculty of Science UPJŠ Rožňava

IT Project ME SR

(Pavol Sovák, 05/2005 – 05/2006)

Application of prediction and optimization techniques in molecular dynamics simulations.

VEGA 1/1018/04

(Jozef Uličný, 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Study of possibilities of production quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions. Experiment - NA57 Study of Strange and Multistrange Particles in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions.

CERN Experiment NA 57

(Jozef Urbán, 01/2002 – 12/2005)

Magnetization processes in amorphous magnetic microwires

APVT-20-007804 project

(Rastislav Varga, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Matematical Methods in Geophysics

VEGA 1/2023/05

(Eva Vargová, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Magnetic properties and stability of advanced nanocrystalline and amorphous soft magnetic materials.

VEGA 1/1017/04

(Pavol Vojtaník, 01/2004 - 12/2006)

Study of fluctuations in particle production and fragmentation of stable and radioactive relativistic nuclei in emulsion track detector

VEGA 1/2007/05

(Stanislav Vokál, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Interactions of relativistic heavy ions

APVT-20-011704 project

(Stanislav Vokál, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Selected Results

1/0429/03 (doc. V. Lisý): A theory has been built that joins the Rouse and Zimm models of the dynamics of polymers in solution and takes into account the hydrodynamic interaction between the polymer coils. Based on it the relaxation modulus determining the rheological properties of polymeric liquids has been found and the experiments in which the motion of individul monomers within DNA coils was directly observed for the first time have been interpreted. (J.Tóthová et al., CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 55(2)(2005) 221-227, V.Lisý et al., (2005) )

1/0430/03 (prof. A. Feher): Specific heat analysis of the magnetic contribution in NaxCoO2 using the Heisenberg approach suggested that the dominant contribution to the specifc heat in the region of short-range ordering is mediated by quasi-2D antiferromagnetic clusters perpendicular to the Co-O layers. The process is connected with a phase separation in the system on mesoscopic scale. (A.Zorkovská et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72(13)(2005) 132412-1-132412-4)

1/1021/04 (doc. P. Kollár): Investigating of the influence of ball-milling on the structural, thermal and magnetic properties of CoFeZrB and CoFeSIB alloys (milled at room temperature and at liquid nitrogen temperature) was found that:In the case of CoFeZrB alloys during ball-milling (without cooling in liquid nitrogen), the inner temperature in the vials increases in favour of the creation of crystallites in the powder samples. This ”partial” crystallization has subsequent influence on the magnetic and thermal properties of ball-milled powders and thus, it can also influence the properties of the final compacted samples.In the case of CoFeSiB samples, the increase of the ball-to-powder ratio led also to the increase of the occurrence of crystallites in the sample. (J.Degmová et al., CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 55(7)(2005) 791-801)

1/1020/04 (prof. G. Martinská): The experiment with polarized deuteron beam was performed at energies 140, 200 and 270 MeV at RIKEN, Japan, in December 2000. The high- momentum structure of the 3 He , 3 H and deuteron was investigated. For this purpose the angular dependence of the tensor and vector analyzing powers were measured for the reakcions d + d -> 3 H + p a d + d -> -> 3 H e + n. The results on the tensor Axx, Ayy and vector Ay analyzing powers at 270 MeV were published. (M.Janek et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 20(2 -3)(2005) 646-648)

1/1019/04 (doc. P. Sovák): The influence of Al content in FINEMET alloys has been studied. Structural investigations and magnetic measurements confirmed that small adition of Al (up to 3%) causes strengthening of exchange interactions in as-quenched samples whereas for x more than 3% was observed owing dilution. Nanocrystalline alloys after optimal annealing showed presence of Al in FeSi grains.The influence of Co content on the structure and magnetic properties of (Fe-Co)CuNbSiB alloys has been investigated. Co plays significant role at primary crystallisation when α-FeSi(Co) grains growth for lower Co content and grains of fcc β-Co for higher Co content (up to x=0.7). (T.Szumiata et al., JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS (295)(2005) 37-47, G.Pavlík et al., 17th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Book of Abstracts,Bratislava, Sept.2005 (2005) B-D-32)

1/1017/04 (prof. P. Vojtaník): Perminvar effect influenced by atom-pair reorientations in the amorphous and nanocrystalline HITPERM type Fe44,5Co44,5Zr7B4 alloy was experimentally studied. Considerable influence of the annealing and the time-thermal domain wall stabilization on the AC susceptibility, the perminvar critical fields and their stability was found. The annealing between 150-350 °C initiates the domain wall mobility and AC susceptibility increasing accompanied by the free volume and internal stress release in the alloy. At the same time the critical field HCR increases. The record value of the HCR =200 Am–1 obtained at 350 °C is a result of the optimal directional ordering of atom pairs in the amorphous alloy. The nanocrystallization makes the susceptibility and the critical field decreased. The given results are applicable in electronics and other technical sectors.

2/4014/24 Parimucha ( D. Chochol): The interstellar extincion was determined for a set of 52 symbiotic stars based on the analysis of the shape of their ultraviolet continuum (Š.Parimucha et al., PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC (349)(2006) 309-313)

MVTS Nem/Slov/BMBF/04 (prof. G. Martinská): Several processes of meson production in proton-deuteron collisions have been measured simultaneously using a calibrated magnetic spectrograf. Among these processes, the h meson is seen clearly as a sharp missing-mass peak on slowly varying background in the p + d -> 3He + X reaction. Knowing the kinematics of the other reactions with well determined masses, it is possible to deduce a precise mass for the h meson. The final result, m(h) = 547.311 ± 0.028 (štat.) ± 0.032 (syst.) MeV/c2 is significantly lower than that found by the recent NA48 measurement, though is consistent with values obtained in earlier counter experiments. (M.Abdel-Bary et al., PHYSICS LETTERS B 619(2005) 281-287)

20/2004 VVGS UPJŠ ( J. Fuzer): Co70.3Fe4.7Si10B15 and Co56Fe16Zr8B20 bulk amorphous samples were prepared by hot pressing of powders obtained by ball milling of pieces of melt-spun ribbons. Hot pressing followed by heat treatment allows to reduce the stress introduced into the material during ball milling and consolidation. This method enables the preparation of bulk samples with significantly larger dimensions than specimens prepared by copper mold casting and with very good soft magnetic properties comparable to those of the corresponding as-quenched ribbons were prepared.

CERN-Experiment NA 57 ( I. Králik): Experiment NA57 on CERN SPS studies strange hyperon production. Yields of hyperons and antihyperons Lambda, Ksi and Omega were obtained in Pb-Pb, proton-Pb and proton-Be collisions at 160 GeV/c/nucleon in central rapidity regime and medium transversal impulses as a function of collision centrality. In Pb-Pb collisions increased production of strangeness is observed, compared to proton-Be collisions. Production increases with the centrality of collision and with the growth of hyperon strangeness. For Omega hyperons in central Pb-Pb collisions increase of factor 20 is observed.. (F.Antinori et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 31(2005) S919-S927, F.Antinori et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 31(2005) 1345-1357)

1/2009/05 (prof. A. Bobák): Thermodynamic properties of a tetramer ferro-ferro-antiferro-antiferromagneticIsing-Heisenberg bond alternating chain are investigated by the use of an exact mapping transformation technique. Exact results for the magnetization, susceptibility, and specific heat in zero as well as nonzero magnetic field are presented and discussed in detail. The results obtained from the mapping are compared with the relevant experimental data of Cu(3-Clpy)2(N3)2, where 3-Clpy indicates 3-Chloropyridine.Nontrivial quantum plateau to be observed at half of the saturation magnetizationin the magnetization process of this one-dimensional coordination polymer, has been explained as a typical feature of the quantum ferrimagnet. (J.Strečka et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72(2)(2005) 024459-1-024459-11)

1/2007/05 (doc. S. Vokál): In the frame of BECQUEREL project the scanning of photoemulsion chambers irradiated by relativistic nuclei 11B on the Nuclotron in Dubna has been done. 542 inelastic collisions have been found on 7141.3 cm of relativistic nuclei tracks. Mean free path is 13.2+-0.6 cm. In 320 collisions polar and azimuthal angles and charges of fragments of 11B have been measured. Measurement of pbeta and charges on 46 tracks of simply charged fragments of 11B have been done to identify pions. For the first time the measurements of pbeta also on double charged fragments paths have been done to identify 3He and 4He. Along with these the new material have been measured, where the fotoemulsions have been irradiated be 3He nuclei. The new experimental results on multiplicity of charged particles, multifragmentation of light nuclei and nonstatistical fluctuation in relativistic collisions have been obtained. (S.Vokál ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA 54(6)(2004) 493-523, S.Bogdanov et al., Yadernaya Fizika 68(9)(2005) 1-8)

APVT-20-005204 (prof. A. Feher): Detailed analysis of thermodynamic quantities and ESR spectra of the compound Cu(tn)Cl2 was performed. The material may represent 2d Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice with spatial anisotropy of exchange coupling. Exchange interaction in the studied system is mediated predominantly by network of hydrogen bonds. The analysis of the temperature dependence of the correlation length indicates potential reduction of staggered magnetization which could be caused by spin frustration. (V.Zeleňák et al., INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 45(4)(2006) 1774-1782)

APVT-20-008404 (doc. P. Kollár): The structure and magnetic properties of Co70.3Fe4.7B25 alloy prepared in the form of ribbon were investigated during the long-time ball milling. The structure phase composition of powder samples was stable and did not change during the whole milling process. After 1550 hours of milling the nanocrystalline (Co,Fe)3B powder was formed. Observed behavior of magnetic properties is explained in terms of reduced particle size and superparamagnetic phenomenon.

APVT-20-011704 (doc. S. Vokál): The main physical results achieved within the project based on STAR experiment can be summarized as follows: It has been found inevitable to correct many concepts concerning the predicted properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) from the first years of the BNL and CERN heavy-ion programme and even from the recent years. QGP does not behave like a gas, i.e. like the bulk of weakly interacting quarks and gluons, but rather like a fluid with very low viscosity, despite its extremely high density. It flows so freely it even approaches an ideal fluid. It should be emphasized the notion "ideal fluid" denotes a fluid in its classical interpretation and not a superfluid whose superviscosity and other properties are dictated by the laws of Quantum Mechanics. These conclusions were supported also by the another three experiments operating on RHIC collider. (J.Adams et al., NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 757(1-2)(2005) 102-183)

APVT-51-016604 (doc. P. Samuely): Anomalous low temperature behavior of specific heat and magnetic susceptibility has been found in the NaxCoO2 system. The anomaly suggests that the system does not behave according to the Landau theory of metals, but it ranks among the permanently expanding group of unconventional non-Fermi liquids. Deeper analysis signalizes the existence of novel quantum states in the system, the quantum Griffiths phases. (A.Zorkovská et al., 15. Conference of Slovak and Czech Physicists, 5.-8.9.2005, Košice (2005) S8O1)

APVT-20-036104 (prof. P. Miškovský): LDL/Hypericin complex was characterized and LDL oxidation by Hyp was found to be proportional to the monomer concentration of Hyp. (S. Kaščáková, et al. Photochem. Photobiol. (2005) 1395-1403. The possible role of PKC inhibition in photodynamic therapy was studied. Details of possible interaction between Hyp and C1B subdomain of PKC was elucidated by several methods. S. Kočanová et al. LASER PHYSICS (2005) 43-47. It was shown using in vivo experiments, that photoinduced antitumour effect of hypericin can be enhanced by fractionated dosing I. Čavarga et al. PHYTOMEDICINE (2005) 680-683

Selected Publications

Abdel-Bary, Mamdouh - Martinská, Gabriela - Uličný, Marcel - Urbán, Jozef - GEM Collaboration, : Detailed comparison of the pp-> pi+pn and pp ->pi+d reactions at 951 MeV: PHYSICS LETTERS B 610(2005) 31-36

Abdel-Bary, Mamdouh - Martinská, Gabriela - Uličný, Marcel - Urbán, Jozef - GEM Collaboration, : A precision determination of the mass of the eta meson: PHYSICS LETTERS B 619(2005) 281-287

Aktas, A. - Hreus, Tomáš - Murín, Pavel - H1 Collaboration, : MEASUREMENT OF F(2)**C ANTI-C AND F(2)**B ANTI-B AT LOW Q*2 AND X USING THE H1 VERTEX DETECTOR AT HERA.: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C (2005) 23-33

Aktas, A. - Hreus, Tomáš - Murín, Pavel - H1 Collaboration, : A DETERMINATION OF ELECTROWEAK PARAMETERS AT HERA.: PHYSICS LETTERS B (2005) 35-42

Andreeva, N.P. - Vokál, Stanislav - Kravčáková, Adela - BECQUEREL, Collaboration: Topologia "belych zvezd" v relativistskoj fragmentacii legkich jader: Yadernaya Fizika 68(3)(2005) 484-494

Antalík, Marián - Jancura, Daniel - Palmer, G. - Fabian, M.: A role for the protein in internal electron transfer to the catalytic center of cytochrome C oxidase: BIOCHEMISTRY (44)(2005) 14881-14889

Antinori, Federico - Kravčáková, Adela - Urbán, Jozef - Vrláková, Janka - NA57, Collaboration: Results on hyperon production from the NA57 experiment: ACTA PHYSICA HUNGARICA NEW SERIES-HEAVY ION PHYSICS 22(2005) 113-120

Antinori, Federico - Kravčáková, Adela - Urbán, Jozef - Vrláková, Janka - NA57, Collaboration: Rapidity distributions around mid-rapidity of strange particles in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 31(2005) 1345-1357

Antinori, Federico - Kravčáková, Adela - Martinská, Gabriela - Urbán, Jozef - Vrláková, Janka - NA57, Collaboration: Multiplicity of charged particles in Pb Pb collisions at SPS energies: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 31(2005) 321-335

Antinori, Federico - Kravčáková, Adela - Martinská, Gabriela - Urbán, Jozef - Vrláková, Janka - NA57, Collaboration: Results on strangeness production from the NA57 experiment: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 31(2005) S919-S927

Antinori, Federico - Kravčáková, Adela - Urbán, Jozef - Vrláková, Janka - NA57, Collaboration: Central-to-peripheral nuclear modification factors in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(SNN)=17.3 GeV: PHYSICS LETTERS B 623(2005) 17-25

Azhgirey, L.S. - Mušinský, Ján - Dubna, Collaboration: Measurement of the Analyzing powers for the Reaction p(pol.) + CH2 at P_p = 1,75-5,3GeV/c.: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 538(1-3)(2005) 431-441

Bogdanov, S.D. - Vokál, Stanislav - Dubna, Collaboration: Vzajimodejstvije jader zolota s energijej v diapazone 100-200 MeV/nuklon s jadrami fotoemuľsii i kaskadno-ispariteľnaja modeľ: Yadernaya Fizika 68(9)(2005) 1-8

Brutovský, Branislav - Kneller, Gerald: Linear Prediction of Time Force Series to Accelerate Molecular Dynamics Simulations: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 169(1-3)(2005) 339-342

Chalupka, Slavko - Haysak, Ivan - Fekete, Yurij - Morokhovich, Vlodymyr - Salak, M.: Spin effects in two quark system and mixed states: CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 55(5)(2005) 541-554

Čavarga, Ivan - Brezáni, Peter - Fedoročko, Peter - Miškovský, Pavol - Bobrov, N. - Longauer, F. - Rybárová, - Miroššay, Ladislav - Stubna, Jan: Photoinduced antitumour effect of hypericin can be enhanced by fractionated dosing: PHYTOMEDICINE (2005) 680-683

Feher, Alexander - Mamalui, A.A. - Dulfan, A. Ya. - Syrkin, E.S. - Shkorbatov, A.G.: Nizkotemperaturnyj fononnyj transport v 3D-mikrokontaktach: Fizika Nizkich Temperatur (2005) 1211-1244

Gadzovska, Sonja - Maury, Stephane - Ounnar, Saida - Righezza, Michel - Kaščáková, Slávka - Refregiers, Matthieu - Spasenoski, Mirko - Joseph, Claude - Hagege, Daniel: Identification and quantification of hypericine and pseudohypericin in different Hypericum Perforatum L. in vitro cultures: PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (2005) 591-601

García, K. L. - Varga, Rastislav - Manuel, Vazquez: Influence of the Magnetoelastic Mechanism on the Fluctuating Switching Field of Fe-based Amorphou Microwires: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 41(10)(2005) 3256-3258

Gmitra, Martin - Horváth, Denis: Properties of iterative Monte Carlo single historgram reweighting: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C 16(12)(2005) 1943-1952

Janek, Marián - Dubna, Collaboration: Measurements of the tensor and vector analyzing powers for the d+d-> 3H+p and d+d -> 3He + n reactions at 270 MeV: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 20(2 -3)(2005) 646-648

Jaščur, Michal - Strečka, Jozef: Magnetic properties of a mixed spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 Ising model with an uniaxial and biaxial crystal-field potential: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 358(2-4)(2005) 393-412

Jaščur, Michal - Strečka, Jozef: Reentrant transitions of a mixed-spin Ising model on the diced lattice: Condensed Matter Physics 8(4)(2005) 869-880

Kajňaková, Marcela - Orendáč, Martin - Orendáčová, Alžbeta - Vlček, Alexander - Černák, Juraj - Kravchyna, Oxana V. - Anders, Alexander G. - Park, Ju-Hyun - Feher, Alexander - Meisel, Mark W.: Cu(H2O)2(C2H8N2)SO4: A quasi-two dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferomagnet.: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71(2005) 014435-1-014435-7

Kaščáková, Slávka - Refregiers, Matthieu - Jancura, Daniel - Sureau, F. - Maurizot, J.C. - Miškovský, Pavol: Fluorescence spectroscopic study of hypericin-photosensitized oxidation of low-density lipoproteins: PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY (2005) 1395-1403

Kočanová, Silvia - Mateasik, A. - Chorvat, D. jr. - Miškovský, Pavol: Multispectral confocal fluorescence imaging: monitoring of intracellular distribution of PKC influenced by photoactive drug hypericin: LASER PHYSICS (2005) 43-47

Orendáčová, Alžbeta - Kajňaková, Marcela - Černák, Juraj - Park, Ju-Hyun - Čižmár, Erik - Orendáč, Martin - Vlček, Alexander - Kravchyna, Oxana V. - Anders, Alexander G. - Feher, Alexander - Meisel, Mark W.: Hydrogen bond mediated magnetism in [Cu(en)2(H2O)][Cu(en)2Ni2Cu2(CN)10]·2H2O.: CHEMICAL PHYSICS 309(2005) 115-125

Park, Ju-Hyun - Frye, F. - Lane, Sarah - Čižmár, Erik - Huh, Y. D. - Talham, Daniel R. - Meisel, Mark W.: Photoinduced Magnetic Properties of Sequentially Deposited Thin Films of RbiCoj[Fe(CN)6]k·nH2O: POLYHEDRON 24(2005) 2355-2359

Pribulla, Theodor - Chochol, Drahomir - Vaňko, Martin - Parimucha, Štefan - Baluďanský, Daniel: CCD Photometry of the Neglected Contact Binaries V344 Lac and V1191 Cyg: ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 296(2005) 281-284

Strečka, Jozef - Jaščur, Michal - Hagiwara, Masayuki - Narumi, Yasuo - Kuchár, Juraj - Kimura, Shoji - Kindo, Koichi: Magnetic behavior of a spin-1 dimer: model system for homodinuclear nickel(II) complexes: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 60(10)(2005) 1828-1837

Strečka, Jozef - Jaščur, Michal - Hagiwara, Masayuki - Minami, Kazuhiko - Narumi, Yasuo - Kindo, Koichi: Thermodynamic properties of a tetramer Ising-Heisenberg bond alternating chain as a model system for Cu(3-Clpy)_2(N_3)_2: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72(2)(2005) 024459-1-024459-11

Syrkin, E.S. - Minaev, P.A. - Shkorbatov, A.G. - Feher, Alexander: Infulence of interfacial layers on resonance phonon transport: MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 81(2005) 503-509

Szumiata, Tadeusz - Górka, Bogumil - Zorkovská, Anna - Sovák, Pavol: Structure and hyperfine interactions in Al-doped FINEMET: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS (295)(2005) 37-47

Šarišský, M - Lavicka, J. - Kočanová, Silvia - Sulla, I. - Miroššay, Andrej - Miškovský, Pavol - Gajdos, M. - Mojžiš, Ján - Miroššay, Ladislav: Diazepam enhances hypericin-induced photocytotoxicity and apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells: NEOPLASMA (2005) 352-360

Tóthová, Jana - Brutovský, Branislav - Lisý, Vladimír: Single monomer dynamics in DNA polymers: CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 55(2)(2005) 221-227

Zorkovská, Anna - Orendáč, Martin - Šebek, Josef - Šantavá, Eva - Svoboda, Pavel - Bradaric, Ivica - Savic, Ilija - Feher, Alexander: Interplay between mesoscopic phase separation and bulk magnetism in the layered NaxCoO2: PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72(13)(2005) 132412-1-132412-4


Director: Assoc. Prof. Oľga Orosová, PhD

Deputy Directors: Prof. Ján Bajtoš, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Pavol Tholt, PhD

Andrea Madarasová Gecková, PhD

Address: Institute of Social Sciences

Moyzesova 16, 040 01 Košice

Contact: Tel.: ++421-55-622 22 21

Fax: ++421-55-6222124

e-mail: uhv@upjs.sk

Secretary: Zuzana Rišková

Research manager: Ivana Majerová, MBA

Professor: Ján Bajtoš, PhD

Vladimír Leško, PhD

Assoc. Professors: Oľga Orosová, PhD

Pavol Tholt, PhD

Visiting Assoc. Professor: Jitse P. van Dijk, MD PhD

Assist. Professors: Peter Nezník, PhD

Magdaléna Ďuričeková, PhD

Beáta Gajdošová, PhD

Milovan Ješič, PhD

Lector: Silvia Kontírová, MSc

Researchers: Andrea Madarasová Gecková, PhD

Iveta Rajničová, PhD

Ferdinand Salonna, MSc

Mária Sarková, MSc

Mária Šléšková, MSc

Zuzana Škodová, MSc

Maria Humeniková, MSc

Ondrej Kalina, MSc

Jaroslav Rosenberger MD

Košice Institute for Society and Health (KISH)

Department of Institute of Social Sciences

Director: Jitse P. van Dijk, MD PhD

Deputy Directors: Assoc. Prof. Oľga Orosová, PhD

Andrea Madarasová Gecková, PhD

KISH manager: Ivana Majerová, MBA

Researchers and PhD students University of Groningen, The Netherland:

Andrea Madarasová Gecková, PhD

Iveta Rajničová, PhD

Ferdinand Salonna, MSc

Mária Sarková, MSc

Mária Šléšková, MSc

Zuzana Škodová, MSc

Maria Humeniková, MSc

Ondrej Kalina, MSc

Jaroslav Rosenberger MD

Eva Havliková MD

Tatiana Hasičková, MSc

Mirjam Polanová MD

Martina Krokavcová, MSc

Helena Vargová MD

Adriana Sudzinová MD

Domestic Cooperation

Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra

Faculty Hospital, Tr. SNP 1, Košice (FNsP)

Faculty of Medicine, P. J. Šafárik University, Košice


Institute of cardiovascular diseases, Tr. SNP 1, Košice (VUSCH)

Institute of Social Sciences Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice

Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica

Pedagogical and Psychological Departments of Comenius University, Bratislava and

Slovak Public Health Association (SAVEZ), Košice

University of Žilina, Žilina

University of Prešov, Prešov

Foreign Cooperation

Pedagogical and Psychological Departments of Universities in Brno, Ostrava, Prague and Olomouc, Czech Republic

UNIPREV (United Prevention), Eupen, Belgium

University of Bayreuth, Germany

University of Groningen, The Netherlands

University of Opole, Poland

University of Udine, Italy

Universytet Slaski, Katowice

Welsh University, London, UK

Wyzsa Szkola Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw

University of West Bohemia, Pilsen

University of Hradec Králové

Research Projects

Special professional education and the process of developming and assessment of students psychomotoric skills.

KEGA 3/3003/05

(Ján Bajtoš, 04/2005 – 12/2007)

Philosophy of the History of Philosophy – weak models II.

VEGA 1/2500/05

(Vladimír Leško, 01/2005 – 12/2007)

Inequality in Health among Slovak Adolescents and Young Adults.

75/2005 Joint Project: P. J. Šafárik Univ./Univ. Groningen

(Andrea Madarasová-Gecková, 08/2005 – 07/2009)

Košice Institute for Society and Health.

APVT 20-028802

(Andrea Madarasová-Gecková, PhD, 02/2004 – 12/2006)

Inequality in health among Slovak Adolescents I.

35/2001 Joint Project: P. J. Šafárik Univ./Univ. Groningen

(Andrea Madarasová Gecková, 08/2001 – 07/2005)

Biomedical, psycho-social factors related to functional status, well-being and utilization of care among patients with Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

/2002 Joint Project: P. J. Šafárik Univ./Univ. Groningen

(Andrea Madarasová Gecková, 2/2003 – 1/2007)

Psycho-social analysis of risk behaviour among university students. Efficacy of a drug and AIDS prevention program.

VEGA 1/1408/04

(Oľga Orosová 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Social Intelligence and its role in effective function of man in interpersonal relations.

VEGA 2/4171/24

(Oľga Orosová 01/2004 – 12/2006)

Health Risky Behaviour and the Evaluation of a Health Promoting Training Program.

95/2004 Joint Project: P. J. Šafárik Univ./Univ. Groningen

(Oľga Orosová, 11/2004 – 12/2007)

Social class and its impact on patients' functional status and recovery process.

53/2004 Joint Project: P. J. Šafárik Univ./Univ. Groningen

(Iveta Rajničová, 07/2004 – 07/2008)

Psychosocial Factors related to Functional Status in Chronically Ill - Health Status of Patients on Dialysis - Health Status of Patients after Kidney Transplantation.

144/2004 Joint Project: P. J. Šafárik University / University of Groningen

(Jaroslav Rosenberger, Andrea Madarasová Gecková 12/2004 – 12/2009)

Inequalities in health among Slovak adolescents 2.

49/2002 Joint Project: P. J. Šafárik Univ./Univ. Groningen

(Ferdiand Salonna, MSc., Andrea Madarasová Gecková, 12/2002 – 11/2006)

Unemployment as determinant of socio-economic health differences in adolescence.

105/2002 Joint Project: P. J. Šafarik Univ./Univ. Groningen

(Mária Šlešková, MSc., Andrea Madarasová Gecková, 10/2002 – 09/2006)

Selected Results

1/1408/04 (doc. O. Orosová): Only one third of respondents reported willingness to participate in prevention program, while 16% of respondents refused participation, 28% were not decided and 24% did not answer on this question. More males than females refused to participate. Adolescents of higher socio-economic status (SES) were more likely to refuse participation or not answer the question on motivation in comparison to those from lower SES. Smoking decreased and drunkenness increased the probability of not answering the question on participation. Additional analysis within those already participating in the current program, showed that important incentives for joining the program are a social motivation, an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends; external benefits (e.g. possibility to obtain credits for the study) and peer influence (Humeníková et al. 2005) (M.Humeníková et al., 13th EUPHA conference "Promoting the public's health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care" Graz, 10-12 November 2005. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2005, vol. 15, supplement 1 15(1)(2005) 155-156, O.Kalina et al., 13th EUPHA conference "Promoting the public's health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care" Graz, 10-12 November 2005. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2005, vol. 15, supplement 1 15(1)(2005) 171-171)

APVT-20-028802 ( A. Madarasová Gecková): In the sample of 883 students (373 boys and 510 girls, mean age 15.8 years), adolescents’ strength of reasons for smoking was explored. The higher the smoking frequency, the higher the rating of strength of reasons for continuing smoking in the past and for actual smoking. Higher smoking frequency increased the tendency to use smoking as a coping strategy in all the explored situations. Effective secondary prevention should be targeted at the potency of a variety of adolescent reasons for continuing smoking in the past and for actual smoking (Orosová et al., 2005). (O.Orosová et al., 13th EUPHA conference "Promoting the public's health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care" Graz, 10-12 November 2005. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2005, vol. 15, supplement 1 15(1)(2005) 170-171)

53/2004 Groningen ( I. Rajničová): (53/2004)- The project is focusing on ethnicity and socio-economic status and its impact on functional status and rehabilitation in patients with cardiovascular disease (Z.Skodova MSc.; A. Cverckova-Sudzinova, MD; H. Vargova, MD). The year 2004 was used for preparation; from November 2004 on the data collection is in progress. 2005 was used for data collection as well; one review article was written (Socioeconomic differences in psychosocial factors of coronary heart disease – Z.Skodova). Two more articles were commenced. The first one analyses the medical risk factors and severity of coronary artery disease in the Roma versus non-Roma; the second one evaluates the predictors of self-reported health in patients indicated for selective coronaroangiography. Preliminary results were published at international and national conferences (Graz, Portorož, Bratislava). (A.Čverčková et al., 13th EUPHA conference "Promoting the public's health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care" Graz, 10-12 November 2005. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2005, vol. 15, supplement 1 (2005) 131-131, H.Vargová et al., 17th Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. Portoroz, Slovenia, September 22-24, 2005, Slovenska kardiologija 2(1)(2005) 30-30)

105/2002 Groningen ( A. Madarasová Gecková): Health status of three age groups: 1st grade secondary school students, 3rd grade students and secondary school leavers were compared. Females rated their health worse than males on all six indicators. For males, younger age was associated with better health For females, the pattern of age differences were not so consistent (Šléšková et al. 2005a).Parental long-term unemployment (especially of fathers) negatively affects adolescents’ health (2836 respondents aged 14 to 22), and this negative effect remains even when the effect of social class and financial strain is taken into account (Šléšková et al. 2005b, Šléšková et al. 2006a – in press). Our results indicate that father’s employement status is more important for predicting the health of Slovak adolescents whereas mother’s employment status seems to be more important for Dutch adolescents (Šléšková et al. 2005c-d). (M.Šléšková et al., SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE (12)(2005) 2521-2527, M.Šléšková et al., Health of adolescents and young adults.1st workshop of Kosice Institute for Society and Health, Košice, November 3th, 2005. (2005) 36-39)

49/2002 Groningen ( A. Madarasová Gecková): Changes in health and health related behaviour in cohort of adolescents between 1998 and 2002 were explored by research team working on project „Inequalities in health among Slovak adolescents – cross-sectional and longitudinal study“ (49/2002). Changes in health related behaviour patterns in the period between late adolescence and early adulthood are related to gender regarding alcohol consumption, use of marijuana, and insufficient physical activity. In males no significant socio-economic gradients in change of all four health related behaviour indicators were found. Females with higher SES reported greater increase in alcohol consumption and marijuana use; those with lower SES a decrease in physical activity.

95/2004 Groningen (doc. O. Orosová): The effect of behavioural (being drunk, smoking sex before age of 16) and psychological (self-esteem, well-being, extroversion, neuroticism, religiousness) factors on sexual behaviour were explored among university students. More than two thirds of respondents already have had sexual intercourse. Occurrence of sexually risky behaviour is very high, varies between 22 to 81% of sexually experienced depending on used indicator. Except self-esteem, significant effect of explored factors on occurrence of sexual experience as well as on sexual risk behaviour were confirmed. The predictors of different types of sexual behaviour differ as well as there are gender differences. Our findings indicate the need for health promotion focused on set of unhealthy behaviour instead of single behaviour implemented already in adolescence (Kalina et al. 2005).

106/2004 Groningen ( I. Rajničová): (106/2004) - The project focuses on functional status and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (I. Rajnicova-Nagyova, PhD). In year 2005 one paper concentrating on the impact of pain on psychological well-being in rheumatoid arthritis patients was published in SCI journal with an impact factor. Also a PhD thesis entitled ‘Self-rated health and quality of life in Slovak RA-patients’ was defended at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Three more articles are in the process of preparation; they are focusing on psychometric properties of instruments measuring pain and on the predictors of perceived health status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (I.Nagyová et al., PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING (2005) 55-62, I.Nagyová (2005) )

35/2001 Groningen ( A. Madarasová Gecková): In 2005, the project „Inequality in health among Slovak adolescents“ (35/2001) contribute to scientific output with one paper focused on adolescent’s smoking behaviour and one monograph reviewing literature related to socio-economic inequalities in health (Madarasová Gecková 2005). The influence of socio-economic status, parents and peers on the smoking behaviour of adolescents is explored using LISREL analyses. Peers’ smoking is the strongest predictor of adolescents’ smoking. Parents’ smoking behaviour influences adolescents’ smoking directly, but also indirectly through the influence on peers’ smoking behaviour (selection of peer-friends). Socio-economic status influences adolescents’ smoking indirectly through the influence on parents’ and peers’ smoking behaviour (Madarasová Gecková et al. 2005). (A.Madarasová et al., EUROPEAN ADDICTION RESEARCH (4)(2005) 204-209, A.Madarasová PeGaS s.r.o. Michalovce (2005) 125s.)

48/2002 Groningen ( A. Madarasová Gecková): The contribution of bullying, school connectedness and self-esteem to psychological well-being were explored among Slovak adolescents as well. Gender, school connectedness and self-esteem significantly influence psychological well-being of adolescents, while self-esteem seems to be the most important determinant of psychological well-being of adolescents (Katreniakova et al. 2005).The significant effects of gender, two from four social skills (ability to manage and express positive feelings and personal limitation) and smoking on mental health of adolescents (n=1023, mean age 14.9 years) were confirmed. Female, respondents characterised by lower social skills and smokers display worse mental health (Sarkova et al. 2005a ).

/2002 Groningen ( I. Rajničová): ( /2002) - The project focuses on biomedical and psychosocial factors related to functional status and well-being in patients with neurological diseases, particularly Parkinson’s disease (PD) (T.Dubayova MSc, E.Havlikova, MD) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (M.Krokavcova MSc + M.Gavelova MD). In 2005 the data collection continued; two researchers worked on a review (Personality and patient delay in PD; Self rated health in MS). On the basis of the data analyses four new manuscripts were commenced and preliminary results were published at international and national conferences (Berlin, Graz, Hradec nad Moravici, Bratislava). The manuscripts deal with: fatigue in patients with PD, factors influencing perception of quality of life in patients with PD, mastery in patients with MS and functional status of patients with MS. (E.Havlíková et al., 13th EUPHA conference "Promoting the public's health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care" Graz, 10-12 November 2005. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2005, vol. 15, supplement 1 (1)(2005) 157-157, M.Krokavcová et al., 13th EUPHA conference "Promoting the public's health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care" Graz, 10-12 November 2005. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2005, vol. 15, supplement 1 (1)(2005) 156-156)

144/2004 Groningen (J. Rosenberger): (144/2004)- Project is focusing on functional status and quality of life among patients after kidney transplantation (J.Rosenberger, MD). In 2005 the data collection continued, but at the same time already collected data were analyzed and first findings were published at national and international conferences (Graz,Bratislava). Three manuscripts were published in SCI journals with IF; the occurrence of adverse effects of immunosuppression and its possible determinants (Clinical Transplantation); as well as the influence of adverse effects of immunosuppression on compliance in transplanted patients (Transplantation International); and the determinants of Quality of Life in transplanted patients (Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation). One article focussing on predictors of perceived health status in patients after kidney transplantation was accepted for publication (Transplantation). (J.Rosenberger et al., TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL 18(9)(2005) 1072-1078, J.Rosenberger et al., NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION 20(2005) 2153-2158)

Selected Publications

MADARASOVÁ, A.: Socio-ekonomické nerovnosti v zdraví. PeGaS s.r.o. Michalovce 2005. 80-967901-3-7

Knurowski T. – van DIJK J. P. – Madarasová A. – Brzyski P. Tobiasz – Adamczyk B. – van den Heuvel W.: Socio-economic health differences among the elderly population in Krakow, Poland. SOZIAL-UND PRAVENTIVMEDIZIN, 50 (3), 2005, s.177-185.

Rosenberger J. – Madarasová A. – van DIJK J. P. – Nagyova I. – ROLAND R. – van den HEUVEL W. – Groothoff J. W.: Prevalence and characteristics of noncompliant behaviour and its risk factors in kidney transplant recipients TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL, 18(9), 2005 s.1072-1078

Rosenberger J. – van DIJK J. P. – Nagyova I. – ROLAND R. – Madarasová A. – van den HEUVEL W. – Groothoff J. W.: Do dialysis- and transplantation-related medical factors affect perceived health status? NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, 20, 2005, s.2153-2158

Madarasová A. – Stewart R.E. – van DIJK J. P. – Orosová O. – Groothoff J.W. – Post D.: Influence of socio-economic status, parents and peers on smoking behaviour of adolescents. EUROPEAN ADDICTION RESEARCH, (4), 2005. s.204-209

Rosenberger J. – Madarasová A. – van DIJK J. P. – ROLAND R.– van den HEUVEL W. – Groothoff J. W.: Factors modifying stress from adverse effects of immunosuppressive medication in kidney transplant recipients. CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION, 19 (1), 2005, s.70-76

SLÉŠKOVÁ, M. – SALONNA, F.– MADARASOVÁ, A. – van DIJK J. P. – Groothoff J. W.: Health status among young people in Slovakia: comparisons on the basis of age,gender and education. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, (12) 2005, s.2521-2527

Nagyova, I. – Stewart, R.E. – Macejova, Z. – van DIJK, J.P. – van den Heuvel, W.J.A.: The impact of pain on psychological well-being in rheumatoid arthritis: The mediating effects of self-esteem and adjustment to disease. PATIENTS EDUCATION AND COUNSELLING, (58), 2005, s.55–62

Rosenberger J. – Veseliny E. - Bena L. - Roland R.: A renal transplant patient with intractable hiccups and review of the literature. Transplant Infectious Disease, č.7. 2005. s. 86-88

Macejová, Ž. – Nagyová, I. – Trejbal, D. – Lazúrová, I.: Vzťah medzi hodnotami prolaktínu a mierou funkčnej neschopnosti hodnotenej dotazníkom HAQ u pacientov s reumatoidnou artritídou. Vnitřní Lékařství 51 (11), 2005. s.1021-1026

BAJTOŠ, J.: Rozvoj psychomotorickej zložky osobnosti žiaka. ACTA HUMANICA: vedecko-pedagogický časopis. Roč. 2, č. 1, 2005, s. 8-17. ISSN 1336-5126

Nagyova I.: Self-rated Health and Quality of Life in Slovak Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Equlibria, s.r.o. Kosice 2005, ISBN 80-969224-3-2






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