February 7, 2011

8:00 p.m.


Notice of this meeting, in accordance with the "Open Public Meetings Law, l975, C. "23l", has been posted and two newspapers, The Record and The Ridgewood News, have been notified.


Mayor LaPaglia was present. Council members Camella, Glaser, and Struk were present on roll call. Council members Baum, Bader and Hoffman were not present at roll call. Attorney Madaio, Administrator Sandve, and Borough Clerk Sciara were also present.


All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the January 18, 2011 Mayor and Council Meeting copies of which have been received by all Councilpersons, are hereby approved as presented.


Introduce: Mr. Camella

Second: Mr. Struk

Ayes: Mr. Glaser, Mr. Struk, Mr. Camella

Nays: None

Absent: Mr. Bader, Mr. Baum, Mr. Hoffman

Abstain: None

RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Executive Closed Session Meeting of the Mayor and Council on January 18, 2011 copies of which have been received by all Councilpersons, are hereby approved as amended but not yet ready for release to the public.


Introduce: Mr. Camella

Second: Mr. Glaser

Ayes: Mr. Struk, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Camella

Nays: None

Absent: Mr. Bader, Mr. Baum, Mr. Hoffman

Abstain: None

Mr. Hoffman arrived on the dais at approximately 8:05 p.m.


Intersection Improvements at Woodcliff Avenue and Werimus Road

The Borough Administrator attended a meeting on July 1, 2010 with the resident at the intersection of Werimus Road and Woodcliff Avenue to discuss possible driveway modifications in order to accommodate this project. The homeowner has several concerns such as dry wells on her property and the fact that she has no backyard and a very small front yard. She is concerned that any modifications to her property will result in too much macadam. Administrator Sandve will call to make an appointment with the homeowner once the snow melts. Councilman Camella will attend this meeting also. Mr. Sachs stated that the county has recommended keeping the driveway where it is currently located and having the entrance/exit on Werimus Road. The county engineer does not want the resident to have to K turn to back out of her driveway.

Intersection Improvements at Kinderkamack Road and Prospect Avenue

The county took the plans that Mr. Sachs showed him two years ago when the northbound side of Kinderkamack was subdivided. The Planning Board asked as a condition of the subdivision that there be an addition of sidewalks and a bus pad so that riders would not have to wait for the bus in the mud. Once the county was informed of the proposed design for this intersection, they felt it was time to redo the intersection.

The County and the Borough will enter into a legal agreement if the Borough chooses to proceed with the construction of this project. Realignment of the roadway widths will be made so left turn lanes and left turn phases to service the demands of the north and south approaches will be met. The new signal will be maintained by the County.

Mr. Bader arrived on the dais at 8:25 p.m.

Mr. Baum arrived on the dais at 8:30 p.m.

2010 NJDOT Pascack Valley Cooperative Pricing System for Road Paving Program

Boswell McClave Engineering attended a preconstruction meeting on January 19, 2011 to discuss the project. At the request of the Mayor and Council, the proposed curbing work along Clairmont Drive will be deleted from the project. The road that will be paved in Woodcliff Lake is Highview Avenue from Broadway to Kinderkamack Road. Approximately 500 lf of curbing will be installed on Broadway fronting the train station. The total bid price of the project specific to Woodcliff Lake is $110,334.45. Woodcliff Lake has received an NJDOT Local Aid Grant in the amount of $130,000.oo for work to be performed on Highview Avenue and the Borough is funding $20,000.00 of additional work to be performed on Broadway fronting the train station.

The Borough of Westwood has already awarded the general contract to D&L paving. The Borough of Woodcliff Lake has awarded its own contract to D&L at its December 6, 2010 Mayor and Council meeting.

Councilman Struk stated that the damage coming out of this winter is going to be huge. This very rough winter has put a lot of abuse on the roads. Mr. Bader asked the cost of the red non-skid paving material vs. the usual material. Mr. Bader stated that the red road material is aesthetically much nicer. Administrator Sandve stated that this type of paving material could be used on Highview Avenue.

Mayor LaPaglia stated that road repaving projects will be discussed at the budget meeting. Woodcliff Lake has received a DOT grant for Highview and a $150,000.00 from the DOT for Tice Boulevard. We have a commitment to the residents on Glen Road to finish repaving from Ravine Road in 2011. That will determine if we have any additional monies. Since the Mayor has been in office, the Borough has been setting aside $200,000.00 per year in repaving.

Administrator Sandve stated that the Pascack Valley Co-op Program will include a curb cost in the contracts. Administrator Sandve will revise the contract documents so that the contractor who receives the curb and sidewalk contract will be able to provide the same price to any residents who would like to use their services.

Intersection Improvements to Chestnut Ridge Road and Saddle River Road (Bergen County Project)

The Bergen County Engineer’s Office will be reviewing the status of the project.

Improvements to the Woodcliff Lake Dam (presentation by United Water Consultant, Buck, Seifert & Jost, Inc.

On January 18, 2011, Mayor LaPaglia, Councilman Glaser, Herb Kuehlke, OEM Coordinator, Chief Jannicelli and Elliot F. Scahs, P.E., BCEE, CME attended a meeting at the United Water Facility in Haworth, NJ. Copies of the notes and an excerpt of the power point presentation were attached for the Council’s review.

The Woodcliff Dam is located in Woodcliff Lake and Hillsdale, Bergen County, NJ. Three work areas are required for this project: Embankment Area No. 2, Embankment Area No. 1 and the Auxiliary Spillway Area. Two areas need to be raised because of erosion and the roadway needs to be lowered for additional spillway capacity. The anticipated date of this project to begin is March 2012 when Church Road will be closed. Church Road will be closed for approximately 21 months. Mr. Camella is very concerned about the restriction of emergency vehicles. Mr. Camella stated that municipalities will have to coordinate with emergency services very carefully when the road is shut down. If there was a fire or ambulance call on the east side of town, crews have to go through Hillsdale or Park Ridge. Mayor LaPaglia agreed that this project will create some issues. Chief Jannicelli will be conducting traffic counts on Church Road to begin next month to coincide with the March 2012 start date. The Chief will also do the count for part of the month in March on Woodcliff Avenue.


As we begin the second month of the second decade of the 21st Century, we face many

new challenges and opportunities. 2011 is shaping up as a year of significant change on the

world scene, look at what is happening in the Middle East and in China now the second largest

industrial nation in the world economy. Look at what is happening in the U.S. as our economy

attempts to rebound and look at what is happening in our State with Governor Chris Christie

pushing initiatives that are long overdue. Rapid change has already occurred in the first decade

(2000-2009) of this century in the private sector, now it is taking hold of the governmental sector

as public sector employees are forced to give up their annual salary increase or accept lower

increases and their generous employee benefits. Accountability and performance measurements

are taking root in the public sector with improved transparency. Just look at what took place at

the Passaic Valley Sewer Authority this past month. I have always believed that sunshine and a

well informed public is our strongest defense against corruption.

Our challenge in Woodcliff Lake is to continue to preserve the quality of life our

residents have come to expect at a cost that we can all afford. This translates into holding the

line on property tax increases this year and for the future by carefully monitoring municipal

expenses and looking for tax saving opportunities in municipal and county government and our

schools. My number one goal is keeping our property taxes under control.


Park Ridge – Potential New Well in Woodcliff Lake The Borough has received a request from Park Ridge to meet to discuss potential sites in Woodcliff Lake for a new well. I would recommend that the Mayor and Council appoint a Committee to meet with them to discuss it.

Ordinances The Borough has received a number of requests for various changes and/or new Ordinances. It is recommended that the Ordinance Committee schedule a meeting to discuss these Ordinances and provide the Mayor and Council with draft Ordinances for consideration.

LOSAP Annual Award Increases The Borough has received the Local Finance Notice related to the annual increases in LOSAP. The CPI indicates that the increase would be 1.7%. As you may know the Borough is not required to grant this increase since the original referendum to the public did not include an automatic annual increase.

Goals and Objectives A list of the Goals and Objectives received from the Mayor and Council to date have been provided to the Mayor and Council for their review. Each member should rate these goals so that a final decision can be made at the February 22nd Council meeting.

2011 Municipal Budget Update The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday February 9th to discuss the preliminary budget that has been based on the Department requested budgets.


2011 Goals and Objectives

A list of goals and objectives were sent out previously. A new list was distributed to all council members tonight on the dais. Mr. Bader stated that the list is a “living document”. Additions can be added. Mr. Bader stressed that all goals and objectives must be sent to Administrator Sandve by February 16, 2011 for be finalized for the February 22, 2011 meeting.


Two Resolutions were added tonight onto the Consent Agenda

1. Resolution Authorizing Performance Bond release to BMW North America South Campus Expansion, Block 802, Lots 1,3,4,5 and 6 Block 602, Lots 1 and 1.01 and the Posting of a Maintenance Bond

2. Resolution Supporting the 2011New Jersey Project Wet “Make a Splash! Water Festival”


Motion to open the meeting to the public was made by Mr. Glaser, second by Mr. Hoffman and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

Jared Shapiro, Woodcliff Lake Fire Chief, thanked Mr. Bader, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Camella, Administrator Sandve, and Borough Clerk Sciara with their help in the air bottle problem. Assemblyman Schroeder and County representatives had also lent their help. Chief Shapiro thanked his commissioners for helping with shoveling out fire hydrants in town. Residents should have to shovel hydrants out when shoveling their sidewalks. Administrator Sandve stated that the ordinance committee would be discussing an ordinance making it a requirement to shovel out fire hydrants. Chief Shapiro stated that LOSAP is the incentive given for volunteer firefighters to keep members involved. All firefighters would appreciate the CPI increase. However, Chief Shapiro stated that any increase is the Council’s decision.

Josephine Higgins, 10 Pond Road, congratulated Mr. Baum and Mr. Struk for their election win. Mrs. Higgins stated that she knows they will do the right thing for the residents of Woodcliff Lake. Mrs. Higgins commented on the closing of Church Road. For 72 hours, Grand Avenue, Park Avenue and Hillsdale Avenues were closed. Church Road was the only road operational. Mrs. Higgins reminded the Council that all school busses go down Church Road. She stated that during the construction period, an officer might be needed to keep traffic flowing.

Mrs. Higgins continued that since the Council is all republican now, she hopes all will show more respect towards the Mayor. Mrs. Higgins wished to publicly thank Mr. Rosenblatt for doing the best job he could under the circumstances he was working under.

Hearing no further comments from the public, motion to close the meeting to the public was made by Mr. Bader, second by Mr. Hoffman and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

Mr. Bader asked the status of the Hillsdale Cell tower. It was reported in the Pascack Press that Hillsdale had withdrew the bids. Mr. Bader stated that Hillsdale is getting community pressure and resentment towards the project. Mr. Bader hoped that the stance Woodcliff Lake was willing to take against the cell tower helped in their withdrawal of the bids.


Mr. Bader asked for Consent Agenda #5 to be pulled for a separate vote.

Mr. Hoffman asked for Consent Agenda #8 to be pulled for a separate vote.


Motion to approve Consent Agenda #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 as presented was made by Mr. Bader, second by Mr. Camella.


Introduce: Mr. Bader

Second: Mr. Camella

Ayes: Mr. Baum, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Struk,

Mr. Camella, Mr. Bader

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Motion to approve Consent Agenda #5 as presented was made by Mr. Camella, second by Mr. Glaser.

Resolution Authorizing a Partial Stipulation of Settlement as to the First Count Only, Gary and Beth Hirschberg Block 1108, Lot 5, 22 Hunter Ridge vs. the Borough of Woodcliff Lake (Consent Agenda-5)

1. It is hereby stipulated and agreed that the assessment of the following property be adjusted and Judgment entered as follows:

a. Block: 1108

Lot: 5

Street Address: 22 Hunter Ridge

Municipality: Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen, NJ

Year: 2010



LAND 302,400.00 Direct 302,400.00

IMPROVEMENTS 1,685,400.00 Appeal 1,377,600.00

TOTAL 1,987,000.00 1,625,000.00

2. The undersigned have made such an examination of a value and proper assessment of the property and have obtained such appraisals, analysis and information with respect to the valuation and assessment of the property, as they deem necessary and appropriate for the purposes of enabling them to enter into this Stipulation. The Assessor of the Taxing District has been consulted by the Attorney for the Taxing District with respect to the settlement and has concurred.

3. The refund due the Plaintiff/Taxpayer, as a result of this Stipulation of Settlement, for the 2010 tax year shall be in the form of a monetary refund. Statutory interest, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:3-27.2, having been waived by taxpayer, shall not be paid provided the tax refund is paid within sixty (60) days of the date of entry of the Tax Court judgment.

a. Any and all refunds due as a result of this Stipulation shall be made payable to “Beattie Padovano Trust Account” and mailed directly to Antimo A. Del Vecchio, Esq., Beattie Padavano, LLC Chestnut Ridge road, P.O. Box 244, Montvale, New Jersey 07645-0244

4. The Taxing District agrees that the Freeze act (N.J.S.A. 54:1A-8) shall apply in all respects to the assessment(s), and therefore, the Freeze Act shall cover the 2011 and 2010 tax years in the same amount as stipulated for the 2010 assessment set forth in Paragraph 1 herein. No Freeze Act year(s) shall be the basis for the Application of the Freeze Act for any subsequent year. The Taxing District agrees to timely (within ten (10) days of receipt of a request) execute all documents which may be necessary to apply for, file and/or obtain an “Application for Judgment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:51A-8”.

5. Based upon the foregoing, the undersigned stipulate and represent to the Court that the above settlement will result in an assessment at the fair assessable value of the property consistent with assessing practices generally required by law and applicable in the Taxing District.


Introduce: Mr. Camella

Second: Mr. Glaser

Ayes: Mr. Baum, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Struk, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Camella

Nays: None

Abstain: Mr. Bader

Absent: None

Motion to approve Consent Agenda #8 as presented was made by Mr. Glaser, second by Mr. Bader.

Resolution Undertaking the Joint Study With the Borough of Montvale and the Borough of Park Ridge

WHEREAS, the Bergen County Prosecutor has advised that there are funds available for municipalities to conduct a consolidation and merger study for Police Departments, either of departments and/or divisions or other functions related to law enforcement; and

WHEREAS, the Bergen County Prosecutor has advised that there are certain conditions with respect to accessing the funds including a formal Request for Proposal process for Proposal process for selection of a vendor and/or the use of a cooperative purchasing arrangement with all vendors and contracts being subject to the approval of the Bergen County Prosecutor; and

WHEREAS, in addition to the selection of the vendor the Bergen County Prosecutor has advised that those municipalities opting to use the funds available through the above program may be required to refund said funding should a determination be made not to proceed with a consolidation merger; and

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff lake have reviewed in concept the possibility of undertaking said study with the Boroughs of Montvale and Park Ridge; and

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake are desirous of undertaking such a study to ascertain if the Borough of Woodcliff Lake could realize significant cost savings, streamline service delivery and improve effectiveness; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake that it wishes to undertake this study with the Borough of Montvale and the Borough of Park Ridge and utilize the funding available through the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a separate recommendation will be mad by the Tri-Boro Shared Services Subcommittee to the three municipalities as to the methodology to be used with respect to vendor selection.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough of Park Ridge wishes to be the lead agency.

The issue is that the Mr. Bader stated that this does not mean we will consolidate tomorrow. Mr. Bader explained if we arbitrarily say we don’t like it after the report is in, then the prosecutor has a complaint.

Mr. Hoffman stated that Haworth and Cresskill are the only towns he has heard of that are interested in this study for consolidation of police services. Mr. Bader stated that Bogota and Teaneck are also interested. Mr. Hoffman stated that he does not want the Borough to be on the “hook” for any monies if the study was not acceptable. Mr. Bader stated that this is just a Resolution to begin the study, not a contract agreement. Mr. Bader continued that there are not set goals


Introduce: Mr. Glaser

Second: Mr. Bader

Ayes: Mr. Baum, Mr. Camella, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Struk,

Mr. Bader, Mr. Glaser

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None


Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Bader, second by Mr. Baum and approved unanimously by voice call vote. The time is 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori Sciara, RMC/CMC

Borough Clerk


Authority to Pay Claims. (Consent Agenda - 1)

RESOLVED, that the following current claims against the Borough for materials and services have been considered and are proper and hereby are approved for payment:

Current Fund: $ 2,146,368.28

Animal Fund $ 776.60

Capital Fund $ 145.00

Payroll (Consent Agenda-2)

RESOLVED, that the following Payroll Disbursements made by the Treasurer since the last meting are proper and hereby ratified and approved:

Payroll released $ 171,873.62


WHEREAS, the Borough of Woodcliff Lake hereinafter “Woodcliff Lake”, the Borough of Park Ridge, hereinafter “Park Ridge” and the Borough of Montvale, hereinafter “Montvale”, (Park Ridge and Montvale also referred to as the Supported Municipalities) desire to establish a joint municipal court pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq, hereinafter “Pascack Joint Municipal Court”, and

WHEREAS, the municipalities have determined it to be in their mutual best interests to provide for joint municipal court facilities, personnel and resources for use by their respective municipal courts with Montvale as the lead agency; and

WHEREAS, the agreement is established in accordance with the Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act, N.J.S.A. 40A:61-1 et seq; and

WHEREAS, each of the participating municipalities anticipate realizing a savings to their respective tax-payers in entering into this Shared Service Agreement; and

WHEREAS, the scope of services provides that Montvale will make the necessary facilities available by way of courtroom, offices and storage space; and

WHEREAS, the Pascack Joint Municipal Court personnel will include a judge, prosecutor and public defender and court administrator as well as security personnel; and

WHEREAS, the municipal court operations will be managed by Montvale as a joint court using one set of books and one court calendar; and

WHEREAS, all municipalities will each receive and retain all new revenues generated by each of their respective cases; and

WHEREAS, a committee will be established to recommend a judge and other professionals to be appointed to the Pascack Joint Municipal Court; and

WHEREAS, the court administration personnel will be chosen from the current court personnel of Montvale and the Supported Municipalities; and

WHEREAS, the term of the agreement is for seven years but with the ability of any municipality to leave the joint court upon one year’s notice; and

WHEREAS, each of the Supported Municipalities shall pay Montvale a fee for their use of the Pascack Joint Municipal Court equal to their proportion of court revenue; and

WHEREAS, an advisory committee consisting of members from Montvale and the Supported Municipalities will review court operations and set forth the court use fee; and

WHEREAS, some expenses associated with the establishing of the joint court will be shared equally between Montvale and the Supported Municipalities; and

WHEREAS, additional municipal participants may become part of the Pascack Joint Municipal Court as set forth in the Agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Court Agreement shall not be effective until the adoption by all three municipalities and the approval of the Agreement by the Administrative Office of the Courts.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement for a joint municipal court with Montvale as the lead agency based upon the terms and conditions set forth herein and consistent with Ordinance No. 10-11 adopted by the Mayor and Council on December 20, 2010, and to hereby authorize the creation of the joint municipal court pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq and N.J.S.A. 40A:61-1 et seq., subject to the approval of the Borough Attorney.

Resolution Authorizing License as a Dealer of Second-Hand Gold, Silver, Gems, and Precious Metals (Consent Agenda-4)

WHEREAS, application has been made by First Montgomery LLC dba Montgomery Estate Buyers; and

WHEREAS, said application has been submitted to the Woodcliff Lake Police Department for investigation and have been found to be in good order;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the application of First Montgomery LLC dba Montgomery Estate Buyers is approved and the Borough Clerk is hereby authorized to issue License for the period ending 12/31/11.

Resolution Authorizing Temporary Emergency Budget Appropriation

(Consent Agenda-6)

WHEREAS, an emergent condition has arisen with respect to various Appropriations listed below and no adequate provision has been made in the 2011 temporary appropriations for the aforesaid purpose, and N.J.S. 40A:4-20 provides for the creation of an emergency temporary appropriation for the purpose above mentioned, and

WHEREAS, said total emergency temporary resolutions adopted in the year 2011 pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 96, P.L. 1951 (N.J.S. 40A:4-20) including this resolution total $30,000.00; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED (not less than two-thirds of all the members thereof affirmatively concurring) that in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S. 40A:4-20:

1. The following temporary appropriations be and the same are hereby made for:


Fire Department – Replacement of SBCA Air Bottles $ 30,000.00

2. That said emergency temporary appropriations will be provided for in the 2011 budget under the various titles listed.

3. That one certified copy of this resolution be filed with the Director of Local Government


|2010 Budget Reserve Transfers for February 7, 2011 meeting (Consent Agenda-7) |

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| | | | |

|ADMINISTRATION - SALARIES AND WAGES | 0-01-20-100-010 |1,000.00 | |

|FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-20-130-020 | |1,000.00 |

| | | | |

|TAX ASSESSMENT - SALARIES AND WAGES | 0-01-20-150-010 |1,000.00 | |

|TAX COLLECTION - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-20-145-020 | |1,000.00 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|ENGINEERING - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-20-165-020 |10,000.00 | |

|LEGAL - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-20-155-020 | |10,000.00 |

| | | | |

|ENGINEERING - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-20-165-020 |10,000.00 | |

|POLICE - SALARIES AND WAGES |0-01-252-240-010 | |10,000.00 |

| | | | |

|FIRE DEPARTMENT - SALARIES AND WAGES |0-01-25-255-010 |2,000.00 | |

|FIRE DEPARTMENT - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-25-255-020 | |2,000.00 |

| | | | |

|FIRE PREVENTION - SALARIES AND WAGES |0-01-25-265-010 |100.00 | |

|FIRE PREVENTION - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-25-265-020 | |100.00 |

| | | | |

|DPW - SALARIES AND WAGES |0-01-26-290-010 |2,000.00 | |

|DPW - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-26-290-020 | |2,000.00 |

| | | | |

|DPW - SALARIES AND WAGES |0-01-26-290-010 |1,000.00 | |

|VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-26-315-020 | |1,000.00 |

| | | | |

|DPW - SALARIES AND WAGES |0-01-26-290-010 |5,000.00 | |

|SOLID WASTE - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-26-305-020 |4,500.00 | |

|ELECTRICITY |0-01-31-430-020 | |9,500.00 |

| | | | |

|PARKS AND RECREATION - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-28-375-020 |1,500.00 | |

|STREET LIGHTING |0-01-31-435-000 | |1,500.00 |

| | | | |

|TELEPHONE |0-01-31-440-020 |2,000.00 | |

|WATER |0-01-31-445-020 | |2,000.00 |

| | | | |

|SOCIAL SECURITY |0-01-36-472-000 |4,000.00 | |

|SEWER - OTHER EXPENSES |0-01-31-455-020 |1,500.00 | |

|GASOLINE |0-01-31-460-020 | |5,500.00 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|TOTAL | |45,600.00 |45,600.00 |

| | | | |

| | | | |


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