
Dow High Music Booster MeetingMarch 10, 2020 7:00 pmMembers Present: K. Dastick, K. Conley, M. Sisco, J. Ridley, E. Brown, S. Barbeau, C. Stemple, T. Thoms, S. DeRees, K. Bond, C. Greiman, K. Rhee, K. Birch, D. Wright, C. Hong, I. Redman, E. LauderbachAgenda ItemSpecial Notes or Information1Call to Order and Welcome: D. WrightMeeting opened: 6:07pmWelcome!2Review and Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Meeting MinutesTreasurer’s Report-M. Sisco distributed a budget/activity report and indicated that monetary allocation ratios are even between band, choir, and orchestra. He is in the process of rebuilding budget spreadsheets, so the current reports are preliminary only. Meeting Minutes-E. Lauderbach reviewed February, 2020 minutes and noted there were no corrections. Motion to accept both the preliminary Treasurer’s Report and the February meeting minutes was provided by K. Dastick and a second was provided by C. Greiman. Motion passed.3 Old BusinessState Orchestra Solo and Ensemble-A. Thoms and J. Pisarczyk indicated that things are in good shape for the 3/15/20 event. Rooms have been booked, Chartwells is providing meals, MHS is in charge of concessions. Volunteers are being gathered currently. Pianos are arriving Friday and hotels are booked. 4 New BusinessJazz and More 2021-D. Wright indicated that for the 2021 event, we will entertain a bid from MCFTA to see if they can they beat the Midland Country Club price. 4/6/20 is when Doug will hear about dates for 2021. Jazz and More 2020-work is well underway. Tickets will go live Monday 3/16/20. The committee is reaching out to sponsors now. A link will be provided on the Music Booster website for ticket sales, and an email will be sent to parents re: tickets. November 14, 2020 is Music Booster’s 1st choice preference for Ren Fair, November 7, 2020 will be the second choice, and November 21 will be the 3rd choice.5Director ReportsBand-Mr. DeRees- Bands are just coming off festival; all bands did a great job. Green Band had all A’s and one B+, Gold Band all 1s, and Symphonic Band got all A’s and one A+. Jazz Band played background music for the “Pasta for a Purpose” fundraiser and did a really nice job. The Pep band will go to the hockey state semi finals on Friday, 3/14/20. The Walt Disney World band trip is a “go”. Directors will keep a close eye on the progression of COVID-19 and communicate with Educational Tours Inc. regularly. Rehearsals for the WDW performance start Thursday 3/13/20 at MHS. Choir-Mr. Gardner-Northrup, absent. No report.Orchestra-Ms. Thoms- Symphony Orchestra received all first division rating at Festival. They did a great job! State Solo and Ensemble is on Saturday, 3/15/20 and approximately 30 students will participate. Also, many students are involved in the pit for the school musical that has performances on 3/20, 21, 22. The 4th grade Music Celebration Concert is on 3/24 at 9:45 am at MCFTA. The Honors Orchestra will perform at the honor awards assemblies on 3/25 & 26. Also, planning for the Boston trip is moving forward. Because the CDC has not placed any travel restrictions on any location in the US at the moment, there is no possibility of refunds or coverage from trip insurance. We are keeping an eye on the COVID-19 situation and will proceed as advised by the travel company.6AdjournMeeting adjourned at 6:39 pm: A motion to adjourn was given by J. Ridley and a second was provided by S. Barbeau. Motion passed. ................

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