Please complete this Application in full and mail entire completed

Application to:

Massport Parks Phone: (617) 568-3998

Massachusetts Port Authority Fax: (617) 568-3703

Government and Community Affairs parks@

One Harborside Drive

East Boston, MA 02128-2909

DEADLINE: This Event Application must be submitted to the Massachusetts Port Authority’s Maritime Department no fewer than sixty (60) days in advance of the date requested.

|Date of Application: |      |



|      |

|Company Name / Organization (Legal name of entity to be legally bound by License) |

|      |      |

|Type of Business (i.e. Partnership, Corporation, etc., if applicable) |State of Formation (if applicable) |

|      |

|Address of Principle Place of Business |

|      |      |      |

|City |State |Zip |


|      |      |      |

|Last Name |First Name |Title |

|      |

|Company Name / Organization |

|      |

|Address |

|      |      |      |      |

|City |State |Zip |E-Mail |

|       |       |       |

|Telephone |Alternate phone |Fax |

BILL TO: ( Check here if same as Contact Person above):

|      |      |      |

|Last Name |First Name |Title |

|      |

|Company Name / Organization |

|      |

|Address |

|      |      |      |      |

|City |State |Zip |E-Mail |

|       |       |       |

|Telephone |Alternate phone |Fax |



__ Charity Run/Walk __ Parade __ Wedding Ceremony

__ Fair/Bazaar __ Picnic __ Concert/Live Music

__ Commercial filming __ Commercial photography __ Other (Specify):      


|      |

|Event Title |

|      |      |

|Date(s) of Proposed Event |Estimated Attendance |

|      |to |      |

|      |

|Estimated Number in Licensee’s Party (Specify Employees, Volunteers, Contractors, etc.) |

|      |      |

|Has this Event Been held in the past? (If Yes, for how many years? |Location(s) of Past Events |

|      |      |

|Emergency Contact Person (During Event) |Emergency Contact Number (During Event) |

Please place an X in the YES column beside the items that pertain to your event. Include additional information either under: “Description/Type/Use”; on a separate drawing/plan or on a separate sheet of paper. Each of the items below must be approved by Massport.


DIMENSIONS |HOW SECURED |DESCRIPTION/TYPE/USE |PROPOSED LOCATIONS | |      |Advertising (if Sponsor names will be included, list must be submitted to Massport for approval.) | | | |      | | |      |Banners (must be fire retardant.) |      |      |      |      |      | |      |Booth(s), Exhibit(s), Display(s) and/or Enclosures |      |      | |      |      | |      |Canopies (must comply with the State Building Code) |      |      |      |      |      | |      |Chairs |      | | |      |      | |      |Decorations (must be fire retardant) |      |      |      |      |      | |      |Electrical Wiring, including the use of any amplified sound, such as a stereo or other electronic device. (Must comply with the State Electrical Code). | | | |      |      | |      |Entertainment (must comply with the City of Boston Noise Ordinance) | | | |      |      | |      |Fencing, Barrier(s) and/or Barricade(s) |      |      | |      |      | |      |First Aid Facilities and Ambulance(s) (specify location and provider) |      |      | |      |      | |      |Food (no glass containers allowed.) Specify type, location, distribution methods, etc. | | | |      |      | |      |Fuel |      | | |      |      | |      |Fuel Transfer |      | | |      |      | |      |Generators (specify type and use) |      |      | |      |      | |YES |ITEM DESCRIPTION |QUANTITY |SIZE /

DIMENSIONS |HOW SECURED |DESCRIPTION/TYPE/USE |PROPOSED LOCATIONS | |      |Lighting |      | | |      |      | |      |Metered Parking Spaces (specify location and number of metered parking spaces requested for use during event. $15.00 charge per meter per day applies.) |      | | |      |      | |      |Scaffolding, Bleachers, Platform(s), Grandstand(s), Stage or Similar Structures(s) |      |      |      |      |      | |      |Sound / Amplification (must comply with the City of Boston Noise Ordinance) | | | |      |      | |      |Tables |      |      | |      |      | |      |Tents (must comply with the State Building Code. Tent certificate required 10 days before start of event.) |      |      |      |      |      | |      |Toilets (Portable) (must remain locked until start of event.) |      | | |      |      | |      |Trash Containers |      | | |      |      | |      |Vehicles(s) |      |      | |      |      | |      |Water | | | |      |      | |      |Water Hoses | | | |      |      | |

IMPORTANT: Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Massport property.

Please provide a description of your event and request along with a site drawing or sketch indicating the area you would like to occupy (including street names) and a description of the set up, including where equipment will be placed and vehicles will be parked.


1) Event organizers must submit this application no less than 60 calendar days in advance of the date requested. Applications submitted with less than 60 days notice shall be granted only to the extent administratively and operationally feasible.

2) A License Agreement is required for any use, activity or gathering requiring set-up or street closures or if considered necessary by the Authority for reasons of safety, security, effect on the area, the nature of the event or risk to the Authority.

3) Applicants shall be required to pay a License Agreement processing fee as follows:

• $100.00 for the use of South Boston Maritime Park. Events that are open to the general public do not incur a processing fee, although costs outlined in item 4 below will apply.

• $250.00 per hour or $2,000.00 per day for commercial filming or photography on Massport property.

4) For all events, the Authority’s Property Management, Fire Rescue, Security Services Unit and the State Police will determine the required maintenance, emergency medical and safety and security staffing on a case-by-case basis for each event. All costs incurred shall be borne by the event organizers. The Authority reserves the right to charge a maintenance fee, based upon the Authority’s cost to return the area utilized to its condition immediately preceding the event. These costs are in addition to the License Agreement processing fee described in item 3 above.

5) Applicant shall not charge an admission fee to any patrons, invitees, guests, volunteers or others.

6) The Authority reserves the right to disapprove applications in its sole discretion. If an application is not approved, the Applicant shall have five (5) business days to appeal the decision in writing to the Port Director at the address listed on the front of this application.

7) Insurance requirements will be determined by the Authority’s Director of Risk Management. If it is determined that insurance coverage is required, a certificate showing the required coverage must be provided to the Authority no less than 14 calendar days in advance of the event date. Liability insurance procured shall name the Massachusetts Port Authority as an additional insured.

8) No event can take place on Massport property before all applicable costs have been paid, the insurance requirements are met, and all copies of the License Agreement are processed.

DEADLINE: The Special Events Application must be submitted no fewer than sixty (60) days in advance of the requested event date. Please return this application to one of the addresses below:

Mail to: Hand Deliver to:

ATTN: Community Relations & Government Affairs ATTN: Community Relations & Government Affairs

Massachusetts Port Authority Massachusetts Port Authority

One Harborside Drive, Suite 200S One Harborside Drive, Suite 200S

East Boston, MA 02128-2909 East Boston, MA 02128-2909


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