Cuneiform Artist News Jan 2008


May 2008 New Releases p. 2

Artist News:

Ahleuchatistas p. 5

Beat Circus p. 5

Gregg Bendian (The Mahavishnu Project) p. 6

Birdsongs of the Mesozoic p. 6

Cosmologic p. 7

Doctor Nerve / Nick Didkovsky p. 7

Paul Dunmall p. 7

Guapo p. 8

Hamster Theatre p. 8

Hugh Hopper p. 9

Mats/Morgan Band p. 9

The Microscopic Septet p. 10

Phil Miller’s In Cahoots / Peter Lemer p. 10

The Ed Palermo Big Band p. 11

Picchio dal Pozzo p. 11

Richard Pinhas p. 11

Planeta Imaginario p. 11

Radio Massacre International p. 12

Revolutionary Snake Ensemble p. 12

Roswell Rudd p. 13

Wadada Leo Smith p. 13

Thinking Plague p. 14

University of Errors p. 14

Univers Zero p. 14

Yang p. 15

Cuneiform Artist Tours p. 15

Cuneiform Artist Websites p. 18








UNIVERS ZERO     *UNIVERS ZERO* [formerly 1313]      (Cuneiform Rune 1313)        


“It’s stunning how well Univers Zero’s 1977 debut holds up, musically and sonically, compared to…

anything else happening in so-called new music.”  –  Keyboard

More than 30 years ago, a group of seven unknown, mostly Belgian musicians gathered in a small basement studio to record their first album, which they released themselves in a tiny edition of 500 copies. The album was untitled, the cover bearing only the band’s name, but the catalogue number on the first, limited pressing – 1313 – would in later years be used as its name. The power and originality of this album – the first recording by the Belgian band Univers Zero –  stunned listeners at the time. At some point during the album’s numerous subsequent reissues on various labels, Univers Zero’s debut album was renamed 1313. Each reissue delighted existing fans and attracted new audiences; decades later, the album continues to astound. Today, Univers Zero is acknowledged to mark the birth of “chamber rock”: a new and startlingly original musical genre – a perfect hybrid of classical music and rock –  that may conceivably be the Francophone world’s most significant [unique/distinctive/singular] contribution to late 20th Century New Music.  Featuring music that was simultaneously medieval and modern, merging influences from early 20th  C. classical composers such as Bartok and Stravinsky, with the power and iconoclasm of rock music, Univers Zero marked the debut of one of the greatest avant-garde ensembles of all-time.

This reissue by Cuneiform restores Univers Zero’s debut album to its original look – the cover reproduces that of the original pressing, with its original name – Univers Zero as opposed to 1313, while enhancing the album’s original sound – the music is completely remixed. Remixed from the original 1977 multi-track tapes and remastered, the nuances of Univers Zero’s unique, primarily acoustic, and primarily classical instrumentation come to the fore: bassoon, violin, harmonium, viola, oboe, and spinet, interwoven with guitar, bass and drums. In addition to the studio album – which featured Univers Zero bandmembers Michel Berckmans (bassoon), Daniel Denis (drums, percussion), Marcel Dufrane (violin), Christian Genet (bass), Patrick Hanappier (violin, viola, pocket cello), Emmanuel Nicaise (harmonium, spinet), and Roger Trigaux (guitar) – this reissue also includes a live, 28 minute bonus track. A 1979 performance of “La Faulx” that was recorded by B.R.T. (Belgie Radio Televisie), the live track features Berckmans (bassoon and oboe), Denis (drums), Hanappier (violin), Guy Segers (bass and vocal and noise effects), and Trigaux (harmonium and guitar). The CD reissue is accompanied by a 16pp. booklet containing a history of the band’s early years written by music historians Renato Moraes and Aymeric Leroy and illustrated with archival photos. Reproducing the original artwork, the cover features only the band’s name – Univers Zero; for the CD’s catalogue number, Cuneiform has used the number 1313.  Such careful restored packaging is befitting this album’s landmark status: a seminal album in the history of rock, as well as a lodestar for the future of classical music. By the close of the 20th C.,  chamber rock’s influence on avant-garde rock would extend beyond the French-speaking world to the rest of Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Japan, and beyond. Today, in the 21st Century, the classical music world is discovering Univers Zero, whose music reveals a new direction for classical music, injecting new vigor, attracting new audiences and breathing new life into the scene.


LARS HOLLMER     *VIANDRA*   (Cuneiform Rune 271)              


“…Hollmer should be considered a composer in the league of Piazzola…”  –All Music Guide

Swedish composer/accordionist/keyboardist Lars Hollmer – “Swedish king of all things with keys” [AMG] – creates popular instrumental music that transcends modern musical genres and evokes the heart and soul of traditional Scandinavian folk music. In a career spanning 4 decades,  based in the ancient university town of Uppsala, he has recorded  scores of albums and created a highly distinctive body of solo and collaborative work, that can best be characterized as a kaleidoscope of musical influences forged through a singular Nordic lens.  Interweaving traditional folk musics with popular music of the present and near-past (rock, jazz, film scores, carnival and circus music) and influences from classical composers, Hollmer’s music infuses danceable melodies with complex time signatures, and invites instruments long associated with the common folk (accordions, harmoniums etc) to the fore, to dance alongside classical (bassoons, oboe) or modern popular (jazz and rock) instrumentation.  The resultant sound is melodic and accessible, intelligent and complex, and above all, heartfelt and sincere, spanning human emotions from joy to despair.  Revered in his native country, who awarded this “giant in the Swedish musical society” a Swedish Grammy Award for solo work in 1999,  Hollmer’s music has begun to receive more widespread, popular recognition outside Scandinavia, due to his ongoing, high energy international projects. His recent projects include membership in the accordion supergroup, Accordion Tribe, the subject of an award-winning European documentary; collaborations with French Canadian (Jean Derome, FanFare Pourpour, Miriodor) and Japanese musicians (Sola, with Ruins’ drummer Tatsuya Yoshida); appearances at countless high-profile music festivals; and a series of recordings released in Germany, Canada, Japan and the USA.

This recording, Viandra – whose title, says Lars, is derived from Vi=We and Andra=Others – is Hollmer’s 12th solo album and his first to be released in the USA, by Cuneiform.  It may well be the most ‘accessible’ of Hollmer’s solo recordings  to date – especially in physical terms, through global release and distribution. Composed between 2001 and 2007, Viandra  chronicles solo work that Hollmer felt compelled to create during one of his career’s most active periods of international artistic collaboration, and one of the most eventful periods in his personal life. As such, it is a uniquely personal and contemplative work. Speaking of Viandra, Hollmer notes that: “My music has always been a mirror of my life…and this time more than ever, I believe.” Recorded at the Chickenhouse – the Uppsala studio where Hollmer’s artistic soul comes home to roost – Viandra features Hollmer on a myriad of instruments (accordion, various keyboards, harmonium, glockenspiel and more), playing with some of his most beloved collaborators, including long-time associate (and Univers Zero member) Michel Berckmans on bassoon, oboe and French horn, and Santiago Jimenez on violin. The music is pure Lars Hollmer: defying convention while paying homage to the past, Viandra transcends modern musical genres to transport the listener on a journey through the heart of humanity, on the wings of a Nordic soul.


WADADA LEO SMITH’S GOLDEN QUARTET     *TABLIGH*       (Cuneiform Rune 270)                                      



“…one of the most poetically concise improvisors in American music. … He describes his state of mind when he’s improvising in almost mystic terms, and in fact there’s probably little distinction between music and spirituality in Smith’s mind.”   – Coda 

Lauded as “one of the most vital musicians on the planet” by Coda, Wadada Leo Smith is one of the most visionary, boldly original and artistically important figures in contemporary American jazz and free music, and one of the greatest trumpet players of all time.  As a composer, improvisor, performer, music theorist/writer and educator, Smith has devoted a lifetime to navigating the emotional heart, spiritual soul, social significance and physical structure of jazz – both free and composed – and world music to create new music of infinite possibility and nuance.   Since the 1960s, when Smith became a founding member of AACM and debuted as a composer on Anthony Braxton’s 1968  *Three Compositions of New Jazz*, he has released nearly 30 albums under either his own name or his bands’ on ECM, Moers, Black Saint and other labels, including numerous releases on his own Kabell label in the ‘70s-‘80s and on Tzadik, Pi Recordings and Cuneiform (Yo Miles!) in the ‘90s and 2000s. IN 2004,  Tzadik released a highly acclaimed boxed set of his early work, called *The Kabell Years 1971-79*.  In 2005, Smith’s music was spot-lit as the subject of a three-day Creative Music Festival held at RedCat in Los Angeles. The crowning highlight of that festival, headlining on November 19, was a concert by Wadada Leo Smith’s Golden Quartet, a musical project especially dear to his heart. 

This CD, Tabligh, the first release by Wadada Leo Smith’s Golden Quartet on Cuneiform, was taped live at the November 19th 2005 concert. The third CD by the Quartet, it is the first one to feature the group’s new acoustic-electric lineup:  WADADA LEO SMITH on trumpet, VIJAR IYER on piano, Fender Rhodes and synthesizer, JOHN LINDBERG on bass, and SHANNON JACKSON on drums. Smith had brought these gifted composers/improvisers/performers together in 2004, and in the spring 2005 they did an extensive European tour. Their world premiere at the Banlieues Blues Festival was filmed for *Eclipse*, a   DVD documentary recently released by La Huit Productions. In contrast with the DVD, which features the same lineup, this CD features the Quartet performing on its home turf, after it had spent time touring together. On Tabligh, the musicians converse like old friends, speaking Smith’s musical language with ease and performing four of his compositions.  The music on the *Tabligh* CD is both riveting and reverent, offering breathtaking vistas across and interpretations of a jazz landscape that encompasses sound as well as silence, abstraction as well as grooves. In both its form and its content, the music on  Tabligh is one of the purest expressions of Smith’s creative ideals.

This year, WADADA LEO SMITH'S GOLDEN QUARTET – with IYER–piano, LINDBERG–bass, and Art Ensemble of Chicago member FAMOUDOU DON MOYE–drums  (the lineup of *Tabligh*  except for the drummer) – will play on the main stage June 13, 2008 at the Vision Festival XIII in NYC – THE premier festival for improvised music in the USA.


COSMOLOGIC:   EYES IN THE BACK OF MY HEAD    (Cuneiform Rune 263)                                 


"With motivated and talented young musicians of this calibre, there's no doubt that jazz can be a creative force. Long gone are the days when things West Coast were considered pallid in relation to anything East Coast, and for any of the doubters out there, here's the proof positive."                 – Marc Chenard, Coda Magazine

Based in the San Diego area, the group Cosmologic traverses the broad terrain of creative jazz and improvised music, integrating high-energy playing, intense introspection, rich grooves, open textures, and collective alchemy. Central to the group’s sound is a shared commitment to developing organic, original pieces that incorporate both composition and improvisation, and an ongoing pursuit of new ideas. While profoundly dedicated to improvisation, Cosmologic also performs complex, structured pieces that are composed by an individual member and then transformed through extensive group work. This process often leads the quartet into complex musical landscapes, while drawing on the individual strengths of each member. 

Cosmologic was founded as a composers’ and improvisors’ collective in 1999, and still consists of the original four musicians: JASON ROBINSON (reeds) and NATHAN HUBBARD (percussion), MICHAEL DESSEN (trombone), and SCOTT WALTON (bass & piano). Cosmologic’s new CD, *Eyes in the Back of My Head*, is the band’s 4th album and first release on Cuneiform. A studio recording made in December 2006 and containing 8 tracks, the CD features compositions contributed by each of the members and improvisation contributed by all. Featuring some of the most creative, vibrant creative modern jazz produced today, *Eyes in the Back of My Head* both celebrates the band’s past decade of existence, and points towards a shining future for this group.




 "Musical innovator Ken Field...[drags] the brass band into the 21st century." – Seth Rogovoy, Berkshire Eagle

 Dressed a la Mardi Gras in feathered masks and multi-colored, sequined costumes, playing music that riotously combines the rhythms of New Orleans brass bands with improvisation and heaping undercurrents of funk, the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble inhabits that rare musical planet on which Sun Ra, James Brown, George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic and a myriad of New Orleans marching bands jointly reside.  Based physically in Boston since forming in 1990, the horn and percussion-based group is led by saxophonist/composer Ken Field, who describes it as "a funk and street beat brass band, playing New Orleans and other modern improvised celebratory styles."  The Snakes' music is rooted in the New Orleans tradition of jazz funerals – a tradition unique to the birthplace of jazz – which began with a 'first line' procession to the burial ground, a brass band playing hymns in a funeral dirge.  Afterwards, there was a celebration of the deceased's life, with a 'second line' of musicians playing up-tempo music celebrating the miracle of life.  Playing Field's original compositions and rearrangements of traditional tunes, opening up new avenues for improvisation, the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble celebrates, expands, and transforms the brass band tradition – a tradition, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, that is now in diaspora.

The Revolutionary Snake Ensemble's 2nd release, Forked Tongue, is their first release on Cuneiform.  In the New Orleans brass band tradition, Forked Tongue opens with a New Orleans' funeral dirge, "Just a Closer Walk", before exploring more upbeat fare.  Containing a total of 12 tunes, the disc showcases a wide range of the Snakes' repertoire.  It includes unique arrangements of traditional New Orleans marching music and spirituals and of music by such diverse songwriters as William Broad (aka Billy Idol), Ornette Colemen (this may be the first disc ever to feature both Idol and Coleman!), Norman Span, and Jay Livingston & Ray Evans, as well as original material by Field.  The album features Field on alto sax, whistles and percussion; Andrew Hickman on tenor saxophone, Jon Fraser on trumpet, Lennie Peterson on trombone, Kimon Kirk on acoustic bass, and on drums and percussion, both Erik Paull and Phil Neighbors (who also contributes electric bass).  Guest musicians include vocalist Gabrielle Agachicko performing Field's stunning minor key arrangement of the traditional classic "Down By the Riverside."  Other guests include Karen Aqua (djembe, tambourine), Andy Pinkham (electric bass), and Jesse Williams (bass).   Recorded in 2006 at Boston's Mortal Music Studios with engineer/owner Andy Pinkham, it was remixed by Minneapolis' Balanced Productions and mastered in Los Angeles by Bob Demaa.



Ahleuchatistas have tour dates for June up on their myspace page. For most of these dates they will be touring with the band Planets. They also plan to begin composing again this summer. Shane Perlowin has recently been bringing his side projects into fruition, check them out on the Ahleuchatistas mypsace (In the “Top Friends” section.)

- ahleuchatistas

Beat Circus

May 2008 shows

Beat Circus will be performing a select few shows in the Northeast on May 14-16. We will be debuting some new songs we are excited about and performing with a number of our favorite people, including Larkin Grimm, The Goddamn Rattlesnake, Micah Blue Smaldone, and Alec K. Redfearn & The Eyesores.

On Wednesday May 14th Beat Circus will perform a make-up show at Space Gallery in Portland with Over A Cardboard Sea (our show last February in Portland was snowed out.)

Portland-based songwriter and guitarist Micah Blue Smaldone will be opening with a rare solo performance on our Boston show Thursday May 15th at TT The Bears along with our long-time collaborator and label-mate Alec K. Redfearn & The Eyesores.

And on Friday May 16th we return to Union Pool in Brooklyn with the awesome hellfire punk country band The Goddamn Rattlesnake, and the magical songwriter and performer Larkin Grimm. Last February we toured with Larkin on a few shows in the Southeast and recently Brian Carpenter and Jordan Voelker (of Beat Circus) and Micah Blue Smaldone (of Fire on Fire) have been recording with Larkin and producer Michael Gira for Larkin's new album to be released this year on Young God Records.

Photos from CD release shows

Photographers Lauren Goldberg and Katie Szczypinski shot our Dreamland CD release shows last February at the Knitting Factory in NYC and at Middle East Downstairs in Boston. You can view the full sets of photographs on Lauren and Katie's flickr pages. We have posted some of the highlights on our GALLERY page:

Dreamland stageplay in development

Brian Carpenter and Jordan Voelker are collaborating on the development of a musical stageplay of the story and characters behind the concept album Dreamland. The Dreamland stageplay is loosely based on Ray Bradbury's 1962 novel Something Wicked This Way Comes. We will post more news as this project develops.

Critical praise for Dreamland

The critics weigh in on Dreamland! Stewart Mason of All Music Guide calls Dreamland "a wonderfully imaginative record." The New Yorker writes "an ambitious new Brechtian concept album with rich and tight orchestration." Time Out New York writes "Dreamland realizes a lushly imaginative American mythology...a surreal melange". Mark Jenkins of the Washington Post writes "Beat Circus evokes a period so distant that it might seem like a Dreamland, transporting listeners to a world that's alluring and eerie." Read more on our MUSIC page:

Gregg Bendian (The Mahavishnu Project)

Gregg Bendian has just released "Research: Tiny Useful Secrets", a CD of his solo percussion compositions on the Aggregate Music label. It is available at . He will tour Canada in May and June and Europe from September - November with The Musical Box, performing Genesis' "Trick of the Tail" show. . Gregg currently producing a four CD set of archival concert recordings for Koch entitled "Live at The Bottom Line: The First 30 Years," featuring vintage performances by Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Weather Report, Pat Metheny, Sun Ra, The Brecker Brothers and many, many others.

Birdsongs of the Mesozoic

Notes from the Mesozoic

May 2008


Birdsongs performed at MIT's Frank Geary-designed Stata Center on May 3rd in a multi-media concert that included dual real-time projected visuals by Ned Resnikoff and Andrew Sorkin, and electronic beats by sound artist Encanti. The evening was presented by the Cambridge Science Festival, and sponsored by the Greater Boston Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery.

The Birdsongs Salon Series continues at Outpost 186 in Cambridge, MA with regular informal improvisational performances by members of Birdsongs, with occasional special guests.



Birdsongs is working on a 2-CD retrospective to be released on Cuneiform this fall that documents the "Triassic" era of the band circa 1983 -'87. "Dawn of the Cycads" will feature the band's complete Ace of Hearts recordings, which consist of 3 vinyl releases (1983's "EP," 1984's "Magnetic Flip" LP, and 1986's "The Beat of the Mesozoic" EP) plus studio and live unreleased material including 7 selections recorded in May 1987 at Nightstage in Boston. The line-up on these recordings include ex-Mission of Burma members Roger Miller on piano and Martin Swope on guitar, plus current Mesozoic members Erik Lindgren on MiniMoog/MemoryMoog and Rick Scott on Farfisa organ/Yamaha DX-7 synthesizer. Disc 2 is encoded with bonus attachments that include posters, the dozen "Misinformation Sheets" (the band's newsletter created by Roger Miller), 5 dioramas (included with the first EP, etc. This material is licensed from producer Richard W Harte of Ace of Hearts Records in Boston and was remastered under his supervision at Sterling Sound in NYC. It is a sonic upgrade, with additional material from 1988's "Sonic Geology" release, and has a 20-page booklet with essays by Roger, Erik, Rick Scott, and Jay Reeg, plus previously unseen photos and memorabilia.


The Frankenstein Consort, featuring Erik Lindgren, performed at Steve's Backstage Pass on January 27 as part of their Sunday night "jazz" series. The ensemble's CD "Classical-a-go-go" (SFZ-004) made All Music Guide's Dave Lewis' Top Ten list for classical releases in 2007.

Ken Field's improvisational street beat brass band the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble will release Forked Tongue, a follow-up to their award winning debut Year of the Snake, on Cuneiform in May 2008. The CD includes material by Field, Ornette Coleman, Billy Idol, and others.


Ken Field's original score for the Bridgman/Packer Dance piece Under the Skin was performed recently in Birmingham (Alabama), Burlington (VT), and Nyack (NY). Upcoming performances include Austin (TX) June 12/13, Albany (NY) Oct 25, and Munich (Germany) Nov 3/4.

• info@

birdsongsofthemesozoic • extremespirituals


Tour dates:

Cosmologic is performing throughout California during Spring/Summer 08.  May 31 at University of California, Irvine; June 12 on the Santa Barbara New Music Series.  More dates TBA.

Future gigs:

California and Mexico in Sept 08: Ensenada Jazz Festival and other dates in California

US Northeast in Winter/Spring 09: currently working on dates along the east.  Info TBA.

Europe tour in 09: currently working on dates in Belgium and the Netherlands

South America in 09: currently working on dates in several South American cities

Other news:

Currently developing new songs for upcoming performances.  Saxophonist Jason Robinson is planning a move to Massachussets for 08/09 (as visiting assistant professor of music at Amherst College).  Trombonist Michael Dessen just released an album with his trio featuring Tyshawn Sorey and Christopher Tordini on Clean Feed Records titled Between Shadow and Space.  I'm sure there's more...



Doctor Nerve / Nick Didkovsky

ETHEL and Electric Kompany recently performed Nick Didkovsky's "Human Dog" at the Look and Listen Festival in NYC

Stunning performance; the piece is embedded deeply in their DNA now!

Ice Cream Time at FIMAV

Ice Cream Time is a one hour performance featuring Nick Didkovsky, Thomas Dimuzio and the Arte Saxophone Quartet.

We are performing ICT at the FIMAV festival in Victoriaville, Quebec May 18, 2008 at 3:00 PM

Ice Cream Time info,

Ice Cream Time CD on New World Records:

FIMAV info,

Nick has released "MaxScore". If you use the computer music program MaxMSP, you can now do common music notation with this new object, visit:

The recent performance of Nick's "Slim In Beaten Dreamers" at Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA was sneakily videotaped by some college kids gone wild who posted it on YouTube. You can see miscellaneous movements from this 15 movement piece for brass quintet and drum set at

Doctor Nerve's MySpace page has lots of cool new friends and some new videos, including new friend Tura Satana who starred in Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!, at Likewise, BONE's MySpace page has lots of cool new friends and some new videos, at

Nick's working on mixing the multitrack recording of the recent Nerve gig at Orion Sound Studios in Baltimore, and will post some videos with the upgraded sound track soon.

John Roulat's spearheading a similar initiative with the multitrack recording of BONE's performance the same night.

The sound and performance of both bands' sets is staggering, so this will make for some fun YouTube viewing in the near future.

Paul Dunmall




Paul Dunmall w. Henry Grimes (double bass,violin),Andrew Cyrille (drums)

@ Vision Festival - 9.30pm

Clemente Soto Velez

107 Suffolk St. (at Rivington St.)

New York, NY 10002



Paul Dunmall w. Toshi Makihara (drums)

@Gojjo  - 8pm 

4540 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia PA

$5 cover


Paul Dunmall w. Tony Malaby (saxophone),Mark Helias (double bass),Kevin Norton (drums,percussion).



Paul Dunmall w. Tony Bianco (drums)

@ Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center - 8pm

341 Delaware Avenue

Buffalo, New York 14202

 (716) 854-1694

$10 cover

For more information, CONTACT BERNARD LYONS @ 443.762.3904 / berlyons@


The new Guapo album "Elixirs" on Neurot Recordings has already been released in the USA and is due for release in Europe on May 19th.

Guapo will be performing at this years Super Sonic festival in Birmingham, UK. The festival takes place from 11th to 13th July at the Custard Factory - Guapo play on Saturday 12th. Check out for more details.

We are preparing to record a track for the upcoming Magma tribute HUR! which will be released on the French Label Soleil Zeuhl late in 2008.

We will shortly be beginning work on the material for a live album and DVD. It will feature material from the albums Five Suns, Black Oni and Elixirs - Based largely on the footage and audio from our performance at NearFest in 2006. This will be released on Cuneiform in 2009.

Guapo will be touring Europe from 18th September to 05th October 2008. Please contact: vincent@ if you are interested in booking the band.

Hamster Theatre

Hamster Theatre has been on haitus, but now that Thinking Plague is back from its European jaunt, work on new material has begun! Still in its pupative stages, but begun nonetheless.

Once we can all get together in the same room we will discuss redefining our rehearsal schedule and our options for gigs in the area, or in any area...but learning the new tunes will be the primary focus.

Meanwhile, the Tin Box CD is nearly completely recorded, and Dave and Elaine are in communication with Cedric Vuille from L'Ensemble Raye, which will hopefully produce some collaborative material, either as Hamster Theatre or as something else.

Hugh Hopper

Upcoming gigs

23/24 May 2008 Bourgoin-Jallieu, Lyon, France: Canterbury festival: HH, P Miller, P Meyer, D Malherbe et al

5 June 2008 Tallinn, Estonia: Colorphone

7 June 2008 Kerava, Finland: Colorphone

14 June 2008 FestivAlterNativo, Qeretaro,Mexico:HH & C Cutler

JAPAN TOUR HUMI (HH, Yumi Hara Cawkwell plus guests):

Fri 20 June    Psychedelic Bar Soft Machine, Osaka

Sat 21 June    Sakedelic Space Shuyukan, Shiga: HUMI plus guest DAVE SINCLAIR

Sun 22 June    Mokkiriya, Kanazawa

Tue 24 June    Tokuzo, Nagoya

Wed 25 June    Flying Teapot, Tokyo:Yosshy HUMI-Yama (HUMI plus YOSHIDA TATSUYA and HOPPY KAMIYAMA)

Thu 26 June    Flying Teapot, Tokyo (with guest MORGAN FISHER)

Fri 27 June    Flying Teapot, Tokyo (HUMI only)

Sat 28 June    Coo, Sapporo(HUMI only)

Sun 29 June     Coo, Sapporo (afternoon workshop & evening workshop performance)

Tue 1 July      Songs, Gunma  (HUMI only)

Wed 2 July      Songs, Gunma (afternoon workshop & evening workshop performance)

26 July 2008 Antequara Blues Festival, Malaga, Spain: Soft Machine Legacy

27 July 2008 Heineken Jazz Festival, San Sebastian, Spain:Soft Machine Legacy

9 Aug 2008 (TBC) Brecon Jazz Festival, Wales: SMLegacy

29 Aug 2008 Prologue ZomerJazzFietsTour at Grand Theatre Groningen, NL: Delta Sax Quartet

30 Aug 2008 ZomerJazzFietsTour, Niehove, NL: DSQ

31 Aug 2008 Kulturspeicher, Leer, Germany: DSQ


14 Sept 2008 (TBC)La Villette Festival, Paris: SML

16 Sept 2008 Spirit of 66, Verviers, Belgium: S Machine Legacy

17 Sept 2008 (TBC) Jazz Cafe, London: Soft Machine Legacy

18 Sept 2008 (TBC) Abertillery, Wales Soft Machine Legacy

21 Sept 2008 (TBC) Robin 2, Wolverhampton:, UK Soft Machine Legacy

24 Oct 2008 (TBC) Canterbury Festival, UK: Clear Frame

26 Oct 2008 Mezz, Breda, NL: NDIO

15 Nov 2008 (TBC) Festival, Utrecht, NL: Brainville3

16 Nov 2008 Teignmouth Festival, UK: Soft Machine Legacy

18 Dec 2008 Leicester:, UK S Machine Legacy

Mats/Morgan Band

Upcoming tourdates Mats/Morgan Band (trio)

(Mats Öberg and Morgan Ågren with former Meshuggah bassist Gustaf Hilem)

29 May - l’oreille qui traine Rouen (76)

30 May  - Le Triton Le Lilas (93)

31 May  - Festival Toto n’aime pas la soupe St Etienne (42)

24-25 October - Montreal Drumfestival / Montreal

3 December- Metropol, Härnösand

4 December - Studion, Umeå

Mats/Morgan Band are looking for more gigs in Canada and the US in October 2008

Mats/Morgan All Star Band has recently played on the sea! 

8/3, 21st Anniversary Schizoid Boat/Sweden

(MATS/MORGAN ALL STAR TEAM) with Fredrik Thordendal of Meshuggah, 

Lars Hollmer of Samla Mammas Manna, and Mattias IA Eklund of Freak Kitchen. 

Music of Mats/Morgan, Thordendal, Hollmer and Zappa will be performed! 

(Also performing on this boat is Opeth, Katatonia, Comus, Trettioåriga Kriget, Bo Hansson etc.)

Morgan Ågren upcoming projects/recordings include work on Simon Steensland solo album and with Kaipa

Morgan Ågren DVD previews here: 

- morganagren

The Microscopic Septet

In 2007, The Micros completed a European tour, a gig in New York (Sweet Rhythm), and the first new Micros CD since 1988. That CD, to be released on Cuneiform in September of 2008, entitled “Lobster Leaps In,” was recorded at Peter Karl Recording in New York after a series of one-nighters across Germany and Holland, and shows the re-united Micros in top form. The CD includes both classic Micros tunes, long known to fans from live gigs, and some less well known pieces developed during the Last Days of the Micros (Phase One).

They will perform a handful of gigs on the East Coast, and tour Europe again, in Oct/Nov 2008 to celebrate the release of the new CD.

2007 saw the first change in personnel in the Micros in decades, with longtime tenor player Paul Shapiro departing, and the amazing Michael Hashim joining our regular lineup; he’s featured on the upcoming CD and in future performances.

Phil Miller’s In Cahoots / Peter Lemer

In Cahoots will be performing in:

Sunday 1st, June 2008

Colchester Arts Centre

Church Street



Tuesday 3rd June 2008

Spirit of 66

Place du Martyr



Wednesday 4th June 2008

Le Triton

11, Rue du Coq Francais

93260 Les Lilas, Paris


Two clips of the forthcoming DVD of the 2005 Barbara Thompson's german tour with Peter Lemer on keyboard can be viewed here:

The Ed Palermo Big Band

The big band has a couple gigs this summer:

Wed, June 11 at NYC's South Street Seaport. Zappa music.

Wed, August 13 at Iridium i NYC. 8:30 and 10:30. Zappa music.

Wed, August 20 at Echo Park in Mountainside, NJ at 7:30 doing the music of Paul Butterfield+Mike Bloomfield.

Picchio dal Pozzo

We set up the band again with some new entries (some musicians of Yugen, a new Italian prog band)

Picchio dal Pozzo will be 'bookable' from the end of the year. for info: paolo@

Richard Pinhas

Richard is back to work on his new solo album(for 2009, but with Merzbow, Wolf eyes and Magma musicians participations... They are yet to be recorded, still waiting to record: the drums and the last guitars.....! : ) )

A Richard Pinhas / Merzbow double CD is to be released through Cuneiform records, USA, this September.

Upcoming gigs:

Richard Pinhas Trio (including Antoine Pagonotti and Jerome Schmidt):

31 Juillet 2008 : BERLIN Festival

2 AUGUST: Klangbad Festival Scheer / GERMANY

4 or 5 August: in SLOVENIA (festival) details TBA

123 august CARDIFF, UK

PINHAS/MERZBOW (promoting the "KEIO LINE" CD (Cuneiform))

Between Sept 3 and September 11:

+ BRUXELLES(Belgium)(

+PARIS...With MERZBOW (place: les "Metallos" or La "Maroquinerrie", or les" voutes")

In 2009, there will be USA and Canada Tour.

For confirmed details, please visit: - richardpinhas

Planeta Imaginario

They will be playing June 11 - 18 avo FESTIVAL DE JAZZ DE GRANOLLERS (Bar El Mirallet)Granolllers, Barcelona, Spain - 21:00)

They are currently looking for a manager at the moment. They are currently finishing new songs for an upcoming album. They are contacting some studios for the recording sessions and are thinking that October/November as a possible date.

They’re trying to organize a European tour (France, Germany, Austria and Poland.)

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International will be appearing at Nearfest X in Bethlehem, PA on Sunday 22nd June, and are very much looking forward to bringing our British blend of electronic rock to an unsuspecting audience. Preparations have been under way at our usual HQ The Greenhouse in `sunny' Stockport, Manchester. See our Blog for exclusive fun-filled pics!


We have completed work on our first commissioned film soundtrack, `City 21' by The Knossus Project. We enjoyed creating in a different way and have arrived at 120 minutes of pieces ranging from a few seconds, to 26 minutes long. We're assured the film will be very music orientated. It's due for release in the next three months or so.


Work is also underway on material for a new album for Cuneiform which will hopefully see the light of day early next year.


As always, Radio Massacre International are happy to be offered live work, and would be interested in playing European festivals in 2009.

We've never played in Portugal or Spain and we hear the weather's rather nice there ! We're of course always looking to return to the USA.


Please visit our website at


Revolutionary Snake Ensemble

Revolutionary News

May 2008


Cuneiform Records announces the release of Forked Tongue, the Snake Ensemble's 2nd CD, and the follow up to 2003's award-winning debut Year of the Snake. The CD includes a unique treatment of Billy Idol's 80's hit White Wedding, along with material by Field, Ornette Coleman, and others. The response has already been amazing. The CD wasn't even released yet last week, but somehow it ended up on a "Best of 2008 (so far)" list, and we are told that there is a preview of our NYC CD release show (see below) in the May 12th New Yorker magazine. We're pumped about this disc!


Friday, May 16, 2008 (2pm):

WNYC Soundcheck (live performance)

93.9fm (NYC)

Friday, May 16, 2008 (8pm):

Drom, 85 Avenue A (b/w 5th & 6th), NYC, NY



Thursday, May 29, 2008 (9pm):

WGBH Eric in the Evening (interview)

89.7fm (Boston)

Friday, May 30, 2008 (9pm):

Ryles Jazz Club, 212 Hampshire Street (Inman Square), Cambridge, MA 02139



Thursday, June 5th, 2008 (7:15am)

Harvard University commencement procession

Saturday, July 12th, 2008 (10pm)

Providence (RI) Sound Session parade

Friday, August 15th, 2008 (7pm)

ICA Boston summer dance night on the waterfront



Roswell Rudd

Roswell Rudd's TROMBONE SHOUT BAND to Premiere at the Rondout Valley High School on May 28, 2008

The band is inspired by a tradition that began in the Black churches of the eastern seaboard where brass bands consisting largely of trombones and percussion were integrated into the regular Sunday services.

These bands play hymns and gospel music and they add an important dimension emotionally and musically to the usual service.

Rudd's band is a 21st century version of the traditional shout band and will include three trombones, bass, and drums. in the direction of a jazz feel, meaning levitation in the rhythm section, and improvisation.

Allof the material is original in the feeling of New Orleans and Dixieland as well as blues, gospel, and bop.

The TROMBONE SHOUT BAND is Roswell Rudd, Steve Swell and Deborah Weisz on trombones; Henry Grimes on bass and violin; Bob Stewart on tuba; Barry Altschul on drums in performance with the Rondout Valley Vocal and Instrumental Jazz Ensembles led respectively by Jill Gartman and Randy Loder as well as soloists from the community featuring Renee Bailey on vocals; David Winograd on tuba; Matthew Finck*on guitar; Eric Goldberg on bassoon , and Greg Glassman* on trumpet.

Concert will be held at Rondout Valley High School Auditorium

Wednesday, May 28

7:00 PM

Open to the public - No admission charge.

The high school is located at 122 Kyserike Road, Accord, NY 12404

This project is supported by "The New York State Music Fund, established by the New York State Attorney General at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors."

For more information contact:


845 626 4038



June 12th -Bolzano, Italy - Roswell Rudd Quartet with Lafayette harirs on piano; Brad Jones on bass; Sunny Kim on vocals


July 27 - Spiegeltent - Bard College - Annondale-ob-Hudson - Roswell Rudd Duo with Lafayette harris

Wadada Leo Smith

Wadada Leo Smith's Golden Quintet will be performing at this year’s Vision Festival!


June 13, 2008 @ 9:30 pm

Clemente Soto Velez

107 Suffolk St. (at Rivington St.)

New York, NY 10002

Advance Tickets:


The Vision Fest line-up for Wadada Leo Smith's Golden Quintet:

Wadada Leo Smith - trumpet

Vijay Iyer - piano

John Lindberg - bass

Famoudou Don Moye - drums

Pheeroan akLaff - drums

Thinking Plague

Thinking Plague recently completed a successful mini-tour around Europe in March-April 2008, featuring Science Group mastermind Stevan Tickmayer on keys and Hughscore/Caveman Shoestore keyboardist/singer Elaine DiFalco as "guest" vocalist and sometime pianist. The band performed with Elaine in Paris, Wurzburg (Germany), Geneva (with What's Wrong With Us) and Milan (with Yugen), concluding with the Gouveia Art Rock Festival in Portugal, where Deborah Perry resumed her role as lead vocalist with Elaine as back-up and co-vocalist.

Here are photos by Claude Wacker ( from Gouveia, featuring both Deborah and Elaine, as well as the "Bear Dog".... Actually it was Bob Drake, who made anonymous "cameo" urso-canine appearances at 3 of the shows, including the festival. He reprised his own drum parts from Lycanthrope and Love (In This Life - 1989), while remaining totally "in character". It was humorous, strange and very impressive.

A few folks have posted some brief videos on You Tube - from the shows in Paris, Wurzburg and Gouveia (search "Thinking Plague"):

TP soundman and pal, Udi Koomran, recounts his experience of the mini-tour on his excellent blog.

Having rehearsed a "live" ensemble for this Europe junket, TP hopes to do some 'domestic' shows in the relatively near future. Keep an eye on and the Cuneiform website. Inquiries are welcome at tplague@

Meanwhile, Mike Johnson is continuing work on the next Plague CD.

University of Errors

They are on tour NOW! Check out the “tours” section below for more information.

Udi Koomran reports:

“We organized a GREAT [U. of Errors] show here in Tel Aviv

Photos Asaf Carmeli

The show was titled by band members as maybe their best one yet

I did the live sound and recorded the audio and Kfir Ripshtos filmed it

Univers Zero

September 14 - FMPM - Salle Pierre Mercure of the Centre Pierre Péladeau (on the campus of the University of Montreal) 300 De Maisonneuve Blvd. East, Montreal, Quebec, H2X 3X6

November 14 and 15 - Le Triton - 11 bis, rue du Coq Français - 93260 Les Lilas (Paris) France (Métro: Mairie des Lilas) / tél : (33) 01 49 72 83 13 - these shows will be filmed and will be made into a live DVD (!!) that will be packaged with Univers Zero's next studio album (their triumphant 10th studio album), "Clivage". -


Yang has completed the recording of their next album “MACHINES”, some mixing adjustments still remain to be done, but the main work is over. Release is planned for end 2008.

Some titles on :   

(2 concert videos on this site and 2 on : )

The first concert of the new repertoire will take place at the Sezamo, in Nice on May 29th.

The band is looking for dates in Europe and USA for end 2008/2009.


2008 Tour Dates

AHLEUCHATISTAS ( - ahleuchatistas)

June 14 - MACA - Marion, NC

June 15 - New French Bar - Asheville, North Carolina

June 16 - Spring Wate - Nashville, Tennessee

June 17 - LEMP - Saint Louis, Missouri

June 18 - Fuck Mountain - Chicago, Illinois (with Planets)

June 19 - Art Hospital - Bloomington, Indiana (with Planets)

June 20 - Pats in the Flats - Cleveland, Ohio (with Planets)

June 21 - TBA - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (with Planets)

June 23 - TBA - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (with Planets)

June 24 - Cake Shop - Manhattan, New York (with Planets)

June 25 - New HAven Peoples Center - New Haven, CT (with Planets)

June 26 - Galapagos - Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (with Planets)

June 27 - O'Briens - Boston, MA (with Planets)

June 28 - Orion Sound Studios - Baltimore, MD (with Planets) -

BEAT CIRCUS ( - beatcircus)

May 14 - Space Gallery - 538 Congress Street - Portland, MD 04101 -(with Over a Cardboard Sea) - pages/calendar.php

May 15 - TT The Bears - 10 Brookline Street - Cambridge MA 02139 - (with Alec K. Redfearn and the Eyesores and Micah Blue Smaldone) -

May 16 - Union Pool - 484 Union Ave - Brooklyn NY 11211 (with Larkin Grimm and The Goddamn Rattlesnake) - unionpool

COSMOLOGIC [our latest signing] ( - cosmologic)

May 31 - UC Irvine Chamber Series - Winifred Smith Hall, UC Irvine - (949) 824-2787 - 8 pm, $12/10/8

June 12 - Santa Barbara New Music Series - Muddy Waters Cafe - 508 E. Haley St, Santa Barbara, CA

8 pm, suggested donation $5, no one turned away for lack of funds


June 14 - Vision Festival - 9.30pm - Clemente Soto Velez -107 Suffolk St. - New York, NY 10002 (212)696-6681 - Paul Dunmall w. Henry Grimes (double bass,violin),Andrew Cyrille (drums)

June 15 - Gojjo  - 8pm  - 4540 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia PA - $5 cover - Paul Dunmall w. Toshi Makihara (drums)

June 16 - VENUE TBC, New York City - Paul Dunmall w. Tony Malaby (saxophone),Mark Helias (double bass),Kevin Norton (drums,percussion).

June 17 - Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center - 8pm - 341 Delaware Avenue - Buffalo, New York 14202 - (716) 854-1694 $10 cover - - Paul Dunmall w. Tony Bianco (drums)


May 17 - Jazz Club - Auxerre, France

HUGH HOPPER (hopper/)

May 23/24 - Bourgoin-Jallieu, Lyon, France: Canterbury festival: HH, P Miller, P Meyer, D Malherbe et al

June 5 - Tallinn, Estonia: Colorphone

June 7 - Kerava, Finland: Colorphone

June 14 - FestivAlterNativo, Qeretaro,Mexico:HH & C Cutler

JAPAN TOUR HUMI (HH, Yumi Hara Cawkwell plus guests):

June 20 - Psychedelic Bar Soft Machine, Osaka

June 21 - Sakedelic Space Shuyukan, Shiga: HUMI plus guest DAVE SINCLAIR

June 22 - Mokkiriya, Kanazawa

June 24 - Tokuzo, Nagoya

June 25 - Flying Teapot, Tokyo:Yosshy HUMI-Yama (HUMI plus YOSHIDA TATSUYA and HOPPY KAMIYAMA)

June 26 - Flying Teapot, Tokyo (with guest MORGAN FISHER)

June 27 - Flying Teapot, Tokyo (HUMI only)

June 28 - Coo, Sapporo(HUMI only)

June 29 - Coo, Sapporo (afternoon workshop & evening workshop performance)

July 1 - Songs, Gunma  (HUMI only)

July 2 - Songs, Gunma (afternoon workshop & evening workshop performance)

July 26 - Antequara Blues Festival, Malaga, Spain: Soft Machine Legacy

July 27 - Heineken Jazz Festival, San Sebastian, Spain:Soft Machine Legacy

Aug 27 - (TBC) Brecon Jazz Festival, Wales: SMLegacy

Aug 29 - Prologue ZomerJazzFietsTour at Grand Theatre Groningen, NL: Delta Sax Quartet

Aug 30 - ZomerJazzFietsTour, Niehove, NL: DSQ

Aug 31 - Kulturspeicher, Leer, Germany: DSQ

Sept 14 - (TBC)La Villette Festival, Paris: SML

Sept 16 - Spirit of 66, Verviers, Belgium: S Machine Legacy

Sept 17 - (TBC) Jazz Cafe, London: Soft Machine Legacy

Sept 18 - (TBC) Abertillery, Wales Soft Machine Legacy

Sept 21 - (TBC) Robin 2, Wolverhampton:, UK Soft Machine Legacy

Oct 24 - (TBC) Canterbury Festival, UK: Clear Frame

Oct 26 - Mezz, Breda, NL: NDIO

Nov 15 - (TBC) Festival, Utrecht, NL: Brainville3

Nov 16 - Teignmouth Festival, UK: Soft Machine Legacy

Dec 18 - Leicester:, UK S Machine Legacy

RICHARD LEO JOHNSON ( - charlie- - )

June 7 - Ships of the Sea Museum, Savannah GA -

MATS/MORGAN BAND ( – matsmorganband)

[Mats Öberg and Morgan Ågren with former Meshuggah bassist Gustaf Hilem]

May 29 - l'oreille qui traine - Rouen, France

May 30 - Tristonales - Le Triton - Les Lilas (Paris) France

May 31 - Festival Toto n'aime pas la soupe - St Etienne, France

October 24/25 - Montreal Drum Festival - Montreal, Quebec, Canada -

December 3 - Metropol - Härnös, Sweden

December 4 - Studion - Umeå, Sweden


June 3 - Spirit of 66 - Verviers, Belgium

June 4 - Le Triton - 11 bis, rue du Coq Francais - 93260, Les Lilas (Paris) France


June 11 - NYC's South Street Seaport. Zappa music.

August 13 - Iridium i NYC. 8:30 and 10:30. Zappa music.

August 20 - Echo Park in Mountainside, NJ at 7:30 doing the music of Paul Butterfield+Mike Bloomfield.

RICHARD PINHAS ( - RichardPinhas)

July 31- Sound of the Cities Festival - Berlin, Germany -

August 2 - Klangbad Festival - Scheer, Germany

September/October - concert event in Paris with Merzbow, Antoine Paganotti, Jerome Schmidt, etc

PLANETA IMAGINARIO (planetaimaginario -

June 11 - 18 avo FESTIVAL DE JAZZ DE GRANOLLERS (Bar El Mirallet)Granolllers, Barcelona, Spain - 21:00


June 22 - NEARFest - Zoellner Arts Center - 420 East Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA

ALEC K. REDFEARN and the EYESORES ( - aleckredfearnandtheeyesores)

May 15 - TT The Bears - 10 Brookline Street - Cambridge MA 02139 - (with Beatcircus and Micah Blue Smaldone)

REVOLUTIONARY SNAKE ENSEMBLE [our latest signing!] ()

May 16 - Live performance on WNYC Soundcheck, NYC, NY, 2pm -

May 16 - "Forked Tongue" CD Release at Drom - 85 Avenue A (b/w 5th & 6th) - NYC, 8pm –

May 30 - "Forked Tongue" CD Release at Ryles Jazz Club - Inman Square - Cambridge, MA, 9pm –

June 5 - Currier House Harvard Univ. commencement procession, 7:15am, Harvard Sq, Cambridge, MA, (4-piece Ensemblette)

June 5 - Tufts Juried Summer Exhibition opening, Medford, MA, 5:30-8:30pm, RSE Trio

July 2 - Titus Sparrow Park, W. Newton St btw Columbus & Huntington, Boston, MA, 6:30pm, free

July 7 - Boston City Hall Plaza Arcade Summer Noontime Music Series, Boston, MA, noon-2pm, RSE Quartet, free

July 12 - Sound Session parade, Providence, RI, 10pm, free

August 15 - ICA Boston summer dance night on the waterfront, Boston, MA, 7pm

WADADA LEO SMITH (wadadaleosmith -

June 13 - Vision Festival - New York City, NY (a performance by The Golden Quartet)

October - Skopje Jazz Festival - Macedonia

UNIVERS ZERO (univers- - universzero)

September 14 - FMPM - Salle Pierre Mercure of the Centre Pierre Péladeau (on the campus of the University of Montreal) 300 De Maisonneuve Blvd. East, Montreal, Quebec, H2X 3X6

November 14 and 15 - Le Triton - 11 bis, rue du Coq Français - 93260 Les Lilas (Paris) France (Métro: Mairie des Lilas) / tél : (33) 01 49 72 83 13 - these shows will be filmed and will be made into a live DVD (!!) that will be packaged with Univers Zero's next studio album (their triumphant 10th studio album), "Clivage". -

UNIVERSITY OF ERRORS ( - universityoferrors)

May 13 - Norway - Trondheim, Blæst, -

May 14 - Norway - Bergen, Garage

May 15 - Norway - Hamar , Festiviteten

May 16 - Norway - Oslo, Blå

May 18 - Sweden - Frölunda, Frölunda Kulturhus

May 19 - Sweden, Malmö, Inkonst

May 20 - Sweden, Uppsala, Katalin

May 21 - Sweden, TBA

May 22 - UK - London, Dingwalls, w/special guests the fabulous Here & Now Band 8 PM

May 23 - Isle of Man - Peel Centenary Centre Doors 7 PM w/Rhysical Pheck

May 24 - UK - Ashton - under - Lyme, The Witchwood

May 25 - UK - Knockengorroch Festival, Scotland -

May 26 - UK - TBA

May 27 - UK - Leicester, Musician Pub

May 28 - UK - Brighton - The Engine Room

May 29 - UK - Portsmouth, The Fawcett TBC

May 30 - UK - Glastonbury, Assembly Rooms

May 31 - UK - Hitchin, Hertsfordshire - Club 8

Please visit the artists’ websites or for any show updates.

For more info on these artists, please visit or email: joyce@

Cuneiform Artist Websites


Alec K. Redfearn and the Eyesores

Beat Circus

Birdsongs of the Mesozoic

Raoul Björkenheim



David Borden

Boud Deun

George Cartwright

Graham Collier


Lol Coxhill

Deus Ex Machina

Djam Karet

Doctor Nerve

Paul Dunmall

Forrest Fang

Far Corner

Fast ‘N’ Bulbous

Forever Einstein

Forgas Band Phenomena

Fred Frith

Peter Frohmader


Hamster Theatre

Happy the Man

Hugh Hopper

Richard Leo Johnson

Henry Kaiser


Machine and the Synergetic Nuts

The Mahavishnu Project

Mats/Morgan Band


Phil Miller (In Cahoots)


Virgil Moorefield



Richard Pinhas

Planeta Imaginario




Radio Massacre International

Revolutionary Snake Ensemble


Rich Woodson’s Ellipsis

Ray Russell

Wadada Leo Smith

John Surman

The Claudia Quintet

The Danubians

The Ed Palermo Big Band

The Microscopic Septet

The Muffins

Thinking Plague

Time of Orchids

U Totem

Univers Zero

University of Errors

Upsilon Acrux




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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