Story List:

Story List (5/17/06):

Deadline 5/17—All stories written

Deadline 5/21—All stories written and edited

Deadline 5/31—Layout is ready for final review

|Story |Priority |Source |Photo/Graphical Element? |Status |Author |

|1. Alumna Tamara Adlin’s new|1 |; Judy’s email (book on | |Writing |Nancy |

|book and business venture | |personas released at CHI…link to other alumni | | | |

|(UCD related) | |publications) | | | |

|2. Mark Zachery Profile |1 |Judy Ramey/Mark Zachery |Photo |Final |Judy |

|(pending hire in June) | | | | | |

|3. Beth Kolko and UN |1 |Beth Kolko |Photo |2nd draft (Beth |Kirsten |

|Technology Summit in Tunisia| | | |reviewing) | |

|4. Bereano Gift to Dillard |2 |Phil Bereano | |1st draft (Kirsten and |Rose |

|College in New Orleans | | | |Bereano reviewing) | |

|5. UW students in DUB |1 |Emma Rose; DUB website | |1st draft (Rose editing)|Nancy |

|initiative | | | | | |

|6. Mary Coney Endowment |1 |Judy Ramey and Mary Coney |Photo |Writing |Judy |

|Gifts and Mary Coney honored| |mconey@u. | | | |

|with gift from former | | | | | |

|students (Goodbye to Mary) | | | | | |

|7. Rosenbaum and Ramey |1 |Judy Ramey | |1st draft |Kirsten |

|Distinguished Lectured | | | | | |

|Series | | | | | |

|8. posTComm wins STC |1 |Judy Ramey and Shirin Tabrizi |Photo |Final—done |Kirsten |

|Excellence Award | | | | | |

|9. Second Annual STC Career |1 |Nate Koppelman and Andrew Single from The |Photos |Final—done |Kirsten |

|Fair | |Daily (for photo) | | | |

|10. Jeff and Emma win awards|1 |Jeff Babauta and Emma Rose | |(I’m not sure if we are |(Kirsten) |

|from the College of | | | |doing this one or not…) | |

|Engineering (maybe staff | | | | | |

|updates) | | | | | |

|11. Michio sidebar |1 |Michio’s email |No photo |Final—done |Kirsten |

|12. Jennifer Turns is |1 |Jennifer Turns | |2nd draft (sent to |Athena |

|promoted | | | |Sammy?) | |

|13. UWTC degree and |1 |Maureen Costa and Laurent Gerhardi |Photo of Laurent |2nd Draft (sent to |Carleigh |

|certificate program—student | | | |Sammy?) | |

|profiles | | | | | |

|14. Anita Salem and the Red |1 |Anita Salem | |2nd draft (sent to Anita|Nancy |

|Cross | | | |for review) | |

|15. CHI conference |1 | | |Final—done |Rose |

|activities | | | | | |

|16. HIT lab story |1 |Suzanne Weghorst |Photo |Final (sent to Sammy?) |Scott |

|17. TC Tour of HIT lab |1 | |Photos |Final (sent to Sammy?) |Scott |

|18. HIT lab research |2 |Scott—first person story | |Final draft (pending |Scott |

| | | | |depending on space) | |

|19. UWTC student IBM |1 | | |Final—done |Rose |

|Internships | | | | | |

|20. PhD student Carolyn Wei |1 |Carolyn Wei | |Final—done |Scott |

|internship in Bangalore; | | | | | |

|online romantic relationship| | | | | |

|book | | | | | |

|21. UWTC and Humanitarian |1 |Mark Haselkorn |Photos from IPHR website |Final—done |Kirsten |

|Relief | | | | | |

|22. Noah’s Katrina |1 |Noah Ilinsky |Photos |Final--done |Noah |

|Experience story | | | | | |

|23. Farkas and Premier |1 |Dave Farkas |Screen Shots |2nd draft (sent to |Athena |

|Course work award | | | |Sammy?) | |

|24. Student experiences |2 | | |Final—done |Rose |

|building WIKI Help | | | | | |

|25. Lori Fisher presented |1 |Lori Fisher will be visiting April 18-19 |Photo of award ceremony |Final—done |Rose |

|with the Mikey award | | | | | |

|26. World Usability Day: |2 |Emma Rose |HAIKU poem |Done |Carleigh |

|Emma Rose submitted | | | | | |

|usability HAIKU to Boston | | | | | |

|27. Brett Johnson, |1 |Brett Johnson |Photo |Final—done |Rose |

|undergraduate, and patent at| | | | | |

|IBM | | | | | |

|28. Los Alamos Internship |1 | | |2nd draft (sent to |Rose |

| | | | |Sammy?) | |

|29. Visitors to Department |1 |Judy Ramey (attend party April 2) |Photos |2nd draft (sent to |Athena |

|from University of Twente. | | | |Sammy?) | |

|30. Tom Williams blurbs |1 | | | |Kirsten… |

| | | | | | |

Non-Story Elements (5/17/06):

|Element |Type (graphic or list) |Page (location) |Status |Comments |

|1. Directed Research |List |Page 13 (verso) |Directed Research list from Kate, Kirsten|Final (may need to edit down) |

| | | |will write blurbs | |

|2. TC Stats |Graph |Inside Back Cover |STC salary sheet sent to Kirsten from |Make sure to credit graphics and stats. Include the CNN Money |

| | | |Scott |story where Tech Writer is listed #13 out of 50 best jobs in |

| | | | |US. |

|3. Photo for back cover |Graphic |Back Cover |Photos from Kyle and posTComm pictures; |Adding more photos to the mix |

| | | |Scott to do collage | |

|4. Special Thanks to Donors|List |Page 14 (recto) |Sammy received it from Kate; Kirsten will|Done |

| | | |add blurbs about what the money funded | |

|5. Photo for Front Cover |Graphic |Front Cover |Photos from production file |Getting photo of globe in library |

|6. Staff Updates |List |Page 14? (recto) | | |

|7. Award Listing |List |Page 11 (verso) |Kate sent out email 5/4 requesting award |Done |

| | | |announcements for May 2005 - May 2006 | |

|8. Conferences |List |Page 9 (verso) |List of conferences in a Word file |Remove student names |

| | | | |Covered by the endowments…maybe full listing on web? |

|9. STC Officers |List |Page 9 (verso) | |Might not happen before deadline |

|10. Congratulations |List |Page 14? |Kyle sent graduate list to Sammy | |

|graduates | | | | |

|11. TOC |List |IFC | | |

|12. Timeline |Graphic |Spanning IFC and page 1 |Sammy received information from Kate | |

|13. Masthead |List of publication |Inside Front Cover (IFC) | | |

| |information | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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