
Chapter 15 - NotesExercise ModalitiesIntroduction to Resistance-Training ModalitiesStrength-Training MachinesPersonal trainers should strive to progress individuals into a more _______________________ enriched environment while emphasizing multiple ____________ of _______________ to improve overall ______________ and multiplanar neuromuscular ____________________ to be better accustomed to handle the movement demands experienced in _________________ life.Pros and Cons of Strength MachinesProsConsMachinesFree Weights (Barbells and Dumbbells)Many free-weight exercises can be easily progressed to provide _______________ demands on ___________ stability and _______________________ by progressing from ________________ to __________________ movements.Spotting Techniques: Pros and Cons of Free WeightsProsConsFree WeightsCable MachinesThey allow similar freedom of movement as __________ ______________, yet most exercises do not require a ______________.Cable machines can offer resistance for _________ body parts and developing: Cable exercise must match the muscle’s natural __________ of ________.They can be effectively used in all _____________ of the OPT model.Cable machines are also an excellent option to __________________ the _________ while having individuals perform exercises in a ____________________ position versus ____________ as seen in many machine exercises.Elastic Resistance (Rubber Tubing and Bands)Elastic resistance training: Is an ______________________ alternative.Allow clients to move in ________________ ____________ of _____________Often achieve a great ____ ____ ____ during trainingAllow clients to perform resisted exercises that mimic __________- specific movementsResistances are ___________-codedOne problem is that the tension changes as it is being ______________ through a full ___ ___ ___, meaning that the tension is _______ ________________.One of the greatest advantages over free weights is its low _________ and _______________.They can be used in phases ____,_____, and _____ of the OPT model.Medicine BallsFun Fact: The name medicine ball came from early use by _____________________ who used them in the __________________________ process.Medicine balls balls are still popular today because they can be ___________, ____________, and used ….. in a variety of ______________ of _____________, and at a variety of _______________.It’s ability to develop _________________ ______________ is one of the unique benefits of training with medicine balls because _______________ of movement is critical to developing _____________.The medicine ball is a very useful modality because it allows ___________________ to occur as ____________________ as possible without the need for _______________ _______________.Explosive medicine ball movements in conjunction with ______________ training have been found effective in improving _______________ _______________ and other factors influencing ______________ performance.High-velocity movements will require a ______________ ball, generally less than _____% an individual’s body weight.Rubber medicine balls are best used for :Kettlebell TrainingThis is a _______-_______________ cast iron ball with a ______________.Differs from traditional resistance because the center of ________ is _________ from the handle, which may require more _______________ and ____________________, as well as _______________ recruitment from ________________ and prime movers simultaneously.The foundation of all kettlebell training is __________ type movements.All variations allow the user to transform dynamic force __________________ into powerful force _________________ for a ______, _________________, and effective workout.Benefits of Kettlebell TrainingBenefits include:Enhanced:Increased total body:Recruitment of the:Increased metabolic:Kettlebell Program Design StrategiesHoning all skills with exquisite ________________ per exercise is MANDATORY!The emphasis on the ______________ chain, working from the ground up and keeping perfect ___________ throughout each repetition, must be _______ _______________.Monitor the 5 checkpoints: Have plenty of __________ available. Kettlebells can be effectively integrated into the OPT model, particularly Phases ____, _____, and ______.Body Weight TrainingBy performing _________ - __________ training exercises, individuals can learn how to train in all ___________ of ____________ and may acquire greater _________________ awareness.Body-weight training is ___________-chain exercises which may result in greater _____________ _________ activation and ___________________.Closed-chain Exercises:Open-chain Exercises:Suspension Body-Weight TrainingUses a system of ___________ and ______________ .Hands or feet are supported by a single ____________ ___________.Opposite end of body is in contact with the _____________.They allow individuals to manipulate body ______________ and _______________ to provide _________________, _________________ exercises in a __________________________ enriched environment.Physiologic benefits include:Increased:Low:Potential increase in:Improvements in:This is a powerful way to teach proper _________________ patterns, enhance _______________ and ________ strength, and gain _______________ benefits.The __________________ requirements in these exercises are ideal in Phases ____ and ____.Introduction to Proprioceptive ModalitiesStability BallsAlso known as ___________ ballsPrimarily used to increase the demand for _______________ in an exercise, but can also be used to reinforce proper ________________ during ___________________ movementsAllows for increases in _______________ and ________________ of the core musculature when substituted for more ______________ surfaces.Can reinforce postural awareness during ______________ exercises.________________ on a stability ball is NEVER recommended.Best used with clients who demonstrate a need for increased ___________________ of __________________.A proper progression from ______________ to ________________ surfaces should be observed.Stability ball training is NOT recommended during _______________ lifts using ___________ loads.Particularly used in Phase ____ of OPT modelStability Ball Size ChartHeightSuggested Size45 cm55 cm65 cm75 cmBOSU BallsAcronym for “_________ __________ ____”When the flat side is down, the dome offers a surface similar to a ______________ ball, providing a stability challenge, yet stable enough to __________ on.When the dome is down, the hemisphere on the ground provides an _____________ surface with the flat bottom on top offering a platform on which the ____________ or _________ can be placed to perform both upper and lower body exercises.It is a practical device to train with to target lower limb ______________ and ____________.Proper progression from a ___________ to the more ____________ BOSU should be observed.Ideal modalities to use in Phases ____ and ____ of the OPT model.Vibration TrainingDesigned to train cosmonauts in an effort to decrease the loss of _____________ and ________ mass while in space.Typically performed on a _________________ that generates (mainly) ______________ sinusoidal vibrations that stimulate muscle _____________________ .The Benefits of Vibration Training Program Design StrategiesMost vibration-training programs require people to be _____________ versus stationary, which means that the muscles are _________________ and will therefore limit ______________________ as a result of dampeningShould be used starting with _____-intensity, ______-frequency settings and _________ sessions.The intensity and duration can be increased in the same manner as other _________________ training programs.WBV (__________ ___________ _________________) training can be incorporated in ___________ phases of the OPT model. ................

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