

Riparian Habitat Mitigation Plan

Property Owners: [property owner name(s)]

Property Address: [property address]

Parcel tax code no. [parcel tax code number]


Plant Schedule


Species Quantity Size

Botanical name/common name x 50% 15 gal./50% 5 gal., or 100% 15 gal.

Botanical name/common name x 50% 15 gal./50% 5 gal., or 100% 15 gal.

Botanical name/common name x 50% 15 gal./50% 5 gal., or 100% 15 gal.


Species Quantity Size

Botanical name/common name x 50% 5 gal./50% 1 gal., or 100% 5 gal., or 100% 1 gal.

Botanical name/common name x 50% 5 gal./50% 1 gal., or 100% 5 gal., or 100% 1 gal.

Botanical name/common name x 50% 5 gal./50% 1 gal., or 100% 5 gal., or 100% 1 gal.

Botanical name/common name x 50% 5 gal./50% 1 gal., or 100% 5 gal., or 100% 1 gal.

Botanical name/common name x 50% 1 gal./50% 1 gal., or 100% 5 gal., or 100% 1 gal.


This site contains [select one: IRA/H, IRA/XA, IRA/XB, IRA/XC, IRA/XD, H, XA, XB, XC, XD habitat]

Total Regulated Riparian Habitat (RRH) onsite = X.XX acres

Area of disturbed RRH = X.XX acres

Percent of Total Mapped RRH disturbed = XX% (provide when disturbing IRA and/or H habitat only)

Area of mitigation (area of disturbed RRH x mitigation ratio (either 1.5 or 1) = [select one: X.XX acres x 1.5 = X.XX acres or X.XX acres]

Minimum mitigation area required (area of mitigation x 0.7) = X.XX acres x 0.7 = X.XX acres

Actual mitigation area (provide if different from minimum mitigation area) = X.XX acres

Total # of trees required (tree/ac plant quantity x area of mitigation) = XX trees/acre x X.XX acres = XX trees

Total # of shrubs required (shrub/ac plant quantity x area of mitigation) = XXX shrubs/acre x X.XX acres = XX shrubs

Mitigation Areas

Area 1 = x,xxx square feet/x.xx acres = x trees, x shrubs

Area 2 = x,xxx square feet/x.xx acres = x trees, x shrubs

Area 3 = x,xxx square feet/x.xx acres = x trees, x shrubs

All Mitigation Areas shall be seeded with approved seed mix. Correct seeding rate (lbs./acre) shall be determined when seed is purchased from vendor and included in 1st annual monitoring report.

Botanical name/common name (shrub)

Botanical name/common name (shrub)

Botanical name/common name (shrub)

Botanical name/common name (shrub)

Botanical name/common name (annual/perennial/vine)

Botanical name/common name (annual/perennial/vine)

Botanical name/common name (annual/perennial/vine)

Botanical name/common name (annual/perennial/vine)

Botanical name/common name (grass)

Botanical name/common name (grass)

Botanical name/common name (grass)

Botanical name/common name (grass)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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