
My life by Mr LaiEarly lifeleft77124900It all started when I was born in Pontefract General Infirmary on 23rd of February 1988 in the early hours of the morning. My mum, dad and my sister were all extremely delighted and my grandma was there to help my mum. I spent the first 15 years living in a town called Knottingley – in West Yorkshire. At the age of 5, I attended Knottingley Vale School, which was a short walk away from my house and is actually where Mr Milfull use to teach although I never got to know him back then. Coming from a Chinese family, I learned to speak Cantonese at home and English whilst I was at school. When I was 8, my grandma, who I was very close to and who I looked up to a lot, went back to live in China. I was devastated, but over time, it helped me become more independent as I grew older. Eventually we moved to Castleford whilst I was in high school. Teenage years484187541297100During my teenage years, I was very sporty and played many sports including football, rugby, tennis and athletics, where I met many of my friends. My favourite subjects at high school (Knottingley High School) included maths, geography and ICT, as I found them more interesting. My least favourite subjects included RE and science as I didn’t particularly get on with my teachers. Although I enjoyed school a lot, I would often encounter a lot of bullying from other children and outside of school due to my ethnicity; however that just made me more determined to succeed in everything that I do – even to this day! Early AdulthoodWhen I reached my 18th birthday, I finally became an adult and decided I wanted to be a teacher – as I enjoyed my time at school and thought that it would be great teaching the future generation. To become a teacher, I had to go to university to get a degree and get more experience in working in education. After my first degree at Leeds Metropolitan University, I graduated for a second time at Sheffield Hallam University. During this year, I had many sad experiences and actually came close to quitting but I managed to keep going with the support of my family and friends.Becoming a Teacher44684954356600As I graduated in my final year, one of my placement schools was situated in Rook’s Nest Academy (Wakefield). Coincidently, I also managed to get a job here where I am still working happily in my fourth year. Shortly after, I bought my first car so that I wouldn’t have to borrow my dad’s anymore. I have found that my job is demanding but is very rewarding seeing children in my class progress each year. Currentlyleft6286500right79477200Last year, after years of saving, I finally managed to buy my first house. At the moment, I am living with my fiancé Jenny, who I proposed to this year in Croatia, and my two cats Bobby and Georgie They can sometimes be very annoying as they like to use my garden as a toilet. I still enjoy playing sports including football, badminton and golf. Unfortunately, due to recent injuries, I don’t play as much as I like to. In my spare time, I also like to travel, cook and play Clash Royale. The FutureI have recently booked my wedding next year in November (just under a year to go) in a barn near Bolton Abbey. Looking into the future, I am 30 years old and I have always wanted to settle down and start my own family – but no more than two children! Also, I would love to continue to teach and progress in my career and continue to travel the world and experience everything I can. Who knows what else the future holds?Monday 12th July 2021LI: I can recognise the features of an autobiographyHas Mr Lai...Yes/NoOther featuresColour...used an interesting introduction?Commas in a list...written in the first person (I/me)?Relative Clause...written in chronological order with time connectives?Parenthesis...written in the past tense?Fronted adverbials...referred to named individuals and places?Contraction...used dates for specific events?Range of punctuation...included early memories and influences?Modal verbs...included emotions and opinions?Noun phrases...included achievements?Subheadings...reflected on events in a conclusion?All three tenses...written my ending in the present and/or future tense?...included hopes and plans for the future? ................

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