
Biology 30 – Final Exam “Review”Name:Exam DatePeriod 3 – Monday afternoon (1:00pm-3:30pm), June 24th, 2019Period 5 – Wednesday morning (9:00am-11:30am), June 26th, 2019 I will use your other exams to help create a large portion of the final (as such, I will avoid just giving you repeat questions in this review). Remember, all PowerPoints should be available at LoganPetlak.ca underneath the Biology 30 tab, or I can email them to you (petlak.logan@prairiesouth.ca).Study TipsStudy often and in smaller amounts of time rather than cramming all at once (maintain routine and study a bit a day).Watch videos online about the content (Crash Course Biology and Bozeman Science both have great Biology videos).Ask questions prior to the exam.Re-read or repeat/rewrite notes.Quiz yourself/friends on the content – pretend to teach it to others.Record yourself and listen to it while you do other things!Recreate your exam environment when studying - your brain will be trained to remember in those conditions (don’t study with music, unless music is allowed while writing).Maintain your optimal functioning routine (for me, this include minimum eight hours sleep, big breakfast and regular food intake days prior, plenty of water). I liken it to preparing for a sporting event or a performance that is energy-intensive. Put your body in the best position for optimal functioning and homeostasis!Stay positive. Relax and be confident (not confident? Probably means you can study more).If you’re pressed for time - STUDY WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW!Format to expect: (Subject to minor changes) /105True/False /15 Multiple Choice /25Matching (Definitions)/10 Short Answer /10Long Answer/20 Problem/10Connecting Content /10Closing Question/Course Evaluation /5Estimated exam length: 1.5 hours.Review Questions **I will not give you a formal answer to this questions, but if you submit a copy or ask questions on answers you have, I can provide feedback to improve for the exam.**Major Question1) In this course we studied three (-ish) broad branches of biological science. How do they all connect together? [10 strong points (each point may take two sentences) = 10 marks]Alternate Guiding Question( Explain how the diversity of life is described using genetics and how this translates to evolution which allows us to potentially create biotechnology based on adaptations of organisms. How does DNA connect all of this? I would recommend including important ideas/terms from each unit in your answer and connecting these together. It may be beneficial to include key terms or concepts from each unit. **I will not give you a formal answer to this question, but if you submit a copy I can provide feedback to improve for the exam.**Major topics As you read these, give yourself a confidence mark:“Y” – yes, I know it completely;“N” – no, I don’t know it, I need to study this;“?” – not sure, probably should relearn it if I have icTopicTopicEvolutionSelective BreedingChemistry EvidenceHistory of EvolutionCladogramRadiometric DatingMisconceptions of EvolutionPhylogenetic TreesSelective PressuresDescent with ModificationHuman EvolutionSpeciationFitnessFossil EvidenceIsolationNatural SelectionGeographical EvidenceGradualismGenetic DriftAnatomical EvidencePunctuated EquilibriumOrigin of LifeMetabolismKingdom ProtistaCharacteristics of LifePhotosynthesis: Light ReactionsKingdom EubacteriaVirusesPhotosynthesis: Dark ReactionsReproductive StrategiesCellsAerobic RespirationMechanisms of Transport – InterBiologically Important MoleculesAnaerobic RespirationGeneticsCell MembraneAdapt to EnvironmentInheritanceCell WallReproductionMendel & his lawsRibosomesTaxonomyPedigreesDNADichotomous KeysPunnett SquaresResponse to Stimuli (Osmosis and Diffusion)Kingdom AnimaliaExceptions to Mendel: Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Multiple AllelesTypes of TransportKingdom PlantaeSex TraitsHomeostasisKingdom FungiCell CycleMitosisDNADNA ReplicationMeiosisDiscovering DNATranscription/TranslationChromosomal DisordersRole of DNAGene MutationsKaryotypesRNAEpigeneticsBiotechnologyAntibiotic ResistanceSample Review Questionsleft2727132002) State and correct a misconception about evolution (2).3) What kingdom/type of organism likely would include a LUCA for all organisms – why? (2).4) How have humans removed/changed the dynamics of natural selection on our species? (2)5) Use the picture below to answer the following:a) What is a shared derived characteristic for sharks, primates, and amphibians (1)?b) What are primates more closely related to, crocodiles or birds – explain your answer (1)? 6) State a selective pressure and how it may affect the population of a particular organism over time (2).7) State three organelles and how they work together to perform a cell function (3).8) How does osmosis apply to IV fluid being given to patients? What type of solution does the IV need to be (or at least close to) with respect to the patient’s blood? (2)9) List an adaptation humans have to combat against predators and an adaptation they have to combat pathogens/disease (2).10) What is a GMO? Are they good or bad (for humans, and for the environment) – why or why not? (2)11) Briefly describe either 3D Bio-Printing or CRISPR and provide an example of their application (2).12) What is the Human Genome Project? What is a significant piece of information discovered as a result? (2)13) What are anti-vaxxers and what is their impact on antibiotic/viral resistance – how does this happen? (2)14) Given our understanding of evolution and biology, what can we predict about life on other planets (ie. Will it look like us)? Why must we be aware of not having contaminated spaceships and what is example of an organism extremely durable and capable of being in open space for extended periods of time (3).15) What are characteristics of life that viruses do not exhibit (or not fully, explain)? Would you consider them living, why or why not? (3)16) Yellow cat eye colour is a dominant trait (Y), green cat eye colour is a recessive trait (y). Create a Punnett’s Square, then include the probabilities of all different offspring when a heterozygous tomcat with yellow eyes and heterozygous for short hair (Ll), breeds with a homozygous queen with green eyes (yy) and long hair (LL) - (3)? ................

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