Maya TakashimaOctober 10, 2016Period 5/6Alternative Treatments for Brain CancerResearch Question:What are alternative treatments for brain cancer?Hypothesis:There are different methods of treating brain cancer; there is the traditional method and the experimental method.Background/History of the Issue:When a patient gets brain cancer one of the first steps is to set up a treatment plan. No matter what the first step is usually surgery because the doctors want to get as much of the tumor mass out as possible. Then after that normally the patient goes through chemotherapy and radiation. However, it’s 2016 and there are other options now. Today there are different experimental treatment methods that could possibly give a better result. A major issue for people that go through chemotherapy is the horrific side effects that they have to deal with. With some of these experimental treatments scientists have found a way to minimize the amount of side effects the patient experiences. The fact that side effects could be lessened along with the possibility of better results is extremely important. Rationale:Often times when a patient with brain cancer is being treated it goes surgery to chemotherapy and radiation. However the medical world has gotten to a point where there are multiple clinical trials occurring that are testing different treatments that could be of possibility. With chemotherapy good cells are killed along with the cancer cells. This can cause extreme side effects that are horrible to endure. If there was another treatment that could do relatively the same thing, but only kill the cancer cells is would be a great thing for patients to try. Along with the likelihood of fewer side effects the experimental treatments could give a possibility of a longer survival time. Sometimes you have o step outside of the box to reach a better end goal. Basis of Hypothesis:I wanted to research the experimental treatment methods because I have always found it a very interesting topic. Lately there have been more and more clinical trials of treatments that have actually increased the survival time more than some traditional methods have allowed. The idea that there are other possible treatments that may be less harmful to the body or give fewer side effects is also very interesting. Although many patients still go by the traditional methods, I think it is important to see maybe if the experimental treatments could be just as good or better. I truly believe that experimental treatments could create better results or a more comfortable treatment period. Operational Definitions:Treatments: In my hypothesis when I say “treatments” I am referring to techniques that a doctor will use to help increase the survival time of a person with brain cancer. The treatment could be a consumed or could be done surgically or anything in between. Traditional methods: In my hypothesis, I compare traditional methods to experimental methods. When I say tradition methods I am referring to surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.Experimental methods: In my hypothesis, I compare experimental methods to the traditional methods. When I discuss experimental methods, I am referring to the methods/treatments that are being conducted and given under clinical trials, or methods that have just gone through clinical trials.Descriptors Used for Literature Search:Alternative treatments for brain cancerBrain cancer treatmentsExperimental treatments for brain cancerImmunotherapy for brain cancer ................

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