

Part 1: Reading

1. b, e

2. to study (the) plants that the local people used (to make poison for their darts)

3. he wanted to learn as much as he could about the plants

4. c

5. to learn as much as he could about the plants from the Amazon medicine men

6. c

7. the study of the way local people use plants for food, medicine and even clothing

8. a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5 e. 1

Part 2: Vocabulary

A 1. d 2. g 3. f 4. e 5. h 6. b 7. a 8. c

B 1. species 5. climate

2. infer 6. were moved by

3. expedition 7. continent

4. confusing 8. factory

C Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Part 3: Grammar

A 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. a

B 1. threw 5. began

2. called 6. was burning

3. were making 7. organized

4. was getting 8. made

C Accept all logical and grammatically correct sentences in the following tenses:

1. Present Simple

2. Past Progressive or Past Simple (depending on meaning)

3. Present Progressive

Part 4: Writing

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


Part 1: Reading

1. Any two of the following:

They are sensitive. / They take care of their sick. / They feel sad when a friend dies.

2. It was a safe home for many different animals.

3. (often) escaped; were afraid of them

4. a. she moved away from the fence and the elephants were quiet

b. iii

5. b

6. One day, Nana came up to the fence and touched Anthony with her trunk.

7. d

8. The elephants traveled for hours to come to Anthony’s house.

Part 2: Vocabulary

A 1. f 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. b

B 1. terrible 4. investigate

2. terrific 5. huge

3. depend on 6. strange

C 1. empty 4. alike

2. emotional 5. showed up

3. on a daily basis

D Accept all logical answers that demonstrate an understanding of the words in bold.

Part 3: Grammar

A 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. b

B 1. has ... eaten 4. hasn’t texted

2. Has ... told 5. Have ... visited

3. haven’t answered 6. haven’t finished

C 1. didn’t recognize; have ... cut

2. Have ... spoken; ... hasn’t called

3. have ... seen; watched

4. Did ... get; have / ’ve had

Part 4: Writing

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


Part 1: Reading

1. b

|2. |Name of Inventor |Age |Problem |Year of Invention|Solution / Invention |

| |Blaise Pascal |19 |He wanted to make adding all the numbers |1642 |the Pascaline |

| | | |faster and easier. | | |

| |Louis Braille |15 |He lost his eyesight. / He wanted a way for|1824 |braille |

| | | |blind people to read and write. | | |

| |George Nissen |teenager |He wanted a way that bouncing and turning |1934 |trampoline |

| | | |could help him train as a gymnast. | | |

3. It was a step in the development of calculators.

4. Any two of the following:

They encouraged him to learn new things. / They encouraged him to do things by himself. /

They sent him to France’s Royal Institute for the Blind.

5. a. YES

b. His system, braille, is now used throughout the world.

6. He thought bouncing and turning could help him (in his training) as a gymnast.

7. a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 5 e. 1

Part 2: Vocabulary

A 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. c

B 1. forbid 4. followed

2. negative 5. asleep

3. an important 6. specific

C Accept all logical answers that demonstrate an understanding of the words in bold.

Part 3: Grammar

A 1. is baked 4. will be returned

2. was written 5. was designed

3. weren’t watered

B 1. drink 5. controlled

2. was discovered 6. was sold

3. realized 7. weren’t allowed

4. was brought 8. are grown

C 1. has lost 5. hadn’t slept

2. went out 6. had left

3. rang 7. heard

4. had studied

Part 4: Writing

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


Part 1: Reading

1. your heart, muscles and bones; your brain

2. d

3. Any two of the following:

memory improves / brain functions improve / brain gets bigger

|4. | |Type of Exercise |Results of the Study |

| |Group 1 |aerobic walking |Their memories and brain functions showed a |

| | | |significant improvement. / Their brains were 2 to 3% |

| | | |bigger. |

| |Group 2 |stretching and strengthening exercises |There was no improvement in brain function. |

5. a. supports

b. showed similar results

6. Any one of the following:

70 adults – 18,000 women / 60 to 80 years old – 70 to 81 years old

7. walking one and half hours a week at the speed of one mile in 16 to 20 minutes

8. b

Part 2: Vocabulary

A 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a

B 1. genius 4. mention

2. dumb 5. figure out

3. advised 6. eager

C Accept all logical answers that demonstrate understanding of the words in bold.

Part 3: Grammar

A 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. c

B 1. was hungry 4. she

2. would start 5. the night before

3. didn’t taste 6. were leaving

C 1. that the dog hadn’t come back the day before

2. that they would be at the concert the following Friday

3. he had eaten at that restaurant the week before

Part 4: Writing

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


Part 1: Reading

1. Any two of the following:

He was born to a poor family. / His father died when he was 11. / He had to work in a factory. / He was lonely. / People made fun of him.

2. He knew he would never fulfill his dreams there.

3. d

4. He sent him back to school.

5. 1) He was older than the other students.

2) The teachers made fun of him.

6. He became a famous author.

7. to show that some of his most famous stories appear in his first book of fairy tales

8. 1) They face many difficulties.

2) They have to struggle before they find happiness.

9. didn’t think he was talented, clever or handsome; they cheered him as a famous author

Part 2: Vocabulary

A 1. entertaining 5. uncooperative

2. frustrated 6. quest

3. solution 7. Furthermore

4. overjoyed 8. villain

B 1. unpopular 5. invisible

2. impatient 6. appreciate

3. impolite 7. mysterious

4. Go away! 8. choice

C Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Part 3: Grammar

A 1. get 4. will call

2. go 5. spends

3. won’t meet

B 1. will shout 5. practice

2. comes 6. don’t eat

3. ’ll / will get 7. ’ll / will help

4. don’t call

C Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers that use the following tenses:

1. Future Simple

2. Present Simple

3. Present Simple

D 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a

Part 4: Writing

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


Part 1: Reading

1. c, d

2. a. a (possible) nuclear war

b. A huge underground bunker was built so the United Kingdom would have a safe mission control center for the government and its workers.

3. b

4. a. They completely seal off the bunker from the outside world.

b. To protect important government workers against gas and radiation.

5. 4,000 people; 3 months

6. a, d

7. For government officials to speak and give information to people above the ground who had survived an attack.

8. b

9. c

Part 2: Vocabulary

A 1. crawl 5. interview

2. seasonings 6. essential

3. bacteria 7. canceled

4. skeleton

B 1. deadly 5. custom

2. illegal 6. voyage

3. schedule 7. warning

4. overcrowded

C Accept all logical answers that demonstrate an understanding of the words in bold.

Part 3: Grammar

A 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b

B 1. how much money I needed

2. if I had the history notes

3. to help her find her wallet

4. not to touch the paintings

C 1. is being prepared

2. must be walked

3. should be finished

4. might be closed early

5. are being shown

6. were being set up

Part 4: Writing

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


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