Review: Ch 1

Exam 1 Review

There are 45 questions on the exam. They consist mostly of definitions and applications.

Good News! You may make a one page (8x10) notes sheet for this exam. These are the stipulations:

You must hand write the sheet by your self. There will be no photocopying of course materials or anyone else’s sheet.

You must hand in your sheet with the exam in order to receive full credit.

General Topics covered: (Note These Are Broad Categories From Your Book/Slides; You Are Responsible For The Detailed Information Within The Categories)

Definitions of key terms (drawn from every chapter, e.g., co-branding, sign)

Tools/Elements of Marketing Communication (e.g., types, definitions, functions)

IMC (all information related to it, such as steps involved)

Brand Equity (all information related to it, such as the parts and their definitions, like awareness, recognition, etc.)

The marketing communication (MarCom) process (all parts included, such a fundamental decisions, etc.)


Tools for targeting (demographics, geodemograpics, etc.)

VALS categories

Positioning (all parts included, such as definition, statement, strategies, by needs, etc.)

CPM model (all steps and related topics included)

HEM model

The Merchants of Cool film

Sample items:

The notion that all elements of the marketing mix must be coordinated and that all must speak with one voice is called _____________.

a. micromarketing

b. integrating marketing communications

c. the marketing concept

d. the promotion concept

e. the one-voice theory of communications

SunMicrosystems recently introduced a new desktop computer. The headline of their two-page advertisement in Business Week reads,” “The World’s Most Powerful Desktop for the Price of a PC.” This statement is an appeal to a consumer’s ____________.

a. emotional needs

b. symbolic needs

c. qualitative needs

d. functional needs

e. experiential needs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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