LOGO and Brand Name Usage Guidelines - TrafFix Devices

TrafFix Devices, Inc.

Logo and Brand

Use Guidelines


TrafFix Devices, Inc.

160 Avenue La Pata

San Clemente, CA 92673

Phone: 949-361-5663


Our identity system ensures that the TrafFix Devices, Inc. brand is portrayed consistently across all communications, while at the same time allowing flexibility for each company division or distributor partner to effectively convey its own unique message.

TrafFix Devices, Inc. Brand Identity Strategy

To build a truly global brand, we need to maximize awareness of our single, unifying TrafFix Devices, Inc. brand. To achieve this, our strategies are to:

● Increase familiarity of the TrafFix Devices, Inc. brand through consistent application of our identity standards worldwide.

● Build equity in our brand so that it is globally recognized.

● Build market leadership in each of the markets we are in.

● Build a connection between our product brand names and TrafFix Devices, Inc. brand.

Marketing and Communications

Relevant and consistent communications can provide lasting and positive impressions of our brand with distributor partners and end-users. This ensures that the TDI brand is presented consistently across all of the communication methods described below. TDI will provide any assistance necessary with images and artwork from our library for our distributor partners for the uses described below.

● Advertising – Print, direct mail, online, directory listings, television or radio.

● Branded Product – Scorpion, SLED, Quad-Drop, Big Sandy, Sentry Water-Cable Barrier, etc.

● Branded Merchandise – Apparel and trade show give-aways.

● Literature – Product bulletins, binders, folders, and newsletters.

● Websites – TDI recognizes the importance of this communication tool and will continue to invest heavily in our web presence, providing a high quality link to our distributor partners.

● Social Media – TDI will actively participate with the relevant social networking channels.

● E-mail Marketing – Email blasts, etc.

● Presentations – Standard templates for use in government and other end-user presentations.

● Packaging and Labeling – Will follow all guidelines as described in this document.

TrafFix Devices, Inc. Logo Standards

• Position the TrafFix Devices Black and Orange logo on a white background for maximum visual impact.

• Apply only one logo per visual surface (cover of brochure, Web page, PowerPoint slide, chest of shirt, etc.).

• Use a TrafFix Devices, Inc. logo except for one-color applications (which may only use black) or for non-print applications, such as etching or embossing.

• Use the approved electronic logo file or font. Do not try to recreate the logo using other fonts or images.

TrafFix Devices, Inc. Logo Definition

The logo stands for TrafFix Devices (TDI). The orange “T” denotes SAFETY and the black and orange “D” denotes the HIGHWAY. At the end of the HIGHWAY is the orange circle which simulates a FLASHING BARRICADE LIGHT, which stands for CONSTRUCTION ZONE. The literal translation is CONSTRUCTION ZONE HIGHWAY SAFETY. TrafFix Devices is committed to engineering and manufacturing products which meet recognized standards for safety in the construction work zone around the world. The TrafFix Devices logo is recognized around the world in the highway safety industry.

TrafFix Devices, Inc. Standard Colors



TDI Black and White logo for white background TDI Black and White logo for black background

[pic] [pic]

Standard Logo Sizes

When placing the logo on surfaces 9”x12” or smaller, use one of the approved logo sizes below:

40 point (Full Page)


34 point (1/2 page)


28 point (1/4 page)

[pic]18 point (minimum size)

TDI Logo with Byline

The approved TrafFix Devices logo can also appear with the approved byline as shown below.


TrafFix Devices, Inc. Divisions

Divisions of TrafFix Devices, Inc. will show the logo of the division with the TrafFix Devices, Inc. logo and the term, “A Division of TrafFix Devices, Inc.” Pictured below is the horizontal and vertical orientation of VizCon, A Division of TrafFix Devices, Inc.

Horizontal Orientation

Vertical Orientation

Horizontal Black and White logo for White background Horizontal Black and White logo for black background

[pic] [pic]

Vertical Black and White logo for White background Vertical Black and White logo for black background

[pic] [pic]

TrafFix Devices, Inc. Trademark Protection

First Use Guidelines: Use the full product name [consisting of trademark(s), trademark symbol(s), generic descriptor and model number, if the product bears a model number and the business has selected it as part of the full product name] in full the first time the trademark(s) appears.

Correct Use: TrafFix Sentry™ Water-Cable Barrier

Incorrect Use: Sentry Water Cable Barrier

First-use, later-use trademark usage is dependant on the continuous visual surface where information appears. A “visual surface” varies from medium to medium. It may be a single-page or two-page spread, a printed electronic presentation screen, a trade show booth panel, or the side of a package. Use your best judgment to determine the amount of continuous surface that can be seen at any one time by your audience.

Every time a new visual surface is presented to a reader or viewer, you will need to apply the first-use rules to a trademark. You may want to apply the later-use rules to subsequent cases of the same trademark on the same visual surface to make content more reader-friendly. Applying the later-use guidelines is optional.

Later Use Guidelines: After the full product name has been used once on a surface, capitalize trademarks and use lowercase for generic descriptors. Continue to capitalize the trademark, but use all lowercase type for the generic descriptor. The generic descriptor may also be shortened.

Correct Use: TrafFix Sentry Water-Cable Barriers help save lives.

Incorrect Use: Sentry Water Cable barrier is a life saving device.

TrafFix Devices, Inc. Product Brand Names

ADA Wall™

Big Sandy®

Compressor® Attenuator






Phoenix Rail™

Quad-Drop™Portable Sign Stand

Safe-Sign™ 350


Scorpion® Trailer Attenuator

Scorpion® Truck Mounted Attenuator


SLED™ Euro-Terminal

Slide-N-Store™ Sign




TrafFix Alert™ Rumble Strip

TrafFix Big Buster® Sign Stand

TrafFix Channelizer Drum™

TrafFix Device Weed Matt®

TrafFix Devices, Inc.®

TrafFix Econo Buster® Sign Stand

TrafFix Little Buster® Sign Stand

TrafFix Looper Cone®

TrafFix Looper Tube®

TrafFix Metro-Wall™

TrafFix Phoenix™ Sign Stand

TrafFix Premier Panel™

TrafFix Sentry™ Water-Cable Barrier

TrafFix Super Buster® Sign Stand

TrafFix Tri-Buster® Sign Stand

TrafFix Water-Wall™


TrafFix® Portable Sign Stands

TrafFix® Barrier Buster Sign Stand

TrafFix® Cone

TrafFix® PVC Cone

TrafFix® Spring Cone & Tote System



Zephyr® Sign Stand

TrafFix Devices, Inc. Product Brand Names and Logos

Some of the TDI products have been branded with names and/or logos. When the product brand is shown, whether it is a decal on the product itself, or when used in print, it must appear with the TDI name and/or TDI logo. Shown below is the artwork for the product brand names Scorpion Truck Mounted Attenuator and Scorpion Trailer Attenuator.



The Scorpion artwork below should be used for promotional applications such as trade show give-aways. For instance, this artwork would be used for embroidery on apparel such as ballcaps or shirts.


TrafFix Devices, Inc. Product Brand Names and Logos(continued)

TrafFix Devices, Inc. has some products which must meet different crash test requirements depending on the country specifications. For instance, the Sentry Longitudinal Energy Dissipater, (SLED™) is engineered, manufactured, tested and passed the NCHRP 350, TL-1, TL-2, and TL-3 test level requirements. This unit is branded as follows:


A similar unit, but engineered differently, tested and passed the European EN 1317-3,P4 test requirements, is called the SLED™ Euro-Terminal. This unit is branded as follows:


Guidelines for Logotype Embroidery on Apparel

The official logo type for TrafFix Devices, Inc. and VizCon, a division of TrafFix Devices, Inc. poses challenges to successful embroidery. The guidelines and required approval process outlined below aim to ensure consistency and quality of embroidery decoration.

1. Digitized files from official logotype artwork. All embroidered versions of the official logotype must be produced with digitized embroidery files rendering the logotype exactly as supplied in electronic artwork from TrafFix Devices, Inc. No substitution fonts may be used for the customized font of the logotype.

2. Substantial stitch counts are essential for a quality rendering of the logo type. Count will be determined by use of the digitized artwork to be provided to the embroiderer. Approximate size of the company logos, when embroidered, are detailed below:

Two-line Horizontal TrafFix Devices Logotype, 1.16” X 3.80” (digitized files to be provided)

Multiple-line Vertical VizCon Logotype, 2.00” X 3.79” (digitized files to be provided)

Distributor Partner Branding of TDI Products

TDI understands the importance of our distributor partners communicating their own company brand to their specific country and local markets. When space is available on branded TDI products, the distributor is allowed to apply decals identifying their own company as long as those decals do not infringe on the required TDI product brand names, factory installed warning labels or local government requirements.

Distributor Partner Marketing Materials

When distributor partners produce their own marketing materials, the TDI brand and product brands will follow the formats identified in this guideline.

NOTE: For questions regarding any of the information provided, please contact TrafFix Devices, Inc., Marketing Department, 949-361-5663.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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