Contract de vânzare /cumparare de certificate verzi

 Contract de v?nzare /cumparare de certificate verzi / Bilateral Agreement for Green Certificates Nr. ............ / ..................2015

Prile contractante:

Societatea S.C. Eolian Center S.R.L., cu

sediul ?n Targu Mures, str. Insulei nr.1/C4,

jud. Mures, adresa de corespondenta: mun.

Brasov, str. Hermann Oberth, nr. 8, jud.

Braov, tel. 0368450127, fax 0268316312,

?nmatriculat la Oficiul Registrului

Comerului sub nr. J26/1686/2008., av?nd

Cod de Identificare Fiscal RO24506502, cont



deschis la BRD Targu Mures ? Suc. Tg. Mure,

titularul licentei ANRE de producere energie

electrica nr. 1057/16.12.2011,

reprezentat prin Director Executiv dl.

Razvan Neamtu, av?nd calitatea de V?nztor,


Societatea S.C. .......................S.R.L.,

participant la Piaa de Certificate Verzi, cu

sediul ?n ............, str., , etaj




sector...................., ?nmatriculat la Registrul

Comerului sub nr.................................., cod

unic de ?nregistrare ................................., cont

bancar deschis la Banca ...............................-

Sucursala.................., titularul contului de

virament nr. ................................titularul

licenei ANRE nr. ................./.....................





................................av?nd calitatea de


denumite in cele ce urmeaz, ?mpreuna,

Parti si, in mod individual, Parte.

Partile au decis incheierea prezentului

contract (denumit in continuare

,,Contractul"), ?n conformitate cu rezultatul

licitaiei organizate pe Piaa Contractelor

Bilaterale de Certificate Verzi din data

de................................, ora......................., codul

ofertei atribuite fiind................................, cu

respectarea urmtoarelor prevederi:

Contracting Parties:

The company S.C. Eolian Center S.R.L.,

headquartered in Targu Mures, 1/C4 Insulei

Street, county Brasov, correspondence adress:

city of Brasov, Hermann Oberth Street, no. 8,

Brasov county, phone 0368450127, fax

0268316312, registered with Trade Registry

Office under no. J26/1686/2008, with Fiscal

Identification Code RO24506502, bank



opened with. BRD Targu Mures ? Tg. Mures

Branch, the holder of ANRE license to

generate electricity no. 1057/16.12.2011,

represented by Mr. Razvan Neamtu as

Executive Director in its capacity of Seller,


The company S.C. .............................S.R.L.,

participant to the Green Certificates Market,

headquartered in ............, street, .............Floor,

Room ..................., District ....., registered with

the Trade Registry under no. ....................sole

registration code...................., banking account




....................Branch, holder of the transfer

account no............................, the holder of




/.............................duly represented by

Mr........................ as the Purchaser.

hereinafter referred to as each as the "Party" and collectively as the "Parties". The Parties have decided to conclude this Contract(hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"), according to the result of the auction held on the Green Certificates Market for Bilateral Contracts dated on .......................hour........................., having the assigned offer code.............................., with the observance of the following provisions:

Termeni si acronime Art. 1. Termenii sunt definii si acronimele sunt utilizate ?n prezentul Contract ?n conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie, republicat, cu modificrile si completrile ulterioare, ale Regulamentului de organizare si funcionare a pieei de certificate verzi aprobat prin Ordinul Preedintelui ANRE nr. 57/2013 si ale Procedurii OPCOM privind modalitatea de tranzacionare pe Piaa Contractelor Bilaterale de Certificate Verzi conform creia contractele sunt atribuite prin licitaie publica, aa cum a fost avizata de Autoritatea Naionala de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei, prin Avizul nr. 6 din 15.01.2014, denumita in continuare ,,Procedura", (i.e. punctele 4, respectiv 3 din (Procedura). Obiectul Contractului Art. 2. (1) V?nzarea de ctre V?nztor i cumprarea de ctre Cumprtor a numrului de certificate verzi, prevzut ?n Anexa 1, rezultat in urma corelrii ofertei iniiatoare de vanzare plasate de Vanzator la data de oferta de cumparare ? rspuns la oferta de vanzare a Vanzatorului, ?naintata in data de Cumparator, in urma desfurrii sesiunii de licitaie public din data de v?nzare, respectiv cumprare.

Terms and acronyms Article 1. This Agreement shall define terms and shall use acronyms according to the provisions of Law no. 220/2008 for establishing the system to promote the production of energy from renewable energy sources, republished, as further amended and supplemented, Regulation for organization and functioning of the Green Certificates Market as approved by the ANRE President's Order no 57/2013 and OPCOM Procedure related to the modality of trading bilateral agreements on the Green Certificates Market, by which agreements are awarded by public tender, as approved by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority by the Approval no 6 of 15 January 2014, hereinafter referred to as the "Procedure", (i.e. paragraphs 3, respectively 4 of the Procedure). Subject-matter of the Agreement Article 2. (1) Selling by the Seller and purchasing by the Purchaser, of the number of green certificates, as established in Annex 1, resulting from the correlation between the sale initiating offer placed by the Seller on ...........................and the purchase offer submitted on the Purchaser as response to the Seller's sale offer following the development of the public tender session for selling, respectively purchasing.

(2) Preul certificatelor verzi este cel precizat ?n Anexa 2, pret rezultat in urma corelrii ofertei iniiatoare de vanzare ?naintate de Vanzator la OPCOM in data de..................................., cu ofertele de cumparare ale Cumparatorului, in urma desfurrii sesiunii de licitaie public din data de.................................... Valoarea acestuia se incadreaza in limitele legal stabilite prin Ord. ANRE nr. 9/2015, pret ce va fi indexat anual in functie de reglementarile ANRE in aplicarea art. 11(4) din Legea 220/2008.

(2) The price of the green certificates shall be established in Annex 2, as resulting from the correlation between the sale-initiating offer, submitted by the Seller to OPCOM on......................., and the Purchaser's purchase offers, following the development of the public tendering session of.................................. The price value is legally established by ANRE Order no.9/2015, which price will be annualy indexed in conformity with the ANRE regulation for article no.11(4) of the Law no.220/2008

Condiiile de desfurare a v?nzrii/cumprrii Art. 3. Cumprtorul achiziioneaz de la V?nztor, toate certificatele verzi primite lunar de la Operatorul de Transport i de Sistem pentru producia de energie din surse regenerabile realizat de CEE Grebanu in perioada stipulata la Art. 15 la prezentul Contract, cu ?ncadrarea ?n limitele prevazute ?n Anexa 1 la prezentul Contract, la preul stabilit ?n Anexa 2. Art. 4. ?n vederea producerii efectelor Contractului, V?nztorul ?nregistreaz Contractul ?ncheiat la OPCOM. Facturarea i condiiile de plat Art. 5. (1) Contravaloarea certificatelor verzi ce urmeaz a fi primit de ctre V?nztor de la Cumprtor, conform prezentului Contract, se calculeaz cu urmtoarea formul: V = N x p unde: - V este valoarea facturii; - N este numrul de certificate verzi v?ndut, determinat conform Anexei 1; - p este preul de Contract pentru un certificat verde, determinat conform Anexei 2, ?n RON/CV. (2) V?nztorul notific ctre OPCOM codurile certificatelor verzi v?ndute.

Art. 6. In termen de 5 (cinci) zile lucratoare , dup primirea certificatelor verzi, V?nztorul emite ctre Cumprtor o factur pentru numrul de certificate verzi primite de la Operatorul de Transport ?n respectiva Lun de Contract, calculat conform prevederilor art. 5.

Art. 7. Cumprtorul va plti factura ?n termen de 20 (cinci) zile lucratoare de la data primirii acesteia. Art. 8. V?nztorul transmite ctre OPCOM, ?n termen de 3 (trei) zile lucrtoare de la ?ncasarea facturii, note de informare privind achitarea obligaiilor de ?ncasare a sumelor cuvenite din tranzacia de certificate verzi,

Conditions of the sale/purchase performance Article 3. The Purchaser shall buy from the Seller all the green certificates received monthly from the TSO for the energy production from renewable sources accomplished by CCE Grebanu, during the period set out in Art. 15, and within the limits stipulated in Annex 1to this Agreement, at the price established in Annex 2.

Art. 4. Seller shall register the Agreement with OPCOM in order to ensure the Agreement comes into force. Invoicing and payment conditions Article 5. (1) The equivalent value of the green certificates that is to be received by the Seller from the Purchaser, under this Agreement, shall be calculated based on this formula: V = N x p where: - V is the amount of the invoice; - N is the number of green certificates sold, as established in Annex 1; - p is the Agreement price for a green certificate, as established according to Annex 2, expressed in RON/CV. (2) The Seller shall notify OPCOM on the codes of the green certificates sold to the Purchaser, according to Annexes 1 and 2. Article 6. In five (5) working days after receiving the green certificates, the Seller shall issue to the Purchaser an invoice corresponding to the number of green certificates received from the TSO in the respective contractual month, calculated according to the provisions of Article 5. Article 7. The Purchaser shall pay the invoice within twenty (20) working days as of the date of invoice receipt. Article 8. Within three (3) working days after receiving the notifications regarding the payment of the invoice, the Seller shall notify OPCOM on the fulfillment of its obligation to collect the due amounts arising from trading


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