
Ancient Egypt: A Brief History Questions

1. How was Egypt connected with other countries?

2. How big was the Empire at some point?

3. Who occupied Egypt at different times?

4. What does “ Kemet “ stand for?

5. Provide two pieces of evidence proving that fertility was an extremely significant aspect of the Egyptian lifestyle?

6. How did Egyptians call their rulers? What does the name stand for?

7. When was the title of a ruler officially introduced?

8. What did you find out about the Egypt’s prehistory?

9. What was the first found city of Egypt?

10. When and how was Egypt unified?

11. What prove do historian provide claiming that the prehistoric climate of Egypt was wetter?

12. What is the “ cave of swimmers”?

|Dynasty 3-6 |Dynasty 7-10 |Dynasty 11-13 |Dynasty 14-17 |Dynasty 18-20 |

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13. 13 Who is Narmer?

14. What is dynasty 0?

15. Discuss the differences between the dynasties

16. Create a statement that compares Dynasties 21-24 to 25-31 using the information from the text. Pretend if you were writing a thesis statement that compares that accomplishment of both sets of dynasties.

17. Who incorporates Egypt into the Macedonian Empire?

18. Who is Cleopatra VII? What did you find out about her?

19. What kind of religion did the Egyptians practice?

20. Examine the importance of religion in Ancient Egypt.

21. Compare and contrast Sumerian cuneiforms to the Egyptian hieroglyphs .


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