1 (April)

Labour History Review Index 2010-2020Dr Mike MechamSt Mary’s University, LondonIntroductionThis is part of a comprehensive index for the journal Labour History Review (LHR) since its first issue in April 1990. That is issue 55:1 because all previous issues were of the Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour history. The Society was formed in 1960 and the Bulletin was introduced shortly after and was ‘an instant success’ – see John McIlroy, ‘The Society for the Study of Labour History, 1956-1985: Its Origins and Its Heyday’ (LHR 2010 Supplement 1, 19-112). A short index of issues 1-50 of the Bulletin can be found in issue 51:2, 3-4. The editorial in the first issue of LHR provides a helpful account of its genesis.JOURNAL ISSUESVolume 75 (2010)1 (April) Transnational Labour in the Age of Globalization● Fifty Years of Labour History - The Road From Malet Street: The Society for the Study of Labour History, From 1960 to the New Millennium - John McIlroy (1-7)●Transnational Labour in the Age of Globalization – Melanie Nolan, Donald MacRaild & Neville Kirk (8-19) ●Hub and Diaspora: Liverpool and Transnational Labour – John Belchem (20-29) ●Bringing Art to 'the Man in the Back Street': Regional and Historical Perspectives of Labour and the Evolution of Cultural Policy in Europe 1945–1975 – Natasha Vall (30-43)●'We have a lot to learn!' American Influences on Danish Social Democracy and Organized Labour in the Early 1950s: Transnational Perspectives – Sissel Bjerrum Fossat (44-59)●The Transnational Scope of Western Labour's Solidarity with Solidarno?? – Idesbald Goddeeris (60-75)●The Late Birth of Transnational Labour Cooperation: Cross-Border Trade Union Networks at Ford and General Motors (1953–2001) – Thomas, Fetzer (76-97)●Classic Third Way or Before its Time? The New Zealand Labour Party in Local and Transnational Context – Melanie Nolan (98-113)●John Saville (1916–2009): Appreciations and Memories – David Martin (student), Dianne Kirby (student) & David Howell (John Saville and the Dictionary of Labour Biography) (114-127)●Book Reviews (128-142)Issue Supplement 1: Making History: Labour History Review Fiftieth Anniversary Supplement●Editorial: Fifty Years On – John McIlroy, Alan, Campbell, John Halstead & David Martin (1-14)●The Society for the Study of Labour History, 1956–1985: Its Origins and Its Heyday (Research article) – John McIlroy (19-112)●The Scottish Labour History Society: A Retrospect – Robert Duncan (117-127)●Llafur: Labour History Society and People's Remembrancer, 1970–2009 - Hopkin, Deian Hopkin (129-146)●The Irish Labour History Society: An Outline History – Emmet O’Connor (147-159)●Notes on Contributors (161-162)2 (July)●Gendering Labour History Across Borders (Research article) – Joan Sangster (143-161)●Challenge, Crisis, and Renewal? Themes in the Labour History of Britain, 1960–2010 – Neville Kirk (162-180)●'A whirling vortex of women': The Strikes of Scots Herring Women in East Anglia in the 1930s and 1940s – Sam Davies (181-207)●'A paper not so much for the armchair but for the factory and the street': Fenner Brockway and the Independent Labour Party's New Leader, 1926–1946 – Hazel Kent (208-226)●The Soviet Union and British Spies (Review Article) – Gary Daniels (227-234) ●Book Reviews (235-243)3 (December)●The Aristocracy of Labour and Working-Class Consciousness Revisited (Research Article) – John Foster (245-262)●Histories of Labour and Labour History – Richard Price (263-270)●Annual Bibliography 2009 – Yasmin Adeeb & Fathi Boud (271-292)●Theses and Dissertations: 2009 - Yasmin Adeeb & Fathi Boud (293-310)●Outside the Lodge Room: Freemasonry and Historical Agency (Review Article) – Allan Blackstock (311-321)●Book Reviews (322-325)Volume 76 (2011)1 (April)●The Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921: The Response of the British Parliamentary Labour Party and Labour Press (Research Article) – Ivan Gibbons (1-15)●Labour Governments and Capital Punishment, 1924–1970 – Kevin Manton (16-33)●A Tradition of Radicalism: The Politics of the South Wales Miners, 1964–1985 – Ben Curtis (34-50)●Preserving the 'Contentious Alliance'? The Labour Party, the Trade Unions, and the Political Fund Ballots of 1985–1986 – David Stewart (51-69)●The Spanish Civil War: Political Activism and the Popular Front (Reviews Article) – Keith Laybourn (70-76)●Book Reviews – (77-79)2 (August)●Back to the Future? The Potters' Emigration Society and the Historians (Research Article) – Martin Crawford (81-103)●Dancing and Days Out: The Role of Social Events in British Women's Trade Unionism in the Early Twentieth Century – Cathy Hunt (104-120)●Railway Accidents and Nineteenth-Century Legislation: 'Misconduct, Want of Caution or Causes Beyond their Control?' – Audrey Giles (121-142)●A Labour Historian of the Old School — Raymond Challinor Remembered – John McIlroy (143-160)●Memories of Dottie: Dorothy Thompson (1923–2011) – Stephen Roberts (161-168)●Contemporary Trade Unionism and Twentieth-Century History (Review Article) – Steve Funnel (169-175)●Book Reviews (176-180)3 (December)●Communists and the Inter-War Anti-Fascist Struggle in the United States and Britain (Research Article) – Nigel Copsey (184-206)●Craftsmen and Skilled Workers in Engineering, 1914–64 – Kevin Whitston (207-226)●Labour History in the USA – Dolores Janiewski (275-278)●Trade Union Organization - Emmet O’Connor (279-280)●Obituary: Dorothy Thompson (1923–2011) – Owen Ashton, Joan Allen, Joe White & James Epstein (227-230)●Annual Bibliography: 2010 - Yasmin Adeeb & Fathi Boud (231-256)●Theses and Dissertations: 2010 - Yasmin Adeeb & Fathi Boud (257-274)●Speak for Britain! A New History of the Labour Party (Book Review) – A. W. Purdue (281-282)Volume 77 (2012)1 (April)●Editorial – Peter Gurney & Paul Corthorn (1-2)●Bombing and Labour in Western Europe, from 1940 to 1945 – Claudia Baldoli & Matt Perry (3-9)●‘The Weak Link’? The Perception of the German Working Class by RAF Bomber Command, 1940-1945 – Richard Overy (11-33)●The Battle of the Ruhr, 1943: Aerial Warfare against an Industrial Region – Ralf Blank (35-48)●Bombing Billancourt: Labour Agency and the Limitations of the Public Opinion Model of Wartime France – Matt Perry (49-74)●Bombing the FIAT: Allied Raids, Workers' Strikes, and the Italian Resistance – Claudia Baldoli (75-92)●Bombing and Rural Society in Württemberg- Jill Stephenson (93-112)●Civil Defence in Britain, 1938-1945: Friendship during Wartime and the Formation of a Work-based Identity – Helen Jones (113-132)●The Labour Party and Strategic Bombing in the Second World War – Martin Farr (133-153)●Book Reviews (155-161)2 (July)●‘We Dream Our Dream Still’: Ruralism, Empire, and the Debate about New Australia in Britain – Antony Taylor (163-187)●The Friendly and Welfare Provision of British Trade Unions: A Case Study of the South Wales Miners' Federation – Steven Thompson (189-210)●Asa Briggs and the Emergence of Labour History in Post-War Britain – John McIlroy (211-242)●David Montgomery: A Tribute - Neville Kirk (243-248)●Book Reviews (249-264).3 (December)●Mazzini's Transnational Legacy amongst British Co-operators (c.1885-1949) – Marcella Sutcliffe (267-288)●The Economics, Culture, and Politics of Hospital Contributory Schemes: The Case of Inter-war Leeds – Barry Doyle (289-315)●Annual Bibliography: 2011 - Yasmin Adeeb & Fathi Boud (317-345)●Theses and Dissertations: 2011 - Yasmin Adeeb & Fathi Boud (347-359)●Book Reviews (361-377)●Labour History Review Essay Prize (379-380)Volume 78 (2013)1 (April)●Editorial: Radicals, Chartists, and Internationalism – Joan Allen & Owen Ashton (1-2)●Chartism, Commemoration, and the Cult of the Radical Hero, c.1770-c.1840 – Matthew Roberts (3-32)●Chartism and French Radicalism in the 1830s and 1840s: A Comparison - Iorwerth Prothero (33-49)●A Chartist Singularity? Mobilizing to Promote Democratic Petitions in Britain and France, 1838-1848 - Beno?t Agnes (51-66)●‘The teacher of strange doctrines’: George Julian Harney and the Democratic Review, 1849-1850 – Joan Allen (67-86)●From Rifle Club to Reading Room: Sydney's Democratic Vistas, 1848-1856 – Paul Pickering (87-112)●Essay in Review: Labouring in the Digital Archive – Matthew Roberts (113-126)●Archives Reports - Fred Donnelly & Janette Martin (127-132)●Book Reviews (133-143)2 (July)●Transatlantic Migration and the Amalgamated Society of Engineers in Fall River, Massachusetts, 1873-79 – Stephen Murray (145-170)●Remembering and Forgetting Flora Tristan's Biographer: Puech's Contribution to French Labour History – Máire Cross (171-196)●‘A difficult and peculiar section’: Provincial Bus Company Workers, 1934-47 – Richard Temple (197-226)●Book Reviews (227-242)3 (December)●The Northern Rambler: Recreational Walking and the Popular Politics of Industrial England, from Peterloo to the 1930s – John Walton (243-268)●‘No Irish Need Apply’: The Origins and Persistence of a Prejudice – Donald MacRaild (269-299)●The Eugenics Society's Outreach to the Labour Movement in Britain, 1907-1945 – David Redvaldsen (301-329)●History and Commitment: E.P. Thompson's Legacy – Peter Gurney (331-349)●Roundtable on Eric Hobsbawm's Legacy – Logie Barrow, Mary Davis & John Foster (351-371)●Book Reviews (373-388)Volume 79 (2014)1 (April)●Introduction: Revisiting the Great Labour Unrest, 1911-1914 – Yann Béliard (1-17)●Old Wine in New Bottles? Syndicalism and ‘Fakirism’ in the Great Labour Unrest, 1911-1914 – Emmet O’Connor (19-36)●The Great Labour Unrest and Political Thought in Britain, 1911-1914 – James Thompson (37-54)●The rank-and-file in the 1911 Liverpool General Transport Strike – Sam Davies & Ron Noon (55-81)●The Franco-British Syndicalist Connection and the Great Labour Unrest, 1880s-1914 – Constance Bantman (83-96)●The Strange Death of Liberal England and the Strange Birth of Illiberal South Africa: British Trade Unionists, Indian Labourers and Afrikaner Rebels, 1910-1914 – Jonathan Hyslop (97-210)●Book Reviews (121-136)2 (July)●The Sheriff's Court or the Company Store: Truck, the Arrestment of Wages, and Working-Class Consumption in Scotland, 1837-71 – Christopher Frank (139-165)●The Transatlantic Migration of Sporting Labour, 1920-39 – Matthew Taylor (167-200)●Rethinking Revisionist Social Democracy: The Case of the Manifesto Group and Labour's 1970s ‘Third Way’ – Stephen Meredith (201-225)●Debate: Terry Irving and Paul Pickering (227-237)●Book Reviews (239-253)3 (December)●‘The Blackest Perjury’: Desertion, Military Justice, and Popular Politics in England, 1803-1805 – Joseph Cozens (255-280)●Silvertown 1889: The East End's Great Forgotten Strike – John Tully (281-304)●Unity from Below? The Impact of the Spanish Civil War on Labour and the Left in Aberdeen and Dundee, 1936-1939 – Malcolm Petrie (305-327)●Radicalism, Protest, and Repression in Britain, 1830-1848 – Matthew Roberts (329-336)●Book Reviews (337-345)Volume 80 (2015)1 (April)●Social Democratic and Communist Influences on Workers' Sport across Europe (1893–1939) - André Gounot, (1-29)●Inscribing Class Struggle in Space: Unemployed Protest in the Ruhr in Late Weimar Germany – Alex Zukas (31-62)●‘The Weakness and Soft-headedness of my Friends': The People's Action Party, the British Labour Government and Party, and the Socialist International, 1976 – Jin Li Lim (63-90)●Book Reviews (91-107)2 (July)●Thomas Slingsby Duncombe, the ‘Member for All England’: Representing the Non-voter in the Chartist Decade (Research Article) – Jamie Bronstein (109-134)●The First-and-a-half International: The Knights of Labor and the History of International Labour Organization in the Nineteenth Century – Steven Parfitt (135-167)●A Means of ‘Escape’? British Jewry, Communism, and Sport, 1920–1950 – David Dee (169-194)●Archive Report: Labouring in the Un-digitized Chartist Archive – Matthew Roberts (195-200)●Book Reviews (201-214)3 (December)●Revisiting the Rochdale Pioneers (Research Article) – John K. Walton (215-248)●‘People want newspapers far more than weekly collections of articles’: The Sheffield Guardian, the Labour Party and the left-wing press – David Vessey (249-272)●‘There are worse places than Dalmuir!’ Glaswegian Riveters on the Clyde and the Copperbelt – Duncan Money (273-292)●Letter – Logie Barrow (293-296)●Book Reviews (297-312)Volume 81 (2016)1 (April)●The Politics of Production in the Engineering Industry – Kevin Whitston (1-24)●E.P. Thompson, the Early New Left and the Fife Socialist League – Christos Efstathiou (25-48)●White-Collar Workers and Industrial Militancy: The Formation of the ACTSS 6/567 Branch at the Port of Liverpool – Greig Taylor (49-75)●The Transnational Turn in British Labour History (Essay in Review) – Antony Taylor (77-87)●Book Reviews (89-96)2 (July)●Socialist Intellectuals and National(ist) Historiography: The Cases of James Connolly and Franz Mehring – Shane Nagel (97-122)●Ideology, Idealism, and Adventure: Narratives of the British Volunteers in the International Brigades – Tom Buchanan (123-140)●The Forgotten Strike: Equality, Gender, and Class in the Trico Equal Pay Strike – George Stevenson (141-168)●Book Reviews (169-185)3 (December)●Death Underground: Mining Accidents and Memory in South Wales, 1913–74 (Research Article) – David Selway (187-209)●‘Through Trade Unionism you felt a belonging – you belonged’: Collectivism and the Self-Representation of Building Workers in Stevenage New Town – Charlie McGuire, Linda Clarke & Christine Wall (211-236)●‘A Quarrel of Limited Concern to the People of this Country’?: The British Labour Movement and Chile Solidarity – Shirin Hirsch (237-257)●Remembering Asa: Roundtable of Asa Brigg’s Legacy – John Belchem, Rohan McWilliam, Richard N. Price & Eileen Yeo (259-277)●Obituary: Sam Davies (2 March 1950–27 August 2016): Labour historian and pioneering historical psephologist – Pat Hudson & Donald MacRaild (278-283)●Book Reviews (285-302)Volume 82 (2017)1 (April)●The Moral Economy of Loyalty: Labour, Law, and the State in Northern Ireland, 1921–1939 (Research Article) – Christopher Loughlin (1-22)●The Limits of Solidarity: The 1942 Protest Meeting at Caxton Hall against German Atrocities – Michael Fleming (23-50)●‘Peace with a Capital P’: The Spectre of Communism and Competing Notions of ‘Peace’ in Britain, 1949–1960 – Nicholas Barnett & Evan Smith (51-76)●Book Reviews (77-90) 2 (July)●Class without Conflict: Popular Political Continuity in Late Victorian Bristol, 1867–1900 (Research Article)– Matthew Kidd (91-117)●Labour’s Finest Hour: Labour Electoral Victories after the Second World War in Britain and Australia, 1945 and 1946 – Alex Burston-Chorowicz, (119-147)●Evidence from Norwegian Archives of British Attempts to Remove Franco in 1946 – Tony Install (149-171)●Book Reviews (173-188)3 (December)●‘The Co-operative Commonwealth Is the Only Answer to the Fascist Empire’: Support for Republican Spain Within the British Co-operative Movement, 1936–1939 (Labour History Review Essay Prize Winner 2016) – Emily Mason (189-213)●‘Produce More Coal’ = ‘Produce More Silicosis’? Re-training, Re-employment, and Respiratory Illnesses in the South Wales Coalfield, 1938–1945 – Mark J. Crowley (215-250)●A ‘Brooding Oppressive Shadow’? The Labour Alliance, the ‘Trade Union Question’, and the Trajectory of Revisionist Social Democracy, c. 1969–1975 – Stephen Meredith (251-276)●Book Reviews (277-291)Volume 83 (2018)1 (April) ●‘True Democratic Sympathy’: Charles Stubbs, Christian Socialism, and English Labour, 1863–1912 (Research Article) – Malcolm Chase (1-28)●The General Strike as a Weapon of Peace: British Socialists, the Labour Movement, and Debating the Means to Avoid War before 1914 – Marcus Morris (29-53)●Beyond the Age of Improvement: Reflections on Asa Briggs – John Belchem (55-67)●Asa Briggs, ‘An Appreciation’ – Stephen Yeo (69-79)●Book Reviews (81-95)2 (July)●The ‘Bastilles’ of the Constitution: Political Prisoners, Radicalism, and Prison Reform in Early Nineteenth-Century England – Katrina Navickas (97-123)●The Limits of Embedded Liberalism: TUC Strategies to Influence the Multi-Fibre Arrangement and the GATT Social Clause, 1973–1994 – Andrew Waterman (125-146)●Heritage, Craft, and Identity: Twisthands and Their Machinery in What is Left of the British Lace Industry – Nick Hayes (147-177)●Book Reviews (179-190)3 (December)●The Evolving Rhetoric of Peterloo, 1819–1919 – David Strittmatter (191-217)●Talking Out of Revolution: Henri Krasucki and Jacques Chirac’s Secret Pigalle Negotiations and the Resolution of the French General Strike of May–June 1968 – Daniel A. Gordon (219-247)●The Boosting and Moulding of Anger: Swedish Social Democratic Emotional Policy from the 1880s to the 1980s – Jens Ljunggren (249-275)●Book Reviews (277-296)Volume 84 (2019)1 (April) ●‘Strike Breaking, Union Breaking, Intolerance and Bigotry’: Irish Working-Class Perceptions of Fascist Italy in the 1920s (Research Article) – Mark Phelan (1-20)●The Infant Hercules and the Socialist Missionary: Ellen Wilkinson in Middlesbrough East, 1924–1931 – Lewis Young (21-45)●‘The Great Debate’: Welfarism, Objectivity, and Cold War Ideology in the Workers’ Educational Association – Christos Efstathiou (47-69)●Obituary: J. F. C. Harrison (1921-2018) – Malcolm Chase (71-83)●Book Reviews (85-104)2 (July) Visualising Labour●Introduction: Visualizing Labour – Matt Perry (105-113)●Visualizing Labour: The Problem and a Case Study, U.S.S.R. in Construction – Simon Dell (115-148)●‘Murderer, Delinquent or Unemployed’: Photojournalism and Visualizing the French Unemployed in the 1930s – Matt Perry (149-173)●Visualizing Labour: Photographing the Factory Gates in May 1968 – Benjamin Partridge (175-201)●Book Reviews (203-215)3 (December)●Religion, Labour, and National Questions: The General Election of 1924 in Belfast and Lanarkshire (Research Article) – Graham Walker & James Greer (217-239)●‘Theirs was the crisis. Ours was the remedy’: The Squatting Movements of 1946 in Britain, Canada, and Australia – Don Watson (241-265)●From Labourism to Thatcherism: Stephen Haseler and the Social Democratic Alliance – Calum Aikman (267-294)●Book Reviews (295-307)Volume 85 (2020)1 (April)●‘Glorious Auxiliaries’? Gender, Participation, and Subordination in the Chartist Movement (1838–1851) (Research Article)– Emanuelle Morne (7-32)●‘The Question of Pratt’: A Syndicalist Conundrum – Rosalind Eyben (33-58)●Communism in Cold War Belfast, 1945–1962 – Patrick Smylie (59-83)●Book Reviews (85-98)2 (July)●Chartism’s Electoral Strategy and the Bifurcation of Radicalism, 1837–1852 (Research Article) – Tom Scriven (99-126)●Transnational Borrowings: Scottish Sons of Labour and American Knights of Labor, 1887–1890 – Steven Parfitt (127-156)●‘These Apish Tricks’: Newspaper Cartooning and the Struggle for the Labour Party, 1900–1914 – Samuel S. Hyde (157-197)●Book Reviews (99-215)3 (December)●Malcolm Chase: Appreciations – Jamie Bronstein, John Belchem, Katrina Navickas & Tom Scriven (219-232)●Building the ‘House of Industry’: Factory Citizenship and Gendered Spaces at Cadbury’s and Rowntree’s (Research Article) – Timo Luks (233-252)●Navigating Deindustrialization in 1970s Britain: The Closure of Bilston Steel Works and the Politics of Work, Place, and Belonging(2019 Labour History Review Essay Prize Winner) – Matt Beebee (253-284)●A Place in History? The 2018 Marx Bicentennial in Germany –Detlev Mares (285-308)●Book Reviews (300-326)ArticlesAgnes, Beno?t. A Chartist Singularity? Mobilizing to Promote Democratic Petitions in Britain and France, 1838-1848 – 78:1 (April 2013), 51-66.Aikman, Calum. From Labourism to Thatcherism: Stephen Haseler and the Social Democratic Alliance – 84:3 (December 2019), 267-294.Allen, Joan. ‘The teacher of strange doctrines’: George Julian Harney and the Democratic Review, 1849-1850 – 78:1 (April 2013), 67-86.Baldoli, Claudia. Bombing the FIAT: Allied Raids, Workers' Strikes, and the Italian Resistance – 77:1 (April 2012), 75-92.Bantman, Constance. The Franco-British Syndicalist Connection and the Great Labour Unrest, 1880s-1914 – 79:1 (April 2014), 83-96.Barnett, Nicholas & Smith, Evan. ‘Peace with a Capital P’: The Spectre of Communism and Competing Notions of ‘Peace’ in Britain, 1949–1960 – 82:1 (April 2017), 51-76.Beebee, Matt. Navigating Deindustrialization in 1970s Britain: The Closure of Bilston Steel Works and the Politics of Work, Place, and Belonging (2019 Labour History Review Essay Prize Winner) – 85:3 (December 2020), 253-285.Belchem, John. Hub and Diaspora: Liverpool and Transnational Labour – 75:1 (April 2010), 20-29.______Beyond the Age of Improvement (Reflections on Asa Briggs) – 83:1 (April 2018), 55-67.Blank, Ralf. The Battle of the Ruhr, 1943: Aerial Warfare against an Industrial Region – 77:1 (April 2012), 35-48.Béliard, Yann. Revisiting the Great Labour Unrest, 1911-1914 (Introduction to special issue) – 79:1 (April 2014), 17.Bronstein, Jamie. Thomas Slingsby Duncombe, the ‘Member for All England’: Representing the Non-voter in the Chartist Decade - 80:2 (July 2015), 109-134.Buchanan, Tom. Ideology, Idealism, and Adventure: Narratives of the British Volunteers in the International Brigades – 81:2 (July 2016), 123-140.Burston-Chorowicz, Alex. Labour’s Finest Hour: Labour Electoral Victories after the Second World War in Britain and Australia, 1945 and 1946 – 82:2 (July 2017), 119-147.Chase, Malcolm. ‘True Democratic Sympathy’: Charles Stubbs, Christian Socialism, and English Labour, 1863–1912 – 83:1 (April 2018), 1-28.Copsey, Nigel. Communists and the Inter-War Anti-Fascist Struggle in the United States and Britain -79:3 (December 2011), 184-206.Cozens, Joseph. ‘The Blackest Perjury’: Desertion, Military Justice, and Popular Politics in England, 1803-1805 – 79:3 (December 2014), 255-280.Crawford, Martin. Back to the Future? The Potters' Emigration Society and the Historians – 76:2 (August 2011), 81-103. Cross, Máire Fedelina. Remembering and Forgetting Flora Tristan’s Biographer: Puech’s Contribution to French Labour History – 78:2 (July 2013), 171-196.Crowley, Mark J. ‘Produce More Coal’ = ‘Produce More Silicosis’? Re-training, Re-employment, and Respiratory Illnesses in the South Wales Coalfield, 1938–1945 – 82:3 (December 2017), 215-250.Curtis, Ben. A. Tradition of Radicalism: The Politics of the South Wales Miners, 1964–1985 – 76:1 (April 2011), 34-50.Davies, Sam. 'A whirling vortex of women': The Strikes of Scots Herring Women in East Anglia in the 1930s and 1940s – 95:2 (July 2010), 181-207.Davies, Sam & Noon, Ron. The rank-and-file in the 1911 Liverpool General Transport Strike – 79:1 (April 2014), 55-81.Dee, David. A Means of ‘Escape’? British Jewry, Communism, and Sport, 1920–1950 – 80:2 (July 2015), 169-194.Dell, Simon. Visualizing Labour: The Problem and a Case Study, U.S.S.R. in Construction – 84:2 (July 2019), 115-148.Doyle, Barry. The Economics, Culture, and Politics of Hospital Contributory Schemes: The Case of Inter-war Leeds – 77:3 (December 2012), 289-315.Duncan, Robert. The Scottish Labour History Society: A Retrospect – 75 (Supplement 1, 2010), 117-127.Efstathiou, Christos. E.P. Thompson, the Early New Left and the Fife Socialist League – 81:1 (April 2016), 25-48.______‘The Great Debate’: Welfarism, Objectivity, and Cold War Ideology in the Workers’ Educational Association – 84:1 (April 2019), 47-69.Eyben, Rosalind. ‘The Question of Pratt’: A Syndicalist Conundrum – 85:1 (April 2020), 33-58.Farr, Martin. The Labour Party and Strategic Bombing in the Second World War – 77:1 (April 2012), 133-153.Fetzer, Thomas. The Late Birth of Transnational Labour Cooperation: Cross-Border Trade Union Networks at Ford and General Motors (1953–2001) – 75:1 (April 2010), 76-97.Fleming, Michael. The Limits of Solidarity: The 1942 Protest Meeting at Caxton Hall against German Atrocities – 82:1 (April 2017), 23-50.Fossatt, Sissel Bjerrum. 'We have a lot to learn!' American Influences on Danish Social Democracy and Organized Labour in the Early 1950s: Transnational Perspectives – 75:1 (April 2010), 44-59.Foster, John. The Aristocracy of Labour and Working-Class Consciousness Revisited – 75:3 (December 2010), 245-262.Frank, Christopher. The Sheriff’s Court or the Company Store: Truck, the Arrestment of Wages, and Working-Class Consumption in Scotland, 1837-71 – 79:2 (July 2014), 139-165.Gibbons, Ivan. The Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921: The Response of the British Parliamentary Labour Party and Labour Press – 76:1 (April 2011), 1-15.Giles, Audrey. Railway Accidents and Nineteenth-Century Legislation: 'Misconduct, Want of Caution or Causes Beyond their Control?' – 76:2 (August 2011), 121-142.Goddeeris, Idesbald. The Transnational Scope of Western Labour's Solidarity with Solidarno?? – 75:1 (April 2010), 60-75.Gordon, Daniel A. Talking Out of Revolution: Henri Krasucki and Jacques Chirac’s Secret Pigalle Negotiations and the Resolution of the French General Strike of May–June 1968 – 83:3 (December 2018), 219-247.Gounot, André. Social Democratic and Communist Influences on Workers' Sport across Europe (1893–1939) – 80:1 (April 2015), 1-29.Gurney, Peter. History and Commitment: E. P. Thompson’s Legacy – 78:3 (December 2013), 331-349.Hayes, Nick. Heritage, Craft, and Identity: Twisthands and Their Machinery in What is Left of the British Lace Industry – 83:2 (July 2018), 147-177.Hirsch, Charlie. ‘A Quarrel of Limited Concern to the People of this Country’?: The British Labour Movement and Chile Solidarity – 81:3 (December 2016), 237-257.Hopkin, Delan. Llafur: Labour History Society and People's Remembrancer, 1970–2009 – 75 (Supplement 1, 2010), 29-146.Hunt, Cathy. Dancing and Days Out: The Role of Social Events in British Women's Trade Unionism in the Early Twentieth Century -76:2 (August 2011), 104-120.Hyde, Samuel S. ‘These Apish Tricks’: Newspaper Cartooning and the Struggle for the Labour Party, 1900–1914 – 85:2 (July 2020), 157-197.Hyslop, Jonathan. The Strange Death of Liberal England and the Strange Birth of Illiberal South Africa: British Trade Unionists, Indian Labourers and Afrikaner Rebels, 1910-1914 – 79:1 (April 2014), 97-120. Insall, Tony. Evidence from Norwegian Archives of British Attempts to Remove Franco in 1946 – 82:2 (July 2017), 149-171.Jones, Helen. Civil Defence in Britain, 1938-1945: Friendship during Wartime and the Formation of a Work-based Identity – 77:1 (April 2012), 113-132.Kent Hazel. 'A paper not so much for the armchair but for the factory and the street': Fenner Brockway and the Independent Labour Party's New Leader, 1926–1946 – 75:2 (July 2010), 208-226.Kidd, Mathew. Class without Conflict: Popular Political Continuity in Late Victorian Bristol, 1867–1900 – 82:2 (July 2017), 91-117.Kirk, Neville. Challenge, Crisis, and Renewal? Themes in the Labour History of Britain, 1960–2010 – 75:2 (July 2010), 162-180.Laybourn, Keith. The Spanish Civil War: Political Activism and the Popular Front – 76:1 (April 2011), 70-76.Lim, Jin Li. ‘The Weakness and Soft-headedness of my Friends': The People's Action Party, the British Labour Government and Party, and the Socialist International, 1976 – 80:1 (April 2015), 63-90.Ljunggren, Jens. The Boosting and Moulding of Anger: Swedish Social Democratic Emotional Policy from the 1880s to the 1980s – 83:3 (December 2018), 249-275.Loughlin, Christopher. The Moral Economy of Loyalty: Labour, Law, and the State in Northern Ireland, 1921–1939 – 82:1 (April 2017), 1-22.Luks, Timo. Building the ‘House of Industry’: Factory Citizenship and Gendered Spaces at Cadbury’s and Rowntree’s – 85:3 (December 2020), pp.233-252.MacRaild, Donald M. ‘No Irish Need Apply’: The Origins and Persistence of a Prejudice – 78:3 (December 2013), 269-299.McGuire, Clarke, Linda & Wall, Christine. ‘Through Trade Unionism you felt a belonging – you belonged’: Collectivism and the Self-Representation of Building Workers in Stevenage New Town – 81:3 (December 2016), 211-236.McIlroy, John. The Society for the Study of Labour History, 1956–1985: Its Origins and Its Heyday – 75 (Supplement 1, 2010), 19-112.______Fifty Years of Labour History The Road From Malet Street: The Society for the Study of Labour History, From 1960 to the New Millennium – 75:1 (April 2010), 1-7.______A Labour Historian of the Old School — Raymond Challinor Remembered – 76:2 (August 2011), 143-160.______ Asa Briggs and the Emergence of Labour History in Post-War Britain – 77:2 (July 2012), 211-242.Manton, Kevin. Labour Governments and Capital Punishment, 1924–1970 – 76:1 (April 2011), 16-33.Mares, Detlev. A Place in History? The 2018 Marx Bicentennial in Germany – 85:3 (December 2020), 285-308.Mason, Emily (2016 Labour History Review Prize Winner). ‘The Co-operative Commonwealth Is the Only Answer to the Fascist Empire’: Support for Republican Spain Within the British Co-operative Movement, 1936–1939 – 82:3 (December 2017), 189-213.Meredith, Stephen. Rethinking Revisionist Social Democracy: The Case of the Manifesto Group and Labour’s 1970s ‘Third Way’ – 79:2 (July 2014), 201-225.______A ‘Brooding Oppressive Shadow’? The Labour Alliance, the ‘Trade Union Question’, and the Trajectory of Revisionist Social Democracy, c. 1969–1975 – 82:3 (December 2017), 251-276.Money, Duncan. ‘There are worse places than Dalmuir!’ Glaswegian Riveters on the Clyde and the Copperbelt – 80:3 (December 2015), 273-292.Morne, Emmuelle. ‘Glorious Auxiliaries’? Gender, Participation, and Subordination in the Chartist Movement (1838–1851) – 85:1 (April 2020), 7-32.Morris, Marcus. The General Strike as a Weapon of Peace: British Socialists, the Labour Movement, and Debating the Means to Avoid War before 1914 – 83:1 (April 2018), 29-53.Murray, Stephen. Transatlantic Migration and the Amalgamated Society of Engineers in Fall River, Massachusetts, 1873-79 – 78:2 (July 2013), 145-170.Nagle, Shane. Socialist Intellectuals and National(ist) Historiography: The Cases of James Connolly and Franz Mehring – 81:2 (July 2016), 97-122.Navickas, Katrina. The ‘Bastilles’ of the Constitution: Political Prisoners, Radicalism, and Prison Reform in Early Nineteenth-Century England – 83:2 (July 2018), 97-123.Nolan, Melanie. Classic Third Way or Before its Time? The New Zealand Labour Party in Local and Transnational Context – 75:1 (April 2010), 98-113.O’Connor, Emmet. The Irish Labour History Society: An Outline History – 75 (Supplement 1, 2010), 147-159._____ Old Wine in New Bottles? Syndicalism and ‘Fakirism’ in the Great Labour Unrest, 1911-1914 – 79:1 (April 2014), pp.19-36.Overy, Richard. ‘The Weak Link’? The Perception of the German Working Class by RAF Bomber Command, 1940-1945 – 77:1 (April 2012), 11-33.Parfitt, Steven. The First-and-a-half International: The Knights of Labor and the History of International Labour Organization in the Nineteenth Century -80:2 (July 2015), 135-167.______Transnational Borrowings: Scottish Sons of Labour and American Knights of Labor, 1887–1890 – 85:2 (July 2020), 127-156.Partridge, Benjamin. Visualizing Labour: Photographing the Factory Gates in May 1968 – 84:2 (July 2019), 175-201.Perry, Matt. Bombing Billancourt: Labour Agency and the Limitations of the Public Opinion Model of Wartime France – 77:1 (April 2012), 49-74.______‘Murderer, Delinquent or Unemployed’: Photojournalism and Visualizing the French Unemployed in the 1930s – 84:2 (July 2019), 149-173.Petrie, Malcolm. Unity from Below? The Impact of the Spanish Civil War on Labour and the Left in Aberdeen and Dundee, 1936-1939 – 79:3 (December 2014), 305-327.Phelan, Mark. ‘Strike Breaking, Union Breaking, Intolerance and Bigotry’: Irish Working-Class Perceptions of Fascist Italy in the 1920s – 84:1 (April 2019), 1-20.Pickering, Paul. From Rifle Club to Reading Room: Sydney’s Democratic Vistas, 1848-1856 – 78:1 (April 2013),87-112.Price, Richard. Histories of Labour and Labour History – 75:3 (December 2010), 263-270.Prothero, Iorwerth. Chartism and French Radicalism in the 1830s and 1840s: a Comparison – 78:1 (April 2013), 33-49.Redvaldsen, David. The Eugenic’s Society’s Outreach to the Labour Movement in Britain, 1907-1945 – 78:3 (December 2013), 301-329.Roberts, Matthew. Chartism, Commemoration, and the Cult of the Radical Hero, c. 1770-c.1840 – 78:1 (April 2013), 3-32.Roberts, Stephen. Memories of Dottie: Dorothy Thompson (1923–2011) – 76:2 (August 2011), 161-168.Sangster, Joan. Gendering Labour History Across Borders – 75:2 (July 2010), 143-161.Scriven, Tom. Chartism’s Electoral Strategy and the Bifurcation of Radicalism, 1837–1852 – 85:2 (July 2020), 99-126.Selway, David. Death Underground: Mining Accidents and Memory in South Wales, 1913–74 – 81:3 (December 2016), 187-209.Smylie, Patrick. Communism in Cold War Belfast, 1945–1962 – 85:1 (April 2020), 59-83.Stephenson, Jill. Bombing and Rural Society in Württemberg – 77:1 (April 2012), 93-112.Stevenson, George. The Forgotten Strike: Equality, Gender, and Class in the Trico Equal Pay Strike – 81:2 (July 2016), 141-168.Stewart, David. Preserving the 'Contentious Alliance'? The Labour Party, the Trade Unions, and the Political Fund Ballots of 1985–1986 – 76:1 (April 2011), 51-69.Strittmatter, David. The Evolving Rhetoric of Peterloo, 1819–1919 – 83:3 (December 2018), 191-217.Sutcliffe, Marcella. Mazzini's Transnational Legacy amongst British Co-operators (c.1885-1949) – 77:3 (December 2012), 267-288.Taylor, Antony. ‘We Dream Our Dream Still’: Ruralism, Empire, and the Debate about New Australia in Britain -77:2 (July 2012), 163-187.Taylor, Matthew. The Transatlantic Migration of Sporting Labour, 1920-39 – 79:2 (July 2014), 167-200.Taylor, Greg. White-Collar Workers and Industrial Militancy: The Formation of the ACTSS 6/567 Branch at the Port of Liverpool – 81:1 (April 2016), 49-75.Temple, Richard. ‘A difficult and peculiar section’: Provincial Bus Company Workers, 1934-47 – 78:2 (July 2013), 197-226.Thompson, James. The Great Labour Unrest and Political Thought in Britain, 1911-1914 – 79:1 (April 2014), 37-54.Thompson, Stephen. The Friendly and Welfare Provision of British Trade Unions: A Case Study of the South Wales Miners' Federation – 77:2 (July 2012), 189-210.Tully, John. Silvertown 1889: The East End’s Great Forgotten Strike – 79:3 (December 2014), 281-304.Vall, Natasha. Bringing Art to 'the Man in the Back Street': Regional and Historical Perspectives of Labour and the Evolution of Cultural Policy in Europe 1945–1975 – 75:1 (April 2010), 30-43.Vessey, David. ‘People want newspapers far more than weekly collections of articles’: The Sheffield Guardian, the Labour Party and the left-wing press – 80:3 (December 2015), 249-272.Walker, Graham & Greer, James. Religion, Labour, and National Questions: The General Election of 1924 in Belfast and Lanarkshire – 84:3 (December 2019), 217-239.Walton, John K. The Northern Rambler: Representational Walking and the Popular Politics of Industrial England – 78:3 (December 2013), 243-268. ______ Revisiting the Rochdale Pioneers – 80:3 (December 2015), 215-248.Waterman, Andrew. The Limits of Embedded Liberalism: TUC Strategies to Influence the Multi-Fibre Arrangement and the GATT Social Clause, 1973–1994 – 83:2 (July 2018), 125-146.Watson, Don. ‘Theirs was the crisis. Ours was the remedy’: The Squatting Movements of 1946 in Britain, Canada, and Australia1 – 84:3 (December 2019), 241-265.Whitson, Kevin. Craftsmen and Skilled Workers in Engineering, 1914–64 – 76:3 (December 2011), 207-226. _____ The Politics of Production in the Engineering Industry – 81:1 (April 2016), 1-24.Yeo, Stephen. Asa Briggs, ‘An Appreciation’ – 83:1 (April 2018), 69-79.Young, Lewis. The Infant Hercules and the Socialist Missionary: Ellen Wilkinson in Middlesbrough East, 1924–1931 – 84:1 (April 2019), 21-45.Zukas, Alex. Inscribing Class Struggle in Space: Unemployed Protest in the Ruhr in Late Weimar Germany – 80:1 (April 2015), 31-62.EditorialsGurney, Peter & Corthorn Paul. On 50th anniversary of the Society – 77:1 (April 2012), 1-2. Special (themed) issuesBombing and Labour in Western Europe, from 1940 to 1945. Claudia Baldoli & Matt Perry (eds) – 77:1 (April 2012), introduction, 3-9.Fifty Years On. John McIlroy, Alan Campbell, John Halstead & David Martin (eds) – 75 (Supplement 1, 2010), editorial, 1-4. Great Labour Unrest, The. Guest edited by Yann Béliard – 79:1 (April 2014), introduction 1-17.Radicals, Chartists, Internationalism. Joan Allen & Owen R. Ashton (eds) - 78:1 (April 2013), introduction 1-2.Transnational Labour in the Age of Globalization. Melanie Nolan, Donald MacRaild & Neville Kirk (eds) – 75:1 (April 2010), editorial 8-19.Visualising Labour. Introduction. Matt Perry – 84:2 (July 2019), introduction, 105-113.RoundtablesRoundtable on Eric Hobsbawm’s Legacy. Logie Barrow, Mary Davis & John Foster – 78:3 (December 2013), 351-371.Remembering Asa – Roundtable on Asa Brigg’s Legacy. John Belchem, Rohan McWilliam, & Eileen Yeo – 81:3 (December 2016), 259-277.DebateDebate: Terry Irving and Paul Pickering – 79:2 (July 2014), 227-237.Appreciations, Memories & ObituariesMalcolm Chase (appreciations). Jamie Bronstein, John Belchem, Katrina Navickas & Tom Scriven – 85:3 (December 2020), 219-232.Sam Davies (2 March 1950-27 August 2016). Pat Hudson & Donald MacRaild – 81:3 (December 2016), 279-283.J. F. C. Harrison (obituary). Malcolm Chase – 84:1 (April 2019), 71-83.David Montgomery: A Tribute. Neville Kirk – 77:2 (July 2012), 243-248.John Saville (1916–2009): Appreciations and Memories. David Martin, Dianne Kirby & David Howell – 75:1 (April 2010), 114-127.Dorothy Thompson (1923-2011). Owen Ashton, Joan Allen, Joe White & James Epstein – 76:3 (December 2011), 227-230.BibliographyAdeeb, Yasmin & Boud, Fathi. Annual Bibliography: 2009. 75:3 (December 2010), 271-292.______ Annual Bibliography: 2010. 76:3 (December 2011), 231-256.______ Annual Bibliography: 2011. 77:3 (December 2012), 317-345.Theses and DissertationsAdeeb, Yasmin & Boud, Fathi. Theses and Dissertations: 2009 – 75:3 (December 2010), 293-310.______ Theses and Dissertations: 2010 – 76:3 (December 2011), 257-274.______ Theses and Dissertations: 2011 – 77:3 (December 2012), 347-349.Archive ReportsMartin, Janette. (1) A Cato Street Conspirator in North America & Vermont American (2) The Diary of Joseph William Corfield – 78:1 (April 2013), 127-132.Roberts, Matthew. Labouring in the Un-digitized Chartist Archive – 80:2 (July 2015), 195-200.LettersLogie Barrow. Follow-up to article on Hobsbawm (78:3) – 80:3 (December 2015), 293-296.Essays in ReviewJaniewski, Dolores. Labour History in the USA – 76:3 (December 2011), 275-278.O’Connor, Emmet. Irish Trade Union Organisation – 76:3 (December 2011), 279-280.Roberts, Matthew. 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Adlington, Robert (ed), Red Strains: Music and Communism Outside the Communist Bloc (Matthew Worley) – 79:3 (December 2014), 337-338.Anderson, Clare, Subaltern Lives, Biographies and Colonialism in the Indian Ocean World 1790-1920 (Clare Midgley), - 79:1 (April 2014), 121-122.Allsop, David, Stephenson, Carol & Wray, David (eds), Justice Denied: Friends, Foes and the Miners’ Strike (Jonathan Winterton) – 83:1 (April 2018), 81-84.Almeroth-Williams, Thomas, City of Beasts: How Animals Shaped Georgian London (Stephen Caunce) – 85:2 (July 2020), 201-204.Arnesen, Eric, The Black Worker: A Reader (Timothy Minchin) - 75:1 (April 2010), 132-133.Assael, Brenda, The London Restaurant, 1840-1914 (Quentin Outram) – 84:1 (April 2019), 89-92.Avril, Emanuelle & Béliard, Yann (eds), Labour United and Divided from the 1830s to the Present (Daniel Renshaw) – 85:1 (April 2020), 96-98.Baldwin, Anne, Ellis, Chris, Etheridge, Stephen, Laybourn, Keith & Pye, Neil (eds), Class, Culture and Community: New Perspectives in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Labour History (John Belchem) – 79:3 (December 2014), 338-340.Bantman, Constance, The French Anarchists in London, 1880-1914: Exile and Transnationalism in the First Globalisation (Fabrice Bensimon) – 80:2 (July 2015), 201-203.Barrett, James R., History from the Bottom Up and the Inside Out: Ethnicity, Race and Identity in Working-Class History (Christopher Phelps) – 83:3 (December 2018), 277-279.Bartley, Paula, Ellen Wilkinson: From Red Suffragette to Government Minister (Cathy Hunt) – 80:3 (December 2015), 297-301. Bayerlein, Bernard, ‘Der Verr?ter, Stalin, bist Du!’ Vom Ende der linken Solidarit?t. Komintern und kommunistische Parteien im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1941?(Barry McLoughlin) – 75:1 (April 2010), 135-136. Beaumont, Thomas, Fellow Travellers: Communist Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations on the French Railways, 1914-1939 (Matt Perry) – 85:3 (December 2020), 316-318.Belchem, John, Irish, Catholic and Scouse: The History of the Liverpool-Irish, 1800-1939 (Edna Delaney) – 75:3 (December 2010), 324-325. Bell, Geoffrey, Hesitant Comrades: The Irish Revolution and the British Labour Movement (Richard Toye) – 83:1 (April 2018), 84-85.Bell, Patrick, The Labour Party in Opposition, 1970-1974 (Neil Pye) – 82:1 (April 2017), 88-90.Bencivenni, Marcella, Italian Immigrant Radical Culture: The Idealism of Sovversivi in the United States (Claudia Baldoli) – 78:3 (December 2013), 373-375.Bensimon, Fabrice (ed) & Reungoat, Sabine (trans.), Les sentiers de l'ouvrier: Textes de John Colin, Charles Manby Smith et WIlliam Duthie (Laura O’Brien) – 83:3 (December 2018), 279-280.Black, Lawrence & Robertson, Nicole (eds), Consumerism and the Co-Operative Movement in Modern British History: Taking Stock (David Martin) – 77:2 (July 2012), 249-250.Bland, Lucy & Carr, Richard (eds), Labour, British Radicalism and the First World War (Keith Laybourn) – 84:2 (July 2019), 208-210.Bohata, Kirsti, Jones, Alexandra, Mantin, Mike & Thompson, Steven, Disability in Industrial Britain: A Cultural History of Impairment in the Coal Industry, 1880-1948 (Quentin Outram) – 85:3 (December 2020), 309-314.Boris, Eileen & Klein, Jennifer, Caring for America: Home Health Workers in the Shadow of the Welfare State (Miriam Cohen) – 78:3 (December 2013), 375-377.Boyer, George R. The Winding Road to the Welfare State: Economic Insecurity and Social Welfare Policy in Britain (Quentin Outram) – 84:2 (July 2019), 206-208.Brooke, Alan & Kipling Leslie, Liberty or Death: Radicals, Republicans and Luddites, 1793-1823 (Edward Royle) – 78:3 (December 2013), 77-379.Bruley, Sue, The Women and Men of 1926: A Gender and Social History of the General Strike and Miners’ Lockout in South Wales (Keith Laybourn) – 77:2 (April 2012), 251-252.Buchanan, Tom, East Wind: China and the British Left, 1925-1976 (Paul Corthorn) – 79:1 (April 2014), 122-124. Bulaitis, John, Maurice Thorez: A Biography (Thomas Beaumont) – 84:1 (April 2019), 97-99.Bullock, Ian, Under Siege: The Independent Labour Party in Interwar Britain (David Howell) – 83:3 (December 2018), 280-283.Burge, Alun, William Hazell’s Gleaming Vision: A Co-operative Life In South Wales, 1890-1964 (Daryl Leeworthy) – 81:1 (April 2016), 89-90.Cantwell, Christopher D., Carter, Heath W. & Drake, Janine Giordano (eds), The Pew and the Picket Line: Christianity and the American Working Class (Peter Catterall) – 82:1 (April 2017), 80-83.Cash, Bill, John Bright: Statesman, Orator, Agitator (Ian Cawood) - 78:2 (July 2013), 227-229.Catterall, Peter, Labour and the Free Churches, 1918-1939: Radicalism, Righteousness and Religion (D. W. Bebbington) – 82:3 (December 2017), 289-291.Clark, David, Labour’s Past: Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives (Keith Laybourn) – 80:3 (December 2015), 301-302.Clarke, Charles & James, Toby S. (eds), British Labour Leaders (Rohan McWilliam) – 81:3 (December 2016), 285-286.Cooper, John, The British Welfare Revolution, 1906-1914 (Sheila Blackburn) – 83:1 (April 2018), 93-95.Corthorn, Paul & Davis, Jonathan, The British Labour Party and the Wider World: Domestic Politics, Internationalism and Foreign Policy (Paul Whitton) - 75:1 (April 2010), 136-138.Cowman, Krista, Women of the Right Spirit: Paid Organisers of the Women’s’ Social and Political Union (WSPU), 1904-1918 (Kevin Morgan) – 75:1 (April 2010), 140-141.Cox, Anthony, Empire, Industry and Class: The Imperial Nexus of Jute, 1840-1940 (Sarah Browne) – 79:2 (July 20104), 239-241.Crail, Mark, Tracing Your Labour Movement Ancestors (John Halstead) – 75:3 (December 2010), 323-324.Crais, Clifton, Poverty, War and Violence in South Africa (Barbara Bush) – 78:3 (December 2013), 379-381.Crawford, Patricia, Parents of Poor Children in England, 1580-1800 (Si?n Pooley) – 77:3 (December 2012), 361-363).Crines, Andrew S. & Hickson, Kevin, Harold Wilson: The Unprincipled Prime Minister? Reappraising Harold Wilson (Neil Pye) – 81:3 (December 2016), 300-302.Curtis, Ben, The South Wales Miners, 1964-1985 (Leighton James) - 80:3 (December 2015), 303-305.Damir-Geilsdorf, Sabine, Lindner, Ulrike, Müller, Gesine, Tappe, Oliver & Zeuske, Michael (eds), Bonded Labour: Global and Comparative Perspectives (18th-21st Century) (Marcus Vink) – 83:2 (July 2018), 179-181.Dantas, Mariana L. R., Black Townsmen: Urban Slavery and Freedom in the Eighteen-Century Americas (Sylvia Espelt Bombín) – 75:2 (July 2010), 235-236. Darlington, Ralph, Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism: An International Comparative Analysis (Gideon Cohen) – 76:1 (April 2011), 78-79.David, Jonathan & McWilliam, Rohan (eds), Labour and the Left in the 1980s (Daryl Leeworthy) – 83:1 (April 2018), 86-88.Davis, Mary (ed), Class and Gender in British Labour History: Renewing the Debate (or Starting it?) (Pate Thane) – 77:3 (December 2012), 363-365.Delap, Lucy, Knowing Their Place: Domestic Service in Twentieth-Century Britain (James Hamlett) – 78:2 (July 2013), 229-231.Dennis, Mike and LaPorte, Norman, State and Minorities in Community East Germany (Mark Fenemore) – 78:2 (July 2013), 231-233.Dorey, Peter, British Conservatism and Trade Unionism, 1945-1964 (A. W. Purdue) – 75:2 (July 2010), 242-243.______Comrades in Conflict: Labour, the Trade Unions and 1969’s In Place of Strife (Miguel Martínez Lucio) – 85:3 (December 2020), 321-324.Drew, Allison, Between Empire and Revolution: a Life of Sidney Bunting, 1873-1936 (Colin Darch) - 75:1 (April 2010), 139-131.______We Are No Longer in France: Communists in Colonial Algeria (Sami Everett) – 81:3 (December 2016), 287-289.Dudden, Faye E., Fighting Chance: The Struggle over Women’s Suffrage in Reconstruction America (Rebecca J. Fraser) - 78:2 (July 2013), 233-235.Elliott, Gregory, Hobsbawm: History and Politics (Neville Kirk) – 77:3 (December 2012), 368-373.Ernst, Waltraud (ed), Work, Psychiatry and Society, c.1750-2015 (Matthew Smith) – 81:3 (December 2016), 289-291.Eurig, Aled, The Opposition to the Great War in Wales, 1914-1918 (Gerard C. Oram) – 84:2 (July 2019), 211-213.Ewen, Shane, Fighting Fires: Creating the British Fire Service, 1800-1978 (Robin Pearson) – 77:1 (April 2012), 155-157.Fagge, Roger The Vision of J. B. Priestley (Chris Hopkin) – 79:2 (July 2014), 241-243.Feldman, David & Lawrence, Jon (eds), Structures and Transformations in Modern British History (Richard Price) – 77:3 (December 2012), 366-368.Field, Geoffrey G., Blood, Sweat and Toil: Remaking the Working Class, 1939-1945 (Ben Jones) – 78:2 (July 2013), 235-236.Fink, Leon (ed), Workers across the Americas: The Transnational Turn in Labor History (Anthony R. DeStefanis) – 79:2 (July 2014), 243-245.Forrant, Robert & Siegenthaler (eds), The Great Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912: New Scholarship on the Bread & Roses Strike (Keith Laybourn) – 80:2 (July 2015), 203-206.Frank, Christopher, Master and Servant Law: Chartists, Trade Unions, Radical Lawyers and Magistracy in England, 1840-1865 (Neil Pye) - 77:2 (July 2012), 253-254.Fraser, W. Hamish, Chartism in Scotland (Stephen Roberts) – 76:1 (April 2011), 77-78.Gall, Gregor, Bob Crow: Socialist, Leader and Fighter: A Political Biography (Miguel Martínez Lucio) - 83:1 (April 2018), 88-90.Ganx, Marshall, Why David Sometimes Wins: Leadership, Organization and Strategy in the California Farm Worker Movement (Jason Russell) – 76:2 (August 2011), 177-178.Gebauer, Thomas, Das KPD-Dezernot der Gestapo Düsseldorf (Michael Eckardt) – 79:1 (April 2014), 124-125.Gildart, Keith & Howell, David (eds), Dictionary of Labour Biography, vol.13 (Antony Taylor) – 78:1 (April 2013), 133-134.Giugni, Marco (ed), The Politics of Unemployment in Europe: Policy Responses and Collective Action (Matt Perry) – 75:2 (July 2010), 236-237.Glew, Helen, Gender, Rhetoric and Regulation: Women’s Work in the Civil Service and the London County Council, 1900-1955 (Quentin Outram) – 81:2 (July 2016), 169-170.Gordon, Daniel, Immigrants and Intellectuals: May ’68 and the Rise of Anti-Racism in France (Manus McGrogan) – 79:1 (April 2014), 126-128.Grant, Adrian, Irish Socialist Republicanism, 1909-1936 (Marnie Hay) - 79:1 (April 2014), 128-130.Green, David R., Pauper Capital: London and the Poor, 1790-1870 (Kim Price) – 77:2 (July 2012), 255-256.Griffin, Carl J. & McDonagh, Briony (eds), Remembering Protest in Britain since 1500: Memory, Materiality and the Landscape (Joseph Cozens) – 84:2 (July 2019), 203-205. Griffin, Emma., A Short History of the British Industrial Revolution (Keith Laybourn) – 77:2 (July 2012), 257-258.Griffiths, Clare V. J., Knott, James J., and Whyte, William (eds), Classes, Cultures, and Politics: Essays on British History for Ross McKibbin (James Taylor) – 78:1 (April 2013), 139-140.Guistino, Cathleen M., Plum, Catherine J. & Vari, Alexander (eds), Socialist Escapes: Breaking Away from Ideology and Everyday Routine in Eastern Europe, 1945-1989 (Paul Betts) – 80:2 (July 2015), 206-208.Gurney, Peter, Wanting and Having: Popular Politics and Liberal Consumerism in England, 1830-1870 (Samantha A. Shave) – 83:1 (April 2018), 90-92.Hall, Robert G., Voices of the People: Democracy and Chartist Political Identity, 1830-1870 (Malcolm Chase) – 75:2 (July 2010), 237-238.Hall, Valerie G., Women at Work, 1860-1939: How Different Industries Shaped Women’s Experiences (Nicola Verdon) – 79:2 (July 2014), 245-247.Hargreaves, John A. (ed), The Charter Our Right! Huddersfield Chartism Re-Considered (Janette Martin) – 83:3 (December 2018), 290-292.Haverty-Stacke, Donna T., America’s Forgotten Holiday: May Day and Nationalism, 1867-1960 (Bryan D. Palmer) – 75:2 (July 2010), 240-241.Haverty-Stacke, Donna T. & Walkowitz, Daniel J., Rethinking US Labor History: Essays on the Working-Class Experience, 1756-2009 (Neville Kirk) - 77:3 (December 2012), 368-372. Heath, Alison, The Life of George Ranken Askwith, 1861-1942 (Rodney Lowe) – 79:3 (December 2014), 340-341.Heerma van Voss, Lex, Hiemstra-Kuperus, Els, van Nederveen Meerkerk, Elise (eds), The Ashgate Companion to the History of Textile Workers, 1650-2000 (Katrine Honeyman) – 76:2 (August 2011), 180.Higbie, Tobias, Labor’s Mind: A History of Working-Class Intellectual Life (Jonathan Rose) -84:3 (December 2019), 300-302.High, Steven, MacKinnon, Lachlan & Perchard, Andrew (eds), The Deindustrialized World: Confronting Ruination in Postindustrial Places (Matt Perry) – 83:3 (December 2018), 283-285.Hilton, Boyd, A Mad, Bad and Dangerous People? England, 1783-1846 (Michael J. Turner) - 75:1 (April 2010), 128-129.Hoffrogge, Ralf & LaPorte, Norman (eds), Weimar Communism as Mass Movement, 1918-1933 (Leighton S. James) – 84:1 (April 2019), 92-94.H?gsbjerg, Christian. Mariner, Renegade and Castaway: Chris Braithwaite: Seamen’s Organiser, Socialist and Militant Pan-Africanist (Barbara Bush) – 80:1 (April 2015), 91-92.Homburg, Ernst & Vaupel, Elisabeth (eds), Hazardous Chemicals: Agents of Risk and Change, 1800-2000 (Quentin Outram) – 85:1 (April 2020), 91-96Honeyman, Katrina, Child Workers in England, 1780-1820: Parish Apprentices and the Making of the Early Industrial Labour Force (Sheila Blackburn) – 75:2 (July 2010), 239-240.Hopkins, Chris, Walter Greenwood’s Love on the Dole: Novel, Play, Film (Mike Langthorne) – 84:1 (April 2019), 95-97.Hunt, Cathy, The National Federation of Women Workers, 1906-1921 (June Hannam) – 80:2 (July 2015), 208-210.Ives, Martyn, Reform, Revolution and Direct Action amongst British Miners: The Struggle for the Charter in 1919 (Quentin Outram) – 82:2 (July 2017), 185-188.Jackson, Angela, ‘For us it was heaven’: The Passion, Grief and Fortitude of Patience Darton in the Spanish Civil War to Mao’s China (Tom Buchanan) – 78:3 (December 2013), 381-383.James, Robert, Popular Culture and Working-Class Taste in Britain, 1930-1939: A Round of Cheap Diversion? (Andrew August) – 76:2 (August 2011), 178-179.Janssens, Angélique, Labouring Lives: Women, Work and the Demographic Transition in the Netherlands, 1880-1960 (Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk) – 81:2 (July 2016), 173-175.Jentz, John B. & Schneirov, Richard, Chicago in the Age of Capital: Class, Politics, and Democracy during the Civil War and Reconstruction (Robert Cook) - 79:1 (April 2014), 130-132.Johnson, Neil, The Labour Church: The Movement and its Message (Stephen Roberts) – 83:3 (December 2018), 288-290. Jones, Rhian E., Petticoat Heroes, Gender, Culture and Popular Protest in the Rebecca Riots (Neil Pye) – 81:3 (December 2016), 298-300.Kelley, Victoria, Soap and Water: Cleanliness, Dirt and the Working Class in Victorian and Edwardian Britain (Paul Atkinson) - 78:2 (July 2013), 237-238.Kelly, John, Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain (Dave Lyddon) – 84:1 (April 2019), 101-104.Koven, Seth, The Match Girl and the Heiress (Keith Laybourn) – 81:1 (April 2016), pp.91-92.King, Steven, Writing the Lives of the English Poor, 1750s to 1830s (Elizabeth Foyster) - 85:2 (July 2020), 199-201.Kirk, Neville, Labour and the Politics of Empire: Britain and Australia, 1900 to the Present (Antony Taylor) – 78:3 (December 2013), 381-385.______Transnational Radicalism and the Connected Lives of Tom Mann and Robert Samuel Ross (Matt Perry) – 82:3 (December 2017), 280-282.Knotter, Ad, Transformations of Trade Unionism: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Workers Organizing in Europe and the United States, Eighteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries (Alistair J. Reid) – 85:1 (April 2020), 89-91. Knox, W. W. J. & McKinlay, A., Jimmy Reid: A Clyde-Built Man (Roger Seifert) – 85:2 (July 2020), 212-215.Lawrence, Christopher M, Blood and Oranges: Immigrant Labor and European Markets in Rural Greece (Violetta Hionidou), 75:1 (April 2010), 132. Laybourn, Keith & Shepherd, John (eds), Labour and Working-Class Lives: Essays to Celebrate the Life and Work of Chris Wrigley (David Howell) – 82:3 (December 2017), 287-289.Lazarre, Jane, The Communist and the Communist’s Daughter: A Memoir (Michael Petrou) – 83:3 (December 2018), 286-287.Leeworthy, Daryl, Labour Country: Political Radicalism and Social Democracy in South Wales, 1831-1985 (Joe England) – 84:3 (December 2019), 298-300.______A Little Gay History of Wales (Laura Ramsay) – 85:3 (December 2020), pp.324-326.Lopez, Tara Martin, The Winter of Discontent: Myth, Memory and History (Andrew Edwards) – 81:2 (July 2016), 183-185.Maddinson, Ben, Class and Colonialism in Antarctic Exploration, 1750-1920 (Christopher Prior) – 80:3 (December 2015), 305-306. McCartin, Joseph A., Collision Course: Ronald Reagan, the Air Traffic Controllers, and the Strike that Changed America (Simon Hall) – 78:1 (April 2013), 140-143.McGrail, Steve & Patterson, Vicky (eds), Cowie Miners, Polmaise Colliery and the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike (Quentin Outram) – 83:2 (July 2018), 188-190. McIvor, Paul & Johnston, Ronald, Miners’ Lung: A History of Dust Disease in British Coal Mining (Keith Gildart) – 75:1 (April 2010), 138-140.McKillen, Elizabeth, Making the World Safe for Workers: Labor, the Left and Wilsonian Internationalism (Jarod Roll) – 80:2 (July 2015), 210-212.McLoughlin, Barry, Fighting for Republican Spain: Frank Ryan and the Volunteers from Limerick in the International Brigades, 1936-1938 (Morris Brodie) – 81:1 (April 2016), 92-94.Mann, Keith, Forging Political Identity: Silk and Metal Workers in Lyon, France, 1900-1939 (David Berry) – 77:3 (December 2012), 372-374.Mansfield, Nick, Buildings of the Labour Movement (Alun Howkins) – 80:1 (April 2015), 92-94.______ Soldiers As Workers: Class, Employment, Conflict and the Nineteenth-Century Military (Joe Cozens) – 81:3 (December 2016), 291-293.______Soldiers as Citizens: Popular Politics and the Nineteenth-Century British Military (Joe Cozens) – 85:2 (July 2020), 204-206.Marley, Lawrence (ed), The British Labour Party and Twentieth-Century Ireland: The Cause of Ireland and the Cause of Labour (Neil Pye) – 81:2 (July 2016), 179-180. Marren, Brian, We Shall Not Be Moved: How Liverpool’s Working Class Fought Redundancies, Closures and Cuts in the Age of Thatcher (Neil Pye) - 82:1 (April 2017), 86-88Mates, Lewis H., The Great Labour Unrest: Rank-and-File Movements and Political Change in the Durham Coalfield (Quentin Outram) – 81:2 (July 2016), 171-172.Matthews, Wade, The New Left, National Identity and the Break-Up of Britain (Peter Catterall) – 80:3 (December 2015), 307-308.Mecham, Mike, William Walker: Social Activist & Belfast Labourist, 1870-1918 (Emmet O’Connor) – 85:2 (July 2020), 210-212.Meredith, Stephen, Labours Old and New: The Parliamentary Right of the British Labour Party, 1970-1979 and the Roots of New Labour (Andrew Mullen) - 75:1 (April 2010), 133-135.Meyer, Stephen, Manhood on the Line: Working Class Masculinities in the American Heartland (Dave Lyddon) – 82:2 (July 2017), 181-183.Mills, Catherine, Regulating Public Health and Safety in the British Mining Industry, 1800-1914 (David Bradley) – 76:2 (August 2011), 176-177.Morgan, Kenneth O., Ages of Reform: Dawns and Downfalls of the British Left (Chris Wrigley) – 77:3 (December 2012), 374-375.Morgan, Kevin, Bolshevism, Syndicalism and the General Strike: The Lost Internationalism World of A. A. Purcell (Alan Campbell) – 80:1 (April 2015), 95-98.______ International Communism and the Cult of the Individual: Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs under Lenin and Stalin (Stephen Gundle) – 82:3 (December 2017), 282-284.Mulqueen, John, ‘An Alien Ideology’: Cold War Perceptions of the Irish Republican Left (Stephen Hopkins) – 85:3 (December 2020), 318-320.Murphy, John, A Decent Provision: Australian Welfare Policy, 1870-1949 (Mark Peel) – 78:1 (April 2013), 137-139.Mussell, James, The Nineteenth-Century Press in the Digital Age (Matthew Roberts) – 78:1 (April 2013), 113-126.Navickas, Katrina, Protest and the Politics of Space and Place, 1789-1848 (Neil Pye) – 81:3 (December 2016), 296-298.Neuheiser, J?rg, Crown, Church and Constitution: Popular Conservatism in England, 1815-1867 (Katrina Navickas) – 81:3 (December 2016), 294-296.O’Connor, Emmet & Cunningham, John (eds), Studies in Irish Radical Leadership: Lives on the Left (Neil Pye) – 81:2 (July 2016), 181-182.______Big Jim Larkin: Hero or Wrecker? and Derry Labour in the Age of Agitation1889-1923: Larkinism and Syndicalism, 1907-1923 (Dave Lyddon) – 83:2 (July 2018), 184-188.Oldroyd, Andrew, Estates, Enterprise and Investment at the Dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the North-East of England (Craig R. Armstrong) – 75:1 (April 2010), 141-142.Owen, James, Labour and the Caucus: Working Class Radicalism and Organised Liberalism in England, 1868-1888 (Rohan McWilliam) – 80:1 (April 2015), 98-100.Palmer, Brian D. & Héroux, Gaétan, Toronto’s Poor: A Rebellious History (Neville Kirk) – 82:2 (July 2017), 176-179.Panayi, Panicos, An Immigration History of Britain: Multicultural Racism since 1800 (Jacqueline Jenkinson) – 77:2 (July 2012), 259-260.Papadogiannis, Nikolaos, Militant Around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974-1981 (Eugene Michail) – 81:2 (July 2016), 175-177.Parfitt, Steven, Knights across the Atlantic: The Knights of Labor in Britain and Ireland (John H. M. Laslett) – 82:2 (July 2017), 183-184.Pehl, Matthew, The Making of Working Class Religion (Peter Catterall) – 82:3 (December 2017), 284-286.Perry, Matt, ‘Red Ellen’ Wilkinson: Her Ideas, Movement and World (Cathy Hunt) – 80:3 (December 2015), 297-301. Petrie, Malcolm, Popular Politics and Political Culture: Urban Scotland, 1918-1939 (James J. Smyth) – 84:1 (July 2019), 213-215.Phillips, Jim, Collieries, Communities and the Miners’ Strike in Scotland, 1984-85 (David Stewart) – 79:2 (July 2014), 247-249. ______Scottish Coalminers in the Twentieth Century (Joe Redmayne) – 85:3 (December 2020), 314-316. Poole, Robert, Peterloo: The English Uprising (John Belchem) - 85:1 (April 2020), 85-87.Pugh, Martin, Speak for Britain! A New History of the Labour Party (A. W. Purdue) – 76:3 (December 2011), 281-282.Quirke, Carol, Eyes on Labor: News Photography and America’s Working Class (Keith Gildart) – 79:1 (April 20014), 132-134.Radcliff, Pamela Beth, Making Democratic Citizens in Spain. Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-1978 (Alejandro Quiroga) – 79:1 (April 2014), 134-136.Ramey, Jessie B., Child Care in Black and White: Working Parents and the History of Orphanages (Jenny Keating) – 79:2 (July 2014), 249-251.Redvaldsen, David, The Labour Party in Britain and Norway (Antony Taylor) – 78:2 (July 2013), 239-240.Regev, Ronnie, Working in Hollywood: How The Studio System Turned Creativity into Labor (Ian Scott) – 84:3 (December 2019), 302-304.Reiss, Matthias & Perry, Matt (eds), Unemployment and Protest: New Perspectives on Two Centuries of Contention (Chris Wigley) – 78:1 (April 2013), 134-137.Reynolds, Melanie, Infant Mortality and Working-Class Child Care, 1850-1899 (Sue Bowden) – 82:1 (April 2017), 79-80.Richardson, Mike & Nicholls, Peter (eds), A Business and Labour History of Britain: Case Studies of Britain in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Peter Caunce) - 78:2 (July 2013), 241-242.Richardson, Christopher, A City of Light: Socialism, Chartism and Co-operation – Nottingham, 1844 (Stephen Roberts) – 80:1 (April 2015), 100-101.Roberts, Matthew, Chartism, Commemoration and the Cult of the Radical Hero (Mike Sanders) – 85:2 (July 2020), 207-209.Robertson, Nicole, The Co-Operative Movement and Communities in Britain, 1914-1960: Minding Their Own Business (Peter Gurney) – 77:3 (December 2012), 375-377.Rowbotham, Sheila, Segal, Lynne, and Wainwright, Hilary, Beyond the Fragments, Feminism and the Making of Socialism (Freya Johnson) – 79:3 (December 2014), 342-343.Saunier, Pierre-Yves, Transnational History (Neville Kirk) – 80:1 (April 2015), 101-102.Scriven, Tom. Popular Virtue: Continuity and Change in Radical Moral Politics, 1820-70 (Matthew Roberts) – 84:1 (April 2019), 85-87.Schwartz, Laura, Feminism and the Servant Problem: Class and Domestic Labour in the Women’s Suffrage Movement (Fanny Louvier) – 85:1 (April 2020), 87-89.Shepherd, John, Davis, Jonathan, and Wigley, Chris (eds), Britain’s Second Labour Government, 1929-31: A Reappraisal (Antony Taylor) – 79:3 (December 2014), 344-345.Shepherd, John, Crisis? What Crisis? The Callaghan Government and the British ‘Winter of Discontent’ (Aled Davies) – 80:2 (July 2015), 212-214.Smith, Evan & Worley, Matthew (eds), Against the Grain: The British Far Left from 1956 (Lewis Young) – 80:3 (December 2015), 309-310.Swift, David, For Class and Country: The Patriotic Left and the First World War (Daryl Leeworthy) – 82:2 (July 2017), 179-181.Taylor, Antony, London’s Burning: Pulp Fiction, the Politics of Terrorism and the Destruction of the Capital in British Popular Culture, 1840-2005 (John Baxendale) – 78:3 (December 2013), 385-386.Thomas-Symonds, Nicklaus, Attlee: A Life in Politics (Not shown) – 77:2 (July 2012), 261-264Thompson, Ben, White Tulip (Stephen Roberts) – 79:2 (July 2014), 251-252.Todd, Selina, The People. The Rise and Fall of the Working Class, 1910-2010 (Keith Gildart), 80:3 (December 2015), 310-312.Toms, David, Soccer in Munster: A Social History, 1877-1937 (Daryl Leeworthy) – 81:2 (July 2016), 177-178.Tully, John, Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike that Shook London and Helped Launch the Modern Labour Movement (James Owen) – 80:1 (April 2015), 103-105.Turk, Kathleen, Equality on Trial: Gender and Rights in the Modern American Workplace (Liz Oliver) – 82:1 (April 2017), 77-79.Turner, David M. & Blackie, Daniel, Disability in the Industrial Revolution: Physical impairment in British coalmining, 1780-1880 (Quentin Outram) – 85:3 (December 2020), 309-314.Turner, David, Thompson, Steven, Bohata, Kirsti, Long, Vicky, McIvor, Arthur, Mantin, Mike, Blackie, Daniel, Curtis, Ben, Turner, Angela, Jones, Alexandra & Bordsay, Anne, Disability and Industrial Society, 1780-1948: A Comparative Cultural History of British Coalfields: Statistical Companion (Quentin Outram) – 85:3 (December 2020), 309-314.Turner, Michael J., Radicalism and Reputation: The Career of Bronterre O’Brien (Malcolm Chase) – 83:3 (December 2018), 293-296.Vargo, Gregory, An Underground History of Early Victorian Fiction: Chartism, Radical Print Culture, and the Social Problem Novel (Mike Sanders) – 84:1 (April 2019), 87-89.Vince, Natalya, Our Fighting Sisters: Nation, Memory and Gender in Algeria, 1954-2012 (Allison Drew) – 81:1 (April 2016), 94-96.Walsh, David, Making Angels in Marble: The Conservatives, the Early Industrial Working Class and Attempts at Political Incorporation (Richard A. Gaunt) – 78:3 (2013), 387-388.______ The Sons of Belial: Protest and Community Change in the North West, 1740-1770 (Peter Rushton) – 84:3 (December 2019), 295-297. Weinbren, Daniel, The Oddfellows, 1810-2010 (Roger Logan) – 77:1 (April 2012), 157-158.White, Ahmed, The Last Great Strike: Little Steel, the CIO, and the Struggle for Labour Rights in New Deal America (Ian Greenwood) – 82:3 (December 2017), 277-279.Wildemeersch, Marc, George Orwell’s Commander in Spain: The Enigma of Georges Kopp (Tom Buchanan) – 79:2 (2014), 252-253.Wilson, John F., Webster, Anthony & Vorberg-Rugh, Rachael, Building Co-Operation: A Business History of the Co-operative Group, 1863-2013 (Nicole Robertson) - 80:1 (April 2015), 105-107.Wright, Martin, Wales and Socialism: Political Culture and National Identity before the Great War (Daryl Leeworthy) – 82:1 (April 2017), 83-85.Wolf, Johanna, Assurances of Friendship: Transnationale Wege von Metallgewerk-shaftern in der Schiffbauindustrie, 1950-1980 (Stefan Berger) – 84:1 (April 2019), 99-101. Woloch, Isser, The Postwar Moment: Progressive Forces in Britain, France and the United States after World War II (Brian Shaev) – 84:3 (December 2019), 305-307.Worley, Matthew (ed), The Foundations of the British Labour Party: Identities, Cultures and Perspectives, 1900-1939 (James Owen) – 75:3 (December 2010), 322-323.______ Oswald Mosley and the New Party (Stephen Dorril) – 77:1 (April 2012), pp.159-161.Yeo, Stephen, Victorian Agitator, George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906) (Edward Royle) – 83:2 (July 2018), 181-183.______ A Usable Past. Volume 2: A New Life. The Religion of Socialism in Britain, 1883-1896: Alternatives to State Socialism (Edward Royle) – 84:3 (December 2019), 297-298. ................

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