
Sheridan Technical College Scholarship Foundation

Application Form

Fall/Winter 2018- 2019

The Sheridan Foundation Scholarship Fund awards dollars (a minimum of $500) to current Sheridan Technical College students for the purpose of continuing their education at Sheridan Technical College. Students will only be able to receive scholarship dollars one time.

The criterion for selection is:

• Good moral character and community involvement,

• Academic achievement in their technical program/ academic program,

• Two letters of recommendations. They may be from an instructor, counselor, family friend or employer.

Scholarships will be granted for enrollment at Sheridan Technical College and must be expended by December 30, 2019. Funding will be paid directly to the Registration Office or Bookstore.

Sheridan Foundation Scholarship Application Information

Section A - Personal Information

Section B - Letter of Recommendation Process

Section C- Letter of Recommendation Directions

Each applicant will need to include a summary page printout of their grades (from the unofficial transcript or Focus) and two letters of recommendation (see suggestions on what to include in Section C) from instructors, counselors, family friend or employer. Once completed, the instructor/counselor/employer will place the Letter of Recommendation in the sealed envelope and sign across the seal.

Signature Page certifies the application and documentation are complete and accurate.

IMPORTANT: This original application must be typed for legibility purposes, the hard copy, and original signature page, will be submitted to Lynn Goldman, the Sheridan Foundation Scholarship Coordinator,

no later than 12:00 p.m. on November 29, 2018 (Administration Building). Incomplete, handwritten or late applications will not be considered. Award notification will be made on December 13, 2018.

Section A: Personal Information

Name: __________________________________________________________________________________

First name Middle initial Last name

Mailing address: __________________________________________________________________________

Street City Zip code

Email address: _________________________________________Daytime telephone: __________________

Date of Birth: ____________ Technical program/teacher: _______________________ GPA: __________

If you are presently employed, list the company name, the number of hours per week and date of hire.

Company name: _________________________ Phone: __________________Date of hire: __________

Position: _____________________Hours per week: ___________ Supervisor: ________________________

If you have been convicted of a felony, please list offenses, date and fines and/or jail terms assessed. _________________________________________________________________________________________

List awards, scholarships, special recognitions you have received: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Write a 200 word (maximum) paragraph stating: 1) What position do you hope to have upon completing your studies? 2) Where you see yourself in 5 to 7 years? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In order of significance, list public service and community activities (homeless services, animal shelter, environmental protection/conservation, advocacy or religious organizations) where you volunteer your time. (Include hours per week)._____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe a recent particularly satisfying activity you participated in that held meaning for you. ___________

__________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Section B: Letters of Recommendation Process

You will need to obtain two letters of recommendation from instructors, counselors, or employers. Your teacher MUST provide your GPA, on a signed piece of school letterhead and place it in a sealed envelope. Once they have been completed, the instructor/counselor/family friend/employer will place the document in a sealed envelope, write the applicants name on the front of the envelope, and sign across the seal on the back of the envelope.

Please remind the person writing the recommendation letter that you are awarded monies based on the information they provide in the letter to the review committee.

By signing below, I understand that this application and the attached documents cannot be returned to me and will be retained on file.

By signing below, I understand that I am solely responsible for the submission of this application with attachments and incomplete/late applications will not be considered or returned for completion.

By signing below, I certify that this application and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate.

By signing below, I understand all financial assistance provided by Sheridan Technical College or a third party sponsoring organization/agency, will be considered when determining awarding scholarship dollars. This may include, but not limited to: PELL, FSEOG, FSAG, Fee Waiver, FAFTF, Fee Exemption, Bright Futures, Vocational Rehabilitation, CareerSource Broward, VA Benefits, other scholarships, etc. Therefore, I hereby authorize the Broward Scholarship Foundation Committee access to my 2018-19 academic year financial payment records for the purpose of verification of scholarship qualification.

Print Name: Last First Middle initial

Signature of Foundation Scholarship Applicant Date

Section C: Letter of Recommendation Directions

(Share this information with the person writing a letter of recommendation)

Please read carefully

On your business letterhead, please write a letter of recommendation for the Sheridan Technical College Scholarship Applicant. Be sure to include your name, title and contact information; phone number and email address. Keep your comments to one page. Your comments will carry a significant amount of weight in the judging process to awarding scholarship dollars.

When you have completed your letter, kindly place it in a sealed envelope, sign the envelope across the seal.

This Scholarship is awarded to students based on good moral character, community involvement and academic/technical aptitude, so your words help to give insight to the committee which awards the dollars.

Financial need is not criteria to be reviewed.

Below are some suggestions of items to include in your letter:

• Date:

• Name of Scholarship Applicant:

• How do you know the applicant and for how long?

• To what extent does the applicant participate in classroom discussions and/ extra extracurricular activities or in employee meetings?

• List one or two areas of strength you have witnessed involving this applicant.

• Indicate the applicant’s character and personality and provide an example.

• Indicate the applicant’s scholastic attendance, participation, teamwork, grades, achievement and technical proficiency and provide an example. How effective is the employee with regard to training or working with co-workers?

• Indicate the applicant’s leadership potential (both inside and outside of the school/work/community environment) and provide an example.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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