Physical Education – Delview

Delta Lacrosse Academy [pic]


Our goals in Delta’s Lacrosse Academy are twofold: Firstly, our purpose is to enhance each student’s quality of play through the development of Lacrosse fitness, knowledge and skill. Secondly, this program will teach students the skills and attitude necessary to be successful in this game, in other competitive sports, and in life. Students will be taught what it takes to be physically fit, it will teach what a cooperative and respectful environment and successful team environment looks like, and, above all, it will teach students how to better in their lacrosse game.


- Academy provided gym strip: This includes a pair of shorts, t-shirt, pants, hoody and pinnie.

- Students are required to bring their own lacrosse equipment: Helmet, gloves, arm pads, shoulder pads, mouth guards, kidney/pads (summer), athletic support, appropriate footwear (depending on our activity), functional lacrosse stick

- Students are required to be nourished and hydrated before academy begins – Lunch, water bottle, and training snack – they must maintain nourishment throughout practice

Behaviour and Classroom Rules

1. Be respectful of teachers and classmates.

2. Be on time all the time.

3. Be prepared to work hard while you are in class. This means participation is the key to your success.

4. Be in the moment. Your cell phones are not required in the academy and are unacceptable. Put them away.


1. Your mark in this course is based mostly on your participation. YOU MUST BE HERE TO RECEIVE A MARK, and you must participate in all activities to the best of your ability. Players who have an injury, which prohibits their participation, will research injury for marks.

2. If you are absent for a legitimate reason your parent/guardian must make me aware of your absence before class begins. Email, texts or remind me app are an appropriate means of communication

3. Students who do not make coaches aware of their situation will be marked absent and absences will affect their standing in the course. Extenuating circumstances must be discussed with coaches.

4. When players know they will be late to catch the bus or will not be riding that day, they should make another team mate aware so bus driver and other students are not waiting.

Our Expectations for you:

Effort Counts. You all have the potential to succeed in this class. This is a participation-based course. It is our expectation that you complete any assignments that are given to you in class and that you participate in all of the activities. We want to provide the skills to create an active healthy lifestyle. We look forward to working with you.


Coach Messenger Coach Burr

Lacrosse Program – Assessment and Evaluation:

The intended outcomes for the Lacrosse academy fulfill portions of the British Columbia Ministry of Education’s Physical Education curriculum. These portions include:

✓ Active Living

✓ Movement

✓ Personal & Social Responsibility

The Active Living component – The lessons that teach an athlete to better their performance through understanding diet, exercise, injury prevention and health choice.

The Movement component – The lessons that teach an athlete to move ones body in sport specific forms.

The Personal & Social Responsibility component – The lessons that teach an athlete about their personal and social obligations within the hierarchy of a team.


|Lacrosse Skills/ Lacrosse Strategies |20% |

|Passing, Catching, Shooting, Ground Balls, Individual Defense, Dodging, Team Defense, Team Offense, Transitions, Special | |

|teams, Game sense | |

|Strength and Conditioning/Warm-ups/ Fitness | |

|Training in the six important characteristics of an athlete: | |

|Strength |20% |

|Speed | |

|Power | |

|Agility | |

|Endurance | |

|Coordination | |

|Team participation | |

|Your active daily participation in team building, facility upkeep and materials management. Participation to the best of your|50% |

|ability | |

|Cognitive responses | |

|A written reflection of what you have learned in the academy, review of guest coaches, player profile, portfolio , goal |10% |

|setting, self-evaluations, practise plan, classroom activities | |

Illness or injury disclaimer: You will learn to deal with your injuries as they arise. In cases where injuries are persistent or chronic, it is expected that you still come to academy prepared to play. You will be given an adapted schedule for those days, which may include supporting your teammates/coaches in drills or games. Players will share knowledge of their injury and rehabilitation with the academy.

Change room: There is a field house, and there are some bathrooms, but athletes will be responsible for ensuring they are prepared to play.


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