




This year in January we got our 3rd Green Flag.

The topics we were learning about were Litter, which we do every year, Food and Biodiversity.

As part as our Biodiversity

work, we researched

Japanese Knotweed which

was my favourite topic. We

presented this in Inverness

with other schools and won

2nd prize.

For our next Green

Flag we are working on Water

and School Grounds topics

along with the compulsory Litter topic.

Mia P7



Spring Term 2014

Eigg Nursery

This term, the Nursery children have been very busy. For the first half we learnt all about Space, from how to brush your teeth and make a sandwich to supernovas and black holes. We made rockets with lovely shiny surfaces and our very own suns, moons and planets. We even made a space station.

We now have a published writer in our midst as Maggie’s story about the Northern Lights was published in the West Word.

We have had some very eventful (and fairly messy) Toddler Group sessions but now have some very fine artwork from Innes and Tadhgan who are settling in well.

For the final weeks of term we

have been doing lots of Maths.

The nursery is now full of

symmetrical butterflies, a

dectopus (octopus with 10 legs)

and 10 not so fat sizzling

sausages. We have had lots of

fun making roads with some

very colourful dominoes and

finally lots of number fun on the

computer which has put some

large smiles on faces.


We have been doing our Space topic with our teacher Mrs Hollands, which was really fun. We found a lot about the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Venus and Jupiter; they are so all amazing. We made models of the planets in our Solar System to hang along the corridor. We also made a model of Earth and then we got a torch and we pretended that the torch was the Sun and we also got some pins and put the pins in the clay model. We pretended that the pins were Clyde and his Aunty Grace who lives in Australia. We shone the torch on the model and on one side there was light but on the other side it was dark. Mrs Hollands gave us a sheet and what we had to do was draw the sun wherever it was and also we had to see how long our shadows were. It was really fun. We found out there are bigger things than the Sun out in Space. Mia Logan Dylan and Catriona researched Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun.

Breagha P4


School trip to War Horse

Mrs Boden took all the P6 and P7s from Eigg and Muck on a trip to Edinburgh to see the play War Horse. Mums Kathleen and Norah also came. We started on the boat and then we went on the train to Corpach and stayed in the Snowgoose Bunkhouse. Mrs Boden got up extra early to take the train to Fort William so she could pick up the mini bus to drive us all down to Edinburgh. We didn’t take the train because it was too early in the morning! When we got to the flat where we were staying in Edinburgh it had a huge picture of a Highland cow on the wall which we thought was really cool.

On the day of War Horse we went to the War Museum in the Castle and filled out some sheets for school. It was really good as we saw where Mary Queen of Scots went to pray. Then we looked around the castle. In the room Banqueting Hall there were many gigantic swords. We went to the theatre and loved the show. Thanks to Norah, when it was finished we got to go back stage to look at the huge horse puppets and the really funny goose. Then we started the long journey back home again.

Thanks Mrs

Boden for

organising the

trip and to Norah

and Kathleen for

coming to help

and support .


Millar P6

Commonwealth Project

This year the Commonwealth Games are going to be in Glasgow. To celebrate this we are learning about the Commonwealth. Firstly we drew pictures of different sports and then sent them off to be shown in the athletes’ village. Next we decided to learn about other Commonwealth islands and shared them equally between us and Muck. We had to find information about each of the islands to make posters for our celebration. Another

part of our topic is going to be finding

out about what it takes to

achieve your ambitions. The end of

this project will be a week of

celebration in May when the children

from Muck come and join us. To pay

for this week we’ve got funding from

the Big Lottery.

Clyde P4



World Wars

This term we are learning about WW1 and 2. We started with WW1 because it is the centenary of WW1. We entered a competition about war memorials so we studied our Eigg memorial and put all the information that we found out about it on a Power Point presentation to send off to the Royal British Legion Scotland. We didn’t win (unfortunately) the competition or get to go to London and sleep on HMS Belfast. We also found about all the people from Eigg that had died or fought in WW1 & 2 and put up a display about them and where they lived on Eigg.

In our WW2 project we learnt about the Blitz, Rationing, Dig for Victory and Evacuees.

Logan P6

Scruffs Memory Tree

We have laminated all the leaves and stuck them onto Scruff’s Memory Tree which is outside the Learning Centre. Please drop by to read everyone’s contributions and email yours to Mrs Hollands if you have not written a leaf. Our favourite so far is Clare and Phil’s,

“We hope you are in the land of triple rainbows and hazelnut ice-cream.”


A big thank you to all the people who have helped us with our Learning this Term:

• We finally have a school web page which Lucy has been helping us put together. We have learnt how to blog and hope to start by blogging with islands around the world as part of our Commonwealth Project.

• Camille has been sharing her knowledge of Eigg history and helping us with our World War 1 & 2 topic, especially the families who served in World War 1 as part of the war memorial competition. Camille has also been working with us as part of our Eco-school work. We are producing an animation about where the rubbish on our beaches comes from. Once we are happy with the pictures, George Bihari will be putting the film together and Ben will bring his Bedroom Band into school to produce appropriate film music.

• George Bihari has also helped us by sharing his P.E. and technology skills. As part of our Space topic we have all designed and built moon buggies with George.

• While staying in Sweeney’s Bothy, Dee Heddon came into school and shared her loves of reading and walking (sometimes at the same time) and left us with our own Walking Library. It contains a range of books for different reading levels so everyone has found books to read and enjoy.

• Clare continues to help us in Forest School on Friday afternoons.

• Finally, and definitely not least, we were delighted that Megan and Cindy were happy to come back into school and tell us about life both travelling to and then living in Alaska. Now we know how to stop bears getting at our food when we go camping in bear country.


Walking Library with Dee


Testing our buggy

frames before completing

the moon buggy design.

Forest School

This term has been a busy term for Forest School, in spite of the awful weather.


Breagha, Clyde and Dylan made a den out of a dead tree as the base and used branches and pieces of fabric.


The school has a garden with 3 beds in it with 1 big patch. This year we are going to try and grow: water melons, cabbage, flowers, potatoes, peas, cucumber, sweetcorn, leek and broccoli, We grow vegetables every year. Last year the cucumbers did the best, but the pumpkins didn’t do as well as

the year before.

John Muir

Catriona, Logan and Mia are

doing their John Muir Award

this year. They have to

Conserve, Discover, Explore

and Share and also learn

about John Muir. I think the

Share bit of the award is most


Dylan P5

Water Days

World Water Day was coming up so for two days we learned about flooding and rivers. The first day was mainly about flooding, so in the afternoon we were given a river to learn about and some questions to answer. At the end of the day we reported back to the class.

These are the rivers we studied:

Catriona: The River Nile

Mia: The Mississippi River

Logan: The River Thames

Breagha: The flooding in Mozambique

Clyde: the flooding in Bangladesh

Dlyan: Somerset flooding

On day two we learned about River Cultures by reading stories that have rivers in them; then after break we were awarded stickers for our reading:

Catriona Gold:

Logan: Silver

Mia, Breagha, Clyde, Dylan: Bronze:

We saw a photo of a ring encased in wax so we wrote stories explaining where the ring could have come from. In the afternoon we painted water lilies like the famous painter Monet.

Catriona P6


Diary Dates

Friday 4th April: term finishes

Tuesday 22nd April: start of Summer term

Monday 5th May: public holiday

Tuesday 6th – Thursday 8th May: Celebration event with Muck Primary

Friday 30th May and 13th June: swimming trips.

Monday 16th – 20th June: Small Isles week.

Thursday 3rd July: end of Summer term.

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