
Choose the correct letter from the map for each colony below:

1. What Europeans were the first to make land claims in present-day New York?

A British

B French

C Dutch

D Spanish

11. The first legislative assembly in the Colonies was?

A Half-way covenant

B House of Burgesses

C Mayflower Compact

D Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

12. The Indian above made friends with John Smith and helped with the success of Jamestown. Who is it?

A Squanto

B Montezuma

C Pocahontas

D Crazy Horse

13. This was the first written constitution in Colonial America.

A The Declaration of Independence

B Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

C The Mayflower Compact

D The Magna Charta

14. What product or resource made Jamestown a successful colony?

A Gold

B Tobacco

C Rice

D Cotton

15. Who took the leadership role of Jamestown?

A John Smith

B John White

C Thomas Hooker

D William Penn

16. Who led a revolt on Jamestown in 1676?

A N. Bacon

B J. Rolfe

C J. Winthrop

D J. Cabot

17. What document represented the first social contract among colonial settlers?

A The Declaration of Independence

B Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

C The Mayflower Compact

D The Magna Charta

18. What religious group settled in the Massachusetts Bay colony?

A Quakers

B Catholics

C Puritans

D Baptists

19. What was a person called that signed a contract to work for 3-7 years for passage to the New World?

A Slave

B Indentured Slave

C Indentured Servant

D Indentured Peasant

20. Who was banished from the Massachusetts colony for heresy?

A J. Winthrop

B A. Hutchinson

C T. Hooker

D W. Penn

21. What did William Penn want for his colony of Pennsylvania?

A He wanted it to be a city upon a hill

B He wanted it to be only for Quakers

C He wanted it to be a holy experiment

D He wanted to be sole ruler

22. What is the term used to define how British relaxed its enforcement of British rules & regulations?

A Colonial Neglect

B Salutary Neglect

C American Neglect

D Monarchy Neglect

23. What British colony was established as a buffer colony for the Carolinas?

A Georgia

B Plymouth

C Virginia

D Florida

24. Who was the founder of Georgia?

A J. Locke

B J. Oglethorpe

C E. Braddock

D G. Washington

25. What orders required all ships to & from the British North American colonies to be British?

A Trace Acts

B Navigation Acts

C Trade Acts

D Ship Acts

26. [pic]

The above picture is from colonial Salem, Massachusetts. What do you think the accused has been charged of?

A Heresy

B Preaching

C Gambling

D Witchcraft

27. What was “awakened” during the Great Awakening?

A Religious beliefs

B Patriotism

C Class War

D Anti-monarchy feelings

28. Ben Franklin was a key figure in

A the Great Awakening

B the Salem Witch Trials

C the Enlightenment

D the Abolition Movement

29. An important figure in the Great Awakening was

A Ben Franklin

B Jonathon Edwards

C George Washington

D John Locke

30. According to the theory of mercantilism, a country has a favorable balance of trade when

A. it does not depend on products from other countries.

B. other countries do not depend on its products.

C. the value of exports is greater than the value of imports.

D. the value of exports is less than the value of exports.

31. In the late 1600s, the number of enslaved Africans in the South increased dramatically, in

part due to a decline in

A. the availability of Native American workers.

B. the prices paid for African slaves.

C. the availability of indentured servants from Europe.

D. the need for unskilled labor in the North.

32. The "middle passage" refers to the part of the transatlantic trade network that carried

A. rum from the West Indies to New England.

B. raw materials from the colonies to England.

C. Africans from the West Indies to North America.

D. Africans from Africa to the West Indies and North America.

33. King Philip’s War was fought between

A. Native Americans and British

B. French and Colonists

C. British and Colonists

D. Colonists and Native Americans


Colonial Era Test- CP US History- Fall 2013

AKS 30-31














2. Massachusetts 6. Georgia

3. Virginia 7. Maryland

4. North Carolina 8. Pennsylvania

5. Rhode Island 9. South Carolina

6. New York 10. New Jersey


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