1. Date of Preparation May 2015


a) NAME: Janice Jean Phillips Dutcher

b,c) DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: November 10, 1950

Bend, Oregon


3. EDUCATION: 1968 - 1971 BA, Honors, magna cum laude

University of Utah

1971 - 1975 MD, University of California Davis

Senior Year Rotations: University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Rush Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center


1975 - 1978 Medical Internship and Residency

Rush University -Presbyterian St. Lukes Hospital; Chicago, IL

1978-1981 – Medical Oncology Fellowship

Clinical Associate, Baltimore Cancer Program,

National Cancer Institute, Balitmore MD


a) National Board of Medical Examiners Part 1, 1973; Part 2, 1975; Part 3: July 1, 1976

Certificate: 158946 (initially licensed in Illinois)

Current Licenses: Maryland (21938); New York (152748);

DEA AD8285290

b) American Board of Internal Medicine, 1978

American Board of Internal Medicine, Subspecialty Board of Medical Oncology, 1983


Commissioned Officer, United States Public Health Service, 1978-1982

Inactive Reserve, 1982-


Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (member since 1983)

Study Principal Investigator, 1983-

Hematology Steering Committee, member 1983-1986

Leukemia Core Committee, member 1986-

Co-Chair, Biological Response Modifiers Committee, 1987-89

Chair, Biologic Response Modifiers Committee, 1989-1995

Bone Marrow Transplant Steering Committee, member 1993-2005

Institutional Principal Investigator, 1993-1997

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, 1994-1995

Member, Executive Committee, 1994-1997

Member, ECOG Research & Education Foundation Executive Committee, 1995- 1998

BRM co-chair, Lymphoma Committee, 1996-2005

Member, Nominating Committee, 1996-1997

Member, Publication Committee, 2005-

Chair, Renal Subcommittee of Genitourinary Committee, 1998-2011

Member, ECOG Research & Education Foundation Executive Committee, 2010-

Member, PrECOG Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, 2014-

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) (member since 1980)

Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 1988; Co-Chairman, Session on AIDS and Epidemiology, 1988

Co-Chair, Session on Biologic Therapy, 1996

Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 1997; Co-Chair, Session on Immunotherapy and Gene Therapy, 1997

Chair and participant, Annual Meeting, Educational Session on Renal Cell Cancer, 2002

Participant, Annual Meeting, Categorical Course on Clinical Trial Design, Presentation on Phase II Trial Design, 2003.

Invited Discussant, Session on New Therapy in Renal Cell Cancer, Annual Meeting, 2004.

Invited Discussant, Session on Health Policy – FDA Drug Approval Process, ASCO Annual Meeting, 2004

Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 2005-2006; Track Leader, Developmental Therapeutics- Immunotherapy, 2006.

Faculty Member, Joint AACR/ASCO Workshop on Methods in Clinical Cancer Research and Protocol Development, 1996-2002; Course Program Committee, 1996; 2001

Member, Young Investigator Awards Selection Committee, 1998-2002; Chair, Awards Selection Committee, 2000-2001

Member, Program Committee and Faculty, FECS/ASCO/AACR European Clinical Methods Course - planning 1998, held June 23-29, 1999, June 24-29, 2000.

Member, Nominating Committee, 1999-2001

Member, Fellows Task Force Steering Committee, 1999-2000

Member, Task Force on Associate/Junior Active ASCO Members, 2001

Member, Maintenance of Certification Task Force, 2005-2007

Member, In-training Medical Oncology Examination Development Committee, 2009-2011

Member ASCO SEP Exam Committee, 2008 - 2011

American Association for Cancer Research (member since 1983)

Member, Subcommittee for Special Conferences, 1997-1999

Faculty, Workshop on Methods in Clinical Research, 1996-2002; Program Committee 1996; 2001

Co-Director, Special Conference on Cytokines and Cancer, Vail Colorado, Sept 20-24, 2000

American Board of Internal Medicine

Member, Medical Oncology Subspecialty Board, 1997-2003

Member, Medical Oncology SEP Update, 2002-2003

American Society of Hematology (member since 1984)

Co-Chairman, Session on Leukemia and Myeloproliferative Disorders, 1983

Member, Program Committee, 1986; Co-Chairman, Session on Transfusion Medicine, 1986.

American Association of Blood Banks (member since 1983)

Workshop Participant, Adoptive Immunotherapy, 1988-89

Session Co-Chair, Apheresis, 1992; Abstract Reviewer, 1992-1996

International Society of Hematology (member since 1986)

Co-Chairman, Session on Leukocytes, 1984

Co-Chairman, Session on Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, 1988

American Radium Society (member since 1984)

Member, Local Arrangements Committee, 1993; Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, 1994

Moderator and Speaker, Multidisciplinary Panel on Dose Intensification, 1994

Member, Janeway Lecture Committee, 1993-1995; Chair, Janeway Lecture Committee 1996

Member, Local Arrangements Committee, 1997

Member, Public Relations Committee, 1997-1999;

Member, Executive Committee, 1997-1999

Member, Membership and Credentials Committee, 1998-1999

Member, Nominating Committee, 2001-2002

Member, Program Committee, 2004-2005

Member, Executive Committee, 2005

Member, Program Committee, 2006-2007.

Member, Nominating Committee, 2007-2009

National Leukemia Research Association

Member, Medical Advisory Board 1995 - ; Research Grant Reviewer 1995-

Israel Cancer Research Fund

Scientific Review Committee B, 1996-1998

National Kidney Cancer Association

Medical Advisory Committee, 1996 –

Volunteer Speaker at numerous patient education sessions

Session chair and speaker at annual meetings

European Society for Medical Oncology

Corresponding Member, 1997-

International Society of Biologic Therapy (member since 1989)

Program Committee, 2002-2003; Development Committee, 2003

Public Affairs Committee, 2003-2006

Board of Directors, 2001-2004

Association for Patient Oriented Research

Board member, 2011 - 2013

Additional Memberships

- American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 1983-

- American College of Physicians, member, l978, Fellow (044202) l983-

- American Federation for Clinical Research, l982-

Chair of Session I, Eastern Division Meeting, April 2012

- American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1984-2013

- New York Academy of Sciences, 1983-

- New York Cancer Society, Inc 1984-

- American Society for Apheresis, 1989-

- International Society for Experimental Hematology, 1993-

- Kidney Cancer Association, Scientific Adv Board, 10 yr term, continued member, 1988-


1978-1981 Clinical Associate

1978-1982 Baltimore Cancer Research Program, Division of Cancer Treatment

National Cancer Institute, NIH

1979-1981 Clinical Associate Cell Component Therapy

Baltimore Cancer Research Program, National Cancer Institute

1982 Senior Investigator, Baltimore Cancer Research Program,

National Cancer Institute

Jul 1982-Dec 1982 Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine

University of Maryland Cancer Center, University of Maryland

Jan 1983-Jun 1986 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Jul 1986-Jun 1992 Associate Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Jul 1992-1998 Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,

Bronx, New York

Oct 1998-present Professor of Medicine, New York Medical College


Jan 1983-1997 Chief of Service, Oncology, Jack D. Weiler Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York

Jan 1984-1998 Director for Apheresis Research, Blood Bank, Montefiore Medical Center

July 1986-1998 Director of Immunotherapy Clinical Research Program, Montefiore Medical Center

Jan 1993-1998 Medical Director, Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein Cancer Center, Bronx, New York

Oct 1998-July 2008 Associate Director for Clinical Affairs, Comprehensive Cancer Center

Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center, Bronx, New York

Oct 1998-July 2008 Director of Oncology Apheresis,

Medical Director, Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center, Bronx, New York

July 2008-Nov 2010 Senior Attending, Cancer Center, North Division, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York

Nov 2010- Nov 2012 Director of Immunotherapy Program, Division of Hematology/ Oncology St Lukes Roosevelt Hospital Center, Continuum Cancer Centers New York, NY


- National Merit Finalist and Scholar, Scholarship Recipient, 1968

- Sterling Scholar in General Scholarship, State of Utah, 1968

Presidential Scholar from State of Utah, awarded at the White House by invitation of President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1968

- Alpha Lambda Delta, Freshman Women Honor Society, President, 1968-70

- Phi Kappa Phi, elected 1971

- Phi Beta Kappa, elected 1971

- Alpha Omega Alpha, elected 1975

- Lange Medical Publishers Award, 1975

- Finalist, Beecham Award in Hematology/Oncology for physicians in clinical research training. Southern Blood Club of American Federation of Clinical Research, Southern Meeting and Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, January, 1983

- Leukemia Society of America - Special Fellow, 1983-1985

- First Recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award, University of California, Davis School of Medicine, June 11, 1988.

- Recipient, First Prize for Clinical Research, Henry C. Moses Award, Montefiore Medical Center, 1989

- Recipient, Young Investigator Award, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, 1993

- Listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1992-

- Listed in Who's Who in America 1995-

- Listed in Who's Who in the World, 1993-

- Listed in Who's Who in the East, 1995-

- Listed in Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 1997-

- Listed in Who's Who of American Women, 1997-

- Recipient of the Women of Distinction Health Care Services Award:

from the New Bronx Chamber of Commerce and the Bronx Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation at the second annual luncheon - Women of Distinction – in Celebration of Women’s History Month , Marina Del Rey, Bronx, NY ; also awarded proclamation from the New York City Council , March 28, 2008.


Past Support

- 1982 - Pangborn Research Fund, University of Maryland $1800.

- 1983-85, Leukemia Society of American Special Fellowship - $ 25,000/yr

- 1983-84, National Leukemia Association Fellowship, $ 20,000

- 1986-87, National Leukemia Association Award, $ 20,000

- 1986-87, 5U10CA14958-S2 - ECOG supplement for IL-2/LAK cell studies in melanoma, colon cancer, and renal cell carcinoma, Co-Principal Investigator.

- 1987-91, RFP/NCI-CM73702-26 - Contract for Clinical Trials of Activated Leukocytes, clinical co-principal investigator. Co-Principal Investigator,30% effort

- 1986-96, NIH/NCI-P30CA1330 - Albert Einstein Cancer Center, Core Support for Cancer Research Center, clinical investigator. Program Leader, 1993-1996.

- 1996-98, NIH/NCI-P30CA1130 - Albert Einstein Cancer Center, Core Support for Cancer Research, director of clinical trials and monitoring unit.

- 1986-98, 5U10CA14958 - Participation in Albert Einstein ECOG institutional grant, clinical investigator, 10% effort and funding. Principal Investigator, 1993-1997.

- 1989-90, American Association of Blood Banks National Foundation Grant -$26,000.

- 1991-92, MAO/RFP NCI-CN-15339-33 - Master Agreement, Phase I Clinical and Pharmacologic Studies of new Chemopreventive Agents, Principal Investigator.

- 1992-93, Institutional grant from Chiron for IL-2 based clinical and pharmacokinetic trials, $40,000

- 1992-93, PI, Institutional grant from Sandoz for IL-6 based clinical and pharmacokinetic trials, $60,000

- 1992-93, PI, Institutional grant from Sandoz for IL3-based Bone marrow transplantation trial, $40,000

- 1993, PI, Institutional grant from Immunex for GM-CSF studies and peripheral blood stem cells, $10,000

- 1993-95, PI, Institutional grant from Genetech, Inc for studies of gamma interferon in renal cell, $60,000

- 1994-6, PI, unrestricted grant from Immunex for GM-CSF/IL2 study in renal cell cancer, $25,000

- 1994-96, PI, Institutional grants from Chiron/Schering, for studies of IL2/IF in renal cell cancer, $50,000

- 1995-96, PI, Institutional grant from Genetics Institute for phase I/II studies of IL12, $60,000

- 1996-97, PI, Institutional grant from Chiron/Schering for studies of 5FU/IL2/IF in renal cell cancer, $20,000

- 1997, PI, Institutional grant from Genetics Institute for Phase II study of IL12, $40,000

- 1996-97. PI, Institutional grant from Ligand for studies of Targeting in renal cell cancer, $20,000.

- 1997-98-PI, Institutional grant from Chiron for studies of high dose IL2 in renal cell cancer.

- 1998-99, PI, RO3, Phase II study of Arsenic Trioxide in Relapsed/Refractory Acute Leukemia, $50,000/yr.

- 1998-2003, PI, FDA Orphan Drug Award, Phase II Clinical and Biological Study of Arsenic Trioxide in Relapsed/Refractory Acute Leukemia, $198,000/yr

- 1998-2000, Co-Invest, Leukemia Society of America Transnational Research Award, Study of Biology of Arsenic Trioxide in Acute Leukemia, P Wiernik, PI, $100,000/yr

- 1998-2000, PI, Institutional Grant from Immunex for Phase I/II study of CD40 Ligand in solid tumor and renal cell cancer. $ 100,000.

- 2000, PI, Institutional grant from Wyeth-Ayerst for phase II study of CCI-779 in renal cell cancer, $75,000.

- 2000, PI, Institutional grant from Chiron/Schering for IL2/IFN studies in renal cell cancer, $5,000.

- 2000-2001, PI, Institutional grant from Bayer for Phase I trial of bayer IL2 in solid tumor, $10,000.

- 2001-2004, PI, Institutional grant from Wyeth-Ayerst (CCI-779)

- 2001-, PI, Institutional grant from Abgenix (ABG-EGF)

- 2002-2003, PI, Institutional grant from Novartis (EPO)

- 2002-2003, PI, Institutional grant from Eisai (E7070)

- 2001-2007 Co-PI, Minority-Based CCOP Grant from NCI.

- 2004- 2010 PI, Institutional grant from Genentech (Avastin)

- 2004 –2010 PI, Institutional grant from Wylex (Vaccine)

- 2004 –2009 PI, Institutional grant from Bayer (Bay 43-9006)

- 2006 –2010 PI, Institutional grant from Novartis, (IL2)

- 2007 – 2010 PI, Institutional Grant from Genentech (Avastin)

- 2010- 2012 PI, Institutional Grant from Exelixis (XL184)

- 2011 -2012 PI, institutional grant from BMS (Anti-PD1)

- 2012 PI, institutional grant – Prometheus (Registry)

- 2011 - 2012 Support of IL2 Clinical Research, ACKC philanthropic grant, $ 10,000

- 2011, 2012 LILAC – grants for equipment, freezer component, refrigerated centrifuge


Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Committee on Clinical Investigations, 1983-1998

Am Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant Review Committee, 1983-86

Experimental Clinical Procedures Committee, Dept of Medicine, 1984-88

Practice Plan Committee, Dept. of Medicine, 1984-1985

Departmental Research Committee, Dept of Medicine, 1986-1987

Clinical Oncology Committee, 1986-1990

Committee on Appointments & Promotions for Associate Professors, main committee 1986-1988; ad hoc committees, 1989-1991

Audio-Visual Committee, 1986-1993

Faculty Committee for the Dean's Letter, 1991-1993

Patent Committee, 1991-1992

Search Committee for Chairman of Radiation Oncology, 1992

Committee on Appointments & Promotions to Professor, main committee 1992 -1994

Associate Director for Clinical Research, Albert Einstein Cancer Center, 1993-1995

Program Leader, Hematologic Malignancies and General Oncology, Albert Einstein Cancer Center, 1993-1995

Acting Chief, Division of Oncology, 1993-1997

Hospital of Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Tissue Review Committee, 1983-1984

Quality Assurance Committee, 1984-1985

Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 1985-1995

Chair, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 1993-1995

Transfusion Committee, 1987- 1998

Credentials Committee, 1988-1990

Chief of Service, 1984-1997

Physician's Publication Committee, 1990-1994

Medical and Executive Committee, 1991-1993

Montefiore Medical Center

MMC Division Council, 1994-1995

MMC Medical and Executive Committee, 1996-1997

Acting Chair, Dept Oncology, 1993-1997

Staff and Alumni Association Executive Committee, 1996

Institutional Review Board, 7/2006-9/2010, Consultant, 9/2010

Transfusion Committee, Montefiore North Division, 2008-2010

Medical Council, Montefiore North Division, 2009-2010

Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center

Investigational Review Committee, 1998-2008

Transfusion Committee, 1998-2008

Cancer Committee, 1999-2008, Chair, 2005-2008

New York Medical College

Member, Surgery Chair Search Committee, 2001-2002

St Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital, Continuum Cancer Centers

GU Tumor Board, 2010 -2012

Melanoma Tumor Board, 2011 –2012

Leukemia tumor Board – 2011 - 2012


1984-96, Course Co-Director, Advances in Cancer Treatment Research Symposium – 2 day course held in Manhattan, sponsored by Albert Einstein College of Medicine

1996-2002, Faculty Member, Joint AACR/ASCO Workshop on Methods in Clinical Cancer Research and Protocol Development; Course Program Committee, 1996; 2001

1998-2000, Member, Program Committee and Faculty, FECS/ASCO/AACR European Clinical Methods Course - planning 1998, held June 23-29, 1999, June 24-29, 2000.

See participation in National Meetings – ASCO, AACR, program committees and course development.

Participation in educational program of oncology dept/division throughout academic career.



Cancer Investigation, Co-editor, Controversies in Oncology, 1988-1992

Co-editor, Handbook of Oncologic and Hematologic Emergencies, Plenum Press, 1987

Your Patient and Cancer, Consultant, Queries in hematologic malignancies

Editor, Modern Transfusion Therapy, Volumes I & II CRC Press, Inc, 1990.

Editorial Board, Journal of Biologic Response Modifiers, now J Immunotherapy 1990 -1997;

Guest Editor, Intravenous Allopurinol and Tumor Lysis Syndrome, Seminars in Oncology, April 2001

Guest Editor, Interleukin-2 Therapy, Oncology, November 2002.

Section Editor, Chronic Leukemia, Current Treatment Options in Oncology, 2000-2009

Section Editor, Leukemia, Current Treatment Options in Oncology, 2010 –

Associate Editor, Medical Oncology , 1992 – 2014; Reviewer, ongoing

Section Editor, Supportive Care, Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, 3rd Edition, 1996.

Section Editor, Supportive Care, Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, 4th Edition, 2003.

Section Editor, Supportive Care, Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, 5th Edition, 2012

Editorial Board, J. Clinical Oncology, 1996-1998

Editorial Board, Annals of Internal Medicine, 2000 - 2003

Editorial Board, J. Clinical Pharmacology, 1997-1998; 2001-2002, 2004-2005.

Editorial Board, Kidney Cancer Journal, 2006-present

Editorial Board, J Immunotherapy, 2001-present

Editorial Board, J Clinical Oncology 2013 -

Manuscript Reviewer for:

American Journal of Medicine; Annals of Internal Medicine

Blood; Bone Marrow Transplantation

Cancer ; Cancer Investigation; Cancer Research

Cancer Treatment Reports; Clinical Cancer Research

Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Applied Physiology

Journal of Apheresis

Journal of Biologic Response Modifiers/ now Journal of Immunotherapy

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Journal of Interferon Research

Journal of Neurologic and Neurosurgical Research

Medical Oncology

New England Journal of Medicine; Transfusion

Kidney Cancer Journal

International Journal of Immunotherapy

Annals of Oncology


National Cancer Institute

Member, Phase I Working Group, 1983-1998

Member, Phase II Working Group, 1983-1998

Member, IL-2/LAK Working Group, 1986-1991

Member, Study Section for Review of BRMP Task B Grants for clinical/laboratory studies of new biologic therapies, 1988, 1994.

Member, Study Section for Review of New Initiative Grants for Laboratory Correlations of Clinical Trials, NCI, March 1990.

Member, Site Visit Team, Program Project Grant in Acute Leukemia, 1991

Member, Site Visit Team, Program Project Grant in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, 1994

PDQ External Advisory Board, protocol reviewer, 1994- 1998

Member, Site Visit Teams, Cancer Center Reviews, 1994, 1997, 1998

Member, Subcommittee D, Research Programs Review Committee, 1994 -1998

Member, Informed Consent Working Group, 1995-1998

Member, Subcommittee A, Cancer Centers Review Committee, 1998-2002

Member, NCI Central IRB, 1999-2001

Member and Section Leader, PRG Report on Kidney and Bladder Cancer, 2001-2002

Ad Hoc member, Cancer Biomarker Study Section, Oct 2007, February 2008.

Ad Hoc Member, Cancer Immune Therapy Study Section, March 2008.

Member, Cancer Biomarker Study Section, 2008-2012

Ad Hoc member, Cancer Biomarker Study Section, 2012 –

Member, GU Steering Committee, 2008-2012

Member, Renal Cancer Task Force, 2010 -

Med Onc Co-Chair, Renal Cancer Task Force, 2015-

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee for the

Trial to reduce Alloimmunization to Platelets

(TRAP study), 1990-1995

Member, Site Visit Team, National Marrow Donor Program, 1994

Member, Ad Hoc panel to review T-cell Depletion Trial in Bone Marrow Transplant from Unrelated Donors, 1995

National Institutes of Health

Panel Member, Consensus Development Conference, Early Melanoma, Diagnosis and Management, January 27-29, 1992

Member, National Bone Marrow Donor Registry Advisory Committee of the National Institutes of Health, appointed by Secretary Louis B. Sullivan, M.D., 1993

Food and Drug Administration

Observer, Oncology Drug Advisory Committee, January 1995-July 1995

Member, Oncology Drug Advisory Committee, July 1995-1999

Chair, Oncology Drug Advisory Committee, July 1996-1999

Ad Hoc Consultant, 1999-present


Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, Sanolfi, Oxaliplatin Colorectal phase III studies, 2000-2002.

Pfizer Visiting Professorship in Oncology, Academic Advisory Board. 2007-2010; Chair, 2009-2010.

Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Univ Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 1998-2010

Chair, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, TRIST – Oxford Biomedica - TROVAX phase III clinical trial, 2007-2010.

Member, Medical Advisory Board, Meniscus Medical Education Ltd, 2006- 2010

Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, Medarex/BMS, Ipilimumab, multiple clinical trials, 2005-present

Speaker’s Bureau: Pfizer, Novartis, Prometheus, GSK

Consultant, Prometheus Labs, 2012-present

Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, Merck, Anti-PD1, 2013-2015 acknowledged on manuscript – Pembrolizumab in Ipilimumab-refractory melanoma.2015

Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, Tracon, 2014-present

Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, PrECOG, 2014-present

Chair, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, BMS, Nivolumab randomized adjuvant trial, 2015-


Associate Director, Cancer Research Foundation, 1998-present


- Co-Chairman, Phase III Study of Mitoxantrone and Cytosine Arabinoside versus Daunorubicin and Cytosine Arabinoside in Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia, 1983-1986

- Co-Chairman, Phase III Study of Mitoxantrone and Cytosine Arabinoside in relapsed ANLL or Blast Crisis of CML, 1983-1985

- Co-Chairman, Low-dose Cytosine Arabinoside in elderly patients with leukemia, 1983-1986

- Co-Chairman, Phase II Study of Deoxydoxorubicin in refractory acute leukemia, with pharmacology, 1983-1987

- Co-Chairman, Phase II study of Homoharringtonine in refractory acute leukemia, with pharmacology, 1983-1986

- Co-Chairman, Phase III Study of MOAD in adult acute lymphocytic leukemia, 1983-1989

- Chairman, Phase III study of autologous frozen platelet transfusion in alloimmunized patients with acute non-lymphocytic leukemia, 1984-

- Chairman, Indium-111-labeled granulocyte migration in infected neutropenic patients, 1983-1991

- Chairman, Ethiodized Oil Emulsion in the identification of hepatic and splenic metastases, 1983-1989

- Co-Chairman, institutional Phase III study of Idarubicin and Cytosine Arabinoside versus Daunorubicin and Cytosine Arabinoside in ANLL, 1986-1988

- Co-Chairman, Phase II study of mitoxantrone and 5-azacytadine in chronic myelogenous leukemia, blast crisis. (EST 5484).

- Co-Principal Investigator, Phase II study of Interleukin-2 and Activated Autologous Leukocytes in Patients with Untreatable Malignancy, 1986-1989.

- Co-Chairman, Indium-111-labeled LAK cells and platelets in patients treated with interleukin-2, 1987-1989.

- Co-Chairman, ancillary clinical studies in patients treated with interleukin-2

- Chairman, Phase I study of menogaril in relapsed/refractory acute leukemia with pharmacology.

- Co-Chairman, Phase II study of mitoxantrone, CCNU, vinblastine in relapsed Hodgkin's disease. (EST PH484).

- Chairman, Phase II study of menogaril in acute leukemia (EST 8490)

- Chairman, Phase II studies of interleukin-2 alone and with alpha interferon in patients with renal cell and melanoma, 1990-92.

- Chairman, phase I-II studies of interleukin-6 in patients with advanced malignancy, 1992-1994

- Chairman, Phase II study of carboplatin in blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (EST 1992)

- Principal Investigator, Master Agreement for Phase I Clinical and Pharmacological Studies of Chemopreventive Agents 1990-92.

- Chairman, Phase II study of all-trans retinoic acid in chronic myelogenous leukemia (E1993) 1994-97

- Co-Chairman, Phase II study of IL-4 in CLL and non-Hodgkins lymphoma (E5Y92), 1995-1998

- Co-Chair, Phase II study of Arsenic Trioxide in relapsed/refractory acute leukemia and blast crisis of CML, and myelodysplasia (funded by NCI-RO3 and FDA Orphan Grant) 1998-2002

- Co-Chair, Phase II study of Arsenic Trioxide plus Ascorbic Acid in relapsed/refractory acute leukemia and blast crisis of CML, and myelodysplasia (funded by FDA Orphan Grant) 2002-

- Institutional Chair, Phase III study of high dose IL2 versus outpatient subcutaneous IL2 plus interferon in metastatic renal cell cancer. 1998-2000

- Institutional Chair, Phase II study of peptide vaccine plus IL2 in metastatic melanoma. 1998-

- Chair, Phase III study of adjuvant high dose IL2 versus observation in high risk, resected renal cell cancer, 1998-2002

- Institutional Chair, Phase I and Phase II studies of CD40 Ligand. Phase II in renal cell cancer, 1998-2001

- Institutional Chair, Phase I study of IL2 plus DENSPM. 2000.

- Institutional Chair, Phase II study of CCI-779 for renal cell cancer. 2000-2001

- Institutional Chair, Phase I study of CCI-779 plus Interferon for RCC, 2002-2004

- Institutional Chair, Phase I trial of Bayer IL2, 2000-2002

- Institutional Chair, Phase I trial of PEG interferon plus IL2 in renal cell cancer, 2000-2003

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of ABX-EGF in metastatic RCC, 2001-2004

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of Epothilone 906 in metastatic RCC, 2002.

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of E7070 in metastatic RCC, 2002-2003

- Chair, Pilot study of Adriamycin plus Gemcitabine in sarcomatoid RCC, 2001-2003

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of IFN plus genesense (anti-bcl 2) in RCC, 2003-2005

- PI, Multicenter trial of IL2 plus thalidomide in RCC 2003-2006

- Institutional Chair, Randomized Phase II trial of Avastin +/- Tarceva in RCC, 2004

- Institutional Chair, Randomized Phase II trial of Bay 43-9006 vs placebo in RCC, 2004-2005

- Institutional Chair, Adjuvant g250 Mab vs placebo following nephrectomy in RCC, 2004-

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of temodar + thalidomide in melanoma, 2003-2004

- Institutional Chair, Phase III trial of SU11248 vs IFN in RCC, 2005-2007

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of IMOxine in RCC, 2005-2007

- Institutional Chair, Phase II open label trial of SU11248 in GIST, 2005-2007

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of Sutent +/- Avastin in RCC, 2007-2008.

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of Axitinib following Sorafenib, 2007-2008.

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of Axitinib vs Sorafenib following Sunitinib, 2008-2009.

- Institutional Chair, Phase II trial of Temsirolimus vs Sorafenib, following sunitinib, 2008-2010.

- Institutional Chair, Phase I of XL184 drug-drug interaction study in renal cell cancer 2010-2012

- Institutional Chair, Phase II dose-finding study of Anti-PD-1 antibody in renal cell cancer, 2011-2012

HOME/ WORK ADDRESS 750 Kappock Street, Apt 511

Riverdale, New York 10463

Email: jpd4401@


A) Original Peer Reviewed Articles

1. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Alloimmunization following platelet transfusion: The absence of a dose-response relationship. Blood 1981; 57; 395-398.

2. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnston GS: Rapid migration of Indium-111-labelled granulocytes to sites of infection. N Engl J Med 1981; 304; 586-589.

3. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Long-term follow-up of patients with leukemia receiving platelet transfusions: Identification of a large group of patients who do not become alloimmunized. Blood 1981; 58; 1007-1011.

4. Schiffer CA, Dutcher JP, Hogge DE, Aisner J: Histocompatible platelet transfusion for patients with leukemia. Plasma Therapy and Transfusion Technology 1982; 3; 272-28l.

5. Schiffer CA, Aisner J. Dutcher JP: Platelet cryopreservation using dimethylsulfoxide. Annals N Y Academy of Science 1983; 411; 161-169.

6. Hogge DE, Dutcher JP, Aisner J, Schiffer CA: Lymphocytotoxic antibody is a predictor of response to random donor platelet transfusion. Amer J Hematol 1983; 14; 363-369.

7. Mirvis S, Dutcher JP, Haney PJ, Whitley NO, Aisner J: Serial CT of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Am J Radiology 1983; 140; 665-670.

8. Schiffer CA, Keller C, Dutcher JP, Aisner J, Hogge D, Wiernik PH: Potential HLA matched platelet donor availability for alloimmunized patients. Transfusion 1983; 23; 286-289.

9. Wiernik PH, Riggs C Jr, Dutcher JP: Adriamycin or Daunorubicin in combination with cytosine arabinoside for the treatment of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia. Drugs Exper Clin Res 1983; 9; 403-406.

10. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnston GS, Papenberg D, Daly PA, Aisner J, Wiernik PH. Alloimmunization prevents the migration of transfused Indium-111-labeled granulocytes to sites of infection. Blood 1983; 62; 354-360.

11. Schiffer CA, Dutcher JP, Aisner J, Hogge D, Wiernik PH, Reilly JP: A randomized trial of leukocyte-depleted platelet transfusion to modify alloimmunization in patients with leukemia. Blood 1983; 62; 815-820.

12. Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Sustained post-transfusion granulocyte count increments following transfusion of leukocytes obtained from donors with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Am J Hematol 1983; 15; 65-74.

13. Dutcher JP, Haney PJ, Whitley NO, Finley R, Pearl P, Didolkar MS, Wiernik PH: Ethiodized oil emulsion 13 in computed tomography of hepatoma. J Clin Oncol 1984; 2; 118-123.

14. Hogge DE, Dutcher JP, Aisner J, Schiffer CA: The ineffectiveness of random donor platelet transfusion in splenectomized alloimmunized recipients. Blood 1984; 64; 253-256.

15. Schiffer CA, Hogge DE, Aisner J, Dutcher JP, Lee EJ, Papenberg D: High dose intravenous gammaglobulin in alloimmunized platelet transfusion recipients. Blood 1984; 64; 937-940.

16. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, O'Connell BA, Levy C, Kendall JA, Wiernik PH: Incidence of thrombocytopenia and bleeding among patients with solid tumors. Cancer 1984; 53; 557-562.

17. Dutcher JP: Decreased sensitivity of early imaging with In-111 oxine-labeled leukocytes in detection of occult infection. J Nuc Med 1984; 25; 1150-1151. (letter to editor).

18. Paietta E, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Terminal transferase positive acute promyelocytic leukemia: In vitro differentiation of a T-lymphocytic/promyelocytic hybrid phenotype. Blood 1985; 65; 107-114..

19. Wiernik PH, Schwartz EL, Strauman JJ, Dutcher JP, Lipton RB, Paietta E: Phase I clinical and pharmacokinetic study of taxol. Cancer Res 1987; 47; 2486-2493.

20. Wiernik PH, Schwartz EL, Einzig A, Strauman JJ, Lipton RB, Dutcher JP: Phase I trial of taxol given as a 24-hour infusion every 21 days: Responses observed in metastatic melanoma. J Clinical Oncology 1987; 5; 1232-1239.

21. Marcus SL, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Ciobanu N, Strauman J, Wiernik PH, Hutner SH, Frank O, Baker H: Severe hypovitaminosis C occurring as the result of adoptive immunotherapy with high-dose interleukin-2 and lymphokine-activated killer cells. Cancer Research 1987; 47; 4208-4212.

22. Paciucci PA, Dutcher JP, Cuttner J, Strauman JJ, Wiernik PH, Holland JF: Mitoxantrone and Ara-C in previously treated patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. Leukemia 1987; 1; 565-567.

23. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Wiernik PH: Hyperleukocytosis in adult acute nonlymphocytic leukemia: Impact on remission rate and duration and survival. J Clin Oncol 1987; 5; 1364-1372.

24. Lipton RB, Galer BS, Dutcher JP, Portenoy RK, Berger A, Arezzo JC, Mizruchi M, Wiernik PH, Schaumburg HH: Quantitative sensory testing demonstrates that subclinical sensory neuropathy is prevalent in patients with cancer. Arch Neurol 1987; 44; 944-946.

25. Wadler S, Einzig AI, Dutcher JP, Ciobanu N, Laudau L, Wiernik PH: Phase II trial of recombinant alpha-2b-interferon and low dose cyclophosphamide in advanced melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. Am J Clin Oncol 1988; 11; 55-59.

26. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Markus S, Weinberg V, Schiffer CA, Harwood KV: Intensive maintenance therapy improves survival in adult acute non-lymphocytic leukemia: An eight year follow-up. Leukemia 1988; 2; 413-419.

27. Dutcher JP, Wadler S, Wiernik PH: Biological response modifiers in gynecologic malignancies. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 1988; 61; 367-378.

28. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Extension of remission in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. (letter to the editor) J Clin Oncol 1988; 6; 1783-1784.

29. Dutcher JP, Riggs CE, Strauman JJ, Link B, Wiernik PH: A phase I-II trial of 4'deoxydoxorubicin (esorubicin) in refractory or relapsed acute leukemia. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1989; 45; 424-430.

30. Dutcher JP, Creekmore S, Weiss GR, Margolin K, Markowitz AB, Roper MA, Parkinson D, Ciobanu N, Fisher RI, Boldt DH, Doroshow JH, Rayner AA, Hawkins M, Atkins M: A phase II study of interleukin-2 and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells in patients with metastatic malignant melanoma. J Clin Oncol 1989; 7; 477-485.

31. Margolin K, Rayner AA, Hawkins M, Atkins M, Dutcher JP, Fisher RI, Weiss GR, Doroshow J, Jaffe H, Roper MA, Parkinson D, Wiernik P, Creekmore SP, Boldt DH. Toxicity of interleukin-2 and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell therapy. J Clin Oncol 1989; 7; 486-498.

32. Walewski J, Paietta E, Dutcher J, Wiernik PH: Evaluation of in-vivo natural killer and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell activity in patients treated with high-dose interleukin-2 and adoptive transfer of autologous LAK cells. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1989; 115; 170-174.

33. Lipton RB, Apfel S, Dutcher JP, Rosenberg R, Kaplan J, Berger A, Einzig AI, Wiernik PH, Schaumburg HH: Taxol produces a predominantly sensory neuropathy. Neurology 1989; 39; 368-373.

34. Dutcher JP, Kendall J, Norris D, Schiffer C, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Granulocyte transfusion therapy and amphotericin B - Adverse reactions? Am J Hematol 1989; 31; 102-108.

35. Paietta E, Gucalp R, Papenhausen P, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: TDT+/non-lymphoid antigen+ acute leukemias: Immunologic and karyotypic monitoring during therapy and at relapse suggests the transformation of a bipotential stem cell. Leukemia 1989; 3; 485-491.

36. Baker H, Marcus SL, Frank O, Petrylak DP, DeAngelis BA, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Interleukin-2 enhances biopterins and catecholamine production during adoptive immunotherapy for various cancers. Cancer 1989; 64; 1226-1231.

37. Dutcher JP, Riggs C, Fox JJ, Johnston GS, Norris D, Wiernik PH, Schiffer CA: The effect of histocompatibility factors on pulmonary retention of Indium-111-labeled granulocytes. Am J Hematol 1990; 33; 238-243.

38. Wiernik PH, Schwartz B, Dutcher JP, Turman N, Adinolfi C: Successful treatment of hairy cell leukemia with beta-ser interferon. Am J Hematol 1990; 33; 244-248.

39. Weisfuse IB, Graham DJ, Will M, Parkinson D, Snydman DR, Atkins M, Karron RA, Feinstone S, Rayner AA, Fisher RI, Mills BJ, Dutcher JP, Weiss GR, Glover A, Kuritsky JN, Hadler SC. An outbreak of hepatitis A among cancer patients treated with interleukin-2 and lymphokine activated killer cells. J Infect Dis 1990; 161; 647-652.

40. Dutcher JP, Salva KM, Wiernik PH: Successful treatment of hairy cell leukemia with 2'-deoxycoformycin after failure of interferons alpha or beta. Am J Clin Oncol 1990; 13; 290-293.

41. Shalmi CL, Dutcher JP, Feinfeld DA, Chun KJ, Saleemi KR, Freeman LM, Lynn RI, Wiernik PH: Acute renal failure during interleukin-2 treatment - Evidence for an intrinsic renal lesion. J Clin Oncol 1990; 8; 1839-1846.

42. Dutcher JP, Marcus SL, Tanowitz HB, Wittner M, Fuks JZ, Wiernik PH: Disseminated strongyloidiasis with central nervous system involvement diagnosed antemortem in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and Burkitts lymphoma. Cancer 1990; 66; 2417-2420.

43. Parkinson DR, Abrams JS, Wiernik PH, Rayner AA, Margolin KA, Van Echo DA, Sznol M, Dutcher JP, Aronson FR, Doroshow JH, Atkins MB, Hawkins MJ: Interleukin-2 therapy in patients with metastatic malignant melanoma: A phase II study. J Clin Oncol 1990; 8; 1650-1656.

44. Sznol M, Mier JW, Sparano J, Gaynor E, Weiss GR, Margolin K, Bar MH, Hawkins MJ, Atkins M, Dutcher JP, Fisher RI, Boldt DH, Doroshow JH, Louie A, Aronson FR: A phase I study of high dose interleukin-2 in combination with interferon-alfa 2B. J Biol Response Modifiers 1990; 9; 529-537.

45. Einzig AI, Hochster H, Wiernik PH, Trump DL, Dutcher JP, Garowski E, Sasloff J, Smith TJ: A phase II study of taxol in patients with malignant melanoma. Invest New Drugs 1991; 9; 59-64.

46. Dutcher JP, Gaynor ER, Boldt DH, Doroshow JH, Bar MH, Sznol M, Mier J, Sparano J, Fisher RI, Weiss G, Margolin K, Aronson FR, Hawkins M, Atkins M. A phase II study of high dose continuous infusion interleukin-2 with lymphokine activated killer cells in patients with metastatic melanoma. J Clin Oncol 1991; 9; 641-648.

47. Sklarin NT, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Lymphomas following cardiac transplantation. Am J Hematol 1991; 37; 105-111.

48. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Hittelman WN, Vyas R, Strack M, Castaigne S, Degos L, Gallagher RE: Treatment of promyelocytic blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia with all trans-retinoic acid. Leukemia 1991; 5; 504-509.

49. Gucalp R, Paietta E, Weinberg V, Papenhausen P, Dutcher JP Wiernik PH: Terminal transferase expression in acute myeloid leukemia: Biology and prognosis. Br J Haematology 1991; 77; 48-54.

50. Sparano JA, Dutcher JP, Kaleya R, Caliendo G, Fiorito J, Mitsudo S, Shechner R, Boley SJ, Gucalp R, Ciobanu N, Grima K, Wiernik PH, Brandt LJ. Colonic ischemia complicating immunotherapy with interleukin-2 and alpha-interferon. Cancer 1991; 68; 1538-1544.

51. Lipton RB, Galer BS, Dutcher JP, Portnoy RK, Pahmer V, Meller F, Arezzo JC, Wiernik PH: Large and small fiber type sensory dysfunction is prevalent in patients with cancer. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1991; 54; 706-709.

52. Marcus SL, Petrylak DP, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Ciobanu N, Strauman J, Wiernik PH, Hutner SH, Frank O, Baker H: Hypovitaminosis C in patients treated with high-dose interleukin-2 and lymphokine-activated killer cells. Am J Clinical Nutrition 1991; 54 (suppl); 1292S-1297S.

53. Moskowitz C, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Association of thyroid disease with acute leukemia. Am J Hematol 1992; 39; 102-107.

54. Weiss GR, Margolin KA, Aronson FR, Sznol M, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Gaynor ER, Boldt DH, Doroshow JH, Bar MH, Hawkins MJ, Demchak PA, Gucalp R, Fisher RI, Clark GM: A randomized phase II trial of continuous infusion interleukin 2 or bolus injection interleukin 2 plus lymphokine-activated killer cells for advanced renal cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 1992; 10; 275-281.

55. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Clinical importance of anthracyclines in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 1992; 6 (Suppl 1); 67-69.

56. Dutcher JP Eudey L, Wiernik PH, Paietta E, Bennett JM, Arlin Z, Kellermeyer R, Rowe J, O'Connell M, Oken M, Cassileth PA: Phase II study of mitoxantrone and 5-azacytidine for accelerated and blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia: A study of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Leukemia 1992; 6; 770-775.

57. Baker H, Marcus LS, Frank O, Petrylak DP, DeAngelis B, Baker ER, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Effect of interleukin-2 on some micronutrients during adoptive immunotherapy for various cancers. J Am Coll Nutr 1992; 11; 482-486.

58. Walpole ET, Dutcher JP, Sparano J, Gucalp R, Einzig A, Paietta E, Ciobanu N, Grima K, Caliendo G, Cavasotto G, Wiernik PH: Survival after phase II treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma with taxol or high dose interleukin-2. J Immunotherapy 1993; 13; 275-281.

59. Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Leaf A, Dutcher JP: Infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and etoposide in relapsed and resistant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Evidence for a schedule dependent effect favoring infusional administration of chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 1993; 11; 1071-1089.

60. Mazurek C, Dutcher JP, Schwartz EL, Garl S, Benson L, Wiernik PH: Phase I clinical and pharmacokinetic study of menogaril (7-con-O-methylnogarol) in previously treated patients with acute leukemia. Invest New Drugs 1994; 11; 313-322.

61. Margolin KA, Doroshow JH, Akman SA, Leong LA, Morgan R, Raschko J, Somlo G, Dutcher J, Hawkswoth K, Yonemoto L, Caliendo G, Cavasotto G: Phase I trial of interleukin-2 plus doxorubicin. J Immunotherapy 1993; 14; 70-76.

62. Sparano JA, Wadler S, Liebes L, Robert NJ, Schwartz EL, Dutcher JP: Phase I trial of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and 5-fluorouracil plus interferon-alpha2B in patients with advanced breast cancer. Cancer Res 1993; 53; 3509-3512.

63. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Gucalp R, Markus S, Weinberg V, Azar C, Garl S, Benson L: Long term followup of treatment and potential cure of adult acute lymphocytic leukemia with MOAD: A Non-anthracycline containing regimen. Leukemia 1993; 7; 1236-1241.

64. Sparano JA, Micetich KC, Sunderland M, Margolin K, Ernest ML, Sznol M, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Fisher RI, Weiss GR, Doroshow JH, Aronson FR, Rubinstein LV, Mier JW: Randomized phase III trial of treatment with high dose interleukin-2 either alone or in combination with interferon-alpha2A in patients with advanced melanoma. J Clin Oncol 1993; 11; 1969-1977.

65. Hawkins MJ, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Fisher RI, Weiss GR, Margolin KA, Rayner AA, Sznol M, Parkinson DR, Paietta E, Gaynor ER, Boldt DH, Doroshow JH, Aronson FR: A phase II clinical trial of interleukin-2 and lymphokine-activated killer cells in advanced colorectal carcinoma. J Immunotherapy 1994; 15; 74-78.

66. Oleksowicz L, Zuckerman D, Puszkin E, Dutcher JP: Effects of interleukin-2 administration on platelet function in cancer patients. Am J Hematol 1994; 45; 224-231.

67. Vlock DR, Snyderman C, Johnson J, Myers E, Rubin J, Dutcher J, Adams G: Phase Ib trial of the effect of peritumoral and intranodal injections of interleukin-2 in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: An Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. J Immunotherapy 1994; 15; 134-139.

68. Margolin K, Aronson F, Sznol M, Atkins MB, Gucalp R, Fisher RI, Sunderland M, Stewart M, Doroshow JH, Ernest ML, Mier JW, Dutcher JP, Gaynor ER, Weiss GR. Phase II studies of recombinant human IL-4 in advanced renal cancer and malignant melanoma. J Immunotherapy 1994; 15; 147-153..

69. Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Strack M, Leaf A, Becker N, Sarta C, Carney D, Elkind R, Shah M, Valentine ES, Dutcher JP: Infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and etoposide in HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: A followup report of a highly active regimen. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1994; 14; 263-271.

70. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Todd M, Caliendo G, Benson L: Polyethylene glycolated interleukin-2 as maintenance therapy for acute myelogenous leukemia in second remission. Am J Hematology 1994; 47; 41-44.

71. Oleksowicz L, Mrowiec Z, Zuckerman D, Isaacs R, Dutcher J, Puszkin E: Platelet activation induced by interleukin-6: Evidence for a thromboxane sensitive mechanism. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1994; 72; 302-308..

72. Sparano JA, Fisher RI, Weiss GR, Margolin K, Aronson FR, Hawkins MJ, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Gaynor ER, Boldt DH, Doroshow JH, Ernest ML, Sznol M, Mier JW: Phase II trials of high-dose interleukin-2 and lymphokine-activated killer cells in advanced breast carcinoma and carcinoma of the lung, ovary, pancreas and other tumors. J Immunotherapy 1994; 16; 216-223.

73. Sagayadan GE, Wiernik PH, Sun N, Ahern G, Thompson D, Hallam S, Hu XP, Dutcher JP, Gallagher RE: Effect of retinoic acid and interferon alpha on granulocyte-macrophage colony forming cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia: Increased inhibition by all-trans and 13-cis retinoic acids in advanced stage disease. Leukemia Res 1994; 18; 741-748.

74. Oleksowicz L, Strack M, Dutcher JP, Sussman I, Caliendo G, Sparano J, Wiernik PH: Short Report: A distinct coagulopathy associated with interleukin-2 therapy. Br J Haematology 1994; 88; 892-894.

75. Oleksowicz L, Mrowiec Z, Issacs R, Dutcher JP, Puszkin E: Morphologic and ultrastructural evidence for interleukin-6 induced platelet activation. Am J Hematology 1995; 48; 92-99.

76. Mrowiec ZR, Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP, DeLeon-Fernandez M, Lalezari P, Puszkin EG: A novel technique for preparing improved buffy coat platelet concentrates. Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases 1995; 21; 25-33.

77. Khalil A, Ciobanu N, Sparano JA, Gucalp R, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Pilot study of high dose mitoxantrone and busulfan plus autologous bone marrow transplantation in patients with advanced malignancies. Bone Marrow Transplantation 1995; 15; 93-97.

78. Bennett RT, Lerner SE, Taub HC, Caliendo G, Dutcher JP, Fleischman J: Cytoreductive surgery for stage IV renal cell carcinoma. J Urology 1995; 154; 32-34..

79. Weiss GR, Margolin KA, Sznol M, Atkins MB, Oleksowicz L, Isaacs R, Sosman JA, Doroshow JH, Trehu EG, Dutcher JP, Fisher RI: A phase II study of the continuous intravenous infusion of interleukin-6 for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J Immunotherapy 1995; 18; 52-56.

80. Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP: Adhesive receptors expressed by tumor cells and platelets: Novel targets for therapeutic anti-metastatic strategies. Medical Oncology 1995; 12; 95-102.

81. Dutcher JP, Leong T, Makary AZ, Bennett J, Frontiera M, Miller H, Wiernik PH: A phase II study of menogaril (7R-O-methylnogarol) in patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia: A Study of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Leukemia 1995; 9; 1638-1642.

82. Paietta E, Nelson DL, Andersen J, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptors are predictive of response in patients treated with interleukin-2 and lymphokine-activated killer cells. Medical Oncology 1995; 12; 121-124.

83. Oleksowicz L, Mrowiec Z, Schwartz E, Khorshidi M, Dutcher JP, Puszkin E: Characterization of tumor-induced platelet aggregation: The role of immunorelated GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa expression by MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Thrombosis Research 1995; 79; 261-264.

84. Mrowiec ZR, Oleksowicz L, Zuckerman D, DeLeon-Fernandez M, Khorshidi M, Dutcher JP, Puszkin EG: Buffy coat platelets stored in apyrase, aprotinin, and ascorbic acid in a suspended bag: Combined strategies for reducing platelet activation during storage. Transfusion 1996; 36; 5-10.

85. O'Boyle KP, Colletti D, Mazurek C, Wang Y, Ray SK, Diamond B, Rosenblum MG, Epstein AL, Shochat D, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Klein RS: Potentiation of antiproliferative effects of monoclonal antibody Lym-1-gelonin on human Burkitt's lymphoma cells with gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor. J Immunotherapy 1996; 18; 221-230.

86. Oleksowicz L, Puszkin E, Mrowiec Z, Isaacs R, Dutcher JP: Alterations in platelet function in patients receiving interleukin-6 as cytokine therapy. Cancer Investigation 1996; 14; 307-316.

87. Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Hu X, Sarta C, Schwartz EL, Soeiro R, Henry DH, Mason B, Ratech H, Dutcher JP: Pilot trial of infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and etoposide plus didanosine and filgrastim in patients with human immunodeficiency virus-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. J. Clinical Oncology 1996; 14; 3026-3035.

88. Sparano JA, Lipsitz S, Wadler S, Hansen R, Bushunow PW, Kirkwood J, Flynn PJ, Dutcher JP, Benson AB: Phase II trial of prolonged continuous infusion of 5-fluorouracil and interferon-( in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. ECOG Protocol 3292. Am J. Clin Oncol 1996; 19; 546-551.

89. Sosman JA, Aronson FR, Sznol M, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Weiss GR, Isaacs RE, Margolin KA, Fisher RI, Ernest ML, Mier J, Oleksowicz L, Eckhardt JR, Levitt D, Doroshow JH: Concurrent phase I trials of intravenous interleukin-6 in solid tumor patients: Reversible dose-limiting neurologic toxicity. Cancer Clin Res 1997; 3; 39-46.

90. Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP, DeLeon-Fernandez M, Paietta E, Etkind P: Human breast carcinoma cells synthesize a protein immunorelated to platelet GPIb with different functional properties. J Lab Clin Med 1997; 129; 337-346.

91. Dutcher JP, Fisher RI, Weiss G, Aronson F, Margolin K, Louie A, Mier J, Caliendo G, Sosman JA, Eckardt JR, Ernest ML, Doroshow J, Atkins MB: Outpatient subcutaneous interleukin-2 and alpha interferon for metastatic renal cell cancer: Five year follow-up of the cytokine working group study. The Cancer Journal from Scientific American 1997; 3; 157-162.

92. Dutcher JP, Coletti D, Paietta E, Wiernik PH: A pilot study of alpha interferon and plicamycin for accelerated phase of chronic myeloid leukemia. Leukemia Res 1997; 21; 375-380.

93. O'Boyle KP, Wang Y, Schwartz EL, Regl DL, Einzig A, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Horwitz SB: Development of two radioimmunoassays to detect taxol in sera and in cerebrospinal, ascitic, and pleural fluids from patients. Cancer 1997; 79; 1022-1030..

94. Leaf AN, Neuberg D, Schwartz EL, Wadler S, Ritch PS, Dutcher JP, Adams GL: An ECOG phase II study of Amonifide in unresectable or recurrent carcinoma of the head and neck (PB390). Invest New Drugs 1997; 15; 165-172.

95. Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP, DeLeon-Fernandez M, Etkind P: A GPIb -related protein is expressed by fresh human breast carcinoma tissue and is regulated by a PKC-sensitive mechanism. Experimental Cell Research 1997; 237; 110-117.

96. Malik UR, Dutcher JP, Caliendo G, LaSala P, Mitnick R, Wiernik PH. Phase II trial of merbarone in patients with malignant brain tumors. Medical Oncology 1997; 14; 159-162.

97. Mrowiec ZR, Oleksowicz L, DeLeon-Fernandez M, Puszkin EG, Dutcher JP: Apyrase, ascorbic acid and aprotinin ameliorate the storage lesion in pelleted platelet preparations. Biotechnic & Histochemistry 1997; 72; 259-267.

98. Dutcher JP, Atkins M, Fisher R, Weiss G, Margolin K, Aronson F, Sosman J, Lotze M, Gordon M, Logan T, Mier J, for the Cytokine Working Group: Interleukin-2-based therapy for metastatic renal cell cancer: The Cytokine Working Group Experience, 1989-1997. Cancer Journal of Scientific American 1997; 3(Suppl 1); S73-S78.

99. Leonard JP, Sherman ML, Fisher GL, Buchanan LJ, Larsen G, Atkins MB, Sosman JA, Dutcher JP, Vogelzang NJ, Ryan JL: Effects of single-dose IL-12 exposure on IL-12-associated toxicity and IFN-gamma production. Blood 1997; 90; 2541-2548.

100. Schiller JH, Neuberg D, Burns D, Ritch P, Larson M, Levitt M, Dutcher JP: An Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group phase I trial of all-trans retinoic acid and interferon-alpha: E2Y92. Investigational New Drugs 1997; 15; 319-324.

101. Wu JJ, Caliendo G, Hu X-P, Dutcher JP: Impact of histology on the treatment outcome of metastatic or recurrent renal cell carcinoma. Medical Oncology 1998; 15; 44-49.

102. Dutcher JP, Lee S, Paietta E, Bennett JM, Stewart JA, Wiernik PH: Phase II study of carboplatin in blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Study E1992. Leukemia 1998; 12; 1037-1040.

103. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Einzig AI, Sparano J, Frank M, Friedenberg W: Mitoxantrone, vinblastine and lomustine (CCNU) (MVC): A highly active regimen for advanced and poor prognosis Hodgkin's disease. Cancer Journal for Scientific American 1998; 4(July/Aug); 254-260.

104. Wadler S, Atkins M, Haynes H, Karp D, Neuberg D, Dutcher JP: Clinical trial of weekly intensive therapy with 5-fluorouracil on two different schedules combined with interferon-( -2a and filgrastim in patients with advanced solid tumors: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group study PZ991. Cancer Journal for Scientific American 1998; 4(July/Aug); 261-268.

105. Alpaugh RK, von Mehren M, Palazzo I, Atkins MB, Sparano JA, Schuckter L, Weiner LM, Dutcher JP: Phase IB trial for malignant melanoma using R24 monoclonal antibody, interleukin-2/alpha interferon. Medical Oncology 1998; 15; 191-198.

106. AML Collaborative Group: A systematic collaborative overview of randomized trials comparing idarubicin with daunorubicin (or other anthracyclines) as induction therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia. Br J Haematology 1998; 103; 100-109.

107. Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP: A phase II pilot trial of dose-intensive interleukin-2 in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J. Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 1999; 215; 101-108.

108. Atkins MB, Lotze MT, Dutcher JP, Fisher R, Weiss G, Margolin K, Abrams J, Sznol M, Parkinson D, Hawkins M, Paradise C, Kunkel L, Rosenberg SA: High-dose recombinant interleukin-2 therapy for metastatic melanoma: Analysis of 270 patients treated between 1985-1993. J Clin Oncol 1999; 17; 2105-2116.

109. Moadel A, Morgan C, Fatone A, Grennan J, Carter J, LaRuffa G, Skummy A, Dutcher JP: Seeking meaning and hope: Self-reported spiritual and existential needs among an ethnically-diverse cancer patient population. Psycho-Oncology 1999; 8; 378-385.

110. Novik Y, Ryan LM, Haller DG, Asbury R, Dutcher JP, Schutt AJ: Phase II protocol for the evaluation of new treatments in patients with advanced gastric carcinoma: Results of ECOG Study E5282. Medical Oncology 1999; 16; 261-266.

111. Dutcher JP. Logan T, Gordon M, Sosman J, Weiss G, Margolin K, Plasse T, Mier J, Lotze M, Clark J, Atkins M: Phase II trial of interleukin-2, interferon-alpha and 5-fluorouracil in metastatic renal cell cancer: A Cytokine Working Group study. Cancer Clinical Research 2000; 6; 3442-3450.

112. Unnikrishnan D, Dutcher JP, Varshneya N, Lucariello R, Api M, Garl S, Wiernik PH, Chiaramida S: Torsade de Pointes in three leukemia patients treated with arsenic trioxide. Blood 2001; 97; 1514-1516.

113. Vonderheide RH, Dutcher JP, Eckhardt G, Anderson JE, Stephans KF, Razvillas B, Garl S, Butine MD, Perry VP, Armitage RJ, Ghalie R, Caron DA, Gribben JG: Phase I study of recombinant human CD40 ligand (rhuCD40L) (AVREND) in cancer patients. J Clin Oncology 2001; 19; 3280-3287.

114. Unnikrishnan D, Dutcher JP, Varshneya N, Lucariello R, Wiernik PH, Chiaramida S: Monitoring the cardiac toxicity with arsenic trioxide (letter to editor). Blood 2001; 98; 1633-1634.

115. Flaherty LE, Atkins M, Sosman J, Weiss G, Clark JI, Margolin K, Dutcher J, Gordon MS, Lotze M, Mier J, Sorokin P, Fisher RI, Appel C, Du W. Outpatient biochemotherapy with interleukin-2 and interferone alfa-2b in patients with metastatic melanoma: Results of two phase II Cytokine Working Group trials. J Clin Oncol 2001; 19; 3194-3202.

116. Vonderheide RH, Dutcher JP, Anderson JE, Caron DA, Gribben JG: CD40 Ligand therapy of lymphoma patients. (Letter to Editor response) J Clin Oncol 2001; 19; 4351-4353.

117. Margolin K, Atkins MB, Thompson JA, Ernstoff MS, Weber J, Flaherty L, Clark JJ, Weiss G, Sosman J, Smith JA, Dutcher JP, Gollob J, Longmate J, Johnson D: Temozolomide and whole brain irradiation in melanoma metastatic to the brain: a Phase II trial of the Cytokine Working Group. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2002; 128; 214-218. (Online - DOI 10.1007/s00432-002-0323-8) (Springer-Verlag)

118. Skeel RT, Huang J, Manola J, Wilding G, Dreicer R, Walker P, Muggia F, Crawford ED, Dutcher JP, Loehrer PJ: A phase II study of 13-cis-retinoic acid plus interferon alpha-2a in advanced stage penile carcinoma: An Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Study (E3893). Cancer Invest 2003; 21(1); 41-46.

119. Radin AI, Kim HT, Grant BW, Bennett JM, Kirkwood JM, Stewart JA, Hahn RC, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Oken MM: Eastern Cooperative Group Study. Phase II study of alpha 2 interferon in the treatment of the chronic myeloproliferative disorders (E5487): A trial of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Cancer 2003; 98; 100-109.

120. Twine NC, Stover JA, Marshall B, Dukart G, Hidalgo M, Stadler W, Logan T, Dutcher J, Hudes G, Dorner AJ, Slonim DK, Trepicchio WL, Burczynski ME: Disease-associated expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Res 2003; 63; 6069-6075.

121. King M-C, Marks JH, Mandell JB, for the New York Breast Cancer Study Group (including Ben-Yishay M, Dutcher HP, Gross SJ, Runowicz CD, Venkataraj U, at Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center): Breast and ovarian cancer risks due to inderited mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Science 2003; 302; 643-645.

122. Dutcher JP, Fine JP, Krigel RL, Murphy BA, Schaefer PL, Ernstoff MS, Loehrer PJ: Stratification by risk factors predicts survival on the active treatment arm in a randomized phase II study of interferon gamma plus/minus interferon-alpha in advanced renal cell carcinoma (E6890). Medical Oncology 2003; 20; 271-281.

123. Clark JI, Atkins MB, Urba WJ, Creech S, Figlin RA, Dutcher JP, Flaherty L, Sosman JA, Logan TF, White R, Weiss GR, Redman BG, Tretter CPG, McDermott D, Smith JW, Gordon MS, Margolin KA: Adjuvant high dose bolus interleukin-2 for patients with high-risk renal cell carcinoma – A Cytokine Working Group Randomized Trial. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21; 3133-3140.

124. Stuart K, Levy DE, Anderson T, Axiotis CA, Dutcher JP, Eisenberg A, Erban JK, Benson III AB, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group: Phase II study of interferon gamma in malignant carcinoid tumors (E9292): A trial of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Invest New Drugs 2004; 22; 75-81.

125. Unnikrishnan D, Dutcher JP, Garl S, Varshneya N, Lucariello R, Wiernik PH: Cardiac monitoring of patients receiving arsenic trioxide therapy. Br J Haematology 2004; 124; 610-617.

126. Atkins MB, Hidalgo M, Stadler WM, Logan TF, Dutcher JP, Hudes GR, Park Y, Liou S-H, Marshall B, Boni JP, Dukart G, Sherman ML: Randomized phase II study of multiple dose-levels of CCI-779, a novel mTOR kinase inhibitor in patients with advanced refractory renal cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 2004; 22; 909-918.

127. Foon KA, Yang XD, Weiner LM, Belldegrun AS, Figlin RA, Crawford J, Rowinsky EK, Dutcher JP, Vogelzang NJ, Gollup J, Thompson JA, Schwartz G, Bukowski RM, Roskos LK, Schwab GM: Preclinical and clinical evaluations of ABX-EGF, a fully human anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody. Int J Radiant Oncol Biol Phys 2004; 48; 984-990.

128. Dorai T, Dutcher JP, Dempster DW, Wiernik PH: Therapeutic potential of curcumin in prostate cancer-IV: Interference with the osteomimetic properties of hormone refractory C4-2B prostate cancer cells. Prostate 2004; 60; 1-17.

129. Adiga GU, Dutcher JP, Larkin M, Garl S, Koo J: Characterization of bone metastases in patients with renal cell cancer. Br J Urology, 2004; 93; 1237-1240.

130. Rowinsky EK, Schwartz G, Gollob J, Thompson J, Vogelzang N, Figlin R, Bukowski R, Haas N, Lockbaum P, Li YP, Roskos L, Foon KA, Schwab G, Dutcher JP: Safety, pharmacokinetics and activity of ABX-EGF, a fully human anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody, in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer. J Clin Oncol 2004; 22; 909-918.

131. Karbasian-Esfahani M, Wiernik PH, Novik Y, Paietta E, Dutcher JP: Idarubicin and standard dose cytosine arabinoside in relapsed and refractory adult acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Cancer 2004; 101; 1414-1419.

132. Nanus DM, Garino A, Milowsky MI, Larkin M, Dutcher JP: Active chemotherapy for sarcomatoid and rapidly progressing renal cell cancer. Cancer 2004; 101(7); 1545-1551.

133. McDermott DF, Regan MM, Clark JI, Flaherty LE, Weiss GR, Logan T, Kirkwood JM, Gordon MS, Sosman JA, Ernstoff MS, Tretter CP, Urba WJ, Smith JW, Margolin KA, Mier JW, Gollop JA, Dutcher JP, Atkins MB: Randomized phase III trial of high-dose interleukin-2 versus subcutaneous interleukin-2 and interferon in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 2005; 23(1); 133-141.

134. Dutcher JP, Lee S, Makary AZ, Londer H, Farnen JP, Bennett JM, Paietta E, Gallagher RE, Rowe JM, Goloubeva O, Wiernik PH: Phase II study of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in accelerated phase or early blastic phase of chronic myeloid leukemia: A Study of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (E1993). Leukemia/Lymphoma 2005; 46 (3); 377-385.

135. Burczynski ME, Twine NC, Dukart G, Marshall B, Hidalgo M, Stadler WM, Logan T, Dutcher J, Hudes G, Trepicchio WL, Strahs A, Immermann F, Slonim DK, Dorner AJ: Transcriptional profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells prognostic of clinical outcomes in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Research 2005; 11(3); 1181-1189.

136. Dutcher JP, Leon L, Manola J, Friedland DM, Roth B, Wilding G: Phase II study of carboxyamidotriazole in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma refractory to immunotherapy, E4896, an Eastern Cooperative Group Study. Cancer 2005; 104; 2392-2399.

137. Koulova L, Novik Y, Caliendo G, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: A phase II study of moderate dose IL2 and GM-CSF in patients with metastatic or unresectable renal cell carcinoma. J Immunotherapy 2005; 28; 576-581.

138. Dorai T, Sawczuk IS, Pastorek J, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: The role of carbonic anhydrase IX overexpression in kidney cancer. Eur J Cancer 2005; 41 (18): 2935-2945.

139. O’Boyle KP, Coatsworth S, Anthony G, Ramirez M, Greenwald E, Kaleya R, Steinberg JJ, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Effects of desialylation of ovine submaxillary gland mucin (OSM) on humoral and cellular immune responses to Tn and sialylated Tn. Cancer Immun 2006; 6; 5-9.

140. Kunthur A, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Renal parenchymal tumors and lymphoma in the same patient: A case series and review of literature. Am J Hematol 2006; 81; 271-280.

141. Gray R, Manola J, Saxman S, Wright J, Dutcher J, Atkins M, Carducci M, See W, Sweeney C, Liu G, Stein M, Dreicer R, Wilding G, DiPaola RS. Future Phase II Clinical Trials Design: Methods in Translational Research from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Clinical Cancer Research, 2006; 12; 1966-1969.

142. Alexandrescu DT, Karri S, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Mitoxantrone, vinblastine and CCNU (MVC): Long-term follow-up of patients treated with advanced and poor-prognosis Hodgkin’s disease. Leukemia and Lymphoma 2006; 47; 641-656.

143. Moadel AB, Morgan C, Dutcher JP: Psychosocial needs assessment among an underserved, ethnically diverse cancer patient population. Cancer 2007; 109; 446-454.

144. Hudes G, Carducci M, Tomczak P, Dutcher JP, Figlin R, Kapoor A, Staroslawska E, Sosman J, Atkins M, Bodrogi I, Kovacevic Z, Lesovoy V, Schmidt-Wolf I, Barbarash O, Gokmen E, Galand L, Thiele A, O’Toole T, Kong S, Park Y, Moore L, Motzer R. Temsirolimus, interferon, or the combination of interferon plus temsirolimus for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma and poor risk features. N Engl J Med 2007; 356; 2271-2281.

145. Borghaei H, Alpaugh RK, Bernardo P, Palazzo IE, Dutcher JP, Venkatraj U, Wood WC, Goldstein L, Weiner LM: Induction of adaptive Anti-HER2/neu immune responses in a Phase 1B/2 trial of 2B1 bispecific monoclonal antibody in metastatic breast cancer (E3194): a trial coordinated by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. J Immunotherapy 2007; 30; 455-467.

146. Margolin KA, Synold TW, Lara P, Frankel P, Lacey SF, Quinn D, Baratta T, Dutcher JP, Xi B, Diamond DJ, Gandara DR: Oblimersen and Alpha Interferon in metastatic renal cancer: A Phase II study of the California Cancer Consortium. J Cancer Res and Clin Oncol 2007; 133; 705-711.

147. Margolin K, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Ernstoff MS, Smith JW, Clark JI, FlahertyLE, Baar J, Sosman J, Weber J, Lathia C, Smith J, Schwartz B, Cihon F: Phase I trial of Bay 50-4798, an IL-2-Specific agonist in advanced melanoma and renal cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2007; 13; 3312-3319.

148. Motzer RJ, Hudes GR, Curti BD, McDermott DF, Escudier BJ, Negrier S, Duclos B, Moore L, O’Toole T, Boni JP, Dutcher JP: Phase I/II trial of temsirolimus combined with interferon alfa for advanced renal cell carcinoma: J Clin Oncol, 2007; 25(25); 3958-3964.

149. Hakimi AA, Koi PT, Milhoua PM, Blitman NM, Li M, Hugec V, Dutcher JP, Ghavamian R: Renal medullary carcinoma: The Bronx experience. Urology 2007; 70; 878-882.

150. Bukowski RM, Kabbinavar FF, Figlin RA, Flaherty K, Srinivas S, Vaishampayan U, Drabkin H, Dutcher JP, Ryba S, Xia Q, Scappaticci FA, McDermott D: Randomized phase II study of erlotinib combined with bevacizumab compared with bevacizumab alone in metastatic renal cancer. J Clin Oncol, 2007; 25:4536-4541.

151. Clark JI, Mehrabi J, Sosman JA, Logan RF, Margolin KA, Dutcher JP, Urba WJ, Ernstoff MS, McDermott DF, Lau AM, Atkins MB: Phase I/II trial of outpatient PEG-interferon with interleukin-2 in advanced renal cell carcinoma: A cytokine working group study. J Immunotherapy 2007; 30; 839-846.

152. Sosman JA, Carrillo C, Urba WJ, Flaherty L, Atkins MB, Clark J, Dutcher J, Margolin KA, Mier J, Gollob J, Kirkwood J, Panka D, Crosby NA, O’Boyle K, LaFleur B, Ernstoff M: Three phase II Cytokine Working Group (CWG) trials of gp100 (210M)-peptide plus high-dose Interleukin-2 in HLA-A2+ advanced melanoma patients. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26; 2292-2298.

153. Atkins M, Sosman J, Agarwala S, Logan T, Clark J, Ernstoff M, Lawson D, Dutcher J, Weiss G, Curti B, Margolin K: Temozolomide, thalidomide and whole brain radiation therapy for patients with brain metastasis from metastatic melanoma: A phase II trial of the Cytokine Working Group. Cancer 2008; 113; 2139-2145. PMID. 18792064

154. Rini BI, Halabi S, Rosenberg JE, Stadler WM, Vaena DA, Ou S-S, Archer L, Atkins JN, Czaykowski P, Dutcher J, Small EJ: Bevacizumab plus interferon alfa compared with interferon alfa monotherapy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: CALGB 90206. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26; 5422-5428.

155. Lacouture ME, Wu S, Robert C, Atkins MB, Kong HH, Guitart J, Garbe C, Hauschild A, Puzanov I, Alexandrescu DT, Anderson RT, Wood L, Dutcher JP: Evolving strategies for the management of multi-targeted kinase inhibitor-associated hand-foot skin reaction. Oncologist, 2008; 13; 1001-1011.

156. Dutcher JP, deSouza P, McDermott D, Figlin RA, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Krygowski M, Strahs A, Feingold J, Hudes G: Effect of Temsirolimus versus interferon-α on outcome of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma of different tumor histologies. Med Onc 2009; 26; 202-209.

157. Figlin RA, deSouza P, McDermott D, Dutcher JP, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Krygowski M, Strahs A, Feingold J, Boni J, Hudes G: Analysis of PTEN and HIF-1α and correlation with efficacy in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with temsirolimus versus interferon- α. Cancer 2009; 115 (16); 3651-3660.

158. Rini BI, Wilding G, Hudes G, Stadler WM, Kim S, Tarazi J, Rosbrook B, Trask PC, Wood L, Dutcher JP. Phase II study of axitinib in sorafenib-refractory metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol, 2009; 27; 1-8.

159. Gordon M, Hussey M, Nagle R, Lara Jr, P, Mack PC, Dutcher J, Samlowski W, Clark JI, Quinn DI, Pan C-X, Crawford D: Phase II study of erlotinib in patients with locally advanced or metastatic papillary histology renal cell cancer: SWOG S0317. J Clin Oncol, 2009; Dec 1; 27 (34); 5788-5793.

160. Stadler WM, Figlin RA, McDermott DF, Dutcher JP, Knox JJ, Miller WH, Hainsworth JD, Henderson CA, George JR, Hajdenberg J, Kindwall-Keller TL, Ernstoff MS, Drabkin HA, Curti BD, Chu L, Ryan CW, Hotte SJ, Xia C, Cupit L, Bukowski RM, on behalf of the ARCCS study investigators: Safety and efficacy results of the advanced renal cell carcinoma sorafenib expanded access program in North America. Cancer, Epub Jan 15, 2010; Cancer 2010; 116:1272-1280. PMID: 20082451.

161. Dutcher JP, Morris EL, Gaynor B, Paietta E, Wiernik PH: A pilot study of carboplatin and mitoxantrone in blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia. Medical Oncology, 2010; 27:728-735. Epub 2009, August 21. PMID:19697165.

162. Rini BI, Halabi S, Roseberg JE, Stadler WM, Vaena DA, Archer L, Atkins JN, Picus J, Czaykowski P, Dutcher JP, Small EJ: Phase III trial of bevacizumab and interferon – alpha versus interferon-alpha monotherapy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Final results of CALGB 90206. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28; 2137-2143. PMID: 20368558.

163. Malouf GG, Camparo P, Oudard S,Schleiermacher G, Theodore C, Rustine A, Dutcher J, Billemont B, Bompas E, Guillot A, Couturier J, Molinie V, Escudier B: Targeted agents in metastatic Xp11 translocation/TFE3 gene fusion renal cell carcinoma : A Report from the Juvenile RCC Network. Ann Oncol, 2010; 21 (9):1834-1838. Epub ahead of print, Feb 12 2010. PMID 20154303

164. Bukowski R, Stadler WM, McDermott DF, Dutcher JP, Knox JJ, Miller Jr, WH, Hainsworth JD, Henderson CA, Hajdenberg J, Kindwall-Keller TL, Ernstoff MS, Drabkin HA, Curti BD, Chu L, Ryan CW, Hotte SJ, Xia C-H, Cupit L, Figlin RA., for the AARCS trial: Safety and efficacy of sorafenib in elderly patients treated in the North American Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Sorafenib (ARCCS) Expanded access program. Oncology 2010; 78; 340-347.

165. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Yao X-P, Venkatraj U, Falkson CI, Rowe JM, Cassileth. Phase II study of interleukin-4 in indolent B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma and B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A study of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (E5Y92). J Immunotherapy, 2010; 33(9); 1006-1009.

166. Lee SH, Baig M, Rusciano V, Dutcher JP. Novel management of pruritis in patients treated with IL-2 for metastatic renal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. J Immunotherapy. 2010; 33(9); 1010-1013.

167. Dutcher JP, Tannir N, Bellmunt J, Escudier B: Experience with sorafenib in the elderly patient. Med Oncol 2010; 27 (4) : 1359-1370. Epub 2009, Dec 31

168. Dutcher JP, Nanus D. Long-term survival of patients with sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma treated with chemotherapy, Med Oncol, 2011 28(4):1530-1533. Epub 2010 Aug 18

169. Malouf GG, Caparo P, Molinie V, Dedet G,Oudard S, Schleiermacher G, Theodore C, Dutcher J, Billemont B, Bompas E, Guillot A, Boccon-Gibod L, Couturieer J, Escudier B. TFE3 and TFEB renal cell carcinomas: Clinical features, biological behaviour and prognostic factors. J Urology, 2011; 185; 24-29. Epub Nov 12, 2010. PMID 21074195

170. Moroto JP, Hudes G, Dutcher JP, Logan TF, White C, Krygowski M, Cincotta M, Shapiro M, Duran I, Berkenblit A: Drug-related pneumonitis in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with temsirolimus. J Clin Oncol, 2011; 29:1750-1756.

170. Manola J,Bacik J, Elson P,Royston P,Mazumdar M, Motzer R, Negrier S, Escudier B, Eisen T, Dutcher J, Atkins M, Heng D, Choueiri TK, Bukowski R: Prognostic factors for survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Results from the International Kidney Cancer Working Group. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17 (16): 5443-5450; epub 2011 Aug 9;

171. Haas NB, Lin C, Manola J, Pins M, Liu G,McDermott D, Nanus D, Heath E, Wilding G, Dutcher, J. A phase II trial of doxorubicin and gemcitabine in renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features: ECOG 8802. Med Oncol, 2012; 29 (2): 761-767. Epub 2011, Feb 6;

172. Dutcher JP, Mourad W, Ennis RD: Integrating innovative therapeutic strategies into the management of renal cell carcinoma. Oncology June 2012; 526-534.

173. Procopio G, Bellmunt J, Dutcher J, Bracarda S, Knox J, Brueckner A, Molnar I, Escudier B, Hutson T: Sorafenib tolerability in elderly patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma: Results from a large pooled analysis. In Press, Br J Cancer, 2013

174. Rini BI, Garrett M, Poland B, Dutcher J, Rixe O, Wilding G, Stadler WM, Pithavala Y, Kim S, Tarazi J, Motzer R. Axitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Results of a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis. J Clin Pharmacology 53 (5):491-504, 2013

175. Dandamudi UB, Ghebremichael M, Sosman J, Clark J, McDermott D, Atkins M, Dutcher JP, Urba W, Regan M, Puzanov I, Crocenzi T, Curti BD, Vaishampayan UN, Crosby NA, Margolin KA, Ernstoff MS: A phase II study of Bevacizumab and high dose Interleukin-2 in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A Cytokine Working Group (CWG) Study J Immunotherapy,

36:490-495, 2013.

176. Dutcher JP, Neuberg D, Atkins MB, Tester WJ, Wadler S, Steward JA, Chachoua A, Schuchter LM: Report of a phase I trial of Interleukin-1 Alpha and cyclophosphamide in patients with advanced tumors: An Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Study (PX990) and Review of IL-1 based studies of hematopoietic reconstitution. In press, J Interferon and Cytokine Research 34:376-384, 2014. EPUB 2014 Jan 15 PMC 4015471

177. Choueiri TK, Pal SK, McDermott DF, Morrissey S, Ferguson KC, Holland J, Kaelin Jr WG, Dutcher JP: A phase I study of cabozantinib (XL184) in patients with renal cell cancer. Ann Oncol 2014, Aug 25 (8): 1603-1608. Epub May 2014 DOI:10.1093. 00:1-6.

178. Dutcher JP, Schwartzentruber DJ, Kaufman HL, Agarwala SS, Tarhini AA, Lowder JN, Atkins MB: High dose Interleukin-2 (Aldesleukin) – expert consensus on best management practices – 2014. J ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2014; 2:26

179. McDermott DF, Cheng S-C, Signoretti S, Margolin KA, Clark J, Sosman J, Dutcher J, Logan T, Curti B, Ernstoff M, Appleman L, Wong M, Kushalani N, Oleksowicz L, Vaishampayan U, Mier J, Panka D, Bhatt RS, Bailey A, Leibovich B, Kwon E, Kabbinavar F, Belldegrun A, Figlin R, Pantuck A, Regan M, Atkins MB: The high dose Aldesleukin (HD IL-2) “Select” trial: A trial designed to prospectively validate predictive models of response to HD IL-2 treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 2015; 21(3):561-568.

181. Flaherty K, Manola J, Pins M, McDermott DF, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, George DJ, Margolin KA, DiPaola RS: ECOG E2804: A randomized phase II study of VEGF, RAF Kinase and mTOR combination targeted therapy with Bevacizumab, Sorafenib, and Temsirolimus in advanced renal cell carcinoma In Press, J Clin Oncol 2015.

182. Carducci MA, Manola J, Nair SG, Liu G, Rousey S, Dutcher J, Wilding G. Atrasentan in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma: A phase II trial of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Submitted, 2013.

183. Haas NB, Manola J, Ky B, Flaherty KT, Uzzo RG, Kane CJ, Jewett M, Wood CG, Atkins MB, Dutcher JJ, Hariharan S, DiPaola RS. Effects of sorafenib and sunitinib on cardiac function in a population without overt metastases: Cardiac substudy of a phase III trial of sunitinib or sorafenib or placebo in patients with high risk resected renal cell carcinoma (E2805). In press, Clin Cancer Res 2015.

184. Mowla M, Bojanapally P, Rustine A, Graham S, Dutcher JP. Real practice experience with temsirolimus in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Manuscript in preparation, 2012.

185. Logan TF, Szczylik C, Tannir N, Benedetto P, Makhson A, McDermott D, Ruff P, Mikulas J, Dutcher JP, Berkenblit A, Galand L, Krygowski M, Hudes G: Effect of nephrectomy status on temsirolimus efficacy in patients with advanced poor-prognosis renal cell cancer. 2012, Submitted Urology

B. Case Reports

1. Dutcher JP, Aisner J, Hogge D, Schiffer CA: Brief Report: Donor reaction to hydroxyethyl starch during granulocytopheresis. Transfusion 1984; 24; 66-67.

2. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH - Case Report: Long term survival of a patient with multiple myeloma - A Cure? Cancer 1984; 53; 2069-2072.

3. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Gray WC: Tonsillectomy for recurrent throat infections in acute leukemia patients. N Engl J Med 1984; 311; 408. (letter to the editor).

4. Paietta E, Papenhausen P, Ciobanu N, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Biphenotypic leukemia with unusual chromosomal translocation in a patient treated for melanoma. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 1986; 21; 355-360.

5. Paietta E, Papenhausen P, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Cytogenetic and phenotypic evolution in a case of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 1986; 21;181-182. (letter to the editor).

6. Gelman KM, Ben-Ezra JM, Steinschneider M, Keefe DL, Dutcher JP, Factor SM: Lymphoma with primary cardiac manifestations. Am Heart Journal 1986; 111; 808-811.

7. Dutcher JP, Fisher M, Spivack M, Wiernik PH: Porphyria cutanea tarda in a patient with acute leukemia. Am J Hematol 1986; 23; 69-75.

8. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Acute leukemia in a patient cured of diffuse histiocytic lymphoma. Cancer Res and Clinical Oncol 1986; 112; 67-70.

9. Lauer SA, Fischer J, Jones J, Gartner S, Dutcher J, Hoxie J: Orbital involvement in systemic adult T- cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) associated with human T-cell leukemia virus-I (HTLV-I) infection. Ophthalmology 1988; 95; 110-115.

10. Catanese J, Dutcher JP, Dorfman HD, Andres DF, Wiernik PH: Mediastinal osteosarcoma with extension to lungs in a patient treated for Hodgkin's disease. Cancer 1988; 62; 2252-2257.

11. Simon KE, Dutcher JP, Runowicz CD, Wiernik PH: Adenocarcinoma arising in vulvar breast tissue. Cancer 1988; 62; 2234-2238.

12. Feinfeld DA, D'Agati V, Dutcher JP, Werfel SB, Lynn RI, Wiernik PH: Interstitial nephritis in a patient receiving adoptive immunotherapy with recombinant interleukin-2 and lymphokine activated killer cells. Am J Nephrology 1992; 11; 489-492.

13. Gucalp R, Motyl M, Carlisle P, Dutcher J, Fuks J, Wiernik PH: Clostridium cadaveris bacteremia in the immunocompromised host. Med Ped Oncol 1993; 21; 70-72.

14. Sparano JA, Brandt LJ, Dutcher JP, DuBois JS, Atkins MB: Symptomatic exacerbation of Crohns disease after treatment with high-dose interleukin-2. Ann Intern Med 1993; 118; 617-618.

15. Dutcher JP, Benchabbat A, Jones JG, Wiernik PH: Unique dermatological complication of rhM-CSF treatment. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1994; 15; 347-349.

16. Merer DM, Dutcher JP, Mercando A, Brodman R, Suhrland MJ, Bhandari A, Zimmerman D, Mitchell MS, Wiernik PH: Clinical findings and successful resection of melanoma metastatic to the right atrium. Cancer Investigation 1994; 12(4); 409-413.

17. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Leaf AN, Liao Z, Paietta E, Rosenstreich DL: Objective response of multiple myeloma to cyclosporin A. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1994; 6; 167-170.

18. Wiernik PH, Sklarin NT, Dutcher JP, Sparano JA, Greenwald ES: Adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer as a risk factor for the development of lung cancer. Medical Oncology 1994; 11; 121-125.

19. Einzig AI, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Life-threatening hyperleukocytosis and pulmonary compromise after priming with rh-GMCSF in a patient with AML. J Clin Oncol 1995; 13; 304. (letter)

20. Gucalp R., Carlisle P, Gialanella P, Mitsudo S., McKitrick J., Dutcher JP: Paecilomyces sinusitis in an immunocompromised adult patient: Case report and review. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1996; 23; 391-393.

21. Makower D, Venkatraj U, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Occurrence of myeloma in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient after response to differentiation therapy with interleukin-4. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1996; 23; 617-619.

22. Wiernik PH, DeBellis R, Muxi P, Dutcher JP: Extramedullary acute promyelocytic leukemia. Cancer 1996; 78; 2510-2514.

23. Malik UR, Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP, Ratech H, Borowitz MJ, Wiernik PH: Atypical clonal T-cell proliferation in infectious mononucleosis. Medical Oncology 1996; 13; 207-213.

24. Suh J-G, Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP: Leukocytoclastic vasculitis associated with nizatidine therapy. Am J Med 1997; 102; 216-217.

25. Malik U, Dutcher JP, Oleksowicz L: Acquired Glanzmann's thrombasthenia associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma: A case report and literature review. Cancer 1998; 82; 1764-1768.

26. Bhagwati N, Seno R, Dutcher JP, Oleksowicz L: Fulminant metastatic melanoma complicated by a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology 1998; 11; 101- 108.

27. Deshpande H, Dutcher JP, Novik Y, Oleksowicz L: Successful treatment of a patient on adrenal steroid replacement therapy with high-dose interleukin-2 for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. (Letter) The Cancer Journal from Scientific American 1999; 5(Jan-Feb); 52-53.

28. Blokh I, Oiseth SJ, Fuks J, Jain D, Eapen S, Koulova L, Alexandrescu D, Li YY, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Metastatic choriocarcinoma in a middle-aged man presenting as a right thigh mass with venous thrombosis: A case report. Medical Oncology 2003; 20(2); 189-194.

29. O’Boyle KP, Murigeppa A, Jain D, Dauber L, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Probable veno-occlusive disease after treatment with Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia and a history of liver transplantation for familial hemochromatosis. Medical Oncology 2003; 20; 379-383.

30. Alexandrescu DT, Dutcher JP, O’Boyle K, Albulak M, Oiseth S, Wiernik PH: Fatal intra-alveolar hemorrhage after rituximab in a patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Leukemia/ Lymphoma 2004; 45 (11); 2321-2325.

31. Koulova L, Alexandrrescu D, Dutcher JP, O’Boyle KP, Eapen S, Wiernik PH: Rituximab in the treatment of refractory idiopathic throbocytopenic purpura (ITP) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): A report of three cases. Am J Hematology, 2005; 78; 49-54.

32. Alexandrescu DT, Dutcher JP, Hughes JT, Kaplan J, Wiernik PH: Strokes after intravenous gamma globulin: Thrombotic phenomenon in patients with risk factors or just coincidence? Am J Hematol 2005; 78(3); 216-220.

33. Alexandrescu DT, Maddukauri P, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/Hemolytic uremic syndrome (TTP/HUS) associated with high-dose interleukin-2 for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. J Immunotherapy 2005; 28(2); 144-147.

34. Alexandrescu DT, Dutcher JP: Capecitabine-induced pancolitis, Internatl J Colorectal Dis, 2005; Jul 20. (epub)

35. Dasanu CA, Alexandrescu DT, Dutcher JP: Case Report: Yellow skin discoloration associated with sorafenib use for treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Southern Medical Journal 2007; 100; 328-330. Erratum in May 2007; 100;485, with correction of authorship.

36. Wiernik PH, Baig MA, Lee SH, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Racevskis J: Survival more than 19 years after the diagnosis of accelerated phase of chronic myelocytic leukemia. Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology 2011; 9:242-248.

37. Nagubandi R, Wang J, Dutcher J, Rao S,: A Classic Case of Unicentric Mixed Type Castleman’s disease. 2013, In Press 2013 J Clin Oncol; Diagnosis in Cancer ; Epub ahead of print October 14, 2013 as 10.1200/JCO.2012.45.9941

38. Cabot JC, Hussein S, Lee SH, DiNorcia J, Dutcher JP, Chabot JA: Renal cell cancer with metachronous metastasis to the gallbladder: A case report and review of the literature. Manuscript in preparation, 2012.

C. Reviews, Chapters, Editorials and Commentaries

1. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Adult leukemia: How to recognize the early signs. Your Patient & Cancer 1981; 1; 37-40.

2. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Adult leukemia: Treatment of choice, maintenance therapy, supportive care. Your Patient and Cancer 1981; 1; 32-46.

3. Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Dutcher JP, Daly PA, Wiernik PH: A clinical program of platelet cryopreservation. WR Vogler, Ed; In Cytapheresis and Plasma Exchange: Clinical Indications; Alan R. Liss, Inc; Phila; 1982; pp. 165-80.

4. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA: Platelet and granulocyte transfusion therapy. PH Wiernik (ed); In Supportive Care of the Cancer Patient; Futura; Mt. Kisco, NY; 1983; pp. l09-l44.

5. Schnaper N, Legg-McNamara C, Dutcher JP, Kellner TK: Emotional support of the patient and his survivors. PH Wiernik (ed); In Supportive Care of the Cancer Patient; Futura; Mt. Kisco, N.Y.; 1983; pp. l-l6.

6. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: The Leukemias. In Spittell JA (ed); Clinical Medicine, Vol. 5, Chap. 16; 1983; pp. 1-25.

7. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia. American Society of Hematology Educational microfishe and manual - 1983.

8. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Some new drugs in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). Proc 13th Int Cong Chemother 1983; 237; 52-55.

9. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: The Leukemias. J Spivak (ed); . In Fundamentals of Clinical Hematology, Second Edition; Harper and Row, Phila, PA; 1984; pp 229-254.

10. Park CM, Amare M, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Morrison FS, Maloney TR: In vitro drug sensitivity of leukemia colony forming cells in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. Clinical correlation update with various drug exposure methods. Salmon SS, Trent JM (eds); In Human Tumor Cloning; Grune and Stratton, New York, 1984; pp 619-626.

11. Dutcher JP: Labelled cells in patients with malignancy. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 1984; 14; 251-261.

12. Dutcher JP: Granulocyte transfusion therapy. Am J Med Sci 1984; 287; 13-19.

13. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Combined modality treatment of Hodgkin's disease confined to lymph nodes. Results 14 years later. Cavalli F, Bonadonna G, Rozencweig M (eds); In Malignant Lymphomas and Hodgkin's Disease: Experimental and Therapeutic Advances; Martinus Nijhoff Pub; Boston, MA; 1985; pp 317-328.

14. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Hodgkin's disease. PH Wiernik (ed); In Contemporary Issues in Clinical Oncology, Leukemias and Lymphomas; Churchill Livingstone; New York; 1985; pp 63-96.

15. Dutcher JP: Platelet transfusion therapy. PH Wiernik, GP Canellos, RA Kyle, CA Schiffer (eds), In Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood; Churchill Livingstone; New York; 1985; pp 1039-1059.

16. Dutcher JP: Transfusion supportive care. JA Spittell, Jr (ed); In Clinical Medicine, Vol 10, Ch 66; Harper & Row; Phila, PA; 1985; pp 1-22.

17. Dutcher JP: Granulocyte transfusion therapy. Wiernik PH (ed); In Mediguide to Oncology 1986; 6:1A.

18. Dutcher JP: Hematologic complications of malignancy. Schimpff SC, Moossa AR, Robson MC (eds); In Comprehensive Textbook of Oncology; Williams and Wilkins; Phila; 1986; pp 417-424..

19. Dutcher JP: Platelet and granulocyte transfusions. In Ray PK (ed); Advances in Immunity and Cancer Therapy, Volume 2; Springer-Verlag; NewYork; 1986; pp 23-61.

20. Paietta EP, Stockert RJ, Khorshidi M, Ciobanu N, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Activation-associated antigen expression by human lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. AJ McMichael (ed); In Proc Second Internatl Conf on Immunophenotyping, Leukocyte Typing III; Oxford Univ Press; Oxford, UK; 1987; pp528-530.

21. Dutcher JP, Ciobanu N, Paietta E, Marcus S, Strauman JJ, Wiernik PH: The clinical importance of Interleukin-2 -- 1986. The Einstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine 1987; 5; 1-9.

22. Dutcher JP: Hematologic abnormalities in patients with non-hematologic malignancies. Hematologic/Oncologic Clinics of North America 1987; 1:1-19.

23. Dutcher JP: Hyperleukocytosis in leukemia - An emergency; Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH (eds); In Handbook of Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies; Plenum Press; New York; 1987; pp 103- 111.

24. Dutcher JP: Transfusion reactions; Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH (eds); In Handbook of Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies; Plenum Press; NewYork; 1987; pp 139-151.

25. Dutcher JP: Thrombocytosis; Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH (eds); In Handbook of Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies; Plenum Press; NewYork; 1987; pp 113-121.

26. Dutcher JP: Bleeding and coagulopathy. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH (eds); In Handbook of Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies; Plenum Press; NewYork; 1987; pp 123-138.

27. Gucalp R and Dutcher JP: Fever and infection. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH (eds); In Handbook of Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies; Plenum Press; , NewYork; 1987; pp 153-183.

28. Wadler S and Dutcher JP: Renal insufficiency due to drugs and disease; Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH (eds); In Handbook of Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies, Plenum Press; NY, 1987; pp 41- 54.

29. Dutcher JP: Commentary: Progress toward predictive models for ANLL. by H.D. Preisler, A Raza. Oncology 1987; 1; 59-60.

30. Dutcher JP: Controversies in Oncology: Editorial Comment: Perioperative blood transfusion and solid tumor recurrence - a review. Cancer Investigation 1987; 5; 613-614.

31. Dutcher JP: Hematologic and immunologic abnormalities associated with multisystem failure. V. Kvetan, J Askanazi (eds); In Anesthesia Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders Co; Phila, PA; 1988; pp 23-37.

32. Dutcher JP: IL-2: It's role in transfusion medicine. In Transfusion Medicine Applications for Growth Factors and Biologic Response Modifiers, AABB Technical Workshop, AABB National Office, Arlingtion VA. 1988;

33. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Lymphomas involving the mediastinum and lungs. Roth JA, Ruckdeschel JC, Weisenburger TH (eds); In Thoracic Oncology; WB Saunders; Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp 448-465.

34. Dutcher JP: Granulocyte collection. AA Pineda, M Valbonesi, I Sniecinski (eds); In Donor Hemapheresis, Wichtig Editore; Milan; 1988, pp 55-64.

35. Sznol M, Dutcher JP, Rayner AA, Atkins MB, Margolin K, Fisher RI, Weiss GR, Parkinson DR, Hawkins MJ. NCI Extramural IL-2/LAK Working Group. Review of IL-2 alone and IL2/LAK clinical rials in metastatic malignant melanoma. Cancer Treatment Reviews 1989; 16(Suppl A); 29-38.

36. Dutcher JP: The potential benefit of granulocyte transfusion therapy. Cancer Investigation 1989; 7; 457-462.

37. Dutcher JP: Meeting report: American Society of Clinical Oncology. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1989; 115; 485-490.

38. Dutcher JP: Lymphokine-activated killer cells/Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes therapy: Efficacy, Toxicity, Controversies. J Clinical Apheresis 1990; 5; 80-82.

39. Dutcher JP: Therapy for acute leukemia in adults. Current Opinion in Oncology 1990; 2; 41-48.

40. Dutcher JP: Platelet transfusion therapy in patients with malignancy. Dutcher JP (ed); In Modern Transfusion Therapy. CRC Press, Inc; Boca Raton, FL; 1990; pp 25-50.

41. Dutcher JP: Granulocyte transfusion therapy in patients with malignancy. Dutcher JP (ed); In Modern Transfusion Therapy. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL; 1990; pp 135-156.

42. Dutcher JP: Platelet transfusion therapy. Wiernik PH, Canellos GP, Kyle RA, Schiffer CA (eds); In Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Second Edition Churchill Livingstone; NY; 1991;pp 881-897.

43. Dutcher JP: Oncologic emergencies. Kelly WN (editor in chief) In Textbook of Internal Medicine, Second Edition; J.B. Lippincott; Phila; 1991; pp 1231-1234.

44. Dutcher JP: Principles of Transfusion Medicine (Book Review). Annals of Internal Medicine 1991; 115:238-239.

45. Dutcher JP: Future directions of biologic therapy in cancer. Hospital Formulary 1992; 27:694-707.

46. Dutcher JP: Interferons and interleukins in cancer therapy. Mediguide to Oncology 1992; 12(3):1- 11.

47. Sklarin NT, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Hodgkin's disease and the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. A Bank (ed); In Cardinal Topics in Internal Medicine; InforMed, Columbia Univ; New York; 1992;.

48. Rao SV, Dutcher JP: Biological therapy of hematological malignancies. Resident and Staff Physician Nov, 1992. pp 21-26.

49. Paietta E and Dutcher JP: LAK cell production and quality assurance. G. Rock (ed), In Blood Transfusion Methods and Quality Assurance; CRC Press, Inc; Boca Raton, FL; 1993. pp 207-228.

50. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: The role of recombinant interleukin-2 in therapy for hematologic malignancies. Sem Oncol 1993; 20 (suppl 9); 33-40.

51. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Hodgkin Disease. Spivak J and Eichner ER (eds); In Fundamentals of Clinical Hematology, Third Edition; John's Hopkins University Press; Baltimore, MD; 1993; pp 271- 286.

52. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Leukemias. Spivak J and Eichner ER (eds); In Fundamentals of Clinical Hematology, Third Edition; John's Hopkins University Press; Baltimore, MD; 1993; pp 231- 258.

53. Leaf AW and Dutcher JP: Transfusion Therapy in Oncology, Contemporary Oncology 3(1): 26-33, 1993.

54. Dutcher JP: Interleukin-2 as a single agent in advanced renal cell cancer. Klein L, Bukowski R, Finke J (eds); In Renal Cell Cancer; Marcell Dekker, Inc; New York, NY; 1993; pp 195-200.

55. Sparano J and Dutcher JP: High dose IL-2 Treatment of Melanoma. Atkins MB and Mier JW (eds); In Therapeutic Applications of Interleukin-2; Marcel Dekker, Inc; New York, NY; 1993; pp 99-117.

56. Dutcher JP and Horwitz SB: Taxol: Mechanism of action and clinical studies. Internal Medicine for the Specialist; 1993; 14:20-26..

57. Dutcher JP: Interferons and interleukins in cancer therapy. Cancer Research, Therapy and Control; 1993; 3:181-184.

58. Sparano JA, Dutcher JP: Interleukin-2 for the Treatment of Advanced Melanoma. RH Blum and R Oratz, Eds; In Heme/Onc Annals, Vol 1, No 4, Nov/Dec 1993; pp 289-295.

59. Dutcher, JP: Oncologic Emergencies. W.N. Kelley, (ed); In Essentials of Internal Medicine; J.B. Lippincott; Phila, PA; 1994;

60. Oleksowicz L, Sparano J, O'Boyle K, Venkatraj U, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Interleukins in Cancer Therapy: Rationale and Current Status. Clinical Immunotherapy 1994; 1:271-281.

61. Oleksowicz L and Dutcher JP: A Review of the New Cytokines: IL4, IL6, IL11 and IL12. Am J Therapeutics 1994; 1:107-115.

62. Benson L, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Acute Leukemia. Booklet for the Leukemia Society of America. 1994

63. Gucalp R, Sparano J, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Introduction to Bone Marrow Transplant Symposium held at the Albert Einstein Cancer Center, Bronx, NY March 1994. (Editor for Symposium). Medical Oncology Volume 11. 1994.

64. Oleksowicz L and Dutcher JP: Cytokines and Hematopoietic Growth Factors; Brain MC and Carbone PP (eds); In Current Therapy in Hematology/Oncology - Fifth Edition,), Mosby Pub: Phila, PA; 1995; pp 25-33.

65. Sparano JA, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Low-dose Interleukin-2 for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma. NJ Vogelzang, PT Scardino, WU Shipley, DS Coffey (eds); In Comprehensive Textbook of Genitourinary Oncology; Williams & Wilkins; NY; 1995; pp 248-255.

66. Dutcher JP: Adoptive Immunotherapy; LD Petz, S Swisher, S Kleinman, R Spence, R Strauss (eds); In Clinical Practice of Transfusion Medicine, 3rd Edition; Churchill Livingstone; New York, NY; , 1995; pp 1053-1063.

67. Dutcher JP: Therapeutic Strategies for Cytokines; Steven Rosen (ed); In Current Opinion in Oncology, Vol 7 (number 6); 1995; pp 566-571.

68. Dutcher JP: Platelet and Granulocyte Transfusion Therapy. PH Wiernik, R Kyle, G Canellos, JP Dutcher (eds); In Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Third Edition; Churchill Livingstone; New York; 1996; pp 1089-1110.

69. Frishman WH, Sung HM, Yee HCM, Liu LL, Keefe D, Einzig AI, Dutcher JP: Cardiovascular Toxicity With Cancer Chemotherapy; , R.A. O'Rourke (editor in Chief); In Current Problems in Cardiology, Vol XXI; Mosby; St. Louis, Mo; 1996; pp: 225-288.

70. Gucalp R and Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies; RC Bone, WC Koller, J Faucett, J Palek, D Ettinger (eds), In Current Practice of Medicine, Oncology, Vol 3:XII; Churchill-Livingstone; New York, NY; 1996; pp 1-10.

71. Dutcher JP: Approach to the Patient with Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. WN Kelley, (editor-in- chief); In Textbook of Internal Medicine, Third Edition; J.B. Lippincott; Philadelphia, PA; 1996; pp 1272-1274.

72. Dutcher JP: Approach to the Patient with a Pathologic Fracture. WN Kelley, (editor-in-chief); In Textbook of Internal Medicine, Third Edition; J.B. Lippincott; Philadelphia, PA; 1996; pp 1293-1295.

73. Frishman WH, Sung HM, Yee HCM, Keefe D, Einzig A, Dutcher J: Cardiovascular Toxicity with Cancer Chemotherapy. WH Frishman and E Sonnenblick (eds); In Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapeutics; McGraw-Hill; New York; 1997; pp 1479-1504.

74. Oleksowicz L, Malik U, Dutcher JP: Autologous Adoptive Immunotherapy. BC McLeod (ed); In Apheresis: Principles and Practice; AABB Press; Alexandria VA; 1997; pp 475-500.

75. Frishman WH, Sung HM, Yee HCM, Keefe D, Einzig A, Dutcher J: Cardiovascular Toxicity with Cancer Chemotherapy. S D. Williamss (ed); In Current Problems in Cancer, Vol 21(6); Mosby- Year Book; St Louis, Mo; Nov/Dec 1997; pp 301-360.

76. Gucalp R., Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Overview by an oncologist: What are the imaging needs of the oncologist and oncologic surgeon? Sem Nuclear Med 1997; 27; :3-9.

77. Atkins MB, Dutcher JP: Renal Cell Cancer (letter to editor) N Engl J Med 1997; 336; 809.

78. Dutcher JP, Venkatraj U, Makower D, Wiernik PH: Interleukin-4 is a pleotropic cytokine with effects on B-cell malignancies (Commentary). Leukemia Research 1997; 21; 17-19.

79. Gucalp R, Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies; AS Fauci, E Braunwald, KJ Isselbacher, JD Wilson, JB Martin, DL Kasper, SL Hauser, DL Longo (eds). In Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th Edition; McGraw Hill; NewYork; 1998; pp 627-634.

80. Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. E Freireich (ed); In Medical Management of Hematologic Malignant Disease; Marcel Dekker; New York; 1998; pp5-18.

81. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Novel Biologic Approaches to Hematologic Malignancies; M. Tallman, L. Gordon (eds); In Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances in Hematologic Malignancies; Kluwer Internatl Press; Norwell, MA; 1999; pp 275-306.

82. Oleksowicz J, Dutcher JP: Unanswered questions in IL-2-based therapy for renal cell carcinoma. Biotherapy in Cancer 1998; 2; 88-99.

83. Gucalp R and Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies; RC Bone, WC Koller, J Faucett, J Pake, DS Ettinger (eds); In Current Practice of Medicine, Vol 3 Second Edition ; Churchill Livingstone; NY; 1999; pp 1313-1325.

84. Bukowski R and Dutcher JP: Low-dose Interleukin-2 for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma. NJ Vogelzang, PT Scardino, WU Shipley, DS Coffey (eds); In Comprehensive Textbook of Genitourinary Oncology, Second Ed; Williams & Wilkins; New York; 2000; pp 218-233.

85. Dutcher JP: Approach to the Patient with Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. H. David Humes (Editor in Chief); In Kelley’s Textbook of Internal Medicine, 4th Ed; Lippincott, Willliams & Wilkins; Phila; 2000; pp 1540-1543.

86. Dutcher JP: Approach to the Patient with a Pathologic Fracture. H. David Humes (Editor in Chief); In Kelley’s Textbook of Internal Medicine, 4th Ed; Lippincott, Willliams & Wilkins; Phila; 2000; pp 1567-1570.

87. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Accelerated and Blastic Phase of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. In Current Treatment Options in Oncology; 2000; 1; 51-62.

88. Dutcher JP, Novik Y, O’Boyle K, Marcoullis G, Secco C, Wiernik PH: Twentieth Century Advances in Drug Therapy in Oncology - Part I. J Clin Pharm 2000; 40; 1007-1024.

89. Dutcher JP, Novik Y, O’Boyle K, Marcoullis G, Secco C, Wiernik PH: Twentieth Century Advances in Drug Therapy in Oncology - Part II. J Clin Pharm 2000; 40; 1079-1092.

90. Dutcher JP: Book Review: Aplastic Anemia: Pathophysiology and Treatment (ed) H. Schrezenmeier and A. Bacigalupo. Published by Cambridge University Press 2000. Medical Oncology 2000; 17; 248.

91. Dutcher JP: Immunotherapy: Are we making a difference? Current Opinion in Urology 2000; 10; 435-439.

92. Dutcher JP. Book Review, Transfusion Therapy: Clinical Principles and Practice , P.D. Mintz (ed), AABB Press, 2000. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2000; 133; 572.

93. Dutcher JP, Kirkwood JM: Efficacy of high dose interferon as adjuvant therapy in high risk melanoma: Overview of ECOG studies 1684 and 1690. Symposium on Melanoma, Ruhr- University, Bochum . In Zeitschrift fur Hautkrankh, H+G 2000; 4(75); 220-223.

94. Gucalp R. and Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies; Braunwald, Fauci, Kasper, Hauser, Longo, Jameson (eds); In Harrison, Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th Ed; McGraw-Hill; NewYork; 2001; pp 642-650.

95. Dutcher JP: Supportive Care in Adult Leukemias. P Wiernik (ed); In Adult Leukemias; BC Decker Pub; Ontario, Canada; 2001; pp 307-342.

96. Dutcher JP: Angiogenesis and melanoma. Current Oncology Reports 2001; 3; 353-358.

97. Nelson MA, Frishman WH, Seiter K, Keefe D, Dutcher J: Cardiovascular considerations with anthracycline use in patients with cancer. Heart Disease 2001; 3; 157-168.

98. Dutcher JP: Introduction and Guest Editor: Intravenous Allopurinol in the prevention and treatment of tumor lysis syndrome. Seminars in Oncology, 2001; 28 (Suppl 5); 1-2.

99. Gucalp R, Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies. In Best Practice of Medicine Praxis.MD, Online Series. 2001-2002.

100. Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Weiss G, Margolin K, Clark J, Sosman J, Logan T, Aronson F, Mier. for the Cytokine Working Group: Kidney Cancer - The Cytokine Working Group Experience (1986-2001) Part I. IL2 Based Clinical Trials. Medical Oncology 2001; 18; 189-196..

101. Dutcher JP, Atkins MB, Margolin K, Weiss G, Clark J, Sosman J, Logan T, Aronson F, Mier J for the Cytokine Working Group: Kidney Cancer -The Cytokine Working Group Experience (1986-2001): Part II: Management of IL-2 Toxicity and Studies with Other Cytokines: Medical Oncology 2001; 18; 197-208.

102. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Commentary. Clinical impact of multidrug resistance in acute leukemia. Leukemia Res 2002; 26: 323-325.

103. Dutcher JP: Introduction: High dose Interleukin-2 in metastatic disease: Renal cell carcinoma and melanoma. Oncology 2002; 16 (11) Suppl, pp 1-2.

104. Dutcher JP: Current status of interleukin-2 therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma and metastatic melanoma. Oncology 2002; 16 (11) Suppl, pp 3-10, November.

105. Schwartz RN, Stover L, Dutcher JP: Managing toxicities of high-dose interleukin-2. Oncology 2002; 16 (11) Suppl, pp 11-22, November.

106. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Oncologic Disorders in Older Adults. Dharmarajan T, Norman C, (eds); In Clinical Geriatrics for Primary Care; Parthenon Publishing; A CRC Press Company; 2003; pp 501- 515.

107. Dutcher JP: Platelet and Granulocyte Transfusion. PH Wiernik, R Kyle, Goldman JM, JP Dutcher (eds); In Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Fourth Edition; Cambridge Pub; New York; 2003; pp. 1028-1048.

108. Dutcher JP: Hematopoietic Growth Factors; PH Wiernik, R Kyle, Goldman JM, JP Dutcher (eds); In Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Fourth Edition; Cambridge Pub; New York; 2003. pp1123- 1136.

109. Dutcher JP: Interleukin-2 Based Therapy for Kidney Cancer; R. Figlin (ed); In Kidney Cancer; Series ed, Steven Rosen; Kluwer Academic Publishers Series on Cancer Treatment and Research. Boston; 2003; pp 155-172.

110. Dutcher JP: Editorial: The role of Epstein Barr Virus and elevated levels of tumor necrosis factor in determining prognosis in Asian peripheral T-cell lymphomas. Leukemia Research, 2003; 27:467- 469.

111. Dutcher JP: Editorial: The prognostic role of detection of circulating melanoma cells in the blood. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21:757-759.

112. Dutcher JP: Is high dose interleukin-2 the treatment of choice for metastatic renal cell carcinoma? Kidney Cancer Journal 2003; (1):5-11.

113. Gucalp R, Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies; DL Kasper, E Braunwald, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, DL Longo, JL Jameson (eds); In Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition; McGraw-Hill; New York; 2004, pp 575-583.

114. Dutcher JP, Alexandrescu DT: Interleukin-2 in the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Case Studies in Oncology, Physicians Education Resources, 2004; Vol 6 (No 1) February.

115. Dutcher JP: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. R Bukowski (section editor); In Current Oncology Reports, Evolving Therapies; Current Science, Inc; Phila; 2004; 6(2): 111-115.

116. Dutcher JP: Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition. Clinical Cancer Research 2004; 10(18); 6382S-6387S.

117. Dutcher JP: Book Review: Biologic Therapy of Leukemia M.Kalaycio (ed). Medical Oncology 2004; 21: 209-210.

118. Dutcher JP: New Results in Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer with IL-2. 2004; CME Monograph sponsored by University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

119. Alexandrescu DT, Dutcher JP: Case Studies in Oncology: Interleukin-2 in the Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. 2004; CME Monograph sponsored by Baylor Cancer Center, Dallas, TX.

120. Atkins MB, Avigan DE, Bukowski RM, Childs RW, Dutcher JP, Eisen TG, Figlin RA, Finke JH, Flanigan RC, George DJ, Goldberg SN, Gordon MS, Iliopoulos O, Kaelin Jr, WG, Linehan WM, Lipton A, Motzer RJ, Novick AC, Stadler WM, Tehe BT, Yang JC, King L: Innovations and challenges in renal cancer: Consensus Statement. Clinical Cancer Research 2004; 10 (18); 6277S-6281S.

121. Dorai T, Sawczuk IS, Pastorek J, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: The role of carbonic anhydrase IX overexpression in kidney cancer. Eur J Cancer 2005; 41;2935-2947.

122. Alexandrescu DT, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Metastatic Melanoma: Is Biochemotherapy the future? Review Article. Medical Oncology 2005; 22; 101-112.

123. Dutcher JP: Book Review: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Editor Guy B. Faguet. Contemporary Hematology Series, Humana Press. Medical Oncology 2005; 22:211-212.

124. Morris EL and Dutcher JP: Blastic Phase of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology 3:1-6, 2005.

125. Alexandrescu DT, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Chemotherapy Toxicities and Complications. Young NS, Gerson SL, High KA (Eds); In Clinical Hematology; Elsevier; Phila; 2006; pp 1144-1154.

126. Hugec V and Dutcher JP: Chemotherapy for Rapidly Progressing RCC: To What Extent Do Combinations of Agents Show Potential Activity? Kidney Cancer Journal 2006; 3:5-10.

127. Karbasian-Esfahani M, Morris EL, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Blastic phase of chronic myelogenous leukemia. Curr Treat Options Oncol 2006; May 7 (3) 189-199.

128. Dutcher JP: Book Review: From Melanocytes to Melanoma: The Progression to Malignancy. Editors Vincent J. Hearing and Stanley P.L. Leong. Medical Oncology 2006; 23: 10.

129. Dutcher JP, Green RI, Moore SH: Renal Cell Carcinoma – Today’s Targeted Therapies Improving Tomorrow’s Outcomes. Continuing Education Newsletter for Nurses. Meniscus Educational Institute., 2006.

130. Dorai T, Sawczuk I, Pastorek J, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Role of carbonic anhydrases in the progression of renal cell carcinoma subtypes: Proposal of a unified hypothesis. Cancer Investigation 2006; 24; 1-26.

131. Rustine A and Dutcher JP: Case Studies in Oncology: A Patient with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Bevacizumab/Interferon Alfa Case Studies in Oncology, 2007; vol 8, no 6, PER Publications.

132. Hugec V and Dutcher JP: Management of Patients with Variants of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Papillary, Collecting Duct, Medullary and Chromophobe Carcinoma, and Sarcomatoid Dedifferentiation; Bukowski R, Novick A (eds); In Clinical Management of Renal Tumors; Humana Press; Totawa NJ; 2008; pp 529-544.

133. Gucalp R, Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies; DL Kasper, E Braunwald, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, DL Longo, JL Jameson (eds); In Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine, 17th edition; McGraw Hill; New York; 2008; pp 1730-1739.

134. Dutcher JP: Book Review: Clinical Management of Renal Tumors, Editors: Ronald Bukowski, Andrew Novick. Medical Oncology, 2008.

135. Dutcher JP: mTOR Inhibition in the Clinic, Kidney Cancer Journal, (Suppl) 2008; p9-12.

136. Hudes G, Berkinblit A, Feilngold J, Atkins MB, Rini BI, Dutcher JP: Clinical trial experience with temsirolimus in patients with advancec renal cell carcinoma. Sem Oncology 2009; Dec; 36 (Suppl 3); S25-36.

137. Dutcher JP: Introduction: History of the management of advanced renal cell cancer. Med Oncol 2009; 26 (Suppl 1); S1-2. (Editor of Supplement)

138. Gucalp R. and Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies. DL Kasper, E Braunwald, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, DL Longo, JL Jameson (eds); In Harrison, Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition; , McGraw- Hill; New York; 2010-2012; pp 2266-2278

139. Gucalp R. and Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies; D.Longo (ed); In Harrison’s Hematology and Oncology; McGraw-Hill; NewYork; 2010; Ch 51, pp 642-656.

140. Gucalp R. and Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies. J. Loscalzo (ed); In Harrison’s Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine; McGraw-Hill; New York; 2010; Ch 45, pp 475-490.

141. Dutcher JP: High dose Interleukin-2 Therapy for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma and Metastatic Melanoma: Still the Standard. Oncology 2011; Apr 30; 25:427-428.

142. Dutcher JP: mTOR Pathway-Directed Agents in Renal Cell Carcinoma. WM Stadler (ed); In Renal Cancer, Demos Medical Publishing; 2011; Emerging Cancer Therapeutics 2:1 2011; 137-144.

143. Escudier B, Dutcher JP, Hutson TE, Wilhelm S, Lewis J, Eisen T, Riedl B, Bukowski RM: Sorafenib: The First Targeted Therapy Demonstrating Clinical Benefit in RCC - Insight on its Clinical Development. Clin Cancer Res (Submitted) 2011

144. Dutcher JP: Commentary: Perceptions of Patient-Oriented Research Amonst House Staff and Faculty in a Clinically -Oriented Internal Medicine Program. Clinical and Translational Science, 2011; Oct; 4 (5):310-311.

145. Adiga GU, Dutcher JP. Colorectal Cancer; CS Pitchumoni, TS Dharmarajan, (eds) In Geriatric Gastroenterology. Springer New York; 2012; Ch 63, pp 587-595.

146. Dutcher JP and Gore M: Reaching Further with Nexavar: Efficacy and safety in RCC in open label, non-comparative expanded access programs. In Nexavar 5-Year Anniversary Book. 2011; (in press )

147. Dutcher JP: Progress in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Historical Perspective and Targeted Therapies. In Advances in Oncology for Community-Based Oncologists. 2011; In Press.

148. Dutcher JP: Platelet and Granulocyte Transfusion. In PH Wiernik, R Kyle, Goldman JM, JP Dutcher (eds); In Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Fifth Edition; Cambridge/Springer; New York; 2012; Ch 56, pp. 1265-1288

149. Dutcher JP: Therapeutic Cytapheresis, Plasmapheresis and Plasma Exchange in Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood In PH Wiernik, R Kyle, Goldman JM, JP Dutcher (eds); In Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Fifth Edition; Cambridge/Springer; New York; 2012; Ch 54 pp. 1241-1249.

150. Dutcher JP: Book Review: Targeted Therapeutics in Melanoma. Thomas F Gajewski and F. Stephen Hodi (eds) Current Clinical Oncology Series (series editor, Maurie Markman) Humana Press, 2013. In Medical Oncology 2013; 30:399-400.

151. Bellmunt J and Dutcher JP: Targeted therapies and the treatment of non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Ann Oncology 24:1730-1740, 2013.

152. Dutcher JP: Book Review: Renal Cell Carcinoma: Clinical Management. Steven C Campbell and

Brian I Rini (eds) Current Clinical Urology Series (series Editor Eric A Klein) Humana Press, 2013. In Medical Oncology, 30:1-2, 2013.

153. Geller D, Morris J, Dutcher J: Revisiting the orthopedic management of metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Rationale for a more aggressive approach. Current Orthopaedic Practice Sept/Oct 2013; 24:536-541.

154. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Deconstructing and Reinventing the IL-2 paradigm: Can alternative dosing schedules enhance tumor effect? Kidney Cancer Journal, June, 2013.

155. Dutcher J: Perspective: Results of AXIS trial indicate a significant improvement over historical survival data in renal cell carcinoma. The ASCO Post 4:77, 2013. (July 10, 2013).

156. Dutcher JP: Recent developments in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma – 2013. Ther Adv in Urology , 61:338-353, 2013.

157. Dutcher JP, Schwartzentruber DJ, Kaufman HL, Agarwala SS, Tarhini AA, Lowder JN, Atkins MB: High dose Interleukin-2 (Proleukin) - Update on best management practices - 2014. Submitted, J Immunotherapy 2014

157. Gucalp R. and Dutcher JP: Oncologic Emergencies. DL Kasper, E Braunwald, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, DL Longo, JL Jameson (eds); In Harrison, Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Edition; McGraw-Hill; New York; 2015; Ch 331, pp1787-1798.

158. Dutcher JP: Guest Editor, Kidney Cancer Journal, Volume 12, Number 4, Winter 2014, published online Genitourinary Publishing, Sarasota FL,

159. Wiernik PH, Wickramasinghe D, Dutcher JP: Families with both Hodgkin’s lymphoma and myeloma in their pedigrees. Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology, 2015 in press

160. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in patients with a personal or family history of hematologic malignancies (HM). Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology, 2015 in press

E. Abstracts * = presented

1. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Alloimmunization following platelet transfusion: The absence of a dose response relationship. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1980; 21:351.

2. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnston GS: Localization of infection using Indium-labelled granulocytes in granulocytopenic patients. Rad Soc North Amer; 1980; 66:320.

3. Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Wesley M, Wiernik PH: Effect of hyperleukocytosis in acute leukemia on remission rate, duration, and survival. Proc Amer Soc Clin Oncol; 1981; 22:491.

4. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnston GS, Sorandes TP: Localization of infection using Indium-111-labeled granulocytes in granulocytopenic patients. Proc Soc Nuc Med Mideastern Chapter; 1981; April 10.

5. *Schiffer CS, Aisner J, Dutcher JP, Reilly J, Wiernik PH: A clinical program of autologous frozen platelet transfusion. Proc Am Assoc Blood Banks Transfusion; 1981; p 618.

6. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Long-term follow-up of patients with leukemia receiving platelet transfusions: Identification of a large group of patients who do not become alloimmunized. Proc Am Assoc Blood Banks, Transfusion; 1981; pg 618

7. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnston GS, Papenberg D. Daly PA, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: The effect of histocompatibility factors on the migration of transfused Indium-111-labeled granulocytes. Blood; 1981; 58 (Suppl): 181a.

8. *Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Short-term engraftment following transfusion of leucocytes from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Blood; 1981; 58 (suppl):186a.

9. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, O'Connell BA, Levy C, Kendall JA, Wiernik PH: Incidence of thrombocytopenia and bleeding among patients with solid tumors. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1982; 1:62.

10. *Hogge DE, Dutcher JP, Aisner J, Schiffer CA: Lymphocytotoxic antibody is a predictor of response to random donor platelet transfusion. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1982; 1:59.

11. *Dutcher JP, Fox JJ, Riggs C, Johnston GS, Schiffer CA: Pulmonary retention of Indium-111-labeled granulocytes in alloimmunized patients. Blood; 1982; 60 (Suppl I):177a.

12. *Schiffer CA, Dutcher JP, Aisner J, Hogge D, Wiernik PH, Reilly JP: A randomized trial of leukocyte depleted platelet transfusion to modify alloimmunization in patients with leukemia. Blood; 1982; 60 (Suppl I):182a.

13. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnston GS, Papenberg D, Daly PA, Fox JJ, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Indium-labeled granulocytes to evaluate histocompatibility factors in granulocyte transfusions. Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on Therapy of Acute Leukemia, Rome; 1982; p125.

14. *Sutherland J, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Morphologic study of spleens taken from patients with acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) in complete remission. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Therapy of Acute Leukemia, Rome; 1982; p45.

15. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Van Sloten K, Schiffer CA, Schimpff SC, Aisner J, Angelou JE: Intensive maintenance therapy (IMT) in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on Therapy of Acute, Leukemia Rome; 1982; p39.

16. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnston GS, Papenberg D, Daly PA, Fox JJ, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Indium-labeled granulocytes to evaluate histocompatibility factors in granulocyte transfusions. Clin Res; 1982; 30:847a.

17. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Van Sloten K, Schiffer CA, Schimpff SC, Aisner J, Angelou JE: Intensive maintenance therapy (IMT) in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. Clin Pharm and Ther; 1983; 33:22l.

18. Forsthoff CA, Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Incidence of central nervous system leukemia (CNSL) in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). Proc Amer Soc Clin Oncol; 1983; 2:177.

19. Brown GE, Karpetsky TP, Testa JR, McFarland E, Dutcher J: Differences in individual species of intracellular acidic Dnase correlate with specific chromosomal abnormalities and with leukemia subtype. Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res; 1983; 24:40.

20. *Park CH, Amare M, Wiernik PH, Morrison FS, Dutcher JP, and Myers JA: Versatile drug exposure times for improved clinical chemotherapy correlation by clonic assay in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia. Proc Amer Soc Clin Oncol; 1983; 2:28.

21. *Kadakia AS, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Association of thyroid disease (TD) with acute leukemia (AL). Clin Res; 1983; 31:695A.

22. *Dutcher JP, Whitley NO, Pearl P, Finley R, Smardon C, Wiernik PH: Ethiodized oil emulsion-l3 (EOE-13) for improved CT visualization of liver and spleen metastases. Clin Res; 1983; 31:695A.

23. *Dutcher JP, Schiffer CA, Johnson GS, Papenberg D, Wiernik PH: Indium-labelled granulocytes to evaluate histocompatibility factors in granulocyte transfusions. Exptl Hemat; 1983; 11:171.

24. *Whitley NO, Dutcher JP, Pearl P, Finley RF, Whitley JE: Ethiodized oil emulsion-13 (EOE-13) for improved CT visualization of liver and spleen metastases. Proc 4th Asian-Oceanic Congress of Radiology; 1983.

25. *Dutcher JP, Markus S, Wiernik PH, Weinberg V, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, VanSloten K: Intensive maintenance therapy in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). Blood; 1983; 62 (Suppl 1):201a.

26. *Paietta E, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: TdT-positive acute progranulocyte leukemia: loss of TdT activity during differentiation with retinoids. Blood; 1983; 62 (Suppl 1):179a.

27. *Schiffer CA, Hogge DE, Aisner J, Dutcher JP, Lee EJ, Papenberg D: High dose intravenous gamma globulin in alloimmunized platelet transfusion recipients. Blood; 1983; 62 (Suppl 1):237a.

28. *Park CH, Amare M, Wiernik PH, Morrison FS, Dutcher JP, Maloney TR: In vitro drug sensitivity of leukemic colony forming cells in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia: Clinical correlation update with various drug exposure methods. Proc. 4th Internatl Conf on Human Tumor Cloning; 1984.Tucson,AZ

29. Dutcher JP, Moorehouse H, Pollack S, Wiernik P: Ethiodized oil emulsion-13 (EOE-13). A new contrast agent for CT demonstration of hepatic and splenic metastases. Proc. Amer Soc Clin Onc; 1984; 3:17.

30. *Dutcher J, Wiernik P, Goldstein M, Berensweig M, Camacho F, Ryan J. Low dose cytosine arabinoside (LD AraC) for treatment of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MOS) in elderly patients (pts). Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res; 1984; 25:189.

31. *Paietta E, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Retinoic acid induces maturation of leukemic lymphocytes in vitro. Proc Amer Soc Clin Onc; 1984; 3:65.

32. *Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Combined modality treatment of Hodgkin's disease confined to lymph nodes. Proc Second Internatl Conference on Malignant Lymphoma; 1984; Lugano, Sz.

33. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Treatment of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia in patients older than 60 years of age. Proc Internatl Soc of Hematology; 1984; (abst 426) Buenos Aires, Argent.

34. *Paietta E, Dutcher JP, Papenhausen P, Wiernik PH: Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) as diagnosed by cytogenetics and in vitro induction of differentiation. Clin Res; 1984; 32:706A.

35. Markman HD, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Charbonneau D: The unfulfilled obligation of many medical schools to teach colorectal cancer detection in clinical medicine. Med Pediatr Oncol; 1984; 12:29A.

36. *Paietta E, Reed J, Dutcher JP, Ciobanu N, Jacobson G, Wiernik PH: Estradiol receptors (ER) in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): Effect of hydrocortisone in vivo and in vitro. Blood; 1984; 64:171a.

37. *Dutcher JP, Strauman JJ, Wiernik PH: Treatment of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in patients older than 60 years of age. Blood; 1984; 64:163a.

38. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Strauman JJ, Spielvogel A, Dukart G: Mitoxantrone (MITOX) and cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C) in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) and blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML-B). Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol; 1985; 4:170.

39. Lipton RE, Dutcher JP, Berger A, Arezzo J, Wiernik PH, Schaumburg HH: Early detection of peripheral neuropathy in cancer patients. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol; 1985; 4:261.

40. *Dutcher JP, Spivack M, Mohandas K, Wiernik PH: A clinical program of platelet cryopreservation. Proc VIIIth Int Society of Haematology, Warsaw, Poland; 1985.

41. *Paietta E, Papenhausen P, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: CML-blast crisis: immunologic and karyotypic heterogeneity. Blood; 1985; 66:181a.

42. *Dutcher JP, Markus S, Schiffer CA, Wiernik PH: Intensive maintenance therapy (IMT) in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1986; 5:152.

43. *Wiernik PH, Strauman JJ, Engel SI, Schwartz EL, Dutcher JP: Taxol (T) phase I and pharmacokinetic study. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1986; 5: 32.

44. *Dutcher JP, Strauman JJ, Paciucci PH, Holland JF, Wiernik PH: Mitoxantrone (MITOX) and cytarabine for treatment of chronic myelogneous leukemia-blast crisis (CML-BC). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1986; 5:166.

45. *Dutcher JP, Kendall J, Papenberg D, Schiffer CA, Aisner J, Wiernik PH: Concurrent administration of Amphotericin B (Ampho) and granulocyte transfusions (Gran Tx): Lack of detrimental effect. Clin Res; 1986; 34:561A.

46. *Lipton RB, Dutcher J, Arezzo J, Kaplan J, Wiernik P, Schaumburg HH: Taxol produces a predominantly sensory neuropathy. Ann Neurol; 1986; 20:132.

47. *Paietta E, Stockert RJ, Khorshidi M, Ciobanu N, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Activation-associated antigen expression by human lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. Proc Second Internatl Conf on Immunophenotyping, Oxford; 1986.

48. *Dutcher JP, Paciucci PA, Wiernik PH, Strauman JJ, Cuttner J, Holland JF: Mitoxantrone (M) + Ara-C in patients with relapsed or refractory acute myelocytic leukemia. Blood; 1986; 67(Suppl):221a.

49. *Ciobanu N, Paietta E, Lalezari P, Dutcher JP, Thompson D, Wiernik PH: L-Leucyl-Leucine methyl ester prevents the generation and inhibits the activity of lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells. Blood; 1986; 67 (Suppl):93a.

50. *Dutcher JP, Paciucci PA, Wiernik PH, Strauman JJ, Cuttner J, Holland JF: Mitoxantrone and Ara-C in the treatment of relapsed or refractory ANLL. Proc 4th International Symposium on Therapy of Acute Leukemia, Rome; 1987.

51. *Dutcher JP, Strauman JJ, Wiernik PH: Phase I-II study of deoxydoxorubicin (DxDx) for relapsed and refractory acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). Proc 4th International Symposium on Therapy of Acute Leukemia, Rome; 1987.

52. *Dutcher JP, Ryan J, Spivack M, Wiernik PH: Decreased anticoagulant requirement in thrombocytopenic patients (pts) undergoing lymphocytapheresis (LP). Proc Haemonetics 12th International Apheresis Symposium; 1987.

53. *Dutcher JP, Creekmore S, Weiss GR, Margolin K, Markowitz AB, Roper MA, Parkinson D: Phase II study on high dose interleukin-2 (IL-2) and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells in patients (pts) with melanoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1987; 6:246.

54. *Dutcher JP, Strauman JJ, Riggs CE, Link B, Wiernik PH: Phase I-II clinical and pharmacologic study on deoxydoxorubicin (DxDx) for relapsed and refractory acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1987; 6:160.

55. *Paietta E, Gucalp R, Papenhausen P, Radel E, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Lineage promiscuity in acute leukemia. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1987; 6:161.

56. *Wadler S, Einzig A, Dutcher JP, Ciobanu N, Landau L, Wiernik PH: Phase II trial of recombinant alpha-2b-interferon (IFN) and low dose cyclophosphamide (cy) in advanced melanoma and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1987; 6:246.

57. *Marcus SL, Dutcher J, Ciobanu N, Paietta E, Strauman J, Wiernik PH, Baker H, Frank O: Micronutrient depletion in patients treated with high-dose interleukin-2 (IL-2) and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1987; 6: 247.

58. Marcus SL, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Ciobanu N, Wiernik PH: Plasma free catecholamines in patients during immunotherapy with high-dose interleukin-2 (IL-2). Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1987; 28:369.

59. *Riggs CE, Dutcher JP, Strauman JJ, Link B, Wiernik PH: Pharmacokinetics of esorubicin in a phase I trial in patients with acute leukemia. Clin Pharmacol and Therapeutics; 1988; 43:193.

60. *Einzig AI, Trump DL, Sasloff J, Gorowski E, Dutcher J, Wiernik PH: Phase II pilot study of taxol in patients (pts) with malignant melanoma (mm). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1988; 7:249.

61. *Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Benson L, Gucalp R: Aggressive treatment of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) in patients older than 60 years of age. Proc International Soc Hematology; 1988; p. 69.

62. *Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Gucalp R, Garl S, Benson L: MOAD therapy in adult patients (pts) with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Proc International Soc Hematology; 1988; p. 250.

63. *Dutcher JP, Arlin Z, Paietta E, Rowe J, Kellermeyer R, Wiernik PH: Phase II study of mitoxantrone (mitox) and 5-azacytidine (5aza) for blast crisis (BC) chronic myeloid (my) leukemia (CML). Proc International Soc Hematology; 1988; p. 172.

64. *Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Treatment of relapse in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). Haematologica; 1988; 73:120.

65. *Dutcher JP, Adinolfi C, Garl S, Salva K, Azar C, Wiernik PH: Treatment of hairy cell leukemia (HCL) with B-ser interferon (B-IFN) in previously treated patients or deoxycoformycin (DCF) in patients failing interferons. Haematologica; 1988; 73:190.

66. *Sznol M, Dutcher JP, Rayner AA, Atkins MB, Margolin K, Fisher RI, Weiss G, Parkinson DR, Hawkins MJ. NCI Extramural IL-2/LAK Working Group. Phase II trials of IL-2/LAK or IL-2 alone in melanoma - Experience of the IL-2/LAK Working Group (ILWG). Proc EuroCetus Meeting; 1988..

67. *Einzig AI, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Sasloff J, Gorowski E. Phase I/II trials of Taxol: Responses observed in malignant melanoma. Proc EORTC New Drug Development Conference; 1989.

68. *Sznol M, Atkins MB, Dutcher J, Fisher RI, Weiss G, Margolin K, Aronson F, Hawkins MJ. NCI IL-2/LAK Extramural Working Group. Experience of the NCI IL-2/LAK Extramural Working Group (ILWG) in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and melanoma. Proc of EORTC New Drug Development Conference; 1989.

69. *Fisher RI, Weiss GR, Margolin KA, Aronson FR, Hawkins MJ, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP. NCI Extramural IL-2/LAK Working Group. Interleukin-2 plus lymphokine activated killer cell (IL-2/LAK) treatment of metastatic renal cancer. Proc 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Urologic Oncology; 1989.

70. *Dutcher JP, Moore R, Wagner B, Ryan J, Holmes M, Schuyler B: Lymphocytopheresis for killer cell generation and in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J Clin Apheresis; 1989; 5:38.

71. *Dutcher JP: LAK/TIL cell therapy: Efficacy, toxicity, controversies. Proc Am Soc Apheresis; 1989.

72. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Arlin Z, Paietta E, Rowe J, Kellermeyer R, Andersen J: Mitoxantrone (Mitox) and 5-Azacytidine (5AZA) for patients (pts) with accelerated (AC) or blast crisis (BC) Ph1 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1989; 8:205.

73. *Dutcher JP, Gaynor E, Boldt DH, Doroshow J, Rayner AA, Sznol M, Mier J: Phase II study of high dose intravenous continuous infusion (IVCI) interleukin-2 (IL2) and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells in patients (pts) with metastatic melanoma (mm). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1989; 8:282.

74. Gucalp R, Dutcher JP, Sparano J, Grima K, Sessa G, Ciobanu N, Wiernik PH: Phase I pilot study of moderate dose continuous infusion (IVCI) recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL2) in patients (pts) with refractory malignancy. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1989; 8:190.

75. *Ciobanu N, Dutcher J, Gucalp R, Sparano J, Goldman M, Adinolfi C, Fitzgerald E, Wiernik PH. High dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) for malignant melanoma after failure of interleukin-2 (IL2) and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1989; 8:281.

76. *Wiernik PH, Schwartz B, Dutcher JP, Turman N, Adinolfi C: Treatment of patients (pts) with hairy cell leukemia (HCL) with B-ser-interferon (bIFN). Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1989; 30:388.

77. *Gallagher R, Pua I, Shao WB, Papenhausen P, Dutcher J, Wiernik PH: Multiple bcr rearrangements during the clinical course of a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1989; 30:56.

78. *Lipton RB, Galer B, Portenoy RK, Dutcher JP, Meller F, Pahmer V, Arezzo J, Wiernik PH, Schaumburg HH. Large and small fiber type sensory dysfunction in patients with cancer. Neurology; 1989; 39(Suppl 1):320.

79. *Shalmi CL, Dutcher JP, Feinfeld DA, Chun KJ, Saleemi KR, Freeman LM, Lynn RI, Wiernik PH: Acute renal failure during interleukin-2 (IL2) treatment - an intrinsic renal lesion. Clin Res 1989; 37:862A.

80. Ryan J, Caliendo G, Wagner B, Grima K, Dutcher JP: Three year experience with lymphocytopheresis (LK) for adoptive immunotherapy in malignant diseases. Transfusion; 1989; 29(Suppl):44S.

81. *Wagner B, Ryan J, Grima K, Ciobanu N, Caliendo G, Mohandas K, Spivack M, Dutcher JP: Platelet transfusion support for autologous bone marrow transplantation. Proc Am Soc for Apheresis; 1990; abst #45.

82. *Moskowitz C, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Association of thyroid disease (TD) with acute leukemia (AL). Clin Res; 1990; 38:397A.

83. *Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Gucalp R, Markus S, Esterhay R, Schiffer C, Weinberg V, Paietta E, Garl S, Benson L. MOAD therapy for adult acute lymphocytic leukemia. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1990; 9:205.

84. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Reilly J, Salva K, Dutcher JP. Infusional cyclophosphamide (C), Adriamycin (A), and etoposide (E) in relapsed/refractory Hodgkins (HD) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1990; 9:267.

85. Wallerstein Jr R, Davidson W, Dutcher J, Freireich E, Hester J, Wiernik P, Deisseroth A, Block J. Safety, efficacy and preliminary anti-cancer activity of blood tryptophan depletion (BTD) therapy using a new extracorporeally placed device. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1990; 9:82.

86. Sznol M, Mier J, Gaynor E, Dutcher J, Weiss G, Margolin K, Hawkins M, Louie A, Bar M. A Phase I study of high dose IL-2 (Cetus) with interferon-alfa 2B. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1990; 31:264.

87. *Strack M, Grima K, Sussman I, Dutcher J, Wiernik PH: Coagulation abnormalities associated with interleukin-2 therapy for metastatic cancer. Clin Res; 1990; 38: 776A.

88. Sparano J, Dutcher J, Caliendo G, Kaleya R, Fiorito J, Wiernik PH: Colonic ischemia complicating treatment with interleukin-2 and alpha-interferon. Clin Res; 1990; 38:776A.

89. *Sparano J, Walpole E, Paietta E, Dutcher J, Pellone C, Wiernik PH: Cytotoxicity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients treated with interleukin-2 and alpha-interferon. Clin Res; 1990; 38:776A.

90. *Grima K, Dutcher J, Gale B, Paietta E, Chun J. Indium-111 LAK cells localize to tumor and myocardium. Proc Am Assoc Blood Banks; Transfusion 1990; 30: 54S.

91. Ryan J, Dutcher JP, Wagner B, Grima K, Wiernik PH. Therapeutic leukopheresis (LP) in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Proc Am Assoc Blood Banks; Transfusion; 1990; 30:43S.

92. *Gallagher R, Ahearn G, Thompson D, Strack M, Paietta E, Dutcher J, Wiernik PH: Retinoic acid-enhanced neutrophilic differentiation of granulocyte-macrophage progenitors in blastic crisis chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Blood; 1990; 76(Suppl 1):272a.

93. *Gallagher R, Paietta E, Strack M, Dutcher J, Wiernik P: Cell culture studies of a chronic myelogenous leukemia blast crisis patient responsive to clinical treatment with trans-retinoic acid. In Proc Fourth Conference on Differentiation Therapy; F. Takaku, G Rossi, S Waxman (eds), Chiba, Japan, Ares Serono Symposium, 1990, p 117.

94. *Wagner B, Moore R, Grima K, Dutcher J: Granulocytopheresis efficiency: Comparison of COBE 2997 to the COBE Spectra automated granulocyte protocol. J Clin Apheresis; 1991; 6:186.

95. *Dutcher JP, Schwartz El, Wiernik PH, Brechbuhl AB, Benson L, Garl S: Phase I study of menogaril (M) with pharmacokinetics (PK) in acute leukemia (AL). Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1991; 32:179.

96. *Walpole E, Dutcher JP, Sparano J, Gucalp R, Einzig A, Paietta E, Ciobanu N, Grima K, Caliendo G, Cavasotto G, Wiernik PH: Survival after phase II treatment of advanced renal cell cancer (RCC) with taxol (T) or high dose interleukin-2 (IL2). Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1991; 32:186.

97. *Volterra F, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Sklarin NT: Breast cancer (BC) and lymphoma (LY) in the same patients. A possible relationship. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1991; 32:195.

98. *Sagayadan G, Dutcher J, Wiernik P, Gallagher R: Effect of trans-retinoic acid and interferon- on clonogenic chronic myelogenous leukemia blast crisis cells. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1991; 32:32.

99. Dutcher JP, Martin K, Wiernik PH. Mitoxantrone (M), Vinblastine (V), and CCNU (C): An active regimen in Hodgkin's disease. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1991; 10:286.

100. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Trager M, Dutcher JP: Infusional cyclophosphamide (C), doxorubicin (D), and etoposide (E): An active regimen in relapsed (RL) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1991; 10:286.

101. *Krigel R, Lynch E, Kucuk O, Tester W, Chang A, Bonomi P, Huberman M, Padavic K, Dutcher J, Blum R, Comis R: Interleukin 2 (IL2) therapies prolong survival in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1991; 10:246.

102. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Gucalp R, Markus S, Esterhay R, Paietta E, Benson L, Azar C. MOAD therapy for adult lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Haematologica; 1991; 76 (suppl 4):66.

103. Strack M, Sussman I, Grimma K, Solomon T, Merer D, Caliendo G, Wiernik P, Dutcher J. Unique pattern of change of coagulation factors (CF) during interleukin-2 (IL2) therapy. Blood; 1991; 78 (suppl 1):485a.

104. *Gaynor B, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Wiernik PH: Carboplatin (carbo) plus mitoxantrone (mitox) therapy in relapsed/refractory acute leukemia (AL) and blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CMLBC). Blood; 1991; 78 (Suppl 1):31a.

105. *Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Todd M, Duffy T, Caliendo G, Benson L: Polyethylene glycolated (PEG) interleukin-2 (IL2) as maintenance therapy for acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in second remission (CR). Blood; 1991; 78 (Suppl 1):42a.

106. Venkatraj U, Beitler J, Dutcher J, Wiernik PH: Pulmonary leucostasis in acute leukemia. Proc Am Radium Soc; 1992.

107. Sosman J, Fisher RI, Weiss G, Margolin KA, Aronson FR, Sznol, Atkins MB, Dutcher J. Phase IA/IB trial of anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (OKT3) with high dose IL2 in renal cell (RCC) and melanoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1992; 11:254.

108. Margolin K, Doroshow J, Akman S, Leong L, Morgan R, Raschko J, Somlo G, Dutcher J, Gucalp R, Hawksworth K, Caliendo G: Phase I study of interleukin-2 (IL2) with Adriamycin (ADR). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1992; 11:250.

109. *Mrowiec ZR, Puzhkin E, Dutcher JP: Metabolism of cryopreserved platelets. Proc Am Assoc Blood Banks; Transfusion 1992; 32:45S.

110. *Coletti D, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Wiernik PH: Alpha-interferon and plicamycin for accelerated phase chronic myelogenous leukemia. Blood; 1992; 80 (Suppl): 211a.

111. *Coletti D, Dutcher JP, Paietta E, Wiernik PH: Alpha interferon + plicamycin for accelerated phase chronic myelogenous leukemia. Proc Am College of Physicians regional meeting; 1993.

112. *Oleksowicz L, Zuckerman D, Mrowiec Z, Puszkin E, Dutcher J: Functional platelet aberrations in patients receiving IL-2 as immunotherapy. Proc XIVth Congress of International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis; 1993.

113. *Ciobanu N, Sparano JA, Gucalp R, Dutcher J, Walewski J, Marcoullis G, Wiernik PH: High-dose cisplatin, carmustine and thiotepa plus autologous bone marrow transplantation in advanced cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1993; 12:463.

114. *Vlock D, Kalish L, Crouse C, Dutcher J, Adams G: Phase II trial of interferon alpha and chemotherapy in locally recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer. Preliminary results of ECOG trial EST 1390. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1993; 12:284.

115. Dutcher JP, Fisher RI, Weiss G, Aronson FR, Margolin K, Caliendo G, Louie A, Atkins M: An outpatient regimen of subcutaneous interleukin-2 plus alpha-interferon in metastatic renal cell cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1993; 12:248.

116. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Mitoxantrone, Vinblastine and CCNU: A highly active regimen in poor prognosis Hodgkin's disease. Proc Fifth International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma; Lugano, Switzerland; 1993.

117. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Todd M, Caliendo G, Benson L: Interleukin-2 as maintenance therapy for acute myelogenous leukemia in second remission. Experimental Hematology; 1993; 21:1048

118. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Einzig AI, Cassileth P: Mitoxantrone, vinblastine and CCNU (MVC): A highly active regimen in poor prognosis Hodgkin's disease. Blood; 1993; 82 (Suppl 1):143a.

119. *Dutcher JP, Leong T, Makary A, Paietta E, Bennett J, Cassileth P, Wiernik PH: Phase II study of menogaril in patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia - EST 8490. Blood; 1993; 82(Suppl 1): 130a.

120. Ciobanu N, Lazarus HM, DeBellis R, Ascensao J, Sparano JA, Gucalp R, Dutcher JP, Fox RM, Creger RJ, Cooper BE, Berson SL, Nese M, Bello L, Wiernik PH: Autologous bone marrow transplantation using ex-vivo etoposide purged marrow in patients with poor risk lymphomas and acute leukemias. Blood; 1993; 82(Suppl 1): 629a.

121. *Fay JW, Collins R, Pineiro L, Dutcher J, Gucalp R, Grinblatt D, Lazarus HM, Williams S, Cooper BW, Manfredo S, Issacs R: Concomitant administration of interleukin-6 and leucomax following autologous bone marrow transplantation - a phase I trial. Blood; 1993; 82(Suppl 1):431a.

122. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Leaf A, Khalil A: Infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide in relapsed resistant and poor-prognosis non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Blood; 1993; 82(Suppl 1):137a.

123. Oleksowicz L, Mrowiec Z, Zuckerman D, Isaacs R, Dutcher J, Puszkin E: Enhancement of platelet aggregation by IL-6: Evidence for a direct effect on platelet function. Blood; 1993; 82(Suppl 1): 610a.

124. *Mrowiec ZR, Oleksowicz L, Zuckerman D, Dutcher J, Lalezari P, Puszkin EG: Advantages of buffy coat platelets stored at room temperature. Blood; 1993; 82(Suppl 1):400a.

125. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Sarta C, Strack M, Leaf A: Infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide in HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: A followup report of a highly active regimen. Blood; 1993; 82(Suppl 1):386a.

126. *Sparano J, Lipsitz S, Wadler S, Hansen R, Benson AB, Dutcher JP: Clinical features predicting development of toxicity in patients with pancreatic cancer treated with continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil plus interferon-alpha. Proc Soc Biol Ther; 1993.

127. *Sparano JA, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Wadler S, Caliendo G, Nobile L: A phase II trial of low-dose continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil plus interferon-alpha in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Proc Soc Biol Ther; 1993.

128. *Zuckerman D, Oleksowicz L, Mrowiec Z, Korshidi M, Herz F, Dutcher J, Puszkin E: Role of GPIIb/IIIa and GPIb in breast carcinoma-platelet interactions. Proc Exptl Biol; 1994.

129. *O'Boyle K, Wang Y, Schwartz E, Einzig A, Regl D, Dutcher J, Wiernik P, Horwitz S: Detection of taxol in human sera, cerebrospinal fluid, ascites, and pleural fluid using a novel monoclonal antibody and two radioimmunoassay techniques. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1994; 35:241.

130. *Oleksowicz L, Puszkin E, Mrowiec Z, Zuckerman D, Isaacs R, Dutcher J: Characterization of effects of IL-6 on platelet activation and metabolic function in phase I clinical trials. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1994; 35:519.

131. Caliendo G, Dutcher J, Lasala P, Mitnick R, Wiernik P: Phase II trial of merbarone in brain tumor patients. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1994; 13:180.

132. *Sznol M, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, Fisher RI, Weiss GR, Margolin KA: A phase II trial of a daily 1-hour intravenous infusion of interleukin-6 for metastatic malignant melanoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1994; 13:396.

133. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Sarta C, Leaf A, Hu XP: A pilot trial of infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and etoposide plus didanosine in HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1994; 13:51.

134. *Einzig AI, Schuchter LM, Wadler S, Coatsworth S, Dutcher JP, Reci A, Mollman J, Wiernik PH: Phase II trial of Taxotere (RP 56976) in patients with metastatic melanoma previously untreated with cytotoxic chemotherapy. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1994; 13:395.

135. Leaf A, Schwartz E, Ritch P, Dutcher J, Adams G: A phase II study of amonafide in carcinoma of the head and neck. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1994; 13:286.

136. Fay JW, Stein B, Collins R, Pineiro L, Dutcher J, Gucalp R, Grinblastt D, Lazarus HM, Williams S, Cooper BW, Resta D, Issacs R: Concomitant administration of interleukin-6 (rhIL-6) and rhGM-CSF following autologous bone marrow transplantation - A phase I trial update. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1994; 13:111.

137. *Schuchter L, Neuberg D, Atkins M, Tester B, Reclo A, Sickles C, Moore J, Light B, Anderson T, Chachoua A, Dutcher J: A phase I study of interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1) and high dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) in patients with advanced cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1994; 13:133.

138. *Carlisle P, Gucalp R, Gialanella P, McKitrick J, Wiernik PH, Dutcher J: Amphotericin B resistant paecilomyces fungal sinusitis. Proc 8th Internatl Symp Infections in Immunocompromized Host; 1994.

139. *Oleksowicz L, Mrowiec Z, Isaacs R, Puszkin E, Dutcher J: Enhancement of platelet function by IL3 and IL6 in myeloablated patients. Blood; 1994; 84(Suppl 1):29a.

140. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Leaf A, Henry D, Mason B, Sarta C, Hu X, Dutcher JP: Didanosine ameliorates neutropenia in patients with HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and etoposide (CDE). Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1995; 36:203.

141. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Yu L, Sarta C, Dutcher JP, Leaf A: Central nervous system prophylaxis and therapy in patients with HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide. Proc Am Radium Society; 1995.

142. Dutcher JP, Caliendo G, LaSala P, Sparano J, Oleksowicz L, O'Boyle K, Wiernik PH: Treatment and course of brain metastases in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer. Proc Am Radium Society; 1995.

143. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Markus S, Schiffer CA: 15-year follow-up of adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia: Study BCRC 7802. Proc XXVI Annual meeting International Socieity Hematology, 1995.

144. *Dutcher JP, Fisher R, Weiss G, Aronson F, Margolin K, Louie A, Atkins M: Outpatient subcutaneous interleukin-2 plus alpha-interferon in metastatic renal cell cancer: 3 year follow-up of the cytokine working group study. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1995; 14:332.

145. *Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Hu XP, Sarta C, Dutcher JP, Hanau L, Leaf A: Opportunistic infection in patients with HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin & etoposide: A case control study. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1995; 14:289.

146. Vlock DR, Kalish L, Crouse C, Dutcher J, Adams G: Phase II trial of interferon alpha (IFN) and chemotherapy in locally recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer (SCCHN). Results of ECOG trial EST 1390. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1995; 14:303.

147. Mrowiec ZR, Oleksowicz L, Zuckerman D, Deleon-Fernandez M, Khorshidi M, Dutcher JP, Puszkin EG: Buffy coat platelets stored in plasma containing apyrase, aprotinin and ascorbic acid. Transfusion; 1995; 35(Suppl 1):7S.

148. Novik Y, Dutcher JP, Oleksowicz L: Interleukin-2 & Interleukin-11: Absence of an effect on in vitro agonist-induced platelet aggregation and platelet GMP-140 expression. Blood; 1995; 86 (suppl 1):701a.

149. Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP, DeLeon M, Etkind P: GPIb is expressed by MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells. Blood; 1995; 86(Suppl 1):85a.

150. Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Hu X, Dutcher JP, Sarta C, Henry D, Mason B: Didanosine (ddI) ameliorates neutropenia and thrombocytopenia in patients with HIV-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) treated with infusional cyclophosphamide (C), doxorubicin (D), and etoposide (E) plus granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). Blood; 1995; 86(Suppl 1): 934a.

151. Dutcher JP, Lee S, Paietta E, Bennett J, Stewart J, Wiernik PH: An ECOG phase II study of carboplatin in blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML-BC) (E1992). Blood; 1995; 86 (Suppl 1):757a.

152. *Dutcher JP, Logan T, Gordon M, Sosman J, Weiss G, Margolin K, Plasse T, Atkins M. 5FU + Subcutaneous (SC) interleukin-2 (IL2) plus SC Intron (IFN) in metastatic renal cell cancer (RCC) patients (pts). A CWG Study. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1996; 15:272 (abst 725).

153. *Margolin K, Atkins M, O'Boyle K, Sosman J, Weiss G, Lotze M, Dutcher J, Fisher R. Prospective randomized trial of lisofylline (LSF) for the modulation of interleukin-2 (IL-2) toxicity. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1996; 15:273 (abst 729).

154. Small EJ, Weiss G, Dutcher J, Walther P, Johnson D, Wilding G, Kuzel T, Kralik C, Paton V. Preliminary results from a multicenter open-label trial of ActimmuneR interferon gamma-1b injection (rIFN-g) for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Favorable safety profile. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1996; 15:259 (abst 674).

155. *Schuster MW, Ackley L, Smith M, Doukas M, Pendergrass K, Dutcher J, Harris J, Levine J, Tubridy K, Sherman M. Phase II open-label evaluation of recombinant human macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhM-CSF) in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1996; 15:273 (abst 730).

156. O'Boyle K, Coatsworth S, Anthony G, Ramirez M, Greenwald E, Kaley R, Steinberg JJ, Wadler S, Dutcher J, Wiernik P. Effects of desialylation of ovine submaxillary mucin (OSM) on humoral and cellular immunity to Tn and sialylated Tn. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1996; 37:491 (abst 3352).

157. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Mitoxantrone, Vinblastine and CCNU (MVC): A highly active regimen in poor prognosis Hodgkin's disease. Proc VI Internatl Conf on Malignant Lymphoma, Lugano; Ann Oncol 1996; 7:115.

158. Dutcher JP: The emerging role of immunotherapy in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Proc VI Internatl Conf on Malignant Lymphoma, Lugano, 1996. Satellite Symposium. Ann Oncol; 1996; 7:229.

159. *Wiernik PH and Dutcher JP: Should maintenance therapy for acute leukemia be revisited? Expt Hematol; 1996; 24:1123.

160. *Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP, DeLeon M, Etkind P: Platelet immunorelated GPIb is expressed by fresh human tumor specimens. Blood; 1996; 88(Suppl 1):180a.

161. *Dutcher J, Atkins M, Fisher R, Weiss G, Margolin K, Aronson F, Lotze M, Gordon M. IL2-based therapy in metastatic renal cell cancer: Cytokine Working Group Experience. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1997; 16:327a.

162. Dutcher J, Lee S, Makary A, Hines J, Bennett J, Paietta E, Gallagher R, Rowe J, Wiernik PH: ECOG phase II study (E1993) of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in accelerated/blastic chronic myeloid leukemia. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1997; 16:30a.

163. Venkatraj U, Lee S, Logie K, Palackdharry C, Stewart J, Hamilton S, Wiernik PH, Cassileth P, Sznol M, Dutcher JP. ECOG phase II trial of interleukin-4 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (E5Y92). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1997; 16:126a.

164. Small EJ, Weiss G, Dutcher J, Walther P, Johnson D, Wilding G, Kuzel T, Kralik G, Paton V: A multicenter open-label trial of ActimmuneR interferon-gamma-1b injection for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1997; 16 343a.

165. Lotze M, Atkins M, Dutcher J, Fisher R, Margolin K, Weiss G, Abrams J, Sznol M, Parkinson D, Hawkins M, Paradise C, Rosenberg SA. Melanoma patients with durable responses to IL-2 treatment: Role of surgical salvage for persistent or recurrent disease. Proc 4th World Conference on Melanoma, 1997.

166. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Pilot study of carboplatin and mitoxantrone as treatment for blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia. Proc XIVth Meeting of Internatl Society Haematology, European & African Division, 1997.

167. *Flaherty L, Atkins M, Clark J, Dutcher JP, Gordon M, Lotze M, Margolin K, Sosman J, Weiss G: Randomized phase II trial of chemotherapy and outpatient biotherapy in metastatic malignant melanoma. Chemotherapy Foundation Annual Meeting, November 1997; Cancer Investigation 1997; 16(Suppl 1): 28-29.

168. Malik UR, Challagalla JD, Sparano JA, Gucalp R, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Decreased platelet transfusion requirement in patients transplanted with peripheral blood stem cells. Proc Am Assoc Blood Banks, Transfusion 1997; 37:167S.

169. *Dutcher JP, Caliendo G, Oleksowicz L, Sparano J, Suh J, Novik Y, Wiernik PH: Phase II study of moderate dose bolus IL2 plus GM-CSF in metastatic renal cell cancer. J Immunotherapy; 1997; 20:402.

170. *Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP, DeLeo-Fernandez M, Etkind P: Breast carcinoma GPIb -related protein expression is regulated by a PKC-sensitive mechanism. Blood; 1997; 90(Suppl 1):425a.

171. Bhagwati N, Dutcher JP. Fineberg S, Oleksowicz L: Tissue expression of a platelet-immunorelated GPIb receptor correlates with breast malignancy and tissue invasion. Blood; 1997; 90(Suppl 1): 301a.

172. *Dutcher JP, Wu J-J, Caliendo G, Hu X-P, Oleksowicz L, Sparano J, Wiernik PH: Mixed sarcomatoid/clear cell renal cell cancer (RCC) has an improved prognosis over pure sarcomatoid RCC. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 1998; 39: 593(Abst 4036).

173. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Pilot study of carboplatin and mitoxantrone in blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1998; 17:23a (abst 89).

174. *Oleksowicz L, Dutcher JP: A phase II pilot trial of dose-intensive interleukin-2 in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1998; 17:318a (abst 1227).

175. Plasse T, Goss T, Dutcher J, Logan T, Gordon M, Clark J, Weiss G, Margolin K, Atkins M: Quality of life (QOL) assessment of renal cancer patients treated with interleukin-2, interferon-alpha, and 5-fluorouracil. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1998; 17: 67a (abst 260).

176. *Anand K, Sparano JA, Gucalp R, Malik U, Friedman K, Paietta E, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Phase I trial of high-dose paclitaxel plus cyclophosphamide, thiotepa, carboplatin and autologous stem cell transplantation. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1998; 17:87a (abst 333).

177. *Wiernik PH, Gallagher RE, Kim S, Paietta E, Dutcher JP: Pilot study of arsenic trioxide in acute myeloid leukemia. Br J Haematol; 1998; 102:329.

178. Moadel A, Morgan C, Fatone A, Grennan J, Carter J, LaRuffa G, Skummy A, Dutcher JP: Self-reported spiritual and existential needs among an ethnically-diverse cancer patient population. Proc Soc Behavioral Medicine; 1999.

179. Dutcher JP, Caliendo G, Novik Y, Oleksowicz L, Sparano J, Wiernik PH: Phase II study of moderate dose bolus or continuous infusion (CI) IL2 plus GM-CSF in metastatic renal cell cancer (MRCC). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1999; 18:451a (#1740).

180. Flaherty LE, Atkins M, Sosman J, Clark J, Margolin K, Dutcher J, Gordon M, Lotze M, Weiss G: Randomized phase II trial of chemotherapy and outpatient biotherapy with interleukin-2 and interferon alpha in metastatic malignant melanoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1999; 18:536a (#2070).

181. Oleksowicz L and Dutcher JP: Thirty two month follow-up analysis of a phase II trial of dose-intensive interleukin-2 in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 1999; 18:350a (#1348).

182. Novik Y, Dutcher JP, Caliendo CG, Wiernik P: Phase II study of moderate dose bolus or continuous infusion IL2 plus GM-CSF in metastatic renal cell cancer. Proc First International Kidney Cancer Symposium; 1999.

183. Caliendo G, Dutcher JP, Wu JJ, Hu XP, Wiernik PH: Mixed sarcomatoid/clear cell renal cell cancer has an improved prognosis over pure sarcomatoid RCC. Proc First International Kidney Cancer Symposium; 1999.

184. *Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP, Gallagher R, Caliendo G, Garl S, Paietta E: Phase II trial of arsenic trioxide in patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia, blast crisis of CML, or myelodysplasia. Blood; 1999; 94 (Suppl 1): 510a (#2283).

185. *Vonderheide RH, Dutcher J, Eckhardt G, Gribben JG, Perry V, Caron D, Ghalie R: Phase I study of rhuCD40 Ligand in cancer patients. Blood; 1999; 94(Suppl 1):63a (#270).

186. Armitage R, Ulrich D, Macduff B, Vonderheide RH, Dutcher J, Eckhardt G, Gribben JG, Perry V, Bell A, Caron D, Ghalie R, Fanslow W: Analysis of circulating mononuclear cell, antibody and cytokine levels in phase I cancer patients treated with recombinant human CD40 Ligand. Blood; 1999; 94(Suppl 1): 66a (#284).

187. Novik Y, Paietta E, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Idarubicin and standard dose Ara-c ((I+A) for refractory and relapsed adult ALL. Blood; 1999; 94(Suppl 1): 234b (#4252).

188. *Unnikrishnan D, Dutcher JP, Varshneya N, Choragudi N, Api M, Garl S, Wiernik PH, Chiaramida S: Torsades de pointes in two patients on treatment with arsenic trioxide. Exptl Hematol; 2000; 28 (Suppl 1):44 (abst # 42).

189. Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Novik Y, Garl S, Hughes J, Arezzo J: Major hematologic response in a patient with myelodysplasia to arsenic trioxide. Blood; 2000; 96 (Suppl 1): 260b (Abstract 4856).

190. *Unnikrishnan D, Varshneya N, Lucariello R, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH, Chiaramida S: Torsade de Pointes associated with arsenic trioxide treatment for hematological malignancies. Proc Am Col Cardiology; 2001; 37(Suppl A):118 (abstract 1027).

191. *Dutcher JP, Smith JW, Merriman R, Olson S, Bycott P, Burns T, Bender JF: A phase I trial of DENSPM (n1,n11-diethylnorspermine) in combination with interleukin-2. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 2001; 42:540, (abstract 2907).

192. *Novik Y, Dutcher JP, Larkin M, Wiernik PH: Phase II study of thalidomide in advanced refractory metastatic renal cell cancer: A single institution experience. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2001; 20: 265a (abst 1057).

193. *Margolin KA, Thompson JA, Clark J, Flaherty L, Atkins M, Sosman J, Weiss G, Ernstoff M, Weber J, Dutcher J, Smith J: Temozolomide and whole brain irradiation in melanoma metastatic to the brain: A phase II Cytokine Working Group Trial. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2001; 20: 359a (Abst 1432).

194. *Margolin K, Atkins MB, Weber J, Dutcher JP, Ernstoff M, Smith J, Clark J, O’Day S, Flaherty L, Baar J, Sosman J, Weiss G, Thompson JA, Lathia C, Smith J, Martell RE: Evaluation of the interleukin-2 selective agonist BAY 50-4798 in patients with advanced melanoma and renal cell carcinoma, a phase I study. Proc AACR/NCI/EORTC Conf on Targeted Therapy; 2001.

195. *Margolin K, Atkins MB, Weber J, Dutcher JP, Ernstoff M, Smith J, Clark J, O=Day S, Flaherty L, Baar J, Sosman J, Weiss G, Thompson JA, Lathia C, Smith J, Martell RE: Evaluation of the interleukin-2 selective agonist BAY 50-4798 in patients with advanced melanoma and renal cell carcinoma, a phase I study. J Immunotherapy; 2001; 24:S15.

196. *McDermott D, Flaherty L, Clark J, Weiss G, Logan T, Gordon M, Sosman J, Ernstoff M, Urba W, Margolin K, Dutcher J, Atkins M: A randomized phase III trial of high-dose interleukin-2 (HDIL2) versus subcutaneous IL2/Interferon in patients with metatstatic renal cell carcinoma. J Immunotherapy; 2001; 24:S15.

197. *Moadel A, Dutcher J: Psychosocial needs assessment of cancer patients in Bronx, New York. Proc of Soc Behavioral Medicine; 2002.

198. *Adiga, K, Dutcher JP, Larkin M, Wiseman E, Garl S, Koo J, Beatty K: Characterization of bone disease in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer. Proc Third North American Symposium on Skeletal Complications of Malignancy; 2002.

199. Friedland D, Leon L, Manola J, Dutcher JP, Roth B, Wilding G: Carboxyamidotriazole (CAI) in patients with advanced renal cell cancer refractory to immunotherapy: An ECOG phase II trial. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2002; 21:152b (Abst # 2424).

200. *Margolin KA, Atkins MB, Weber J, Dutcher JP, Ernstoff MS, Smith J, Clark J, O=Day S, Baar J, Sosman J, Lathia C, Humphrey R, Martell RE, Schwartz B: Phase I study of interleukin-2 selective agonist BAY-50-4798 (BAY) in patient with advanced melanoma and renal cell cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2002; 21:12a (Abst # 46).

201. *Atkins M, Hidalgo M, Stadler W, Logan T, Dutcher J, Hudes G, Park Y, Marshall B, Boni J, Dukart G: A randomized double-blind phase 2 study of intravenous CCI-779 administered weekly to patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2002; 21:10a (abst 36).

202. *Schwartz G, Dutcher JP, Vogelzang NJ, Gollob J, Thompson J, Bukowski RM, Figlin RA, Lohner M, Roskos L, Hwang CC, Foon KA, Schwab G, Rowinsky E: Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating the safety and effectiveness of ABX-EGF in renal cell cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2002; 21:24a (abst 91).

203. *Logan TF, Dutcher JP, Flaherty LE, Sosman JA, Ernstoff MS, Clark JI, Atkins MB: A Cytokine Working Group (CWG) phase II study of intermediate dose bolus interleukin-2 (IL-2) for renal cell carcinoma patients ineligible to receive high dose IL-2 due to inadequate organ function. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2002; 21:15a (abst #57).

204. Clark JI, Gollob J, Sosman J, Margolin K, Dutcher JP, Urba W, Fisher S: Phase I trial of polyethylene glycol (PEG) interferon α-2b (IFN) + interleukin-2 (IL-2) in renal cell cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2002; 21:151b (Abst # 2419).

205. Weiner L, Figlin R, Belldegrun A, Schwartz G, Dutcher J, Vogelzang N, Gollob J, Thompson J, Bukowski R, Crawford J, Foon KA, Schwab G, Rowinsky E: ABX-EGF, a fully human anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) monoclonal antibody : Preliminary results of phase 1 and 2 studies. Proc ASCO Molecular Therapeutics Symposium, 2002.

206. Adiga GU, Dharmarajan TS, Kandker FA, Reddy RM, Dutcher JP: Magnitude and factors contributing to iatrogenic anemia in elderly. Blood; 2002; 100(Suppl Part II):12b (abst # 3497).

207. DuHamel KN, Smith M, Egert J, Diaz-Wionczek, Holness D, Raptis G, Dutcher J, Winkel G: The impact of a pain education/communication skills intervention on Latina women with breast cancer related pain. Proc 6th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology; 2003.

208. Mannam P, Dutcher JP, Eapen J, O’Boyle K, Marcoullis G, Malik S, Khairkhan N, Sivadas H, Garino A, Wiernik PH: Role of prognostic factors in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (MRCC) eligible for treatment with interleukin-2 (IL2). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2003; 22:441 (Abst # 1770).

209. Unnikrishnan D, Dutcher JP, Garl S, Varshneya N, Lucariello R, Wiernik PH; Cardiac monitoring of patients on arsenic trioxide therapy. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2003; 22:609 (Abst # 2449).

210. *Dutcher JP, Hudes G, Motzer R, Ko YJ, Smith JW, Zonno K, Marshall B, Dukart G, Liou SH: Preliminary report of a phase I study of intravenous CCI-779 given in combination with interferon-alpha to patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 22:213 (Abst # 854).

211. *Clark JI, Atkins M, Urba W, Figlin R, Dutcher J, Flaherty L, Sosman J, Logan T, White R, Margolin K for the Cytokine Working Group: Adjuvant high dose-bolus interleukin-2 for patients with high-risk renal cell carcinoma – A Cytokine Working Group randomized trial. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2003; 22:164 (Abst # 659).

212. *Thompson J, Swedloff J, Escudier B, Dutcher J, Bukowski R, Vaishampayan U, Hussain A, Negrier S, Chitale K, Rothermel J: Phase II trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of EPO906 in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma: Prognostic factor analysis. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2003; 22:408, (Abst # 1628).

213. *Hidalgo M, Atkins MB, Stadler WM, Logan T, Dutcher J, Hudes G, Marshall B, Liou-SH, Dukart G: A randomized double-blind phase 2 study of intravenous CCI-779 administered weekly to patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma: Prognostic factor analysis. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2003; 22:201 (Abst # 804).

214. *Nanus DM, Garino A, Milowsky MI, Rosmarin A, Larkin M, Dutcher JP: Active chemotherapy for aggressive renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2003; 22:407 (Abst # 1635).

215. *Adiga G, Dutcher JP, Dharmarajan TS: Iatrogenic anemia in hospitalized older adults: Impact on mortality. J Am Geriatric Soc; 2003; 51:S212-213 (Abst # P505).

216. Jain D, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Complete clinical response with single agent high dose rituximab in mantle cell lymphoma. Blood; 2003; 102 (Suppl 1): 305b (Abst # 4943).

217. Jain D, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: High dose rituximab in Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood; 2003; 102 (Suppl 1): 359b (Abst # 5164).

218. Dorai T, Dutcher JP, Dempster DW, Wiernik PH: Therapeutic potential of curcumin in prostate cancer: Interference with the osteomimetic properties of hormone refractory C4-2B prostate cancer cells. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2004; 477-478.

218. *Smith JW, Ko YJ, Dutcher JP, Hudes G, Escudier B, Motzer R, Negrier S, Duclos B, Galand L, Strauss L: Update of a phase I study of intravenous CCI-779 given in combination with interferon-( to patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2004; 23:384 (Abst # 4513).

219. *Gordon MS, Manola J, Fairclough D, Cella D, Richardson R, Sosman J, Kasimir B, Dutcher JP, Wilding G: Low dose interferon-(2b + thalidomide in patients with previously untreated renal cell cancer: Improvement in progression-free survival but not quality of life or overall survival. A phase III study of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (E2898). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 2004; 23:384 (Abst # 4516).

220. *Raftopoulos H, Escudier B, Renshaw G, Lara PN, Dutcher J, Nanus D, Petrylak DP, Sacris L: A phase II multicenter study of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor indisulam in patients with (Abst # 4629).

221. Escudier B, Raftopoulos H, Lara Jr. PN, Dutcher JP, Nanus D, Renshaw G: A phase II multicenter study of the anti-cancer sulfonamide indisulam in patients with progressive inoperable and/or metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc European Soc Medical Oncology (ESMO); 2004.

222. *Mehrabi J, Atkins M, Sosman J, Loagan T, Margolin K, Dutcher J, Urba W, Lau-Schwabe A, Clark J: Phase I/II trial of outpatient PEG-Intron® with interleukin-2 (IL-2) in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC): A Cytokine Working Group Study. Proc Internatl Soc Biol Therapy; 2004.

223. *Dorai T, Sawczuk I, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Biological significance of overexpression of carbonic anhydrase IX in renal cell carcinoma. Proc 3rd Internatl Kidney Cancer Symposium; 2004.

224. *Alexandrescu DT, Karri S, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Mitoxantrone, vinblastine and lomustine (MVC): Long-term follow-up of patients treated for Hodgkin’s disease. Blood 2004; 104: 369a (Abst # 1312).

225. Dorai T, Sawczuk I, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Biological significance of overexpression of carbonic anhydrase IX in renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 2005: 241.

226. Escudier B, Raftopoulos H, Lara PN, Dutcher J, Nanus D, Renshaw G: A phase II multicenter study of the anticancer sulfonamide indisulam in patients with progressive inoperable and/or metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Proc ESMO; 2005.

227. *Atkins MB, Sosman J, Agarwala S, Logan T, Clark J, Ernstoff M, Lawson D, Dutcher J, Margolin K, Weiss G, Urba W: A Cytokine Working Group phase II study of temozolomide (Tmz), thalidomide (Thal) and whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) for patients with brain metastases from melanoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2005; 23:723s (abst # 7552).

228. *Sosman J, Carrillo C, Urba W, Ernstoff M, Flaherty L, Atkins M, Clark J, Dutcher J, Margolin K, Weiss G, Kirkwood: A Cytokine Working Group 3-arm phase II trial of gp100 209-2M peptide and high dose interleukin-2 in HLA-A2+ advanced melanoma patients. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncology; 2005; 23:711s (abst # 7504).

229. *Elson PJ, Manola JB, Mazumdar M, Bacik JM, Supers SJ for the International Kidney Cancer Working Group. Prognostic factors for survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A study from the International Kidney Cancer Working Group (IKCWG). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncology; 2005; 23:386s (abst # 4533).

230. Natali LC, Maddukuri P, Lucariello R, Malik S, Bhagwati N, Fernaine G, Wiernik P, Dutcher JP: Significant arrhythmias associated with IL-2 therapy. . Proc Am Soc Clin Oncology; 2005; 23: 187s (abst # 2588).

231. Hugec V, Koulova L, Garino A, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Gemcitabine in treatment of metastatic renal cell cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncology; 2005; 23:452s (abst # 4798).

232. Margolin K, Lara PN, Quinn DI, Dutcher J, Frankel P, Doroshow JH, Gandara D, Synold T, Lacey. Genasense (G3139) plus (-interferon (IFN) in metastatic renal cancer (RCC): A phase II study of the California Cancer Consortium. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncology 2005; 23:426s (abst # 4694).

233. *Figlin R, Bukowski R,Srinivas S, McDermott D, Dutcher J, Takimoto C, Haas N, Ryan C, Hauke R, Clark J, Arends R, Patel M, Lockbaum P, Huang S, Schwab G: A phase II trial of panitumumab (ABX-EGF) in the treatment of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Proc 4th Internat’l Kidney Cancer Symposium; 2005.

234. *Alexandrescu DT, Hugec VS, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Serum globulins as marker of immunologic restoration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia after treatment with high dose rituximab. XI International Workshop on CLL, 2005.

235. *Alexandrescu DT, Hugec VS, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Serum globulins as marker of immunologic restoration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia after treatment with high dose rituximab. Proc Internatl Soc for Biological Therapy, J Immunotherapy 2005; 28: 628-629.

236. *Alexandrescu DT, Hugec VS, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Serum globulins as marker of immunologic restoration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia after treatment with high dose rituximab. ECOG Fall Meeting; 2005; Young Investigators Symposium, Tampa FL.

237. *Alexandrescu DT, Karri S, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Mitoxantrone, vinblastine and lomustine (MVC): Long-term follow-up of patients treated for Hodgkin’s disease. ECOG Fall Meeting; 2005, Young Investigators Symposium, Tampa FL.

238. Koi P, Ghevamian R, Hugec V, Dutcher J: Renal medullary carcinoma: A single institution experience and review of the clinical cases in the literature. Proc Am Urological Assoc; 2006.

239. *Bukowski R, McDermott D, Kabbinavar F, Figlin R, Flaherty K, Srinivas S, Vaishampayan U, Drabkin H, Dutcher J, Scappaticci F: Phase II study of erlotinib (E) plus bevacizamab (B) vs B alone in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2006; 24:222s (Abst # 4523).

240. *Hudes G, Carducci M, Tomzak P, Dutcher J, Figlin R, Kapoor A,Staroslawska E, O’Toole T, Park Y, Moore L: A phase III, randomized,3-arm study of temsirolimus (TEMSR) or interferon-alpha (IFN) of the combination of TEMSR + IFN in the treatment of first-line,poor-prognosis patients (pts) with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2006; 24: 2s,(Abst # LBA4)

241. Farray D, Clark JI, Kuzel T, Dutcher JP: A multicenter phase II study of thalidomide in combination with interleukin-2 (IL-2) in patients with previously untreated metastatic renal cell carcinoma (MRCC). Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2006. Abst # 14636.

242. Muniswamy H, Dutcher JP, Mannam P, Malik S, Rusciano V, Paul L, Wiernik PH: Role of prognostic factors in patients with metastatic renal cell carcionoma eligible for treatment with interleukin-2. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2006; Abst # 14514

243. *Alexandrescu DT, Brown K, Dasanu CA, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Influence of parent age and gender on anticipation in familial B-cell malignancies. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2006; 24:435s (abst # 7553).

244. Dutcher JP, Dasanu C, Codreanu I, Yeddu M, Muniswamy H, Wiernik PH, Alexandrescu DT: Correlation between hemodynamic parameters and response to high dose IL-2 in metastatic melanoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol; 2006; 24:online. Abst # 18012

245. *Elson PJ, Bacik JM, Manola JB, Mazumdar M, for the International Kidney Cancer Working Group. Prognostic factors for survival in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A Kidney Cancer Association’s International Kidney Cancer Working Group (IKCWG) study. Renal Cancer Symposium – Proc ESMO; 2006.

246. *Lee SH, Dasanu C, Dutcher J: Eosinophilia and pruritus with interleukin-2 treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J Immunotherapy 2006; 29:639.

247. *Darabi K, Yeddu M, Dutcher JP: Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)-like syndrome in carcinoma. Transfusion 2006; 46 (suppl):160A.

248. *Dorai T, Pastorek J, Wiernik P, Dutcher J: Non-traditional roles of carbonic anhydrase IX in renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 2007; 3745.

249. *Rusciano V, Lee S, Dutcher JP: Efficacy of gabapentin on pruiritus induced by interleukin-2 treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma and melanoma Proc Oncology Nurse Society; 2007.

250. *Graham S, Dutcher JP, Rosal-Grief V, Sacris L, Koo J: Incidence and nursing management of hand foot skin reaction in patients treated with oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc Onco, Nursing Soc; 2007; abst 2165.

251. *Dutcher JP, Rustine A, Koo J, Sacris L, Graham S, Rosal V, Casquete N, Wiernik PH: Radiotherapy administered concurrently with oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer. Proc Am Radium Soc , Oncology; 2007; 21 (Suppl 2): 48.

252. *Ryan C, Bukowski R, Figlin RA, Knox J, Hutson T, Dutcher J, George J, Kirshner J, Humphrey J, Stadler WM: on behalf of ARCCS Investigators: The Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Sorafenib (ARCCS) expanded access trial: Long term outcome in 1st line patients . J Clin Oncol; 2007; 25 (Suppl 18):258s (Abst 5096).

253. Henderson C, Bukowski R, Stadler WM, Dutcher J, Kindwall-Keller T, Hotte S, Logie K, Baltz B, Wilson K, Figlin RA on behalf of ARCCS Investigators. The Advanced Renal Cell Carcnioma Sorafinib (ARCCS) expanded access trial: Subset analysis of patients with brain metastases. Proc ASCO (online); 2007; abst 15506.

254. *Lee S, Rusciano V, Dutcher JP: Efficacy of gabapentin on pruiritus induced by interleukin-2 treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma and melanoma. J Clin Oncol; 2007; 25 (Suppl 18):131s (abst 3056).

255. *Rini B, Wilding GT, Hudes G, Stadler WM, Kim S, Tarazi JC, Bycott PW, Liau KF, Dutcher JP: Axitinib (AG-013736; AG) in patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell cancer refractory to sorafinib. J Clin Oncol; 2007; 25 (Suppl 18): 242s (abst 5032).

256. Pan C, Hussey M, Lara P, Mack PC, Nagle RB, Dutcher J, Samlowski W, Clark J, Crawford ED, Gordon MS: Phase II trial of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibiot erlotinib (E) in patients with advanced papillary renal cell carcinoma, SWOG S0317. Proc ASCO (online) 2007; abst 15516.

257. *Dutcher JP, Szczylik C, Tannir N, Benedetto P, Ruff P, Hsu A, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Strahs A, Feingold J: Correlation of survival with tumor histology, age and prognostic-risk group for previously untreated patients with advanced renal cell canrciona (adv RCC) receiving temsiorlimus (TEMSR) or interferon alpha (IFN). Proc ASCO, J Clin Oncol; 2007; 25 (Suppl 18): 243s, abst 5033.

258. *Royston P, Bacik J, Elson P, Manola JB, Mazumdar M for the IKCWG: A consensus prognostic factor model for survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A Kidney Cancer Association’s International Kidney Cancer Working Group (IKCWG) Study. J Clin Oncol; 2007; 25 (Suppl 18): 262s (abst 5109).

259. Ernstoff MS, Regan MM, McDermott DF, Sosman JA, Dutcher JP, Clark JI, Crocenzi TS, Ochoa AC, Atkins MB for the Cytokine Working Group. First Line Treatment with Bevacizumab and high dose bolus Aldesleukin (IL2) in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients. Proc ASCO (online); 2007; abst 15524.

260. *Bojanapally PR, Alexandrescu DT, Rusciano V, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Phase II single institution study of sequential biochemotherapy for patients with stage IV melanoma. J Clin Oncol; 2007; (Suppl 18): 492s (abst 8580).

261. *Dutcher J, Szczylik C, Tannir N, Benedetto P, Ruff P, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Strahs A, Feingold J, Hudes G: Effect of temsirolimus vs interferon alpha on overall and progression-free survival based on tumor histology in patients with previously untreated renal cell carcinoma. Proc 6th International Kidney Cancer Symposium, Chicago, IL Oct 2007.

262. *Dutcher JP, for all participating investigators: Renal Cell Cancer: Expanded access evaluation of Sunitinib and Sorafenib. Proc Chemotherapy Foundation, 2007.

263. *Bardy-Bouxin N, Galand L, Dutcher J, Szczylik C, Tannir N, Benedetto P, Ruff P, Hsu A, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Strahs A, Feingold J: Correlation of overall survival with tumor histology for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with temsirolimus or interferon alpha. Proc French Assoc Urology; 2007.

264. *Rini B, Wilding G, Hudes G, Stadler WM, Kim S, Tarazi J, Bycott P, Liau K, Dutcher J: Axitinib (AG-013736; AG) in patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell cancer refractory to sorafenib. Proc ECCO; 2007.

265. *Rini BI, Halabi S,Rosenberg J, Stadler W, Dutcher J, Pcius J, Tanguay S, Vaena DA, Atkins JN, Taylor J, Ou S-S, Archer L, Small for the CALGB: CALGB 90206: A phase III trial of bevacizumab plus interferon-alpha versus interferon-alpha monotherapy in metastatic renal cell cancer. Proc ASCO GU; 2008.

266. *Dutcher J, De Souza P, Figlin RA, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Krygowski M, Strahs A, Feingold J, Hudes G: Effect of temsirolimus verus interferon-α on survival of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma of different tumor histologies. Proc ASCO GU; 2008.

267. *Henderson CA, Bukowski RM, Stadler WM, Dutcher JP, Kindwall-Keller T, Hotte SJ, Logie K, Baltz B, Wilson K, Figlin RA, on behalf of the ARCCS investigators. Sorafenib therapy in the management of advanced renal cell carcinoma with brain metastases: Results from an expanded access program. Presented by Andrea Rustine, PA-C, MS Proc EAU; 2008.

268. *Figlin RA, deSousa P, McDermott D, Dutcher J, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Krygwski M, Strahs A, Fei ngold J, Hudes G: Analysis of PTEN and HIF1- α and correlation with efficacy in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with temsirolimus or interferon-α. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res; 2008; 4477.

269. *deSouza P, Radulovic S, Beck J, Pendergrass K, Siddique N, Dutcher J, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Krygowski M, Hudes G: Characterization of hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with temsirolimus or interferon-α. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26 (Suppl 15S): 278S. (abstract # 5116 )


270. *Logan T, McDermott D, Dutcher J, Makhson A, Mikulas J, Berkenblit A, Galand L, Krygowski M, Hudes G: Exploratory analysis of the influence of nephrectomy status on temsirolimus efficacy in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma and poor-risk features. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26(Suppl 15S): 262S. (abstract # 5050 )

271. *Dutcher JP, Wilding G, Hudes GR, Stadler WM, Kim S, Tarazi JC, Rosbrook B, Rini BI: Sequential axitinib (AG-013736) therapy of patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell cancer (RCC) refractory to sunitinib and sorafenib, cytokines and sorafenib, or sorafenib alone. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26 (Suppl 15S): 281S. (abstract # 5127 )

272. *Pan C, Hussey M, Lara P, Mack P, Nagle R, Dutcher J, Samlowski W, Clark J, Gordon M, Crawford E: Encouraging survival with erlotinib in advanced papillary renal cell carcinoma (pRCC): Final results from Southwest Oncology Group study 0317. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26 (Suppl 15S): 262S. (abstract # 5051 )

273. Bojanapally PR, Graham S, Rustine AL, Sacris LA, Dutcher JP: Temsirolimus for advanced renal cell carcinoma: Compassionate versus commercial use. Proc ASCO Annual Meeting 2008 online.

274. *Dutcher J, Rixe O, Motzer R, Wilding G, Stadler WM, Kim S, Tarazi J, Rosbrook B, Rini BI: Levothyroxin treatment of hypothyroidsim and axitinib (AG-013736) efficacy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc ESMO Annual Meeting, Ann Oncol 2008; 19 (Suppl 8): viii194. (Abst 600P)

275. *Trask P, Mardekian J, Tarazi J, Bycott P, Kim S, Dutcher J, Wilding G, Hudes G, Stadler WM, Rini B: Disease-related symptoms in sorafenib-refractory metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC) patients treated with axitinib (AG-013736). Proc ESMO, Annual Meeting, Ann Oncol 2008; 19 (Suppl 8): viii192. (Abst 594P)

276. *Rixe O, Dutcher J, Motzer R, Wilding G, Stadler WM, Kim S, Tarazi J, Rosbrook B, Rini BI: Association between diastolic bllod pressure (dBP) > 90 mmHg and efficacy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving axitinib (AG-013736). Proc ESMO, Annual Meeting, Ann Onc 2008; 19 (Suppl 8): viii189. (Abst 587 PD)

277. *Lee SH, Rusciano V, Dutcher JP: IL-2 induced pruritus: Investigation of its mechanism and novel treatment options in patients treated with IL-2 for metastatic renal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. Proc Kidney Cancer Association, 2008.

278. *Pendergrass K, Hudes G, Radulovic S, Beck J, Dutcher J, Berkenblit A, Thiele A, Krygowski M, deSouza P: Characterization of hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treted with temsirolimus or interferon-α. Proc ASCO GU Symposium, 2009.

279. *Logan T, McDermott D, Dutcher J, Makhson A, Mikulas J, Berkenblit A, Galand L, Krygowski M, Hudes G: Exploratory analysis of the influence of nephrectomy status on temsirolimus efficacy in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma and poor-rist features. Proc ASCO GU Symposium, 2009.

280. *Haas N, Manola J, Pins M, Liu D, McDermott D, Nanus D, Heath E, Wilding G, Dutcher J: ECOG 8802: Phase II trial of doxorubicin and gemcitabine in metastatic renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features. Proc ASCO GU Symposium 2009.

281. *Rixe O, Dutcher J, Motzer R, Wildng G, Stadler WM, Garrett M, Pithavala Y, Kim S, Tarazi J, Rini BI: Diastolic blood pressure and pharamcokinetics as predictors of axitinib efficacy in metastic renal cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27 (Suppl 15S): 245s, 2009. (abstract # 5045)

282. *Rini BI, Halabi S, Rosenberg J, Stadler WM, Vaena DA, Atkins JN, Picus J, Czaykowski P, Dutcher J, Small EJ: Bevacizumab plus interferon-alpha versus interferon-alpha monotherapy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Results of overall survival for CALGB 90206. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27 (Suppl 15S): 798s. (abstract # LBA5019)

283. *Haas N, Manola J, Pins M, Liu D, McDermott D, Nanus D, Heath E, Wilding G, Dutcher J: ECOG 8802: Phase II trial of doxorubicin and gemcitabine in metastatic renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27(Suppl 15S): 243s. (abstract # 5038)

284. Lee S, Baig M,Rusciano V, Gao Y,Malik S, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP. Survival advantage in patient treated with high dose Interleukin-2 (HDIL2) for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol, 2009. (abst E16039, online).

285. *Maroto P, Hudes G, Dutcher J, White C, Krygowski M, Cincotta M, Ohata J, Duran I, Berkenblit A: Radiographic findings of drug-induced pneumonitis and clinical correlation in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with temsirolimus. Proc ESMO/ECCO, 2009.

286. *Rini BI, Bair AH, Chen I, Dutcher J: A phase II evaluation of axitinib with our without dose titration in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc Kidney Cancer Association, Annual meeting, Chicago, Sept 2009.

287. *Kuzel T, Dutcher J, Ebbinghaus S, Gordon M, Grubbs SS, Khan K, Lipton A, McDermott D, Millard F, Quinn D, Sullivan T: A phase 2 multi-center, randomized, open-label study of two dose levels of IMO-2055 in patients with metastatic or recurrent renal cell carcinoma. Proc Kidney Cancer Association, Annual meeting, Chicago, Sept 2009.

288. *Lee SH, Baig M, Rusciano V, Malik S, Dutcher JP: Relation of pruritis and eosinophilia to survival in patients treated with high dose interleukin-2 for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc Kidney Cancer Association, Annual meeting, Chicago, Sept 2009.

289. *Adiga GU, Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Prevalence and characterization of various cancers among Hepatitis C infected patients. Proc Am Soc Gastroenterology, 2009; S127.

290. *Dutcher JP, Garrett M, Motzer R, Wilding G, Stadler WM, Pithavala Y, Kim S, Tarazi J, Rixe O, Rini BI: Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of axitinib in patients with sorafenib-refractory metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc AACR-NCI-EORTC Meeting, Nov 2009.

291. *Harzstark AL, Halabi S, Stadler WM, Vaena DA, Atkins JN, Picus J, Czaykowski P, Dutcher JP, Rini BI,Small EJ: Hypertension is associated with clinical outcome fo rpatinets with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with interferon and bevacizumab on CALGB 90206. Proc GU ASCO, 2010; (abst 30798)

292. *McDermott DF, Ghebremichael MS, Signoretti S, Margolin KA, Clark J, Sosman JA, Dutcher JP, Logan T, Figlin RA, Atkins MB: The high-dose aldesleukin (HD-IL2) “Select” trial in patients with metastatic renal cellcarcinoma. Proc GU ASCO; 2010; (abst 48229).

293. *Dandamudi UB, Ghebremichael MS, Sosman JA, Regan MM, Atkins MB, Clark J, Dutcher JP, Curti BD, Vaishampayan UN, Ernstoff MS: A phase II study of bevacizumab and high dose aldesleukin (IL2) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Proc GU ASCO; 2010; (Abst 50953).

294. *McDermott DF, Ghebremichael MS, Signoretti S, Margolin KA, Clark J, Sosman JA, Dutcher JP, Logan T, Figlin RA, Atkins MB: The high-dose aldesleukin (HD-IL2) “Select” trial in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28:15S: 345s. (abst 4514).

295. *Dandamudi UB, Ghebremichael MS, Sosman JA, Regan MM, Atkins MB, Clark J, Dutcher JP, Curti BD, Vaishampayan UN, Ernstoff MS: A phase II study of bevacizumab and high dose aldesleukin (IL2) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28:15S:349s. (abst 4530).

296. *Gunturu S, Adiga GU, Dutcher JP: Lactobacillus jensenii bacteremia while on probiotic therapy. Am J Gastro 2010; 105 (Suppl 1): S 227. (abstr # 628)

297. *Procopio G, Bellmunt J, Dutcher JP, Bracarda S, Knox J, Brueckner A, Kalmus J, Escudier B, Hutson TE. Sorafenib in older patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma: Subanalysis by age of an integrated database of 8 company-sponsored clinical trials. Proc ESMO, 2010.

298. *Eisen T, Hutson TE, Gore M, Quinn DI, Bokemeyer C, Dutcher JP, Brueckner A, Kalmus J, Bukowski RM, Escudier B. Sorafenib safety over time in >4600 patients with renal cell carcinoma RCC): Insights from an integrated database of 8 company-sponsored trials. Proc ESMO, 2010.

299. *McDermott D, Ghebremichael M, Signoretti S, Margolin K, Clark J, Sosman J, Dutcher J, Logan T, Appleman L, Atkins: The high dose aldesleukin (HD IL-2) “Select” trial in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma; J Immunotherapy; 2010; 33:903-904.

300. *Nanus DM, Tagawa ST, Dutcher JP, Akhtar NH, Saran A, Mazumdar M, Milowsky MI, Gudas LJ: NCI 6896: A phase I trial of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) and 13-cis retinoic acid in the treatment of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Proc GU ASCO, 2011; Abst 72337.

301. *Bracarda S, Bokemeyer C, Procopio G, Eisen T, Bellmunt J, Szczylik C, Know J, Dutcher JP, Brueckner A, Escudier B, Hutson T: Sorafenib dosage patterns in older patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC): A subanalysis by age of an integrated database of 8 company-sponsored clinical trials. Proc EAU, 2011.

302. *Dutcher JP, Wiernik PH: Renal cell carcinoma and hematologic malignancy in the same patients. Proc Am Fed Clin Res (Eastern Division), Wash DC, April 2011. J Invest Med 2011; 59:634.

303. Choueri TK, Pal SK, Cabanillas ME, Ramieis DA,Tseng JS, Holland JS, Morrissey S, Dutcher JP: Antitumor ativity observed in an ongoing phase I drug-drug interaction study of cabozntinib (XL 184) and rosiglitazone in patients with renal cell carcinoma and differentiated thyroid cancer. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 2011; Abst e13042.

304. *Keilholz U, Procopio G, Bellmunt J, Dutcher JP, Bracaarda S, Knox J, Bruekner A, Strauss UP, Escudier B, Hutson TE: Sorafenib dosage patterns in older patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC): A subanalysis by age of an integrated database of 8 company-sponsored clinical trials. Proc German Oncology Meeting, Sept 2011.

305. *Choueri TK, Pal SK, McDermott DF, Ramies DA, Morrissey S, Lee Y, Miles D, Holland JS, Dutcher JP: Activity of cabozntinib (XL 184) in patients with metastatic, refractory renal cell carcinoma. Proc GU ASCO 2012. J Clin Oncol 30 (Suppl 5) 2012 Abst 364.

306. *Choueri TK, Pal SK, McDermott DF, Ramies DA, Morrissey S, Lee Y, Miles D, Holland JS, Dutcher JP: Efficacy of cabozntinib (XL 184) in patients with metastatic, refractory renal cell carcinoma. Proc ASCO 2012. J Clin Oncol 30 (Suppl) 2012 Abst 4504.

307. *Haas NB, Manola J, Ky B, Flaherty KT, Uzzo RG, Wood CG, Kane CJ, Jewette MAS, Atkins MB, Dutcher JP, DiPaola RS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group: Cardiac safety analysis for a phase III trial of sunitinib or sorafenib or placebo in patienst with resected renal cell carcinoma. Proc ASCO 2012. J Clin Oncol 30 (Suppl) 2012. Abst 4500

308. *Varella L, Chintapatla R, Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Association of renal cell carcinoma and hematologic malignancy. Proc Internatl Kidney Cancer Association, Chicago, Oct 2012. Br J Urol 2012; 110 (Suppl 2):: 10-11.

309. Chintapatla R, Varella L, Wiernik P, Rusciano V, Dutcher JP: Association of renal cell carcinoma and B-cell hematologic malignancy. Proc Am Soc Hematol, 2012. Epub

310. *McDermott D, Flaherty K, Manola J, …Dutcher JP, DiPaola R: The BEST Trial (ECOG 2804): A randomized phase II study of VEGF, RAF kinase, and mTOR combination targeted therapy with bevacizumab, sorafenib, and temsiroimus in advanced renal cell carcinoma. Proc GU ASCO 2013, p 178 (Abstr # 345)..

311. *Varella L, Chintapatla R, Wiernik PH, Rusciano V, Dutcher J: Association of renal cell carcinoma and hematological malignancy. Proc GU ASCO 2013, p 204 (abst # 449)

312. * Nixon AB, Halabi S, Shterev I, Starr MD, Brady JC, Dutcher JP, Hopkins J, Hurwitz HI, Small E, Rini B, Febbo PG, George D for the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology. Identifiecation of predictive biomarkers of overall survival in patients with advanced renal cell Crcinoma treated with interferon alpha +/- bevacizumab: Results from CALGB 90206. Proc ASCO 2013

313. * Bailey AS, Cheng SC, Kwon ED, Leibovich BC, Signoretti S, Dutcher JP, Appleman LJ, Sosman JA, Margloin KA, Clark J, Khushalani NI, Curti BD, Ernstoff MS, Pantuck AJ, Vaishampayan UN, McDermott DF, Atkins MB: PDL-1/PDL-3 (Programmed Death Ligand 1/3) tissue expression and response to treatment with IL2 and antiangiogenic therapies. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; Abst 4521).

314. * Stratton KL, Schrader KA, Manschreck C, Rau-Murthy R, Corines M, Dutcher J, Wiernik P, Palomba L, Portlock C, Murali R, Klein RJ, Coleman J, Stadler Z, Offit K, Vijai J: Renal cell carcinoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: Genomic approaches to identification of shared succeptibility. Proc Soc Urol Oncol, Dec 2013

315. Stratton KL, Schrader KA, Manschreck C, Rau-Murthy R, Corines M, Dutcher J, Wiernik P, Palomba L, Portlock C, Murali R, Klein RJ, Coleman J, Stadler Z, Offit K, Vijai J: Renal cell carcinoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: Genomic approaches to identification of shared succeptibility. Proc Am Urol Assoc, 2014

316. *Wiernik PH, Dutcher JP: Families with both Hodgkin’s lymphoma and myeloma: Anticipation and male transmission. J Invest Med 2014; 760, (Abst 3).

317. *Chen Y, Garrett M, Rini B, Motzer RJ, Dutcher JP, Rixe O, Wilding G, Stadler WM, Tarazi J, Pithavala YK: Effect of renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics and safety of axitinib. Proc ASCPT, 2015.

318. *Haas N, et al: Results from ASSURE (E2805): Adjuvant Sorafenib or Sunitinib for Unfavorable Renal Carcinoma, and ECOG-ACRIN-led NCTN Phase 3 Trial. Proc GU ASCO, 2015. Abst 41765

319. Pili R, Manola J, Craducci MA, Dutcher JJ, Appleman LL, Groteluschen DL, DiPaola RS: A randomized phase II study to determine the effect of 2 different doses of AVE0005 (VEGF trap) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (E4805). Proc ASCO, 2015.

320. *Haas N, et al: Dose analysis of ASSURE (E2805): Adjuvant Sorafenib or Sunitinib for unfavorable renal carcinoma, an ECOG-ACRIN-led NCTN phase 3 Trial. Proc ASCO, 2015.


1. Congressos Integrados Latino-Americanos de Cancerologia. Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 10-15, 1981. "Present-Day Management of Hodgkins Disease".

2. Congressos Integrados Latino-Americanos Cancerologia. Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 10-15, 1981. "Treatment of Acute Leukemia".

3. 6th Annual Symposium on Advances in Cancer Treatment Research, Baltimore Cancer Research Center and the University of Maryland School of Medicine, September 24-26, 1981. "Hematologic Support of the Cancer Patient".

4. Phagocyte Workshop, Washington, D.C., May 11, 1982. "The Effect of Alloimmunization on the Migration of 111In-labeled Granulocytes to Infected Sites".

5. Cancer Management Symposium, University of Maryland, Baltimore, May 21-22, 1982. "Ethiodized Oil Emulsion (EOE) 13 for CT Scanning of the Liver and Spleen".

6. Annual Meeting - Michigan Blood Bank Association, Detroit, Michigan, October 1, 1982. "Indications for Platelet Transfusion".

7. Guest Lecturer, State Hospital of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Dec. 1982. "New Approaches in the Treatment of Acute Leukemia".

8. Phagocytologists Workshop, Washington D.C., April 29, l983. "Pulmonary Retention of Indium-111-Labeled Granulocytes".

9. Symposium - The Controversial Platelet - sponsored by the American Red Cross Blood Services, Central Ohio Region, Columbus, Ohio, May 5, 1983. "Clinical Approach to Platelet Transfusion Therapy".

10. I Latin American Congress of Clinical Oncology of the UICC, Lima, Peru, Sept 18-22, 1983. "Management of Acute Leukemia".

11. I Latin American Congress of Clinical Oncology of the UICC, Lima, Peru. Sept. 18-22, 1983. "Present Status of the Treatment of Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia".

12. I Latin American Congress of Clinical Oncology of the UICC, Lima, Peru, Sept. 18-22, 1983. "Neutropenia and Infections in Cancer".

13. Co-Chairman, Session I on Leukemia and Myeloproliferative Disorders, American Society of Hematology, 1983.

14. Symposium on Advances in Cancer Treatment Research, Sponsored by Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Manhattan, N.Y. March 16-17, 1984. "Transfusion Supportive Care".

15. Co-Chairman, Session of Leukocytes, International Society of Hematology, 1984.

16. Advances in Nuclear Medicine, 1985, Sponsored by Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Manhattan, NY. April 29-May 2, 1985. "Labeled Cells for Abscess and Thrombus Localization".

17. VIIIth Meeting of International Society of Haematology, European and African Division. Warsaw, Poland. September 8-13, 1985. "A Clinical Program Of Platelet Cryopreservation".

18. Oncology Grand Rounds, Long Island Jewish Hospital, New York, NY , February 1986. "Transfusion Supportive Care".

19. Oncology Grand Rounds, Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, March, 1986. "Methotrexate, Leukovorin Interactions".

20. Oncology Grand Rounds, University of Maryland Cancer Center, Baltimore, Md, June, 1986. "Leukemia Treatment in the Elderly".

21. Oncology Grand Rounds, Mt. Sinai Hospital and Medical Center, New York, NY, July, 1986. "Management of Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia".

22. Medical Grand Rounds, Bronx Lebanon Hospital, New York, NY, August, 1986. "New Approaches in Oncology: Interleukin-2 and Bone Marrow Transplantation".

23. Oncology Grand Rounds, Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center, San Antonio, TX, October 2, 1986. "High Dose Methotrexate Therapy - Is More Better?"

24. San Antonio Blood Club, San Antonio, TX, October 2, 1986. "Platelet Transfusion Therapy in Oncology Patients".

25. Co-Chairman, Session on Transfusion, American Society of Hematology Meeting, 1986.

26. The Melanoma Letter, Skin Cancer Foundation, December, 1986. "Experimental Therapy for Melanoma: Interleukin-2 and Taxol".

27. Medical Grand Rounds, "Infection Management in Patients with Malignancy", Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Bronx, NY, January 7, 1987.

28. Invited presentation, "Hematologic Complications of Malignancy", Riverside Hospital, Red Bank, NJ, March 4, 1987.

29. Medical Grand Rounds, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, March 31, 1987. "Granulocyte Transfusions and the Febrile Neutropenic Patient".

30. Annual Symposium of Maine Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Sugarloaf, ME, June 6, 1987. "Leukovorin and Chemotherapy Interactions".

31. Invited participant, Hammer Workshop on The Nature of LAK Cells, Salk Institute, San Diego, CA, July 24, 1987.

32. Invited presentation, "Granulocyte Transfusion Therapy in Neutropenic Patients", symposium at Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, IL, November 2, 1987.

33. Invited presentation, "Management of the Neutropenic Patient", Westchester Hospital Pharmacy Association, November 17, 1987.

34. Study Section Participant, NCI-RFP on Biologic Response Modifiers in Cancer Research, Bethesda, MD, December 2-3, 1987.

35. Section on Oncology, World Book Encyclopedia Volume 14, page 767, 1989 edition.

36. Invited participant, Hammer Workshop on Biologic Response Modifiers. Salk Institute, San Diego, CA, January 4-5, 1988.

37. Medical Grand Rounds, "Interleukin-2 and Interferon in Clinical Oncology", St. Barnabas Hospital, Bronx, NY January 14, 1988.

38. Medical Grand Rounds, "Clinical Trials with Interleukin-2", New York University School of Medicine, January 20, 1988.

39. Invited participant, Cetus Corporation Brainstorming Session on IL-2 in Melanoma, Emeryville, CA, February 4, 1988.

40. Current Trends in Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics, American Cancer Society and Quiller-Dishner College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, April 8-9, 1988. "Interleukin-2"; "Platelet Transfusion Therapy".

41. Interleukin 2: Clinical and Biological Update. Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, NY, April 20, 1988. "Current Status of NCI Extramural Trials".

42. Co-Chairman, Session on AIDS and Epidemiology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA, May 23-25, 1988.

43. Medical Grand Rounds, "Hematologic Complications of Malignancy", Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, NY June 2, 1988.

44. Co-Chairman, Session on Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, International Society of Hematology, Milan, Italy, August 28-September 2, 1988.

45. Participant, NCI-Extramural Working Group on Adoptive Immunotherapy - Work Session, Sept 29-30, 1988, Bethesda, MD.

46. Invited Participant, Workshop on Transfusion Medicine Applications for Growth Factors and Biologic Response Modifiers, "Interleukin-2". American Association of Blood Banks National Meeting, Kansas City, MO, October 8-12, 1988.

47. Invited Participant in Rap Session on Cytokines and Adoptive Immunotherapy, AABB National Meeting, Kansas City, MO, October 10, 1988.

48. Participant, NCI Phase I/II Working Group Meeting, Feb 28-Mar 1, 1989, Bethesda, MD.

49. Participant, Symposium on Plasma and Cytapheresis and Autologous Transfusion. South Central Association of Blood Banks, 31st Annual Meeting, March 11, 1989, Houston, TX. "Mononuclear Cell Separation, Improved Technology".

50. Participant, Symposium: 6th Annual Advances in Cancer Treatment Research, Albert Einstein Cancer Center, Manhattan, NY March 16-18, 1989, "Interleukin-2/LAK Cell Therapy".

51. Medical Grand Rounds, Booth Memorial Hospital, Flushing, NY, April 4, 1989. "Clinical Applications of Biologic Response Modifiers".

52. Invited Participant, American Society for Apheresis, April 6-8, 1989, Jacksonville, FL. "Controversies in Apheresis - IL2/LAK/TIL Therapy, Efficacy, Toxicity, Controversies".

53. Medical Grand Rounds, Brookdale Hospital, Brooklyn, NY, April 19, 1989. "Interleukin-2/LAK Cell Therapy".

54. Book Review of Thoracic Oncology, by Roth JA, Ruckdeschel JC, Weisenburger TH (eds), WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1988; In Heart and Lung, the Journal of Critical Care, 1989.

55. Medical Grand Rounds, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, September 7, 1989. "Update of Cancer Therapy with Interleukin-2".

56. Oncology Grand Rounds, New York University Medical Center, NY, NY, September 21, 1989. "Update of Cancer Therapy with Interleukin-2".

57. Medical Grand Rounds, Bronx Municipal Hospital (Jacobi Hospital), Bronx, NY, September28, 1989, "Update on Therapy of Adult Acute Non-lymphocytic Leukemia".

58. Invited Participant, American College of Physicians, Workshop on the Role of Newer Drugs in the Treatment of Common Diseases, New York, NY, September 29, 1989. "Adjuvant Therapy in Early Breast Cancer".

59. Invited Participant, Workshop on Transfusion Medicine Applications for Growth Factors and Biologic Response Modifiers, "Interleukin-2". American Association of Blood Banks, National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 20-26, 1989.

60. Invited Participant, Management of Hematologic Malignancies in the 90s, "Transfusion therapy in acute leukemia", The Annual Carolyn Standish Memorial Symposium. Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, February 16, 1990.

61. Invited Participant, Medical Therapy into the 90s and Beyond, "Interleukins", American College of Physicians, New York Downstate Scientific Meeting. New York, NY, March 31, 1990.

62. Invited Speaker, Scientific Seminar of the Medical Advisory Council of the New Jersey Blood Services. "Platelet transfusion therapy in oncology" New Brunswick, NJ May 15, 1990.

63. Invited participant, Your Patient and Cancer, "Cancer and vitamins", August 1990.

64. Invited Speaker and Participant, II Congreso Uruguayo de Trasplantes, "Tratamiento de apoyo del trasplante de medula osea", Montevideo, Uruguay. October 29-Nov 1, 1990.

65. Invited Speaker, Medical Grand Rounds, Jamaica Hospital, "Colony Stimulating Factors", Jamaica, NY November 7, 1990.

66. Invited Speaker and Participant, Second Symposium in memory of Marianna Lordos, The Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society, "Recent advances in the prevention and management of Gynaecological cancer, urological cancer, lung cancer." Larnaca, Cyprus, November 24-25, 1990.

67. Invited Speaker, Oncology Update, Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center, Second Annual Symposium, "A New Look at Hodgkin's Disease, December 11, 1990.

68. Invited Speaker, Symposium on the Future of Treatment and Diagnosis of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Presented at the combined annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology and International Society of Hematology, November 30, 1990, Boston MA.

69. Invited Participant, Progress in AML Treatment. Videoconference sponsored by the Leukemia Society of America, January 31, 1991.

70. Section on Sarcoidosis, World Book Encyclopedia Vol 17, page 123, 1992.

71. Invited Speaker, American Cancer Society Symposium on New Pharmacologic Agents, Symposium of Interleukin-2, Dallas, Texas, February 5-7, 1991.

72. Invited Speaker, Eighth Annual Advances in Cancer Treatment Research, Manhattan, NY "Future Directions of Biologic Response Modifiers in Cancer Therapy", March 14, 1991.

73. Invited Speaker, American College of Physicians, "Workshop on the Role of Newer Drugs in the Treatment of Common Diseases" "New Drugs in the Treatment of Cancer", Manhattan, NY, May 17, 1991.

74. Invited Speaker, Fox Chase Cancer Center Network Meeting, "Biologic Response Modifiers in Acute Leukemia” Philadelphia, PA, June 17, 1991.

75. Invited Speaker, Hackensack Medical Center, "Problems of Clinical Alloimmunization to Platelets", Hackensack, NJ, June 20, 1991.

76. Invited Speaker, University of Michigan Cancer Center, "New Directions in Acute Leukemia", Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 21, 1991.

77. Invited Speaker, Toronto Hematology/Oncology Seminar, "Advances and Future in the treatment of Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia", Toronto, Canada, August 21, 1991.

78. Invited Speaker, Hematology Grand Rounds, Princess Margaret Hospital, "Biologic therapy in hematologic malignancies", Toronto, Canada, August 21, 1991.

79. Invited Speaker, Weiler Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, State of the Art Medical Grand Rounds, "Biologic Treatment of Neoplastic Disease", New York, NY October 8, 1991.

80. Chairman, Session III, Albert Einstein Cancer Center Annual Retreat: "Biologic and Clinical Aspects of Breast Cancer", "Discussion of Human Breast Cancer - Definition of the Problem", Oct 27-28, 1991.

81. Chairman, Session on Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, 5th International Symposium on Therapy of Acute Leukemias, Roma Italy, November 1-6, 1991.

82. Invited Speaker, First Department of Oncology, University of Vienna, "New Treatments in Acute Leukemia", Nov 6, 1991.

83. Invited Speaker, Free University of Berlin, "Treatment of Adult Acute Leukemia", Berlin, Germany, Nov 8, 1991.

84. Invited Speaker, University of Freiberg, "Management of Acute Non-lymphocytic Leukemia", Freiberg, Germany, Nov 9, 1991.

85. Invited Speaker, Department of Hematology, Catholic Hospital, Seoul, Korea, "Management of Adult Acute Leukemia", Nov 11, 1991.

86. Invited Speaker, Second International Symposium on Management of Renal Cell Carcinoma. "High dose Interleukin-2 Alone in Renal Cell Cancer", Cleveland Clinic Symposium, Cleveland, Ohio, November 20-21, 1991.

87. Invited Speaker, Carolyn Standish Memorial Symposium, Advances in Hematologic Malignancies, "Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia", Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, January 17, 1992.

88. Invited Speaker, Leukemia Society of America Symposium, Orlando chapter, "Treatment of Acute Non-lymphocytic Leukemia", Orlando, FL, March 12, 1992.

89. Invited Speaker, 9th Annual Advances in Cancer Treatment Research, " Update of Biologic Response Modifiers", Albert Einstein Cancer Center, New York, NY March 18, 1992.

90. Cancer Consultation, "Management of CML", Primary Care and Cancer, March-April 1992.

91. Invited Speaker, Simposio Idarubicina en Leucemias agudas mieloblasticas, "North American Experience with Idarubicin in the Treatment of AML” National Hematology Society of Mexico, Guanajuato, Mexico, April 24-25, 1992.

92. Invited Speaker, Tumor Conference, Mary Immaculate Hospital, Queens, NY "Renal Cell Carcinoma", April 30, 1992.

93. Invited Speaker, ECOG Education Symposium, ECOG semi-annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, "Growth Factors: Use, Abuse, and Challenges", June 8, 1992.

94. Chairperson and Speaker, Symposium on Advances in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Recombinant Interleukin-2 Therapy; New York, New York, "Experience with High Dose Interleukin-2 Therapy", June 29, 1992.

95. Chairperson, Session on Treatment of Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Present and Future. Second International Meeting, LEUKAEMIA 1992. July 5, 1992, Genoa Italy.

96. Consultant, Cetus - sponsored Management Guidelines in the Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma with Proleukin IL2. 1992.

97. Sections on Oncology and Leukemia, World Book Encyclopedia, 1993.

98. Invited speaker, Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, "Use and Future of Interleukin-2” Yale University, New Haven, CT, September 22, 1992.

99. Invited speaker, 1992 Medical Oncology Grand Rounds Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL "Update and Future of Interleukin-2 in Cancer Therapy", Jacksonville, FL, September 25, 1992.

100. Invited speaker, Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, "Use and Future of Interleukin-2 in Cancer Therapy", Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA, September 29, 1992.

101. Invited speaker, National Meeting of the German and Austrian Hematology and Oncology Society, "New agents and approaches in acute myeloid leukemia", Symposium, Berlin, Germany, October 4-7, 1992.

102. Invited speaker, Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium X, "Clinical Applications of IL2". New York, NY November 13, 1992.

103. Division of Medical Oncology, Grand Rounds, "Prospects for Interleukin-2 Therapy", Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago, IL. January 26, 1993.

104. Department of Urology Grand Rounds, "Interleukin-2 in Renal Cell Cancer". University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, January 28, 1993.

105. Invited speaker, Joint Oncology Conference, "IL-2: A Biologic Response Modifier in Cancer Therapy", Rhode Island Hospital , Providence, Rhode Island, February 19, 1993.

106. Invited speaker, Dermatology Grand Rounds, "Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma” Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, March 17, 1993.

107. Invited faculty, Cobe Spectra User Conference, Apheresis Graduate School, "Cancer Treatments and Cures - How Effective Are They in 1993?. Am Soc Apheresis Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 14, 1993.

108. Oncology Grand Rounds, NYU Medical Center, "Interleukin-2 in Cancer Therapy", June 23, 1993.

109. MedEdNet Teleconference: Diagnosis and Treatment of Melanoma. July 14, 1993.

110. Advisory Committee, Sandoz Cytokine Development Unit, 1992-.

111. Advisory Committee, Lederle Pharmaceuticals, Mitoxantrone, 1993.

112. V Congresso Uruguayo de Hematologia, Sociedad de Hematologica del Uruguay. 27, 28, 29 de Octubre de 1993.

113. Venkatraj U and Dutcher JP: Case Studies in Oncology: GM-CSF in Metastatic Breast Cancer. Promedica Pub. 1994.

114. Basic Sciences Foundation of Clinical Oncology and Hematology Lecture Series, Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, NY "Interleukins and Adoptive Cellular Immunotherapy of Cancer", May 5, 1994.

115. Seminar, Frontiers in Medical Research Series, Senior Graduate Class, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, "Applications of Basic Research to Clinical Problems", May 5, 1994.

116. Symposium, Innovative New Therapies in Breast Cancer, Lymphoma and Leukemia, University Ireland Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve, "Biologic Response Modifiers", Sept 21, 1994.

117. International Symposium: Oncology '94. The Israel Cancer Association and The European School of Oncology; Herzlia, Israel; October 17-20, 1994. "High Dose Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Breast Cancer and Lymphoma" and Biologic Response Modifiers in Cancer Therapy"

118. Dutcher JP: Defense Against Infection: An Overview of the Immune System and Cytokine Network. CME Monograph, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. January 1995.

119. Dutcher JP and Wiernik PH: Commentary on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adults by Ong and Larson, Oncology, 9:442-444, 1995.

120. Invited Speaker, New Developments in Cancer Biotherapy: The Second Decade. "Cytokines in Cancer Therapy". Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center, Denver Colorado. March 30, 1995.

121. Invited Participant American College of Physicians Midwest Board Review Course, organized by Rush Medical College. Lectures on Genitourinary Cancer, Gynecologic Cancer and Oncologic Emergencies. Chicago, IL. May 25, 1995.

122. Invited Participant, NCI-Japanese Joint Seminar on therapy of acute leukemia, Oakland, CA, March 2-3, 1996.

123. Book Review, Multiple Myeloma, G. Gahrton and BGM Durie (eds), Arnold, London GB, Pub and copub Oxford University Press, NY 1996; In Medical Oncology, 1997.

124. Invited Participant, Congressos Oncologicos en el Uruguay, Round Table on Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, "Perspectives in Treatment of Low-Grade non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma", December 12, 1996.

125. Book Review: Multiple Myeloma Edited by Gahrton & Durie, Published by Arnold, London GB and copublished by Oxford University Press. in Medical Oncology 13:243-244, 1996.

126. Invited Commentary: Tumor Board, Oncology Times, 1997.

127. Faculty, 2nd Annual AACR/ASCO Workshop on Clinical Trials Methodology; Vail Colorado, July 1997.

128. Co-Moderator and Invited Speaker, Memorial Regional Cancer Center, Annual Oncology Update for Primary Care Physicians, Hollywood, Fla, February 5-7, 1997.

129. Invited Speaker, AACR Educational Session, Cancer Research and the FDA, discussion of FDA Advisory Committees, March 28, 1998.

130. Invited Speaker, Second Annual Albert P Sutton Visiting Professor Conference on Genitourinary Oncology, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, April 3, 1998.

131. Invited Speaker, New York Roentgen Society Spring Conference, Leukemia for Non-Medical Oncologists, April 24, 1998, New York.

132. Invited Participant, American Society for Clinical Oncology, Fellows Breakfast at Annual Meeting: Strategies for a Successful Career in Academic Oncology. May 15-16, 1999 Atlanta, GA

133. Book Review, Current Issues in Platelet Transfusion Therapy and Platelet Alloimmunization, edited by Kickler and Herman, AABB Press, 1999; In AABB Weekly Report, 2000.

134. Invited Participant, University of Bochum Dept of Dermatology Symposium on Melanoma. Presentation of ECOG 1684 and 1690 studies. Bochum Germany, Jan 29, 2000.

135. Invited Speaker, 7th Annual Cancer Symposium, New Millenium Strategies and Developments in Multimodality Cancer Therapy, March 31, 2000, Tarrytown, NY. Talks on Chemotherapy in Brain Tumors; Adjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer, and Medical Oncology Clinical Trials.

136. Invited Speaker, Cancer Genetics Symposium, Annual Meeting of Society of Experimental Biology, American Federation for Medical Research, Familial Prostate Cancer. April 15, 2000, San Diego, Ca.

137. Visiting Professor and Lecturer, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN. April 20, 2000. Three Lymphoma Stories.

138. Invited participant, Reflections in Courage, Web Discussion of Treatment of Melanoma. Sponsored by Cancer Care and cancer . May 25, 2000.

139. Book Review, Transfusion Therapy: Clinical Principles and Practice, P.D. Mintz (ed), AABB Press, 2000. In Annals of Internal Medicine, 133:572, 2000.

140. Book Review, Aplastic Anemia: Pathophysiology and Treatment. H. Schrezenmeier, A Bacigalupo (eds) Cambridge University Press, 2000.. In Medical Oncology 2000; 17:248.

141. Lecturer, Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, MD Anderson Cancer Center, October 9, 2001. Biology and Management of Renal Cell Cancer.

142. Visiting Professor and Lecturer, Dept Oncology, Johns Hopkins University Medical Center, October 24, 2001. Biology and Management of Renal Cell Cancer.

143. Visiting Professor and Lecturer, Dept of Urology, New York Medical College. January 17, 2002. Role of Chemotherapy in Bladder Cancer and Role of Immunotherapy in Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer.

144. Invited Speaker, Conference on the Role of Intraoperative Radiotherapy, Department of Radiation Oncology, New York Medical College. March 8, 2002. Current Status of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Prostate Cancer. Risks and Benefits of Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy in Breast Cancer.

145. Invited Speaker, Conference of the Society of Oncology Pharmacists. Interleukin-2 Therapy. St Petersburg, FL. April 2002.

146. Invited Speaker, ASCO Symposium, IL2-Based Therapy for Kidney Cancer and Melanoma. Chicago, IL May 2003.

147. Invited Speaker, ASCO Educational Program: Methods: Phase I and II Trials. Chicago, IL May 2003.

Invited Discussant, Session on New Therapy in Renal Cell Cancer, ASCO Annual Meeting, 2004.

148. Invited Discussant, Session on Health Policy – FDA Drug Approval Process, ASCO Annual Meeting, 2004

149. Invited Speaker, Noon Conference, State University of New York, Syracuse. Update on the Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. September 30, 2004.

150. Invited Speaker, Van Andel Reasearch Institute, Han-Mo Koo Memorial Seminar Series: “Clinical Features and Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer” October 6, 2004

151. Invited Speaker, Renal Cancer Symposium, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville FL, August 2004.

152. Invited Speaker, Kidney Cancer Association Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2005.

153. Invited Speaker, Cancer 2006, Preferred Treatment and Management Options, Hoag Cancer Center, Newport Beach, CA. Adjuvant Treatment and Treatment of Advanced Melanoma, January 27, 2006.

154. Invited Speaker, Clinical Hematology and Oncology, Scripps Cancer Center, La Jolla, CA, Targeted Therapy for Renal Cancer, February 20, 2006.

155. Invited Speaker, ONS 31st Annual Congress Symposium: Renal Cell Cearcinoma: Today’s Targeted Therapies Improving Tomorrow’s Outcomes. Renal Cell Cancer: Risk, Diagnosis, and Staging. May 5, 2006.

156. Discussant, Clinical Science Symposium, 2006 ASCO, Renal Cell Cancer, Non-Clear Cell Renal Cell Cancer. June 3, 2006.

157. Invited Speaker, PER Kidney and Bladder Cancer Symposium, August 2006, Florida. Topic – Long term treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors; Update of whatever information exists.

158. Invited Speaker, 2006, International Kidney Cancer Association meeting, Chicago, Sept 23, 2006. Topic – Update on the Expanded Access Sunitinib Trial.

159. Invited Speaker, 10th Aniversary Joint Cancer Conference of the Florida Universities. Sept 28-Oct 1, 2006. Topic – Targeting mTOR and applications of chemotherapy and immunotherapy in metastatic renal cell cancer.

160. Invited Speaker, 4th International Congress on Kidney and Bladder Cancer, August 3-5, 2007, Orlando, FL. Novel Agents for Targeting Non-Clear Cell Carcinoma.

161. Invited Speaker, 7th International Congress on Monoclonal Antibodies in Cancer, August 17-19, 2007, Quebec, Canada. Combinations with Anti-VEGF Antibodies. Emerging Antibodies – Rencarex in Renal Cell Cancer.

162. Invited Speaker, 2nd Inter – American Oncology Conference – Targeted Therapies. September 12-14, 2007. Buenos Aires, AR. Targeted Therapies in Renal Cell Cancer.

163. Invited Speaker, Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium, XXV: Expanded Access Therapy of Renal Cell Cancer (Sunitinib and Sorafenib). November 2007, New York, NY.

164. Invited Speaker, Consensus Conference: Evolving Strategies for the Management of Cutaneous Toxicites Associated with Multitargeted Kinase Inhibitors. “ Survival Data and Correlation with Toxicities” - OLM data base. Chicago, IL, January 21, 2008.

165. Invited Speaker, Eighth International Congress on Genitourinary Malignancies. “Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma/ Collecting Duct Carcinoma”, Washington DC, July 17-19, 2008.

166. Invited Speaker, Seventh International Kidney Cancer Association Symposium. “ Management of Patients with Impaired Organ Function” Chicago, IL Sept 26-27, 2008.

167. Invited Speaker, Japanese Society of Oncology, Targeted Therapy in Renal Cell Cancer, Nagoya, Japan, November 3, 2008.

168. Invited Speaker, Japanese Society of Renal Cancer, mTOR inhibition in Renal Cell Cancer, Nagoya, Japan, November 4, 2008.

169. Invited Speaker, Novartis Oncology Emerging Gloal Market RCC Forum – Advances in the Treatment of Renal Cell Cancer. Singapore, March 14-15, 2009.

170. Invited Speaker, New York Cancer Consortium, Review of GU ASCO 2009, Manhattan, NY March 20, 2009.

171. Invited Speaker, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Review Of Oncology, Update on Treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma, Amelia Island, FL, August 2009.

172. Invited Speaker, Kidney Cancer Association, Annual Meeting, Chemotherapy for Sarcomatoid Renal Cell Cancer, Chicago, IL, September 25-27, 2009.

173. Invited speaker: International RCC Expertise Exchange: November 13, 2009 New York

174. Invited Speaker, Seventh Annual Current Trends in Genitourinary Malignancies: October 16, 2010; New York, Sponsored by New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center/ Columbia University Medical Center. “Management of non-Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma.

175. Medical Grand Rounds, Renal Cancer, Beth Israel Medical Center, NY NY 2011

176. Urology Grand Rounds, Renal Cancer, Beth Israel Medical Center, NY NY 2011

177. Moderator, Session on Symptom Management, International Kidney Cancer Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 2011.

178. Urology Grand Rounds, Brookdale Hospital Center, Brooklyn NY 2011

179. Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, Methodist Hospital Center, Brooklyn NY 2012

180. Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, Newark Veterans Hospital, East Orange, NJ 2012

181. Urology Grand Rounds, Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn NY, 2012.

182. Citywide Annual Meeting of Tumor Registrars, Renal Cell Cancer, held at Roosevelt Hospital, March 2012.

183. Medicine Grand Rounds, St Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center, NY NY April 2012

184. Chair, Session I, American Federation of Clinical Research, Eastern Division, April 2012

185. ECOG Fall Meeting Pharmacy/Nursing/CRA Education Symposium – Invited Presentation – Renal Cell Carcinoma Update. November 10, 2012.

186. Dept Urology Grand Rounds, Long-Island Jewish/North Shore Medical Center, March 2013

187. Dept Urology Grand Rounds, Columbia University Medical Center, April 2013.

188. Upstate Urology Conference sponsored by Dept Urology, Albany Medical Center, Lake Placid NY August 17, 2013.

189. Dept Medicine Grand Rounds, Update on Renal Cell Cancer, Winthrop University Hospital, LI NY October 2013

190, Dept Medicine Grand Rounds, Update on Renal Cell Cancer, St Barnabas Hospital, Bronx NY October 2013

191. Kidney Cancer Association Annual Meeting – Newer TKI Agents in Front Line Setting: Con Discussant - Chicago, Novermber 2013

192. Chemotherapy Foundation, NY, NY Cabozantinib – An active agent in prostate and renal cell cancer. November 2013

193. Dept Medicine Grand Rounds, Update of IL-2 based Immunotherapy; University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH, February 21, 2014

194. Dept Medicine Grand Rounds, Update on Renal Cell Cancer, Jacobi Hospital, Bronx NY February 25, 2014

195. Dept Melanoma Grand Rounds, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, Immuotherapy of Melanoma, 2014; July 14, 2014

196. Upstate Urology Conference sponsored by Dept Urology, Albany Medical Center, Lake Placid NY August 16, 2014.

197. Rome International Meeting on Geriatric Oncology, Universita de Siena and Sapienza Universita de Roma, Dec 4-5, 2014, Chair, session on Kidney Cancer

198. Kidney Cancer Association: 2015 Patient and Survivor Workshop – New York, Update on Immunotherapy; Jan 10, 2015.

199. Eastern Regional Meeting, American Federation for Medical Research, Washington DC, April 16, 2015. Co-Chair, Symposium I: Update: Primary Immune Deficiency Disorders Associated with Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Malignancy.

200. International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) - 5th International Conference for Organizations Representing Patinets with Kidney Cancer, April 16-18, 2015, Morristown NJ, USA; April 18 - Speaker - Advances in Immuno-Oncology for Kidney Cancer.



1983 Shoshanah Pollock - Summary of patients studied with ethiodized oil emulsion-13. (abstract).

1984 Jack Catanese - a) follow-up of AECOM Hodgkin's disease patients for long-term toxicity 1985b) case report of Hodgkin's disease patient developing osteosarcoma in irradiated tissue (published).

1986 Vicki Weiss - Interleukin-2 clinical project: Nutritional abnormalities in such patients.

1988 Craig Shalmi - Mechanism of renal failure in patients treated with IL2 (abstract presented; paper published - JCO).

1989 David Merer - a) case report of patient with melanoma metastatic to heart (published) b) Evaluation of tryptophan depletion therapy in patients with advanced malignancy.

1989 Tara Solomon - Evaluation of the coagulopathy associated with IL2 therapy (published).

1997 Jing-Jing Wu - Evaluation of sarcomatoid histology of renal cell cancer impact on prognosis vs mixed sarcomatoid/clear cell (presented AACR - 1998; published).

1998 Stephen Huang - IL6 in metastatic ocular melanoma.

1998 Boris Kuzinsky - HPV in renal cell cancer

2004 – Ellice Wong – Cardiovascular toxicity of chemotherapy


1986 Stuart Marcus - Evaluation of nutritional deficiencies in patients treated with IL2; (published) evaluation of catecholamines in patients treated with IL2. (Abstract).

1987 Daniel Petrylak - Evaluation of micronutrient changes in patients treated with IL2. (published).

1989 Steven Werfel - case report of a patient with renal insufficiency treated with IL2 and resembling graft versus host reaction (paper published - Am J Nephrol 1992).

1989 Craig Moskowitz - Thyroid dysfunction associated with acute leukemia. (Abstract presented 1990; paper published, Am J Heme 1991).

1991 Bruce Gaynor - Phase II study of carboplatin and mitoxantrone in relapsed/refractory leukemia. (abstract presented ASH 1991; manuscript published Medical Oncology 2010, epub 2009).

2001. D. Unnikrishnan - Torsades de pointes in three patients on treatment with arsenic trioxide and other cardiologic features. (Abstracts presented at ISEH, 2000 and Am Col Cardiol, 2001; published in Blood.

2002. Giridhar Adiga - Characterization of bone metastases in patients with renal cell cancer. (Abstract presented at meeting on bone metastases, NIH, Bethesda MD 2002; manuscript published)

2002-2003 Giridhar Adiga – Evaluation of iatrogenic anemia in hospitalized elderly. Abstract submitted to ASH and presented at Am Geriatric Society annual meeting 2003.

2002-2003 Prashant Mannam – Review of outcome of patients with metastatic renal cell cancer and evaluation of prognostic factors in those treated with interleukin-2 based therapy. Abstract submitted to ASCO 2003.

2002-2003 A .Kunther – Association of renal cell cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (manuscript published, Am J. Heme.)

2003- R.Karri – Update of MVC in Relapsed Hodgkin’s disease, with Doru Alexandrescu. Abstract presented at ASH.

2003- Evelyn Morris - Mitoxantrone and Carboplatin in Blast Crisis of CML (manuscript published, Medical Oncology, 2010, epub 2009.).

2004 – Luis Natali – Arrhythmias in patients receiving IL2. Abstract submitted.

2006 - Sung Lee – Eosinophilia in patients undergoing high dose IL2 therapy. Abstract presented at Int Soc Biological Therapy.

2007 - Sung Lee – Pruritis responding to gabapentin in patients undergoing high dose IL2 therapy. Abstract presented at ASCO.

2007 – Padmaja Bojanopally – Taxol and High dose IL2 Sequential biochemotherapy in melanoma. Abstract presented at ASCO.

2008 - Padmaja Bojanopally/ Mohammed Mowla - Temsirolimus – experience with compassionate and commercially available agent in patients with metastatic RCC. Abstract presented at ASCO 2008; Manuscript submitted, Medical Oncology.

2008 – Sung Lee - Pruritis and Eosinophilia mechanisms - Abstract presented at Kidney Cancer Association meeting , 2008. Paper published J Immunotherapy

2009 - Mahadi Baig - Sung Lee, Mahadi Baig - Long term remission of CML in Blast Crisis treated with IFN, plicamycin, and finally imatinib. Published, 2009.

2010 – Mahadi Baig, Sung Lee - Eosinophilia and Pruiritis in RCC treated with IL2, use of Gabapentin, published J immunotherapy, 2010

2009 - S Gunturu - *Gunturu S, Adiga GU, Dutcher JP: Lactobacillus jensenii bacteremia while on probiotic therapy. Am J Gastro 105 (Suppl 1): S 227 (abstr # 628), 2010

2009 – Amin – toxicity of Sorafenib and correlation with response

2010 - Ravi - Castlemans’s Disease - Diagnosis in Oncology (submitted)

2011 – Mowla and Padmaja - Temsiroimus – non-trial experience (in preapartion)

2012 - Varella - RCC and Lymphoma in families – abstract submitted KCA, GU Oncology


1987 Karen Simon - case report of adenocarcinoma arising in vulvar breast tissue (published).

1989 Margery Strack - Evaluation of coagulopathy associated with IL2 therapy. (abstract presented; published).

1990 Grace Sagayadan - Therapy of acute leukemia in elderly patients.

1990 Fabio Volterra - Lymphoma in association with breast cancer.(abstract presented, manuscript published).

1991 Sreenivas Rao - Role of biologic response modifiers in hematologic malignancies (published).

1992 Deborah Colletti - Alpha interferon and plicamycin for accelerated phase chronic myelogenous leukemia (abstract presented; manuscript published).

2003- Alexandrescu Doru and Lydia Koulova – Rituxan in treatment of TTP and ITP (manuscript published)

2003- Alexandrescu Doru – Case studies of high dose and low dose IL2 (monograph published)

2003 – Alexandrescu Doru – Fatal intra-alveolar hemorrhage in a patient receiving Rituxan (manuscript published)

2003- Alexandrescu Doru – IV gamma globulin and risk of Stroke (published)

2004 – Lydia Koulova - Phase II study of IL2 amd GMCSF in metastatic RCC (manuscript published)

2004 – Alexandrescu Doru – Chapter, Chemotherapy Toxicities and Complications, In Clinical Hematology, (Ed) S. Gerson, et al: In press, 2005.

2004 – Alexandrescu Doru – Update of MVC for Hodgkin’s disease with Dr. Karri – presented at ASH, manucript in preparation.

2004 – Vladimir Hugec and Lydia Koulova – Gemcitabine in advanced renal cancer. Abstract published.

2005 – Vladimir Hugec – Chapter, Management of non-Clear Cell renal cell cancer In Clinical Management of Renal Tumors, (Eds) R Bukowski, A Novick, 2008

2006 - Constantine Dasanu – Skin Changes in patients receiving tyrosine Kinase inhibitors – articles published.

2006- Merat Esfahani – Review of treatment of CML- Blast Crisis – published Current Treatment Options.

2009 – Sung Lee, Mahadi Baig - Long term remission of CML in Blast Crisis treated with IFN, plicamycin, and finally imatinib. Published, 2009.

2006-9 – Sung Lee - Eosinophilia and Pruiritis in RCC treated with IL2, presented, Kidney Cancer Meeting, Chicago. Published, J Immunotherapy, 7/2010.

2009-2010 - Giridhar U. Adiga - *Gunturu S, Adiga GU, Dutcher JP: Lactobacillus jensenii bacteremia while on probiotic therapy. Am J Gastro 105 (Suppl 1): S 227 (abstr # 628), 2010

2010-2011- Giridhar U. Adiga - Colorectal Cancer In Geriatric Gastroenterology, C Pitchumoni and TS Dhamarajan (eds). IN press 2011

2012-2013 - Rangaswamy Chintapatla - RCC and lymphoma in families – abstract at GU oncology and KCA 2012.


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