
OKLAHOMA BUSINESS ETHICS CONSORTIUMBoard of Directors Monthly Meeting MinutesApril 4, 20133:00pm – 5:00pmLocation: (Valerie’s Office) Capitol Abstract & Title Company6601 N. Broadway Ext., Bldg. 5Present:Bob ByrneLynn FlinnValerie Fried (non-voting member)Kellian SchneiderDavid MayfieldGaryl GeistLynda MobleyMyrna LathamShannon Warren Todd Lisle Michael OonkShannon HiebertAbsent: Janice Dobbs (non-voting member)Rob Martinek Randy ThurmanSusie Wellendorf Kevin Kennemer I) Financial Reports & Update on Tax Filings - David MayfieldDavid informed the board taxes for the Consortium are complete; however, Foundation taxes are in queue. He will wait to file both together. Shannon W. added the delay was due to a minor change on the Foundation tax return and should be complete within one week. The current balance sheet shows 175k cash compared to 152k this time last year. Tulsa account is up to date and neither chapter has any outstanding payables. A review of the YTD Profit and Loss statement revealed luncheon collections at the door are down due to growth of pre-paid members! David suggested a reclassification on the financial statements by adding a column for pre-paid meals in order to reflect true cost. This will allow an at a glance view of available funds for other items. OKE admin will track of student sponsorships and overages for a more accuracy. He noted membership revenue has increased in both cities in addition to expenses are more tame this year in comparison to this time last year (108k net income vs 66k). The 38% decrease of Tulsa Chapter meeting expenses is likely due to invoice timing. Bob motioned for approval for the financial statements; Valerie seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote.II) Approval of Minutes Shannon H. motioned for approval of the February 8, 2013 board minutes. David seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote.III) Website Composite - Kelli SchneiderKelli and Shannon W. have given approval to designer for the final template (see below, or ). She believes the delay will be well worth the wait. She projects the new look of OK Ethics will go live in 4 – 6 weeks. Some of the features of the new layout will include: both cities will be able to utilize the coming soon box, the entire homepage should be visible without scrolling within any server (unlike the current homepage), and subsequent page will show top sponsors. IV) Compass Awards - Shannon WarrenShannon W. updated the board on Compass Award business stating the judges have met and a good turnout of non-member applications! Thanks were in order to Lynn and the Rowland Group for nominating 60 companies! Ms. Warren suggested the early registration date be moved to April 22nd since winners will not be known until April 15th. This will allow an announcement at the OKC Chapter luncheon meeting on the 17th. The board decided to offer a deeply discounted, non-advertised, by invitation only rate of $350 for a table of eight to non-profits that win Community Impact Award to assist with affordability and attendance. Shannon W. suggested approval of Kellian's services for design of Compass Award program at the rate of $65 per hour. Kellian anticipates about 10 hours of labor on the project, however, this year may run over slightly due to the addition of the Community Impact Awards. After Kellian was excused during the vote, Garyl motioned for approval; Randy seconded motioned. Motion carried unanimously by the board. The board also agreed to utilize Copyfast as the printer for the programs again this year. Projected cost is: $1,674.39 for 500 copies. V) Selection of Executive Pilot award recipient A confidential discussion regarding potential Executive Pilot Award recipients was made among board members. VI) Insurance update – Rob Martinek Rob updated the board on the event cancellation policy. Online renewal saved nearly 1k in premium costs last year. This year, Mr. Martinek requested the renewal questions for review and noticed the; cancel if speaker did not show and for weather questions were answered “no” – however, OKE would cancel due to those two issues. Thus the policy has been revised and bound to reflect the corrections. Historically, only three OKC Chapter events have been cancelled and one Tulsa Chapter event, all due to weather. Myrna inquired whether the revisions will have additional expenses associated. Rob only anticipates a very slight increase, which will still be significantly less than we have paid in the past. He will provide an update at the next board meeting. VII) Media Activity - Garyl GeistGaryl lead the discussion on increasing media presence. A previous consultant recommended putting OK Ethics’ name in mass media at least two to three times per year to uphold media presence. Board member suggestions included: advertising in Distinctly Oklahoma Magazine or The Slice Magazine, a media release regarding Compass Awards winners though the Journal Record will list winners, or tying the Community Impact or Compass Awards to a public service announcement. Valerie offered to contact to the television outreach coordinator for channel 5 in an effort to secure a segment on the afternoon or morning tv shows. Garyl committed to follow the public service announcement route and tv interview opportunities and will dispatch feedback to board members. VIII) Social Media Policy (NEW ITEM) – Myrna LathamMyrna spoke on use of social media beyond the OKE Facebook page stating many employers have social media policies, but she was unable to locate guidelines specific to volunteers, thus prompting her to draft one for OK Ethics that include compensated individuals, Board of Directors, and volunteers. The starting point was our own guiding principles. Randy suggested specifically listing Google Plus in addition to other media outlets. Valerie urged the board to be cognizant of who we are and who we represent, while being mindful of how we use our freedom of speech. Garyl G. inquired whether or not this will be a signable document. Myrna responded it is not necessary, but it needs to be a visible part of other policies. Todd L. queried what ramifications OK Ethics will pursue if the policy is not upheld. Myrna responded with uncertainly because a pinpoint person has not been named. Rob M. suggested the board appoint a small committee to avoid groups becoming involved. OK Ethics bylaws permit such a designation. Bob Byrne motioned to approve a social media committee, Shannon H. seconded. Motion unanimously upheld. XI) Where Are We Headed? Garyl Geist and Valerie FriedContinuing Valerie’s effort of gathering information from each board member, Todd, Rob and Kellian were asked to provide feedback regarding their strengths and threats for the initiative. (Results below) StrengthThreatToddExperience and perspective.Time.RobUnderstands the heart of OKE, experience, history, and tenure.Small business owner, recent promotion at work, family obligationsKellianThe Ability to reach people in ways they can understand strategy, affiliated with a multi-location organization, and leadership peting meetings.Following a meeting at the Center for Non-profits, Shannon W. and Garyl feelings were confirmed that our board is exceptional! To that end, Garyl would like to re-establish board retreats on an annual basis because fellowship and strength are tied by relationships. The by-product of past retreats lead to increased board communication.Garyl acknowledges OK Ethics has been successful but would like to be proactive in light of change. Some of his takeaways and ideas following the meeting were: A lot of OKE Growth was due to founder’s groundwork.We want OKE to have a legacy, not to fall off when board members transition. Readdress how OKE works= more functioning committees/ not namesakes.Develop and organizational/ leadership sustainable model for OKE/ Board Succession.Create a long term success model.Create a research committee for organizational fortitude.Seek consulting from an outside expert (i.e. – Marnie Taylor/ Nathan Mellor).To bring the aforementioned ideas come to fruition, Garyl suggested the formation of a committee that will require: Conformity / consistencyIncreased workload per board member & volunteerNeed representation from both citiesLimited number of people on committee (4-5)Board members with transitioning board experience. David, Lynda, Shannon W., Rob, Lynn and Garyl volunteered to participate on the committee. Garyl volunteered to create a timeline and agenda to present to the board on behalf of the committee. Shannon H. motioned to form a committee, Randy T. seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote. X) Membership & Attendance Membership Drive FY 12 - 13Non renewal Rate of Individual MembersLevelOKCTulsa TotalMembers vs FY 11-12RetentionOKCTulsa Pinnacle516961120%8016Navigator033480100%048Star303240100%240Horizon136191522112%10448Media10140100%40Leading14122652681%2824Trailblazer16723237144%167Frontier34640320295%27248Scout381553533858%3815Total77236101%566206772averageComparison to Last Year:Lynda pointed out rate of retention is doing well; however, the Scout level is statically a low level of retention due to transitioning members and six Leading members did not renew. Shannon W. cited financial limitations as the primary reason from former members. However, she is hopeful the Compass Awards may draw a few additional memberships. Shannon W. noted monthly luncheon attendance is good and in line with higher goals. (OKC = 300 and Tulsa =150).XI) Board Attendance – Shannon W. briefly reviewed the board attendance.XII) Next Meeting – Wednesday, May 1, 2013 from 3-5pm at BKD 211 N. Robinson, Suite 600, Oklahoma City and 6120 S. Yale Avenue, Suite 1400, Tulsa (video-conference), a call in number will be provided for those not able to attend at either location.XIII) Adjourned at 5:17pm\sNew Website DesignExcept for the home page, Company listings for Pinnacle, Navigator and Star members will appear on the right side of our pages. The new design will make it easier for IPad and IPhone users to view the content.097155000Media Activity: October?2012 Journal Record – Shannon’s columnTrue Oldies:? Ads and Shirley Mears interview with Tom Hill aired on Monday and?Tue at 9:35am and 3:35pm on Faith KFXY 1640am week of 10-8-12.? 20577003/SHIRLEY%20%26%20TOM% 20full%20length%20interview. mp3Tulsa Chapter Channel 8 Interview (Kennemer & Wilkinson) 2012Journal Record – Shannon’s columnTrue Oldies:? Ads Distinctly Oklahoma Magazine article: Linnda Durre Tulsa Journal Ad Sunday, Nov 18, 2012 The Sunday Oklahoman, 2012 Journal Record – Shannon’s columnTrue Oldies:? Ads12/09/12 The Sunday Oklahoman January, 2013Journal Record – Shannon’s columnTrue Oldies:? Ads and Wes Lane interviewThe Oklahoman’s article of Wes Lane’s Jan presentation in OKC: Feb 2013Journal Record – Shannon’s columnTrue Oldies:? Ads and interviewMarch 2013Journal Record – Shannon’s columnTrue Oldies:? Ads and interviewDr. Mark Rutland’s presentation in Tulsa: Goal Setting Initiatives1)????? Continue to promote & grow our organization, by focusing on ethics & integrity in the workplace through speaker & training initiatives.Board Champions: Lynda Mobley & Michael Oonk (Began discussions in the fall, but because of a tight schedule, this was postponed pending further input from Lynda & Mike.)i. Content focus with “takeaways” for members? - whichii contributes to increased membership – target growth to increase membership by 5%Attached are the initial recommendations from Lynda & Mike.2)????? Board Structure, continuity & governance:Board Champions: Janice Dobbs, Valerie Fried, Myrna Latham, Garyl Geist, David Mayfield, Lynn Flinn, Kevin Kennemer, Shannon Warren (See breakdown below)I.????? Create cohesive, decisive & focused board?? (Valerie and Garyl)II.???? Review ideas generated during last board retreat – see where we are and did we take advantage of the ideas formulated at the retreat?? (Shannon W.)III.??? Team building and succession planning?? (Valerie and Garyl)IV.???? Continue to explore feasibility of retaining?? (Randy Thurman, Todd Lisle, David Mayfield) &compensating (Myrna Latham and David Mayfield) a full-time executive directorNote: Valerie will ask input from whoever suggested this item.3)????? Evaluate OK Ethics Board Governance policies, practices and performance. Review the Non-Profit Governance Index from BoardSource to determine how OK Ethics stands in relation to best practices.(Myrna Latham.? Valerie will contact the person who suggested this item.)4)????? Fiscal ResponsibilityBoard Champions:? David Mayfield, Randy Thurman, Todd Lisle I.????? Be good stewards of the funds entrusted to us by our membersII.???? Get spending back in line with revenues.? We have been in a growth year – spending extra to attract high profile speakers – to increase revenues and potential members.III.??? Need to grow surplus to support Foundation and growth of the organizationIV.???? Funding for Foundation (*New item, also added to Foundation item 5)-S. Warren suggests a percentage of OK Ethics memberships be reserved for Foundation initiatives. 5)????? Communication and MarketingBoard Champions: Kelli Schneider - Branding; Susie Wellendorf - Public Relations; Follow up by Randy Thurman, Bob Byrne and Lynn FlinnI.????? Upgrade and utilize the website & social media (Kelli)II.???? Provide more frequent and effective communication with our membership and the public regarding our student initiatives (Susie) III.??? Develop a marketing plan utilizing the expertise of our marketing and public relations professionals who on the board (after recommendations i. and ii. are complete.) (Randy, Bob and Lynn.)6)????? FoundationBoard Champion: Shannon HiebertI.????? Support student initiativesII.???? Increase number of schools participating in the Statewide Ethics ChallengeIII.??? Develop programs specifically for UniversitiesIV.???? Funding for Foundation (also added to agenda item 3, but may want additional input)Membership DetailsNew & Upgraded Memberships FY 12 -13updated 04/01/13CL Frates/ BancInsureTrailblazerOKCAcctKnlowledgeTrailblazerTulsaGableGotwalsLeadingTulsaCherokee Nation BusinessesHorizonTulsa Mazzio's LLCLeadingOKCnewOklahoma Sports & Orthopedics InstituteLeadingOKCnewSamson Resources CompanyLeadingTulsanewLegend Senior LivingTrailblazerOKC/ TulsanewINTEGRIS HealthFrontierOKCnewOklahoma Quality FoundationFrontierOKCnewSALLT and Light Leadership Training Inc.FrontierOKCnewSt. Gregory's UniversityFrontierTulsanewDove Science AcademyFrontierOKCUpgraded from ScoutBoy Scouts of AmericaScoutOKCnewBrand BankScoutTulsanewContinental Wire ClothScoutTulsanewKeith JossellScoutOKCnewDr. Don Hull (retired OCU)ScoutOKCnewOklahoma County District Attorneys OfficeScoutOKCnewPierce Couch Hendrickson Baysinger & Green, LLPScoutOKCnewRichard Dunn, CPA, PLLCScoutTulsanewThe Chasteen GroupScoutOKCnewV Michael Hedrick, CPAScoutOKCnewThe Bama CompaniesPinnacleTulsaUpgraded from NavigatorLaredo PetroluemHorizonTulsanewLynnco. Chain Supply CompanyLeadingTulsanewJohn B. Davis & Associates, PLLCTrailblazerOKCnewOklahoma Natural GasTrailblazerOKCnewHighMount Exploration & Production LLCHorizonOKCnewFrates Insurance and Risk ManagementLeadingOKCnewLearning UnlimitedLeadingTulsanewOGE Energy Corp.LeadingOKCnewCornerstone Home HealthFrontierOKCnewGreater Oklahoma City ChamberFrontierOKCnewMasonic Charity Foundation of OklahomaFrontierOKCnewSouth OKC Chamber of OklahomaFrontierOKCnewTulsa Area United WayFrontierTulsanewCorporate Performance Group, LLCScoutTulsanewDr. Deborah Burroughs (Retired Langston)ScoutOKCnewRichard Dunn, CPA, PLLCScoutTulsanewRMES Business ServicesScoutTulsanewWaukesha Pearce Industries Inc.ScoutOKCnewThe Plexus GroupeScoutOKCnewTotal Life DesignsScoutOKCnewTulsa County (Physician)ScoutTulsanewRMES Business ServicesScoutTulsanewProgessive ResourcesScoutOKCnewVisiting AngelsScoutOKCnewWaukesha Pearce Industries Inc.ScoutOKCnewDowngradedAccel Financial StaffingTrailblazerdowngraded from LeadingEide Bailly Trailblazerdowngraded from LeadingOCU - Meinders School of BusinessTrailblazerdowngraded from LeadingLegal ShieldScoutdowngraded from FrontierNon-renewed membershipsCDR GlobalLeadingOKCCobb EngineeringLeadingOKCErnst & YoungLeadingOKCGIANT PartnersLeadingOKCHoganTaylor LLPLeadingOKC/ TulsaMercer Adams Funeral ServiceLeadingOKCOsage Million Dollar Elm CasinoLeadingTulsaTulsa Technology CenterLeadingTulsaDelta DentalTrailblazerOKCLafargeTrailblazerTulsaAmerican Cancer SocietyFrontierOKCBuilders Association of South Central OklahomaFrontierOKCCenter for Early African ChristianityFrontierOKCChange Your FateFrontierOKCCommunication Federal Credit UnionFrontierOKCEast Central UniversityFrontierOKCFirst United BankFrontierOKCFull ForceFrontierOKCGooden GroupFrontierOKCHLP SolutionsFrontierOKCMoxley & Associates ConsultingFrontierOKCOklahoma Bankers AssociationFrontierOKCBueno SoftwareScoutTulsaBVAScoutOKCCarl E Gungoll Exploration LLCScoutOKCCity of EdmondScoutOKCClaudette GreenwayScoutOKCClaudia Cochran, CPAScoutOKCDeBee GilchrestScoutOKCDeloite & Touche LLPScoutTulsaDoris Beaton CPAScoutOKCDustin FisherScoutOKCEast Central UniversityScoutOKCELC RoundtableScoutOKCEnergy GroupScoutOKCExplorer Pipeline CompanyScoutTulsaExpress ServicesScoutOKCGuaranty Abstract CompanyScoutTulsaGrand BankScoutTulsaHyattScoutOKCIntegris HealthScoutOKCJames F. Imel, P. C.ScoutOKCJoHelen McClain, CPAScoutOKCHoganTaylor LLPScoutOKCMaxum Petroleum, Inc.ScoutOKCMercerScoutTulsaMerrill LynchScoutTulsaMeyers-Reynolds & AssociatesScoutOKCNative American Housing Services, Inc.ScoutOKCNelson Roselius Terry & MortonScoutOKCOK Secretary of StateScoutOKCOK Board of Private Vocational SchoolsScoutOKCOklahoma Central Credit UnionScoutTulsaOklahoma Central Credit UnionScoutTulsaOklahoma Healthcare AuthorityScoutOKCOpportunity OklahomaScoutOKCOSU - TulsaScoutTulsaParents Assistance CenterScoutOKCRebel OilScoutOKCRely EnergyScoutTulsaResourceware, Inc.ScoutOKCRPL ManagementScoutTulsaSales Ethics, Inc.ScoutTulsaSeeking EmploymentScoutTulsaSentryOne LLCScoutOKCSlicker Law FirmScoutTulsaStanfield & O'Dell, P.C.ScoutTulsaSurgical Specialists of OklahomaScoutOKCTHG EnergyScoutTulsaThe Contracting AcademyScoutOKCThe Family Wealth Consortium LLCScoutTulsaTherapy Works, IncScoutTulsaTransitioning ProfessionalsScoutTulsaTulsa WorldScoutTulsaTurning Potential Into SuccessScoutTulsaTwin Foods, Inc.ScoutTulsaUPSScoutOKCUR MobileScoutOKCVericrest FinancialScoutOKCWood Group ESPScoutOKCMember Meeting AttendanceBoard Member Attendance ................

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