West Hollywood Elementary

2016-2017 School-wide Positive Behavior Plan

West Hollywood’s School-wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) is designed to provide an understanding of the school-wide expectations for promoting and monitoring a positive learning environment. The Behavior Intervention Plan delineates:

• Student Responsibility

• Parent Responsibility

• Teacher Responsibility

• The Response to Intervention Team

• Administrator Responsibility

West Hollywood’s SPBP, the Code of Student Conduct, and the Discipline Matrix are provided to students and parents on their first day of school. During the first week of school and throughout the school year, teachers review the classroom and school expectations and the Code of Student Conduct. Parents are required to review the SPBP, the Code of Student Conduct, and the Discipline Matrix with students and then return the acknowledgement form with all appropriate signatures.

School Philosophy

West Hollywood Elementary provides a safe and compassionate learning community that challenges all students to be life-long learners and responsible citizens. West Hollywood embraces the philosophy of positive behavioral management. This is a proactive and positive philosophy to develop successful behavior. In addition, West Hollywood promotes a positive learning environment by promoting our school rules. West Hollywood Elementary, in alignment with Broward County Public Schools, is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of all students in a safe learning environment. In an effort to enhance the school’s learning environment by ensuring safety, we have adopted a School-wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP).

All school stakeholders (staff, students, and parents) are oriented to the school policies and procedures to ensure effective implementation of the SPBP.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

According to Carol McCloud, author of Have You Filled a Bucket Today, In addition to being loved, children must also be taught how to love others. Children who learn how to express kindness and love lead happier lives. When you love and care about others and show that love with what you say and do, you feel good and you fill your own bucket, too.

How Full is Your Bucket books will be provided to each teacher based on grade level. As we read the books with the children, we will use it as an opportunity to model bucket filling by filling each others’ buckets.

Students will learn…

Three rules for keeping their bucket filled and living a happier life:

1. Be a bucket filler

2. Don’t dip

3. Use your lid

Three laws:

1. When you fill someone else’s bucket, you fill your own.

2. When you dip into someone else’s bucket, you dip into your own.

3. When someone dips into your bucket, your lid controls how much is taken out.

Staff will:

1. Tell students and staff members why they are special to us.

2. Help students think about what they might say or do to fill someone else’s bucket.

3. Work with the children and help them practice daily bucket filling.

4. Model being a “filler” of colleagues’ buckets.

5. Specials teachers will award pom-poms for “class buckets” based on class’ behavior.

6. Cafeteria supervisor will distribute pom-poms based on cafeteria plan outlined in Appendix A.

7. Each teacher will determine how to “celebrate” when the class fills their bucket.

Administration and Support Staff will:

• Develop plan and support kickoff of “Bucket Program”

• Provide resources

Misc. Ideas:

• Origami buckets

• Writing notes

• Pompoms of different sizes

Student Responsibility

Every student is expected to adhere to Broward County’s Code of Conduct, West Hollywood’s Guidelines for Success, classroom and school-wide rules and expectations. Our school wide expectations (appendix A) outline the behavioral expectations for the common areas of the school, including hallway, cafeteria, walking in line, working on the computer, and our weekly book check out.

School Rules

1. Follow directions from all West Hollywood staff.

2. Speak kind words.

3. Keep hands and feet to self.

Parent Responsibility

Parents play an integral part in West Hollywood’s SPBP. Each parent shares the responsibility of acknowledging the guidelines outlined in the District’s Code of Conduct and Discipline Matrix. When a student receives a discipline referral, the Matrix is the mandated guide administrators use to assign consequences consistently, regardless of the school your child attends.   Parents are expected to reinforce their child’s behavior and work collaboratively with the teachers and administration to work through discipline situations. Parents receive a letter at the beginning of the school year explaining West Hollywood’s SPBP. Parents are expected to review the SPBP and behavioral expectations with their child(ren).

Teacher Responsibility

All regular classes and special area teachers are responsible for the classroom management plan in their designated classroom based upon the school-wide philosophy. This plan includes a leveled system in which students may move up or down on a scale to communicate behavioral accomplishments and concerns with parents. Classroom expectations will be posted in each classroom along with rewards and reductive consequences. Teachers will teach, model, and review the expectations, rewards and consequences (Appendix B) with their students. Additionally, all teachers must model and enforce our school wide common area expectations. (Appendix B)

Teachers can access the Discipline Management System (DMS) through Virtual Counselor when it has been determined that a behavioral referral needs to be issued.

Administrative Discipline Referrals fall into three categories

1. Leveled Plan (Levels 1-3 followed)

2. Referral (not an immediate removal)

3. Immediate Removal (followed by a written referral)

Leveled Plan:

Teachers will utilize the following leveled plan for issuing discipline referrals for the following infractions:

• Cheating

• Disobedience/Insubordination

• Disruptive/Unruly Behavior

• Failure to comply with classroom/school rules

• Lying/Misrepresentation

• Out of assigned area

*LEVEL 1: Classroom management plan is followed and consequences are implemented.

*LEVEL 2: If the classroom management plan isn’t working, a team collaborative discussion with the grade level will take place. Documented for RT1 Tier 1.

*LEVEL 3: Documented parent notification (via phone call, conference, note in planner and/or a team planned discipline note)

*LEVEL 4: Administrative Referral. The teacher completes the referral in Virtual Counselor.

*LEVEL 5: REFERRAL TO RTI (Response to Intervention TEAM)

Referral Infractions:

The following infractions constitute a written referral that does not require immediate removal. The teacher needs to submit a referral via Virtual Counselor. Administration will follow-up within 48 hours of receiving email from staff member generating the referral. Aforementioned levels DO NOT need to be followed.

• Assault/Threat (Non-Criminal) - A threat that poses minimal risk to the victim and/or public safety. (Matrix: Parent contact, Threat Assessment Protocol, School Consequence)

• Assault/Threat (Medium Level) - An attempt to commit a battery upon a person or any intentional, unlawful threat, by words or action to do violence/injury to another person; creating fear in another person. (Matrix: above; also PROMISE eligible)

• Bullying/Harassment (Bullying Referral in the Bullying Management System)

• Disobedience/Insubordination – Failure to obey a reasonable or repeated instruction or request from a member of the school staff; School staff has exhausted all classroom level progressive consequences and/or interventions for student. (Matrix: Parent Contact; Verbal Warning; Detention)

• Disruptive (Unruly) Behavior – Conduct that interferes with all disrupts the process of teaching/learning, or disrupts the orderly environment of the classroom or learning environment such as rough, rowdy behavior. (Matrix: Parent Contact, Verbal Warning, Referral to Guidance)

• Disruptive (Unruly) Play – Conduct that interferes or disrupts the learning environment such as horseplay. (Matrix: Parent Contact, Verbal Warning, Referral to Guidance)

Please see Discipline Matrix for definitions and consequences of the infractions listed below.

• Extortion

• Forgery of a document or signature

• Gambling

• Inappropriate use of computers

• Inappropriate use of Laser Devices

• Inciting a disturbance

• Insulting/Profane/Obscene Language

• Making a false accusations against school staff

• Motor Vehicle Theft

• Petty Theft (Property Value ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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