
|TFP Attendance-11/19/2020 |

Sheri Schour, NSU & AHEC

Amy Corderman, Holy Cross Hospital

Steve Einhorn, Epic Properties

Marcia Pinck, Mental Health America

Don Torok, Concerned Citizen

Barry Hummel, Quit Doc

Ed Smith, Concerned Citizen

John Michael Pierobon, Concerned Citizen

Amy Pont-Community Care Plan

Bill Amodeo-All Star Media

Latonya Delaughter- Florida Department of Health Broward County

Lacey Boyle-American Heart Association

Barry Levy-Ft. Lauderdale Beach Sweep

Barbara Effman-ACAN, S. Florida Policy Forum

Christopher Pierce-Army National Guard

Daisy Joseph-Broward Addiction Recovery Center

Samantha Selorio-Nova Southeastern University Student

Lisa Ferreri-Middlebrooks PA

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion |Follow Up Required |

|I. Welcome & Introductions|Amy Corderman called the November 19, 2020 meeting to order at 8:15 am.| |

| |Followed by a welcoming of members. All were asked to submit their | |

| |names in the chat to identify all attendees. Welcome to Samantha | |

| |Selorio, NSU student. | |

|II. Approval of Meeting |The October minutes were approved. | |

|Minutes | | |

|IV. Committee Updates |SWAT-No Updates as Latonya and Zoe are doing COVID 19 testing. |Latonya will investigate getting |

| |Recruitment has been a challenge. 10 schools have SWAT up and running. |Broward added to statewide list. |

| |Preparations for Great American Smokeout is being planned. |Samples and costs for TFP signage will |

| |Beach Sweep- Steve Einhorn reported that the Beach Sweep is getting |be brought to the Communications |

| |great participation. 150 people attended the last, running out of |committee. |

| |supplies. Now being held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 8A instead of |Will use a centralized mail |

| |7. This has been added to the TFP calendar. Community Service Hours are|distribution list to invite |

| |available for kids. 50 people were in attendance. Next sweep. |organizations statewide to next |

| |Point of Sale-While Izzy is in the field today, Barry reported on the |Advocacy Sub-committee meeting |

| |Point of Sale subcommittee. May need our assistance in surveillance of | |

| |tobacco retailers. Suggested that the committee may want to reach out | |

| |to Sheri re: use of NSU students as well as SSgt. Pierce. John Michael | |

| |stated the next meeting of the Point of Sale subcommittee is in January| |

| |and the meeting minutes are on the website. | |

| |Broward Dept of Health Letter of Support-Amy discussed the recent | |

| |letter of support drafted by the TFP for the DOH RFA. Advocacy and | |

| |legislation were not part of the document because it was felt that the | |

| |Department of Health’s role is limited on that piece. | |

| |Education and Advocacy- | |

| |Barry discussed a recent success with Martin county. They wrote a | |

| |clever ordinance that included a $300 licensing fee, law enforcement | |

| |compliance checks and penalties for non-compliance would be used for | |

| |further prevention and surveillance. Ultimately what was passed was a | |

| |$50 fee, waived if licensed by the state. However, frequent random | |

| |compliance checks and penalties remained the same. 1st offense-$500 | |

| |fine and 7 day suspension, 2nd offense-$500 fine and 14 day suspension.| |

| |No new licenses within 1000 ft of schools tied to the business | |

| |location. | |

| |Targeting local communities-Plan to discuss potential ordinances in | |

| |Pompano Beach and Weston. Attending their townhall meetings. Barry will| |

| |get materials for city councils and will start to email these. United | |

| |Way is willing to support us in this. John Michael suggested contacting| |

| |Beth Tache who is very influential in Weston and the Weston Way. The | |

| |Youth Action Team is also working on this. | |

| |Smoke Free beaches-LaMarca has been re-elected. LaMarca along with Joe | |

| |Gruters should be able to push through beach legislation. Will | |

| |licensing legislation be re-introduced this legislative session after | |

| |the veto of SB 810? Sen. Mayfield could potentially re-introduce this. | |

| |We need a unified voice at the state to put pressure on Gov. DeSantis. | |

| | | |

| |Coalition of Coalitions-The first meeting was held and was very | |

| |successful. 47 counties were represented with 24 individuals from all | |

| |over the state, including Miami-Dade, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and | |

| |smaller communities. The group agreed that we need to become more | |

| |organized and a unified voice. Develop a phone tree system to | |

| |communicate issues and information quickly. Discussed ways to create a | |

| |central distribution list, whether through mail chimp or some other | |

| |means. It was suggested that we include the Miami-Dade policy and | |

| |surveillance committee to our mailing list. | |

| |The coalition summarized their focus to be on statewide retail | |

| |licensure, smoke free beaches and re-introduce SB 810. Also getting | |

| |more support from local advocacy groups as Gov. DeSantis does not like | |

| |that. Suggested we get buy-in from County Commissioners, the American | |

| |Heart Association and possibly local military to get a resolution to | |

| |support legislation or state policy. | |

| |Communications- | |

| |NewsletterDec/Jan will focus on Tobacco Retail Licensing and the | |

| |success that they have had in Martin County as a model. | |

| |Art Contest: Letters for funding request our out, we are a little | |

| |behind compared to last year. | |

| |End of Year Funding: We have funds that need to be used by the end of | |

| |the year. Discussed options for spending these on communications. | |

| |Suggestions included; Reusable signs, feather flags (which would be | |

| |good at beach sweeps). car magnets and yard signs. | |

| |John Michael made a motion to form a committee to create these signs | |

| |and distribute. Barry suggested that we bring this to the | |

| |communications committee with samples and costs. Latonya asked about | |

| |newspaper ads. This was in the workplan for 3rd quarter and is | |

| |something we are still interested in doing. Amy has a contact at the | |

| |Sun-Sentinel. Another suggestion was to consider a direct mailer. This | |

| |was done last summer to 80,000 residents. We could do this again on a | |

| |smaller scale. | |

| |As a follow-up to last month, Latonya will work on updating the | |

| |information for Broward on the state website for Tobacco Free Florida | |

| |website | |

| |Youth Essay Contest-Looking for entrants. Students published in any | |

| |Florida newspaper will win a $100 prize. This was also discussed at the| |

| |Coalition of Coalitions meeting. | |

|V. New Business |New business | |

| |No New business to report | |

|VI. Adjourn |Meeting adjourn at 9:32 AM. | |


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