
Broward County LogoApprovedBroward County Board of County CommissionersChildren’s Services BoardRegular Board Meeting Minutes November 16, 2018Governmental Center, Room 320 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301Call to OrderMs. Swartzbaugh, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:13 a.m. Special Presentation Ms. Swartzbaugh presented Mr. Sansone with a Certificate of Appreciation for serving on the Children’s Services Board. Mr. Sansone accepted the award and gave a brief speech. Roll CallMs. Swartzbaugh, Chair, called for roll call and Ms. Evans, Vice Chair, called the roll with a quorum being established with Robin Bartleman, Cassandra Evans, Elsie Judon, Andrea Keener, Monica King, Robert Mayersohn, Andrew-Craig Nugent, Daniel Schevis, Joel Smith and Allicia Walford in attendance. Mickey Valbrun-Pope participated via telephone. Carmen Jones, Commissioner Geller and Lidia Wallace were absent. Staff members who attended were Darrell Cunningham, Director Community Partnerships Division (CPD), Silvia Beebe, CPD, Hulda Estama, County Attorney’s Office, Tamika McBride, Children’s Services Administration (CSA), Deborah Scott, CSA, and Anna Gibbs, CSA. Guests: Dawn Liberta, Department of Children and Families, (DCF), Dr. Sue Gallagher Children Services Council (CSC) and Marissa Aguino (CSC). Approval of the October 19, 2018 Minutes Ms. Evan moved, and Mr. Schevis seconded to approve the October 19, 2018 minutes as presented by staff. MOTION PASSED Chair Report Ms. Swartzbaugh updated the Board members on vacancies as follows: Commissioner Bogen, District 2, Vice Mayor Holness, District 9, Commissioner Sharief, District 8 and Broward Behavioral Health Coalition (BBHC). Sandra Veszi-Einhorn, Commissioner Sharief’s appointment submitted her resignation the morning of October 22, 20018. Ms. Paige Patterson-Hughes was recently appointed to represent the Department of Children and Families. Approved Page 2Special Needs Summary Dr. Gallagher, CSC, gave a brief history of the Special Needs Assessment Project coordinated by the CSC and funded in part by CSA. Its purpose is to identify gaps in services for children and youth with special needs along with opportunities to integrate and expand evidence-based practice models within the local system of care. The assessments will also provide an opportunity to update the 2005 Special Needs Business Plan. Dr. Gallagher pointed out that the Special Needs Assessment has a limited scope of work due to the respective funding allocations by the CSC, United Way (UW) and CSA. As a result, the consultant has had to be very strategic about community engagement and forums in which to share the information. Finally, the assessment is to use a racial equity lens on lessons learned concerning disparities in treatment of children of color, children with special needs or behavioral health challenges. This will be accomplished through research embedded in the survey tools and focus groups. The desired outcome is that this process will assist to identify next steps, gaps, opportunities and strategies. CSC is aiming for a March timeframe to give a preliminary report before the final roll out later in 2019. Juvenile Justice ReportMs. Evans gave an update on the Behavioral Health Respite program at Covenant House. The program rolled out in January 2018 and was impacted by the structural damage caused by Hurricane Irma in 2017. The program was not able to perform at full capacity which presented challenges to referral agencies. The assistance of Captain Judon has been pivotal in removing obstacles to allow for increased referrals to the program. Collaborative meetings with all partners have also made a difference in increasing capacity.The Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) and The Detention Center are reviewing their assessment process to provide individualized services. Ms. Evans spoke briefly about another newspaper article pertaining to the JAC and its deteriorating conditions. Overall, Ms. Evans stated that DJJ is moving in the right direction with staff transition and will be meeting every two weeks during this period. In January, it is anticipated that supervisors and staff will be prepared to complete the assessments with the continued support of Broward Sheriff Office (BSO). BSO will continue to provide security at the JAC. Lastly, a new committee has been formed to discuss the development of a new detention center and location options. Board members gave Ms. Evans feedback on the tours experienced at both facilities. Proposed 2019 CalendarBoard members reviewed the 2019 Calendar and considered leaving all meetings on the current schedule of the third Friday of the month with no meetings in the month of July and December. After reviewing CPD Utilization dates along with major Holidays, the Board agreed on a 2019 CSB Calendar. Also discussed were the three absences allowed throughout the year for personal reasons. Ms. Bartleman moved, and Mr. Schevis seconded to change the June date from the third Friday to second Friday which will be June 14, 2019. MOTION PASSEDMs. King moved, and Captain Judon seconded to continue having no meetings in July. MOTION PASSED Ms. Evans moved, and Mr. Mayersohn seconded to continue with an August meeting. MOTION PASSED Mr. Mayersohn moved, and Ms. Bartleman seconded to accept the 2019 CSB Calendar . The meetings will continue on the third Friday of the month with the exceptions of April and June. No meetings in the month of July and December. MOTION PASSED Approved Page 3Section Report Ms. Beebe shared with the Board members that the CSA Administrator position remains vacant and the recruitment has been extended and expanded to other media outlets to advertise the position. Regarding the Procurement update, CPD is still moving in the direction of implementing the Service Delivery Model. Board members discussed supported employment, extending current contracts and concerns with staff on how quickly the needs of the community could be met if contracts are extended. Ms. Beebe reminded Board members that the Special Needs Assessment being conducted would not be completed to provide accurate data on the needs of the community until the RFP release. Funds can still be moved from one agency to another based upon utilization or needs of the community. Committee Liaisons/Chair’s ReportBehavioral Health/SEDNET: Board members expressed challenges with locating date/time/locations of the meetings. Ms. Beebe assigned staff to assist with this matter. Children’s Services Council: Ms. Bartleman shared that at the last meeting, the Council discussed open positions at the JAC and concerns with identifying Human Trafficking victims. Ms. Evans clarified that the approval has been given to hire the appropriate number of staff members and that the screening process is done by a team of trained staff from the moment they enter the facility. Board members discussed screening tools, markers and the experience needed to utilize the tools efficiently. They also discussed information staff may be sharing with the public and how to support the parents of children in the JAC.Integrated System: Ms. Veszi-Einhorn was not present. Needs Assessment: Mr. Mayersohn spoke briefly about the Special Needs Assessment overview given to the Needs Assessment committee and how important it is for all the questions to be answered by the individuals taking them. SNAC: Mr. Mayersohn shared the next meeting date is December 6, 2018. He stated that the Tween SNAC, Ramblewood, is working on creating an advocacy program or after school program in January, two days a week for children without 504 plans.Transitional Independent Living: Mr. Smith shared that the FLITE Center has been awarded a grant and is utilizing the funds to secure a property located on Broward Blvd. They have also asked Mr. Smith to lead a committee to create a model to assist the children in a successful transition. This is not permanent housing, however, it is steps in the right direction. He expressed excitement about the possibilities. Mr. Smith will keep the Board updated. Public CommentNo comments from the Public.Good of the OrderMs. Swartzbaugh told Board members to enjoy the Holiday break and stay safe. Approved Draft Page 4AdjournmentMs. Evans moved, and Captain Judon seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 a.m. MOTION PASSEDThe next Children’s Services Board Meeting will be Friday, January 18, 2019. These minutes were approved at the Children’s Services Board meeting dated January 18, 2019, as certified by:Lidia Wallace __________________Children’s Services Board Secretary ................

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