Email #1:Nutrition 101: 3 Things You Need To KnowFocus on Balance! You need all macronutrients in your dietProtein: chicken, fish, turkey, sirloin, pork tenderloin, shrimp, eggsCarbohydrates: veggies, sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, fruitFat: nuts, seeds, oils, medium and high fat dairyFocus on the Plate Method!-45720013144500? Plate: Nonstarchy veggies (broccoli, carrots, green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, salad)? Plate: Lean Meat (chicken, fish, turkey)? Plate: Starch (brown rice, quinoa, sweet potato, beans, butternut squash)Be consistent with your eating! Try to eat something every 3 hours (protein, carb and healthy fat)Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack DinnerSample Day:Breakfast:1 cup oatmeal with ? scoop protein powder? cup berries1 T almond butterSnack:Hard boiled egg? appleLunch:4-6 ounces grilled chicken?-2/3 cup brown rice1 ? -2 cups green beans with almond sliversSnack:Greek yogurt with 1 tsp nutsOr 2 turkey and hummus roll upsDinner:4-6 ounces salmon? sweet potato with 1 tsp butter1 ?- 2 cups roasted cauliflowerEmail #2:Drink UpWater plays many important roles in the body:1.??? It is needed for all metabolism processes2.??? It keeps cells alive by acting as a transporter for nutrients3.??? It regulates body temperature4.??? It removes waste products, in particular the byproducts of fat breakdown5.??? It acts as a lubricant for your joints, brain and spinal cord?What are some tips to drink more water?Get a special cup to drink out ofBring water in the car with youStart your morning off right with a cup of water first thing in the morning before you leave the houseRefill your water every time you go to the bathroomDrink out of a strawSet reminders on your phoneLOG itAdd different natural flavorings such as mint, cucumber, strawberries, lemons or oranges to switch up the tasteEmail #3: ReShape Your PlateWe want to focus on whole foods rather than food products. Here are some great ways to do so!Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. This is where you will find all your fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts and seeds. Try to buy as little down the isles as possible. These foods are loaded with sugar and preservatives to help keep them shelf stable and make them taste good. Read the nutrition facts and ingredients labels:If the servings per container is 4 and you had the whole container, you would need to multiply all the numbers by 4 to get an accurate measure of what you have eatenAvoid foods with high amounts of sugar (4 grams = 1 tsp sugar)When looking at the ingredients label: the first ingredient is the most abundant, second ingredient is the second most abundant and so onSugar is naturally occurring in fruits and dairy. Beware of the added sugar. For instance in yogurt, there could be upwards of 15-20 grams of sugar per serving of yogurtEmail #4: Treat & Cheat MealsCheat meals can counteract all your hard work during the week. If you want a little treat; have it and move on. Moderation is key! Try to limit your treats to 1x/week. Does eating healthy mean you can never have your favorite things again? Absolutely not! There is a difference in having a mini blizzard from Dairy Queen vs having an extra large. If you want a blizzard, have a mini and move on. If you know you are going out for pizza one evening, focus on getting extra veggies and protein earlier during the day and leave some extra carbs for your pizza. MyFitnessPal is a great way to track your intake and still be able to fit in a treat while staying on track! Log your treat in at the beginning of the day and work the rest of your intake around what macronutrients you have left for the day. Drink lots of water and exercise. Remember, moderation is key. If you really want something, have a little piece then move on and get back to the plan. Email #5:Keys to Stay on TrackTrack your food through MyFitnessPalDrink 80 ounces of water per dayPair protein, carbs and fat togetherEat every 3 hoursPlan ahead and meal prep on Sunday!Use the 3-compartment containersGet in the gym and stay activeCut the amount of processed foods and sugar ................

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