
Creative activities for VE day:Activity 1 : Make your own bunting for Friday’s tea parties, either the Union flag or your own design. (See templates) Attach to string and use to decorate.Activity 2 : Make and decorate cupcakes for VE day tea party. You will need a grown up to help. Cupcake recipe: You will need: 120g of self -raising flour, 2 eggs, 120g of castor sugar, (ordinary will do!), 120g of softened butter or margarine, a few drops of almond or vanilla essence (optional). 12 cake cases, cake tray. Icing sugar, red/blue sprinkles. Method: Preheat oven to gas mark 6, or 220C or 400F.Beat together butter and sugar until lighter in colour and fluffy. (Electric mixer is quicker)Add eggs a bit at a time, and flour. Divide mixture between cake cases, bake on the middle shelf, for approx. 12-15mins or until risen and light golden brown. Allow to cool. Mix icing sugar according to pack instructions, (better a bit thicker!) Apply white icing gently to the top of each cake. Before icing sets, sprinkle red, blue decorations. You may wish to colour more icing sugar and use a piping bag to apply to your cakes. OR use cocktail sticks to make paper “flags” to decorate your cakes.lefttop ................

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