IRB Request

Date __11/2/13______________________

IRB Protocol Number_________________

(IRB use only)

I. Research Investigator(s) (students must list faculty sponsor first)

Department(s) _Education_______

Name Signature

1. _Brian Goteiner_______ ______________________ Principal Investigator

2. ____________________ ______________________ ____ Check if faculty sponsor

3. ____________________ ______________________ ____ Check if faculty sponsor

4. ____________________ ______________________ ____ Check if faculty sponsor

Principal investigator or Phone __(908)240-1395__________

faculty sponsor contact information:

email __bgoteiner@brrsd.k12.nj.us____

Mailing address of Principal Investigator:

5 Haynes Street

Somerville, NJ 08876

Expected Category of Review: __ Exempt __ Expedited __ Full __ Renewal

II: Protocol Title

If I administer questionnaires for self-assessment throughout a project, will it impact the way students’ progress with their art?

III. Summary:

The following summary must accompany the proposal. Be specific about exactly what participants will experience, and about the protections that have been included to safeguard participants from harm. Careful attention to the following may help facilitate the review process:

• In a sentence or two, please describe the background and purpose of the research.

In my years of teaching art to elementary students, I have seen a wide range of growth from students who enter my room at age 5 and leave for their next school at 10 years old. It seems that beyond skill level, just with any subject, some students are able to hit the objective or make certain strides with ease while others are not. If I administer questionnaires for self-assessment throughout a project, will it impact the way students’ progress with their art? I believe that having to answer questions about the elements and principles that were used (or not used), things that they would change as well as effort based questions, can help even young artists improve.

• Briefly describe each condition or manipulation to be included within the study.

During this study, students will be asked to fill out questionnaires and reflect upon their work before they move onto the next step in the project. They will be encouraged to go back into their art to make adjustments once they have analyzed their work. I will observe and keep a checklist on adjustments that were made and if they were successful. All questionnaires will be analyzed to see if positive changes were made at each step of the project.

• What measures or observations will be taken in the study? If any questionnaire or other instruments are used, provide a brief description and attach a copy.

A questionnaire will be administered that ask students to look at their artwork in progress. They will be asked to comment on the elements and principles of art that they were supposed to have focused on as well as giving their opinion on what they would have done differently and why. Besides observation and questionnaires, I will keep a checklist to see who has gone back into their artwork to make changes after they have assessed themselves. If changes were made, did they improve the work? Also, by pausing between steps I will be able to better gauge where each student is having issues. From the questionnaires, I will be able to categorize students’ answers to look for themes that arise. These themes and categories can help me get a better understanding of where the majority of students need assistance.

• Will the subjects encounter the risk of psychological, social, physical or legal risk? If so, please describe the nature of the risk and any measures designed to mitigate that risk.

The subjects will never encounter any risk throughout the duration of the study.

• Will any stress to subjects be involved? If so, please describe.

A small level of stress may occur for students with the inability to describe how they feel about their work while answering the questionnaire. This may be because of a lack of proper vocabulary or a learning disability. If they are having issues getting their thoughts on paper, they can verbally tell me and I will help them put it into words.

• Will the subjects be deceived or misled in any way? If so, include an outline or script of the debriefing.

All participants will be made aware of the questionnaire and the checklist that I will be keeping.

• Will there be a request for information which subjects might consider to be personal or sensitive? If so, please include a description.


• Will the subjects be presented with materials which might be considered to be offensive, threatening, or degrading? If so, please describe.


• Approximately how much time will be demanded of each subject?

Subjects will be asked to fill out a few questionnaires that will take about five minutes for each questionnaire. Depending on the length and complexity of the project they are working on, it could be ten to fifteen minutes over 2 to four classes.

• Who will be the subjects in this study? How will they be solicited or contacted? Provide an outline or script of the information which will be provided to subjects prior to their volunteering to participate. Include a copy of any written solicitation as well as an outline of any oral solicitation.

The make-up of the 4th grade, co-teaching class that I have chosen for this study is 12 girls and 11 boys. Out of those students, 6 of them have IEP's and are in need of modifications. Like every class in the school, this class comes to art once a week for a 40 minute period. My plan is to discuss the questionnaire and the importance of answering the questions to the best of their ability before the project begins. I will let them know that in doing this, they will be able to take steps to further themselves as students, thinkers and artists. I will also make them aware that I will look at their answers as much as I look at the artwork that they create, because the two coincide. I intend to tell them that working through the questions will improve their artwork just as much as having a marker or paintbrush in their hand.

• What steps will be taken to insure that each subject’s participation is voluntary? What if any inducements will be offered to the subjects for their participation?

The questionnaires will be introduced as part of the project that the students are working on. They must complete a questionnaire in order to move to the next step of the project.

• How will you insure that the subjects give their consent prior to participating? Will a written consent form be used? If so, include the form. If not, explain why not.

Since this study is being used to enhance curriculum, students will not need to give consent. It will be infused into the steps needed to move from one step of the project to the next.

• Will any aspect of the data be made a part of any permanent record that can be identified with the subject? If so, please explain the necessity.


• Will the fact that a subject did or did not participate in a specific experiment or study be made part of any permanent record available to a supervisor, teacher or employer? If so, explain.


• What steps will be taken to insure the confidentiality of the data? Where will it be stored? How long will it be stored? What will be done after the study is completed?

The questionnaires and checklists from the study will be locked in a file cabinet in my classroom. Once all of the data is processed at the completion of the study, the questionnaires and checklists with names can be shredded. I will transfer all of the analyzed data onto new papers to show the themes that have come up.

• If there are any risks involved in the study, are there any offsetting benefits that might accrue to either the subjects or society?

There are not any risks for any of the participants but there are benefits to foster learning and growth. By incorporating self-assessment questions throughout a project, I expect students to look deeper into their decision making and technical efforts. I want them to think, critique, question and take ownership of their art. Assessment then becomes an instrument in the student’s own artistic learning and development. I believe that every student will be able to improve if they are asked to

answer questions about their own artwork. This will force each student/artist to look for elements and principles that are being worked and it will ask them to think about what they are trying to communicate or express and how they can improve upon it. Thus, every student will get a greater sense of “process”, which in turn will lead to a more complete product.

• Will any data from files or archival data be used? If so, please describe.



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