(Not to be published)
on the financial assistance for proposals for actions submitted in the 2009 selection procedure in the Community programme « improving the environmental performance of the freight transport system» (second Marco Polo Programme)
on the financial assistance for proposals for actions submitted in the 2009 selection procedure in the Community programme « improving the environmental performance of the freight transport system» (second Marco Polo Programme)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to the Council Regulation (EC) No 1692/2006 of 24 October 2006 concerning the granting of Community financial assistance to improve the environmental performance of the freight transport system and in particular Art. 9 thereof,
Whereas :
1) In accordance with its annual work programme, the Commission has published a call for proposals inviting interested parties to submit proposals for actions to improve the environmental performance of the freight transport system, within the framework of the Community programme Marco Polo II[1].
2) The Commission has received 70 proposals for actions to the call opened from 10.02.09 to 8.05.09.
3) All proposals were considered eligible and were evaluated.
4) The Committee provided for in Art. 10 of Regulation 1692/2006 gave a positive opinion on the proposed funding and rejection lists on its meeting of 4.12.09.
5) The European Parliament was informed about the proposed funding lists according to the appropriate rules of Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999.
6) It is now incumbent on the Commission to adopt a Decision granting the financial assistance with respect to the proposals listed in Annex I to this Decision.
Article 1
The beneficiaries listed in Annex I shall receive financial assistance from the Commission to execute the actions, within the meaning of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1692/2006, listed in the said Annex, up to the maximum amount per action shown in the same Annex.
Article 2
The beneficiaries listed in Annex II constitute a reserve list. If additional budget becomes available, the beneficiaries listed in Annex II shall receive financial assistance from the Commission to execute the actions, within the meaning of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1692/2006, listed in the said Annex, up to the maximum amount per action shown in the same Annex and subject to contract negotiations with the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI).
Article 3
The proposals listed in Annex III are rejected for financial assistance from the Commission.
Done at Brussels,
For the Commission
Jean-Eric Paquet by Subdelegation
Annex I: 22 proposals selected for funding in the 2009 selection procedure under Council Regulation 1692/2006
|Prop. No |Action |Project Acronym |Companies Benefiting |Community |
| |type[2] | | |contribution |
|(TREN/B4/SUB/01-2009 | |Short Description |(Lead Company in bold) |[€] |
|MP-II/-) | | | | |
|6 |mod |G2G@2XL |2XL NV (Belgium) | |
| | |Combined rail and SSS service connecting Austria, Switzerland and Italy to |2XL Bulgaria OOD (Bulgaria) |2.190.539 |
| | |the UK focussing on the transport of Fast Moving Consumers Goods (FCMG) and| | |
| | |non hazardous chemical products. The new modally shifted route connects | | |
| | |Schwechat (Austria), Milano (Italy) and Frenkendorf and Heerbrugg | | |
| | |(Switzerland) to Zeebrugge (Belgium) via rail connections. From Zeebrugge | | |
| | |three short sea crossings are to be implemented to Tilbury, Hull and | | |
| | |Teesport (United Kingdom) depending on the final destination of the | | |
| | |freight. | | |
|13 |mos |FRES MOS |GLD Atlantique SAS, (France) |4.171.450 |
| | |This project aims at shifting trucks from the Atlantic coast roads between |Grimaldi Logistica Espana, SL | |
| | |France and Spain. GLD Atlantique will operate a modern ro-pax vessel |(Spain) | |
| | |between the ports of St Nazaire (France) and Gijon (Spain). GLD Atlantique | | |
| | |has already been awarded a grant under a French-Spanish joint call for | | |
| | |tenders for a Motorway of the Sea. | | |
|18 |mod |NG-WP |PCC Intermodal S.A. (Poland) |1.217.347 |
| | |A shuttle train corridor between Sławków and Brzeg Dolny (Poland) and |Petro Carbo Chem GmbH (Germany) | |
| | |Hamburg and Bremerhaven (Germany) for the transport of containerised goods.| | |
| | |By the end of the project the service is foreseen to have a frequency of | | |
| | |four departures per week to Hamburg and four to Bremerhaven. | | |
|19 |mod |RKE |PCC Intermodal S.A. (Poland) |971.081 |
| | |A shuttle train connection between Krzewie (Poland) and Rotterdam |Nijhoff-Wassink B.V. (Netherlands)| |
| | |(Netherlands) for the transport of containerised goods. The service is | | |
| | |foreseen to have a frequency of three roundtrips per week. | | |
|20 |mod |S.I.S.T.E.R. |SIDEUROPA S.r.l (Italy) |1.960.000 |
| | |The project aims to design a new rail/road door to door service by |Algeposa Intermodal SA (Spain) | |
| | |developing rail transport from the Monza and Palmanova hubs (Italy) to Irun|Trenitalia S.p.A. (Italy) | |
| | |(Spain) for transport of steel products. | | |
|22 |mod |The Juice Vessel |The Logical Company B.V. |1.695.138 |
| | |Multimodal alternative of the existing European distribution of frozen |(Netherlands) | |
| | |orange juice between Amsterdam (Netherlands), Ghent and Antwerp (Belgium) |Cargill Flavour Systems Ltd. | |
| | |and Mannheim (Germany), by inland waterways, and Cartagena (Spain), |(United Kingdom) | |
| | |Liverpool (United Kingdom) and Ventspils (Latvia) by short sea. | | |
|25 |mod |ADL |Trans Ferry Spa (Italy) |4.446.600 |
| | |A new driver accompanied freight ferry service with 3 scheduled weekly |Ocean Finance Limited (Greece) | |
| | |sailings between the ports of Ravenna (Italy) and Igoumenitsa and Corinth |Adriatic Lines Spa (Italy) | |
| | |(Greece) resulting in modal shift from the road cargo flows originating in | | |
| | |Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria. | | |
|27 |mod |Fresh-Express |Van Uden Maritime b.v. |7.527.428 |
| | |A new intermodal transport service offering integrated door-to-door links |(Netherlands) | |
| | |for refrigerated fruits and vegetables from Almería (Spain) to markets in |Autoridad Portuaria de Almeria | |
| | |England, the BeNeLux, northern France and Germany, including a new short |(Spain) | |
| | |sea shipping line to Dunkirk (France), Sheerness (United Kingdom) and |Andalucia Fresh Line (Spain) | |
| | |Moerdijk (Netherlands) and final distribution by road. | | |
|29 |mod |BFI |TX Logistik AG (Germany) |4.134.668 |
| | |A railway connection transporting temperature-regulated fresh and frozen |Bring Frigoscandia A/S (Denmark) | |
| | |food between markets in Sweden and Denmark and the Italian market. | | |
|30 |mod |ARCON |TX Logistik AG (Germany) |4.320.438 |
| | |An intermodal railway service transporting temperature-regulated fresh food|Posten Norge AS (Norway) | |
| | |between the Arctic market in Norway and the European continental markets of| | |
| | |Benelux and northern France. | | |
|33 |tav |SIRIUS 2 Crating |Société des Eaux de Volvic (SEV) |5.030.000 |
| | |Avoidance of the transport by road of empty bottles between logistic |(France) | |
| | |platforms in Hockenheim and Duisburg (Germany) and the production plants in|Danone Waters Deutschland GmbH | |
| | |Volvic (France), thanks to an innovative packing and palletising system. |(Germany) | |
|34 |cat |GLASSTAINER |AGC Flat Glass Europe SA (Belgium)|2.400.000 |
| | |The project partners will transport in a new type of container, jumbo glass| | |
| | |sheets from factories in the Northern Europe to various European markets by|AGC Flat Glass Italia Srl (Italy) | |
| | |implementing a new logistic concept combining short sea shipping and inland|Logistics in Wallonia (Belgium) | |
| | |waterways transport. The short sea service will go from Belgium to Italy, | | |
| | |Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece. The inland waterways service will go from | | |
| | |Belgium to Poland and to Serbia. | | |
|37 |mod |Euro Car Shuttle |Koopman InterRail B.V. |1.466.701 |
| | |A rail shuttle service in weekly loops for the transport of finished |(Netherlands) | |
| | |vehicles, between Amsterdam (Netherlands), Strasswalchen (Austria), Budaörs|Lagermax Autotransport GmbH | |
| | |(Hungary) and Born (Netherlands), and after one year of operation another |(Austria) | |
| | |loop between Amsterdam (Netherlands), Dąbrowa Górniciza (Poland), Žilina | | |
| | |(Slovakia) and Born (Netherlands). | | |
|38 |tav |Double Loading Network |Emons Group Holding B.V. |5.082.051 |
| | |Two traffic avoidance sub-actions. The first one will use a two-level |(Netherlands) | |
| | |semi-trailer for carrying non-stackable pallets. The second one will use a |Emons Cargo B.V. (Netherlands) | |
| | |semi-trailer for the transport of jumbo-sized flat glass which can be |V.a.n. H.u.e.t. Glastransport GmbH| |
| | |transformed into a semi-trailer for transporting regular freight pallets on|(Germany) | |
| | |the return trip. The service is organised along several routes covering a |Van Huet Glastransport B.V. | |
| | |wide area across Europe. |(Netherlands) | |
| | | |Van Huet Teplice s.r.o. (Czech | |
| | | |Republic) | |
|46 |mod |ITAFRA Shuttle |T.O. Delta S.p.A. (Italy) |2.051.194 |
| | |A door-to-door rail transport service for the white-goods industry between |Stark Logistic International GmbH | |
| | |the production sites in Italy and warehouses in France. |(Germany) | |
|49 |cla |INTERMODALITY E-80 |Zona de Actividades Logisticas de |374.000 |
| | |The aim is to develop and manage an institutional forum for co-operation, |Salamanca SA (ZALDESA) (Spain) | |
| | |discussion and knowledge sharing to disseminate methods and proceedings |Autoridade Portuária de Aveiro SA | |
| | |which enhance intermodal transport and logistics solutions on the |(APA) (Portugal) | |
| | |international E-80 corridor. Operators, agents and institutions related to |Autoridade Portuária de Douro – | |
| | |international freight traffic will take part in this forum. |Leixoes SA (APDL) (Portugal) | |
|52 |cat |ESTRAB |CargoBeamer AG (Germany) |5.415.900 |
| | |The aim is to overcome market barriers by introducing the 'Cargo Beamer' |UAB ACHEMOS Group (Lithuania) | |
| | |technology which is an innovative, parallel, automated technology to load | | |
| | |standard semitrailers onto rail wagons without using cranes. The rail route| | |
| | |will go from Rotterdam (Netherlands) to Riga (Latvia). | | |
|58 |mod |RAIL2 |S.A. Eurorail N.V. (Belgium) |3.304.946 |
| | |The aim is to develop new rail services by building a chain of rail |MLA (Multimodal Logistique | |
| | |services connecting: Bettembourg (Luxembourg) to Lérouville (France), |Associes) (France) | |
| | |Mannheim (Germany) to Lérouville (France), Le Havre/Rouen (France) to |Rail Liner (Belgium) | |
| | |Lérouville (France), Lérouville (France) to Lyon (France), Lyon (France) to|Eurorail International NV | |
| | |Fos-sur-mèr (France), Fos-sur-mèr (France) to Castelguelfo/Lucca (Italy). |(Belgium) | |
| | | |Nortrans SAS (France) | |
| | | |Eurorail Italia SPA (Italy) | |
| | | |Eurorail France SAS (France) | |
|60 |mod |DanNed |Sea-Cargo AS (Norway) |1.321.560 |
| | |Maritime service for unaccompanied trailer shipments between Esbjerg |Sea-Cargo Agencies Amsterdam BV | |
| | |(Denmark) and Amsterdam (Netherlands) connecting the region of Kolding in |(Netherlands) | |
| | |Denmark with Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland. |Sea-Cargo Agencies Esbjerg Aps | |
| | | |(Denmark) | |
|61 |cla |HINTERPORT |Interporto Bologna S.p.A. (Italy) |1.121.319 |
| | |The objective is the promotion of hinterland transport cooperative |Association pour le développement | |
| | |solutions for integrated operation of sea-inland ports. This will be |de la formation professionnelle | |
| | |pursued by establishing an interactive network of intermodality related |dans les transports (France) | |
| | |stakeholders in order to capture available success stories from across |Luka Koper d.d. (Slovenia) | |
| | |Europe transport business cases, validate their applicability and viability|Fundación de la Comunidad | |
| | |and promote them through training/dissemination activities using innovative|Valenciana para la Investigación, | |
| | |methods and ICT tools. |Promoción y Estudios Comerciales | |
| | | |de Valenciaport (Spain) | |
| | | |Akarport S.A. (Greece) | |
| | | |T.I.N. – Terminal Intermodale Nola| |
| | | |S.p.A. (Italy) | |
| | | |Autorità Portuale di Napoli | |
| | | |(Italy) | |
| | | |Deutsche GVZ – Gesellschaft mbH | |
| | | |(Germany) | |
| | | |Epad Ouest Provence (France) | |
| | | |Puerto Seco Azuqueca de Henares | |
| | | |S.A. (Spain) | |
| | | |Italcontainer S.p.A. (Italy) | |
| | | |Emons Spedition GmbH & Co. KG | |
| | | |(Germany) | |
| | | |Akcine Bendrove "Lietuvos | |
| | | |Geležinkeliai" (Lithuania) | |
| | | |Instituto Tecnólogico del | |
| | | |Embalaje, Transporte y Logistica -| |
| | | |ITENE (Spain) | |
| | | |Trieste Marine Terminal S.p.A. | |
| | | |(Italy) | |
| | | |Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf | |
| | | |Antwerpen (Belgium) | |
| | | |Tallinna Sadam AS (Estonia) | |
|63 |mod |VEGETIS |CMA CGM (France) |3.500.000 |
| | |A new shortsea container service between the ports of Agadir (Morocco), |STA ( Shipping & Transport | |
| | |Port of Vendres (France) and Dunkerque (France) operated on a fixed day |Andalucia) (Spain) | |
| | |weekly schedule. |IMTC (International Maritime | |
| | | |Transport Corporation) (Morocco) | |
|64 |mod | ECO DANUBE |Hödlmayr International AG |2.630.797 |
| | |Transportation of special, heavy and oversized goods on the Danube waterway|(Austria) | |
| | |between Germany/ Austria and Bulgaria/Romania. |P. Schwandner Logistik + Transport| |
| | | |GmbH (Germany) | |
| | | |Connect Speditionsgesellschaft | |
| | | |GmbH (Austria) | |
| | | |Euro Bevrachting Germany GmbH | |
| | | |(Germany) | |
| | | |Eco Danube GesmbH (Austria) | |
Annex II: 17 proposals selected on the reserve list for funding in the 2009 selection procedure under Council Regulation 1692/2006
|1 |mod |IBERLOGISTIC XXI |Conteparque – Parqueamento, |451.456 |
| | |Integrated rail/road transport service, door to door between Lisbon |movimento e reperação de | |
| | |(Portugal) and Madrid, Barcelona, Merida and Valladolid (Spain). |contentores S.A. (Portugal) | |
| | | |Puerto Seco de Santa Eulália | |
| | | |(Spain) | |
|3 |mod |HUIT Grains |Viglienzone Adriatica SpA (Italy) |1.559.458 |
| | |Transport of wheat, maize and barley from Murakeresztur (Hungary) to Villa |Mavtranssped International | |
| | |Opicina (Italy) |Transport Ltd (Hungary) | |
|8 |mod |ALBORAN |USTICALINES (Italy) |3.075.713 |
| | |Shipping service between the ports of Alicante and Malaga (Spain) and |SERVIMAD SL (Spain) | |
| | |Livorno (Italy). | | |
|10 |mod |PALCARGO |Benders Sverige AB (Sweden) |1.024.377 |
| | |Intermodal service for both palletised and bulky goods in containers and |Benders Norge AS (Norway) | |
| | |swap-bodies, including rail connection between Stockholm (Sweden) and Oslo |Gyproc AB (Sweden) | |
| | |(Norway) and final distribution by road. |Combimix AB (Sweden) | |
|14 |mod |CIC |Paneuropa-Rosch GmbH (Germany) |1.124.294 |
| | |Upgrade of an existing block-train rail service between Bremen (Germany) |Interfrigo S.r.l. (Italy) | |
| | |and Verona (Italy). It aims at doubling the frequency from the current |Kombiverkehr Intermodal Services | |
| | |5-6 to 10 roundtrips per week. |S.r.l. (Italy) | |
|21 |mod |ROSZEN |Norfolkline Shipping BV |1.862.780 |
| | |Regular ferry service between Zeebrugge (Belgium) and Rosyth (Scotland). |(Netherlands) | |
| | | |Norfolkline Irish Sea Ferries | |
| | | |(Ireland) | |
|23 |mos |TRIREME |Trieste S.à.r.l. (Luxembourg) |15.702.056 |
| | |New regular freight Ro-Ro service between Trieste (Italy) and Mersin |Samer Seaports & Terminals S.r.l. | |
| | |(Turkey), with adjacent rail transport to Austria. |(Italy) | |
|32 |mod |SIRIUS 2 Modal Shift |SA des Eaux Minérales d'Evian |1.450.000 |
| | |Transfer from road to rail of pallets with beverages between the production|(France) | |
| | |centres in Volvic and Evian (France) and logistic platforms in Hockenheim |Danone Waters Deutschland GmbH | |
| | |and Duisburg (Germany). The project is an extension of the SIRIUS 1 project|(Germany) | |
| | |(Marco Polo Call 2007). | | |
|35 |mod |ACRUX |Groupe Lactalis Etablissements |545.263 |
| | |Shift of milk products from road to rail. A block train is planned from |Achat Lait Nord (France) | |
| | |Bettembourg (Luxembourg) to Lodi (Italy). |Italate SPA (Italy) | |
|39 |mod |T.E.S.S. |GEFCO SA (France) |711.971 |
| | |An integrated door-to-door solution with a daily block train for the |GEFCO Polska (Poland) | |
| | |transport of vehicle assembling parts between Vesoul (France) and Kaluga | | |
| | |(Russia) crossing Germany, Poland and Belorussia | | |
|40 |cla |L3ARN |BMT Group Ltd (United Kingdom) |1.250.000 |
| | |Providing professionals in the Transport and Logistics Industry with |INFORMA UK Limited(United Kingdom)| |
| | |Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to support modal shift from road |eBOS Technologies Ltd (Cyprus) | |
| | |to intermodal transport through a web based platform delivering |MARLO AS (Norway) | |
| | |market-focussed content |Nautical Enterprise Centre Ltd | |
| | | |(Ireland) | |
|41 |mod |SEZARA |Adria Transport d.o.o. (Slovenia) |2.478.263 |
| | |New intermodal railway connection between northern Italy/port of Koper and |Graz-Köflacher Bahn und Busbetrieb| |
| | |western Romania. |GmbH (Austria) | |
| | | |Luka Koper d.d. (Slovenia) | |
|43 |cla |CO3 |P&G Eurocor NV (Belgium) |345.000 |
| | |Cooperation among shippers and cargo owners to promote economies of scale. |NDL/HIDC (Netherlands) | |
| | |Development of an economic and legal framework, respectful of competition |Wincanton plc (United Kingdom) | |
| | |law, for horizontal cooperation among Shippers and Transport Service |Jan de Rijk Logistics | |
| | |Providers to facilitate access to efficient Intermodal Transport. |(Netherlands) | |
| | |Dissemination of the framework and promoting cooperation via B2B meetings |Tri-Vizor NV (Belgium) | |
| | |and seminars. |Padberg Spanjaart B.V. | |
| | | |(Netherlands) | |
| | | |Argusi B.V. (Netherlands) | |
| | | |Combi-net GmbH (Germany) | |
| | | |Instituto Tecnológico del | |
| | | |Embalage, Transported y Logística | |
| | | |ITENE (Spain) | |
| | | |Stichting Connekt (Netherlands) | |
| | | |European Intermodal Association | |
| | | |(Belgium) | |
| | | |Mettle Holdings Limited (France) | |
|51 |mod |AUTOSTREAM |Groupe STVA (France) |1.093.973 |
| | |Transport by rail of automotive products from Nošovice (Czech republic) to |ČD Cargo (Czech republic) | |
| | |Le Boulou (France) for distribution by road to Hyundai and Kia dealers in | | |
| | |Spain. | | |
|54 |mos |MOSROLS |Administração dos Portos do Douro |7.870.400 |
| | |New ro-ro service, transporting unaccompanied loaded trucks, between the |e Leixões (Portugal) | |
| | |port of Leixões (Portugal) and the port of Rouen (France). |Grand Port Maritime de Rouen | |
| | | |(France) | |
| | | |PORTLINE – Transportes Marítimos | |
| | | |Internacionais, SA (Portugal) | |
|62 |mod |DeLux Shuttle |CFL MM Container Terminal |1.035.576 |
| | |A combined traffic service by rail between the German Baltic Sea port of |(Luxembourg) | |
| | |Lübeck (Germany) and the hinterland hub of Bettembourg (Luxembourg). |Lübecker Hafengesellschaft mbH | |
| | | |(Germany) | |
|69 |cla |e-Freight |Shortsea Services AS (Norway) |1.350.000 |
| | |A promotion and dissemination project designed to achieve fast and |Acciona Logística, (Spain) | |
| | |comprehensive use of electronic transactions in the shortsea, river and |Borregaard, (Norway) | |
| | |rail freight sectors. The objective is to enable transport buyers, carriers|Brittany Ferries, (France) | |
| | |and port communities to deliver excellent service and achieve vital |CLECAT (European Association for | |
| | |efficiency gains through the increased use of standardised eFreight within |Forwarding, Transport, Logistic | |
| | |Europe. |and Customer Service, (Belgium) | |
| | | |Color Line Cargo, (Norway) | |
| | | |Compañía Trasmediterranea, (Spain)| |
| | | |Dakosy, (Germany) | |
| | | |DFDS Seaways , (Denmark) | |
| | | |EIA (European Intermodal | |
| | | |Association), (Belgium) | |
| | | |Elkem Maritime Centre, | |
| | | |(Netherlands) | |
| | | |Escola Europea de Short Sea | |
| | | |Shipping, (Spain) | |
| | | |Ewals Cargo Care, (Netherlands) | |
| | | |Gävle Containerterminal , (Sweden)| |
| | | |Hogia, (Sweden) | |
| | | |Hydro Aluminium, (Norway) | |
| | | |ICG (Irish Continental Group), | |
| | | |(Ireland) | |
| | | |INTTRA, (Denmark) | |
| | | |Marseilles Gyptis International, | |
| | | |(France) | |
| | | |Navigate PR, (United Kingdom) | |
| | | |NCL (Norwegian Cruise Line), | |
| | | |(Norway) | |
| | | |Norfolkline, (Netherlands) | |
| | | |Norstella, (Norway) | |
| | | |Port of Bergen, (Norway) | |
| | | |Port of Bilbao, (Spain) | |
| | | |Port of Kristiansand, (Norway) | |
| | | |Port of Nantes, (France) | |
| | | |Port of Oslo, (Norway) | |
| | | |Port of Risavika, (Norway) | |
| | | |Port of Södertälje, (Sweden) | |
| | | |Port of Trondheim, (Norway) | |
| | | |Port of Valencia, (Spain) | |
| | | |Portel, (Spain) | |
| | | |Portic, (Spain) | |
| | | |Railcargo, (Netherlands) | |
| | | |Samskip, (Netherlands) | |
| | | |Sea-Cargo, (Norway) | |
| | | |Seamless, (Norway) | |
| | | |Shortsea Service, (Norway) | |
| | | |SMDG , (Netherlands) | |
| | | |Softship, (Germany) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Belgium, (Belgium) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Bulgaria, (Bulgaria) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Croatia, (Croatia) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Denmark, (Denmark) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |France, (France) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Italy, (Italy) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Netherlands, (Netherlands) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Norway, (Norway) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Portugal, (Portugal) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Spain, (Spain) | |
| | | |SPC (Shortsea Promotion Centre) | |
| | | |Sweden, (Sweden) | |
| | | |Transwide, (Belgium) | |
| | | |UECC (United European Car | |
| | | |Carriers), (Norway) | |
| | | |Unifeeder, (Denmark) | |
| | | |VCK Logistics, (Netherlands) | |
Annex III: 13 proposals rejected for funding in the 2009 selection procedure under Council Regulation 1692/2006
|Prop. No |Action |Project Acronym |Company applying |
| |type[3] | | |
| Proposals passing total score threshold |
|but not reaching at least one of the thresholds for individual evaluation criteria |
|5 |mod |ARCON – Artic Continental Green Transport |Nordic Transport Rail (Sweden) |
|9 |mod |INCORE X |Intercontainer-Interfrigo SA |
| | | |(Belgium) |
|24 |cat |StanEX |SNCF Fret Deutschland (Germany) |
|28 |mod |IT-Ser-IT Net |Villanova S.p.A. (Italy) |
|31 |cla |Combi Sea Ways A |Planning Group (Greece) |
|44 |tav |DNSW |Procter and Gamble Eurocor NV |
| | | |(Belgium) |
|48 |mod |Crossing France |Flota Suardíaz, S.L. (Spain) |
|65 |mod |Intermostrada |Trans Italia S.r.l. (Italy) |
|68 |mod |NORTREX |Whites Coaches (United Kingdom) |
|70 |mod |ReSEER |Wiener Lokalbahnen GmbH (Austria) |
|Proposals not passing the total score threshold |
|2 |mod |Trans Palline |Thos Shipping & Transport BV |
| | | |(Netherlands) |
|7 |mod |BRAINS |BAS Logistics BV (Netherlands) |
|12 |mod |Côte d'Azur |Veolia Cargo Italia srl (Italy) |
|15 |cat |ITC#5 |Slovenske železnice d.o.o. |
| | | |(Slovenia) |
|26 |cla |X-Pose |Hamburg School of Business |
| | | |Administration (Germany) |
|36 |cla |Euro Trans |DB Mobility and Logistics AG, DB |
| | | |Training, Learning and Consulting |
| | | |(Germany) |
|42 |mos |Sust MoS Atlantic ARC |Chambre de commerce et d'industrie|
| | | |de Brest (France) |
|45 |cat |HELO |Helogistics Holding GmbH (Austria)|
|47 |mod |KI-RIX Shuttle |AVE Logistics SIA (Latvia) |
|56 |cla |e-learning port |Portic Barcelona (Spain) |
|57 |mod |SOPOT |HUPAC GmbH (Germany) |
|67 |mod |PET |Pietro Barbaro Group (Italy) |
|Proposals not meeting the selection criteria |
|4 |mod |NEA-MS 2 |Autotrasporti Pedot (Italy) |
|11 |mod |BABY Care |Veolia Cargo Italia srl (Italy) |
|16 |cat |ReeFree |Società Alpe Adria S.p.A. (Italy) |
|17 |mod |Danube Container Line |PANTA RHEI (Austria) |
|50 |mod |Ibercargo |Ibercargo Rail (Spain) |
|53 |cat |Outbound GM Spain |GM España, S.L. (Spain) |
|55 |mos |SIMAR |Administração do Porto de Sines, |
| | | |S.A. (Portugal) |
|59 |mod |ROTUC |ITL Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH |
| | | |(Germany) |
|66 |mod |Marimodal 2 |Maritramp Shipping Services Ltd |
| | | |(Cyprus) |
[1] O.J. C 31, 5.02.2008, p 13
[2] mod = modal shift action, cat = catalyst action, cla = common learning action, mos=Motorways of the Sea
[3] mod = modal shift action, cat = catalyst action, cla = common learning action, mos=Motorways of the Sea
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