The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Department of Human and Community Resource Development

AEE 7230

Strategic and Program Planning for Visionary Change

Semester Course

Three credits for grade

Dr. Jerry Thomas

Suite Room 204, Agricultural Administration Building

or OSU Leadership Center

Office Hours [Open Door Policy]

Phone Number: 419.306.9400 (you can also text)

Skype: thomas69osu


Required Readings: Articles and materials are available or on-line.


Description: Examination of strategic and program planning models in educational and community settings. Learn about the strategic and program planning process. Understand change and innovation processes in organizational settings.


Objectives: Examine personal beliefs and expand one’s understanding about strategic and program planning process.

Become familiar with a variety of strategic and program planning models for educational settings.

Think critically about strategic and program planning for utilizing theoretical

models to guide programmatic efforts.

Apply theories and concepts to the development of an educational


List of Course Texts:

Bryson, J.M. & Alston, F.K. (2011). Creating your strategic plan: A workbook for public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Caffarella, R. S. (2002). Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide for educators, trainers, and staff developers (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Additional readings will be assigned. None will be texts, most will be either articles/short posts.

Course Requirements:

This is a virtual class using online technologies. These will include, but are not limited to screencasts, online dialogue discussions, and related methods. It is primarily an asynchronous class and not synchronous – you do not need to see the screencasts in real time. You can watch the recording during the assigned week at your convenience as long as you complete the assignments on time.

There is one exception: Some of the methods that we use focus on group methods. I would like to schedule a time on campus for us to meet, learn, and practice these methods. We will set this date during the first two weeks of class.

Additional readings will be announced ahead of each class week. They should be completed and used to answer weekly dialog questions posted later in the week.

In general I will post questions and assignments by Monday, students will answer them by Wednesday at 11:59pm, and add at least two comments to other student’s answers by Saturday at 11:59pm. Most of the questions will be posted in advance, but some may be added during the week to represent new thoughts or findings.

Assignment #1: Carmen Discussion Board

There will be weekly discussion board assignments. Each discussion board assignment will involve you addressing question(s) I will provide and then you will comment on a specified number of postings by your fellow students. For assistance with Carmen contact them at: 614-688-HELP or by e-mail:

Generally we will have 2-3 discussion topics per week.

Assignment #2:

The development of a strategic plan for an organization or community. You will need to include the general phases components listed by Bryson and Alston on p. 10 of their book:

Plan the process

-why do the plan

-who in the organization should be involved?

-when will we do it?

-outcomes we want for the process?

Mission, mandates, and environmental assessment

-also develop a vision

Strategic issues

Strategy formulation and action agenda

Plan review and adoption

Implementation of strategy and plan

Please pick an existing organization or community to use for the plan. You do not need to be familiar with the organization or have ties to it. Likewise if you are working with one you can see about working with them to develop the plan. Students have done both in the past. Past examples include:

-county Extension office

-technology and social media plans for organizations

-wildlife park

-Federal part program

-university department or group

-small businesses

-a large publishing group in China

You should pick an organization that you can access information from. Many may have past strategic plans that you can review and use to build new plans. Total length should be 10-20 pages although there is no upper limit (you may include various appendixes or other materials).

You need to identify the organization or community and have it approved by me by September 12.

The final plan needs to be completed and submitted to a Carmen dropbox by October 15 at 11:59pm.

Total points: 25

Assignment #3: Ignite session

This assignment provides a unique experience to explore outside reading and create a unique type virtual presentation. As you work in both strategic and program planning it is critical to stay current on existing topics affecting organizations, shareholders, and community members. For this assignment you will pick part of a popular business, leadership, science or other related book (or two – four major journal articles in comparable content and scope) and create a five-minute online presentation using screen capture software. If you are able to incorporate readings that will benefit a thesis or related future work, please do so.

If you are not familiar with Ignite sessions they are five-minute presentations using 20 slides. Each slide automatically advances every 20 seconds. This creates a more challenging presentation but also helps to engage the viewer. You can use free software available from Tech Smith called Jing for up to five minute screen captures.

The links to the presentations will be due in a discussion by December 4. This will allow students to view all of the presentations.

Assignment #4: Personal Learning Network

Create and use a Personal Learning Network (see additional handout/screencast). Students will follow at least five different resources (websites, blogs, newsletters, magazines, podcasts, people/organizations in social media, etc.) and report on trends, issues, concepts, patterns, etc. that they discover while following the resources. I’ll share more information in a separate post and screencast. Students will share the trends they’ve discovered via a discussion board every 2-3 weeks as directed. This will be graded as a discussion topic.

Assignment #5: Program Planning Project

This will be a plan for a major educational program for you or someone else to deliver. It will be the applied project for the second half of the semester. You will select the desired program based on your area of interest. Because topics and programs will differ, there is flexibility regarding how the final product will look.

The program selected does not have to be something totally new. At least some part of the program should be prospective (i.e., hasn’t happened yet). As well, you are expected and encouraged to share and gain feedback from other class members. Project papers should be about 10-15 pages in length, typed, double spaced, not including title page or references. Due November 26 via a dropbox.


• All major components of program plan you choose should be addressed, although not to the same degree of detail.

• Can be based on one or more models of program planning.

Assignment #6: Complete an end of quarter interview with the instructor.

This may be a virtual or face-face session lasting approximately 20-30 minutes at the end of the semester. We will follow an interview outline shared during the semester. You also provide written responses as an additional option (it does not substitute for the actual interview. Please note that the interview is meant to be a dialogue session and not a place for trick questions, etc. This will take place during the week of November 26.

General Guidelines for Assignments:

All assignments should be word-processed and have a professional appearance. Use 1" margins and double spacing.

Use APA format for references (2001, 5th edition). Updated information on electronic citations may be found at

Writing is an essential skill for success in the workforce. Grammar, spelling, and organization do count. Lack of these elements prevents the reader from understanding what you are trying to convey. Your ideas and insights will count for nothing if you are unable to communicate them well.

Length of assignments is given solely as a guide.

Include a cover page with following information: name, course number & title, date, title of assignment.

Class Policies:

You are responsible for all readings and Carmen discussions. Please contact Dr. Thomas if you have any issues.

You are to turn in assignments on their scheduled dates. Assignments will be deducted 5 points for each day they are turned in late. Any request for an alternate date must approved prior to the due date. No grades will be reported via the telephone.

|Week |Topics/Readings |Readings |

|August 27 |Introduction to course, expectations. PLN |Article on organizations as systems: |

| |introduction; thinking about organizations as a| |

| |system. |(requires free login). |

|September 3 |Overview of Strategic Planning; mandates & |Bryson & Alston pp1-88. |

| |first steps | |

|September 10 |Stakeholders, environmental scan |Bryson & Alston pp 89-134. |

|September 17 |Strategic issues and strategies |Bryson & Alston pp 135-208. |

|September 24 |Wrap up formal strategic planning; introduction|Bryson & Alston pp 209-212 & other assigned |

| |to capacity and large group planning methods. |readings. |

|October 1 |Sustainable development planning; introduction | |

| |to neuroscience about human change/learning | |

|October 8 |Complexity theory & implications; facilitation |On campus if possible |

| |techniques; general introduction to program |Caffarella pp 1-19. |

| |development | |

|October 15 |LOGIC Model theory; interactive theory |Caffarella pp 20-111. Strategic plan document |

| | |due. |

|October 22 |Program ideas and instructional plans |Caffarella pp 112-202. |

|October 29 |Transfer of learning; evaluation |Caffarella pp 203-265. |

|November 5 |Recommendations, project management |Caffarella pp 266-301 |

|November 12 |Project management |Caffarella pp 301-359. |

|November 19 |Project work time |Caffarella pp 360-375. |

|November 26 |Program Plan project report due; Virtual | |

| |interviews | |

|December 4 |Ignite sessions due | |

Academic Accommodations:

If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact me to arrange an appointment as soon as possible. At the appointment we can discuss the course format, anticipate your needs, and explore the potential accommodations. I rely on the Office of Disability Services for assistance in verifying the need for accommodations and developing accommodation strategies. If you have not previously contacted the Office for Disability Services, I encourage you to do so.

Academic Misconduct Statement:

The instructor will do everything reasonably possible to create and maintain an atmosphere of academic honesty wherein each student can perform to their greatest potential without the concern of being disadvantaged by the activities of other students. Ultimately, academic honesty is a personal matter. Any case of suspected academic dishonesty will be fully investigated in accordance to the Code of Student Conduct. Faculty rule 3335-5-487 will be followed in cases of academic misconduct - “Whereby instructors shall report instances of alleged academic dishonesty to the Committee on Academic Misconduct.”

Evaluation of Student Performance:

Dialogue discussion 30%

Personal Learning Network included in discussion

Strategic plan 30%

Ignite presentation 15%

Program Planning Project 15%

Interview 10%

Grading Scale:

94 - 100 A 80 - 82 B- 67 - 69 D+

90 - 93 A- 77 - 79 C+ 60 - 66 D

87 - 89 B+ 73 - 76 C ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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