
MINUTES OF THE STANLEY CITY COUNCILJULY 9, 2019Mayor Gary Weisenberger called the July 9, 2019, regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The following Council Members were present: Jacob Hellman, Zachary Gaaskjolen, Ty Taylor, Gary Weisenberger and Tim Holte. Linda Wienbar and David Minton were absent. Others in attendance were City Auditor, Allyn Sveen; Chief of Police, Kris Halvorson and Public Works Director, Curtis Larson. Absent were Planning & Zoning Administrator, Amanda Dennis and City Attorney, Jordon Evert from the Furuseth Olson & Evert P.C. Law Firm. MINUTESMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2019 regular meeting and minutes of the June 25, 2019 special meeting. All present voted yes. Motion carried.PLANNING & ZONING RECOMMENDATIONSTodd Heidbreder, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, presented the P&Z Commission report and recommendations to the City Council. Chairman Heidbreder commented on the application submitted by Curtis and Lesley Trulson to rezone their property described as Outlot 1 of the NW? in Section 25, Township 156N, Range 92W. Curtis Trulson was present. The extraterritorial property was zoned industrial through the County, but because the property now falls under the City’s jurisdiction due to extended annexations and the City has four classifications of industrial property, Trulsons’ are requesting it to be rezoned I4 – Oilfield Industrial to comply with zoning regulations.Motion made by Holte, seconded by Hellman, to approve the rezone of Outlot 1 of the NW? in Section 25, Township 156N, Range 92W from Industrial to I-4 – Oilfield Industrial as requested by Curtis & Lesley Trulson and as recommended by the P&Z Commission. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Taylor, seconded by Hellman, to approve a variance as recommended by the P&Z Committee allowing a three (3) foot setback from the west side/rear property line for a new garage at 634 1st St SE as requested by Eric and Serena Smith. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Holte, seconded by Taylor, to approve a conditional use permit as recommended by the P&Z Committee to allow a water depot on property described as Outlot 1 of the NW? in Section 25, Townshi 156N, Range 92W as requested by Curtis & Lesley Trulson. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.PLANNING & ZONING ADMINISTRATOR REPORTThe following permits were presented for the Council’s approval: Building PermitsPermit #AddressNameImprovement28-19532 2nd St SEJosh MoeBuild fence - w/ consent form29-19426 5th St SEHeidi NielsenFinish fence - w/ consent form30-19908 2nd St SEKimberly SorensonFence - w/ consent form31-19427 4th St SEMichael RicheyFence in backyard32-1925 3rd St SETyler TaylorWood deck w/ steel truss33-19410 5th St SEJake SmithWood fence - w/ consent form34-19216 7th Ave SEJada LangYard fence35-19702 9th Ave SEPat Jones/Copeland Development (JEDKAS)New commercial building36-19629 1st St SEPatrick DittbrennerDeck 8 ft x 8 ft37-19525 4th St SW Lot 13Dustin KerzmannCar port38-19304 5th St SEKaryl MillerFence - w/ consent form39-19311 Railroad AveJacob CorpronMudroom/breezeway between house & garage; new driveway and entrance40-19306 9th Ave SEKevin & Rhonda SextonAdd on front deck (7x8) new back deck (16x8)Special Event Mobile Food PermitsSE2-19Stanley City ParkDonald Duhe/Papa D'sFood trailer for 4th and 5th of JulySE3-19Stanley City ParkCody Shanks & BreeAnn MesserSnow cones, water, redbull - 4th of JulySE4-19Stanley City ParkLance LaBar (Stanley Park Board)Cotton candy & Icees/SnoCones - 4thMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve the above permits in the July 2019 P&Z Administrator Report. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.SCOTT HAYES – ANIMAL ORDINANCEScott Hayes appeared before the City Council requesting he be allowed to keep his pit bull/boxer/lab mix dog in Stanley City. Mr. Hayes moved to Stanley from Ohio and was unaware of the City ordinance prohibiting pit bull dog breeds in City limits. Mr. Hayes mentioned he has three children of his own and his eight year old dog is a pet and part of the family. Chief of Police, Kris Halvorson, mentioned pit bull breeds have been outlawed and if allowed for one, anyone would be allowed to have one. Chief Halvorson stated he has had others remove pit bull breeds from the City. Councilman Taylor commented he would like the ordinance reviewed and possibly modified on having a dangerous dog ordinance versus prohibiting just pit bull breeds. It was mentioned the City does have a dangerous animal ordinance also. Mayor Weisenberger indicated nothing could be done unless City ordinance is changed and this would take a minimum of two months. A phone call was made to City Attorney, Jordon Evert, from the Furuseth Olson & Evert P.C. Law Firm to discuss allowing a pit bull breed in the City. Attorney Evert confirmed the ordinance needs to be met unless the dog meets exceptions allowed by Federal law such as being a service animal. Attorney Evert stated the only other option is to proceed with changing the ordinance. Councilman Taylor had concerns of isolating one breed of dog. Attorney Evert indicated it is common throughout North Dakota to ban pit bull breeds in cities. Councilman Gaaskjolen stated a public hearing would need to be held if a change to the ordinance is considered. Councilman Hellman felt there would be a lot of objection from the citizens to allow pit bulls in city limits.Motion made by Taylor, seconded by Holte, to start the process to proceed with proposed changes to Chapter 11 of the Stanley City Ordinance pertaining to ordinances on dogs. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Taylor and Holte; and Gaaskjolen voted “NAY”. Motion carried.HESS – SURVEY REQUESTMeghan Bratvold with Hess Corporation met with the City Council to discuss surveying and obtaining easement from the City adjacent Hess’s existing easement in the NW? of Section 33, Township 156N, Range 91W. Hess is proposing to trench and install one sales oil line, one produced water line and a fiber optic line in fall of 2019. Ms. Bratvold commented there is not enough room in the existing easement to locate these lines. Hess would obtain clearance from FAA due to the close proximity of the airport. Councilman Gaaskjolen expressed concerns on distance of lines from the section line, and felt the survey should be done prior to any granting of easement.Motion made by Gaaskjolen, seconded by Hellman, to allow the survey in the NW? of Section 33, Township 156N, Range 91W as requested by Hess Corporation with no further action until the survey is reviewed. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.CITY HALL PAY REQUESTSMotion made by Taylor, seconded by Hellman, to approve payment in the amount of $35,100 for Pay Application #1, $7,200 for Pay Application #2 and $241,200 for Pay Application #3 for a total of $283,500 to First Dakota Enterprises and $12,203.61 for Pay Application #1 to Minot Plumbing & Heating for work completed on the Stanley City Hall Project. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried. BROSZ ENGINEERING UPDATESEngineer Jeff Ebsch was present to update the Council on projects being handled through Brosz Engineering. Westview Lane – Engineer Ebsch stated Westview Lane is open and the project is substantially completed. Engineer Ebsch pointed out punch items to be completed and requested Council action on a change order and two pay estimates. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Holte, to approve a change order in the amount of $3,145 for pavement marking obliterations on the Bypass. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Gaaskjolen, seconded by Taylor, to approve payment to Farden Construction for Pay Estimate #4 in the amount of $4,750 for District #50 Water & Sewer Improvements for the Westview Lane Project as FOGRod issues have been resolved. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Taylor, seconded by Hellman, to approve payment to Farden Construction for Pay Estimate #4 in the amount of $297,304.49 for District #51 Street Improvements for the Westview Lane Project. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Chip Seal – Engineer Ebsch mentioned Astech is finishing a project in Minot and will be tentatively starting chip seals on various streets in Stanley City sometime after August 8th. Brosz will be working with Chief Halvorson to ensure streets are clear of vehicles when construction begins. BND Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund (IRLF) – Engineer Ebsch stated the application for IRLF has been submitted to BND for Phase 1 Capital Improvement Plan projects. Approximately 27 blocks of the older section of northeast part of town is proposed to be rebuilt. Total anticipated project cost is $11.62 million; the IRLF loan request was for $3,000,000. Other loan funding would be $3,172,000 from Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and $3,227,000 from Clean Water State Revolving Fund at 2% for 30 years. The City Infrastructure Fund would need to cover remaining costs of $2,221,000. Repayment of loans/costs would be covered through a combination of increased water and sewer rates, special assessments and the Infrastructure Fund. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) – Phase I – Engineer Ebsch provided information for Phase I of the Capital Improvement Plan. The costs have been determined. The Infrastructure Committee will be meeting in August to discuss Phase I of the CIP, special assessments, rate increase scenarios and infrastructure funding. In the fall the Council would give recommendations for Phase I of the CIP and a public input meeting on the CIP would be held shortly thereafter. Landfill Permit – Engineer Ebsch stated the 10-year landfill permit is due to expire in September of 2019 and renewal needs to be submitted prior to expiration. Engineer Ebsch indicated the existing landfill site has sufficient space/capacity for an additional 10 years. Auditor Sveen mentioned a storm water plan is also required. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve having Brosz submit the application to renew the landfill permit for an additional 10 years including a storm water plan. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Lagoon Improvements – Engineer Ebsch stated proposed lagoon improvements have been reviewed with the Public Works Director and the Mayor; it is recommended to move forward with original recommendations minus the liner improvements. Engineer Ebsch explained the scope of work for the lagoon improvements with the rip rap being the biggest cost; 66% of the $1,015,000 estimated project cost. Engineer Ebsch stated there would be a substantial savings if the project is constructed at the same time as Phase I of the CIP as the material from sidewalk and curb/gutter removal could be used for rip rap. Loan funding of $1.5 million is available through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund at 2% for 30 years for this project. A rate increase would be needed but could be considered at the same time as the rate increase is addressed for Phase I of the CIP. Mayor Weisenberger also indicated some of the fund balance in the Sewer Operating Fund could be used for this project. 4th Avenue SW Street Construction – Engineer Ebsch informed the Council that Bechtold Paving would not be able to complete the 4th Avenue SW Street Construction Project prior to the start of the new school year. Engineer Ebsch presented the Council with options: complete work in September and close down the street to traffic for a week or two depending on completion, delay project until 2020 with a cost increase from $158,465.50 to $163,325.50 to Bechtold, or delay until 2020 and re-bid as part of the CIP Phase I Project. Mayor Weisenberger felt it may be better to do project next year as would not be feasible to shut down street during school term. No action was taken by the Council at this time. JEDKAS Development – Engineer Ebsch stated the construction is underway for the JEDKAS Development with project to be complete by August 31, 2019.MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Stanley and Mountrail County concerning outdoor warning sirens in Stanley City. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.AMTRAK LETTERMotion made by Taylor, seconded by Hellman, to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a letter and send to US Senators Kevin Cramer and John Hoeven and US Representative Kelly Armstrong requesting their support in maintaining Amtrak services to Stanley City and other rural communities in North Dakota. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.SPECIAL ROAD FUND APPLICATIONMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to apply for Special Road Fund (SRF) through the ND Department of Transportation for grant funding for Reservoir Road. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.GAMING PERMITSMotion made by Taylor, seconded by Holte, to approve a Local Permit to the Stanley Park District, Mountrail County 4-H, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSESMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve a permit to The Leader Bar & Grill for the “Annual Wine Walk” and to the Five Spot Bar for the Street Dance on August 8, 2019. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.RESIGNATIONMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to accept the resignation of Clay Sorenson as member to the Planning and Zoning Commission. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.APPOINTMENT OF NEW PLANNING & ZONING MEMBERMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to appoint Doug Larson to the City Planning & Zoning Commission for the unexpired term ending December 31, 2022. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEEJacob Hellman, Chairman of the Employment Committee, presented recommendations from the Employee Committee meeting of July 2, 2019.Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to approve the recommendation of the Employee Committee to increase the library director wage to $22.00 per hour and substitute pay to $19.00 per hour and to allow the library director 62 hours of vacation in the 2020 budget year. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve the recommendation of the Employee Committee to increase the maximum City share of the monthly health allowance from $1,000 to $1,500 per month and add a $10.00 per month vision allowance through the VSP vision plan contingent on ten employees participating in the vision plan for the 2020 budget year. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Holte, to approve the recommendation of the Employee Committee to increase salaries for the 2020 budget year as follows: Kris Halvorson and Brady Aadnes 2%; Amanda Dennis 5% and Hannah Collins $5,000 total with $2,500 upon completion of six month probationary period in 2019 and $2,500 in 2020 budget year. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Chairman Hellman also mentioned the Employee Committee is working on a salary chart guide for new hires and caps for employees.POLICE REPORTChief of Police, Kris Halvorson, requested the Council approve moving forward with the outdoor warning siren project. Motion made by Holte, seconded by Hellman, to move forward with the siren project that will be fully funded by grants except for electrical and unforeseen costs. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Gaaskjolen, seconded by Holte, to approve advertising for a patrol vehicle as per request of Chief Halvorson. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Chief Halvorson requested the Council authorize the update of in-car cameras for the Police Department. The cost for one camera is $4,055 less $500 for trade of old camera. Chief Halvorson would like to replace one each year. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to move forward with the update of cameras with the purchase of one each year. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Discussion was held on fireworks over the 4th of July. Chief Halvorson mentioned fireworks were being used after the 11:00 P.M. quiet time. Also, the Council had concerns of fireworks used during the parade and the use of reports (big bang) fireworks. The Council would look at the possibility of policy changes for next 4th of July.Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Holte, to approve the Police Report. Motion carried.PUBLIC WORKS REPORTCurtis Larson, Public Works Director, presented the Public Works (PW) Report to the Council. PW Director Larson presented an estimate in the amount $5,540 from SM Services Corp to remove the existing culvert and replace with a 36” culvert in the approach to the Main lift station off the Stanley North Bypass Road. The cost of the culvert being purchased from Mountrail County would be $4,336. PW Director also mentioned a hydraulic study is needed. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to accept the estimate of SM Service Corp, purchase of culvert from the County, and approve having Brosz Engineering to conduct an hydraulic study with total project cost not to exceed $12,000. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Abstained: Gaaskjolen. Motion carried.PW Director Larson informed the Council the required lead and copper water testing is complete. PW Director Larson commended the Auditor’s Office for their help in accomplishing this task. Discussion was held on sewage disposal for Gary Nelson’s residence on Reservoir Road. The PW Department would look into alternatives and present recommendations to the Council.Motion made by Taylor, seconded by Hellman, to approve the Public Works Report. Motion carried.COUNCIL CONCERNSCouncilman Taylor felt something should be done with the old “Westside” property owned by the City of Stanley such as having a shelter. Councilman Taylor asked the Council to think of ideas.Councilman Hellman mentioned he heard lots of compliments for the 4th of July celebration and commended the PW Department for their efforts. Mayor Weisenberger asked about the progress of truck route signs. Chief Halvorson indicated he is still working on getting someone in New Town to present information on their signs. The Council reviewed the letter from the Mountrail County Sheriff’s Office. Motion was made by Holte, seconded by Taylor, to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to participate in the Hazard Mitigation Plan update. Motion carried.JUDGES REPORTMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Holte, to approve the Judge’s report for June, 2019. Motion carried.BILLSMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve the following bills:ACHPayroll$79,001.71 1275EMontana Dakota UtilitiesUtilities$7,184.44 1276EVerizon WirelessCell Phones$1,091.42 1278EAmerican Family Life AssuranceJuly 2019 Premiums$868.66 1280ENDPERS-RetirementJuly 2019 Contributions$11,942.77 1281EState Tax Commissioner$797.45 1282EPayment Service NetworkJuly 2019 Fees$746.74 16423American Bank Center - VisaAssessor Supplies , City Hall & Wa Supplies$269.77 16424Mo-Williams ElectricElectricity$939.00 16425ND Child Support DivisionChild Support$1,066.50 16426ND Dept of Environmental QualityCertification Renewal for PW Aadnes & PW LeRohl$15.00 16427Secretary of StateNotary Renewal - Dep. Auditor Arneson$36.00 16428Workforce Safety & Ins.Additional 2019 Premium$114.11 16429ACME ToolsGrinder & Drill Kit$618.00 16430Ameripride Linen & ApparelRug Service - City Hall & PW Building$874.69 16431Annabelle Townhome AssocHOA Dues - July$150.00 16432Baker & TaylorLibrary Books & DVDs$556.08 16433BBH Insurance IncNotary Bond - Dep. Auditor Arneson$50.00 16434Brosz EngineeringEngineering Fees$19,120.00 16435Card ServicesCity Hall & PW Supplies$312.14 16436Circle SanitationJune Garbage Services$17,231.00 16437City of Minot Treasurer's OfficeWater Analysis$90.00 16438Core & MainWater Supplies, Valve for Football Field, Back Flow Preventor for Airport$1,082.87 16439Craft ElectricTroubleshoot Login Issues at Holiday Lift, Adjust Antenna at John Deere Lift$960.00 16440Dakota Fire ExtinguishersFire Dept Annual Services$108.95 16441Dakota Pump & ControlSewer Supplies for Holiday & John Deere Lift Stations$5,162.64 16442Farden ConstructionPmt #4 - Dist 50 Wa & Sewer Imp. & Dist 51 - St Imp.$302,054.49 16443Farmers Union LumberStreet Supplies$47.50 16444First Dakota Enterprises IncCity Hall Project Pmt #1$283,500.00 16445Furuseth, Olson, & Evert, PCJune Retainer$1,750.00 16446Gaffaney's of MinotCity Hall & PW Qtrly Copies, Assessor Supplies$564.35 16447Graphics, Lettering & TrimCity Logo for PW Vehicle & Hard Hat Logos$220.00 16448Gustafson's Septic ServiceJetted Library, Pump G. Nelson & JD Lift Station$1,196.00 16449Heiman Fire EquipmentFire Dept Supplies$84.45 16450Holiday FleetFuel & Car Washes$1,080.63 16451Holiday Inn FargoHotel Lodging for Officer Heidbreder$253.80 16452ICONEngineering Fees for New City Hall Project$4,119.44 16453Information Tech Dept.PD Netmotion Fees$342.60 16454Kelly KudrnaReimbursement for DVDs & Supplies$99.47 16455Larson's Tire ServiceNew Tires for Grasshopper, Tire Repairs to JD Tractor, PWD Larson's & Sauber's Vehicles$284.52 16456Margaret LagerCity Hall Cleaning - June$525.00 16457Matilde CramerCity Hall & Library Cleaning - June$825.00 16458Meiers Oil & TowingTowing Fees, Fuel, Fire Dept Fuel$1,127.00 16459Midstate Telephone CoPhone, Fax & Internet Services$1,169.05 16460Minot Plumbing & HeatingCity Hall Project Pmt #1$12,203.61 16461Mo. County Correctional CtrJune Boarding Prisoners$1,860.00 16462MCMCJune City Sales Tax$40,863.53 16463Mountrail Soil ConservationTree Planting & Weed Barrier Fabric$876.00 16464Mountrail Towing & RecoveryTowing Fees $150.00 16465Municipal Gov't AcademyWebinar on Effective Council Meetings$30.00 16466ND Ins. Reserve FundPremium 7-1-19 to 6-30-20$7,241.39 16467One Call ConceptsJune Locates$67.85 16468One Overdrive WayLibrary Maint & Digital Consortium$1,500.00 16469Prairie Motors IncVehicle Repairs to PW Vehicle$445.79 16470Productivity Plus AcctBlades for Mower$274.88 16471R&T Water SupplyJune Water$53,140.52 16472Sanitation ProductsSt Sweeper Main Broom & Wire$990.00 16473Security PlusFire Monitoring Fees$55.00 16474Shane GoettleMileage Reimbursement for June Council Mtg$98.60 16475Share Corp.Lift Station Degreaser$830.14 16476Stanley Airport Authority2nd Qtr Tax Collection$4,988.87 16477Stanley Auto & TruckShop & Sweeper Supplies$610.46 16478Stanley Hardware IncPW, Landfill, St & Library Supplies$118.14 16479Stanley Park District2nd Qtr Tax Collection$12,778.75 16480Stanley TowingTowing Fees$102.50 16481Stanley Welding & RentalStreet Supplies$8.20 16482Tractor SupplyCity Hall & St Supplies$55.44 16483Verizon Connect NWF IncJune GPS Fees$284.25 16484Blue Cross Blue Shield of NDAugust 2019 Premiums$12,863.46 16485Electric Properties LLCAugust 2019 Rent - City Hall$3,400.00 16486First District Health UnitWater Analysis$75.00 16487Galls/QuartermasterPD Supplies$250.65 16488ND Child Support DivisionChild Support$1,066.50 16489PinnacleFuel $458.83 16490Stanley Welding & RentalShop & Street Supplies$91.74 ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Taylor, seconded by Hellman, to adjourn at 9:20 P.M. Motion carried.ATTEST:Gary Weisenberger, MayorAllyn SveenStanley City CouncilStanley City Auditor ................

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