
Foundations A Place for Education & RecoveryManual of Programs Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc434317708 \h 4Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc434317709 \h 5Hours of Operation PAGEREF _Toc434317710 \h 5Education PAGEREF _Toc434317711 \h 6Advance Directives PAGEREF _Toc434317712 \h 6Beginners Computer Class PAGEREF _Toc434317713 \h 6Climbing into the Driver’s Seat PAGEREF _Toc434317714 \h 6Co-Dependency Class PAGEREF _Toc434317715 \h 7Communication Skills in Recovery PAGEREF _Toc434317716 \h 7Creative Expressions and Crafts PAGEREF _Toc434317717 \h 7Journey to Recovery PAGEREF _Toc434317718 \h 7Life Skills PAGEREF _Toc434317719 \h 8Budgeting PAGEREF _Toc434317720 \h 8Time Management PAGEREF _Toc434317721 \h 8Cleaning 101 PAGEREF _Toc434317722 \h 8Nutrition PAGEREF _Toc434317723 \h 8Peer Support Training Class PAGEREF _Toc434317724 \h 9Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PAGEREF _Toc434317725 \h 9“The Science of Mental Illness” PAGEREF _Toc434317726 \h 9Speakers’ Bureau PAGEREF _Toc434317727 \h 9Stress Management PAGEREF _Toc434317728 \h 10Values of Volunteering PAGEREF _Toc434317729 \h 10Recovery Basics PAGEREF _Toc434317730 \h 10Warmline Training PAGEREF _Toc434317731 \h 10WRAP PAGEREF _Toc434317732 \h 11Wellness Class PAGEREF _Toc434317733 \h 11Nutrition, Wellness and Living a Healthy Lifestyle PAGEREF _Toc434317734 \h 12Fitness & Exercise PAGEREF _Toc434317735 \h 12Spirituality in Recovery PAGEREF _Toc434317736 \h 12Stigma Busters PAGEREF _Toc434317737 \h 12Healthy Eats Class PAGEREF _Toc434317738 \h 13Building Self Esteem PAGEREF _Toc434317739 \h 13Recovery Wellness Lifestyle PAGEREF _Toc434317740 \h 13Making and Keeping Friends PAGEREF _Toc434317741 \h 13Life Principles PAGEREF _Toc434317742 \h 13Hygiene Class PAGEREF _Toc434317743 \h 13Boundaries Class PAGEREF _Toc434317744 \h 14Support Groups PAGEREF _Toc434317745 \h 15Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) PAGEREF _Toc434317746 \h 15Dual Recovery (DR) PAGEREF _Toc434317747 \h 15Peer Support Group PAGEREF _Toc434317748 \h 15Grief Group PAGEREF _Toc434317749 \h 16Recovery Sticks Group PAGEREF _Toc434317750 \h 16A.A. Discussion Group PAGEREF _Toc434317751 \h 16Money Saving Group PAGEREF _Toc434317752 \h 16Vocational Support PAGEREF _Toc434317753 \h 17Foundations Volunteers PAGEREF _Toc434317754 \h 17Calendar/Newsletter PAGEREF _Toc434317755 \h 17Volunteer Forum PAGEREF _Toc434317756 \h 17Social Support PAGEREF _Toc434317757 \h 18Co-Ed Social Club PAGEREF _Toc434317758 \h 18Ladies Empowerment Hour PAGEREF _Toc434317759 \h 18Men’s Power Hour PAGEREF _Toc434317760 \h 18Respite PAGEREF _Toc434317761 \h 19Transitional Aged Youth Program PAGEREF _Toc434317762 \h 20IntroductionThe mission statement of Foundations may seem simple “To support recovery through peer support, education, and advocacy and networking.” But to those in recovery it means so much more. “Recovery” is the key word. This word has personal significance for every individual of feeling better about oneself realizing potential, and working toward a better tomorrow.Working through recovery is a goal at Foundations. We provide peers with information about their illness through structured classes taught by trained peers, and through social events. We strive to empower everyone who walks through Foundations door through education, support groups, and one on one peer support.Peers have a special lens to look at their own recovery. They have a unique, compassionate insight to share. Other peers in recovery can learn from the ones who are well on the path of their own recovery journey. Our goal is to help people achieve their own highest level of recovery and to maintain it.Our hopes are that you utilize this booklet and refer to it often. Use it to discover classes and support groups that fit your needs. This booklet does not contain all of the classes and support groups that we offer as we have too many to list. But please use this book, then join us in wellness and recovery!Jess AilingExecutive DirectorFoundations A Place for Education and RecoveryMission Statement“Our mission is to promote recovery through peer support, education, advocacy, and networking.”Hours of OperationAdult Programs800 Market Ave. N. Suite 1500A Canton, Ohio 44702Monday –Friday 9:00AM-5:00 PM Saturday 10:00AM-12:00PMTransitional Aged Youth Programs 800 Market Ave. N. Suite 1500A Canton, Ohio 44702Thursday and Friday 6:00-8:00PM Saturday 1:00-5:00PMMassillon Location Housed at Make A Way located at 227 3rd St. S.E. Massillon, Ohio 44646 Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-6:00PMAlliance Location Housed at the SMHA Office located at 130 East Simpson Ave. Alliance, Ohio 44601Monday Wednesday and Friday 1:00-4:00PMEducationAdvance Directives “Declaration for Mental Health Treatment”If you have suffered a physical or mental illness that has caused you to lose control over your choices of medical treatment, you will understand the need for a legal document called the Advance Directives “Declaration for Mental Health Treatment.”This class is designed to inform you about the Declaration for Mental Health Treatment, which empowers you to name an agent, trusted friend or family member who would make your wishes known when you are unable to make them known yourself. The Advanced Directives Class is a great opportunity to obtain the necessary forms needed to make your choices of treatments, medications, healthcare providers (including doctors and hospitals), temporary care of children, discharge plans, and who should be notified in case of emergency known. Beginners Computer ClassAn informal beginners’ computer class is taught for an hour each week by the Foundations Office Coordinator. Each student is asked specifically what they would like to learn. The Internet, e-mail, programs like Word, and the use of various menus and functions on the screen are taught. Individual instruction depends on how many attend the class, and the number of computers that are available. Climbing into the Driver’s SeatClimbing into the Driver’s Seat (CDS is a measurement that the state requires mental health providers to use in order to assess the progress of its’ clients. In this class, CDS helps clients recognize their strengths, and identify areas in their lives that they want to address with their case managers, so that together they can focus on their treatment plans. CDS also teaches students about empowerment, advocacy and recovery. CDS is taught by individuals who themselves are in mental health recovery.Co-Dependency ClassCo-dependency can be defined as “the act of someone becoming so preoccupied with someone else that they neglect themselves.” Co-dependency occurs when people operate as if they are okay with themselves only if they please the people around them. In this class students will learn the causes of co-dependency, the behavior associated with it and ways to change these behaviors, allowing them to live a more balanced and healthy munication Skills in RecoveryAs an educational tool used both in Support and Recovery, Foundations offers this class to cultivate the use of basic techniques that can assist consumers in dealing with providers, such as doctors, case managers and others associated with the mental health system. Communications in Recovery addresses concepts such as: the 3-C’s, Contact, Clarification, & Closure, the proper environments in which to communicate, use of open- and closed-ended questions, and deterrents to communicating. Creative Expressions and CraftsOne of the most popular weekly events is Creative Expressions and Crafts. It is taught by other talented consumers, and guest instructors. All supplies are furnished by Foundations. Some of the crafts are made for the participants to take home, while others are sold at benefit crafts shows throughout the year. Among the items made are wood projects such as bird houses and stools, each painted and decorated according to the creativity of each person. Decorations such as flower arrangements and wreaths for various holidays come into being at the hands of each artist. During Creative Expressions, various techniques in painting, drawing and art are presented for clients to explore and express their own creativity. Journey to RecoveryJourney to Recovery is a class designed to empower consumers in their recovery process. Topics include defining “recovery”, the recovery priorities of consumers, the twelve principles of recovery and personal barriers to recovery. This class is beneficial to all regardless of where the individual may be on his/her journey to recovery.Life SkillsThe purpose of the Life Skills modules is to teach the basics necessary for everyday living and to allow consumers to make more independent decisions. BudgetingThis class is designed so that participants will be able to set up a basic household budget so they can learn to deal with their own finances. In doing so, they will learn an easy way to cut down their debt utilizing the “snowball method”. Participants will also study buying habits and examine how to work with bill collectors. Time ManagementThe second module offered called Time Management covers issues such as Chronic Uncertainty, Procrastination, Rushing, and Being Overwhelmed. This class will help you identify why and offer solutions so that you can manage your time wisely.Cleaning 101This class is designed to teach the basic skills needed to keep your home clean such as how do you build a cleaning schedule? Why should you have a cleaning routine? How do you utilize natural items to clean? Why is cleaning important for your wellbeing? All of these and many more questions are answered.NutritionFoundations’ third module for consumer exploration deals with Nutrition. A proper diet is essential to good health. Topics covered include: the new food pyramid, portion-size, and easy meals that are both economical and healthy. Diabetes & other health issues that are affected by nutrition are also included. During this module a professional dietitian will usually be scheduled to speak offering information that consumers can apply to their daily living. Peer Support Training ClassThe word “peer” means someone like you, or another person with a diagnosis of mental illness, who is working through their recovery. Your peers may better understand what life is like for you, because they experience it themselves. Emotional support, basic living and social skills, can help you increase feelings of self-worth, decrease social isolation, and live as independently as possible. The Peer Support Training Class teaches you how to support your peers. Those who complete the class are able to better provide support or teach the class. This is a good follow-up to the BRIDGES course, because it helps us to be less judgmental and more helpful to others and ourselves. This class is not the State of Ohio endorsed class this was developed in house by peers although it does cover many of the components of the integrated training it is not the same training.Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that can develop after a traumatic event such as witnessing violence or feeling physically threatened. Education of PTSD is important to reduce symptoms and prevent future problems. This class also discusses triggers and anger, the physical side of PTSD, trust, boundaries, and maintaining good relationships. “The Science of Mental Illness”Foundations will be offering a New Course entitled “The Science of Mental Illness.” This class is designed to help students gain insight into the biological basis of mental illnesses, how scientific evidence and research can help them understand the nature of its cause, and treatments used to manage and ultimately cure them. This class will also explore the subjects of schizophrenia, and disorders such as bipolar and anxiety, as well as depression. The content of this class is provided by information from the National Institute of Mental Health. Speakers’ BureauFoundations maintains a speakers bureau of volunteers who have been trained to speak publicly about mental illness, recovery and the Foundations organization. Interested organizations throughout Stark county and other areas are welcome to engage a speaker to talk about their personal stories of recovery, and the tools that have helped them in the process. Information provided by speakers can educate people on the causes and treatment of mental illnesses, and help to reduce the stigma associated with it. Many people do recover from mental illness, and return to society to become contributing citizens, including healthcare workers in the area of mental illness. Foundations itself is entirely made up of paid and volunteer workers who are in recovery. Stress ManagementStudents learn how stress affects an individual physically and mentally. They also examine various stress indicators and ways of controlling stress. Students explore lifestyle changes that they can make in order to lower stress, thus affecting their recovery in a positive manner. Values of VolunteeringSince volunteering is the heart of Foundations, this class was developed so those who attend Foundations can make the most of their volunteering experiences. Subjects include the benefits of being a volunteer, social skills, relating properly with other volunteers, conflict management, and self care while volunteering. Skills learned in this course are applicable to daily living and many are transferable to other situations such as work. Recovery BasicsThis class was designed to assist those in restrictive setting. It is not WRAP but it is all about goal setting, and setting up plans to prevent a relapse.Warmline TrainingInstead of an emergency “Hot Line,” Foundations provides a Warmline for people to call when they are not yet in crisis, but in need of someone to talk to. The volunteers who answer the Warmline have been trained by materials from the Crisis Center, and they know how to listen and offer support in semi-crisis situations. This can help ease some tension, loneliness and other symptoms. Sometimes it can even prevent a hospitalization. If the call is an emergency, the person answering the Warmline will link the call directly to the Crisis Center. In the event that no one is available to answer the Warmline, a recording will direct the caller to the Crisis Center Hot Line.Warmline training offers meaningful activity to the volunteers who take the course and answer the phone. It also helps keep the Crisis Intervention Center Hot Line open for emergency calls. Foundations also has a Warmline support group to help volunteers to deal with issues faced when answering calls. WRAPWRAP, the Wellness Recovery Action Plan, is a class that teaches students to write a plan that maintains and recovers mental, physical and spiritual health. It can be used by anyone who wants to create positive changes in the way they feel, or to get more enjoyment from life. The WRAP system is a written structure that monitors uncomfortable and distressing symptoms, and allows you to plan responses ahead of time to reduce, modify or eliminate those symptoms. People who use this plan report that it helps them feel prepared to intervene before symptoms become unmanageable. Each person develops their own individual plan. Section 1 is a daily maintenance plan, which includes a list of everything you need to do every day to maintain your wellness. Section 2 deals with triggers, events or situations, which if they occur, might cause uncomfortable symptoms. Section 3 deals with early warning signs. These signs indicate the situation is beginning to worsen. Section 4 deals with symptoms that occur when the situation has gotten much worse, but has not yet reached a crisis. Section 5 is the crisis plan. A personal crisis plan is written ahead of time so that supporters and health care professionals can use it on your behalf when you can no longer make health care decisions. WRAP also includes a wellness toolbox which is a list of skills and strategies you can use to help keep yourself well and help yourself feel better when you do not feel well. Wellness ClassWellness is a way of life, and an ongoing process to improve your health and lifestyle. As a companion to the Personalized Solutions For Wellness Program, Foundations will be offering group support. Foundations’ Wellness Class will offer additional information to aid in completing the Solutions for Wellness program and to leading a healthier lifestyle.Nutrition, Wellness and Living a Healthy LifestyleLearn: The definition of a healthy lifestyleSetting goals to achieve a healthy lifestyleDietary guidelines for Americans & tips to followTips for eating wisely on a limited budgetFitness & ExerciseCommon roadblocks that prevent people from exerciseAll about exercise:Types - Flexibility, Aerobic, & Strength What exercise is right for you?Tips to keep you motivatedThe Foundations class is a springboard of encouragement as you transition into leading a healthier lifestyle. Solutions for Wellness is a 6-month program. Spirituality in RecoveryThis class is a non-religion based class that discusses the role of spirituality plays in recovery. Stigma BustersThis class is an honest look at Stigma, what it means, who has experienced it, and ways to reduce stigma in the mental health and aod community. Healthy Eats ClassThis is an ongoing class that again goes over the importance of eating healthy, and ways that you can utilize food that you receive at pantrys and prepare it in a healthy way. This class has a weekly healthy eating recipe swap and during class a easy healthy recipe is cooked and preparedBuilding Self EsteemThis class is based off of materials from SAMSHA. This class reviews ways to increase self esteem.Recovery Wellness LifestyleBased off of materials from SAMSHA This class reviews the importance of a Recovery Lifestyle.Making and Keeping FriendsBased off of materials from SAMSHA this class is designed to promote social connectedness and to help peers make and keep friends.Life PrinciplesThis class is designed to educate peers on the principles of their life.Hygiene ClassThis class reviews the importance of maintaining good hygiene and why it is important health wise to do soBoundaries ClassWhy are boundaries important to your recovery? What exactly are boundaries? How do I develop boundaries the answers to these questions and many more are all in this class.Support Groups Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)Twice a week Foundations members with the diagnosis of major depression or bipolar disorder (manic-depression) have the opportunity to gather at Foundations in a group, facilitated by a member who has been trained to lead the discussion. Attendees share their thoughts, feelings and experiences related to their illness and recovery, and all statements made during the session are confidential. Talking with other people who have similar experiences can help one to understand more about oneself and how to progress in recovery. Dual Recovery (DR)As the title may suggest, Dual Recovery (DR) is a 12-step program for people who have two issues at the same time: problems with drugs or alcohol, plus an emotional or psychiatric illness. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous do not deal with the issues faced by people with mental illness. By the same accord, most mental health programs do not deal with drug or alcohol problems, with the exception of telling people not to use drugs, alcohol or caffeine while taking medications. DR is set up to address all these problems together. A combined 12-step program like this can be very appropriate and powerful in the path of recovery for many people. All statements made within the meeting are confidential. Peer Support GroupYour Peers may better understand what life is like for you because they experience it themselves. Foundations’ members meet to offer emotional support, and basic living and social skills that can help increase feelings of self-worth, decrease social isolation and encourage independent living.The Peer Support Group also allows you to exercise the Peer Support Training by sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences on the journey through recovery.Grief GroupThis group was created when the owner of a local funeral home contacted Foundations and asked to assist in the creation of a grief support group. This class has multiple community members who have lost a loved one, along with our volunteers.Recovery Sticks GroupRecovery topics are placed on a popsicle stick and each person goes through what stick they drew and how or if that topic has impacted their live. A.A. Discussion GroupThis is a weekly 12 step meeting held every Wednesday at 1:00PMMoney Saving GroupThis group meets weekly and educate other peers on the money savings that they have had while utilizing coupons, and sale items while shopping. Vocational SupportFoundations VolunteersMany members of Foundations choose to volunteer their hours performing tasks and teaching classes that help make Foundations a strong organization. Volunteering allows people to learn basic work routines without pressure, and many have gone on to achieve paid positions elsewhere. After 20 hours of classes or groups, volunteers are awarded a $25.00 gas card or a SARTA bus pass for the following month. Volunteering is also a great way to raise one’s self-esteem by helping others.Calendar/NewsletterFoundations publishes a monthly calendar and the volunteers publish a monthly newsletter to advertise when and where these programs will be held. The calendar occupies one side, and short articles the other, describing upcoming programs, or the need for volunteers for specific projects. A favorite column is Volunteer of the Month, or a list of volunteers’ comments on a field trip or other event. Foundations staff produce a Quarterly Newsletter to the community to let the community stakeholders know what we have been up to.This publication is mailed to each member of Foundations and to many agencies and providers of mental health care in the Stark County area. It is also available via e-mail. If you have a news tip or some information you think should be broadcast to the mental health community, you are welcome to send a letter to Foundations at 800 Market Ave. N. Suite 1500A, Canton OH, 44702. You may also e-mail us at foundations_general@ Volunteer ForumVolunteer Forum provides an opportunity for volunteers to meet with staff on a monthly basis to discuss their ideas and opinions to improve the direction of Foundations as we focus on our mission to support mental health recovery through Peer support, Advocacy, and Networking. Everyone is welcome to come share in these meetingsSocial SupportCo-Ed Social ClubCo-Ed Social Club is a weekly party with food, fun and fellowship provided by Foundations. Speakers are invited occasionally to speak on subjects of interest to Foundations members. This is a good opportunity for everyone to relax, meet new people and enjoy the company of others. Board games and card games are often played as part of the festivities. Educational and entertaining field trips are planned from time to time.Ladies Empowerment HourOnce a week, Foundations hosts a Ladies’ power hour as social event for the women in the organization. Guest speakers and attendants are usually present. Pretty teacups with doilies and a variety of teas are served, along with cookies and other types of refreshments. This affair gives the ladies a chance to make friends and get to know each other. A very popular time among participants, it is well attended. Sometimes speakers join us and provide information or entertainment on a variety of subjects.Men’s Power HourBy the same token, the men get together for a men's-hour to discuss subjects of interest to them. Snacks are served, and sometimes card games or board games are played. Friendships and bonding get a good start in gatherings like this one. Socializing is such a vital part of recovery from mental illness, that no program could do without this kind of free-form activity.RespiteAt Foundations we believe that recovery is a journey & folks come to Foundations' Respite?needing to be relieved of every day stressors for a while. Our hope is that consumers leave more relaxed & better able to cope.Respite is about providing support and encouragement for recovery and caring for oneself. We educate and promote living productively and happily no matter what?the?diagnosis is.If you are intrested in Respite we do require a referral from your service provider. Feel free to speak with your provider to see if Respite is a good fit for you.Before?things feel desperate...Try Respite....Contact Foundations Team Supervisor for more information.Valerie Greenlief 330-454-2888Transitional Aged Youth ProgramThrough the years we noticed recovery happening with our adult population. We thought what would happen if we modified some of the classes and support groups to fit our younger population? We have always had a heart for our younger people. We realized there is a need for folks who are at the transitional age range. So we created classes and support groups designed for the 16-25 year old age range. We do follow TIP model on most of our classes and support groups. Our youth classes and groups change monthly on the need and participant request. Youth programs are held Thursday and Friday from 6:00-8:00PM and on Saturday’s from 1:00-5:00PMStop in and check out what our fabulous youth coordinators are working on. ................

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