
EarthTides Experiences

since 2009



I believe the frequency generator may have killed COVID in me twice. Both times, I got really sick in February from the DMV like strep on steroids. Nothing helped, not even my silver or iodine or essential oils, which normally knock out viruses in a day or two. I had such a terrible sore throat and extreme fatigue, so I could hardly even sit. Both times, I used the zapper with the black probe in my mouth and the red all over my head, neck and chest. You were right. It works much better to put the black probe in your mouth, and the best if you have your feet in the ionic bath at the same time. It felt like the current was flowing through my body down to my feet. Thank you for this life saving device. I believe God led me to purchase this for the very purpose of saving me from COVID-19.

July 18, 2020

Nancy Zuppan


I Quit Smoking

I got a letter from a client yesterday:

From Aisling

I visited Marian For a one to one consultation in her clinic. When I was asked if there was anything I would like to change I mentioned that I was toying with the idea of giving up smoking. Marian suggested EarthTides treatment. This gave my body a detox and as a result of this ONE treatment, I have NOT smoked since the 25th November 2011. I have had a huge improvement in m life over the past few months, I have more energy and more money!!! I feel that without Marian's help I would be, four months later, STILL toying with the idea of giving up smoking. I would like to thank Marian for her help and would recommend Marian and this treatment for anyone considering giving up smoking.

Many thanks,


Yours in Health & Wellness

Marian Egan

National Marketing Director

Dublin Ireland March 30, 2012


Two Liver Flukes

Ten Minutes after using EarthTides he was in the bathroom. He called out to his wife, who is a holistic doctor, to come see what just came out. She identified the two parasites as Liver Flukes and she told me that one was well over two inches long. This man is pretty gaunt and thin. "There are more where these came from" she said. "I want to do it again tomorrow" he said.

February 5th, 2012

Ruth YoungBlood

Phoenix, Arizona


Food Poisoning

I have a client who believes she had e.coli (self-diagnosed)from some tainted restaurant food. She and another friend of hers ate the same food and both became sick with terrible diarrhea. My client works diligently with her intuiton and does not do allopathic medicine readily. She also has a fairly dysfunctional colon which she deals with by using the salt water cleanse daily. she has been doing that for 30 years. My client had it for 13 days before she contacted me and asked for suggestions. I suggested EarthTides. We muscle tested and used both of our intuitions to come up with frequency and duration of use. 40 minutes 3x/day for 3 days, minerals to follow after last session. She also used bentonnite to slow down progression of diaherrria. Guess what? Over it, totally!

January 10, 2012


Greendale Wisconsin


By the way Christopher have you had success with someone who gets repeated

chest infections and what is the best way to work with it.


Hello John:

When people get repeated infections it is a good sign.

It indicates that the immune system of that person is overwhelmed.

Body parts or areas have an emotional partner which emotion

resonates at the same tune but a higher octave.

Louise Hayes has some books that reveal these relationships.

The healing involves releasing that emotion.

Clearing the fungus, bacteria, heavy metals etc

Strengthening the immune system.

EarthTides can help.

I would do an ionic bath three times a week.

2 of the three baths would find my elbows/arms in the water

and the other bath would be a foot bath

during the baths...I would place the probes under the arms for

about 15 minutes and move them up and down

to cover the height and depth of the lungs. I was also put them

on my throat, front to back and side to side.

Experiment also. You might put the black probe in your mouth

and the white wired probe on you belly button, under

your right rib cage and under your left rib cage.

I would use the pulse generator two more times on these days.

I would use the pulse generator three times a days on the days that a bath is not taken.

Hope this helps

Good to hear from you,


Dear Denise:

Thank you for responding. It is a joy to be on this planet.

I like to think that this sojourn on this planet is simply a matter

of experience and fun. How we respond to the events is the

magic of learning to know who we are and what emotions we have

lodged in our energy field. It's not that events are positive or negative.

Events are events. How we respond is the magical part of growth.

I attempt to send information that people may want to know for the

purpose of preparation at some level....emotional, physical, mental and

spiritual. It's a mass mailing and it would be too cumbersome if not

impossible to monitor people's responses.

Now..that said

I am just like you in that I don't want to feed myself anything that is

not useful...I focus on those things that lead me to peace, prosperity and joy...

Paul Simon penned it well in the 60's when he wrote "I get all the news

that I need on the weather report"

Yep, I don't own a TV, don't listen to the radio and limit the amount of

music I listen too (so much is programming the unconscious mind). My

challenge right now is letting go of the monkeys in my head who seem

to have this insidious dialogue about anything and everything...

I love to catch myself in this dialogue and I response..."what the heck?"

And then I let it go. Remember any thoughts you have are distracting you

from knowing truth...from being in the moment. The only resourceful thoughts

are those that you employ to create. To write a story, bake a cake, make a

nice dinner, write a song, build a boat or anything creative. Thoughts that don't

assist us in the creative process are distractions.

Love and blessings to you Denise


Hi Christopher.

I recently treated a young 23 year old man who had come to me for severe fatique.

He loves his golf but found that he could not even walk

around the golf course let alone play the game. I treated him with EarthTides

and also put him on Juice Plus+ Nutrition. His dad told me he was

doing well and was back on the golf course.

Two weeks later his dad told me he had 2 very large lumps on his head, just over

his right ear. He went to his doctor, who could not diagnose

his problem but put him on an antibiotic, but it was not working.

His dad suggested he come to me for treatment.

I discovered that there was another lump on the mastoid bone as well as the

ones just over his right ear. These lumps were the size of his knuckles

on his hand. I placed the frequency generator probes over his right ear

(the black one on the right ear) and the red one on over the other ear. 10 minutes

Then I placed the red one on the top of the head, keeping the black probe over the right

ear for about 10 minutes. I then placed the probes,

one on the corner of the right eye and the other at the back of the head

in line with the black probe, so that the frequency ran

from the front to the back of the head right through the lumps

over the ear. 10 minutes I changed the placement to the

black under the right ear and the red about 3 inches above the left ear, so that the

frequency ran diagonally through the head, and

again it went through the lumps.

I spoke to him the following day and the lumps had gone.

Needless to say, he was REALLY pleased, and so was I.

I love my EarthTides!!! And what it can do.

Marian Egan

Holistic Health Practitioner



Good Morning Christopher! Great news on healing. Did EarthTides for my friend Jay. His feet

burned most of the time in the water. What would that possibly be?

His feet had several cuts on them. Not sure about that.

Could I have not positioned something properly?j

His rotator is feeling great. He said he hadnt had that

much relief and pain free feeling for years.

I think if he does the body guard for 3 more times he will be feeling fabulous.

July 3, 2011

Scottsdate, Arizona



I had been suffering for over 6 months with conjestion in my lungs and sinuses.

I had been to the hospital several times and they were treating me with anti-biotics.

Month after month it was getting worst and worst. My sister Emma sent me her EarthTides

from Scottsdale Arizona and I called the factory to learn how to use it. Within an hour

I was up and running the device. Within a day I stopped coughing up blood and within

7-10 days my lungs and sinuses were clear.

I bought a machine for my sister and I am very thankful

for EarthTides and all it is doing for me and my family.


Downy, California



Three years ago in April I had my first experience with EarthTides while

attending a BioFeedBack Conference in Puerto Villarta, Mexico. I spent an hour

or so placing the probes on different parts of my body. Within a day and a half

at 5am in the morning, I passed 2 nests of these gross round worms. I had been

using a Quantum Bio-Feedback device for 4 years up to this point addressing parasites

and such and never had this type of experience. I am grateful for EarthTides.

I also sell them to my clients.


Round Rock, Texas

July 1, 2011


hi Christopher,

thanks so much for checking in and the kind message :) .

I don't have any exciting news to report except that I

am feeling good and that sore throat is GONE!!!!!!!

I didn't see any worm in my poop (unfortunately) .

maybe i need to do more cleansing!

talk to you soon.


Phoenix, Arizona

July 1st 2011


High Praises For Christopher's Magic Machine

by Cathy McClellan Scottsdale, AZ

When I first met Christopher Cody, I had already used at least 6 different

foot detox machines over four years. All were in the $2,000-$3,000 range

It was easy to recognise the superior performance of his device-not to

mention the added bonus of a frequency generator which no other machine has.

I couldn't buy one quick enough the second I was once again employed. It gets

a constant workout, as I use it every other day. ( I also take supplements from

my naturopath.) I can give this device my highest recommendation and it is priced

lower than any other unit- as well as being solidly built for commercial applications.

After detoxing from heavy metals for four years, things are finally improving by leaps

and bounds. A very big part of that improvement is due to Christopher's Magic Machine,


April 28th 2010



Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin

June 23rd 2011

Dear Christopher,

It was nice talking to you today as well.

My daughter,Anna, had a new baby and after almost two weeks of nursing Lyla,

Anna developed a plugged duct and mastitis was starting to set in. Anna did

the foot detox and then did the probes several times as well. The plugged duct

became unplugged and the mastitis went away.

I had a teenager at our house who suffers so horribly from allergic reactions to

pollen. I put her on the foot detox and half way through the session, her

breathing became normal. After the detox, she put Young Living peppermint

essential oil on the bottom of her feet and some on her chest as well. I sent

her home with peppermint oil and after a month when I saw her, she was still doing very well.




June 9th 2011 Dublin Ireland

Hi Christopher,

Having great results with EarthTides and Juice Plus+ combined. 14month

old baby now sleeping all night was waking 8-10 times per night.

My cousin who is in the Hospice receiving pallitive care for cancer, his

family were called in last Wednesday at 6am as he deteriorated rapidly. I

went in at 10am and gave him his first EarthTides (no footbath - just FG)

treatment and put him on Juice Plus+ Premium and Juice Plus+ Complete meal.

I have given him 4 treatments since last Wed Two treatments using the

footbath as he is now able to get out of bed. He is coming home at tomorrow

for the weekend. His doctor has told him he does not know what is happening

but whatever he is doing to keep doing it as it is working for him.

Will keep you updated.

His family members are very grateful for this turnaround, and so am I.

I am giving a Demonstration of EarthTides in the Westgrove Hotel in Clane

next Monday 13th at 8pm if you can pass this info on to your client base

here in Ireland that would be great.

Talk soon.

Stay well.

Yours in Health & Wellness

Marian Egan

National Marketing Director

Juice PLUS+

" Official Nutrition Partner " to the Swiss , Austrian & German Olympic Teams


"I want to share my experiences with EarthTides.

Two days ago I had a sore throat and a headache. After just few minutes

of usage of EarthTides my sore throat and headache decreased 80-90%.

Amazing! In the past it also helped me with with flatuence.

I have been using EarthTides on my cat, also. It seems to be helping him

with his allergies and arthritis. He stops sneezing after the session, and

seems to be more flexible with less pain. He is a senior citizen rescued cat,

after many traumas. Thanks a bunch for your great, great device!"



Dear EarthTides Users

I have a friend from Poland who uses EarthTides and he has been successful

in working with his cat. Here is the protocol for all of you who wanted to know. Â

Remember we are simply doing a cleanse here.


From my experience, since my rescued treasure is not too lenient to my ideas,

it is best to wait until he falls asleep. Put his left front paw on the negative

probe (Black) and right rear paw on the positive probe (White), then after

15-20 min. switch right front paw and left rear paw. This way we can get kitty's

entire body in energetic "crossfire". Also, when he sleeps, I put a

negative/black/ probe under his throat, and the positive probe on his lower back.

Works great! Remember to make those areas of contact on his body wet, and make

sure probes are placed in those wet places with WARM wet paper towels.

Good luck!

B.G Chicago


Last week I had two experiences with two different users who were unaware as what

to do if the colored plastic casing comes off of the banana plugs. In both cases I

showed them how to assemble them. If this should ever happen to you, there is a

video out on the internet that will show you how to assemble them. NO solder is needed.

 Go out to click on the "Movie" menu link

notice in the list of movies the one that says "Attach Banana Plug"

Click on that link and you can learn how to do it. It is very easy.

Good Luck.

Call me if you have any questions,



During our first demonstration of EarthTides I mentioned that I had a cavity

in my tooth and that the pain had been there for two weeks and getting worse.

It was suggested to me to put the probes into my mouth between the compromised

tooth and my cheek and the other side of my mouth between my teeth and cheeks. I

left the probes there for about 15 minutes. From that time to two weeks later

when we saved up enough to buy EarthTides I had absolutely no pain in my tooth.

I love my EarthTides.

Karen and Doug

Ahwatukee Arizona


I recently had a client come to me for a massage. She arrived with a sinus

infection that she had been treating with a neti pot(nasal wash) only. Massage

will often exacerbate symptoms which I explained and then offered a session

with EarthTides, which she opted for. When she first arrived her under eye

area was extremely dark and her energy level was depleted. I had her hold the

black wired probe in one hand and take the white wired probe and place the end

against the areas on her face that hurt from the infection. She did this for a

few minutes. After 40 minutes of working with EarthTides, she told me she

felt better and her whole countenance was lighter and her energy had definetly

shifted. She sat up straighter, was smiling and seemed in general happier. But

the most impressive thing to me was her under eye area which had lightened up

in color considerably! Next time I will take photos! I received an email from

her the following day saying her sinus infection was completely gone and she felt great!


Greendale Wisconsis


Another client came for a massage and told me she felt like she was getting a

bladder infection. I offered her a session with EarthTides and she accepted.

I had her hold the black probe in one hand and tuck the white wire probe inside

her jeans in the area of the bladder. Again following her session with the

EarthTides she noted that she felt better. I received an email from her the

next day saying her bladder was totally fine!


Greendale Wisconsis


My son served in the Iraq several years ago and was exposed to the chemical

and biological warfare which seemingly left him sterile.

Three marriages later he still has no offspring. He came for a visit last

year and I worked with him with EarthTides...both the water

ionizier and the frequency generator. He probably fit in about three

sessions or so. We now have good news about his dear wife.

She is pregnant. No one knows how this might have happened. Perhaps

the cleansing process of EarthTides made a difference.

Dee Sickles

Flagstaff Arizona


Yesterday I had a young man come over for a foot spa and wow -- it just kept

getting oranger and oranger! I said to the mother that the color was indicating

joint detoxing. She said, "I believe it." For the past while after he has been

sitting on a chair or the sofa it hurts him to stand up. After he got his shoes

and socks on, he went into the livingroom and sat on the sofa. She proceeded to

pay me when she was ready to leave she called him by name and he got right up

out of the sofa instantly -- no pain. This is amazing! My granddaughter is here

from BYU for a friend's wedding. She came over tothis morning to have me give her

a foot spa and to do the aromatouch therapy. Her water did the same thing -- it

just went bright orange for the longest time. She had a scooter accident several

months ago and her jaws, spine and hips just keep popping and then her knees to.

It was incredible! We toned the musical tone "B" and when she finished no pain.

This works like magic. Thank you for being willing to come over and share the

machine with me. Have a great rest of the day.



Mesa, Arizona


I was visiting a friend who had been real sick last week and I took EarthTides

with me. She was very willing to use the probes because she had had an experience

with the footbath a month prior. As we sat watching the movie "Enchanted Spring",

I started itching my leg above the knee where this mosquitoe had bitten me. It was

very annoying and getting worse. I asked Joy if I could borrow the probes of the

EarthTides which by this time were on her lower stomach and back. I put the black

probe directly on the bite and the red probe under my leg opposite the bite. I could

feel the stinging began to subside after a few minutes...after 7-10

minutes I gave her back the probes and the itching was completely gone...and it never

returned. The Pulse Generator neutralizes the poisons of bug bites...and perhaps snake

bites. I just haven't been bit by a rattler lately to test it out...I better be careful

how I say this...right?


Tempe Arizona



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