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Year Group: 1Home Learning Week Beginning: 22.06.20Communication35191703937000Dear parents, carers and Year 1 superstars,We hope you are well and miss you all very much!We hope you have had a lovely week and that you managed to get outside to enjoy some sunshine. Below is the home learning for this week. Please do what you can, and remember to send your work to your teacher! We love seeing your wonderful home learning and it always puts a smile on our faces! Take care and happy learning!Year 1 remember to use Bug Club for your weekly reading and comprehension questions. New books are uploaded weekly. Your password and log in were sent roughly 3 weeks ago.EnglishThis week we are going to write an information text!We haven't got enough information of books at school, so we need you to be super authors and write some!Listen to the song about fiction and non-fiction books the fiction and non-fiction sentence sorting activity in the pack. If you do not have a printer, you can complete the 'Fill the gaps quiz' here: the 'Dogs' information text in the pack and then discuss the features (heading, subheading, photographs to explain meaning and captions). Next, follow the instructions that are on the sheet about how to identify these features. Now you are going to write an information text, which includes these 4 features. Look at the facts you wrote for last week's home learning about the topic of your choice. If you need ideas about what to write, visit the following link. It has lots of ideas, videos and quizzes about a variety of topics! the information text template in the pack. This is what you will use to write your information on. If you do not have a printer, you can type on the computer or write in your blue home learning books. Think about a title and write this on the title line. For example, if writing information about chocolate, your title might be 'How Chocolate is Made.' Choose two things you want to write about that particular topic. For example, if you want to write about chocolate, you might want to write about where it comes from and how it was made. These are your subheadings. Write your subheadings on the 'subheadings' lines.Now, use your research facts to help you write three facts about each subheading. Ensure that you use appropriate punctuation and adjectives. Illustrate your information with 2 interesting, informative pictures and captions. Now design a front cover for your information text. Research non-fiction books with similar information about your topic and see what kind of things they include on their front covers. You can choose to draw this or design it on a computer. An example front cover is in the pack. Enjoy. We can't wait to see your learning :-) MathsThis week we would like you to continue exploring Place value of numbers 0-100Play a game – a friend or adult tells you a number between 0-100 and you have to write it down. Use 100 square to check you write the digits correct way rouond.Can you tell how many 10s and 1s the number has?This week we continue practising PARTITIONING 2-digit numbers 10s and 1s and showign it in addition number sentence.Watch a short video: the next game for 2-digit numbersFowwlow the PPPIf you have a printer have a go at the following task in the printing pack or make draw your own in the blue learning book. Have Numicon from last week or other equipment that you used to represent 10s and 1s at hand. Can you partition a number in different ways? e.g. 40+3=43 or 20+23=43…Have a go at representing 2-digit numbers in addition number sentences.Watch the following video to remind yourself how we use 100 square to find 10 more/less. 100 square how to notice and find 1 more/less and 10 more/less, you could make: then pick any 2-digit number from a 100 square and complete the simmilar sheet in the printing pack or simply copy your working out in the blue learning book.There are few Maths Challenge questions in the printing pack as well. Complete the tasks set on PurpleMash 2Do, have 100 sqaure to hand to help you with some of the tasks. Have you completed all the IXL tasks set in previouse weeks? If not try and catch up with some of the previouse tasks set.To embed your understanding you can play some of the online games we set you last week.We aim to give you a list of variety of activities but you do not have to do them all, pick and choose what works for you.SpellingsAs you will see, we are recapping the sounds and spellings that have been used previously. If you feel like you want a challenge, please refer to this website: ................

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