Why 2012?

Why 2012?

By Pastor Eli James

The two fishes represent the 2,000 year Grace Period from the Sacrifice on the Cross to the Judgment Day. As you know, the symbol of the fish has been the symbol of Christianity for these last two thousand years. "I will make

you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17.)

Why 2012?

By Pastor Eli James

"And because wickedness is multiplied, most men's love will grow cold. But he who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the KINGDOM will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; AND THEN THE END SHALL COME." - Matt. 24:12-14.

"Wail, for the DAY OF YAHWEH is near; as destruction from the Almighty, it will come! Therefore, all hands will be feeble, and every man's heart will melt, and they will be dismayed. Pangs and agony will seize them?I will punish the world for its evil." - Isa. 13:6-11.

Those of us who study Biblical prophecy know that the signs of the End Times are upon us. Yahshua's prophecy that the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached to the whole world has literally been fulfilled, although the Gospel, as presently taught, has been grotesquely twisted and distorted. Most notably, the televangelists, posing as modern experts, have turned the old-fashioned gospel of repentance into the false "Gospel of Personal Salvation" and it's more recent wicked sister, the "Gospel of Personal Prosperity." This new religion, which passes under the name of "Christianity," reverses the logic of Scripture by teaching that God exists for the purpose of fulfilling our human desires and needs. All you have to do is ask. But the Bible tells a different story. It says that we are God's creatures and we must conform ourselves to His Will, not the other way around. But the Biblical story of True Israel is a story about a RACE/NATION, acting as the "City on the Hill" (Matt. 5:14). The Bible's climactic scenes deal with destroying the forces of evil on this planet and replacing them with His Government, a government directed by His Faithful Servant People, Israel. Not a word of the National Message is ever uttered by the televangelists or by the Judeo-Christian clergy. They have utterly abandoned the True Faith. They, instead, prefer to focus on our earthly needs and desires. This technique sells a lot of "Christian" self-help books. But, I dare say that those individuals who are focused only on saving themselves will reap the whirlwind just as the heathen and the Jews; because the Bible is the Book of Adam (Gen. 5:1), and our commission is to re-establish Yahweh's government here on earth. Government is a collective enterprise, which means the rule of law, not the "Jesus loves everybody" pablum that is spewed from the modern pulpits. The idea of Yahweh's Government is so far removed from these people's sermon notes that the thought never crosses their minds.

The Gospel Age has turned into the Age of Delusion; and professional deceivers occupy the pulpits as well as the reins of government. Few suspect that Christianity has been hijacked by a bunch of slick hucksters, whose main objective is to sell hope to those have no interest in adhering to the Bible's laws. The simple fact is this: the modern Judeo-Christian "church" is the very False Prophet of Revelation, a false church which teaches feel-good pop psychology instead of responsibility and courage. Those who fail to see this will be overwhelmed by the End Times. They will be caught up in the futile attempt to patch holes in the dam that cannot be fixed. It is advisable to get out of the way, for the dam is about to burst.

Here is how Paul describes the current age in which we live, speaking of the Second Coming:

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work?and then the lawless one will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and destroy him by His appearing and His coming. The coming of the lawless one by the

activity of Satan will be with all power and pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." ? II Thes. 2:3-12, Revised Standard Version.

Apparently, mainstream Judeo-Christianity is ignoring this warning, as precious few sermons are ever preached about this prophecy of mass delusion, certainly not from the televangelists. This prophecy is further amplified by Paul in his letter to Timothy:

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it." - II Tim. 3:1-5, RSV.

I'd say this prophecy pretty well sums up both our materialistic, secular society, as well as our lukewarm churches! A time of stress, indeed global stress!

Yahweh's Prophetic Timing

In addition to such clear prophecies, the numerics of the Bible provides hidden clues as to the timing of the last days. I will be quoting the relevant Scriptures throughout this essay, so you will be given the opportunity to decide for yourself just how close we are to the end of civilization as we have known it. Students of the Christian Identity interpretation of the Bible are uniquely positioned to gauge, reflect upon, and anticipate the signs of the times.

For example, at Matt. 14:17, we are told the story of the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. These, in my opinion, represent the 5,000 years from Adam to Christ (Septuagint chronology) and the 2,000 years from the First Advent to the Second Advent. Hosea confirms this imagery when he says, "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight." - Hos. 6:2. These two "days" actually represent a period of a thousand years each, as per 2 Peter 3:8.

The two fishes represent the 2,000 year Grace Period from the Sacrifice on the Cross to the Judgment Day. As you know, the symbol of the fish has been the symbol of Christianity for these last two thousand years. "I will make you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17.)

The early Christians endured woeful persecution. This instilled a healthy distrust of strangers and even of kinsmen, who were often infiltrators or paid agents for the enemy. A common, semi-secret sign for these Christians was to draw a fish on the ground. In those days, if you wanted to know whether the new person you were talking to was also a secret Christian, you would take a stick and draw an arch on the ground. If the person was also a secret Christian, he would take the stick and, starting from one end of the arch or the other, draw a complimentary arch, with his arch intersecting your arch before the end, thus creating a symbol that looked like a fish. Times of persecution necessitate secret codes, handshakes, gestures, etc.

In those days, the persecution was begun in Jerusalem by the Pharisees. Then it was spread throughout the Roman Empire by Nero and it lasted through the reign of Emperor Diocletian. Today, the ruling power is the Eighth Beast, which is none other than the Rothschild Dynasty of the International Banking Mafia (Mystery Babylon), the Empire of Merchants of globalism and corporate fascism, dictatorship and militarism. John the Revelator clearly tells us that this Beast, along with the False Prophet (ecumenism and Judeo-Christianity), will be cast into the Lake of Fire, never to return (Rev. 19:20; 20:10,14; 21:8).

Current scholarship suggests that Christ was born in 2 BC and died on April 3, 33 AD. Given these chronological parameters, the "two days" of Hosea will occur at some point between 1998 and 2033. However, one major caveat applies here, namely that Jesus Himself told us that the days of tribulation would be shortened for the elect's sake (Matt. 24:22, Mark 13:20), so we would expect the final Tribulation to come before 2033. Before getting into the Biblical evidence for 2012, let's do a survey of what secular authors and non-Christians are saying about the year 2012.

2012: The General Awakening

Most secular critics of Biblical prophecy pooh-pooh this kind of prophetic analysis because far too many Christian prognosticators have been wrong in the past. Around 1,000 AD, there was Millennial Fear of the End. The failure of the Millerite prophecy, that Christ would return in 1844, led to "the Great Disappointment." Many Christians had sold all their belongings in anticipation of this event, which failed to materialize. A few years later, Ellen White chimed in with a prediction that the world would end in the year 1850. Another disappointment! Herbert W. Armstrong first predicted that the Day of the Lord would be 1936, then 1975! The Jehovah's Witnesses have a record of many failed prophecies. Those who falsely believe that the current Israeli State is the "regathering of the tribes of Israel" have made many erroneous prophecies in the past, based on 1948 + 40 years, or 1967 + 40 years, and other, numerous failed attempts to link the Israeli State with the Israel of Scripture. According to some of these pro-Zionist seers, the "Rapture" should have occurred in one generation (40 years) from the founding of the Israeli State. Nothing happened. Even former Identist Arnold Murray tried his hand at prophecy, having once predicted that the anti-Christ would appear in 1981. Pat Robertson predicted 1982. Hal Lindsey predicted the Rapture would happen in 1988. The Millennium Bug of January 1, 2,000 AD also turned out to be a dud. In the last 60 years, many pro-Israeli authors have predicted that the Israeli State would be the site of much Bible prophecy fulfillment. Nothing yet!

Despite all of this "disappointment," the 2012 phenomenon is building momentum, not just among religious people, but among a growing cadre of scientists, historians, and social commentators. The signs of the times are such that End of the World prophecies (eschatology) are taking hold of the secular imagination as well as that of the religious world.

Foremost among these prophecies is the Mayan End Date (MED), Dec. 21, 2012. That date has become the focal point of numerous websites, books, articles, forums, etc., with speculations occurring in very diverse fields, from astrology to quantum physics. In fact, it is a phenomenon that is nearing the point of hysteria or, perhaps better, a media frenzy. Hysteria sells a lot of copy! Despite the hype, there are serious issues to consider. I will deal with the MED in greater detail later. First, I want to document current evidence that we are, indeed, smack dab in the middle of the End Times.

Fragmentation of Society

We live in a world in which "enlightened" concepts, such as "unity" and "peace" and "love" and "knowledge," are highly valued. Society, especially the secular world, has also operated on the assumption that technical knowledge of the world will yield the answers by which we can integrate society into a peaceful, "harmonious" whole, i.e., to "live together in peace and harmony," "the brotherhood of man" name your favorite clich! Politicians wear out the clich's, but none of them, in these unstable times, are capable of delivering the goods. The truth of the matter is that we live in a world in which the existing power structures of politics, science, religion, academia, economics, etc., have an unhealthy stranglehold on society. These institutions pay lip service to "democracy" and all of the afore-mentioned ideals, but they operate in a secretive, authoritarian manner. These power structures claim to be motivated by these great ideals. The fact is, however, they are not. The reality is that these groups have a "special

interest" in maintaining their authority. Their method of maintaining this authority is by withholding information from the public and by posturing as the sole experts in their respective fields. Given million-dollar advertising campaigns, these groups create a public image which belies their obvious self-interest. I refer to this phenomenon as the "tyranny of fraternity."

Fraternal organizations, such as doctors, lawyers, bankers, government bureaucrats, and even unions are driven by a single, overriding force: the desire to maintain their income levels and their authority, especially when this authority gives the fraternity special rank and privileges that the rest of us don't have. In other words, fraternalism is actually a form of elitism. And this elitism militates against the very ideals which these fraternities publicly proclaim. Inevitably, these fraternities perform and function just like secret societies. The Bible warns us about keeping secrets for deceptive purposes. This business of keeping "professional" secrets for profit is ultimately destructive of civilization, because the monopolization of knowledge and information prevents free thought and public debate. It also keeps the general public in a state of ignorance and blissful trust. The economic order of these fraternities is such that they can charge a premium for their services, because "only they" possess the knowledge and skill, which no one else has. Certainly, it is fair and just to be compensated for one's professional services. But these fraternities often go far beyond this requirement and actually try to monopolize their field of activity. This is plainly seen in how the American Medical Association has combined with the giant pharmaceutical companies and the Food and Drug Administration to monopolize the field of health care. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), since its takeover by a Jewish quack "doctor," a non-degreed Jew by the name of Morris Fishbein, was actively engaged in the business of establishing this monopoly. The AMA has also conducted smear campaigns against such fields as chiropractic, homeopathy, nutritional therapy, etc. Starting in the 1970's, the AMA decided upon a campaign deliberately trying to destroy the profession of chiropractic. AMA publications were smearing chiropractors by calling them "quacks." This attempt to discredit chiropractic was stopped by a lawsuit filed by Dr. Chester A. Wilk of Chicago. His lawsuit was victorious and it put an end to the AMA's smear campaign. The fact is that chiropractic has a much better success rate in treating musculoskeletal problems than allopathic medicine. The average chiropractor is just as knowledgeable about the musculoskeletal system as a neurosurgeon is, perhaps even more so.

My personal experience revealed this fact when I had a serious case of sciatica. The pain was so excruciating, I was unable to sit or stand. Even lying down to sleep was a problem, as I had difficulty finding a position in which my body was not wracked with pain. After consulting three physicians, all of whom could offer nothing other than drugs and/or surgery, I went to a chiropractor. Getting into my car and driving to his office was like moving in ultra slow motion, because every movement was painful. The mere fact of walking up the 5 steps to his office epitomized the old adage of "one step at a time." The physical acts of sitting down and standing up were extremely difficult, as pain would shoot up and down my leg and back with every change of motion. After taking some x-rays to see the orientation of my spine and skeleton, the chiropractic physician put me on his table and began adjusting my spine and hip. The treatment was non-invasive, took about twenty minutes, and was immediately successful. When he was finished, I was able to sit up without pain. I was able to get up off his adjustment table without pain. I was able to walk out of his office and drive home without pain all without drugs or surgery! The long and the short of it is this: The medical profession DOES NOT have a monopoly on medical knowledge. MD's are good at taking care of broken legs and burns, i.e., trauma. As far as the rest of their practice is concerned, I am not impressed. The record of allopathic medicine, in dealing with chronic and degenerative disease, is actually quite poor. They actually do more harm than good. I especially stay away from pharmaceuticals, because most of these legal drugs rarely cure the disease. By their own admission, the vast majority of these drugs only mask symptoms, and their side effects can be just as debilitating as the disease itself. Only a very small percentage of these drugs actually help to cure diseases.


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