

Monday 17 October 2005




Clerk’s matters




Matters arising


Principal’s Report


Finance Report


Project Report


Committee Reports


Risk Management


Exam results


Governance SAR


Dates of next meetings



Business Members:

I. Hockman (Chairman)



Co-opted Member:

K. Sage

H. Savla

M. Stanier

Staff Members:

M. Djemili

M. Junnor

Student Member:

G. Sami

Parent Member:

M. Fernando

Community Members:

I. Cheetham


A. Robinson

Senior Managers (by invitation):

C. Kirkland

A-M. Robinson

J. Rubinstein

College Accountant:

C. Winter

Clerk to the Governors:

G. George

| |

|1. |Clerk’s Matters | |

| | | |

| |Apologies for absence: H. Freeman, P. Hammond, I. Phillips, M. Seager, A. Wootton, K. Murdoch. | |

| |No Members declared any interest . | |

| |The Chairman welcomed the new Student Member, Galal Sami, to the | |

| |meeting. | |

| | | |

|2. |Minutes | |

| | | |

| |2.1 Minutes of Meeting of 11.07.05 were agreed. |Minutes signed |

| |2.2 Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of 19.09.05 were agreed. |Minutes signed |

|3. |Matters Arising | |

| | | |

| |There were no matters arising, other than matters on the agenda. | |

|4. |Principal’s Report | |

| | | |

| |The Principal reported that the Annual Assessment Visit on 1st November would be conducted by Vincent Ashworth, | |

| |HMI. He would be looking at any areas for improvement highlighted in the last Inspection and in the College Self | |

| |Assessment Report to ensure that the College was addressing these issues. | |

| | | |

| |A-M. Robinson indicated that it had been difficult to recruit students for German, Geography and Applied ICT. | |

| |There were now 443 UCAS applications on the system, with some 150 nearing completion. The College was working | |

| |towards renewal of its Investors in Careers award. The proposal that | |

| | | |

| |the Board of Governors fully endorses the College’s application for renewal of its Investors in Careers Award | |

| | | |

| |was proposed by M.Stanier, seconded by I.Cheetham and approved nem con. | |

| | | |

| |I. Cheetham congratulated the College on its outstanding sickness record, which he said would be the envy of most | |

| |institutions. |Investors in Careers |

| | |endorsed |

| |In response to a question from H. Freeman (e-mailed in his absence), C. Winter explained that some | |

| |charges for utilities had been attributed to ‘Catering’ so that the deficit appeared to be more than the agreed | |

| |‘cap’, also it had been necessary to purchase some basic equipment (not of sufficient value to capitalise). | |

| | | |

| |The Principal expressed her thanks to Carol Kirkland for all her hard work with regard to ‘Premises’ and in | |

| |particular for her efforts in negotiating a successful bid with the LSC for the DDA application. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Matters for report and |

| | |questions |

| | | |

|5. |Finance Report | |

| | | |

| |5.1 | |

| |Members had received the draft end-of-year Management Accounts for the year 2004-05. C.Winter reported that he | |

| |had responded to various accounting details that H.Freeman had raised. The Chairman drew Members’ attention to the| |

| |Key Performance Indicators, which met the College’s target figures and confirmed the sound financial status of the| |

| |College. They showed the College to be in Indicative Financial Health Group A. The proposal that | |

| | | |

| |the final Management Accounts for the year 2004-05 should be accepted | |

| | | |

| |was proposed by M.Stanier, seconded by S.Appleman and approved nem con. | |

| | | |

| | |Management accounts |

| |5.2 |accepted |

| |The Principal explained that it was too soon into the year to produce any meaningful management accounts for | |

| |2005-06. However, student numbers (1006) were 36 above target thus ensuring that the anticipated LSC income would| |

| |be achieved. Staffing costs so far were as forecast, although the long term absence of a member of staff could | |

| |adversely affect the staffing budget. This would be monitored. | |

| | | |

| |C.Winter tabled the cashflow up until July 2006. He confirmed that a further £50k would be due from the LSC on |Matter for report |

| |completion of the DDA works (expenditure for which had been included in the cashflow) and so the balance was in | |

| |effect about £420k at the end of the year. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|6. |Project Development Plan Report | |

| | | |

| |G.George, as Consultant to the College for the Project, referred Members to the Notes of the Premises Group and | |

| |their recommendation that the College should re-tender for the Sports Hall and Classroom Block, following the | |

| |design-and-build route. Although the traditional-build route would possibly result in a more competitive tender, | |

| |the initial architects fees (estimated by AJK to be in the region of £120k + VAT) would be wasted if the sale of | |

| |land did not materialise and the project did not go ahead. The College could not afford this risk. The cost of | |

| |re-tendering as proposed would be about £3k. | |

| | | |

| |Richard Kennard, of AJK, had suggested that it might be more advantageous for the College to wait until the sale | |

| |of land had been confirmed before inviting tenders. S.Appleman rejected this on the grounds that the College must | |

| |honour its contract with Laing Homes and that any delay that this would cause would be unacceptable. K.Sage did | |

| |not think that there would be much to be gained in any case. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |G.George drew Members’ attention to the Cost Plan that he had tabled, in conjunction with the cashflow. Despite | |

| |the increase in Dean & Dyball’s contract price to £2.5M, the project was still just about financially viable as | |

| |the Refectory Extension had been completed, and paid for, whilst the cashflow had recovered to the balance of just| |

| |over £400k of two years ago, on which the Cost Plan was based. The cost of the Refectory (£200k) and about £50k of| |

| |the allowance for equipment could therefore be removed from the cost plan. There was also a substantial | |

| |contingency of over £200k | |

| | | |

| |The proposal that | |

| | | |

| |the College should engage Adams Johns Kennard to invite Design-and-Build tenders for the Sports Hall and Classroom| |

| |Block without further delay | |

| | | |

| |was proposed by S.Appleman, seconded by K.Sage and approved nem con. | |

| | | |

| | |GG to action on behalf of |

| | |the College |

| | | |

|7. |Reports from Committees | |

| | | |

| |Audit Committee: Members accepted, without further questions, the (unapproved) minutes of the Audit Committee, | |

| |which included the Internal Audit Report and the Audit Committee’s Annual Report to the Board. The latter | |

| |concluded that | |

| | | |

| |‘the Audit Committee expresses the opinion that the College’s systems of internal control and its arrangements for| |

| |risk management, control and governance processes, and for securing economy and efficiency are adequate and | |

| |effective’. | |

| | | |

| |M.Stanier congratulated the Audit Committee for the contribution that they had made towards such excellent | |

| |reports. |Audit reports accepted |

| | | |

|8. |Risk Management | |

| | | |

| |The Principal reminded Members that the minutes of the College Risk Management Group (the SMT + College Accountant| |

| |and MIS Manager) reflected an update of the high priority risks, as annotated in red in the minutes. | |

| | | |

| |In response to discussion regarding Harrow schools opening sixth forms, J.Rubinstein informed Members that only | |

| |about 5% of the College’s intake was from Harrow, mostly from Park High School which would not be having a sixth | |

| |form. | |

| | | |

| |The Principal indicated that the SMT had discussed the Premises Disaster Management Plan in the light of recent | |

| |terrorist activity. She would be writing to parents to assure them that the College was as well prepared as it | |

| |could be for any such contingencies. Parents would be kept up to date by news flashes on the College web site. | |

| | | |

| | |Risk Management report |

| | |accepted |

|9. |Examination Results | |

| | | |

| |J.Rubinstein explained that the main considerations were | |

| |Pass Rates: 99% for A level, was about the same as last year; although the % of A grades remained constant, there| |

| |had been a shift from the % getting B grade towards C grade, resulting in the %A/B falling from last year’s all | |

| |time high of 67% down to a very respectable 61%. AS grades were better than last year, which bode well for next | |

| |year’s A level results. There was encouraging improvement in the GNVQ Business and AVCE IT results. | |

| |Retention: percentage rates in the high 90s, with many subjects at 100%, were well above the sixth form sector | |

| |average. | |

| |Success Rates: these were determined by multiplying the pass rate by the retention and were again well above the | |

| |sector average. | |

| |Value Added: this remained very high, being statistically significantly positive for the fourth year in | |

| |succession, which put the College in the top 15% nationally. No subject at A level was significantly negative – | |

| |those which were negative would be carefully monitored. The only significantly negative AS level was Music | |

| |Technology – this was being addressed by LBB, who had responsibility for teaching it at the LBB A level Music | |

| |Centre (on the College premises). | |

| |Trends: these showed value added averaged over a 3-year period; no less than 11 subjects showed a significantly | |

| |positive average at A level, with no subjects significantly negative. | |

| |He and the Principal met with each Head of Department to discuss their results and to set priorities for | |

| |improvement, where necessary. These would be reflected in the Departmental SARs. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Matter for report and |

| | |questions. |

|10. |Governors’ Self Assessment | |

| | | |

| |The Clerk had drafted a Governance SAR based on the feedback from discussion at the self-assessment meeting held | |

| |on 19th September. This had been sent to Members. The Board agreed that it was an accurate reflection of their | |

| |opinions and approved its adoption. |Governance SAR approved |

|11. |Dates of next Meetings | |

| | | |

| |The following dates were confirmed: | |

| | | |

| |14th November 2005: F&P Committee | |

| |28th November 2005: Audit Committee |To be noted |

| |12th December 2005: BOARD | |

|12. |Any Other Business | |

| | | |

| |The Chairman reported that he had agreed to H.Freeman changing form F&P to Audit and I.Phillips vice-versa. A full| |

| |review of Committee membership would be undertaken by the Search Committee during the course of the year. |Matter for report |


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