2528570-33401000Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)Common Implementation Strategy16th Meeting of the Working Group on Programmes of Measures, Economic and Social Analysis (WG POMESA)10h30-17h30, 23 March 2018 European Commission, DG Environment Avenue de Beaulieu 5, B-1160 Brussels, Room 0/CAgenda item:4Document:POMESA_18-2018-05Title:Draft list of government reportsPrepared by:DG ENV & co-chairsDate modified:12/03/2018Available under:CircabcDraft list of government reportsRob Van der Veeren, NetherlandsOverview of reports produced in and by various Member States to support the economic analyses during the various phases of the Marine Strategy Framework DirectiveIntroductionOne of the core activities and objectives of the WG POMESA is to exchange information and knowledge across the various Member States on the economic and social analyses for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. This document is meant to contribute to this by providing an overview of the reports produced in and by various Member States to support the economic analyses in the various stages of the MSFD. It is meant to bring together as much information as possible in a one shot approach: It provides an overview of existing information as of the summer of 2018. It does include internet links to the various reports, but those links may only work at the day this document is finalized. However, by including the full title of the respective reports, it is expected that is will be possible to find the reports with search engines, even when some links are dead after a while. The reports in this overview are presented according to The Member StateThe phase in the MSFD process (Initial Assessment 1st round, Program of Measures, Initial Assessment 2nd round, section in the official Marine Strategy reports)Full title of the reportInternet linkLanguage: Original Member State language and/or (summary in) EnglishSuggested time schedule:Rob van der Veeren will present and discuss the suggestion to produce such a document at the WG POMESA meeting of February 2018 and request for input before summer 2018 to be sent to Rob. Over summer Rob will copy-paste input into this document.At the WG POMESA meeting in autumn the document will be presented, with opportunity for comments.Based on those comments, the document will be finalized before end of the year. Ultimately the list is meant to become a part of the resource collection that will be put on WISE-Marine.Member StatePreparing forFull title of the reportInternet linkLanguageThe NetherlandsInitial Assessment 1st roundEconomic description of the North Sea for the Netherlands (CBS, 2011) EnglishBaseline Scenario Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Ecorys, 2010) EnglishThe current cost of avoiding degradation of the Dutch North Sea Environment (LEI, 2010) EnglishProgram of MeasuresMeasures for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; First overview of potential measures, related costs and effects of implementing the Marine strategy (DHV, 2010) EnglishHow to achieve good environmental status in North Sea: Framework for cost effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis for the MSFD (LEI, 2011) EnglishEconomic and social analyses for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Part 2: Program of measures Theme: Marine Litter (Van der Veeren and Keijser, 2013) EnglishEconomische analyse kunstmatig hardsubstraat Noordzee (Ecorys, 2013) EnglishQuick Scan MKBA Green Deals (Ecorys, 2014) Dutch, with English summaryMKBA opruimen zwerfvuil uit rivieren (Ecorys, 2014) EnglishUnderwater Noise: Social Cost Benefit Analysis (RoyalHaskoning/DHV, 2015) EnglishInitial Assessment 2nd roundEconomic description of the Dutch North Sea and Coast: 2005, 2010, 2014 (CBS, 2017) EnglishThe cost of degradation of the Dutch North Sea environmentAn updated overview including an analysis of its Ecosystem Services (WER, 2017) EnglishExploring the possible setup and uses of natural capital accounts for the Dutch North Sea area (CBS, 2017b) Dutch, with English summarySection in Marine Strategy reportSections 2.3 and 2.5 in:Marine Strategy for the Dutch part of the North Sea 2012-2020, Part 1 Dutch, with English summaryChapter 3 (and section 4.1) in: Marine Strategy for the Dutch part of the North Sea 2012-2020, Part 3, the MSFD programme of measures Dutch, with English summaryPart 1 update: To be published soonDutch, with English summarySwedenInitial Assessment 1st roundSocial Analysis: a Marine Societal Analysis(2012) Litter in Sweden (2012) Tourism and Recreation in Sweden (2012) assessment - God Havsmilj? 2020 – Del 1 (2012) of Measures Samh?llsekonomiska konsekvensanalyser av att n? god havsmilj?: God havsmilj? 2020 del 4 Assessment 2nd roundEkonomisk statistik om sektorer som ?r beroende av havetSocial analys med inriktning mot h?lso- och syssels?ttningseffekter av att uppn? god milj?status samt analys av befintliga styrmedel inom den maritima sektorn ekonomisk analys av sektorer som ?r beroende av havet analys med inriktning mot h?lso- och syssels?ttningseffekter av att uppn? god milj?status samt analys av befintliga styrmedel inom den maritima sektorn Assessment 1st roundДоклад по чл. 8, 9 и 10 от Рамкова директива за морска стратегия 2008/56/ЕО и Наредбата за опазване на околната среда в морски води with English summaryProgram of Measures 2016-2021Морска стратегия за опазване на околната среда в морските води на Р България – част III (Part III)Приложение III.1 Списък на съществуващите меркиПриложение III.2 Списък нови меркиПриложение III.3 Формуляри нови мерки Assessment 2nd roundTo be developed in 2018Section in Marine Strategy reportInitial Assessment 1st round – Part IEconomic and social analyses of Marine Environment uses - Part I, Section 1.3Program of Measures - Part IIIAnnex III.1 Existing measures listAnnex III.2 New measures listAnnex III.3 New measures forms ................

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