Labor Market Review - Indiana

Labor Market REVIEW

Economic Growth Region 9 Statistical Data Report for February 2009 Released April 2009





Source: Indiana Workforce Development, Research & Analysis, Current Employment Statistics



|Initial Claims |February 7 |February 14 2009 |February 21 2009 |February 28 |

| |2009 | | |2009 |

|EGR 9 |1,088 |829 |715 |837 |

|INDIANA |17,633 |15,037 |13,941 |14,860 |

|Total Claims | | | | |

|EGR 9 |8,979 |9,103 |8,985 |9,134 |

|INDIANA |174,527 |171,746 |170,951 |175,940 |

Source: Indiana Workforce Development, Research & Analysis, UI Statistics

Source: Indiana Workforce Development, Research & Analysis, UI Statistics

U.S. Bureau of Labor

S [pic]




February 2009 Labor Force Estimates

(Non-seasonally adjusted)

State Release Date: 03/27/09

Source: Indiana Workforce Development, Research & Analysis, Local Area Unemployment Statistics




February 2009

(Non-seasonally adjusted)

Illinois 9.3

Indiana 10.1

Kentucky 10.2

Michigan 12.8

Ohio 10.2

|Area |Labor Force |Employed |Unemployed |Rate |Rate |Rate |

| | | | |Feb. 2009 |Jan. |Feb. |

| | | | | |2009 |2008 |

|U. S. |153,804,000 |140,105,000 |13,699,000 |8.9 |8.5 |5.2 |

|Indiana |3,209,017 |2,884,839 |324,178 |10.1 |9.9 |5.4 |

| | | | | | | |

|Columbus MSA |39,838 |36,462 |3,376 |8.5 |8.0 |4.1 |

|EGR 9 |165,834 |148,859 |16,975 |10.2 |9.6 |5.4 |

| | | | | | | |

|Bartholomew County |39,838 |36,462 |3,376 |8.5 |8.0 |4.1 |

|Dearborn County |25,926 |23,538 |2,388 |9.2 |8.6 |5.6 |

|Decatur County |12,712 |11,109 |1,603 |12.6 |11.7 |5.6 |

|Franklin County |11,910 |10,577 |1,333 |11.2 |10.3 |6.9 |

|Jackson County |21,980 |19,762 |2,218 |10.1 |9.6 |4.7 |

|Jefferson County |17,004 |15,280 |1,724 |10.1 |9.7 |5.5 |

|Jennings County |14,149 |12,159 |1,990 |14.1 |13.4 |6.9 |

|Ohio County |3,039 |2,733 |306 |10.1 |9.6 |5.4 |

|Ripley County |13,757 |12,184 |1,573 |11.4 |10.5 |6.4 |

|Switzerland County |5,519 |5,055 |464 |8.4 |8.3 |5.1 |

| | | | | | | |

|Columbus City |20,628 |18,801 |1,827 |8.9 |8.2 |4.1 |

|Madison City |6,332 |5,728 |604 |9.5 |9.3 |5.4 |

|Seymour City |9,886 |8,852 |1,034 |10.5 |9.9 |4.6 |

Output Per Hour - 12 Month Percent Change (Seasonally adjusted)

U. S. Business Sector

|Year |Qtr1 |Qtr2 |Qtr3 |Qtr4 |Ann |

|2007 |0.2 |0.7 |2.9 |2.7 |1.6 |

|2008 |3.5 |3.2 |2.0 |2.2 |2.7 |

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics



|February 2009 |County |

|Rank | |

|11 |Jennings |

|19 |Decatur |

|34 |Ripley |

|36 |Franklin |

|54 |Jackson |

|55 |Jefferson |

|56 |Ohio |

|69 |Dearborn |

|77 |Bartholomew |

|79 |Switzerland |

WARN NOTICES for Region 9 in February 2009

|Company |City |County |# Workers Affected |

|Columbus Components Group |Columbus |Bartholomew |37 |

Source: Indiana Workforce Development


Monthly Unemployment Claims by Industry

Economic Growth Region 9

February 2009

Top 5 Industries



Consumer Price Index

CPI-U* Change (Non-Seasonally Adjusted)

|February 2009 from: |

| | | |

| |Feb. 2008 |Jan. 2009 |

|All Items |0.2% |0.5% |

|Food & Beverages |4.7% |-0.2% |

|Housing |1.9% |0.1% |

|Apparel |0.8% |3.5% |

|Transportation |-11.0% |1.7% |

|Medical Care |2.8% |0.7% |

|Recreation |1.9% |0.6% |

|Education & Communication |3.6% |0.0% |

|Other Goods & Services |3.2% |0.3% |

|Midwest Region (All Items)** |-0.2% |0.3% |

*CPI-U=Consumer Price Index-Urban (U.S. City Average)

**Midwest Region = Midwest Urban Average. Expenditure categories are not available on a regional basis. Midwest Region includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

EGR 9 Employment & Wages

3rd Quarter 2008



| | |All Industries |Manufacturing |

|Bartholomew |44,333 |$757 |$984 |

|Dearborn |14,247 |$619 |$901 |

|Decatur |12,394 |$636 |$789 |

|Franklin |4,523 |$521 |$766 |

|Jackson |19,667 |$640 |$814 |

|Jefferson |12,720 |$621 |$758 |

|Jennings |7,799 |$628 |$666 |

|Ohio |1,641 |$572 |$655 |

|Ripley |13,055 |$694 |$906 |

|Switzerland |2,325 |$519 |$435 |

|EGR 9 |132,704 |$672 |$879 |

Source: Indiana Workforce Development, Research & Analysis, Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW).

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Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland Counties.

Top Five Occupational Groups selected by

Active Applicants in Past Twelve Months

[pic]Source: Indiana Workforce Development, Indiana Career Connect Database

Economic Growth Region (EGR) 9 includes: Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland Counties.




Regional and state unemployment rates were nearly all higher in February. Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia recorded over-the-month unemployment rate increases, while all 50 states and

the District of Columbia had higher rates than a year earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported. In February, the West and Midwest again posted the highest regional jobless rates, 9.2 and 8.6 percent, respectively. The Northeast recorded the lowest rate, 7.7 percent. All four regions registered statistically significant unemployment rate increases from January, led by the Northeast (+0.6 percent). All four regions also reported significant jobless rate increases from February 2008, the largest of which was recorded in the West (+3.9 percent).

Applicant Pool


Economic Research Analyst

(317) 232-1920


Productivity and Costs, 4th Qtr 2008- Productivity in the business sector decreased 0.4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008, as output decreased 8.4 percent and hours of all persons decreased 8.0 percent (seasonally adjusted annual rates). The decline in output was the largest since the first quarter of 1982 (-8.6 percent) and

the decline in hours was the largest since the first quarter of 1975 (-12.1

percent). When the fourth quarter of 2008 is compared to the fourth quarter

of 2007 output per hour increased 2.2 percent.

Hourly compensation grew at a 5.0 percent annual rate in the fourth

quarter. This measure includes wages and salaries, supplements, employer

contributions to employee-benefit plans, and taxes. Real hourly compensation

increased 15.6 percent in the fourth quarter. This measure takes into

account changes in consumer prices, which fell at a 9.2 percent annual rate

in the fourth quarter.

Unit labor costs, which reflect changes in hourly compensation and productivity, increased 5.4 percent during the fourth quarter, after rising 3.3 percent in the third quarter.



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